Home / Cakes / Why soak rice before cooking. Rice to rice: I only cook like this! A crumbly side dish, even from useless rice, quickly

Why soak rice before cooking. Rice to rice: I only cook like this! A crumbly side dish, even from useless rice, quickly

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Joint cleaning

Perhaps there is no person today who would not feel the pain or at least the inconvenience caused by salt deposits on the joints and vertebrae. There are different ways to dissolve these salts.

Rice cleansing. Boiled rice also has the ability to “pull out” salt deposits from the joints, and the longer it is soaked in water, the more effective its effect.

2 tablespoons of rice are poured into a half-liter jar, poured with water and left for a day. The next day, rice is washed in this jar (first), pour 2 tablespoons into the second jar and fill it with water. So within 5 days bring up to 5 cans, not forgetting to renew the water in them. On the sixth day, the first jar is taken for use, and a fresh fifth jar is added to the remaining four. Porridge is boiled from soaked rice and eaten without salt and bread. For four hours after this, no other food or drink is taken to allow the rice to "pull out" the toxins. This treatment lasts 40 days.

rice savior

In pursuit of newfangled drugs and expensive drugs, we sometimes forget about the most ordinary product that has truly miraculous properties. His name is rice.

Rice therapy came to us from ancient Chinese qigong masters. It is used to cleanse the urinary tract, with the deposition of salts in the joints. Promotes the elimination of toxins, improves metabolism, helps to normalize the weight of both full and malnourished people, reduces swelling, facilitates the work of the liver and kidneys. This therapy consists in the long-term use of soaked rice against the background of a general restriction of salt intake. The cleansing is based on the property of soaked rice to draw salts out of the body.

The best time for such therapy is winter. You need 5 jars. They are filled with 2-3 tablespoons of rice (preferably brown, unpeeled), pre-washed well. They line them up one after the other in a row, marking them with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. On the morning of the first day, 2-3 tablespoons of rice are poured into jar No. 1, poured with raw cold fresh water. On the second day, the same procedure is done with jar No. 2 and placed next to jar No. 1. On the third day, they change the water in jars No. 1 × 2, put rice in jar No. 3 and fill it with water. The same procedure with a change of water and the addition of another jar of rice occurs on the fourth and fifth day. On the morning of the sixth day, rice from jar No. 1 is washed, boiled and eaten for breakfast. Fresh rice is poured into the jar, filled with water and put at the end of the “queue”, behind jar No. 5. This process continues for two months. Each time they put a new portion of rice to replace the one eaten. It is important that the rice is soaked for 5 days.

Rice is cooked for a short time in large numbers water. You can also eat it raw. The entire breakfast should consist of porridge without salt, sugar and butter. Drink a glass of warm or hot water 20-30 minutes before meals. After breakfast, you can neither eat nor drink for 4 hours. After 4 hours you can drink, and then have a normal lunch.

In the process of cleaning, urine from especially slagged people can become like dirty jelly. People suffering from fibroids or adenomas are recommended to include a glass of tea with the addition of 7-10 grams of young ginger on the days of cleansing.

Rice cleanse diet

One of the options for cleansing the body is a rice breakfast prepared according to a special technique.

There are various degrees of processing of rice used for food: with an outer shell (shala), brown or brown, peeled only from the outer shell; polished, peeled from the fruit shell and partially from the embryo (it is rough to the touch); polished with full cleaning from shells; crushed - with preservation of fragments of the fruit shell and embryo. Rice of the first two options - shala and brown, are a balanced product. It contains protein, starch, compounds of potassium, sodium, iron, all B vitamins and some other substances.

All dishes are best cooked from whole brown rice, but it is rarely sold, so you can cook regular rice, adding to it a third of the volume of dried wheat bran. This will enrich it with the missing biologically active substances for high-quality assimilation.

Rice breakfast prepared according to the method described below is one of the most effective means of cleansing the body. Use this recipe and remove unnecessary metabolic products from the body.

