Home / Chebureki / A simple no-bake strawberry cake. Biscuit cake with cottage cheese and strawberries

A simple no-bake strawberry cake. Biscuit cake with cottage cheese and strawberries

Valentine: | July 18th, 2017 | 4:11 pm

I forgot to write that I made this cake on the basis of a biscuit. I'm afraid that with the gelatin from Every Day Without Biscuit, it would be very difficult to get the cake out of the mold without damaging it.

Valentine: | July 18th, 2017 | 4:07 pm

It came out very cool. And it's easy to prepare. But with gelatin, you can screw up. It differs slightly from company to company.

I did it with 2 sachets of 10 g each, Dr. Oetker - as a result, I got a strong elastic mass, it froze in the refrigerator for about three hours, and pulled out of the mold very easily. C Every day, also 2 sachets of 10 g each, a softer and more tender mass turned out, it froze for 6 hours, in order to pull it out of the mold, you first have to carefully separate the dessert from the mold with a silicone spatula along the entire diameter.

I liked it very much with a filling of orange, banana and peach. I also covered the finished mass with an additional layer of fruit and whites and cream whipped with powdered sugar - a complete delight.
Answer: Valentina, thank you for your feedback and your experience! Bon appetit!

Love: | October 1st, 2016 | 5:51 dp

Dasha, what can replace gelatin in this recipe?
Answer: Love, gelatin can be replaced with agar-agar.

Natalia: | July 19th, 2015 | 4:24 pm

and if apricots and peaches, do you need to remove the skin?
Answer: Natalia, for your taste. If you want tenderness, then take it off, if you are liberal about the skin, then leave it.

Anonymous: | June 18th, 2015 | 7:41 am

delicious summer!

Julia: | April 9th, 2014 | 4:34 dp

Yes, it turned out to be rubber.
Answer: So, really, they went too far.

Julia: | April 8th, 2014 | 11:40 am

It didn’t work out at all, unfortunately (. Perhaps I overdid it with gelatin - I had 2 bags of 10 grams each. Something completely tasteless came out and the layers did not stick together.
Answer: Julia, most likely, on the contrary, there was not enough gelatin, so the dish did not work out. There are 30 g of gelatin in 2 tablespoons, and you had only 20 g. Usually, when there is an excess of gelatin, the dish turns out to be “rubber”, but in your case it turned out the other way around.

Catherine: | May 19th, 2013 | 12:18 pm

Thanks for another great cake recipe. Everything turned out very tasty!

Lexa: | November 6th, 2012 | 7:00 pm

I want to try with frozen cherries - do you think it will be ok? And I will do it in forms for cupcakes (I have already read here that it comes out well :)
Another question: to beat cottage cheese on a blender (more precisely, I have a combine), do I need to insert a knife or something that is used for whipping cream?

Answer: Frozen cherries will require a lot of sugar, as they are even more acidic than fresh ones. I advise you to sprinkle it with sugar first. Can be made in cupcake molds, yes. For whipping, you need to insert a knife.

Catherine: | July 9th, 2012 | 5:47 dp

I made this cake yesterday, but with raspberries. The mass itself is just perfect, so tender, but the raspberries got stuck in the teeth. I'll try with other berries next time. Made portioned cakes as I only have small ones silicone molds. After serving, it looked like a restaurant dessert. I think I will cook for guests. Thanks a lot for the recipe.

Answer: please! Try it with peaches, apricots - it will also work wonderfully.

Anonymous: | July 5th, 2012 | 5:33 pm

thanks for the recipe very tasty I did it with raspberries and I also want to do it with apricots, I will cut them into pieces

Elenushka: | June 13th, 2012 | 5:21 dp

By the way, about the shape: I did it in a baking dish, and in a regular plate, I just covered the bottom parchment paper and cling film.

Elenushka: | June 13th, 2012 | 5:14 dp

Made everything according to your recipe. Because of fresh berries turns out sour. The second time I pre-candied the strawberries. Much tastier. By the way, the same syrup can be added to the soufflé. Gives color and sweetness. And I liked the cocoa-free version better. In general, I modified your recipe, but many thanks for the basis. Interesting idea! I will try with other fruits and berries.

Answer: I'm glad, Elenushka, that you liked it! And you got interesting variations - you will have to experiment. This cake can really be prepared with any fruits and berries. Only before cooking it is better to try them: if the sweetness in the berries themselves is not enough, then it is better to sugar them, as you did. And if the berries are ripe, sweet, then you can without sugar.

Kat: | June 11th, 2012 | 11:10 am

Absolutely divine! And a great option with orange zest and without cocoa))

Dasha: | October 27th, 2011 | 5:44 pm

I use silicone mold. The cake is easy to take out of it. But you can also use a form with removable sides, only the bottom and sides must first be lubricated with a thin layer of oil.

