Home / Dough / Krupenik for children from a year. Buckwheat porridge for a child: the most delicious and healthy recipes

Krupenik for children from a year. Buckwheat porridge for a child: the most delicious and healthy recipes

Porridge occupies a special place in the diet of young children, so any mother should know at what age it is worth starting to feed the crumbs with cereals, which cereals to choose for them and how to cook this cereal dish for babies.


  • Porridge provides carbohydrates, vegetable proteins, vitamins, fats, alimentary fiber and minerals. All of these substances are important for a growing child's body.
  • With the help of cereals, mom easily diversifies children's menu.
  • For babies with allergies, intestinal diseases, lack of enzymes and other problems, there are dairy-free cereals.

Some ready-made cereals are supplemented with probiotics for the intestinal microflora of the baby, as well as prebiotics to improve the digestion of the product.

Entering cereals into the diet will help the baby's body to fully develop


In oatmeal, as well as cereals based on wheat and barley, there is a protein called gluten, which is difficult for many young children to digest. In addition, such cereals are contraindicated in celiac disease.

Features of different cereals

  • Rice porridge is introduced first in the menu of toddlers prone to allergies and stool disorders. Such porridge will give the crumbs healthy carbohydrates.
  • Buckwheat porridge called the most the best option for children who have anemia or problems with weight gain, as these cereals are high in iron and protein.
  • Feature corn porridge is high in starch as well as iron. Since such cereals are digested worse than rice and buckwheat, and also contain little phosphorus and calcium, corn porridge is recommended for children over 9-10 months.
  • Oatmeal it has a high nutritional value, a high content of proteins, vegetable fats, magnesium and other minerals. Its use improves peristalsis, so it is indicated for babies with constipation.
  • Semolina the content of minerals and fiber is very small, so it is inferior to other types of cereals in nutritional value... In addition, due to the presence of rickets, such porridge is generally not recommended for babies in the first year of life.
  • In millet, pearl barley and barley groats there is a lot of fiber, B vitamins and proteins.

At what age is it better to give?

The first to give your baby gluten-free cereals. They are advised to be introduced into the diet of healthy children one month after the introduction of vegetable complementary foods, usually at the age of 7 months. It is possible to start feeding the baby with porridge earlier if the child is underweight.

Porridges containing gluten are given to children over 8 months old, and if the baby has a tendency to food allergies, then acquaintance with these types of cereals is postponed until the age of one year. Barley porridge begins to be given to children at the age of 1.5-2 years, and pearl barley porridge - after 3 years.

Some cereals may not be harmless for babies, so read the recommendations before adding them to the diet.

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E. Komarovsky's opinion

A well-known doctor considers that the optimal age for the introduction of porridge into the children's menu is 7 months. He advises introducing the baby to porridge after introducing fermented milk supplements into the diet. Komarovsky recommends giving porridge in the last day's feeding, which is carried out before bedtime.

Introduction to the diet

Like all other foods with which babies are fed, they begin to give porridge with a small portion - one spoon. Gradually, the amount of porridge in the toddler's menu is brought up to the age prescribed for him - 100-200 g. The first children are cooked gluten-free porridges, which include buckwheat, rice and corn.

First, the baby must get used to the mono-component porridge, and then the child can be offered dishes from several cereals. By mixing several cereals, you will enrich the finished product useful substances... You can also add to the porridge different types vegetables and fruits. Oil is added to the porridge in an amount of 3 to 5 grams.

After the baby gets used to one porridge, offer him another or mix with the already familiar

In what form can you give?

The cereals offered to the crumbs can be dairy-free and with milk content. In addition, they can be represented by a product industrial production(cereals from boxes) or prepared by mom yourself from cereals.

To dilute the finished porridge for the first samples, use infant formula or breast milk. If the purchased porridge is milk, you just need to add water to it according to the instructions.

Homemade recipes

Until a year, cereals for porridge are crushed into flour, and for children over a year old, they begin to cook liquid porridge from whole cereals. The first milk porridges are recommended to be cooked in half-diluted milk, and if it is well tolerated, after a few weeks you can start cooking the porridge in whole milk.