Almost everyone has taken pills at least once in their life. activated carbon, capable of absorbing gases, toxic substances and toxic metabolic products. However, its neutralizing power is not high enough, especially at the dose that is usually recommended - two tablets three to four times a day. Modern absorbents are not so much effective as they are expensive.

The rice diet consists of eating soaked rice for breakfast for some time and limiting your overall salt intake. This is an excellent tool for cleansing the body of various deposits in blood vessels, joints and tissues. Promotes the elimination of toxins, improves metabolism. Helps to normalize weight, both overweight people and emaciated people. Reduces swelling, facilitates the work of the liver and kidneys. Previously, the component that forms mucus in the body is washed out of rice, rice becomes porous and easily absorbs all kinds of formations (microorganisms, excess cholesterol, mucus, bile, etc.).

For rice breakfast, you need to prepare four small glass jars or glasses. On each jar, it is desirable to put down a number with a marker. Brown rice is best. If you can't get one, take what you have. Good results can be achieved with regular refined rice.

So what should be done

On the morning of the first day, two or three tablespoons of pre-washed rice are poured into the first jar and the jar is poured with cold water. Cover the jar, but not very tightly. On the second day, rice from the first jar is washed and poured with fresh water. They take the second one, pour two or three tablespoons of fresh rice there, fill it with water and put it next to the first one. On the third day, rice is washed from both jars, the water is changed, and the third jar is filled. On the fourth - wash the rice from the first three and fill the fourth. On the morning of the fifth day, you start rice breakfasts.

Take the contents of the first jar, rinse, boil and eat without salt, sugar and oil. You can just pour hot water and wait 10 minutes - it will be ready. Pour a new portion of rice into an empty jar, and put it at the end of the line - behind the last one. Every day you have rice for breakfast, every day you change jars. The process should take at least two weeks, maybe even more. Rice should be soaked for 4 days.

Rice is cooked for a very short time - in a small amount of water, you should get ordinary liquid porridge. Some people eat uncooked rice, which is quite edible after four days of soaking. In addition, raw rice has an anthelmintic effect.

All breakfast should consist of one rice porridge. Nothing more. Twenty to thirty minutes before breakfast, drink a glass of water or herbal tea.

And most importantly - after breakfast for four hours you can neither eat nor drink. After two or three hours, a brutal appetite may break out, but you can’t even take a sip of water. After four hours, you can have a normal lunch. For lunch and dinner, you can eat everything, excluding only table salt and limiting sour and spicy to a minimum. Alcohol is also not allowed. Otherwise, the whole action of rice will be to remove alcoholic poisons.

Of course, it will not be possible to completely eliminate salt in the diet, because many products contain it. But the less salt you eat, the more effective the cleansing will be. There are no contraindications to rice breakfasts.

There is an easier way to cook rice. They take a kilogram of rice, put it in a saucepan, pour it with water and wash it with water every day for twenty minutes. Repeat this procedure until the water ceases to become cloudy during washing, usually about a week. The rice is then dried and harvested paper bag. Take portions for breakfast. Add a teaspoon of wheat bran to one tablespoon of rice and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. You can simply pour boiling water and leave for 20 minutes.

That's all. The course of the rice diet to cleanse the body can be arranged once a year. For example, before the spring for Lent. But at any time of the year the effect will be wonderful.

This cereal is a natural adsorbent - it cleanses the body of harmful accumulations, and also to some extent contributes to the correction of the figure. Rice in the morning on an empty stomach for weight loss - today we will tell you about the rules for the procedure.

The effectiveness of the procedure

How does cereal affect the human body? Rice grains, due to their porous structure, absorb toxins, harmful salts, excess cholesterol, and also prevent the absorption of fats from food and contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes.

special instructions

Please note: like other adsorbents, rice does not distinguish between useful and harmful elements. With the regular use of this cereal, there is a deficiency of mineral elements - first of all, this concerns potassium. Based on this, during the rice diet, foods containing potassium should be introduced into the diet - dried apricots, raisins, baked potato(you can also use special additives).

