Home / Dumplings / Pork ribs with what to cook. How to cook pork ribs

Pork ribs with what to cook. How to cook pork ribs

This delicious and quick-to-cook dish has a wonderful combination of ingredients that few people will be indifferent to. Braised cabbage with pork ribs, prepared according to our step-by-step recipe with a photo, will decorate any home table and gather the whole family for dinner. Hearty meal, which consists of the most simple products popular with many housewives in the autumn-winter period.

Homemade food is different from institutional food Catering quality, simplicity, taste and satiety. Pork ribs stewed with potatoes, prepared according to our simple step-by-step recipe with a photo, combine the advantages of the first and second courses. Such a dish can be quickly prepared for lunch or a quiet family dinner, it is easy to feed the whole family.

Ribs dishes are so versatile that they will come in handy both on the festive table and on the everyday table. The most common dishes are pork, beef and lamb ribs. The smoked product is used to make a variety of soups, and fresh ribs are baked in the oven, fried in a pan, stewed in sauce and cooked on the grill.

This section presents a variety of step by step recipe s cooking dishes from ribs with photos that will be useful for both novice cooks and cooks with experience. But before you start cooking, you need to remember the basic secrets of choosing and preparing ribs.

How to cook delicious ribs

If you want the ribs to be more tender and soft, then you should take care of buying ribs that have light meat. Such a product means that the animal was quite young and, as a result, has more tender meat.

To preserve the taste and juiciness, the ribs should be defrosted gradually over a long period of time. It is ideal to place them in cold water, but it is even better to cook dishes only with fresh, chilled ribs.

If you are cooking soup with ribs, then you can make the taste brighter and richer, for this, first, simply fry the ribs until golden brown.

Keeping these in mind simple secrets, you can independently, easily and tasty cook ribs at home. Read our simple step by step recipe and cook with us!

Pork ribs - an unusually tasty and fragrant dish! We will tell you how to cook it in such a way that everyone at home will be delighted!

Pork ribs - an unusually tasty and fragrant dish that is suitable for both festive and everyday table.

The meat is very soft and tender, it literally melts in your mouth. cook pork ribs quite simple, any hostess can handle it. Ribs are usually prepared in two ways: oven roasting and stewing. The first method is more suitable for holiday table, and the second for family dinner. But in any case, the dishes will turn out amazingly tasty.

How to choose pork ribs

In order for the dish to turn out really appetizing and satisfying, it is important to choose the right ribs. You should not take only bones with thin "webs" of meat, they are only suitable for soup. Better buy a lean brisket with the minimum amount lard, then the ribs will turn out incredibly tasty. Spices also play a big role, which you can choose according to your taste. If you like the sweet taste of meat, then add honey to the ribs. So, here are two basic cooking recipes pork ribs.

How to cook delicious pork ribs

Baked pork ribs recipe

Ingredients: 1.5 kg pork belly with ribs, 2 onions, 3 garlic cloves, salt, pepper. For the sauce: 2 tablespoons honey, 2 tablespoons water, 1 teaspoon mustard.

How to cook pork ribs

  1. Wash pork ribs cold water and cut into portions.
  2. Thoroughly mix honey and mustard with water to make a sauce.
  3. Transfer the ribs to a baking dish, brush them with the sauce, salt and pepper and place in the preheated oven.
  4. You can also bake the ribs on a wire rack, and place a baking sheet under the bottom, on which the fat will drain.
  5. Bake the ribs for an hour, periodically brushing them with sauce. Then peel the garlic and onion and mince them until homogeneous mass in a blender.
  6. Saute garlic and onion in hot oil. At the end, grease the ribs with the resulting garlic sauce and put them in the oven for a couple more minutes.
  7. Pork ribs are ready, serve them hot to the table.

Braised pork ribs recipe


  • 1 kg pork ribs,
  • 1 glass of broth
  • 2 sour apple,
  • cup heavy cream,
  • 2 bulbs
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook pork ribs

  1. Chop the ribs into serving pieces. Heat a spoonful of vegetable oil in a frying pan and add a spoonful of honey.
  2. When the honey begins to boil, lay out the ribs. Fry them for 1 minute on each side and transfer them to a saucepan.
  3. Pour the meat with broth, put on small fire and cook covered until done. In the process of stewing, after 20 minutes, add fried onion and finely chopped apple to the ribs, salt and pepper.
  4. When the meat is soft, add the cream, remove the lid and increase the heat so that the liquid evaporates and the sauce thickens. You can thicken the sauce by adding a couple of tablespoons of flour.
  5. Serve the cooked ribs with a vegetable side dish.