To prepare the first porridge for the baby, take 5 grams of flour (one teaspoon) and 100 ml of water (you can also use a vegetable broth). Rice or buckwheat flour should be immersed in cold water, and oatmeal flour in hot water. Stir constantly, cook the porridge for about 30 minutes. V ready-made porridge you can add breast milk or a formula familiar to the baby in an amount of 15 to 30 ml.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky talks about whether to buy ready-made baby food.

1.Rice porridge with meat:
Meat - 100 gr.
Rice groats - 3 tablespoons
Butter is a small piece.
A pinch of salt.

In this version, the porridge is suitable for children from 1 year old. Children at this age are already doing well with rice, and chewing red meat is still difficult, so it is better to twist it. Also, we do not add any fries and excess fat to the porridge.
For babies, rice can still be cooked sweet porridge with prunes or with pumpkin and zucchini.
Recipe rice porridge with meat:
1. Products for porridge: 100-150 gr. fresh meat, 3 tbsp. rice, a slice of butter for dressing and salt.
2. Separate the meat from the films and cut. The smaller the pieces, the faster they will cook.
3. Boil the meat until tender. About 1 hour.
4. Rinse the rice.
5. Boil over low heat until tender. It is brewed for about 20 minutes.
6. Twist the finished pieces of meat a couple of times in a meat grinder.
7. Mix boiled rice with twisted meat. Cook all together for 3 minutes.
8. Season with butter and serve.
Bon Appetit!
On a note:
For this porridge, rice can be used whole grain or crushed. If it is more convenient for your child to eat smaller pieces, use crushed rice.
If your child has a positive attitude towards greens, you can add them to the porridge.
For babies, you can prepare a similar dish, only with milk in the form of mashed potatoes.

2 cauliflower casserole Ingredients:
Cauliflower - 1 cup (or 2 cups)
Hard cheese - 70 gr.
Crackers - 1 tbsp.
Milk - 2 tablespoons
Oil drain. - 1 tbsp.

Cauliflower, unlike white cabbage, does not cause allergies, therefore it is advised to cook it for infants, in the form of mashed potatoes. Children from a year can no longer grind, but simply boil in water or in a double boiler. Two-year-old children can already serve it in various versions (boiled, stewed, baked), one of which is a cauliflower casserole with cheese. It's simple and easy vegetable dish perfect as a second course for lunch or dinner.
Cauliflower casserole with cheese - Preparation:
1. Cauliflower rinse and disassemble into inflorescences. Put in a saucepan with water, add salt and let it boil for 7 minutes.
2. In the meantime, let's prepare cheese sauce... To do this, grate a piece of cheese and add a tablespoon. crackers.
3. Pour in two tablespoons of milk.
4. Add art. a spoonful of soft (melted in the microwave or just melted in the heat) butter and mix everything together.
5. Tilt the boiled cauliflower into a colander to glass the water. Then place the cabbage in a high-edged dish and top with the cheese sauce.
6. Send the form into the oven, for about 15-20 minutes, until golden brown. Serve warm with herbs.

3.Cottage cheese soufflé - a delicate and amazingly tasty dish for children. It just melts in your mouth! For children over a year old, raisins and marmalade can be added to the soufflé. With these sweet additions curd soufflé it turns out even tastier!
cottage cheese - 600 gr.
semolina - 1/2 cup
water - 1 glass
granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons
vanilla sugar - 1/2 tsp
butter - 2 tbsp. l.
vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
egg - 1 pc.
pitted raisins - 1/2 cup
berry or fruit syrup - 6 tablespoons

The amount of marmalade is necessary to taste and, if desired, to decorate the dish when serving.
Steam curd soufflé, recipe:
To prepare the curd mass, you need a 3-liter pan.
Boil semolina in water until a thick porridge is obtained. Remove from heat and cool.
Grind the cottage cheese until a homogeneous mushy mass, put in a bowl with semolina porridge. Mix thoroughly until smooth.
Break the egg, separate the white from the yolk.
Heat butter until liquid.
In the received curd mass add yolk, pour butter, pour vanilla sugar and granulated sugar, add raisins.
Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly again.
For further cooking, you will need deep round molds.
Grease the tins vegetable oil and put the prepared curd mass in them.
Put the mold in a saucepan, add water and cook for 15-20 minutes.
Remove the steam trays. Cool down.
Serve in tins, if they have a decorative look, or transfer the product to plates.
Before serving the soufflé, pour the syrup over the syrup and put the marmalade on top of the syrup for beauty and as a seasoning.
The curd soufflé is ready!

