Home / cupcakes / Recipe Pea puree without oil. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value

Recipe Pea puree without oil. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value

product calories squirrels fats carbohydrates
mashed potatoes 106 kcal 2.5 g 4.2 g 14.7 g
pea puree 143.5 kcal 10.2 g 0.7 g 25.6 g
cherry puree 57 kcal 0.9 g 0.2 g 10.9 g
banana puree 89 kcal 1.5 g 0.1 g 21 g
pear puree 52 kcal 0.2 g 0 g 13 g

Puree is one of the simplest, most nutritious and healthy dietary dishes, in addition, the calorie content of puree is quite low, which allows it to be consumed even by those who are afraid for their figure. Puree is obtained from almost any vegetable and fruit, but the most common of them is mashed potatoes and peas.

Mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes prepared from potatoes cut into small cubes, boiled in water. It is kneaded to a puree-like consistency, while adding a decoction of potatoes or milk, salt, and also butter, cream or egg. If you use all these ingredients to make mashed potatoes, then it will turn out to be quite fatty and the calorie content of mashed potatoes will increase significantly.

Mashed potatoes are a great side dish and an independent dish for children and adults. It goes well with any vegetables, fish and poultry, but it is better not to eat it with meat, since such food will be a strong burden on your stomach, and besides, you can easily gain extra pounds.

Pea mash

Peas are a valuable crop, and dishes from it are enriched with a huge amount of protein, in terms of which they are not inferior to soy and even meat dishes. But, besides this, peas contain few calories, so it can also be used in dietary nutrition without fear for the figure. Pea soup and pea puree are considered the most common dishes made from it.

In order to cook pea pore you will need: peas, water, salt, spices and vegetable or olive oil. Since peas boil very slowly (and we need to achieve just such an effect), it must be soaked in water for 4-6 hours before cooking. After that, rinse and boil until tender, until the peas become soft, and then grind into a puree, adding oil, salt, pepper, aromatic herbs or herbs.

Useful properties of puree

Mashed potatoes and peas are recommended for dietary nutrition and weight loss, not only because of the low calorie content of mashed potatoes, but also due to the huge number of useful properties. Mashed potatoes relieve inflammation, dull pain and have an enveloping property, so it is recommended for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and heart. It helps to improve brain activity and memory, so puree is especially useful for older people. Another important fact is its ability to quickly satisfy hunger and satiety, thanks to the starch, protein and fiber in its composition.

Pea mash is an integral lean food for athletes due to the huge amount of protein that can effectively build muscle mass while burning fat. It is also recommended for fluid stagnation in the body, hypertension and to improve metabolic processes. However, you should not get carried away with mashed peas too much, since peas can cause gas and bloating, so to avoid this, add a little carrot at the cooking stage of this dish. Be careful with pea puree if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, as well as kidney problems, gout or diabetes.

Peas contain all the biologically active substances necessary for human life. Due to its high calorie content, pea puree was used by warriors and farmers in the time of Hippocrates to maintain strength. A nutritious dish allowed you to quickly recover after a hike or a hard day's work. And still boiled peas popular in the Middle East and Mediterranean countries.

How to make pea puree

The process of preparing porridge or mashed potatoes is simple. First of all, you should choose the right beans. Experienced housewives recommend the use of yellow wax peas, which are grown on loamy soils. Such a product contains a large amount of minerals and amino acids. The technology for making pea puree is as follows:

  • The beans are soaked in cold water for 5-8 hours. Stirring them or changing the water is not recommended.
  • Before cooking, the water is drained, and the peas are placed in a saucepan. For every cup of beans, you need 3 cups of pure cold water.
  • The pot is placed on strong fire and bring to a boil, after which the heat is reduced to a minimum. Cook puree for three hours.
  • Salt is added 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

In order to achieve a homogeneous consistency, the finished puree is ground in a blender or pounded with a wooden mortar. If dry peas consist of halves, then it will cook much faster.

In order for the puree to turn out tastier, you should follow some recommendations for its preparation:

  • Experienced cooks advise adding water in excess of the prescribed rate when cooking whole peas. This makes the beans more fluffy.
  • Best for garnish hard varieties. They are distinguished by a dark green tint and the presence of wrinkles.
  • If the peas are not soaked, then they are cooked much longer than the allotted time. Sometimes cooking takes 8-9 hours.
  • Cook puree with a tightly closed lid and only on low heat.
  • If this dish is prepared as a side dish, then it should be made thicker. To do this, the amount of water is reduced by 20%.

Bean garnish goes well with fatty meats, sausages or vegetable gravy. It is not recommended to combine pea puree with fish and seafood.