Rina: | October 27th, 2011 | 4:56 pm

but how to get it out of the container in which it is frozen so that the shape of the cake does not deteriorate?

This cheese cake- just a meal! Very light and airy dessert for kids and adults. Making a no-bake cottage cheese cake is easy and simple, and it only takes half an hour of active interaction with the products. The longest and most painful thing is to wait until it freezes in the refrigerator. And he will have to freeze there for a long time, it is better to leave it for the night, to be sure. If you need the dessert to freeze quickly, it can be poured into small molds. Here is a similar recipe for a delicious cottage cheese dessert without baking. For the sweet tooth: here's another.


  • 0.5 kg
  • 0.5 kg of strawberries;
  • 400 ml sour cream;
  • 1 st. Sahara;
  • 100 g shortbread biscuits, unleavened waffles or biscuit cookies;
  • 40 g of gelatin;
  • a pinch of vanilla.

Recipe for a delicious cottage cheese cake with strawberries

1. First of all, you need to prepare the gelatin. Soak the entire amount of gelatin in 1 cup of ordinary cold water and set aside to swell. If gelatin is instant, then it is better to soak it in 2 glasses (do not pour water to the edges of the glass).

2. Pour the cottage cheese into a deep bowl. Add sour cream, sugar, a pinch of vanilla to it. We mix everything well. Using a blender, knead all the curd lumps so that the curd mass is homogeneous and without grains. Let's taste it. If it seems to you that sugar is not enough, then it is not too late to add it. With 1 cup of sugar, the cake is sweet in moderation, but each measure is different.

3. We break the biscuit cookies into small pieces.

4. My strawberries, cut into small pieces. We pour to curd mass along with cookies, mix lightly.

5. We heat ordinary gelatin in a water bath to 60 degrees and mix until it is completely dissolved. If the gelatin is instant, then just add a little boiling water (about 2 tablespoons) to the glass where it is soaked, mix. Pour the prepared dissolved gelatin in a thin stream into the curd mass with strawberries and cookies. Mix immediately so that the gelatin is evenly distributed and does not seize in the cool cottage cheese ahead of time. Pour the whole curd mass into a regular bowl, preferably glass. Cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator overnight.

6. Take a deep and large saucepan. We put a bowl in it and collect hot water from the tap into the pan to the edges of the bowl (water should not get on the curd cake itself). You can pour in a little more boiling water so that the cake is easier to lag behind the walls of the dish. After 2-3 minutes, dump the cake onto a large flat plate or dish, simply turning the bowl over onto it.

That's all. This is the most delicious and tender cottage cheese cake with strawberries! Bon appetit!

Step 1: Crush the cookies.

To get started, remove all dairy products and fruits from the refrigerator and let them warm up to room temperature. Next, take a springform pan and line it with baking parchment. We pour our chocolate cookies there and finely chop them (you can do this with a mallet or just grind in a blender). You can easily replace the variety of cookies with any other, according to your taste, for example, "baked milk" cookies are perfect.

Step 2: Create a cake.

Now you should melt the butter over low heat and let it cool. From hot, golden liquid should turn into warm. Carefully pour the melted butter into the crumbled cookies. Stir vigorously and beat the mixture into a thick layer. We send it to the top shelf of the refrigerator.

Step 3: Dissolve gelatin.

Milk should be boiled over low heat, and then cooled to 85-90 degrees. The temperature will drop to the desired level in 3-4 minutes after boiling. Pour gelatin into milk and patiently, with enthusiasm, stir all the time until it is completely dissolved. Make sure there are no lumps left!

Step 4: Chop strawberries.

Grind strawberries into small cubes (0.5-0.8 cm).

Step 5: Make the base for the filling mousse.

We send cottage cheese, yogurt and sugar into a large bowl and beat everything with a mixer until you triumphantly state that the sugar is completely mixed. In the same bowl, transfer the milk-gelatin mixture. We send the received homogeneous mass on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for half an hour.

Step 6: Whip cream.

Pour the cream into a bowl and beat with a mixer until it becomes like an airy, light foam.

Step 7: Make the mousse filling.

We take out our milk mixture from the refrigerator and add cream and strawberry cubes to it. And ... mix again! We solemnly pour our mousse into a mold with a previously prepared biscuit cake. We remove our creation for the whole night on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Step 8: Serve No Bake Strawberry Cake.

Now the most pleasant thing remains - remove the side of the form from the cake, separate the parchment. And give free rein to the imagination in decorating the dessert. For this creative process, you can use strawberry berries, cocoa powder, grated chocolate and fragrant mint leaves. Bon appetit!

It is very important in the preparation of a cake without baking - to properly dissolve the gelatin. To do this, we must first fill it with water and leave it to swell for about 10 minutes. When I tried this method myself, I was unexpectedly pleasantly surprised - the gelatin dissolved in warm milk without any active actions on my part and the usual stirring.