4 zucchini casserole
Delicate, tasty, low-fat, affordable casserole - a godsend for a dinner for the whole family
400 g zucchini,
100 g of cheese
2 eggs,
100 g sour cream
0.5 tsp of slaked soda,
150 g flour
0.5 tsp salt.,

Grate the zucchini, squeeze out well. Cut or grate the cheese very finely, cut the herbs. Stir soda with sour cream, leave for 5 minutes, add eggs, salt, pepper, beat with a fork, add flour, mix. Then put cheese, zucchini and herbs there, mix and pour into a small diameter mold (grease). Bake for 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees.

5 cauliflower puree soup
Cauliflower inflorescences - 20-25 inflorescences
Potatoes - 4 pcs. small.
Rice - 3 or 4 tablespoons rice.
Cream - 100 ml. (instead of cream, you can add 2-3 tbsp sour cream)
Salt to taste
Draining. butter - a piece

Cauliflower - dietary and useful product... It got its name from the inflorescences that resemble flowers. And not at all because of the multi-colored coloring, as one might think without seeing and not knowing this product.
It can be introduced into complementary foods for children up to one year old, in contrast to white cabbage. Because it is softer and does not cause stomach cramps. It also helps maintain normal bowel movements.
For the first feeding, simply mashed cauliflower is suitable, after which you can try mashed cabbage with carrots. And from the 1st year, a child can cook a tender creamy soup mashed cauliflower and potatoes. The photo of the recipe is posted below.
Making cauliflower puree soup:
1. The main component in this soup is cauliflower, so we take a little more of it than other products. We will also prepare potatoes, rice, cream, a piece of butter and salt. If there is no cream on hand, sour cream will do (about 3 tablespoons). This amount of products will be enough for 5-6 servings. If you need a smaller amount, reduce the products in proportion to each other.
2. Disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences. Slice the potatoes small cubes... Place vegetables in a pot of water and cook until tender. Approx. 20-25 min.
3. Boil the rice in a separate saucepan.
4. From the pan in which the vegetables were cooked, pour the broth into a glass. It will still be useful to us. TO boiled vegetables add boiled rice and puree with a blender.
5. It should look like this homogeneous mass... Season with salt to taste.
6. Add a lump of butter and cream. Stir.
7. The puree soup will take on this light color. Adjust the thickness of the soup yourself. If it seems too thick, add the vegetable broth that you drained earlier.
8. For small children, soup is best served as is, without any additions.
9. And for older children it is better to serve cauliflower soup with breadcrumbs. In this case, there is a greater chance that the dish will be eaten. You can also sprinkle the soup with herbs or parsley leaves.

6 chicken pudding
1. Chicken (pulp) - 100 g
2. Wheat bread - 10 g
3. Butter - 1/2 tsp
4. Milk - ¼ glass
5. Egg - 1 pc.
6. Salt solution - ¼ tsp
Take a piece of boneless chicken, rinse cold water, mince. Scroll the second time through the meat grinder together with the white stale wheat bread pre-soaked in 1 tablespoon of milk. This mass must be wiped through a sieve, diluted with the rest of the milk to a thick gruel. Then add raw egg yolk, salt solution. Beat the protein into a strong foam and add, stirring gently. Put all the resulting mass in a small mug, thickly greased with oil.
Putting the mug in a saucepan half filled with boiling water, cover the pan with a lid, put it on the stove and cook for 40 minutes.
Chicken, veal, liver puddings can be served with mashed potatoes or vegetables.