Calorie content and benefits

The composition of dry peas contains a lot of useful substances. The calorie content of porridge from this leguminous crop is 130 kilocalories. That's 23 calories less than wheat and 30 more than barley. Thus, among the available and popular cereals, pea is in the middle. In addition to wheat, high calorie is different rice porrige- 144 kilocalories - and barley with 138 kilocalories.

As for the content of vitamins and trace elements, pea porridge boasts quite big amount vitamins A, B1, B2, PP and E. And also in the composition of dry peas there are the following trace elements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium. By the amount of iron, pea porridge is twice as large as buckwheat.

Due to the large amount of potassium, pea puree is recommended for athletes and people who want to build muscle mass. Nutritionists advise to include oil-free pea puree in the menu as often as possible. The calorie content of one serving is within the normal range for a person leading an active lifestyle.

Polyunsaturated amino acids and antioxidants make this product indispensable in the fight to preserve beauty and youth. Not without reason, dry pea flour is very fond of being used in face masks by women in India and Pakistan.

Harm and contraindications

Despite such obvious benefits, pea puree, like any other product, can harm the body. People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be careful, because with gastritis and stomach ulcers, this product causes an exacerbation of the disease. Due to too much consumption of boiled peas, bloating and gas appear. Doctors do not recommend using this product for kidney and liver failure.

And also people with obesity should be careful. Still, the calorie content of pea puree per 100 grams of product is over 100 kcal, and a standard portion weighs 200-250 grams.

cooking recipes

Unfortunately, pea puree is not popular among the population of our country. Most housewives do not see the benefits of this dish or do not know how to make mashed beans deliciously. And in vain, because in terms of the amount of protein, peas can be compared with veal and become an alternative to meat dishes for families with low incomes. It is an indispensable product for vegetarians and fans healthy lifestyle life.

Apart from easy cooking on the water, there are recipes that suggest adding cream, various spices, herbs and vegetable oils to pea porridge. You can complement the dish with fried to a crisp onion.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • Two and a half glasses of water.
  • One full cup of dry peas.
  • Half a glass of cream.
  • Two tablespoons of butter and vegetable oil.
  • Salt, allspice and herbs.

To make a thicker puree, you need 2.5 cups of water. If desired, the water can be increased, but then the resulting dish will be watery. Mistresses call such porridge "squishy".

Peas are soaked for five hours. Beans are placed in a thick-walled saucepan and poured with clean water with the addition of vegetable oil. The most commonly used olive, pumpkin, sunflower and corn. Each of them has a number of advantages and is good for health.

Ready peas are passed through a blender to obtain homogeneous mass. Then add the cream heated in the microwave, salt and spices. Everything is thoroughly mixed. When applying ready meal sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and dill.

Separately fried until crispy onion cut into thin half rings. The calorie content of pea puree on water is slightly lower than that cooked on cream and butter, but the taste of such a dish will not differ for the better.

Peas with smoked meats

Pea puree with smoked meats is one of the favorite dishes of German cuisine. It is served with fried sausages or boiled sausages. In the process of cooking, finely chopped smoked meats (pork ribs or brisket) are added to the puree. Such a dish acquires the smell and taste of smoked meats, due to which it becomes more refined and fragrant. Before turning off the pan, add salt to the dish and add butter to it.

The total calorie content of 100 grams of pea puree on water is 176 kcal. 100 g of the product contains:

  • proteins - 9.7 g;
  • fat - 4.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 25.6 g.

The vitamin composition of pea puree is represented by vitamins A, B, C, E, H, PP. The product is enriched with calcium, manganese, iron, zinc, potassium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus and iodine.

The calorie content of pea soup puree per 100 grams is 35.3 kcal. In 100 g of the product 2.1 g of protein, 0.2 g of fat, 6.7 g of carbohydrates. Dried peas, water, carrots, onions, potatoes, salt, ground pepper and herbs were used to prepare the dish.

What are the benefits of pea puree

As already mentioned, the calorie content of pea puree is relatively low and is only 176 kcal. This is a very good indicator, given that the dish itself is nutritious and perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger.

Regular consumption of pea puree has the following positive effects on the body:

  • the product contains a lot of fiber, which cleans the body of toxins;
  • nicotinic acid present in peas normalizes cholesterol balance, reduces the risk of developing cancer;
  • vitamin H in puree has a pronounced antioxidant effect, is a natural regulator of blood sugar, stimulates the functions of the digestive system, etc.;
  • A number of studies talk about the benefits of mashed peas for the treatment of anemia, problems with blood pressure.

