Home / Cupcakes / Raspberry mousse cake. Light cake with raspberry soufflé on a chocolate base

Raspberry mousse cake. Light cake with raspberry soufflé on a chocolate base


For the test, you will need:

Bitter chocolate - 140 g
Butter - 140 g
Instant coffee - 2 teaspoons
Flour - 100 g
Soda - a quarter teaspoon
Sugar (preferably dark) - 300 g
Cocoa powder - 1.5 tablespoons
Eggs - 3 pieces
Heavy cream (35% and above) - 3 tablespoons
I have a square detachable form with a diameter of 24cm

The cake base is prepared the day before. the baked crust needs to be allowed to stand in the refrigerator for several hours.
Dilute instant coffee in 50 ml of hot water.
Break the bitter chocolate, cut the butter into small pieces.
Put chocolate, butter, coffee solution in a saucepan and heat over very low heat or water bath until smooth. Remove mixture from heat.
Sift flour, cocoa powder and baking soda into a separate bowl. Stir.
Beat eggs until bulking. While whisking, add the required amount of cold cream according to the recipe and beat until fluffy.
In small portions, sifting again, add flour mixture to whipped eggs.
Add the sugar required by the recipe. Stir until smooth.
Very carefully add the chocolate mass into the dough. As a result, you should have a fairly thin dough.

Line a split baking dish with baking paper and brush with butter.

Pour the dough into a mold, flatten.

Bake in an oven preheated to 160 C for 1.5 hours.

Let the cake cool completely in the mold. Gently remove the cake from the mold, remove the baking paper,

wrap in parchment and refrigerate overnight.
The next day, remove the sponge cake from the refrigerator and cut it in half.

For mousse:
4 egg whites
200 ml raspberry juice
400 g sugar
30 g of gelatin in strips
Soak gelatin in cold water for 20 minutes.
To do this, break through 400g of raspberries (I had frozen) with a blender and rub through a sieve or squeeze the juice from the raspberries in any other way
In a saucepan, mix raspberry juice with sugar (set aside 3-4 tablespoons of the total mass) and put on fire.
Bring raspberry juice with sugar to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes for high fire without interfering, remove the foam. And put the saucepan in cold water for 2-3 minutes.
Introduce gelatin into the slightly cooled syrup and stir until it is completely dissolved.
Beat the whites with the remaining sugar in a mixer for 3 minutes.
We introduce raspberry syrup gradually.
And beat everything into a fluffy thick mass for 10 minutes at maximum speed.
Leave to cool for 5-7 minutes.

Chocolate glaze
Butter - 100g
Cocoa powder (natural) - 4 tbsp. l.
Condensed milk - 4 tbsp. l.

Melt butter, preferably an oil with a fat content of 82%, it hardens better.
Add cocoa powder, stir, then add condensed milk, mix everything together until smooth and shiny.

Assembling the cake:
Remove the sponge cake from the refrigerator and cut it in half.

Put the cake in a detachable form, on the cake with raspberry mousse,


on the second cake mousse,

put in the refrigerator until the mousse hardens, when the mousse hardens open the form, first draw a knife along the sides of the form, put the cake on the wire rack,

pour the glaze, if the glaze turned out to be thick and did not spread over the entire surface, then draw a spatula over the glaze, evenly distributing the glaze over the surface of the cake.
With the help of a vegetable peeler, cut the chocolate and decorate the cake around the perimeter, for decoration I used cinnamon sticks, star anise stars and silver balls.
Cake recipe source -

Raspberries are very tasty and healthy berries. It is used with great success in medicine and cosmetology. Both adults and children love to feast on this berry. A little about the taste: the berry is juicy, soft, sweet and sour. You can make excellent quality compotes, juices, jellies from raspberries. Raspberries are also widely used for the preparation of various desserts in the confectionery business. Mousses made from this berry are especially popular. Raspberry mousse - unusually tasty, its advantages can be considered a fairly low calorie content, ease of preparation.

Cooking method

Raspberries should be sorted out, rinsed well. Then grind in a blender or pass through a sieve. Take a small amount of water and soak the gelatin in it until it is completely dissolved. Separate the whites from the yolks. Add sugar and starch to the yolks and beat until firm. This mixture should be put on water bath and, while whisking, pour in the hot milk in a thin stream. Boil this mixture for 30 minutes.