1.½ onions;
2.2 pcs. potatoes;
3.1 carrot;
4.2 - 4 pcs. quail eggs
1. Peel and wash the onion. We use the half, cut it into small cubes. Wash and peel the carrots, also cut into cubes.
2. My oldest daughter loves grated carrots more, so I often rub on a coarse grater.
3. Clean, wash and dice the potatoes.
4. Pour 500-600 ml into a saucepan. water (depending on what kind of soup your baby likes, more rare, or thick). Bring to a boil. Throw onions and carrots into boiling water. If you are making grated carrots, then add only onions. Add the potatoes after 10 minutes.
5. After 15 minutes add the grated carrots, if you did not add the carrots in cubes. You can also add some baby pasta to the soup - 1 tablespoon if you want a thicker soup.
6. Do not forget that we will not cook with boiled egg, and a soup with a raw egg. If your child likes a more rare soup, then take 2 eggs, if thick, then 4. Break the eggs into a bowl and stir with a fork.
7. Now it remains to figure out how to add the egg to the soup. After 15-20 minutes after putting the potatoes in the soup, pour the eggs. Pour the eggs very slowly into the boiling soup, and stir thoroughly with a fork to make small flakes. Bring the egg soup to a boil and can be removed from heat. Cool a little, pour into a plate. We add unrefined oil to the plate, you can add separately cooked meat. Bon Appetit!

8 baby meatballs
Minced meat - 500 g.
1 egg
1 onion
Bread - 100 gr.
Rice - 100 gr.
Carrots - 1 pc.
0.5 cups milk
Salt to taste

1. Mix the minced meat with finely chopped onions and grated carrots.
2. Soak bread and rice in milk, boil a little, mix with minced meat
3. Add the egg to the minced meat, salt to taste
4. We sculpt and steam the tufts until cooked (it will be convenient to do it in a multicooker)
Vegetables are perfect as a side dish, mashed potatoes or pasta.
For older kids, sauce for meatballs will be an excellent addition. It can be prepared by sautéing onions and carrots with tomato paste.

9 fish soup
fish fillet - 150 g (hake, salmon, trout or pollock are suitable)
1/2 medium onion
1 small carrot
1 medium potato
sour cream
salt and herbs to taste

1. Put the fillet in a small saucepan, fill it with water (1.5-2 cups), put it on the fire, add a little salt
2. When the fish is cooked, put it on a separate plate, and filter the broth.
3. Finely chop the potatoes and onions, rub the carrots on a fine grater, put them to boil in the broth. If the soup seems a little thin, you can add some rice.
4. Cogra vegetables are cooked, add fish again and grind everything with a blender.
5. Serve with sour cream and herbs

10 mashed potatoes
Rub 100-120 g of boiled hot potatoes through a sieve (you can use a blender), gradually add to the resulting mass, stirring continuously, a little (up to 20 ml) of hot boiled milk. Beat the mixture until a homogeneous fluffy mass is obtained. Put the puree on a plate, pour over the melted butter.

11 carrot puree
Wash 100 g of carrots, peel, chop, put in a saucepan, pour in a little boiling water, add an incomplete teaspoon of sugar, cover and put on low heat. Simmer for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally and adding a little water until the carrots are tender. Then rub the hot carrots through a sieve, pour in 1/4 cup of hot milk, boil. When serving, add 1/2 tsp. butter.

12.Pumpkin boiled
Cut the peeled pumpkin into cubes, put in a saucepan, add a little boiling water, add a little salt and cook until tender. Cool the boiled pumpkin until warm (you can mix it with other vegetables, fruits or cereals), rub through a sieve and offer to the child.

13 pumpkin stewed with apples
Put 200 g of finely chopped peeled pumpkin in a pan, add 100-150 g of peeled and finely chopped apples, a little salt and 1-2 tsp. sugar, 1-1.5 tsp. butter, up to 100 ml of water and simmer until tender, then cool until warm and rub through a sieve. Ready dish you can pour a little jelly.

14.Vegetable puree assorted
Carrots and cabbage, finely chopped, simmer under the lid in a little water until half cooked, add the chopped potatoes and simmer for another 30 minutes. Then vegetables, including added green pea, rub in hot, then add a little hot milk and salt to the mixture. Stir everything well, bring to a boil and, after removing from the stove, beat so that the puree is fluffy and without lumps. Season the finished puree with 1 tsp. butter.

15.Rice and carrot soufflé (in the absence of allergic reactions to eggs)
From 1 tbsp. of sorted and washed rice, boil a slightly viscous porridge in water. Add 1 tsp to it. melted butter, 1/2 egg yolk, mashed with 1 tsp. granulated sugar in 25-30 ml of boiled milk, 1 / 4-1 / 2 carrots, grated on a fine grater. Mix everything well and carefully add 1/2 of the whipped protein into the resulting mass. Transfer to a greased mold and place for 35-40 minutes on water bath(on a wire rack in a saucepan of boiling water).
There may also be other options for soufflé from vegetables and cereals: from semolina, from pumpkin and zucchini (2 tablespoons of grated vegetables instead of carrots).

