Home / Dough / Baked potatoes on coals in foil recipe. Baked potatoes in foil on charcoal

Baked potatoes on coals in foil recipe. Baked potatoes in foil on charcoal

Soon the May holidays, which means friends that the picnic season is open again! Fresh air, sun and outdoor activities invariably cause a good appetite. Pork in a honey mustard marinade with white wine, lamb with rosemary, cilantro and tomatoes, chicken in apple juice, rabbit with orange sauce… And that's not all! Beef steak and tender lamb kebab. Sound appetizing? We will prepare all this in the new season. But that's not all. Fragrant potatoes with thyme baked in foil over charcoal is a delicious dish that is impossible to break away from.

Ingredients: 1 kg of potatoes, a bunch of fresh thyme (1 tsp dry), young onion - 1 bunch, lemon zest - 1/2 teaspoon, a mixture of peppers - a pinch, salt to taste, olive oil, foil, 100 gr butter.

Wash the potatoes thoroughly, cut into halves and place in a deep bowl. Add salt, pepper, zest, olive oil and mix well with your hands. Fold the foil in half and form a pocket. Finely chop the onion. Put the pickled potatoes, onions, thyme and a piece of butter in the middle of the pocket.

Close the pocket tightly and leave for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the coals. They should warm up well. We put the grid directly on the coals and send potatoes to it. So it will not burn, but will bake.

Grill over moderate coals for 20 minutes on both sides. We check the readiness with a knife - the potatoes are soft, which means they are ready! The lemon thyme flavor is amazing!

The potatoes turned out very tender and juicy due to the moderate temperature of the coals and butter. Great recipe, which I will often use to prepare side dishes for meat at a picnic.

These potatoes are perfect for fish, grilled vegetables, veal or chicken. It's beautiful independent dish for a large company picnic. Diversify with different vegetable snacks, fresh herbs and tomato juice- Believe that the picnic will be held at the highest level.

So that you do not cook at a picnic, the main thing is that it is fun and friendly company🙂 After all, someone needs to appreciate your efforts ... Well, in order for the picnic to bring maximum pleasure and minimum disappointment, make a list necessary products, things and objects in advance.

Grilled potatoes are a great side dish for meat, and with fresh vegetables and greens - also good. Moreover, it does not require special culinary skills from you. Then not a single feast in nature will do without delicious dish Grilled.

Recipe in the grid

The moment you're just kindling the coals for the main meat dish, set the table and cut the greens, the feeling of hunger can remind you of yourself. Then fried on the grill will come to the rescue. They cook it while the coals are not yet suitable for frying meat and a light runs through them. While you're cooking, you'll have time to prepare delicious sauce for her.

We do not give the exact number of products, it all depends on hunger. Therefore, cook "by eye", balance the taste according to preferences and then you will be satisfied.

We will need:

  • new potatoes;
  • vegetable oil for lubrication;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream;
  • garlic cloves;
  • any fresh herbs;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the potatoes using the rough side of a dishwashing sponge or brush. Dry and cut into circles 1.5-2 cm thick.
  2. Place on a wire rack and brush generously vegetable oil. Salt and pepper on both sides.
  3. Roast over hot coals for 15 minutes on each side, until the vegetable has a delicious roasted color. Readiness to check is easy - ready-made are easily pierced with a fork.
  4. Make a sauce. Squeeze garlic into sour cream or mayonnaise. Add chopped herbs and spices. Stir and let sit for a bit.
  5. Remove potatoes and serve with sauce.

Recipe with lard in foil

The presence of fat in the dish is embarrassing - most likely you have not eaten such a dish. Make it for testing, one bite, and it will win you over!

It is impossible to give exact ratios of products. It all depends on preferences. And the recipe is so simple that you can even involve children in cooking. Wash, chop - that's the whole science ... However, it's better to string it on a skewer yourself.

We will need:

  • potato;
  • lard - you can use both salted and raw;
  • salt.

How to cook:

  1. If your potatoes are young, then peeling them is not necessary. Rinse and cut into thin circles, about 0.5 cm each. If you cook from last year's vegetable, then remove the skin.
  2. Cut the salo into thin slices. If you keep it in the freezer, it will be easier and more convenient to cut. The pieces should match the size of the potato wedges.
  3. Fold potatoes and bacon in turn on the board in a pyramid and pierce with a skewer. This method of attachment will relieve injured fingers.
  4. If you used salted lard, then there is no need to add. If you took fresh fat, then salt on a skewer.
  5. Wrap everything in foil, close the ends so that the melted lard does not flow onto the coals.
  6. Cook on the grill for about 20-25 minutes, and when you have no strength left to endure the magnificent aroma, remove.
  7. Unfold the foil and put the skewers on the fire for a little more so that the potatoes are browned and the fat turns into cracklings.
  8. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Recipe with lard

You can cook the dish according to the recipe more complicated. Although the difference in cooking is ridiculous, the taste is different from the first method. It's all about the sauce. For such kebabs, it is better to use young potatoes. It does not need to be peeled and the tubers will not be too large.

We will need:

  • small potatoes - 10-15 pieces;
  • lard - salted or smoked is suitable - 150 gr;
  • soy sauce - 30 gr;
  • spicy adjika - 50 gr.