Who can harm pea puree

Despite the usefulness and low calorie content of pea puree, there are certain restrictions on the use of this product, including controlling the amount of puree eaten:

  • patients with diabetes;
  • people with heart disease, kidney disease.

It is necessary to completely abandon pea puree for people prone to flatulence, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Doctors do not recommend this product for nephritis and inflammation of the gallbladder.

Counting calories

  • potatoes - 80;
  • butter - 748;
  • baked - 887;
  • margarine -746;
  • vegetable oil - 899.
  • on water (without oil) - 80;
  • with animal fats - 230-257;
  • from vegetable oil – 260.

With a decrease in the amount of fat added to a dish, its calorie content decreases. Vegetable salads will improve the taste of a low-calorie product.

Benefits and contraindications

  • potassium - for the heart;
  • phosphorus - for the brain;
  • with urolithiasis;

  • on water without oil - 60;
  • with vegetable oil - 240;
  • with butter - 210.

  • on the water - 32;
  • with vegetable oil - 122;
  • with cream - 107.

Culinary Secrets

  • quality raw vegetables;
  • undercooked consistency;
  • insufficient salting;
  • poor grinding.

Mashed potatoes

Pea mash

Useful properties of puree

Pea puree recipe with carrots and onions. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Pea puree with carrots and onions

Nutritional value and chemical composition Pea puree with carrots and onions.

The energy value Pea puree with carrots and onions is 146.3 kcal.

Primary source: Created in the application by the user. More.

** This table shows the average norms of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms based on your gender, age and other factors, then use the My Healthy Diet application.

Recipe Calculator

Product calorie analysis

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:


What is useful pea puree with carrots and onions

  • Vitamin A is responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, and maintaining immunity.
  • B-carotene is a provitamin A and has antioxidant properties. 6 micrograms of beta-carotene is equivalent to 1 microgram of vitamin A.
  • Vitamin B5 participates in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, the synthesis of a number of hormones, hemoglobin, promotes the absorption of amino acids and sugars in the intestine, supports the function of the adrenal cortex. A lack of pantothenic acid can lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin E has antioxidant properties, is necessary for the functioning of the gonads, the heart muscle, is a universal stabilizer of cell membranes. With a deficiency of vitamin E, hemolysis of erythrocytes and neurological disorders are observed.
  • Iron is a part of proteins of various functions, including enzymes. Participates in the transport of electrons, oxygen, ensures the occurrence of redox reactions and activation of peroxidation. Insufficient consumption leads to hypochromic anemia, myoglobin deficiency atony of skeletal muscles, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, atrophic gastritis.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates the enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Copper is part of the enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in the metabolism of iron, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing tissues of the human body with oxygen. Deficiency is manifested by violations of the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, the development of connective tissue dysplasia.

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How many calories are in mashed potatoes, peas and carrots on water

Puree is the best famous dish from potatoes. Crushed boiled root contains starch, which explains its calorie content. During the cooking process, it is required to add vegetable or animal fats to improve the taste. How much does this affect the calorie content, is it possible to eat crushed vegetables with therapeutic diets Or for weight loss? Now let's figure everything out.

Counting calories

calories and taste qualities mashed potatoes depend on the amount, quality and type of added fat.

According to the recipe, the amount of animal fats should correspond to a ratio of 1:5.

Nutritional value of possible components (kcal per 100 g):

  • potatoes - 80;
  • butter - 748;
  • baked - 887;
  • margarine -746;
  • vegetable oil - 899.

Calorie content of 100 g of mashed potatoes has the following characteristics (kcal):

  • on water (without oil) - 80;
  • with animal fats - 230-257;
  • with vegetable oil - 260.

Benefits and contraindications

Such a potato dish as mashed potatoes cooked with water is not inferior in taste to that in which milk is added. As dietary product included in recipes for weight loss. The elements included in its composition are necessary for the body:

  • potassium - for the heart;
  • calcium, selenium, fluorine - for bones, hair, nails;
  • phosphorus - for the brain;
  • copper, magnesium, iron - for metabolic processes.

Contains vitamins of groups B, A, C.

Potato garnish is combined with any vegetable, fish, meat, mushrooms. This property has made crushed potatoes popular and indispensable in national cuisine many peoples.

  • with urolithiasis;
  • disturbed intestinal motility;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice.

With obesity, you should not have in the diet foods that have a calorie content of more than 40 kcal per 100 g.

How many calories in pea puree on the water

To prepare a pea side dish, dried peas, water and salt are used. At the end of cooking add fats to taste. It can be butter and vegetable oil. To improve the taste, greens and smoked products are added.