16.Omelet stuffed with meat
50 g boiled ground meat
1 egg
1/2 coffee cup milk
a piece of butter the size of a hazelnut
1 tbsp. spoon of mashed boiled vegetables from soup
1 tbsp. a spoonful of tomato juice

Grind the egg yolks with salt and butter, add the whipped egg whites. Grease a saucepan, pour the beaten eggs into it, immerse it in another vessel with water, cover and place in a very preheated oven for 10 minutes.
Put the finished omelet on a plate, put the ground meat and vegetables on it, roll up and pour over tomato juice.

This recipe is a real find for moms! When the kids become very picky and capricious, when they don't want porridge, but are tired of cottage cheese))
baby curd "Agusha" - 50 g,
buckwheat - 4 tbsp. spoons,
butter - 1 tsp,
sour cream - 2 tsp,
quail egg - 1 pc.,
ground crackers - 10 g.

Take, wash and put buckwheat in a saucepan. Put it on strong fire, and after boiling water, switch to low and cook for about 25 minutes. Grind buckwheat porridge with a blender. Thoroughly mix buckwheat porridge with baby curd, add a raw egg and 1/2 teaspoon of butter. Transfer the resulting mass into a greased form with butter, sprinkle ground breadcrumbs, smooth the surface and grease with sour cream. Bake for about 25 minutes (at 180 degrees).

18.Steamed cheesecakes
Cottage cheese - 200 g (ideally homemade)
flour - 4 tbsp. l.
egg - 1 pc. (instead of chicken, you can take 2-3 quail)
sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
1. Add the egg and sugar to the curd, mix thoroughly until smooth.
2. Add flour and mix again. It is better to add flour gradually, so as not to overdo it: when the mass takes on the consistency of the dough and begins to peel off from the hands, this will mean that there is enough flour
3. Pinch off small pieces from a whole piece of dough, roll up small balls and put them in a double boiler at a short distance from each other so that they do not stick together.
4. Cook for a couple of 30 minutes.

19 glazed curds
Make such a treat with the kids! Tasty and no "eshek" !!!
Would need:
Cottage cheese (cottage cheese must be taken dry) - 400 g
Butter - 25 g
Cream (30% fat, butmaybe less) - 25 ml Powdered sugar - 100-150 g
Chocolate - 100 g

1. Mix cottage cheese, cream, icing sugar and soft butter... The mass should not be liquid (the amount of butter and cream depends on the moisture content of the curd)
2. To mold balls, cubes from the mass. Choose the form that you like best. Put in the freezer for 10-15 minutes, in the meantime, prepare the glaze.
3. Melt the chocolate with cream in a micro in a large bowl. We take the curds out of the freezer, put them in chocolate, roll them on all sides and take out with 2 forks. We put on parchment paper... We put it in the cold.

It is a kind of casserole, which is most often prepared from buckwheat or millet groats, mixed with a curd mixture and smeared with butter on top. A ready-made cereal is perfect for a child, and we will now show you how to cook it correctly.

Buckwheat krupenik with cottage cheese for children


  • buckwheat - 400 g;
  • breadcrumbs- 60 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoon;
  • cow's milk - 500 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g.


Rinse the groats thoroughly, pour them into a saucepan, fill them with some water, cover them with a lid and set them on high heat. When the porridge boils, reduce the heat and cook for about 15 minutes, and then pour in the hot milk and simmer over low heat for half an hour.

Then carefully remove the dishes from the stove, put the porridge in a bowl, cool it a little, add the grated curd, salt, sugar to taste, drive in 3 eggs and mix thoroughly. Put the prepared mass on a baking sheet greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Beat the remaining egg with sour cream until foam appears and coat the surface of the casserole with this mixture. We send the dish to the preheated oven and wait about 25 minutes. Serve ready-made cereal with honey or whipped cream.

Krupenik with cottage cheese for children


  • millet groats - 1 tbsp.;
  • milk - 2 tbsp.;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • spices;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.