In order to lose weight, it is preferable to use brown (unpolished) rice. During weight loss and cleansing, you should follow a diet that excludes smoked meats, marinades, pickles, sweets, fatty foods (it is advisable to switch to a vegetarian diet). When cooking rice, do not use salt, sugar, spices, oil. The procedure should be carried out infrequently - 1-2 times a year.

rice diet options

Rice on an empty stomach for weight loss can be consumed different ways. We bring them to your attention.

Method number 1

In the morning (immediately after waking up), carefully chew and swallow as many grains of rice soaked in cold water as you are old. Do not drink rice with water (it is believed that human saliva secreted during chewing is enough). You can drink and eat no earlier than after 4 hours.

Method number 2

1 tsp rinse rice, cover with water, cook for 10 seconds from the moment of boiling, drain the liquid. Repeat the procedure 3 times, then eat the grains. As in the previous method, after such a “breakfast”, do not eat or drink anything for 4 hours.

Method number 3

Soak overnight in cold water 1 tbsp. rice, put the dishes in the refrigerator. In the morning, change the water, bring the porridge to a boil, cook on low heat for 5 minutes and eat on an empty stomach. You can drink and eat after 3-4 hours.

Method number 4

2 tbsp rinse rice, place in a glass jar, pour 1 tbsp. cold water. The next day, drain the liquid, pour fresh water. Prepare another batch of rice. In the morning of the next day, drain the liquid from two jars, pour in new water, prepare the third serving of rice. Repeat the process 2 more times (for a total of 5 servings of rice). On the sixth day, wash the first portion of rice, fill it with water, boil it, eat it instead of breakfast (dine no earlier than after 4 hours). Rice in the morning on an empty stomach for weight loss, eat daily for 3 ... 4 weeks (daily prepare a new portion of rice by pouring water on the grains).

It must be added that it is not without reason that rice is washed 40 times in cold water. when growing it in modern conditions, all kinds of fertilizers and chemicals are used - it is highly desirable to remove them as much as possible, which is achieved by multiple washing of rice in cold water! Then proceed according to your plan - as you like. You can read about the harmful substances used in the cultivation of rice in the Institute, = this is extremely harmful rubbish, and the producers do not regret it!