Pork ribs in foil

Tender, juicy and soft pork ribs obtained by cooking them in foil.


How to cook pork ribs:

  1. Divide the ribs into portions.
  2. Chop the onion with a sharp knife or on a grater.
  3. Mix meat with spices, add garlic, onion, salt and pepper. Leave to marinate for 15 minutes so that the meat is saturated with the aroma of spices.
  4. Wrap the ribs in foil and put in the oven (180 degrees) for about 40 minutes.
  5. Ribs can be served with vegetables.

Pork ribs in soy sauce


  • 0.5 kg of ribs,
  • 100 g black pepper,
  • soy sauce.
  • For the marinade, you can also use onions, herbs and garlic.

How to cook pork ribs:

  1. The meat prepared in portions is rubbed with pepper (salt can also be added, but just a little bit, since the sauce is salty).
  2. Insist the ribs for about 2 hours in the marinade, and then bake in the oven or fry in a pan.

Ribs with prunes


  1. 1 kg pork ribs
  2. 50 g prunes,
  3. 1 spoon of salt
  4. 20 g garlic
  5. 10 g lemon juice
  6. spices to taste.

How to cook ribs:

  1. In a whole piece, make small cuts in the sinewy parts.
  2. Sprinkle the meat with spices and salt.
  3. Rub the piece well with your hands to evenly distribute the spices.
  4. Drizzle the ribs with lemon juice.
  5. Cut the prunes into small pieces, chop the garlic.
  6. Insert prunes with garlic into the cuts made on the ribs.
  7. Roll the rib plate into a roll and wrap in foil. Cook for 1.5 hours at a temperature of 220 degrees.

Pork ribs, the recipe of which you can choose from the selection below, are amazingly tasty, tender and just melt in your mouth. A successful marinade will speed up the cooking process and make the meat fibers on the bone even softer. You can cook the dish in the company with vegetables, bake it yourself with and without sauce.

Recipe for pork ribs in the oven

Heat treatment with dry heat in the oven is the best way to get an amazing taste of food without a long standing at the stove. Next, you will learn how to cook pork ribs in the oven correctly and without special trouble feed the family or guests delicious lunch or dinner. The proposed recipes will help to realize the idea of ​​​​a win-win combination of meat with potatoes and bake it in a marinade.

Pork ribs with potatoes

To make pork ribs in the oven, a simple recipe for which will allow you to get a self-sufficient hearty meal with a side dish, you should supplement the meat portions with potato slices. The basic variation can be diversified by adding other vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, as well as expanding the flavor palette using fragrant spices and spices.


  • ribs - 950 g;
  • potatoes - 950 g;
  • onion - 120 g;
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 25 ml;
  • sour cream - 60 g;
  • basil, oregano, coriander, thyme, paprika - a pinch each;
  • seasonings, salt, pepper.


  1. The ribs are cut into portions, sprinkled lemon juice, sprinkle with spices, garlic, salt and leave for several hours.
  2. Potatoes are peeled, cut into circles or slices, crushed fragrant herbs, flavored with sour cream, salt.
  3. Fill the oiled form with potatoes, distribute onion half rings and ribs on top.
  4. The dish is baked under a sheet of foil at 230 degrees for an hour and a half and another quarter of an hour without it.

Pork ribs in foil

Pork ribs, the recipe of which is described below, are amazingly appetizing appearance and simply masterpiece palatability. The foil used at the main stage of cooking and proper pre-marination will help to achieve softness, and the absence of a golden crust at the end of baking the food.


  • ribs - 950 g;
  • tomato juice - 120 ml;
  • onion - 120 g;
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • liquid honey - 20 g;
  • mustard - 20 g;
  • oil - 40 ml;
  • water - 120 ml;
  • a mixture of peppers, hops-suneli, salt.


