Home / Recipes / Budgerigars can eat fruits. Various fruits in the wavy diet

Budgerigars can eat fruits. Various fruits in the wavy diet

It is not only a great joy to have a budgerigar in your home, but also a huge responsibility, as its health and quality of life depends entirely on proper care and balanced nutrition. Unfortunately, the desire to pamper your pet with something tasty pushes the owners of wavy lines to buy low-quality and unnecessary products.

But all kinds of goodies, such as chocolate and exotic fruits, can cause serious health problems for the bird. Fruit is the basis of the diet, which also acts as a delicacy for birds. However, not everyone knows what kind of fruits can be given to budgies.

Despite the fact that parrots do not need careful care, it is highly undesirable to neglect the recommendations regarding the nutrition of feathered friends.

So, budgies can be given the following fruits:

All fruits and berries that fall on the parrot's "table" must be thoroughly washed, even if you collected them in your ecologically clean summer cottage. Feathers will eat fruits, both fresh and dried or dried.

Dried and withered means home-made. Candied fruits, dried fruits and candied fruits that are sold in supermarkets and markets are not suitable for feeding parrots.

What consequences can await feathered pets if you do not adhere to this recommendation? Upset stomach, intestines, volvulus and even death.

And that's all because fruits and similar delicacies sold in stores contain chemical harmful substances that are not as dangerous to the human body as to a tiny, vulnerable winged pet.

It is also important to understand that all kinds of tropical overseas fruits, such as papaya, mango, etc., which enter our country unripe, pose a huge danger to birds.

So, if you are not sure of the ripeness of the product, then it is better not to risk the health of your feathered friend, treat him to a simpler, but no less useful fruit from the above list.

Now, after you have learned what fruits you can feed your budgie, you can talk about forbidden fruits.

What should not be given to parrots?

What kind of fruits are unacceptable in the diet of a budgerigar? We have already talked about papaya and mango.

For the same reason, it is extremely undesirable to give a winged pet a pomelo, persimmon and avocado, since their milky juice contains alkaloids, glycosides and papain harmful to the body of birds, which can provoke both mild intestinal upset in a pet and severe poisoning.

Dried, dried fruits and berries are given exclusively in soaked form, as well as frozen foods, before being given to a parrot, must be defrosted.

We teach the parrot to eat fruit

Not all parrots peck fruit with great joy.

And in order to saturate the feathered diet with a useful delicacy, you should adhere to several recommendations:

  1. Offer your pet fruits in various forms - slices, mashed potatoes, combining pieces with juice.
  2. Eat the fruit yourself before the wavy. Curiosity and a desire to imitate will take over the bird.
  3. Use special devices, fruit holders, which will provide the winged pet with a free approach to the treat.

Knowing what fruits you can give your feathered pet, you can diversify the diet and saturate it with substances useful for the full growth and development of the bird.

Provide your winged friend with proper care, and he will certainly delight you with his good mood and give you a lot of positive emotions!

In order for the diet of budgerigars to be complete, it must be varied. It is necessary to accustom a bird to fruits from a young age, since parrots are conservatives, therefore, they may show distrust of unfamiliar food. If the parrot doesn't want to taste the fruit, here are some tricks:

  • Offer him berries and fruits regularly, every day;
  • Try to experiment with the form of serving: some people like grated fruits, some like slices, and some like whole fruits. You can mix them with grains or porridge;
  • It is very convenient to fix pieces of fruit to the cage lattices with the help of special holders, but you should not use clothespins - parrots can injure their beak about them;
  • Do not give frozen and cold fruits, various preserves;
  • Before giving the bird fruit, it must be washed and pitted (some also from seeds and skins);
  • Try to pamper your pet with seasonal treats - they contain fewer harmful substances, it is best if they are grown in your country house, and not bought in a supermarket.

What fruits can be given to parrots

  • Citrus fruits are a powerful source of trace elements (magnesium, potassium), essential oils, acids, vitamins, carbohydrates and fiber. They are pre-peeled and then cut into pieces. A couple of drops of lemon juice can be added to water - it boosts immunity and protects against infections;

  • Apples - it is better to peel them and give them in slices, it is possible with seeds. They contain vitamins, acids, plant fibers, tannins. Also give dried apple pieces (soaked or stewed);
  • Pears - they have a rich composition: vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, sugars, organic acids, trace elements (iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, fluorine and others). They are given in slices, imported and non-seasonal fruits are pre-peeled from the skin;
  • Melons and watermelons are the so-called false berries; it is not recommended to give a lot of watermelons, as they produce a laxative effect. Melons are nutritious, they contain vitamins A, B, C, minerals (phosphorus, sodium, iron and others). Melons and gourds have a beneficial effect on digestion, cardiovascular system. Since cases of poisoning have recently become more frequent, it is better to give these delicacies only in season;