The question is what water to soak rice - cold, warm or boiling water? To find out a reliable answer to this question, I conducted a small experiment. Here is exactly 100 grams of rice in a glass. I took three of these glasses. I poured water at room temperature (about +20C) into the first glass, boiling water into the third, and hot water with a temperature of 60C into the middle one - just in the middle between boiling water and water at room temperature. In the first case, one could take an arbitrary amount of water, because after mixing rice and water at room temperature, the temperature inside the glass will not change. But after mixing with cold rice, boiling water and hot water cool down, so it was important to measure out an equal amount of water. I decided to take 120 ml, knowing in advance that this amount is enough. In addition, if we take large quantity rice (after all, no one cooks pilaf out of a hundred grams), and more water, then it will cool more slowly. To simulate cooling in a real kitchen, I used thermos glasses. In them, the temperature changes at the same rate as in a large bowl - after thirty minutes it will cool down and therefore it will no longer make sense to carry out the experiment further. After thirty minutes, there was still a sufficient amount of unabsorbed in rice and completely transparent water in a glass of cold water. The volume of rice increased, but cracks appeared on some grains of rice. After weighing, it turned out that the rice absorbed 42 ml of water. In a glass of hot (+ 60C) water, the rice swelled more, not a single crack appeared on it, and the water above the rice turned out to be cloudy . What is this mud? Of course, this is the released starch! But due to the insufficiently high temperature, the paste did not have time to form. This means that the starch from the surface of the rice will be perfectly washed off. The rice absorbed 50 ml of water. In a glass of boiling water, the rice swelled the most, but unevenly. The grains of rice at the top were larger than those below. To show what happened, I took another photo: the water remained almost transparent, but some grains of rice were already glued together. That is, starch was released into the water, the water was hot and a paste formed right on the surface of the rice grain. Rice absorbed 65 ml of water. But what do these results give us - 42% if the water is + 20C, 50%, if the water is + 60C, 65% if the water is +100C? Yes, practically nothing! After all, the most important thing is to see how the rice cooks, what it will become, how much more it will swell! Rice soaked in cold water was boiled in one liter of boiling water for exactly 5 minutes. The weight of cooked rice was 232 grams. This means that during the time of boiling in a real pilaf, rice would have absorbed 90 ml of zirvak. A detailed examination shows that the rice came out bumpy - starch stood out from the cracks and froze on the surface. Rice soaked in hot water was cooked under the same conditions. As a result, the weight of rice turned out to be the same - 232 grams. The rice cooked perfectly, completely retaining its shape. But the rice soaked in boiling water swelled less after boiling. It turned out to be only 217 grams. This means that when boiled in a real zirvak, it would absorb only 52 ml of saturated broth and fats. Yes, and whether the fat would be absorbed or not is a big question! After all, rice, as already noted above, from the very beginning turned out to be covered with a paste - an excellent obstacle to the penetration of oil or fat into the rice grain. In addition, the rice was cooked unevenly - some grains were overcooked, overly swollen in breadth, others continued to crunch in the middle. That is, the thick paste and water also did not allow the grain to penetrate - after all, this batch of rice was cooked under the same conditions as the first two. What are the conclusions? The first conclusion, lying on the surface, is to soak the rice at a water temperature of 60C. it is better not to soak in boiling water. But at the same time, I must say that if you soak rice in cold water, but for a longer time, the result will be almost as good as when soaking in hot water. Only rice after soaking in cold water becomes more fragile, this must be taken into account when washing it. And I can also say from my personal experience. If during soaking, after the first water has cooled down, you change it with a portion of another hot water, then the pilaf turns out even better. Rice that has swollen strongly during soaking will absorb less broth and fat. However, no one has yet tried to soak rice in hot and not cooling water! Listen, what an idea. There are all sorts of multicookers that can maintain any given temperature. What if you put rice in a plastic bag, pour hot water into it, and then place this bag in a slow cooker or a professional thermostat filled with hot water? Let it lie not for 30 minutes, but for an hour. And then rinse not with tap water, but with hot water from a thermostat so that the rice does not cool down before it is sent to the cauldron? After all, all these sudden temperature changes are unlikely to have a good effect on rice. But this is a topic for another article. http://stalic.livejournal.com/579254.html

Pilaf is a wonderful dish, which is especially loved in oriental cuisine. The dish is prepared in different ways, each nation adds its own spices and ingredients. However, one ingredient remains the same, and that is rice. So that the cereal does not stick together and does not turn into a shapeless product, you need to know how to properly prepare it.


There are three main types of rice: round-grain, long-grain, and medium-grain (medium-grain). Among them, you can count hundreds more varieties.

  • round-grained has a high starch content, so the grains stick together when cooked.
  • Long grain cook much longer. The low starch content makes cooked beans lighter, drier and more crumbly.
  • medium grain is a cross between the two varieties.

Distinguish rice and color.

  • White, although less nutritious, has some advantages over brown: it lasts longer and cooks faster.
  • Brown rice, in turn, has a special nutty flavor, more useful elements, but it takes a long time to cook. Sweet brown cereal is popular in Asian cuisine.
  • The black is a very nutritious source of iron, vitamins, antioxidants and fiber. Interestingly, during cooking, such rice acquires a purple hue.

Arborio rice is a starchy white cereal commonly used in risotto. It helps thicken the dish.