Then beat the whites until firm foam and add to the prepared milk mixture. After that, you should add gelatin, mix and put in the refrigerator. When the mixture has cooled, add raspberry puree, mix and refrigerate again. After a quarter of an hour, combine the whipped cream with the finished mass, divide into portions and chill the raspberry mousse in the refrigerator for about an hour. Before serving, the mousse can be garnished with fresh mint leaves, berries and whipped cream if desired. Tea or coffee is good for dessert.

Raspberry mousse recipe

You should consider the recipe for a raspberry dessert, which always turns out to be airy and tender, and besides, it is quick and easy to prepare. This dessert can be prepared at different times of the year: in summer you can use fresh berries, and in winter - frozen, this will not affect the taste of raspberry mousse in any way.

For let's take the preparation such ingredients:

  • raspberries - 360 g;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • orange juice - 75 ml;
  • cream 33% - 150 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 90 g;
  • 1 egg white;
  • almond nuts - 30 g.

First of all, you should rinse the raspberries, chop them thoroughly in a blender or pass through a sieve. Pour 75 ml of water into a small container, add sugar and cook until it dissolves. Combine raspberry puree with sugar syrup... In a small bowl, soak the gelatin in orange juice for a couple of hours to swell, after 2 hours we put this container on low heat. It is important that the gelatin dissolves completely. Please note: Do not bring the mixture to a boil.

After that, you need to mix the gelatin with raspberry puree, the resulting mass should be slightly cooled. First add the whipped cream to the cooled mixture, mix gently and add the whipped protein. Divide the finished raspberry mousse into portions and place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Use almonds, raspberries and whipped cream to decorate the dessert.

Raspberry mousse with chocolate

You can make mousse with more exquisite taste adding chocolate. Consider a white chocolate raspberry mousse recipe.

To prepare according to this recipe, take the following ingredients:

For mashed potatoes:

  • sugar - 30 g;
  • raspberries - 200 g.

For mousse:

  • white chocolate - 65 g;
  • protein of 1 egg;
  • cream from 33% - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 50 g;
  • gelatin - 4 g;
  • rose water - 5 ml;
  • water - 30 ml.

Add water to the gelatin and leave to swell. Mix raspberries and bring to a boil over low heat. Then pass the resulting mass through a sieve and cool to room temperature. Melt the chocolate and mix with the raspberry puree, both products must be at the same temperature. Stir the raspberry mousse mass gently and add gelatin and rose water to it. TO egg white add granulated sugar and put in a water bath. With continuous whipping, warm the mixture to 60 degrees, then beat until soft foam, add whipped protein to the raspberry-chocolate mixture. Whip the cream and combine with the bulk. Arrange in bowls and garnish with berries and mint sprigs.

Raspberry mousse: cake recipe

Berry mousses can be used not only as a dessert, they are used with great success to fill cakes. For this mousse, you should take the following products:

  • raspberries - 285 g;
  • sugar - 90 g;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • heavy cream - 600 ml;
  • icing sugar - 150 g.

First, prepare raspberry puree, add sugar to it and boil it over low heat until it becomes jam. Add gelatin and lemon juice to the finished raspberry mass, put on low heat, while stirring, bring the mass until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Remove the prepared mixture from heat and cool slightly. Whisk the cream with icing sugar until fluffy and add to the chilled raspberry mixture. The raspberry mousse for the cake is ready.