  1. Initially prepare the marinade for pork ribs. Combine honey in a bowl tomato juice, oil, water, mustard, grated garlic, finely chopped onions, suneli hops, salt the mass and stir.
  2. The ribs cut into portions are poured with a spicy mixture, rubbed well and left on the refrigerator shelf for at least two hours.
  3. Spread the ingredients on a sheet of foil on a baking sheet or in a mold, cover with a sheet on top and seal.
  4. Baked pork ribs are cooked at 220 degrees for one hour, after which the edges of the foil are turned away and the delicacy is browned.

Canadian style pork ribs

Pork ribs in soy sauce have a lot of different interpretations, but the variation of the Kanandese dish is something extraordinary! The amazing sauce that accompanies the meat and the indescribable taste sensations after tasting the food simply drive you crazy and encourage you to cook it again and again. Try to design such a gastronomic invention, and it will become one of your favorites.


  • ribs - 950 g;
  • soy sauce - 80 ml;
  • applesauce- 120 g;
  • ketchup - 120 g;
  • cane sugar - 90 g;
  • lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • paprika, cinnamon, black pepper, dried garlic - 5 g each;
  • salt.


  1. The recipe for pork ribs from Canada is very simple. The ribs, cut into portions, are combined in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients, mixed thoroughly and left for several hours.
  2. The dish is baked on a baking sheet under a piece of foil for an hour and a half at 220 degrees, pouring juices from time to time.

Pork ribs in a pan

Do not lose popularity over time. Their taste, with the right approach, is in no way inferior to products made in the oven, and golden brown succeeds without competition. Next, you will learn how to deliciously cook pork ribs in a pan so that they not only touch with ruddyness and amazing aroma, but also turn out to be soft.

Pork ribs in sweet and sour sauce

Thanks to a balanced marinade mixture, fried delicious pork ribs will be as soft as if they were stewed for a long time under the lid in a cauldron. Honey in the recipe, if desired, can be replaced with ordinary or brown sugar and additional spices can be used, based on your preferences.


  • ribs - 950 g;
  • honey - 100 g;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • soy sauce - 20 ml;
  • mustard - 20 g;
  • ketchup - 70 g;
  • vegetable oil - 90 ml;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • a mixture of five peppers, salt.


  1. Prepared ribs are seasoned in a bowl with a mixture of the remaining components, mixed in advance and mixed well.
  2. After a few hours of pickling, you can start frying.
  3. Pork ribs according to the recipe in a pan are cooked over medium heat from time to time pouring the remaining marinade into the bowl and turning over.

Ragout of pork ribs

Stewed pork ribs with vegetables is a great option for a hearty and nutritious meal for daily menu. By varying the composition of the vegetable mix and spices, you can change the taste characteristics beyond recognition, each time getting new impressions from the meal.


  • ribs - 650 g;
  • potatoes - 650 g;
  • bell peppers- 140 g;
  • bulbs, carrots and green beans- 120 g each;
  • tomato paste - 40 g;
  • oil - 60 g;
  • broth - 100 ml;
  • laurel, a mixture of peppers, salt, herbs.


  1. The ribs are browned in melted butter in a cauldron.
  2. Lay carrot shavings and onion half rings and stand, stirring, a little more.
  3. They throw in bell peppers, potato cubes, pour in the broth, add pasta, salt, spices and simmer the contents until the ingredients are soft, without stirring.
  4. Served with chopped herbs.

Pilaf with pork ribs

You already know how to cook pork ribs with vegetables and yourself. This option is even more interesting and seductive. Pork ribs, the recipe of which will be described below, will accompany rice and become the key to success in preparing a delicious and rich pilaf.


  • ribs - 950 g;
  • rice - 260 g;
  • garlic heads - 2-3 pcs.;
  • bulbs, carrots - 260 g each;
  • vegetable fat - 120 g;
  • water - 520 ml;
  • spices for pilaf, salt.


  1. The ribs are fried in hot oil.
  2. Add a little water and boil the meat until softened and moisture evaporates.
  3. Separately, onion half rings and carrot straws are fried and laid out in a cauldron.
  4. Seasonings are added, washed rice is poured in, boiling water is poured in, whole garlic heads are thrown in and the dish is cooked, without closing the bowl, over moderate heat until almost all the liquid is absorbed.
  5. They cover the container, wrap it up and let it evaporate and walk for about thirty minutes.

Pork rib soup

Rich, fragrant with pork ribs worthy of the highest praise. Such hot food cannot be called dietary, but it is definitely hearty, nutritious and warming in winter frosts. Pork ribs can be taken both fresh and smoked, which will transform the taste characteristics of the soup for the better.

