Home / Biscuits / What you need to do to quickly boil peas. How to quickly cook peas: useful tips

What you need to do to quickly boil peas. How to quickly cook peas: useful tips

Pea soup - budget and tasty dish, which almost everyone loves, but not many decide to cook it on their own, the fuss with peas scares. It is not without reason that these doubts arise. If you do not know the intricacies of cooking dried peas and get down to business, then the desire to ever mess with solid legumes can disappear forever. Let's figure out once and for all what to do if the peas are not boiled in the soup.

In this article, we will try to explain as fully as possible what the cooking speed of peas depends on and how to cook it correctly. In accordance with your situation, use one of the above methods and the problem with boiling peas will be solved. If you cook pea soups often, we recommend that you save the page to bookmarks so that next time the tip will quickly be at your fingertips.

With these tricks, you can easily cook pea soup, mashed potatoes or porridge. Just choose the option that suits you.

1️⃣ Rules for soaking peas

The easiest way to boil peas is to soak them first. This method is gentle, non-destructive of vitamins. The minimum time for soaking is 2 hours. This is enough to swell not too hard peas. If you cannot determine the moisture content of the peas "by eye", soak for 5-8 hours. It is not recommended to soak for a longer time, because peas can turn sour.

  • The hardness of the water plays an important role in soaking and cooking. In short, the tougher, the longer. It's all about the salt content in the water. Therefore, the authors often write in recipes that the dish needs to be salted at the end of cooking, so as not to interfere with the softening of the product. The same is the case with peas.
  • It should be soaked in plenty of water. Make sure the water level is 5 centimeters higher than the legumes.
  • If you want the peas to swell faster, soak them in boiling water, close the lid tightly and wrap them up with a terry towel or blanket.

2️⃣ Boiling peas without soaking

Soaking is not a compulsory matter, you can somehow do without it. All you need to remember is the following simple algorithm of actions:

  • Rinse the peas, pour it over cold water so that it barely covers the grains and bring to a boil;
  • cook on high power until the water is partially boiled away;
  • then add a little ice water so that it barely covers the peas;
  • continue to cook at high power until the water is partially boiled away;
  • add ice water again;
  • repeat this sequence until the peas are boiled.

Why will this method work? It's that simple! When adding cold water hot kernels crack, which speeds up cooking.

3️⃣ Life hack for quickly softening peas

If you cook peas for an hour and it does not get softer in any way, then you have come across a product of poor quality. How not to miscalculate next time and buy a good one - read in the next paragraph. And now we will tell you how to cope with the existing problem. Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to a pot of peas for every 2 liters of water. Soda softens the water, therefore, the peas will cook much faster. After 15-20 minutes of boiling, the peas will become soft. The baking soda will not degrade the taste of the soup. In such an amount, it will hardly be felt or its taste will not be noticeable at all. The only disadvantage of this method is the destruction of vitamin B1.

4️⃣ Choosing peas in the store - what to look for

If you chose quality peas in the store, consider that you have already half cooked it! Often in stores, they try to slip a bad product to us, so always carefully read the label and consider the contents.

  • The packaging should be transparent so that you can see the peas.
  • When choosing split peas, the chip should be sharp and not rounded.
  • Pay attention to the color of the peas. It should be bright yellow. Discard dull gray specimens immediately.
  • The thicker the layer of white bloom on the peas, the older the peas. Manufacturers can specify any expiration date they want, so we have to believe our eyes, not the numbers on the package. In a pack with quality product there should be no plaque.

5️⃣ How to make mashed pea soup in 10 minutes

And here's a super fast way to make pea soup! There is no exaggeration or understatement here, if you will. All ingenious is simple! And this proverb will be confirmed by our wonderful recipe.

To execute it, you need a coffee grinder. I see you already guessed that dried peas need to be ground into flour before cooking. And the vitamins are safe, and the pea powder will remain for 10 minutes to cook. Stir the soup constantly during cooking so that it does not stick to the pot. It turns out a thick creamy soup with delicate texture... Add your favorite vegetables or smoked meats to it and a complete first course is ready. Step by step description see the recipe.