  • Stone fruits - peaches, cherries, plums, apricots can be given, but first remove the seeds - they contain hydrocyanic acid. It is a source of fiber, sugars, vitamins and minerals;
  • Berries - lingonberry, blueberry, gooseberry, hawthorn, currant, raspberry, strawberry, strawberry, mountain ash (common and black chokeberry) and so on. They can be frozen in reserve for the winter and given dried, but soaked beforehand. Kalina can only be given to birds that do not have kidney problems;
  • Pineapple - contains a lot of vitamins, fiber, trace elements, useful sugars. It is necessary to first clean the core and peel it thoroughly;
  • Grapes - 2-3 berries per day, the seeds can be left on. It contains carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, sugars;
  • Pomegranate - first start with a few seeds, since it affects blood formation, then the portion can be increased to 1/6 of a small fruit per day;
  • Bananas - give only ripe pieces in pieces. They contain fiber, trace elements (potassium, magnesium, calcium and others), sugars, vitamins, starch, organic acids.

What should not be given to parrots?

Papaya, mango, pomelo, persimmon, avocado should not be given, since they ripen on the way, and their milky juice is saturated with harmful alkaloids, glycosides and papain, they can provoke bird poisoning. Dried fruits can be given, it is also advisable to soak them first. Candied fruits are also contraindicated for birds, but dried fruits (dates, prunes, dried apricots, figs, apples, raisins) can be given, but before that they are thoroughly washed or steamed with boiling water.

The daily diet of any domesticated budgerigar is a variety of grain mixes. However, despite the fact that the mixtures mentioned are quite well balanced, they often lack certain useful and minerals that your pet can draw from the fruits offered to him.

That is why, with the onset of spring and in summer, your budgerigar should be pampered with fresh fruits and other delicacies in addition to the usual daily food.

Choosing fruits for your feathered prankster

Surely many bird breeders wondered if they could give their budgies some kind of fruit. Usually, such a manifestation of care on the part of a person is caused by a desire to create ideal living conditions for a parrot, or simply to pamper his pet.

Be that as it may, this desire is very easy to fulfill in the summer, when the first juicy berries and fruits appear on the shelves of many stores. Such as - banana, watermelon, apple, pear, grapes, strawberries, kiwi, etc. All of them are not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy due to the vitamins and minerals they contain.

For example, your parrot will surely appreciate it if you offer him such an exotic fruit as a banana. Moreover, when you consider that the banana grows on the territory of many countries, where many species frolic in the wild.

If, due to circumstances, it will not be so easy for you to get some kind of exotic fruits, then by all means indulge your pet with apples or pears. They are no less useful and tasty. However, before giving them to your pet, it is better to remove all the bones from them in advance.

Experienced breeders who have raised more than one generation of budgerigars probably know what kind of fruit can be given to their pets. In addition to the above list, they pamper their birds with oranges, tangerines, grapes, peaches, plums, melons, pineapples and much more.

The possible diet of such birds is as diverse as possible and is focused on ensuring that the parrot makes up for the missing nutrients in the body during the summer period.

If you want your pet to have access to fruits and berries in winter, then you will need to pre-prepare and dry them.

However, before you feed your pet this or that delicacy, do not forget about the elementary sanitation standards. Thoroughly wash all of the treats you give your pets.

Taming Domesticated Parrots to Fruit

It just so happens that most of the birds purchased from the hands are bought from various resellers, who often do not feed the parrots with something special. Such parrots, during their stay with dealers, consume the cheapest grain mixtures, getting used to them and not wanting anything else.

However, as you probably already understood from the previous section, such cheap grain formulations cannot contain all the vitamins and minerals that pets need.

Therefore, in order to train their budgies to eat not only cereal mixtures, but also fruits, some owners have to go to various tricks. We will now describe in detail some of them.

First, while in front of the pet's cage, eat or imitate the process of eating the treats offered to the parrot. Wavy lines very often imitate their masters, trying to imitate them in everything. Therefore, your behavior for them will probably be enough to start themselves.

Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of bananas on a living organism. This sweet fruit contains many health benefits.

For many budgerigar owners, the question is very interesting, is it possible to feed budgies with bananas? What effect on the pet's body do they have, and in what quantities can it be given?

Bananas contain many beneficial substances that fight various ailments, prevent premature aging of the body and protect against stress. They can also be given to budgerigars, since these little birds need vitamins and minerals no less for full development, good health and a long and happy life.

What substances from banana have a beneficial effect on the body of your feathered pet?