Bavarian chocolate cake. Without a long introduction, I present to you His Majesty Bavarian Chocolate Cake. Highly recommended for all chocolate lovers! ;) You will need: Cakes: 2 eggs 75 g unsalted butter 1 cup flour * (155 g) 60 g cocoa (unsweetened, good quality) 280 g sugar 160 ml buttermilk (or kefir) 160 ml freshly brewed coffee 1 tsp vanilla extract (or 1/2 sachet of vanillin) 3/4 tsp baking powder 1 1/4 tsp baking soda 1/4 tsp salt Chocolate mousse: 1/3 cup cold water ** 1 tbsp + 3/4 tsp powdered gelatin 5 large egg yolks 1/2 cup + 2 tbsp sugar 1 2/3 cups milk 1 2/3 cups heavy whipping cream (35-38% fat) 140 g dark chocolate (60-70% cocoa) 3 tbsp + 1 teaspoon cocoa (unsweetened, good quality) 1 tablespoon vanilla extract (or 1 1/2 sachets of vanillin) 1/4 teaspoon salt Chocolate ganache: 113 g dark chocolate (60-70% cocoa) 1/2 cup ** ** or 120 ml heavy cream for whipping (35-38% fat) 1/2 tbsp honey 1 tsp vanilla extract (or 1/2 bag of vanillin) 1/4 tsp salt * 1 cup = 240 ml In the process photos for making dough, the volume of products is doubled, I really need It was. But the technology, of course, hasn't changed in any way. From the specified number of ingredients, 1 high biscuit is obtained, with a diameter of 23 cm. How to cook: 1. Cakes: Lay a detachable baking dish parchment paper, grease the sides with butter. Preheat the oven to 180 C or 350 F. In a deep bowl, sift together: cocoa, flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. To stir thoroughly. Add eggs, melted butter, buttermilk, coffee and vanilla extract ... Beat with a whisk or mixer at low speed until smooth, without lumps. Pour the mixture into a baking dish and place in the oven. Bake for 45-55 minutes (depending on the oven) or until sample with a toothpick: if it comes out of the dough dry, then it's ready. Leave in the mold for 10 minutes, then remove from it and cool on a wire rack to room temperature. The top of the cake may crack, but it can then be trimmed and the top cut off. 2. Chocolate mousse: Dilute gelatin with water and leave to swell. In a medium saucepan, combine yolks and 1/2 cup sugar. Beat a little. Chop the chocolate finely. In another saucepan, combine milk, 2 tablespoons of sugar, chocolate, cocoa and salt. Heat over medium heat, stirring constantly with a whisk, until the chocolate is completely dissolved. The mixture needs to be warmed up, but not brought to a boil, it just needs to be hot. When this happens, pour it in a thin stream into the yolks, stirring constantly. Stir until smooth and put on fire again. Heat for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Do not boil! Remove from heat, add vanilla extract and gelatin, wait until it is completely dissolved. Pour into a deep mold and cool to room temperature, stirring every 15-20 minutes so that a film does not form on top. *** *** I had to cool it as soon as possible, so I put it in the refrigerator for 40-50 minutes and stirred occasionally until the mixture has cooled down. Pour the cream into a pre-cooled mold and beat until firm peaks. Store in refrigerator until use. When the chocolate mixture has cooled, add a small portion of the whipped cream (3-4 tablespoons) to it. stir until smooth with a whisk and then add the remaining cream. The mixture will be quite liquid, but it will become slightly thicker after adding cream and finally thicken already directly in the cake and in the refrigerator. 3. Trim the cooled cake layer on top (if necessary) and carefully divide into 3 equal parts. To do this, first you need to "outline" each layer, slightly cutting the sides of the biscuit with a toothed knife, and then cut the cakes along these lines with a long knife. Be careful as the dough is very soft and can break easily! 4. Set the lower part of the dough aside, and the middle and upper parts must be cut at the edges by 1-1.5 cm. Thus, the lower cake will be slightly larger than the rest. Line the bottom of a split baking dish with parchment paper, and the sides with acetate foil (or try the same with parchment). The height of the walls should be 12-15 cm. Put the bottom cake on the bottom. Pour 1/3 part on top chocolate cream... Because the mass will still be quite liquid, it will smoothly spread over the dough itself. Place the second cake layer and pour over the cream again. Repeat the same with the last cake and the remaining cream. Put the cake in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours or overnight. 5. Chocolate ganache: Chop the chocolate finely and transfer to a deep bowl. Pour the cream into a small saucepan, add honey and salt. Heat up to small fire and almost bring to a boil. Then remove from heat and pour hot cream into chocolate. Let stand for 1-2 minutes, then stir gently until the chocolate is completely dissolved and smooth. Cool, stirring every 10-15 minutes, so that a film does not form. When the mixture has cooled, remove the cake from the refrigerator and pour it over the top. Let it spread over the entire surface of the cake and then put it back in the refrigerator for a few hours to set. I also garnished with grated dark chocolate. Serve chilled. Bon Appetit!

Chocolate cake with raspberry mousse and mirror icing

For the chocolate cake:
130 g wheat flour
160 g fine sugar
55 gr. cocoa
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
a pinch of salt
125 ml. kefir, or sour cream 12%
60 ml vegetable oil
1 large egg
Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
125 ml. freshly made hot coffee (espresso)
Raspberry mousse:
450 ml heavy cream 33%, chilled
750 gr. raspberries (fresh or frozen)
juice of half a lemon
150 g Sahara
20 gr. gelatin (5 teaspoons powder) or 5 sheets of gelatin
Mirror Chocolate Glaze:
150 g Sahara
50 ml water
50 gr. cocoa
100 ml cream 33%
2 teaspoons of gelatin (8 gr.)