The energy value of 100 g of boiled peas is 60 kcal. This is how it will remain if no fats are added. With the addition of 20 g of fat, it will increase by 150 kcal (for butter) and 180 kcal (for vegetable).

Calorie content of pea puree (kcal):

  • on water without oil - 60;
  • with vegetable oil - 240;
  • with butter - 210.

Legumes are rich in protein, carbohydrates, which makes them necessary product in the diet of vegetarians. Pea dishes are especially useful for children because of the high content of vitamins B, PP, K. Peas are contraindicated in kidney disease, pregnant and lactating women.

Chicken cutlets in breadcrumbs try cooking.

Try to cook delicious fish with onions in Leningrad recipe here.

Calories in mashed carrots and celery

Celery and carrots are similar in composition to potatoes: they have the same set of vitamins and microelements. Matching percentage useful components. Nutritionally, carrots and celery are equivalent: 32 kcal.

Cooked in water without the addition of fats, they are the lowest calorie side dishes. The taste of celery garnish is improved with aromatic herbs (rosemary, sage). The carrot version does not require such additives. Usually, both types of side dishes are mixed with potato to give a taste originality.

Nutritional value 100 g vegetable puree(kcal):

  • on the water - 32;
  • with vegetable oil - 122;
  • with cream - 107.

Excess fat impairs the taste of these vegetables, the ratio is 1:10.

Culinary Secrets

Taste vegetable dish the following conditions apply:

  • the quality of raw vegetables;
  • undercooked consistency;
  • insufficient salting;
  • poor grinding.

Each variety has its own characteristics: sweet carrot you get a sweet dish without added sugar; from starchy potatoes - a magnificent side dish. Such nuances must be taken into account when choosing vegetables.

Half-baked root crops are poorly crushed, the structure of mashed potatoes on water will be heterogeneous. The lack of salt makes vegetables tasteless with any amount of butter, milk and other ingredients. Salt is added immediately, otherwise then it will not be absorbed into the structure of the root crop, which contains a lot of fiber.

The main conditions for preparing a delicious side dish:

  • the ratio of liquid and cooked root crops 1:8;
  • grinding to a creamy state;
  • fats to taste, not exceeding the prescription rate.

Compliance with simple requirements will give a good result: a useful and high-quality product.

Vegetable puree on water preserves everything beneficial features raw vegetables. The main thing in their preparation is the right amount of salt, a homogeneous structure.

How many calories are in mashed potatoes, peas and carrots on water

Puree is one of the simplest, most nutritious and healthy dietary dishes, in addition, the calorie content of puree is quite low, which allows it to be consumed even by those who are afraid for their figure. Puree is obtained from almost any vegetable and fruit, but the most common of them is mashed potatoes and peas.

Mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes are made from diced potatoes boiled in water. It is kneaded to a puree-like consistency, while adding a decoction of potatoes or milk, salt, as well as butter, cream or an egg. If you use all these ingredients to make mashed potatoes, then it will turn out to be quite fatty and the calorie content of mashed potatoes will increase significantly.

Mashed potatoes are an excellent side dish and an independent dish for children and adults. It goes well with any vegetables, fish and poultry, but it is better not to eat it with meat, since such food will be a strong burden on your stomach, and besides, you can easily gain extra pounds.

Pea mash

Peas are a valuable crop, and dishes from it are enriched with a huge amount of protein, in terms of which they are not inferior to soy and even meat dishes. But, besides this, peas contain few calories, so it can also be used in dietary nutrition without fear for the figure. Pea soup and pea puree are considered the most common dishes made from it.

In order to cook pea pore you will need: peas, water, salt, spices and vegetable or olive oil. Since peas boil very slowly (and we need to achieve just such an effect), it must be soaked in water for 4-6 hours before cooking. After that, rinse and boil until tender, until the peas become soft, and then grind into a puree, adding oil, salt, pepper, aromatic herbs or herbs.

Useful properties of puree

Mashed potatoes and peas are recommended for dietary nutrition and weight loss, not only because of the low calorie content of mashed potatoes, but also due to the huge number of useful properties. Mashed potatoes relieve inflammation, dull pain and have an enveloping property, so it is recommended for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and heart. It helps to improve brain activity and memory, so puree is especially useful for older people. Another important fact is its ability to quickly satisfy hunger and satiety, thanks to the starch, protein and fiber in its composition.

Pea puree is an integral lean food for athletes due to the huge amount of protein that can effectively build muscle mass while burning fat. It is also recommended for fluid stagnation in the body, hypertension and to improve metabolic processes. However, you should not get carried away with mashed peas too much, since peas can cause gas and bloating, so to avoid this, add a little carrot at the cooking stage of this dish. Be careful with pea puree if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, as well as kidney problems, gout or diabetes.