Cooking time for peas without soaking

Cooking time for dried peas with soaking

Now you know why you don't always boil peas in soup and what to do to make a delicious pea soup. Therefore, we suggest that you cook such a soup according to any of the recipes written below.

The best recipes for first courses of peas

Especially for you, we have selected 5 step-by-step recipes for pea soups for every taste. To view, follow the link.

  1. Find out how to make thick pea soup with croutons.
  2. The page contains a recipe for pea soup with smoked ribs. Very tasty!
  3. look step-by-step cooking green pea puree soup.
  4. An unusual recipe for making pea soup with seafood on

    Among all the vitamin composition in peas, vitamins of the B and E groups are distinguished. useful properties minerals are also present - zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium and potassium.

    But the main substance, because of which everyone is recommended to eat pea dishes at least once a week, is pyridoxine. It is necessary for the body to produce amino acids.

    This is how a cheap product can be of great benefit to the body.

    A contraindication for eating legumes is problems with the digestive tract.

    Cook soups and other pea dishes and be healthy!

Everyone has completely different interests, someone wants to know how to quickly boil peas, while others prefer to spend all their free time on cooking. But the choice is not always due to the laziness of the cook, sometimes a person may simply not have enough time. And the goals of such accelerated cooking are always different.

How to cook pea soup to boil peas?

The cooking results depend on the type of peas you have chosen. Some species may simply not boil over, no matter how you cook them, what efforts you make and how many hours you keep on fire.

Remember what no need to do if you want to get well-boiled peas - in no case add a large number of salt into the water.

You can sprinkle no more than a pinch, all the rest taste qualities provide with spices, seasonings and peppers. The lid will have to be closed to allow the steam to do their thing. And you have to be patient, it will take 2 hours to cook, at least:

  1. Go through and evaluate the quality of the purchased product, get rid of rotten or spoiled peas.
  2. Soak the peas in running water, set them to stand. Change the water every 5 hours.
  3. Add to water sunflower oil and spices.
  4. Cook for 2-3 hours under a closed lid.

If all requirements have been met, after the specified period you will receive homogeneous cooked peas perfect for your soup.

How to boil peas for fishing?

Fishing enthusiasts are ready to use almost anything as bait. But only if it promises good bite. Over the years of practice, each angler has developed his own strategy. Where is the best place to go for the maximum catch, in what season and what time of day is the best bite observed, what bait is best to use. At the same time, without perseverance, you will not achieve any results, you need to have a special temperament for fishing to really enjoy.

You may have already heard about efficiency from your comrades. peas as bait but surely no recipe or detailed instructions you were not given. In fact, you can prepare the right bait by observing a few rules:

  1. Soak peas before boiling.
  2. It should settle in water for at least 12 hours.
  3. Extremely cold water will do.
  4. At least once it will have to be replaced - merge the existing one and fill in a new one.

This is an initial preparation that will help you get the best results when cooking. Then there are several alternatives in terms of cooking:

  • Pour the liquid with water, put the pan on the fire and wait an hour until it is completely cooked.
  • Use a steam bath for cooking - then you have to wait 2-3 hours.
  • Pour boiling water over the contents of a thermos and leave overnight.

Readiness is determined by pressing the pea, it should be firm to the touch and not crush when lightly pressed. To make the process a little faster, add before boiling add a tablespoon of baking soda to the water.

How to cook peas in a slow cooker?

New household appliances enter the life of each of us. The multicooker can hardly be called such a novelty, now almost every kitchen has it. But not every novice chef knows that it can be used to make peas. Decide what exactly you want to get - pea soup or mashed potatoes. In the second case, it will take only an hour in the mode "Quenching", first the peas will need to be prepared according to all the rules.

Unless the soaking period can be shortened to 3 hours, but the result will be the same.