  1. Vitamin C. This vitamin is the best antioxidant that prevents premature cell death and enhances the poultry's immunity.
  2. Vitamin B is good for rich color and smooth plumage, as well as keeping the claws, beak, wax and paws healthy.
  3. Carotene has a good effect on the cardiovascular system. It protects against various cancers that can occur in birds with a lack of this substance.
  4. Vitamin E is beneficial for the quality of the skin and feathers.
  5. Potassium is a mineral that regulates the water balance in the bird's body and has a positive effect on smooth muscle function.
  6. The amino acid tryptophan actively prevents the formation of stress in the body, increases the tone and activity of your bird. Also, it has a positive effect on the fertility of both males and females.
  7. Bananas are high in fiber, which is good for the digestive system.

As you can see, bananas are very useful for budgies! This fruit fights edema well, prevents diabetes mellitus, which budgies can get sick, renews the blood, makes the bird active.

How to give bananas to wavy ones?

Based on the huge list of useful properties, we can conclude that you can give bananas to parrots. However, this may not be your pet's main diet. The ideal dosage for these sweet exotic fruits is 1-2 pieces per week, and you shouldn't give the whole fruit at once.

Sometimes the budgerigar may not immediately understand that the fruit you are offering him is edible. Sometimes, even appetizing bananas, kiwi, orange, apricot and grapes lying in the feeder, make the bird suspicious - whether it can be eaten.

It is very easy to train your pet to eat fruit - set your example and offer it to the bird. Wavy birds are very curious birds, so very soon they will want to try the delicacy.

The banana should be peeled, cut into small pieces, and placed in your pet's feeder. Remember that bananas are very high in calories and if consumed in large quantities, your bird can quickly gain excess weight.

Other fruits in the feeding

The basis of the budgie's diet is grain. Succulent feed can be used as top dressing.

In addition to bananas, budgies can be given:

  • kiwi;
  • Orange;
  • apricot;
  • grape;
  • apples;
  • pear;
  • rose hip;
  • peach;
  • nectarine;
  • melon.

What to look for when feeding fruit?

Keep in mind that all fruits must be of good quality, fresh in appearance. When choosing a juicy meal for your bird, remember that many exotic fruits travel a long way to our country and can be processed with chemicals that allow them to be stored for a long time.

Therefore, do not forget to wash the food thoroughly with hot water, and for citrus fruits, for example, an orange, do not chew on the peel.

All of these fruits are great for your feathered friend. For example, citrus fruits, oranges and lemons contain a large supply of vitamin C, which strengthens the bird's immunity and protects against various infections. Apples also contain a powerful source of nutrients in the form of minerals and acids. They can be given in any form that suits your bird's liking: fresh or dried.

Pears can only be given without seeds, since they contain a large amount of iodine, which can cause an overdose of this substance in a small bird. Therefore, it is better to give this fruit without a core, in the form of slices.

Parrots are very fond of melons, but they should not be given very often, as they have a mild laxative effect. In addition to the restrictions on the number, it should be borne in mind that it is better to feed your parrot with them in season.

As for kiwi, they can be given all year round. This is an ideal fruit, it contains a lot of vitamin C, little sugar, and absolutely no starch. We can say that kiwi is the most dietary product of all of the above. However, do not forget that the diet of the parrot should be balanced and contain both grain mixtures and green vegetables, as well as grass.

Fruits that have pits, such as cherries, cherries, apricots, can only be given as pulp. The bones of these products contain hydrocyanic acid, which is dangerous for birds, which causes severe poisoning, in which there is a very high mortality.

Fruit is very beneficial for feathered friends. Imagine a bleak picture: for some reason, you had to eat the same porridge every day. Whatever it is beloved and useful, but for the soul and, more importantly, for the body, this is clearly not enough. Give him live vitamins, too.

And where do live vitamins "live"? That's right, in vegetables, fruits, berries. The same problem arises when feeding parrots: they also want tasty vitamins, they are in dire need of them. What fruit and berry variety can you please your favorite birds with?

The list of fruits is quite extensive. What fruit can you give a budgerigar? Let's start with those that are closer geographically - relatives, domestic.


Remove the seeds from the pear. The composition of this fruit is very rich: essential natural vitamins, fats, organic acids, trace elements, sugars, carbohydrates.


This fruit is also a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It contains sugars and a lot of fiber.

Before offering a similar treat to a parrot, it is necessary to remove the bone, which, as you know, contains hydrocyanic acid.

The same applies to other stone fruit plants: apricots, cherries, nectarines, peaches, which are excellent juicy.


The fruit of an apple tree naturally contains vitamins, especially a lot of vitamin C. It has an apple and acids, plant fibers, some tannins, pectins useful for digestion, such microelements as: The apple is rich in trace elements!

  • iron,
  • calcium,
  • magnesium,
  • phosphorus,
  • fluorine.

As for the form in which to give apples to the bird, the opinions of the owners were divided: some believe that the seeds should be removed from them, and the apple should be peeled, others suggest giving the fruit unpeeled, including seeds.

Dried apple treats are allowed. It is given in soaked or stewed pieces.

A little exotic

And from the "exotic" what kind of fruit do parrots eat?