A person who cares about his health and watches what he eats at the table must definitely allocate a place in his diet for peas. This legume has long been known for its taste, nutritional, dietary and health properties.

What is useful peas

It is very rich in B vitamins, including niacin, better known as vitamin PP, which normalizes cholesterol levels, is extremely useful for blood vessels and the heart, and is simply necessary for diabetics, as it successfully breaks down fats and sugar, converting them into energy. No less valuable is selenium, which is also enough in peas. This element prevents the entry and accumulation of dangerous substances in humans, which makes peas an effective anticarcinogen.

However, peas themselves are a high-calorie product. Its peeled form contains 298 kcal per 100 g. If, of course, you cook pea puree, the calorie content will be lower, but still this legume remains quite nutritious.

In what form is it eaten

Most often - boiled. Porridges, soups and mashed potatoes are made from peas. In Russia it was very popular and in Germany - sausage from it. They also make flour and cereals from peas; in canned form, it participates in a huge number of salads or as an "accessory" to meat and poultry.

Peas are often dried. It is this type of this legume that is called shelled. Dried peas are naturally not eaten; this is just for longer storage.

Fresh peas are mainly eaten in early summer when they are young. On the one hand, when fresh, it is the richest in vitamins; on the other hand, it can complicate digestion and irritate the walls of the intestines and stomach.

Peas from a dietary point of view

For those who want to lose weight, it will have to be treated with caution. Boiled peas, of course, are not as “heavy” as dried ones. It is quite possible to prepare pea puree, the calorie content of which will be not almost 300, but only 130 kcal per hundred grams. However, potatoes in this form will “tighten” by only 77, unless, of course, you cook it on water and without the luxuries of butter, cracklings, and the like.

However, in this form, this valuable legume is digested very easily. Therefore, weakened people are often recommended pea puree; its calorie content will help to quickly restore strength without harming the digestive system (unless, of course, you are prone to flatulence - in which case it will intensify).

How to reduce nutrition

In principle, pea puree is prepared only on water, with salt and vegetable (of any origin) oil. You can add spices that you especially like. If you leave only water, seasonings and pea puree on the water will drop to 117 kcal, and those who follow harmony can treat themselves to this dish more often.

However, those who are on a diet want to eat delicious food. Yes, and constantly denying yourself pleasant sensations is boring and sad. Therefore, such "sufferers" have developed a dietary diet that fully meets the requirements of the chosen abstinence, but at the same time is very tasty.

First of all, dry peas are replaced with frozen ones - they are less caloric and cook faster. For 400 g of beans, you need a spoonful of sugar to keep a beautiful color. Peas are poured with cold water and boiled for only a quarter of an hour with chopped parsley added. The prepared base is mashed, half a glass of low-fat cream is added and heated to a boil. Salt and spices - as you like.

Unlike how much pea puree “weighs”, the calorie content of such a soup is only 33 kcal - and there is nothing to talk about! Anyone who wants to make it a little tastier and is not afraid to increase satiety to 50 can put a couple of pieces of lean meat (preferably chicken) on their plate.

This pea soup, carries a maximum of useful, as it is cooked for no more than 15 minutes. And cooking in general is a fairy tale. In 25 minutes, you have a delicious, healthy and warming soup ready!

We will need:

  • Frozen green pea- 400g;
  • Parsley - 4-5 branches;
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon (5g);
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Cream (10% fat) - 100ml;
  • Water - 400ml;
  • Smoked dried meat - 15-20g (optional).


  1. We throw green peas, chopped parsley, sugar (so that the peas retain their green color) and salt (1 teaspoon) in a small saucepan. Pour everything with cold water (400 ml, but it all depends on your pan. The water should cover all the peas). Let's get ready. Once it boils, lower the heat and cook for 15 minutes. During this time, the peas will have time to fully cook.
  2. Boiled peas, together with water using a blender, turn into mashed potatoes. Then add cream and small fire bring to a boil. While bringing the soup to a boil, constantly stir and taste. Salt if necessary and add your favorite seasonings.
  3. Useful pea puree soup ready! Cut smoked meat into strips (optional) into each plate and decorate.

Calorie content and nutritional value per 100g.:

  • Energy value - 33.2 kcal;
  • Proteins - 1.7 g;
  • Fats - 1.1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.7 g.

Bon Appetit!

Back in the Stone Age, mankind revered peas for their valuable properties. In ancient China, it was peas that were considered a symbol of wealth and fertility, and in Medieval France they were served on the royal table.