And if you decide to cook soup using a multicooker, you will have to spend an hour more and choose a different mode, it is called that - "Soup"... There are no special secrets, cooking from classic version with a stove and a pan is not much different. It is still better not to use salt.

How to quickly and efficiently cook peas?

What tricks do fans of quick cooking have in stock?

  1. Split peas... It is logical, after all, that a whole pea will boil much more slowly than chopped into pieces. The smaller the volume, the faster the cooking process goes.
  2. Adding soda... This method reduces the cooking time by 3-4 times, the peas will be ready in 20-30 minutes after the start of the boil.
  3. Sunflower oil addition in not yet boiling water. Here, there is already elementary physics, the oil will allow the water to heat up to a higher temperature, as a result of which your dish will be processed much faster and more intensively.
  4. Don't overdo it over time soaking, peas have every chance to start fermenting. Regular draining of water can slow down this problem. Remember that the more time has been spent soaking, the shorter the cooking process will be.

And again we come to the conclusion that the variety and the quality of the peas itself has a huge impact on the speed of its preparation. Such nuances are usually indicated directly on the pack.

General effect on the body.

And the peas themselves - are they really good for our body? In fact, he contains a large amount of proteins, but not animals, but plants. You should not expect special muscle growth or weight gain from it, but for vegetarians this is the most the best way... After all, the protein content in their diet leaves much to be desired, and a lack of it can lead to serious health problems.

Another benefit that will delight pea soup lovers is the quick elimination of toxic and toxic substances from the body. Of course, this is not a 100% solution to all problems; after poisoning with heavy metal salts, you should not run to the refrigerator for a bowl of soup. In such cases, it is best to see a doctor. But if you want to get rid of constant, but minimal intoxication, peas will help you with this. This applies to both alcohol and nicotine. But for sufferers of gout, the pea diet is contraindicated.

Well, if you don't have any special problems with joints, and you know how to quickly boil peas, there will always be at least something on the table in your house. But mashed potatoes, soups and cereals with peas are not considered a special delicacy, so you will have to master the technique of cooking at least something else.

Video about accelerated cooking peas

Every day, thousands of young housewives are faced with such a problem as cooking peas. Everyone wants the pea porridge to be boiled and tasty, not "oaky" and firm. The success of cooking depends on such trifles. Before proceeding with the recipe itself, you need to consider all the subtleties of cooking in order to get a really tasty and healthy dish. Important components are: the choice of cereals and the selection of dishes, cooking time, pre-processing.

What to do to make the peas boil?

To make the peas boil faster, chopped grains are used to prepare hot dishes. Regardless of whether the peas were purchased in a bag or by weight, it should always be rinsed well in running water. Before cooking, it must always be soaked for several hours, most the best option- 6-8 hours. It should be borne in mind that the water must be changed periodically in order to avoid the fermentation process.

In order for the peas to boil in the soup, it is necessary to let the cereal swell well in cold water and only after that it can be cooked over low heat. If you do not have enough time to pre-prepare the peas and the soup or porridge needs to be cooked as quickly as possible, then you can use a secret that was known even before the invention of various kitchen appliances, such as a blender. You will need to add half a teaspoon of baking soda to the water that will be poured into the washed peas and mix well. After the peas are soaked in soda water for about 30-40 minutes, they can be boiled. However, do not forget to rinse the swollen peas well in running water, otherwise a soda taste will remain.

How to soak peas correctly?

Moist grain cooks faster than dry grain because it swells faster. It is recommended to soak dry peas before cooking. But here, too, there are some subtleties.