Glutinous is fine-grained, usually used in Asian cuisine, in the manufacture of rolls and sushi. It does not contain gluten. There are other varieties that are more difficult to get in stores.

Why soak?

Before cooking rice, it is not uncommon to see some housewives soaking it in water. Not everyone understands why this is necessary, and they prefer to simply rinse the cereal with water. In fact, the purpose of the procedure is to remove starch and dirt. The result is a product that is grain to grain, airy, non-sticky and perfectly spiced.

The grains become softer after soaking, the cooking time is reduced. The need for such a processing method depends on what exactly is being prepared. If this is sushi, then, of course, it is best to let the rice soak in water so that it boils well and is sticky enough.

How to prepare for pilaf?

Here the opinions of culinary specialists differ greatly, since taste preferences differ. Someone likes the dish to be crumbly, while someone prefers porridge with completely boiled cereal grains.

If the first option, then the soaking time cannot exceed more than thirty minutes, but, in general, it is advisable to simply rinse the rice with water. Salt is added to the soaking water, and it must be cold, then you can get perfectly cooked cereals in the end.

In the second option, the cereal can not be soaked.

Recipe for a delicious dish

For the preparation of pilaf, you can use pre-soaked rice. As a second basis, plain water and different kinds of broths. In addition, you will need:

  • oil (olive or sunflower);
  • diced onion - green, white, yellow or red;
  • chopped vegetables: celery, carrots, mushrooms, zucchini;
  • spices;
  • pine nuts, peanuts, almonds or raisins.

You can cook the dish in a rice cooker, cauldron, using fire, stove, oven. Onions are put in large quantities, but depending on personal preferences. Celery is highly recommended by professional chefs, carrots will add a beautiful color and pleasant taste, mushrooms will add color and aroma. Vegetables can be both a lot and a minimum. Carrots and onions are always considered the main ingredients, the rest are placed individually.

Heat oil in a frying pan and throw vegetables into it so that they acquire a golden color. Optionally add additional spices. By this time, the rice should have already begun to cook in the cauldron. Why it is desirable to take dishes with thick walls - in it the dish is completely steamed and saturated with the aromas of vegetables and seasonings.

The lid is lifted from time to time and the contents of the pan are stirred, then closed again. When using nuts or fruits, wait until the rice is fully cooked to mix everything together.

If rice is cooked on the stove or in microwave oven, frying is also prepared separately and mixed a few minutes before fully prepared cereals.

Methods for cooking cereals

You can cook rice in plain water, but the broth adds special taste. Black rice is cooked in a ratio of one and a half - two glasses of liquid to one glass of rice. Rinse it in a colander until the water runs clear. Bring the water to a boil, cover with a lid and reduce the flame to a minimum. The cereal is boiled for 30-35 minutes or until most of the liquid has been absorbed. After the pan is removed from the heat, let the product brew for 5 minutes.

For cooking wild rice Use 3 cups of liquid for 1 cup of rice. It is advisable to soak it before cooking. Bring the liquid to a boil, reduce the heat, and simmer for 45 minutes.

To create risotto, you need 3 cups of liquid for 1 cup of rice. As in the case of pilaf, the grits are first fried in oil. Then water is added to separate the starch necessary for density.

The hardest part is making the right sushi rice. For a glass of cereal, you need to use one glass of water. Only short rice is used, which is brought to a boil at maximum heat, and then covered with a lid, and the temperature is reduced to a minimum. It will take about 20 minutes for complete readiness.

Steamed rice does not need to be filled with water, since it has already been pre-processed. If the hostess knows these subtleties, she can easily cook delicious side dish to meat, fish or high-quality pilaf.

You will learn more about how to soak rice for pilaf in the following video.

    If you want to get soft rice, then it is better to soak it for at least 1-3 hours, but also do not overdo it with soaking, as it then generally boils soft. But if you need to make a dish with hard rice, then soak it in water for about 20 minutes. If the rice is not soaked, then the cooking time increases, and accordingly heat treatment there will also be more product, then what will be left of the useful in this rice?