Now, unfortunately, many of us forget about such important nutritional components that plant protein brings to our body. And our grandmothers didn’t cook anything from peas: soups, pies, stews, sauces, cereals and noodles. Peas are a valuable component of nutrition. According to nutritionists, it should be eaten 3-4 times a week.

The benefits and calorie content of peas

Peas are not inferior to anyone in terms of the amount of protein. That's why it's so important to eat pea dishes during the post. So you charge the body with much-needed energy. Pea protein is valuable because its composition of amino acids is simply unique. It is similar to meat protein. In addition, peas contain many enzymes, starch, fiber, calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus salts, vitamins PP, C, A, B. Canadian scientists have found that pea protein has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, allows normal maintain blood pressure.

In addition to the usual variety, there is also a sweet one. It was cultivated later, in the 16th century. The Dutch were the first to breed it in Europe, and the French, British, Germans and Russians followed suit.

Each variety has its own benefits. Shelling is useful due to the high content of starch. It is used for cooking soups. Sugar green peas are very satisfying and low in calories. The so-called brain peas, canned, are considered the most energetically strong. Despite the fact that it contains a lot of sugar, its calorie content is also low.

Due to the presence of mineral salts in the composition of peas, it is able to remove excess fluid from the body. It is useful for people with anemia, cardiovascular diseases, in addition, it restores kidney function.

Peas successfully replace meat dishes. It can also improve digestion, relieve constipation, heartburn. Due to the presence of iodine, this vegetable is necessary for protection against goiter, obesity and atherosclerosis. Pea flour nourishes brain cells, treats atherosclerosis, normalizes metabolic processes, relieves headaches.

Now let's get acquainted with the calorie content of peas:

  • raw crushed without seed coating - 348 kcal;
  • boiled crushed - 115 kcal;
  • dried - 322 kcal;
  • dried whole uncooked - 340 kcal;
  • fresh green - 280 kcal;
  • boiled green - 160 kcal;
  • canned - 55 kcal;
  • canned in a salad with cabbage and mayonnaise - 78 kcal;
  • canned in a salad with tomatoes and sour cream - 52 kcal.

Calorie content of some pea dishes:

  • regular soup - 66 kcal;
  • fried soup - 73 kcal;
  • soup with frying and smoked meats - 103 kcal;
  • pea puree - 60 kcal;
  • puree with butter - 103 kcal;
  • puree with the addition of champignons - 140 kcal.

Harm of peas

Peas are not recommended for people who suffer from intestinal diseases. It is also contraindicated for mothers, as it provokes such troubles as flatulence and abdominal discomfort. It is also contraindicated for those who suffer from gout. It contains substances, the so-called purines, which provoke an increase in the production of uric acid.

Pea calories and weight loss

Despite quite high calorie content peas, it is included in a variety of diets. We will consider one of these. The pea diet involves the inclusion of one pea diet once a day, containing a minimum of calories. The pea diet is designed for a week, during which you can get rid of 2-4 kilograms.

The pea diet does not advocate monotonous food, so choose one of the proposed options.

First breakfast:

  • grain bread, cottage cheese 30 g, greens;
  • muesli with milk in the amount of 300 g, chopped apple;
  • a piece of black bread with two spoons of honey and butter.

Second breakfast and afternoon snack:

  • grapes in the amount of 150 g;
  • pear;
  • low-fat yogurt in the amount of 150 ml;
  • a glass of orange or apple juice;
  • a glass of kefir with a percentage of fat content of not more than one.

Cooking for lunch diet dish from peas.

  • salad of several grapes, apples with lemon juice and olive oil;
  • toast with cheese slice and radish.

During the day, you should drink unsweetened teas and non-carbonated mineral waters.

Here are some recipes for you diet food that contain peas. Boil 400 g of green peas with chopped parsley, 1 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. Sahara. The amount of water is 400 ml. When the peas are cooked until cooked, grind the whole mass in a blender. Then add 100 ml of cream with a fat content of 10, and bring to a boil over low heat. The calorie content of this soup is 33 kcal per 100 g.

You can cook pea cutlets. Soak the peas until soft, then grind through a meat grinder. Add semolina, eggs and black pepper. Blind cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs and fry. The calorie content in this case is 150 kcal.

Vegetable stew made from chickpeas. Grind two tomatoes, two zucchini, two onions. Fry the onion, then add the tomatoes, zucchini, washed chickpeas in the amount of 400 g, 2 tbsp. raisins, 400 ml vegetable broth, cumin, cinnamon, coriander. We cook 10 minutes. Then add 300 g of green peas and cook for 5 minutes on minimum heat. At the end, add chopped herbs and salt to taste. The calorie content of chickpeas in such a dish is 150 kcal per 100 g.