All ingredients for the dough should be at room temperature.
Sift flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, powder, salt into a large bowl.
In a large bowl, place buttermilk (kefir or sour cream), butter, eggs, vanillin.
Mix with a mixer on low speed just to mix the ingredients. Add dry ingredients and stir quickly. Slowly add hot coffee stirring constantly.
Transfer the dough into a split form 20 cm in diameter, covered with parchment paper.
Bake in a preheated oven at 175 ° C for about 35 to 40 minutes or so, until the so-called dry stick. Take out and let cool.
After cooling, cut off the top of the cake to level the surface - (if required). Divide the rest of the cake into two parts.

Raspberries (previously thawed), lemon juice and put sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook until sugar dissolves, then remove from heat.
Rub through a sieve, remove seeds.
Gelatin, pour water, just to cover it on top, let stand for 10 minutes to swell.
Put on fire and heat with stirring until the gelatin is completely dissolved or reheated in microwave oven.
Remove the pan from heat, add to warm raspberry puree, mix well, cool, but do not let it solidify.
Place the chilled cream in a mixer bowl and beat until stiff peaks. Add mashed raspberry puree. Stir with a spade = choke gently but thoroughly.

Pour gelatin with a little cold water to cover, leave it to swell.
Place sugar in a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil to dissolve sugar. Add cocoa, cream, stir to combine and bring to a boil.
Do not mix for too long or whisk to avoid air bubbles.
Pour through a sieve to remove any lumps. Add a very hot mixture to the swollen gelatin, stir until dissolved.
Pour the cake when the icing has cooled down - it is preferable to put it in the refrigerator, all the time controlling its density - at the right time, remove it from the refrigerator.
If the glaze thickens too much if necessary, heat it up in a microwave oven or in a water bath.
Prepare the icing before decorating the cake.

Prepare a detachable form with a diameter of 23 cm and cover the bottom with parchment paper.
Place the first layer of cake on the bottom of the mold. Top with half the raspberry mousse.
Place in the refrigerator for a while to harden, although this is not necessary (the rest of the mousse should be left at room temperature, making sure it does not harden).
Then take the mold out of the refrigerator, place another layer of cake on the slightly hardened mousse and cover with the rest of the raspberry mousse.
Flatten the layer and refrigerate, preferably overnight. Remove the cooled cake from the refrigerator, remove from the mold and place on a serving dish.
Pour the mirrored chocolate frosting.
Keep refrigerated.
Bon Appetit!

I liked this cake to my taste the most, because it turned out to be very airy, tender and rich. Not cloyingly vanilla, not corny chocolate, but bright and fresh like raspberries. Now I will experiment with other fruit mousses.

For some reason, the glaze came out differently, although it was made according to the same recipe. Well, okay, let's consider this a feature of this cake. Unfortunately, I didn’t photograph the process. I didn't think that something would work out, I improvised with mousse on the go. And it turned out like this and even very tasty.

Sugar - 95 g
Flour - 80 g
Baking powder - 5 g
Vegetable oil - 35 g
Eggs - 2
Milk 2.5% - 50 g

Raspberry mousse
Gelatin - 10 g
Raspberry 400 g
Sugar 2 tablespoons
Cream 33% - 400 g

100 g honey
100 g sugar
50 g water
65 g of condensed milk
100 g white chocolate
10 g gelatin

Cooking method:
1. In principle, everything is the same as in. For the biscuit, combine the dry ingredients, mix everything well. Add vegetable oil and eggs. Pour in milk. Beat with a mixer and pour into a mold.

2. We bake at 180 C for 10-12 minutes.
3. Cooking raspberry mousse. Soak the gelatin. Grind raspberries with a blender, add sugar and boil in a ladle. As soon as the raspberries boil, add the gelatin to dissolve and set aside to cool.
4. Beat the cream with a mixer until half-whipped.

5. Wait until the raspberry mass has cooled down to 40 C. Gradually add the mixture to the cream and mix well.
6. Pour some of the mousse into the mold. We put any filling or you can do without it. I had leftovers chocolate glaze from the last time and I put it in the middle of the cake.
7. Pour the remaining mousse on top. Put the biscuit in the shape of the mold, slightly sink it in the mousse. And we send it to the refrigerator for the night. Or at least 10 hours.
8. Making the icing. Soak gelatin in cold water. Bring sugar, glucose (honey), water to a boil.
9. Pour over condensed milk, chocolate, soaked gelatin. Add dye.
10. Punch with a hand mixer to avoid bubbles. Allow the frosting to cool to about 35 ° C. Pour liberally over the cake and let set. She will begin to seize within a few minutes.
11. Transfer gently to a serving platter and garnish.