  • Peas are soaked in cold water, the temperature of which does not exceed + 15 °. If peas are soaked in warm water and left for a long time, for example, for 5–8 hours, then they can simply turn sour. And it is not always possible to identify sour peas by their appearance or taste. After all, insignificant souring does not manifest itself in any way, but during cooking the peas do not boil well and acquire an unpleasant “soapy” taste of sprouted grain.
  • For soaking, take twice as much water as peas.
  • Soaked peas are doubled in volume.
  • If the peas are used for cooking pea soup, then the peas do not need to be soaked. It is enough just to sort it out, remove the debris, and then wash it in cold water. Because when cooking without soaking, almost all the peas lose their shape, that is, they are boiled.
  • If the dish does not need boiled peas, but whole peas, then they are soaked in cold water for 5-6 hours. This allows you to increase the output finished products twice. For cooking pea puree do the same. When the peas are boiled, the cooking is stopped, the peas are salted and left in the broth for 15–20 minutes. Then the broth is drained, and the peas are rubbed hot through a sieve or passed through a meat grinder or pounded with a crush.

Which peas boil well?

It often happens that even washed and soaked peas, after several hours of cooking, remain firm - this is due to the fact that the wrong type of cereal has been chosen. Despite the fact that only seven types of peas are known, only two cultivated types are used for food - shelling and sugar. Pea seeds that have not accumulated enough starch are cerebral sugar seeds and are used to preserve premium green peas.

Therefore, if you determine which peas boil well, use simple advice- take dried grains of hulling grades. The choice will be quite simple - the brain varieties shrink when dried, while the peeling varieties remain the correct rounded shape. Overdried peas acquire a whitish bloom and change their taste, so it is not advisable to use them for making soups. Good quality peas have grains of the same size, large enough and not damaged by pests.

The soaked peas are poured with cold water, brought to a boil and cooked for 1–1.5 hours until soft. In this case, the water should only boil slightly. It is believed that peas will cook faster if they are poured over with cold boiled water. Although practice shows that the fact in which water the peas are dipped for cooking does not play a special role. Peas dipped in boiling water are cooked exactly as much as peas drenched in cold water, and taken from the same pack.

If, according to the recipe, you need to add tomato paste, vinegar and other spices (including salt) to the peas, then this is done at the very end of cooking, when the peas are completely cooked.

When peas are boiled for a long time, the water boils away a lot, and the housewives are forced to top up the water. And there are some subtleties here. If, nevertheless, the water has boiled away, then you only need to top up with boiling water so that the boiling does not stop. But if you add cold water, then the grains ... crack. That the hostesses also sometimes play into the hands.

The cooking time for peas depends on their shape. Round light yellow peas take much longer to cook than chopped yellow peas... If you still need to cook the peas faster, then in exceptional cases they resort to one proven method. During cooking, a little soda (on the tip of a knife) is added to the water with peas. The resulting foam is removed. This method allows you to speed up the cooking of peas, but at the same time, vitamin B1 is destroyed, and the taste of peas, although slightly, deteriorates.

But no matter what tricks the housewives take to quickly boil peas, they must remember that peas are the most "long-playing" vegetable.

Therefore, you need to be patient, choose the right varieties of peas, and then you will not have to wonder why peas do not boil for a long time.

Simple Crushed Pea Soup Recipes

The "classic" recipe

We figured out why peas are not boiled in soup. Now, using this dish as an example, we will tell you how to properly prepare this component. You need to take 0.5 kg of yellow or green dry crushed peas, 8 glasses of broth. From vegetables, one onion and a carrot and a couple of potatoes will be enough. You can also add, if you are a spice lover, a teaspoon of oregano, the same amount of basil, a couple of bay leaves, a couple of garlic cloves, salt, pepper to taste. You can also take 300 grams of tomatoes.

Bring the broth to a boil, pour in the crushed peas and leave over low heat. In the meantime, you can chop potatoes, onions, carrots. Put cooked spices (oregano, basil, bay leaf) into the broth.

Now put the chopped vegetables in there and cook for another 50 minutes. If the water boils away, add as needed. The chopped tomatoes can now be introduced. And cook for another 15 minutes with the lid open. This dish is not only quick to prepare, but also low-calorie, so it can be consumed by girls who are on a diet.