Salad with peas and seaweed. Mix in a salad bowl 150 g of boiled rice, one boiled egg chopped, chopped boiled fish in the amount of 100 g, sea ​​kale 150 g, 150 g green peas. We fill with estimated low-fat. The calorie content of peas in this recipe is 90 kcal.


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Fifty years for the fair sex is a kind of milestone, after stepping over which every second ...

Do you really like pea puree, the calorie content of which you do not know and, therefore, are you worried about your figure?! Do not worry! Puree pea calories has a fairly low and, do not forget to take into account all the advantages of peas ...

Few people know, but His Majesty peas have been known to people since time immemorial, therefore, recalling the events of the past days, we very often say, yes, it was still under the King of Peas. And, indeed, people fell in love with peas so much that they soon began to compete even with cereals, such as millet, rice and even buckwheat. And why?!

Firstly, peas are an easily digestible food that not only contains the so necessary for the body useful material, but also normalizes metabolism, also helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, therefore, it is also the prevention of diseases such as heart attack, hypertension and even cancer. In addition, the systematic use of peas helps to prolong youth and stop the aging process.

And all this thanks to vegetable protein, which in in large numbers found in peas. In terms of its composition, the protein contained in peas is practically analogous to meat proteins, as it contains the necessary amino acids, as well as vitamins, such as B vitamins, vitamin C, PP, in addition, peas contain starch, various sugars, carotene and the body needs fiber, also peas are rich in minerals such as iron, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. Concerning nutritional value peas, it is almost twice as high as that of other vegetables, for example, than that of potatoes.

The advantage of peas over other crops is that they do not lose their beneficial properties during cooking. In addition, the calorie content of pea puree is slightly higher than that of cabbage, therefore, you should not worry about extra calories. Interested in the exact calorie content? Pea puree or calorie content of puree soup, or maybe you are interested in the calorie content of puree soups? In this case, we suggest considering the following table.

Puree soup calorie table

Puree soups




Mushroom soup


Regular champignon

from cauliflower

from broccoli


Tomato with bacon

Regular pea soup

From champignons

  • Crushed peas are cooked for forty-five minutes or more, and whole, almost an hour and a half. Soak the peas for twelve hours before cooking. While cooking the peas, add a little sunflower or butter.
  • Remember that peas are a healthy food and therefore have their contraindications. Usually, peas are contraindicated in people suffering from acute nephritis, gout, inflammation of the stomach and intestinal disease.
  • Peas are allowed to be eaten with ulcers and diseases duodenum, but only in pureed form, in the form of soup-puree.
  • To avoid gas and bloating, add carrots, and eat the dish itself with bread.

And the last! Eat pea puree soup for health, and if you are afraid of gaining weight, it is best to give up sweet, starchy and fatty foods, and also go in for sports! Good luck!

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


Herbal products, according to nutritionists, must be present in the daily menu if a person watches his figure. This is especially true for the bean group. However, what is the use of peas for weight loss and when it can be harmful to health, few people understand. How many calories are in this product, how to properly introduce it into the diet, and is there a difference between fresh and canned peas when losing weight?

Is it possible to eat peas while losing weight

The main parameters that determine the ban on a particular product during a diet, or permission to use it, are calorie content, BJU and glycemic index. Everything is ambiguous here, primarily in the issue of calories:

  • dry peas - 298 kcal;
  • fresh / frozen - 72 kcal.

At the same time, the glycemic index also fluctuates as the state of the product changes:

  • for fresh peas, the GI is 50 units;
  • for dried - 25 units.

These 2 nuances create contradictions in the reviews of nutritionists, so they advise eating peas for weight loss with less activity than other vegetables. In defense of this representative of legumes, BJU is played - there is a lot of protein (5.4 g), which can partially compensate for the deficiency of this element when meat and fish are given up, and fats are almost completely absent. Carbohydrates are 14.5 g. In addition, it should be clarified that this is a nutritious product that you can quickly get enough of, and the body will not experience a lack of strength during physical exertion if weight loss is carried out with peas.

Peas on a diet

Weight loss methods using this legume are distinguished by a relatively balanced diet - the body does not suffer from a vitamin deficiency, and a person does not lose muscle mass, as when trying to lose weight on cabbage, cucumbers, etc. In terms of amino acid composition, it is close to meat, for which it is valued vegetarians. However, peas have a serious minus, especially relevant for dry grains - this is a load on the digestive tract, so losing weight with it is prohibited in case of diseases:

  • liver;
  • vessels (mainly thrombophlebitis).