The best thing to do Strawberry cake with chocolate chip cookies. But, if suddenly you didn’t have one, and your soul yearns for a chocolate flavor in the cake, there is a way out! Simply toss the crumbled biscuits with 1 tablespoon of cocoa.

For decoration finished cake strawberries are best cut vertically, along the growth of the berry. So the pieces are more beautiful and you can lay out various patterns from them.

Strawberry curd soufflé

The weight of the cake will be 3 kg.

We need:

  • 500 gr crumbly biscuits
  • 100 gr butter
  • 250 ml strawberry yogurt
  • 150 g heavy cream 33-35%, chilled
  • 150 gr powdered sugar
  • 300 gr fresh strawberries
  • 250 gr cottage cheese
  • 150 ml cold milk
  • 25 g of gelatin, can be replaced with agar - agar (1 g of agar-agar + 4 g of gelatin)
  • 1 packet (90 gr) strawberry flavored jelly
  • 300 gr fresh strawberries
  • fresh mint


1. We interrupt the cookies in a blender into crumbs. Transfer to a bowl and pour over melted butter, mix into a homogeneous mass.

2. We take a dish in which we will serve the cake, a ring from a detachable form, wrap it with cling film and put it on a dish. We spread the mixture of cookies on the bottom, tamp it well, but do not overdo it, and send it to the refrigerator to set the oil.

3. Pour gelatin with milk and leave for 30 minutes to swell.

4. Pour cottage cheese with yogurt, add 150 g of strawberries to them, 1/2 part of powdered sugar and interrupt with a submersible blender, into a homogeneous mass.

5. Another 150 gr of strawberries cut into not much small cube and send to the curd mass, mix.

6. Beat the chilled cream and the rest of the powdered sugar into a fluffy mass, send them to the curd mixture, mix gently with a spatula.

7. Melt the gelatin in a steam bath, add to the curd mass. We do this through a strainer so that grains of gelatin do not get caught.

8. Ready soufflé, transfer to the base of the cake, into a mold and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

9. fruit jelly pour 350 ml hot water, stir until completely dissolved and cool.

10. Strawberries, cut into slices and spread on a frozen soufflé. Decorate the center of the cake with a sprig of mint, fill the top with a layer of 1/2 part of the jelly, put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Then again pour the rest of the jelly and send it to the refrigerator for 6 hours. When it hardens, remove the ring and cling film. Can be served at the table.

No Bake Strawberry Cake with White Chocolate

In this recipe, bananas, raspberries, sweet plums can be used instead of strawberries, and yogurt can be replaced with sour cream.

We need:

  • 300 gr strawberries
  • 100 gr biscuits like “Maria”
  • 400 gr natural yogurt
  • 1.5 -2 white chocolate bars
  • 10 g gelatin +50 ml water
  • 1 tbsp milk


1. Gelatin dissolve in cold water, and then, after swelling, heat until completely dissolved.

2. My strawberries, peel the tails and cut into plates.

3. We cover a detachable form with a diameter of 16 cm with cling film and lay out the strawberries, set aside.

4. Transfer the yogurt to a bowl.

5. White chocolate melt in the microwave, stirring every 5 seconds, until completely melted, add 1 tbsp. milk, stir.

White chocolate can be replaced with 250 gr. condensed milk. The cake turns out juicy, tender, soft.

6. Mix yogurt with chocolate, mix until smooth. Add gelatin to this mixture and mix well. The cream is ready.

7. In the mold with strawberries, pour the cream, then put the cookies over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mold + cookies + cream + strawberries + cream + cookies, and so on until the ingredients run out, the last layer should be cookies.

8. We put the form with the cake in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours, and preferably at night. After, we cover the form with a dish and turn the cake over, remove the form and film.

Strawberry Jelly Cake “Strawberry Clouds”

We need:

  • 1 kg sour cream, any fat content
  • 300 gr strawberries
  • 2 tbsp. l sugar
  • 400 gr (1 can) condensed milk
  • 40 gr gelatin
  • 100 ml milk


1. Peel the strawberries from the tails, wash and cut into plates, add sugar and put in a saucepan on the stove, bring to a boil, hold for 2 minutes,

cool and grind in a blender, filter so that the seeds do not get caught.

2. Pour gelatin with milk and leave to swell. In the microwave, bring the gelatin until dissolved.

3. Mix sour cream with condensed milk, in small portions, beat with a mixer. Pour the cooled gelatin into sour cream in a thin stream, mix with a mixer.

4. Divide the resulting mixture into two parts, mix one of them with the strawberry mass.

5. We cover the form with a film and fill it with a gelatin mixture: a spoon with strawberries, a spoon without strawberries

and so on until the end of the ingredients. Put in the refrigerator overnight, at least 3 hours.

6. Cover the form with a dish and turn it over, remove the form and cling film.

Suggested recipes will help you quickly and easily cook delicious desserts that will delight your household.

Bon appetit!