Pour cereals into boiling milk and cook over low heat until thickened, stirring occasionally. Then carefully remove the porridge from the stove, put the mashed cottage cheese, a little sour cream, drive in the eggs, salt, sugar to taste and mix everything well. Thoroughly coat the form with vegetable oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and put the finished mass into it. Smooth the surface with a spoon, grease with the remaining sour cream, crush the butter and put in a warm oven for about 25 minutes. We bake the dish at 180 degrees until tender.

Krupenik recipe with cottage cheese for children



We wash the groats, put in a saucepan, pour boiling water and leave to swell for an hour. Then we drain the excess liquid, put the porridge in a bowl, add the butter, stir and cool slightly. After that, add sugar, put, salt to taste, add sour cream, drive in eggs and mix. Now we shift the porridge into a sieve and leave the excess liquid for the glass. Distribute the prepared mass in oiled and sprinkled coconut flakes form, and bake in a preheated oven for about 30 minutes.

Cereals occupy an important place in a child's diet, because they are a source of not only carbohydrates, but also vegetable proteins, minerals and vitamins. And if adults often do not perceive porridge as a full-fledged dish, then for growing kids the presence of porridge in the diet is mandatory. Moreover, as a separate meal and preferably daily.

Buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, rice, corn, barley ... What is healthier for a baby? ..

Let's figure it out.

Firstly, it should be said that recently, when cereals are introduced into a child's diet, pediatricians advise paying attention to the content or, conversely, the absence of gluten in cereals. Gluten is found in cereals such as wheat, rye, oats, millet, and barley. Gluten (or gluten) has the peculiarity of becoming sticky when mixed with water, trapping air bubbles and forming a paste-like gruel, so cereals with gluten should be given to children with digestive problems or with a tendency to allergies with caution and only after a year. In addition, gluten can provoke the manifestation of a serious illness - celiac disease, expressed as a serious digestive disorder. Pediatricians do not recommend giving gluten-containing cereals to children under 10 months (and sometimes up to 1 year), and after reaching this age, introduce them with caution and feed them to the baby no more than 2-3 times a week. Gluten-free cereals can be introduced into a child's diet from 6-8 months, they are hypoallergenic and easier for your child's digestive system to absorb.

Secondly, each cereal is useful in its own way and is rich in some individual vitamins and minerals:

Buckwheat. Buckwheat rightfully occupies one of the leading positions among cereals in terms of usefulness. It compares favorably with other cereals with the highest content of proteins, fats, minerals and amino acids and at the same time low in carbohydrates. The minerals contained in buckwheat (iodine, calcium, phosphorus) are very well absorbed by the body. Buckwheat has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and intestines. Buckwheat porridge is often recommended as the first porridge of a baby from 6 months of age. Buckwheat can be used to make not only porridge, but also casserole or buckwheat cakes.

Oatmeal. Oatmeal shares with buckwheat the first place in usefulness: it has a high content of vitamins (groups B, PP, C), as well as trace elements (iron, phosphorus, magnesium), vegetable protein and carbohydrates. In addition, a significant fiber content in the composition oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the motor function of the intestines. Oatmeal is loved for its usefulness by both pediatricians and parents, but it contains gluten and should be used with caution in the child's diet. In addition to traditional porridge, you can cook jelly from oatmeal, add it to cutlets, soups, casseroles.

Rice.... Rice, like buckwheat, does not contain gluten and is very good at the beginning of the introduction of "cereal" complementary foods. It is very easy to digest and assimilate, therefore it is widely used for children with digestive problems. However, the "fortifying" property of rice porridge is also known, so it is not recommended for children with a tendency to constipation. Rice is not particularly rich in vitamins and minerals, only the content of vitamin E and some vitamins of group B can be noted. But rice is rich in carbohydrates and is excellent for dietary meals... Cook from rice groats a child can use fruit pilaf, hedgehog cutlets, and casseroles.

Corn. Although corn grits cannot boast of a special vitamin and mineral value (vitamins of group B, provitamin A), it contains a lot of selenium. Selenium increases resistance to adverse environmental conditions and viruses, it normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. In addition to the selenium content, it can be noted that corn is rightfully considered one of the most hypoallergenic cereals, since it does not contain gluten and is easily digestible. Along with buckwheat and rice, it is increasingly recommended as the first porridge for a baby. From corn grits you can cook not only porridge, but also casseroles, pancakes, flat cakes.