A pineapple

Parrots love this very useful product no less than people. Pineapple can be included in the bird menu only by carefully peeling and choosing the core.


Overripe fruits should not be given to pets. Nutritious and delicious overseas fruit - a source of potassium, calcium and magnesium, fiber, starch.

Ripe (yellow) bananas for wavy lines are given in small pieces, after removing the peel. Unripe or, conversely, overripe fruits are strongly not recommended to be included in the menu.

Bananas, grapes, citrus fruits are especially good for budgerigars in winter.


There is a point of view that grapes are bad for parrots. But it contains vitamin C, fiber, carbohydrates necessary for bird health. Therefore, a "sparing" option is proposed: treat your pet with two or three berries a day, peeling off the skin and removing the seeds.

The grapes can be white or black.

Two or three times a week, for a change, you can grind a few raisins into feed.


The pomegranate fruit affects blood formation, so you need to start carefully - with a few ripe seeds. The portion can be increased over time.


Like banana, melon is high in potassium with calcium and magnesium, as well as iron and phosphorus.

Nutritious melon culture has a beneficial effect on digestion, cardiovascular system.

The melon should be offered peeled. Both the pulp itself and the seeds are useful.

This treat is best done by trying it on yourself - in order to avoid poisoning, and it is best to do it in season.


The exotic fruit is considered the leader in the content of vitamin C. The parrots should be given peeled.


Citrus seeds can be included in the diet. Citrus fruits, and they are known to include orange, grapefruit, lemon, tangerine, are powerful sources of vitamin C, trace elements, organic acids, fiber, carbohydrates.

It is allowed to give them with seeds, but by all means peeling and cutting into pieces.

To increase immunity and protect against infections, such a vitamin supplement is also practiced: a few drops of lemon juice are diluted in water poured into a drinking bowl.

All fruit and berry treats must be thoroughly washed, even if you are convinced of their environmental friendliness.

Berry expanse

If you ask yourself whether it is possible for parrots to eat berries and which ones, then the answer will be: almost everything. In the summer, the following will ideally help to diversify the bird menu:

The restrictions apply only to viburnum, which should not be given to feathered pets with kidney problems.

In winter, you can also arrange a berry treat for the wavy, if you prepare berries for future use by freezing or drying. Fully defrost frozen fruits before serving "on the table", and dry - steamed or soaked in hot water.

The largest berry is watermelon. Like other melons and gourds, it is extremely nutritious, but as for the bird menu, there is a caveat: it is not recommended to give it to pets a lot, since it has a laxative effect.


With all the wide "palette" of exotic fruits allowed for use, for some there is a categorical prohibition. These include:

  • avocado,
  • mango,
  • papaya,
  • pomelo,
  • persimmon.

This is explained not only by the fact that they come to our country, ripening on the way. Their juice contains harmful alkaloids, glycosides, papain, which can poison the parrot. For example, the mango fruit contains essential oils and tannins, which can negatively affect the well-being and health of the bird.

Persimmon is also rich in tannins, and avocado contains the cardiac glycoside persin, which can cause cardiac arrest.

To the "fruit" prohibitions can be attributed and treats with frozen and cold fruits, various preserves. Contraindicated for parrots and fruits in the form of candied fruits.

Eat it, ass, don't be ashamed! How to train your budgie to eat fruit?

It is not uncommon for budgerigars to seem to unreasonably refuse fruits / berries. This happens because resellers in the markets or pet shop workers feed the birds with inexpensive dry cereal mixtures in order to reduce the cost of maintaining the "feathered product". Parrots get used to this food, and then it is very difficult for them to switch to an updated diet: the birds are simply afraid.

How do you teach them to eat fruit? We'll have to experiment. To start it is worth offering your pet fruits in different "forms": cutting them into slices, rubbing them to a puree state, cutting them into larger pieces, or even squeezing out the juice.

The bird's digestive system absorbs juice very easily, and this will help the parrot to taste the fruit itself over time. You can start with apple juice.

Fruit feeder. The second step can be a personal example of the owner. Budgerigars are very curious. And if the owner eats fruit in front of the pet's cage, the bird will imitate him.

Very useful devices for the cage that hold food - skewers, skewers, clamps. At first, the parrot perceives them as a funny toy, and then he will be able to taste what is strung on them.

Do not be discouraged if your pet, having tasted this or that fruit, nevertheless throws it away. At least something will fall into the beak! Do not give up trying, in the end the bird will taste everything and appreciate your efforts.

As you can see, there are simply no problems with the choice of juicy and healthy fruit and berry food for parrots, with the exception of a few restrictions. All offered fruits are filled with vitamins, microelements and other extremely useful and necessary substances. You just need to remember that it is necessary to accustom a bird to such food from "infancy": Parrots are conservative and will not immediately rush to unfamiliar food.

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