    I lived in Uzbekistan for a long time and never saw rice for pilaf soaked. And there are masters of this dish!

    Therefore, when they write that soaking is in Eastern traditions, I have big doubts. There might be something like that somewhere in Japan.

    The same is true for stuffed peppers. Many soak rice for the filling, but then it turns out as a homogeneous mass stuck together with meat.

    We never soak rice at home - for any dish, everything turns out perfectly.

    The more the rice lies in the water, the more it absorbs water and the less time it takes to cook it ...

    In principle, during cooking, rice softens by absorbing water, i.e. the process is similar, only in cold water it takes longer. I read somewhere that if rice is soaked in salt water, then it does not need to be cooked. Haven't tried it myself, but it's theoretically possible...

    My opinion is that soaking rice is more good than bad...

    Rights vaieri (flattened) rice is soaked necessarily - and washed 5-6 times until clear water .. especially round-grain .. containing more starch .. than long-grain. in the ratio of 1 tbsp. rice-1.5 tbsp. boiling water + 2 tbsp. some recipes rice is not soaked and washed for a short time - for sushi and viscous cereals.

    Whether it is necessary to soak rice is a rather controversial issue, you can argue in favor of one or another cooking method. Soaking rice or not depends primarily on what to prepare. For me, for example, rice is cooked only by washing it with cold water, washed it 2-3 times in water, poured water in the ratio of two glasses of water per glass of rice, bring it to a boil, put it on a quiet fire and it boils for about ten minutes, at the end I add butter. That is, I do not soak the rice, and it turns out pretty well for me.

    But if you look at the advice of cooks on how much to soak rice, especially before cooking pilaf, then it is advised to do it for 30 minutes, in which case it reaches the desired condition a little faster and requires a little less water to cook it.

    I really don't like cooking rice.

    I always wash it 5-6 times and fill it with water for 10-15 minutes.

    I don’t know why, but my grandmother always did it 🙂

    When the water boils, add a tablespoon and cook until tender.

    To be honest, I never soak rice. Just rinse well with cold water before cooking. I lower it into boiling water, about two glasses of water, per glass of rice. I salt the water just before boiling. The rice is fluffy and tasty. Be sure to soak before you cook beans, peas, barley.

    Rice boils so quickly, why soak it! Now there is steamed rice on sale - it does not lose its shape and does not boil soft, the side dish turns out beautiful, but it is not suitable for milk porridge.

    Rice is washed, soaked, calcined until golden brown, it all depends on what and for whom. Rinse or soak for 20-30 minutes. this is for porridge with meat or milk. I was in Uzbekistan, for pilaf it is calcined in a large frying pan. For diets (diabetes, etc.), it is soaked for at least 10 hours to dissolve starch. To cleanse the body, rice is soaked for five days, changing the water daily, it becomes porous like a sponge, and when consumed, after cooking, it absorbs toxins ...

    I learned how to boil rice correctly only when I started intensively cooking rolls, when buying rice for rolls, they have a detailed description on the label on how rice is cooked correctly, so I’ll share with the secret ..)) Rice needs to be soaked for about 20-25 minutes, in warm water with salt, then rinse the rice and add cold water, after put on fire, when the water boils, wait about 5 minutes, and here it is crumbly rice ready!!!

    To soak or not to soak rice depends on what kind of rice you are using and what kind of dish you are preparing. My diabetic friend always soaks barley rice for several hours, changing the water, so starch harmful to her is removed. If you want the porridge to cook faster, you can soak the rice. For pilaf, the rice is washed until the water is clear. I do not soak black rice, brown rice, brown rice for a long time, otherwise it will cook for a very long time. There is a recipe for cleansing the body of salts, so rice is soaked in it for five days, changing the water, and consumed in this form without salt. I do not soak or wash steamed rice, I rarely cook with it, it is tasteless.