Semolina. V Soviet times semolina was the most used in baby food, but now it is not held in high esteem by pediatricians. Firstly, it contains gluten, and secondly, semolina, in fact, is very finely chopped wheat, not rich in vitamins and minerals, and thirdly, the phytin contained in semolina reduces the absorption of calcium and vitamin D. But semolina gives a good increase in weight, so it will help small children gain the missing pounds. It is better to introduce it into the child's diet after a year. If the child does not love you semolina, then you can easily do without it in the diet. In addition to porridge directly from semolina, puddings, casseroles, manna are well obtained.

Barley (and barley grits). Pearl barley and barley grits although it contains vitamins of group B, A, E, fiber, vegetable protein, carbohydrates, but in small quantities. The main wealth of barley can be considered phosphorus, the content of which is higher than in most other cereals. It is possible to include barley in the child's menu, but even after a long boil it remains a little harsh, since most of the starch contained in it goes into the water.

Offer your child porridge every day, because it is not only delicious, but also very healthy!

According to nutritionists, buckwheat porridge for a child is an absolute champion in nutritional properties and the most useful of all cereals. It is not surprising that buckwheat becomes one of the first foods for babies. How did she deserve it?

Buckwheat in this regard is an ideal porridge, since:

  • has great nutritional value;
  • does not contain gluten, which provokes allergic reactions;
  • easily absorbed by the body;
  • the level of hemoglobin increases in the blood, so it is recommended for children suffering from;
  • fiber, together with fruit acids, improves food digestion, facilitates the absorption of nutrients, protects against constipation and other intestinal disorders;
  • in buckwheat there are a lot of vitamins such as B1 (thiamine), PP (nicotinic acid), B2 (riboflavin), E (tocopherol);
  • flavonoids, in particular rutin, strengthen blood vessels, improve blood clotting, contribute to the accumulation of vitamin C in the body, which strengthens the immune system;
  • iron and copper are involved in the formation of hemoglobin and hematopoiesis;
  • calcium and phosphorus form bone tissue;
  • magnesium is needed by the heart.

Such a spectrum of action of buckwheat porridge on the child's body makes it simply an invaluable dish in the diet of babies. But when can you give your child buckwheat - at what age?

Commercial mixtures of commercial production can be given as early as 5 months. Self-brewed milk, but also with crushed cereals, can be tried from the age of 8 months. Ordinary buckwheat porridge, whole grain, is allowed to be given after a year, but on condition that it is well boiled.

Correct preparation is another factor contributing to the successful introduction of a new dish into the baby's menu.

Buckwheat porridge recipes for children

Exists different recipes buckwheat for children, so parents have a choice. If the child is not yet a year old, it is better to pre-crush the buckwheat grain into flour. This can be done using a blender or coffee grinder. After a year, the dish can be cooked from whole grains.

1. Buckwheat cereals of industrial production:

  • dilute the dry mixture with warm water (usually the temperature is indicated in the instructions);
  • mix thoroughly so that no lumps form.

2. Ordinary buckwheat for babies up to one year old:

  • pour cereal or flour (50 g) with boiling water (200 ml);
  • cook, stirring regularly, for 20-25 minutes;
  • add granulated sugar (no more than 5 grams);
  • add salt (a pinch);
  • bring to a boil two more times;
  • remove from heat;
  • can be served immediately, or you can pre-wrap it with a warm handkerchief for 10-15 minutes: buckwheat will be softer and more crumbly;
  • add butter (5 g).

3. Buckwheat porridge with milk:

  • pour buckwheat (two tablespoons) with boiling water (200 ml);
  • cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes;
  • pour in hot, but not boiled milk (100 ml);
  • add granulated sugar (a teaspoon);
  • salt (a small pinch will be enough);
  • bring to a boil again;
  • remove from heat, wrap with a warm cloth for 15 minutes, so that the dish becomes boiled
  • add butter (5 g) before use.

Knowing how useful buckwheat porridge is for a child, you cannot deprive your baby of such a valuable and delicious dish... Each parent should remember that in the first years of life, it is very important for children to assimilate the maximum amount of necessary substances - after all, this is the basis of their health for life.

Buckwheat is a baby food that is optimal for this purpose. Bon Appetit!