Soup for men

For men who cannot live without meat, there is another tasty, and most importantly, easy-to-prepare dish. To do this, you will need 200 grams of dry peas, a pound of smoked peas must be pork ribs, two carrots, one onion, a couple of potatoes, salt, pepper and, of course, vegetable oil for frying. The legumes need to be soaked for a couple of hours.

Then we take a saucepan for two and a half liters of water. Pour the peas there and bring to a boil. Then we leave on low heat for 40 minutes. While the peas are boiling, we fry them. Grate the carrots and send them to a preheated pan. Next we send finely chopped onions. Bring the frying until golden brown. After the peas have boiled, put the chopped smoked ribs... We wait another 10 minutes and add the chopped potatoes and frying. Add the spices to the pan 7 minutes before the soup is ready. Turn off and let the dish brew for 15-20 minutes. Everything: delicious, and most importantly, the nutritious soup is ready.

Cooking a dish in a multicooker

I would like to recall the modern kitchen appliances, which greatly facilitates the process of fiddling in the kitchen. A multicooker is perfect for this. Before cooking soup in it, soak whole peas just for a couple of hours. Then rinse it and put it with all the other ingredients in a slow cooker. Then you select the required mode and ... that's it. It will take you no more than an hour to cook soup in a slow cooker. Of the products, it will be enough to take 300 grams of smoked pork ribs and 50 grams of dry peas, carrots, onions and potatoes. If your family loves thick soup, use more dry peas and less water. In this case, the dish turns out to be puree.


I boil a bone, fill in washed peas, which I stir in halves, stir several times, reduce the heat to almost a minimum and leave for 30-35 minutes, come and then just fill up the soup, potatoes there, carrots with onions, spices, everything)


I often cook pea soup, my husband loves it. It always boils well. I usually take half peas. The main thing is that the peas are soaked for at least 8-9 hours. And then I cook, as usual (the Internet is full of recipes). Immediately add lavrushka. When the peas are almost ready, I add chopped carrots, potatoes, fried onions, and cook for another 15 minutes. Add a couple of chopped garlic cloves to the finished soup and let the soup brew. The peas are completely boiled soft, no problem.


So. I take whole peas. I do not soak. I fill it with water and cook for an hour and a half (if on a sugar bone) or two hours (if on smoked meats), without salt. Peas don't cook well in salt water, you see. Then I add the meat and cook as usual. It always boils down to smoke.


I make pea porridge without a multicooker. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and stir well. After 20-30 minutes, again to a boil. And gradually, so it just boils down)

Tatiana Zhogina

just do not soak peas, especially at night. cook immediately after rinsing. I used to soak it too and it boiled very badly for me, now everything is boiled down

Winter Strawberries

I soak for an hour in cold water with baking soda. soda I put a teaspoon. Well, I'll mix it a couple more times while it's worth it.

sf progr1

A simple rule is not to salt the peas. and any porridge until it boils down. There may also be hard water - be sure to pass the water through a filter to remove hardness salts. well, now just a pinch of soda ...

I soak the peas in the morning for 4-5 hours, in the afternoon I just cook in a saucepan on the stove and it’s already porridge in 30 minutes ... And I buy peas in different stores from different manufacturers and it’s always the same in 30 minutes it turns into porridge right away ... Try it on the stove in ordinary saucepan!

Stasi's mom

No soda needed. Just add a little cold water every half hour. For 1-1.5 peas are boiled. I never soak, neither does my grandma. Not for soup, not for pies. Once there was "wooden" peas. I wanted a green one, so it didn’t boil over. And so on stewing and you will have porridge)))


I'm not sure that this is exactly the case, but I have noticed more than once that long soaked peas do not boil or boil badly ... I keep the peas soaked for an hour, maybe a little more ... and it always boils very quickly and well ... I cook on a regular stove ... costs leave for the night or 4 hours, then that's it ...