Pork ribs, the recipe of which you can choose from the selection below, are amazingly tasty, tender and just melt in your mouth. A successful marinade will speed up the cooking process and make the meat fibers on the bone even softer.
You can cook the dish in the company with vegetables, bake it yourself with and without sauce.

Heat treatment with dry heat in the oven is the best way to get an amazing taste of food without a long standing at the stove. Next, you will learn how to cook pork ribs in the oven correctly and without much hassle to feed the family or guests with a delicious lunch or dinner. The proposed recipes will help to realize the idea of ​​​​a win-win combination of meat with potatoes and bake it in a marinade.

Pork ribs with potatoes

To make pork ribs in the oven, a simple recipe for which will allow you to get a self-sufficient hearty meal with a side dish, you should supplement the meat portions with potato slices. The basic variation can be diversified by adding other vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, as well as expanding the flavor palette using fragrant spices and spices.
ribs - 950 g;
potatoes - 950 g;
onion - 120 g;
garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
lemon juice - 25 ml;
sour cream - 60 g;
basil, oregano, coriander, thyme, paprika - a pinch each;
seasonings, salt, pepper.
The ribs are cut into portions, sprinkled with lemon juice, sprinkled with spices, garlic, salted and left for several hours.
Potatoes are peeled, cut into circles or slices, crushed with fragrant herbs, flavored with sour cream, salt. Fill the oiled form with potatoes, distribute onion half rings and ribs on top. Bake the dish under a sheet of foil at 230 degrees for an hour and a half and another quarter of an hour without it.

Pork ribs in foil

Pork ribs, the recipe of which is described below, amaze with their appetizing appearance and simply masterpiece taste. The foil used at the main stage of cooking and proper pre-marination will help to achieve softness, and the absence of a golden crust at the end of baking the food.
ribs - 950 g;
tomato juice - 120 ml;
onion - 120 g;
garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
liquid honey - 20 g;
mustard - 20 g;
oil - 40 ml;
water - 120 ml;
pepper mix,
hops-suneli, salt.
Initially prepare the marinade for pork ribs. Combine honey, tomato juice, oil, water, mustard, grated garlic, finely chopped onions, suneli hops in a bowl, add some salt and stir.
The ribs cut into portions are poured with a spicy mixture, rubbed well and left on the refrigerator shelf for at least two hours. Spread the components on a sheet of foil on a baking sheet or in a mold, cover with a sheet on top and seal. Cook the baked pork ribs at 220 degrees for one hour, after which unscrew the edges of the foil and let the delicacy brown.

Canadian style pork ribs

Pork ribs in soy sauce have a lot of different interpretations, but the variation of the Kanandese dish is something extraordinary! The amazing sauce that accompanies the meat and the indescribable taste sensations after tasting the food simply drive you crazy and encourage you to cook it again and again. Try to design such a gastronomic invention, and it will become one of your favorites.
ribs - 950 g;
soy sauce - 80 ml;
applesauce - 120 g;
ketchup - 120 g;
cane sugar - 90 g;
lemon juice - 30 ml;
paprika, cinnamon, black pepper, dried garlic - 5 g each;
The recipe for pork ribs from Canada is very simple. The ribs cut into portions are combined in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients, thoroughly stirred and left for several hours. The food is baked on a baking sheet under a piece of foil for an hour and a half at 220 degrees, pouring juices from time to time.
Pork ribs in a pan Fried pork ribs do not lose popularity over time. Their taste, with the right approach, is in no way inferior to products made in the oven, and the golden crust is out of competition. Next, you will learn how to deliciously cook pork ribs in a pan so that they not only touch with ruddyness and amazing aroma, but also turn out to be soft.

Pork ribs in sweet and sour sauce

Thanks to a balanced marinade mixture, fried delicious pork ribs will be as soft as if they were stewed for a long time under the lid in a cauldron. Honey in the recipe, if desired, can be replaced with ordinary or brown sugar and additional spices can be used, based on your preferences.
ribs - 950 g;
honey - 100 g;
lemon juice - 40 ml;
soy sauce - 20 ml;
mustard - 20 g;
ketchup - 70 g;
vegetable oil - 90 ml;
water - 50 ml;
a mixture of five peppers, salt
The prepared ribs are seasoned in a bowl with a mixture of the remaining ingredients, mixed in advance and mixed well. After a few hours of marinating, you can start frying. Pork ribs according to the recipe in a pan are cooked over medium heat from time to time pouring the remaining marinade into the bowl and turning over.