For maximum absorption of peas on a diet, doctors advise eating with herbs (parsley and dill will reliably help avoid flatulence), and if you use dry grains, you will need to cook them until they are completely softened, when they are easily pierced with a fork. You should not combine green peas with other legumes when losing weight: firstly, the dish will no longer be low-calorie, and secondly, it will negatively affect the process of digesting food.

Pea diet for weight loss

You can meet this product in such well-known systems as the Kremlin, and in more "popular" ones, which involve optional modification healthy eating with an unreasonable reduction in calories. A simple pea diet, which can be seen in open sources, involves the classic rejection of junk food and replacing lunch or dinner with any pea dish. Not fried, without fat, but otherwise there are no restrictions - soup, casserole, meatballs, porridge or salad. For weight loss, it is important to eat peas daily.

An example menu for such a diet:

  • Oatmeal boiled in water for breakfast. It is allowed to add a handful of nuts.
  • Pea puree, soup or salad (sprouted peas are suitable here), in which you can use other vegetables, excluding potatoes, for lunch.
  • Kefir (glass) or protein omelet(2 eggs stripped of yolks) for dinner.

In between, you can snack on fruits, and even bananas are not prohibited, but only 1 pc per day. The duration of weight loss is a week. According to reviews, the system works well, but the evening meal is not at all nutritious, therefore it provokes a breakdown. From the same reviews, you can find out that the quality of the body in such a short time almost does not change, and weight loss is from 1 to 4 kg. During pregnancy, this weight loss option is prohibited.

Is it possible to eat canned peas on a diet

In terms of chemical composition, products that have undergone special processing for long-term storage, differ greatly from fresh ones, especially if the process was factory. From this position, the degree of their usefulness decreases. Canned peas are no exception, which are given a high dose of salt, known for its ability to retain fluid and slow down the rate of weight loss. However, canned peas are not completely prohibited during weight loss - they are only limited, because, minus salt, it remains the same (if there is no “chemistry” in the composition). calories canned peas- 55 kcal.

Is it possible to lose weight on pea porridge

You can figure out if you will get fat from eating such a simple Russian dish as pea porridge only after studying a specific recipe. Actually classic version, where only water and peas are present, there are even short-term diets, according to which you need to eat 200 grams of this dish for each of the 4 meals. Pea porridge when losing weight, it requires long-term cooking so that the peas become very soft, otherwise they are poorly absorbed. Soaking the central product is also long, but this is the only drawback of this diet.

The benefits of pea porridge for the body, especially for weight loss, are invaluable:

  • it is nutritious, but not too high in calories;
  • it is well tolerated even in the presence of mental stress during weight loss;
  • pacifies hunger for a long time, because it is a complex carbohydrate;
  • helps build muscle;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • removes fluid, because it has a diuretic property.

Pea puree for weight loss

A good dish for those who want to correct their figure, nutritionists call simple pea puree, which goes well with vegetable salads, dismissing the need to invent something meaty for long-term saturation. Pea puree for weight loss - almost the same porridge, only on final stage boiled grains need to be crushed: you can use a blender or a special metal perforated crusher for pureeing. This dish can be frozen if desired.

For the right pea puree, which will help you lose weight, you need:

  • do without salt, but you can put black pepper;
  • pour dry peas with water before cooking for at least 3 hours;
  • choose a cast-iron pan or just with very thick walls;
  • do not add oil;
  • use dill (you can seeds).

Is it possible to eat pea soup while losing weight

Very healthy dish for everyone who is afraid to get better, this is a simple (!) soup based on fresh or chopped peas, which is boiled with the addition of carrots and onions, but without the usual potatoes. Leave recipes with smoked meats and other meat supplements for the “after losing weight” period, since they have a high calorie content. On the dietary version of the soup, you can even spend a fasting day, but it’s better to just introduce it into the diet as a lunch option.

Pea soup for weight loss will work for the benefit of the figure, if you master the correct preparation:

  • It is advisable to refuse frying (standard - carrots and onions), but if there is an urgent need, it should be cooked with olive oil.
  • If you want to thicken the soup, but not interfere with weight loss, use ... pea flour. You can buy ready-made or grind dry peas with a coffee grinder.
  • Without animal protein, life is not sweet to you? You can use broth instead of water, but when losing weight, it is boiled on a piece of chicken / turkey fillet.
  • For satiety, you can put a tablespoon of brown rice in pea soup.
  • Try to cut the vegetables that complement the pea soup very finely.