It is necessary to cook like this: washed, thrown into cold water, put on the stove over medium heat, boiled - add half a mug of cold water there and over low heat, boiled - again cold water ... and so 3-4 times. It will cook much faster + it will boil down, add salt only at the end! Good luck with the soup !!!

Pea soup and porridge are traditional dishes Russian cuisine. In addition to useful properties, these dishes are different high calorie content ... But housewives do not like to cook these dishes very much, because they take a lot of time.
Next, let's list the secrets fast food legume culture.

How to cook peas quickly - soaking in water

There are times when you need to quickly cook a dish, and peas slow down the whole thing, because the cooking process takes a lot of time. There is a way out - this is soaking in water for at least six hours. If the peas lie in the water for a very long time, they may begin to ferment. And even if appearance the vegetable is not swollen enough, then it is necessary to replace the old water with fresh water. Before soaking the peas, you need to sort out thoroughly, and also rinse under running water. For soaking, both cold and hot water... During the night, even the most hard varieties cereals. There are situations when a dish needs to be prepared, then you can soak it for several hours.
Remember! To get boiled peas, do not add a lot of salt to the water.

How to Boil Peas Quickly - Adding Water While Boiling

What to do if the dish needs to be prepared urgently, but there is no time for this, or the hostess forgot to soak the product overnight. Experienced housewives know how to cook peas faster. So, you need to thoroughly wash the peas, place them in a container, pour cold water and start cooking. After boiling water, you need to wait ten minutes. Then finish off half a glass of water into the container. Then everything should boil a second time, wait a few minutes, and the peas will be cooked. If you need boiled peas completely, then you can repeat the procedure with the addition of water, only you need to take a little more water.

How to Boil Peas Quickly - Adding Butter

You can make the cooking process faster by the following method. To do this, you need to add a piece butter into boiling water. Thanks to the fats, the cooking speed of the peas increases, but this will not affect the flavor in any way. Oil can be replaced with lard. This method is ideal for porridge, because it will turn out to be much tastier and more satisfying.

How to quickly cook peas - soda

With the help of soda, you can quickly cook cereals. The addition of this component must be carried out during cooking. This will require a little baking soda, otherwise you can spoil the taste of the dish. This method will cook the peas in twenty minutes. After 20 minutes after boiling, you need to add soda: half a teaspoon is needed for two liters of liquid. Then boil the peas for another five minutes.

How to quickly cook peas using a multicooker

Modern life presupposes the emergence of new household appliances. Of course, the multicooker is not that new, because every kitchen has one. Despite this, not every chef knows that it is suitable for instant peas. Before starting the procedure, peas need to be sorted out, soaked and rinsed. In the device select the "extinguishing" mode, and press start... If you want to get mashed peas, then it will take an hour and a half, and for pea soup with smoked meats, an hour.

How to quickly cook peas using a pressure cooker

The process of preparing peas is quite complicated, because it often burns, remains tough or sour. But you can get rid of the hassle with a pressure cooker. So, first you need to soak the peas for several hours, after having sorted it out. Place the well-washed peas in a pressure cooker, cover with a lid and put on fire. A quarter of an hour after boiling, the pressure cooker must be removed from the heat and allowed to brew for 10 minutes.

This concludes all the secrets of instant cooking. Now you know how to speed up the process. At the same time, remember that the halves of the peas cook faster. Also, the cooking results depend only on the variety of peas you have chosen. There are those that do not boil at all, no matter which method you choose and no matter how much you cook it.

Each of us, coming to visit our beloved mother, probably would not mind trying her soup, and even more so if it is a very delicious pea soup! Today, it is the most common dish in Ukraine and Russia! If you like lean pork, then this soup is suitable for both adults and children. Cooking time for pea soup, with pork will take you 60-75 minutes... Below we will look at how to make delicious pork pea soup. .

  • As always, a mini heading for lovely women who keep an eye on their figure and want to know how many calories are in pea pork soup. Calorie content of pea soup with pork 140 kcal v 100 grams.
    Now you know how many calories there are in pea soup with meat and don't worry!

