Home / Recipes / Creative house. Video recipe: Cake "Curd house" from cookies and cottage cheese How to cook a cottage cheese house from cookies

Creative house. Video recipe: Cake "Curd house" from cookies and cottage cheese How to cook a cottage cheese house from cookies

Summer is hot, but I want something tasty, sweet and, preferably, light to a glass of compote! At this time, the recipe for a cottage cheese house will help out - a simple and spectacular dessert for small and large! Now the cottage cheese house made of cookies is our favorite, along with other favorites summer desserts no baking - potato cakes and tea sausage.

We started building a cottage cheese house from cookies at the request of reader Natalya. Thank you for the idea - the kids and I really enjoyed building and eating! Eat yourself too!

In the process, it turned out that there are many varieties of cottage cheese houses! There are a variety of designs and classic house with a gable roof; and a long triangle with a banana inside; and even a miniature house with a window! We decided to try the options that we liked the most and offer you a choice. What house do you like?

Choose, build, involve the kids - they will love it! And with what pleasure then a personally constructed dessert will be eaten!

House number 1
Design: Classic

Building materials:

  • Biscuit square shape- 6 items;
  • Cottage cheese - 1 pack (you need about 180g for the construction, and in a pack of 200 - you can eat like that);
  • Powdered sugar - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • Cocoa powder - 0.5 tablespoons;
  • Cheese in chocolate - 1 piece;
  • Butter - 1 tablespoon;
  • Milk - 3 tablespoons.

For the glaze, the original recipe suggested taking sour cream, butter and cocoa. But this icing turned out not thick enough for me. Therefore, I recommend making a glaze from melted chocolate, a quarter of a bar is enough. And you can not cover the roof with chocolate. But with glaze it is tastier and more beautiful.

Cottage cheese is better to take soft, pasty, moderately moist. And the freshest, because the dessert does not undergo heat treatment!

Knead the cottage cheese with a fork with powder and soft butter.

We separate a small part of the curd mass - something between a third and a quarter - and mix with cocoa.

Quickly dip the cookies in milk; the softer the cookies, the less they need to be kept so as not to get soggy. A couple of seconds is enough. If the cookies are hard, you can take a little longer.

We spread three cookies in a row, and on them in an even layer - half of the white cottage cheese. In the center we put glazed cheese; its edges can be cut off and eaten, and windows are obtained at the house! We put a little more light curd mass on top, and then we translate the two extreme cookies into a vertical position - these are the “walls”.

Having filled with curd “putty” those places where necessary, we put up an “overlap” from the 4th cookie on top.

We put it on it chocolate curd giving it a triangular shape. And we build a “roof” from 2 more pieces of cookies. Can be topped with chocolate icing.

What a cute cottage cheese house! By the way, the three of us ate them, despite their compact size.

House number 2
Design: Gable hut with a banana inside

This is the simplest building - a triangular "hut" with cookie sides, curd filling and a surprise in the form of a whole banana in the middle! However, a banana can be replaced with pieces of fruit or dried fruits, berries, chocolate chips... You can invent a sea of ​​​​options with the same basic design.

In some recipes, cookies are laid out in two layers, interspersed with a small amount of cottage cheese. I laid it out in one layer, so the curd mass did not need 400g, as in the original recipe, but less, about 300-320g. Excess "mortar", that is, cottage cheese, during the formation of the house, crawled out of the joints and was eaten.

  • Cookies - 15 pieces (if in 2 layers, then 30 pieces);
  • Cottage cheese - 300 g (if 2 layers, then 400);
  • Thick sour cream, 20-25%, or cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • Powdered sugar or sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Banana - 2 pcs.;
  • Chocolate - 50 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 tablespoon;
  • If the cookies are hard, then milk is 30 ml.

Cookies are suitable type " baked milk". If it is soft, then you can not soak it. Harder cookies are also suitable, only before laying them out you need to dip them in milk for a couple of seconds.

Lay a cling film or a sandwich bag on the paper and lay out the cookies in three rows according to the 3x5 pattern.

We knead the cottage cheese with powdered sugar and sour cream. Instead of powder, you can take sugar, but it is always more tender with it. You can vary the amount of sweet to your liking: take not 3, but 2 spoons or, if the cottage cheese is sour, then 4.

Spread a little more than half of the curd mass on cookies and distribute evenly. It is more convenient to spread not with a spoon, but with a wide knife.

In the middle, on the "central path" of cookies, put a banana. If it is curved, press it a little to give it an even shape.

We spread the rest of the cottage cheese on top of the banana, it is no longer necessary to spread it over the entire surface - on the contrary, we give the mass a triangular shape.

And now we pull the film by the edges and raise the sides of the hut, forming a house. Press firmly, remove excess curd mass. We wrap the house in a film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour to grab it.

In the meantime, prepare the frosting for decoration. Melt the chocolate pieces in a water bath, adjust the thickness of the glaze by adding vegetable oil.

After taking out dessert, pour chocolate over the house.

Cut into portions with a sharp knife. Here's an interesting cut. It will be easier to carefully cut the curd dessert if you moisten the knife in hot water.

House number 3
Construction: four-storey with a gable roof.

This house looks like a real log house. You can make it any length and height. This design uses 24 cookies; the house consists of 4 sections, in each - 4 "floors" + 2 cookies for the roof. In the same way, you can make 3 or 5 "floors", and sections - from one (then you get a small house, like No. 1), or 2, 3 ... depending on which company is going to eat!

Cookies need a square shape, preferably not hard, but like “Baked Milk”, because the hard one is not soaked enough, and the dessert is difficult to cut.

  • For 24 cookies:
  • 400 g of cottage cheese;
  • 50 ml of milk;
  • 3-4 tablespoons heavy cream or sour cream;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of sugar or powdered sugar.

Cream is preferable, as with them the cream is thicker and more pleasant to the taste. And powdered sugar is preferable to sugar - it is more tender.

For glaze:

White chocolate can be substituted coconut flakes, and instead of black, take milk.

Knead the cottage cheese with powdered sugar and cream to get a homogeneous creamy mass. If the cottage cheese is lumpy, it is advisable to rub it with your hands or beat everything in a blender.

I poured into curd mass berries and pieces of fruit: blueberries, raspberries, apricots, bananas. Get colorful and delicious!

Dip the cookies on both sides in milk - quickly so as not to get wet - and lay them out in one row on parchment or foil.

We spread the cookies with a layer of curd mass.

On top we lay out the second layer-floor of cookies dipped in milk, and so on, all 4 floors.

Then we lay out the rest of the cottage cheese, and on it - cookies, forming a "roof".

We tightly wrap the “house” in foil or parchment and cling film (bag), and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

When the dessert has cooled and “strengthened”, you can start decorating. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, adjusting the thickness of the glaze by adding sunflower oil. First, melt the white and put it in a cornet (or in the corner of a dense food bag). Then melt the dark chocolate and pour over the roof of the "house". When the icing hardens, after 10 minutes, cut off the corner from the bag and draw white patterns. If you draw immediately, on top of warm glaze, the drawing will not stick, so you need to wait until the glaze sets.

This is how the cottage cheese house turns out according to project No. 3.

Cut the dessert into pieces with a sharp knife and enjoy!

Which cottage house did you like the most?

If you want to please your family with something sweet, prepare cottage cheese and chocolate "houses". They will not refuse such a delicacy. And it won't take you much time either. Cake cottage cheese house made of cookies is prepared quickly and easily. Everything you need to prepare this dessert is either almost always at home, or it’s easy to buy at the nearest store. And the best thing about this dessert is that you do not need to bake or cook anything. You can involve your children in the manufacture of this dish so that they spread the cookies with the curd mixture.



  • For filling
  • 500 g of fine-grained cottage cheese;
  • 1 banana;
  • 50 g soft butter;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar or powdered sugar;
  • for the base
  • 150 g soft butter;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 2 packs of regular cookies(in this case - "For tea", but you can take any, except for the biscuit).


We start by making the chocolate-sugar mass. To do this, mix cocoa powder, half a glass of sugar and butter in a small deep plate, which must first be removed from the refrigerator and left to soften at room temperature.

Mix well with a spoon and bring to a homogeneous consistency.
Your mass should resemble sweet fudge or chocolate paste.
Keep in mind, sugar does not melt well, so if you don't want it to crunch when you eat dessert, replace it with powdered sugar or hold the mass in a water bath. In this case, you will get a mass without any grains.

Next, let's move on to the curd. Combine it with sugar and butter.

We mix.

If you took coarse-grained cottage cheese, then grind it through a sieve or gauze. It will turn out more tender, and accordingly your "houses" are softer. We take an ordinary plastic bag, cut it on one side and at the base to make a long cellophane strip, and spread the entire chocolate-creamy mass on it, evenly distributing it over the surface.

You can take foil, cling film or even baking paper, but, as practice shows, it is not so convenient to cook such a chocolate “house” on them: the foil breaks quickly, the cling film slides, and the paper is too hard.

Next, spread the cookies on the chocolate-creamy mass. Three things wide, and how long your sweet "house" will be, decide for yourself.

Spread some of the cottage cheese on the cookies in an even layer.

Peel the banana, cut it lengthwise and put it in the middle. We close it with the remaining cottage cheese. Here, put more curd on the banana, making something like a slide. This is necessary so that when you fold the layer into a triangle, voids do not form in it.

Raise the edges together with the bag with our hands and form a triangle.

Press down and wrap well with cling film. We put the resulting semi-finished product in the refrigerator for a day or at night. The cookies should become soft. If you want to eat this delicacy literally right away, then soak the cookies in warm milk or compote. It is better to cook such a chocolate cottage cheese house cake in the evening so that it soaks overnight and in the morning you serve it for breakfast sweet dessert. Remove the film from it and cut into small pieces.

By the way, this is not our first dessert of cookies and cottage cheese, we have already published

(no milk in the photo)

In a suitable bowl, put the cottage cheese, softened (required) butter, powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. My grandmother naturally interfered with all this manually, with an ordinary fork. But I still recommend using a mixer. