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Smoothie with oatmeal and kefir. Weight loss oatmeal smoothie: recipes

Oatmeal smoothies are considered the most popular and are even recognized by nutritionists as one of the best options breakfast. The ideal balance of complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, the ability to use fruits and cope with the task of preparing a full-fledged vitamin cocktail in a couple of minutes - thanks to all these advantages, they won the hearts of many. But the benefits of oat smoothies are not limited to the benefits, because this is one of the most delicious species nutritious cocktails.

Benefits of oat smoothies

Oat smoothies are, of course, the perfect breakfast option because their main nutritious ingredient is oatmeal. She has long been classic porridge for breakfast not only with us, but also in the West. And this did not happen by accident. Enveloping, satisfying, light oatmeal retains all its advantages in an oat smoothie - a thick cocktail of a uniform or almost uniform consistency, in which dairy products, juices, tea, fruits and vegetables in various combinations are added to your favorite porridge.

This smoothie is a dietary product that can replace a full meal and is balanced in terms of the content of trace elements.

Most often, oat smoothies are considered a breakfast option, but they can be both an energy snack and healthy dessert, and even dinner.

Oat smoothies have a beneficial effect on digestion and normalize metabolism. This is a complete dish healthy diet, which corresponds to all the canons of rational nutrition. Most often, oatmeal smoothies are included in weight loss programs aimed at normalizing weight. But they also have other advantages:

  • they cook quickly, can save time at breakfast without losing nutritional value;
  • everyone likes such smoothies, even children - this is just a variation of the familiar breakfast with oatmeal, but in a simpler and easier to digest form;
  • despite the seeming boringness, such smoothies can be very different both in consistency and in taste;
  • they allow you to experiment with a boring breakfast and create hundreds of variations.

Oat smoothies are sweet and neutral, complex in composition and two or three-part, with or without spices. Even in consistency, they are not so similar: some prefer a homogeneous smoothie that looks like a thick cocktail, others prefer a coarse smoothie. And more often than not, it is the consistency and nature of the smoothie - tender or rougher - depends solely on how you prepared the oatmeal.

Yulia Davidovich / Shutterstock.com

Different Approach - Same Healthy Oatmeal

Oatmeal smoothies are not at all as simple as they might seem at first glance. Of course, combinations of oatmeal with other foods, fruits and vegetables that could be called delicious can be counted on one hand. But here the oatmeal itself has an unexpected surprise. The thing is, smoothie oatmeal can either pass or not pass at all. heat treatment, used crushed, grated or whole. And it creates almost unlimited possibilities for making oat smoothies.

Options for adding oatmeal to smoothies:

  1. Raw oatmeal. Of course, it is more reasonable to call this option "dry", but this name is quite suitable. With this approach, oatmeal is added to smoothies without any processing, not brewed. They swell and soak when exposed to the liquid ingredient. The main thing in these smoothies is fiber and consistency. It is coarse, fibrous, more interesting than cooked oatmeal. According to whether raw oatmeal is ground or not, recipes are divided into three types:
    • smoothie with oatmeal powder or flour;
    • smoothies with whole, unmilled cereal (use only oatmeal fast food);
    • smoothie with lightly ground instant oatmeal.
  2. Steamed oatmeal. With this option, any instant oatmeal or ordinary oatmeal is poured with a small amount of boiling water or boiling milk, left for a few minutes and added to the smoothie. The taste of such oatmeal differs from cooked porridge, the benefits are much greater, and the consistency becomes softer and more familiar.
  3. Cooked oatmeal. Do not expose oatmeal for a smoothie to the long cooking test. If you are using non-instant cereal, try to cook them anyway for 2-3 minutes (at most, no more than five). Place the oatmeal in boiling water or milk and then simmer over the lowest heat. Smoothies on such a basis are the most aromatic, the most delicate, but also the least useful. But it works best on the digestive system, especially with gastritis and ulcers.

The difference between these options is not only in taste and consistency. After all, the way you prepare oatmeal directly affects how much time you have to spend on smoothies. The most quick recipes- with raw cereals. It will take up to 10 minutes to prepare steamed smoothies, and a little more to prepare a vitamin cocktail with boiled oatmeal.

Oatmeal Smoothie Supplements

Oatmeal smoothies aren't just about oatmeal. Their mandatory components also include:

  1. Milk products. Most often, oat smoothies are prepared precisely on the basis of milk, kefir, unsweetened yogurt or others. fermented milk products... But cream or sour cream (even low fat content), ice cream, sweet types of yogurt should not be used. For options where you do not want to see dairy ingredients, use as the liquid natural juice or green tea.
  2. Fruit or vegetables- a vitamin supplement that also enriches the smoothie with fiber, antioxidants, and minerals. You can use a single ingredient from this category, or create a multi-component assortment of fruits and vegetables, which turns the drink into a real vitamin bomb. But it's worth remembering that oatmeal is a simple product. And sometimes a minimum of additions allows you to achieve a much more appetizing result.

Oatmeal smoothies are most commonly made with banana, strawberry, and apple. This trinity is the perfect oatmeal addition to any dessert. And smoothies are no exception: classic always the best choice for oat cocktails. The proven taste will be an excellent basic breakfast option for every day.

But the possibilities are not limited to traditional ingredients. Oat smoothies can also be made with other fruits and berries, and even vegetables:

  • cherries;
  • kiwi;
  • blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries and other berries;
  • carrots.

The selection of ingredients has its own secrets:

  • try to mix sweet and savory ingredients - more varied new taste perfectly complements oatmeal;
  • do not be afraid to use sour fruits and berries - oatmeal compensates for all their shortcomings and will reveal the taste in a new way;
  • fruit juices will only benefit you, and in any recipe;
  • do not be afraid to deviate from proportions and be guided by your taste.

Best Oat Blender Smoothie Recipes

Banana oatmeal smoothie

bitt24 / Shutterstock.com

This smoothie is often called the main oat recipes... And this is not surprising: it is the banana that is the most classic addition to your favorite breakfast cereal. Such a pair has many advantages. Easy to prepare, this smoothie is really very hearty breakfast, which will give energy for the entire first half of the day.

Ingredients: for 5 tbsp. oatmeal - 200 ml of yogurt or kefir, 1 ripe banana.


  1. Peel the banana and cut into small pieces.
  2. Place the yogurt, banana, and oatmeal in a blender. If you don't like dry smoothies oat flakes, pre-steam the oatmeal with boiling water, letting it brew for a couple of minutes.
  3. Whisk the mixture in puréing mode for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Let the smoothie stand for 10 minutes, then whisk again.
  5. Transfer the smoothie to a bowl or glass.

This smoothie is best made with the simplest base - milk. The rich berry flavor comes out well in milkshakes, and this feature can be applied to smoothies as well. Not only the oatmeal itself, but also the banana added to balance the sour berries will add thickness to the drink.

Ingredients: for 3 tbsp. oatmeal - 1 glass of milk, 100-150 g of a mixture of your favorite berries (fresh or frozen berry mix), half a ripe banana, honey to taste.


  1. Steam the oatmeal with a little boiling water.
  2. Transfer the berry mixture to a blender.
  3. Cut half the banana into slices and add to the berries.
  4. Puree the berries and banana together until smooth.
  5. Place the oatmeal in a blender and pour in the milk.
  6. Whisk the smoothie vigorously. Add honey to it if desired.

Light oatmeal yogurt smoothie

This smoothie is the most delicate and delicate. You cannot call it otherwise weightless, but it is only like that in consistency. After all, the yoghurt-oat smoothie, to which no fruit was added, surprises with its satiety. It is easy to prepare it, and literally the minimum amount of ingredients is required.

Ingredients: for 3 tbsp. oatmeal - 1 glass of yogurt, 50 ml of milk, to taste - your favorite nuts, flax seeds or spices (cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla).


  1. Bring the milk to a boil.
  2. Pour milk over the oatmeal and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Gently transfer the oatmeal to a blender and add the yogurt to it.
  4. Whisk in the smoothie until frothy.
  5. Pour the smoothie into a glass and sprinkle with your favorite nuts or spices. If you like sweet smoothies, pour liquid honey into it in a thin stream, but stir during use, and not in a blender.

Apple Oatmeal Smoothie

This option is similar in aroma and taste to your favorites. apple pies or classic winter desserts. Oatmeal and apple together make a nutritious and highly vitamin-rich smoothie into a sumptuous dessert. But they "work" only in the company of kefir and with a small, but such an important addition - cinnamon.

Ingredients: for 2 tbsp. oatmeal - 1 medium apple, 1 glass of kefir, honey and sugar if desired, cinnamon to taste.


  1. Core the apple and cut it into small pieces. If you want a smooth smoothie, you can peel the apple, but this will lose valuable vitamins.
  2. Add a pinch of cinnamon to the apple.
  3. Pour in oatmeal and cover them with kefir.
  4. At high speed, achieve a uniform smoothie.
  5. Infuse the drink for 5 minutes. Add extra cinnamon (if you need a more intense flavor) and honey before using the smoothie.

Slimy oatmeal with kefir for weight loss

It is this combination that is considered basic for weight loss. Kefir allows you to minimize the calorie content of the dish and activate the metabolism, and oatmeal plays the role of the main source of fiber. To make such a cocktail really special, it is worth adding bran to it as an additional source of valuable fiber.

Ingredients: for 3 tbsp. oatmeal - 150 ml of fat-free kefir, 1 tsp. mixed or wheat bran. To taste - 2-3 tbsp. berries or chopped fruits, honey or maple syrup(keep in mind that these supplements significantly increase the calorie content of the smoothie).


  1. Mix oatmeal with bran. Steam the mixture with boiling water, leave for 3 minutes.
  2. Transfer the oatmeal and bran to a blender, add fruit or berries if desired, sweeten with honey.
  3. Pour in kefir and beat thoroughly.
  4. Let the smoothie sit for 5 minutes, then repeat the whisk.

Smoothie with cottage cheese, milk and oatmeal

This smoothie is often called a sports option because it contains a higher amount of protein and is more energetic. But its main advantage is its unique creamy consistency.

Ingredients: for 2 tbsp. oatmeal - 100 g of cottage cheese, 1 banana, 100 ml of milk, 1 tbsp. walnuts or mixed nuts, honey to taste.


  1. Grind oatmeal and nuts in a blender until powdery.
  2. Place the chopped banana and cottage cheese in a blender.
  3. Begin to puree the mixture at low speed, gradually adding milk.
  4. When smoothie is smooth, let it rest for 15-20 minutes, then whisk again.
  5. Try a smoothie and add honey if desired.

Oatmeal Strawberry Smoothie

A vitamin drink with a truly summer taste, which will immediately lift your spirits, can be prepared with the most delicate berry - strawberries. The bright aroma and unsurpassed taste of strawberries in combination with oatmeal will shine in a new way, and the harmonious taste will remind you more of your favorite milkshakes than healthy smoothies.

Ingredients: 1 cup unsweetened yogurt, 150 g strawberries, 3 tbsp. instant oatmeal, sugar and vanilla to taste.


  1. Grind the oatmeal in a blender.
  2. Rinse the strawberries, remove the stalks and grind in a blender with oatmeal.
  3. Add yogurt to the base, sugar and vanilla if desired.
  4. Purée smoothies until smooth.
  5. Pour the smoothie into a glass, add an ice cube to it.
  6. Let the smoothie sit for no more than 10 minutes.

And one more similar recipe:. For him, oatmeal is pre-boiled, which allows you to get a very delicate consistency.

Astringent oatmeal cranberry smoothie

The sour cranberry will give the traditional oatmeal smoothie a new flavor and unexpected freshness. But do not think that the acid will interfere: softened by other ingredients, it is practically not felt. But the light astringency will pleasantly surprise you. This smoothie is considered one of the best refreshing choices and a great smoothie for weight loss.

Ingredients: for 2 tbsp. oatmeal - 100 g of cranberries, 140 ml of yogurt, 2 tsp. honey (or another amount to taste).


  1. Steam the oatmeal with boiling water and leave to cool.
  2. Sort the cranberries, rinse and beat in a blender.
  3. Add yogurt to the berries and mix thoroughly.
  4. Add honey to your smoothie base to taste.
  5. Add the oatmeal last to the cocktail and beat the smoothie until smooth.

Oatmeal and kiwi smoothie

Kiwi seeds and its rich green color will add originality and even light tropical notes to the vitamin drink. This smoothie is perfect for those who are fed up traditional options, because everything else it is prepared without milk and other dairy products.

Ingredients: for 2 tbsp. oatmeal - 1 tsp green tea without additives, 3 kiwi.


  1. Brew green tea by pouring 100 ml of hot, but not boiling water.
  2. Steam the oatmeal and let it sit for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Peel the kiwi and cut into small pieces.
  4. Strain the tea.
  5. Transfer the oatmeal and kiwi to a blender.
  6. Pour tea over them and beat the smoothie vigorously until smooth.

Oat and carrot smoothie

This option is definitely not a standard one. The unusual combination of carrots and oatmeal may seem overly cloying, but green tea and orange juice make up for it. A small slice of avocado will add thickness and special creaminess to this surprisingly balanced drink.

Ingredients: for 2 tbsp. oatmeal - 50 ml of brewed green tea, 2 large juicy carrots, 50 ml of orange juice and 1 tbsp. avocado pulp.


  1. Brew strong green tea.
  2. Measure out the amount of tea you need for the smoothie and steam the oatmeal with it. Let the cereal sit for 5 minutes.
  3. Wash carrots, peel and grate on a fine grater.
  4. Place the carrots in a blender and purée with the orange juice until as much as possible. homogeneous mass.
  5. Add the oatmeal and tea, avocado pulp, and beat until smooth.

Cherry oatmeal smoothie

Of all the add-ons, cherries are the ones that best camouflage oatmeal in a smoothie. And this option healthy breakfast will appeal to those who do not really like oatmeal.

Ingredients: for 2 tbsp. oatmeal - 100 g cherries, 50 ml milk, 100 ml yogurt, honey to taste, cinnamon.


  1. Boil the milk and pour over the oatmeal.
  2. Rinse the cherries, free them from the seeds and place in a blender.
  3. Pour the yogurt over the cherry and transfer the oatmeal to a blender.
  4. Whisk until smooth, then add honey to taste.
  5. Serve with a dash of cinnamon on top.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making such a smoothie. The main thing is to choose the right combination that suits your taste.

Different smoothies with oatmeal for weight loss are a real godsend for a person who seeks to keep correct mode... They can be taken after exercise to help boost metabolism and recovery. And sometimes - and replace the boring porridge for breakfast. Smoothies differ fundamentally from cocktails for weight loss - they contain only natural ingredients, help to get rid of hunger for a long time, as they are rich in dietary fiber. And many recipes collected over the years of popularity of this dish in the sports community will help you make smoothies for different purposes.

Banana Oatmeal Smoothie

For whom smoothies are not for weight loss

Products are often "advertised" in a unique style. Say, if you read that smoothies helped someone lose weight, then they will help you. In fact, setting the right diet is an individual matter and should be carried out subtly. Not all people can beat their appetite with a smoothie, no matter how popular the recipe of the drink is, and good reputation. It's all about the individual characteristics of the assimilation and digestion of food, as well as the state of the pancreas.

Smoothies have the following properties:

  • absorbed faster than regular food. Vegetables and fruits in such a cocktail are softened to the limit, we do not need to chew, the product quickly enters the digestive tract and almost instantly begins to be digested;
  • there is a certain amount of fiber in smoothies, so they are "slower" than juice with pulp, but faster than full-fledged fresh fruits;
  • the liquid form helps them to be comfortable snacks;
  • With a powerful blender and additional additives, you can make a smoothie out of just about anything and add any ingredient you want to meet your dietary goals.

This is the same, so to speak, and the weaknesses of the use of smoothies for weight loss:

  • cocktails can leave you hungry. If a person has a tendency to rapidly increase blood sugar levels and fluctuations in this level, then smoothies will not saturate him for a long time. A home test can be done as simple as eating instant oatmeal with fruit and timing when you want to eat again. The portion should be in the range of 200-300 kcal. If hunger came literally an hour later, the idea of ​​a weight loss smoothie should be taken with caution by you. Most likely, after a cocktail you will want to eat, and this will not always contribute to compliance with your calorie diet parameters;
  • It's easy to overeat with a smoothie, especially a recipe you didn't make. Often in public catering these cocktails are made on the principle of "just have more." What more calories do you think - in a steak with potatoes, or in a cocktail with oatmeal, macadamia, nut milk, bananas, and guava? So a portion of the cocktail "draws out" more by 120 kcal than a regular steak from low-fat meat with 120-200 g baked potatoes! And what do we perceive as food to a greater extent? It is clear that it is not a cocktail;
  • Many people simply do not have the habit of counting calories in liquids and counting smoothies as meals. It will be difficult for such people to psychologically consume these drinks;
  • folk methods of losing weight with smoothies from the series "replace breakfast or dinner with a cocktail" - a bad substitute for deliberate counting energy value and accounting for the composition of food. Many can, with a simple replacement, reach too low a calorie content and end up with a slowdown in metabolism and no result, and not weight loss.

How to make the right oatmeal smoothie for weight loss

  • Step 1 Choose the right oatmeal and amount.

Unless you're on a fractional meal plan, we highly recommend boiling regular oats. In a multicooker, the process will take about an hour without your participation, but the "output" will be the richest in dietary fiber result. And this is slow assimilation and good saturation in the end.

Those who need to "eat for 3 hours" can simply add 1-2 tablespoons of medium-cooked rolled oats or "flattened oats" to the smoothie, that is, any instant porridge without added sugar.

How to choose the right amount? For density, 25 g of dry grain is enough per serving, or 2 tablespoons of boiled porridge. However, some people will need a little more oatmeal for "macronutrient density" or providing the right calorie content.

  • Step 2 Choosing the Right Fillers

The most "correct filler" for smoothies is not fruit, but protein, which you constantly lack in your regular diet. Plan on about 18-40 grams of protein per shake. If you are using a protein powder supplement, you can simply add 1 serving to your smoothie. But for those who prefer everything natural, it was created low-fat cottage cheese with 18 g of protein per 100 g of creamy mass. Look for this in supermarkets and add 100 to 200 g.

For sweetness, you can add to the smoothie:

  1. stevia or Fitparad mixture for those who have absolutely no room for extra carbohydrate calories;
  2. banana, pear or persimmon. The sweetness will not be as pronounced, but it will be more dietary fiber and density. This smoothie is good after strength training as a “quick repair” of your muscles;
  3. a scoop of protein powder with sweetener (preferably without aspartame).

Fresh or frozen berries will add flavor and aroma to the smoothie. By the way, a powerful blender can turn berries into a cocktail directly from the frozen food department, your drink will simply be colder.

Traditional recipes for losing weight smoothies are as follows:

  • 200 g blueberries, 1 banana, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 4-5 cashews or a spoonful of flaxseed for thickness and healthy fats, a pack of cottage cheese and a little water or nut (soy) milk. Nut milk can be replaced with regular milk, but you need to take as low-fat as possible;
  • 200 g plums, a spoonful of flaxseeds, a cup (150 ml) almond milk, 2 tablespoons of dry oatmeal, a scoop of chocolate protein, and a cup of ice cubes. Protein can be taken multi-component, stir everything together at medium speed;
  • an apple, a cinnamon stick, stevia or other sweetener, a spoonful of oatmeal, and 150 ml of natural yogurt without additives.

In general, you can come up with your own recipes for weight loss smoothies. After all, real cooking is creativity.

CrossFit coach Anna Tarskaya has shared her recipes with oatmeal smoothies.

Not everyone has time to cook in the morning. healthy porridge, then today porridge has an alternative - it's smoothies. Smoothie is a thick drink made from fruits or vegetables that gives you a boost of vigor in the morning and is made from the foods you need most.

You can vary the amount of fruits and vegetables you want, and you can also make a cereal supplement. We suggest making an oatmeal and banana smoothie. Thick enough, hearty and healthy, eaten for breakfast, it will give you satiety for several hours, while normalizing digestion and not loading the stomach. This dish is ideal for those who follow their figure and follow a diet.

Banana and oatmeal smoothie with skim milk can be enriched with honey, milk can be replaced with fruit juice, and banana can be replaced with any other fruit of your choice.

Although we say that a smoothie is such a drink, it is still better to eat it slowly in small portions, it promotes satiety and aids digestion.

It does not have to be eaten only for breakfast, it is great alternative and dinner, especially if you want to lose a few extra pounds. After consulting a dietitian doctor, you can eat only a variety of smoothies throughout the day. Handmade from fresh food, they will provide more value than all purchased products.

Smoothie preparation rules

The prepared mixture should be homogeneous, without lumps. This is the main rule for making smoothies. Using a blender, it is quite easy to bring the ingredients to the desired condition.

If you add milk or juice to the dish, then observe the correct proportion. The dish should be moderately thick.

You should not mix bright red berries and greens, the color will turn out to be very unpleasant - this can affect your appetite.

According to the rules, the number of components in a smoothie should not exceed five, so you should not be too creative in its preparation.

Taste Info Drinks


  • Milk - 250 ml;
  • Banana - 1 piece;
  • Instant oatmeal - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Vanilla sugar- 1-2 tsp

How to make a banana oatmeal smoothie in a blender

Peel the banana, cut it into pieces. It is better to use a banana ripe, without damage.

Transfer the banana slices to the blender bowl.

Add instant oatmeal to the banana wedges.

Add granulated sugar to the ingredients.

If you are on a diet, make a smoothie for weight loss, then do not add sugar, you can replace it with honey or sweet fruits, add a little exotic piece of lemon or lime.

Pour in milk.

We turn on the blender. Grind and mix the ingredients until smooth.

The oatmeal banana smoothie is ready! Pour the drink into glasses, decorate with banana or mint slices (optional)

It doesn't take more than ten minutes to make a smoothie, so you shouldn't prepare it in advance and store it in the refrigerator, this will devalue its nutritional value.

We talk about smoothies often and today I want to tell you the recipes for weight loss smoothies, with such a product as not loved by many as oatmeal.

But you will be surprised how delicious it is!

Everyone knows about the benefits of smoothies, and probably only the lazy does not talk about it. Oat smoothie with fruits, berries, vegetables, juices and dairy products is a delicious drink that not only saturates your body with vitamins, but also normalizes the digestive tract and metabolic processes. And if your intestines and stomach will work "like a clock", therefore, your weight will always be normal, and your skin will shine with health and beauty.

- an excellent means for losing weight and many people who want to lose excess weight prefer to “lose weight deliciously” by consuming low-calorie, but, nevertheless, very tasty vitamin cocktails, made with their own hands from oatmeal with the addition of fruits or vegetables.

Fruit and berry smoothies with oat flakes

There are several varieties of smoothies, but low-calorie oatmeal drinks are hugely popular. This can be explained by the fact that oat smoothie is more nutritious. Of course, the time spent on cooking a regular vegetable or fruit cocktail will not be enough to make an oatmeal-based shake, as you only need 10 minutes to prepare the base. Pour oatmeal with hot milk or boiling water, cover and let it brew. After that, you will need to prepare berries, fruits or vegetables. You can use any one fruit or vegetable or prepare a fruit and berry mix, this will directly depend on your mood and what you like more. The fruits or berries will need to be sorted out, rinsed thoroughly, then peeled, cut if the fruits are large and placed in the bowl of a food processor in order to grind them to a uniform consistency. Although, if your family members like small delicious pieces of fruit to come across in the smoothie, you can turn on the processor for a few seconds so that the fruits are only crushed, but not turned into gruel. Smoothies with small pieces of fruit are the norm. If you wish, you can add some spices to it.

Banana oat smoothie.

This is one of the most popular drinks. If you cook it for breakfast, you can be sure that you will satisfy your hunger for a long time with benefits for your body.

On a note. For cooking, you can use not only oatmeal, but also buckwheat or rice.

Measure 2 tables into a small container. l. oatmeal, pour 50 gr. boiling water, cover the container and leave for 10 minutes. Pick your favorite citrus. Let it be either 1 orange or 2 tangerines. Peel them, remove seeds, white films and streaks. Peel 1 banana and cut into not very small pieces. Send all fruits to a blender, add infused oatmeal and 150 ml of fresh natural yogurt without additives there. No yogurt, it doesn't matter, add low-calorie sour cream or kefir instead. Turn on the food processor and beat the contents until smooth. Pour the fragrant smoothie into tall glasses and garnish with a miniature mint sprig. This smoothie differs from others in its versatility - it is soft, light and at the same time quite satisfying.

On a note. For a sweeter drink, use overripe bananas with dark specks on the peel to make it. Lovers of sour drinks can add more citrus.

Cranberry oat smoothie.

Healthy, hearty and tasty - this is the perfect breakfast. And most importantly, it will not be difficult to prepare it and this process will not take much of your time, because the recipes for smoothies with oatmeal are extremely simple to perform. Oat smoothie with dairy products (milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt) is a complete breakfast that will give the body the necessary portion of protein and calcium.

The benefits of oatmeal for the human body

Everyone has probably heard more than once that cereals are incredibly useful and must be included in the diet of the correct and healthy eating. Oatmeal rightfully ranked first place of honor on the list of the most nutritious and healthy cereals... She has enough high calorie content(100 grams contains 88 calories), 13% protein and 6% fat. Oatmeal is very beneficial for people suffering from stomach and intestinal diseases. It acts as a purifier for the stomach and the whole organism, and is an excellent adsorbent. Oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates that we need so much in the morning, as well as: phosphorus, calcium, iodine, vitamin B, vitamin A and vitamin E.

Among other things, this porridge is good for those who are puzzled by the issue of losing weight or want to normalize the digestion process. Combine oatmeal with fruits, dairy, nuts and honey for a delicious oat smoothie that replaces your full breakfast. Find your favorite recipe!

Simple Milk and Oatmeal Smoothie Recipe

One of the easiest recipes. All the necessary products are practically always in the refrigerator of any housewife. If you use skim milk, then the calorie content of the dish will be reduced, and it will be possible to eat it while losing weight.

To make a milk smoothie, prepare the following ingredients:

  1. 1 tablespoon of oatmeal;
  2. hot boiled water;
  3. 1 banana;
  4. 1 glass of milk;
  5. 1 teaspoon honey.

Take oatmeal and fill it with 2 tablespoons of hot boiled water. Stir and let the mixture sit for 5-10 minutes. Next, whisk 1 peeled and chopped banana, 1 glass of milk, honey and oatmeal with a blender. Mix everything thoroughly, banana coctail with oatmeal ready.

Breakfast oat smoothie recipe

Children like this breakfast very much, because it is prepared on the basis of sweet fruit yogurt. Great option for breakfast before going to school.

This recipe contains the following ingredients:

  1. 3 tablespoons of Hercules oatmeal;
  2. 1 banana;
  3. 0.5 cups of low-fat milk;
  4. half a glass of fruit yogurt;
  5. 1 teaspoon of honey (it is better to take liquid);
  6. cinnamon (pinch).

Pour hot milk over the oatmeal "Hercules" and leave to infuse for 5-10 minutes. Then put all the ingredients in a blender one by one and beat well at maximum speed. Pour into glasses and sprinkle with ground cinnamon on top, the dish is ready.

Kefir-based oat smoothie

This kefir-oatmeal smoothie recipe is great for losing weight because ready meal has a calorie content of only 75 kcal.

So, you will need:

  1. 150 grams of low-fat kefir;
  2. 1 medium apple;
  3. 1 banana;
  4. 1 teaspoon maple syrup
  5. 20 grams of oatmeal;
  6. 15 grams of wheat bran;
  7. boiled water.

Grind the banana with the peeled apple with a blender. Add kefir to them and beat everything well. Mix the oatmeal and bran separately in a bowl, pour 50 grams of hot boiled water over them. Let them sit for 5-10 minutes. Then send the cereal and bran mixture to the rest of the food in a blender. Whisk everything well again. The dish is ready, you can eat.

Oatmeal and cottage cheese smoothie recipe

This smoothie is great for post-strength athletes looking to build muscle. It contains a large number of protein (protein) and has a fairly high calorie content.

You will need:

  1. 200 grams of cottage cheese (it is better to take homemade);
  2. 2 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  3. 3 bananas;
  4. 600 ml of milk;
  5. 50 grams of nuts (any, you can mix);
  6. 3 tablespoons of honey.

Pour the nuts into a blender bowl and grind to a fine powder. Then add all the remaining ingredients to the nuts and beat thoroughly at maximum speed. Let it infuse a little so that the flakes are completely dissolved in the liquid. The protein smoothie is ready.

Slimming Oatmeal Diet Smoothie

A dietary oatmeal smoothie made with the natural fat-burning fruit avocado is great for losing weight. It contains very few calories, but at the same time is very nutritious and satisfying. This smoothie is extremely popular on the table in raw food cuisine.


  1. 1 large avocado;
  2. half a lemon;
  3. a few sprigs of cilantro;
  4. a bunch of mint;
  5. 1 cucumber;
  6. half a clove of garlic;
  7. salt;
  8. black pepper.

Send all vegetables to a blender, after peeling the avocado and removing the bone from it. Turn on the slicing mode in the blender, then switch to the whipping mode. Pour the finished smoothie into glasses, carefully decorate with mint leaves and a slice of lime.

Nutritious oatmeal smoothie

This recipe is interesting in that oatmeal can be replaced with any other cereal, for example, rice or buckwheat. Well, we will share with you classic recipe nutritious smoothie with oatmeal.

Prepare the ingredients:

  1. 2 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  2. 50 grams of boiling water;
  3. 2 sweet tangerines or 1 large orange;
  4. 1 banana;
  5. 200 ml of natural yoghurt.

First of all, as a standard, we steam the flakes in boiling water. Leave the mixture to brew for 5-10 minutes. While the flakes are swelling, let's make tangerines or an orange. We peel them, carefully remove the seeds and try to remove all the white films. Cut the banana into several pieces. When the flakes are infused, we send all the ingredients to a blender and beat well at the maximum setting for 2-3 minutes. When the consistency of the smoothie is reached, pour the drink into glasses. It is recommended to use natural yoghurt that does not contain harmful additives. If you can't find one, you can easily use not liquid sour cream or kefir. For a sour smoothie, increase the amount of citrus fruits.

Delicious oatmeal and kiwi smoothie

This recipe is also great for losing weight as kiwi is a great fat burner.

We will need:

  1. 100 ml green tea;
  2. 50 grams of oatmeal;
  3. 3 kiwi fruits.

Brew green tea. While the tea is brewing, steam the oatmeal with boiling water and let it sit. Then, peel the kiwi and cut them into slices. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and whisk well. In order to quench your thirst in summer with this smoothie, you can add ice cubes to the ingredients and beat them as well. To make it easier to peel the kiwis, cut them in half first and remove the pulp from the center. Good appetite.

Try all the suggested recipes and find your favorite!