What you need for pea soup, ingredients:

  • Pork on the bone - 500 gr;
  • 1.5 cups of peas;
  • 4-5 medium potatoes;
  • 1 - onions;
  • 1-2 - carrots;
  • Salt, black pepper to taste;
  • Greens: parsley, dill;
  • 1-2 tbsp - sunflower oil;
  • 3 liters of water;

Note: we did not use greens in cooking.

How to cook pea soup properly

Before we start preparing the soup, we will analyze a few questions that, according to our editorial staff, are most asked by users on the Internet, and we will find out why soak peas before cooking:

1) How many peas do you need for pea soup;

2) How much to soak the peas for the soup;

3) Why peas are not boiled in soup;

4) How to cook pea soup to boil peas;

№1: And so, how many peas do you need for soup, novice housewives are thinking. In cookbooks, for cooking thick soup recommend 250gr dry peas on 1 liter water. But we recommend 0.5 cups on 1 liter water. If someone is interested in the question, how many peas are in 3 liters of water- then 1.5 cups.

1 liter of water - 0.5 cups (250 g);

We decided to cook pea soup in a saucepan 4,3 l... For this 4.3l * 0.5 = 2.15 cups... Simply multiply any capacity by 0,5 and find out how much peas you need for the desired container.

№2: Peas are soaked in 6-8 hours... This also applies to split peas. But usually, housewives pour cold water over the peas at night.

№3: It all depends on the variety of peas, it may be that when buying a package of peas in the supermarket, it is enough and 2 hours soak, and sometimes 8 ocloc'k not enough! Also, peas may not boil over if you haven't soaked them enough.

№4: Peas are boiled in a small amount of water, periodically adding cold water. In this case, the peas will be boiled for you. 20-30 minutes... Salt in a plate.

  • How to cook peas without soaking : Pour the peas with water on 25-30 minutes in a bowl. Then put to cook. At the same time, water is poured into the pan so that it more than covers the peas. As soon as the water nods, pour out a glass of cold boiled water. Again, as soon as the water boils, add a glass of cold water and so 5-7 times... Then continue to cook the soup as usual. And the focus is in temperature extremes, due to which peas quickly boil.

Also, when soaking peas overnight, it is advised to add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of peas in a bowl. Thanks to this, any peas will boil. Do not forget to rinse the peas well from the baking soda and only then throw them into the soup.

Pea soup step by step recipe with photo

1) Cooking pea soup with pork, let's start with the fact that we already have peas soaked overnight.

2) We wash the pork under running water, put it in a saucepan, fill it with 3 liters of water and put the broth on the stove to cook.

3) As soon as our broth boils, remove the foam from the surface with a spoon and pour the peas together with the meat to cook for 45-50 minutes.

4) At this time, we are engaged in frying. To do this, wash, peel the onions and carrots. Finely chop the onion on a board, and grate the carrots. Put a frying pan over medium heat, pour in the sunflower oil and toss in the onion. When the onions are slightly fried, add the carrots and bring to a golden hue. In total, it will take you 10-15 minutes.

5) Clean and dice the potatoes, then throw them into the broth.

6) Following the potatoes, we throw the frying into the soup.

7) After that, we take out the pork and take the meat from the bone. Finely his regime and throw it back into the broth.

8) As soon as the potatoes with peas are boiled, add salt, black ground pepper, finely chopped greens (dill, parsley) if desired, cook for another 2-3 minutes and turn off the stove - a delicious pea soup with pork is ready. After that, let the soup cool slightly and infuse. We wish you good luck and bon appetit!

Now you know how to cook delicious pea pork soup and can easily and tasty feed your family.

How to cook pea soup to boil peas boiled step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you for a complete understanding. step by step process cooking.

How to cook pea soup to boil peas photo

Looking at the tips on how to cook pea soup so that the peas are boiled, you can easily cook this dish at home, having all the necessary ingredients.

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