How to cook:

  1. Wash potatoes. Cut in half or quarters. If very small, approximately, as Walnut then leave it whole.
  2. Cut the lard into smaller potato slices.
  3. String on skewers, alternating.
  4. Mix adjika and sauce in a cup, coat the skewers.
  5. We did not include salt in the composition of the dish, because the lard and sauce are salty, but if you wish, you can bring the dish to your taste.
  6. Put the skewers on the grill and fry until cooked.

Charcoal recipe

This recipe is good to use when all the meats and main courses are eaten and the party is not over. Baking potatoes on the grill is worth it if you want to remember your childhood, laugh and look at the faces of friends stained with ashes. Burning and smoldering coals are suitable for cooking. With the number of ingredients, again, decide for yourself.

If you do not have skewers for cooking potatoes on the grill with lard, then you can also use food foil. This option is even better. So the potatoes will turn out juicier and cook twice as fast. Adults will also like this dish, especially since there is no way in nature without a baked potato. In this way, you can bake any vegetables that you like, the main thing is to choose the right spices for each of them. For example, if potatoes are cooked on the grill with lard in foil, it is advisable to apply spices to the potatoes. Salo in any case will turn out delicious and thanks to him baked potato will become soft and "melting".

Ingredients for Grilled Potatoes:

  • Fresh potatoes - 8 tubers (medium size);
  • Salo (lard) - 500 g;
  • Salt - 1 - 2 tsp;
  • Spices for potatoes (without salt) - 1 - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Foil - 4 m.

How to cook potatoes on the grill with lard in foil:

1. In order for potatoes cooked on charcoal to be tender, they cook it in special ovens. Naturally, being in nature, we can afford either a special brazier made of iron, or a brazier made of bricks with our own hands. In both cases, the potatoes will bake for a long time if cooked on a skewer. That's why we take the foil.
The root crop itself does not need to be cleaned. Just give it a good wash with the rough side of the sponge. We cut each potato into slices, 5 mm thick, not reaching the end with a knife. It turns out something like a fan. In parallel, you can, it is also insanely delicious!

2. Remove the skin from the fat as desired and cut it into slices. The thickness of one piece of bacon should be slightly thinner than a piece of potato. If you cut the fat thinly, then on the grill it will immediately turn into croutons.
Place the cut in a bowl and mix well with spices and salt.

3. Put a piece of bacon into each cut of the potato.

4. Unwind a piece of foil. Determine its length so that it is possible to wrap prepared potatoes with lard for barbecue in 2 layers. Just salt the potatoes themselves before you wrap them, otherwise they won’t take as much as they need from one fat. A pinch of salt will suffice.

5. We wrap the potatoes not very tightly with foil and put them in the grill on hot coals. Cooking time for this appetizer will depend on the heat and the size of the root vegetable.

On average, 15 minutes is enough.

Carefully remove the finished bundles from the fire after the specified time. It turns out such a potato on the grill with lard in foil is very, very tender! Everyone will love this appetizer!

Going out into the countryside with family or friends, in terms of cooking, there is always potatoes, in coals or on an open fire, easier meals cooked in nature is impossible to come up with. Today you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with such a wonderful recipe as baked potatoes in foil with lard on the coals.

Hot coals will serve as a hotbed of cooking. Aluminum foil conducts heat very well and will actually serve as the baking container itself, and this is another plus for cooking in nature - the absence of dirty dishes.

To bake potatoes in foil with lard on coals, for three servings, we need the following ingredients:

Potato - 1 kg.
Salo - 300 gr.
Salt - to taste.
Black pepper - to taste.
Spices - to taste.
Aluminum foil - roll.

How to cook potatoes in foil with lard on charcoal?

It is not advisable to take large potatoes, as they will be poorly baked and burnt, it is optimal to choose medium-sized potatoes, preferably not having large distortions in the shape of the body.

  • Potatoes must be thoroughly washed, from sand and dirt, we do not cut the peel. Cut each potato into 2 halves.

  • Cut the lard into slices 5-7 millimeters thick, salt well, add spices to taste, you can even overdo it a little, as the salt and spices will be transferred to the potatoes.

  • In each of the cut potatoes, put 1-2 pieces of bacon, you can add a little your favorite spices, then wrap tightly with several layers of foil, form balls.
  • Next, put the potatoes in foil, put directly on hot coals, cook for 10 minutes, then turn over, and cook for another 5-10 minutes.

The readiness of potatoes with lard in foil on the coals is checked with a toothpick or knife. If the potatoes are pierced easily, you can safely get them out of the coals and serve after a little cooling. Potatoes in foil with lard are perfect as a side dish or a ready-made dish.

Nature has no bad weather, especially for those who decide to gather for barbecue and picnic.

But at picnics, not only kebabs are an integral part of the table.

One of the main ingredients is grilled potatoes. Although, it can be baked immediately on fire, as long as there is foil that will protect the vegetable from instant disappearance.

You can serve such potatoes with any sauce, with any seasoning, the main thing is that there is juicy and appetizing meat nearby - this is an excellent duet and having tried it once, you will definitely like it.

Recipe for potatoes in foil on charcoal


Bon Appetit!
The total cooking time is 30 minutes.

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