Ragout of pork ribs

Stewed pork ribs with vegetables is a great option for a hearty and nutritious meal for a daily menu. By varying the composition of the vegetable mix and spices, you can change the taste characteristics beyond recognition, each time getting new impressions from the meal.
ribs - 650 g;
potatoes - 650 g;
bell peppers - 140 g;
onions, carrots and green beans - 120 g each;
tomato paste - 40 g;
oil - 60 g;
broth - 100 ml;
laurel, a mixture of peppers, salt, herbs
The ribs are browned in melted butter in a cauldron. Carrot shavings and onion half rings are laid and kept, stirring, for a little more. Bell peppers, potato cubes are thrown, the broth is poured in, the paste, salt, spices are added and the contents are allowed to soften the components without stirring. with chopped herbs.

Pilaf with pork ribs

You already know how to cook pork ribs with vegetables and yourself. This option is even more interesting and seductive. Pork ribs, the recipe of which will be described below, will accompany rice and become the key to success in preparing a delicious and rich pilaf.
ribs - 950 g;
rice - 260 g;
garlic heads - 2-3 pcs.;
bulbs, carrots - 260 g each;
vegetable fat - 120 g;
water - 520 ml;
spices for pilaf, salt
The ribs are fried in hot oil.
Add a little water and boil the meat until softened and moisture evaporates.
Separately, onion half rings and carrot straws are fried and laid out in a cauldron.
Seasonings are added, washed rice is added, boiling water is poured in, whole garlic heads are thrown in and the food is cooked, without closing the dish, over moderate heat until almost all the liquid is absorbed.

Pork rib soup

Rich, fragrant pea soup with pork ribs is worthy of the highest praise. Such hot food cannot be called dietary, but it is definitely hearty, nutritious and warming in winter frosts. Pork ribs can be taken both fresh and smoked, which will transform the taste characteristics of the soup for the better.
ribs - 800 g;
split peas - 360 g;
potatoes - 600 g;
onions, carrots - 140 g each;
lard or vegetable oil - 40 g;
water - 2.8 l;
laurel, spices, salt
Peas soaked for several hours and ribs cut into portions are placed in a saucepan and poured with boiling water.
Cook the ingredients until soft under the lid. Salt hot, add potatoes, sautéed in lard or vegetable oil vegetables, spices and cook until tender.

As a product, they are valued for their relatively low cost and great variability in terms of preparation. Of these, you can make not only dishes for the everyday table, when there is a desire to pamper yourself and loved ones, but also real gastronomic delights for celebrations and holidays. It can be with legumes that have a rich taste, roast in a pan or grilled meat, etc. We will tell you what to cook from pork ribs, spending a minimum of effort on it, but subsequently having maximum pleasure.

First, let's clarify what component of the carcass is meant by this name. This is the upper part of the brisket with a different thickness of the muscle layer, the middle part of the ribs and a small amount of fat. One of the main advantages of the product is the speed of its preparation.

Secondly, when buying ribs on the market, you need to immediately decide what you are taking them for. It depends on whether it is worth cutting them into big chunks or smaller (10 cm long), or even into separate parts. For grilling and roasting, it is best to choose those ribs with more meat. For soup, they are also suitable with a small layer.

Thirdly, if the question arises of what to cook from pork ribs, also pay attention to the choice of spices and marinades. Harmoniously combined with tender meat sweet and sour sauces with fruity notes (lingonberry, cranberry), as well as spicy breading. We suggest you start with proven and simple recipes for cooking ribs.

Recipe number 1: Ribs in sweet and sour sauce

You will be pleasantly surprised by what to cook from ribs pork barbecue extremely simple, but you need to take care of the marinade in advance. So, you will need:

  • (meaty) - 2 kg;
  • water - 3.5 l;
  • honey (or cane sugar) - 250 g;
  • sauce or ketchup "barbecue" - 0.5 cups;
  • lime (or lemon) - 3 (2) pieces;
  • balsamic vinegar - 0.5 tsp

First of all, you need to remove the film from the ribs and divide them into pieces of 10-20 cm in length. Then in large saucepan pour water, add salt (3.5 tablespoons) and boil the meat. In this case, it is not necessary to bring to a boil, maintain a temperature of about 95 ° C for 20 minutes.

At this time, prepare the sauce. In a ceramic bowl, mix ketchup, honey, lime (or lemon) juice, 1 tsp. salt, vinegar and pepper (you can take white or more hot chili). Stir the mixture until smooth.

Remove the cooked ribs from the water and pat dry with a towel. Then, with a brush, generously brush them with sauce and send immediately to a grill pan or wire rack. Cook for an average of 20 minutes, turning occasionally and brushing with the rest of the sauce. Let the grilled ribs rest for 10-15 minutes, and you can serve.

Recipe number 2: Ribs in onion-garlic marinade

When deciding what to cook from pork ribs for the second for a family dinner or friendly gatherings, do not bypass this option. Moreover, such meat is served with wonderful Required ingredients:

  • pork ribs - 1 kg;
  • large onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • cognac - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • rosemary - 0.5 tsp;
  • a mixture of ground peppers - 0.5 tsp;
  • paprika (hot or sweet - at your discretion) - 0.5 tsp;
  • celery (greens) - 1 bunch.

Punch onions and garlic with a blender until smooth, add cognac and spices, mix again. Finish off with chopped celery.

Rinse in cold water and dry the ribs, cut into separate parts. Lubricate them liberally on all sides with marinade, put them in a bowl, close the lid and refrigerate for at least 3-4 hours, and it is better to leave for 12. Do not forget that you can cook pork ribs in the oven (with or without a grill). ), which greatly simplifies the task.

Put the marinated meat in a baking dish and cover with foil on top. Cook the ribs for an hour at 180 degrees. Then remove the foil, pour over the meat with the juice that has stood out, and brown until a crust forms under the grill or just on strong fire.

Making caramel sauce

You will need:

  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cane sugar - 1 tsp;
  • honey - 2 tsp;
  • orange juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Pour 0.5 cup of the juice released during the cooking of the meat into a saucepan, add all the other ingredients and bring to a boil. Cook the mixture over low heat until the desired consistency. Keep in mind that it will thicken even more as it cools.

Serve the meat hot, pouring sauce over it with a side dish (french fries or boiled rice), as well as fresh vegetables.

What can be cooked from smoked pork ribs?

If the option of just eating them is too easy for you, then we recommend making soup. Rest assured, everyone will like it. The best addition to will be legumes (chickpeas, beans, lentils and peas). The soup is obtained from them very satisfying, rich and with an indescribable aroma. And if not everyone loves beans, then peas are almost ideal. This is the recipe for this soup. You will need:

  • smoked pork ribs - 1.5 kg;
  • peas (dry) - 2 cups;
  • medium-sized carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • celery root - 250 g;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf (small) - 1 pc.;
  • ground and peas black pepper, salt - to taste.

Soup preparation steps

It is recommended to soak the peas overnight, and the next day pour two cups of boiling water and cook for about an hour, stirring occasionally. Pour the ribs with 2.5 liters of cold water and bring to a boil over high heat, then remove the resulting foam.

Clean all vegetables. Bake celery, one carrot and onion in a dry frying pan (about 6 minutes) and put in a saucepan with the ribs. Boil for an hour on low heat, and 5-10 minutes before the end, throw a leaf of parsley and black peppercorns.

Then strain the broth into a separate saucepan, add steamed peas and cook for 8-10 minutes, then throw in the remaining vegetables (cut into cubes). Boil the soup for another half an hour, and a few minutes (3-5) before the end of cooking, put tomato paste. Remove meat from ribs.

Despite the length of the description of the process, you probably noticed that it is very simple to cook soup from smoked pork ribs, and the result will exceed all your expectations.

The final step depends on your preferences. You can leave the soup as is. A very traditional and familiar option. Or you can pierce it with a blender and get a puree soup, in this case, after grinding, heat it again on the fire until it boils, and then lower the pieces of meat into each serving. Serve it with white garlic toast.

This is only a small part of what to cook from pork ribs. With a photo, recipes seem even more attractive and appetizing, which is true. Try new flavors and unusual combinations, for example, with apple mustard, quince, berries (lingonberries, cranberries) and spicy Provence herbs.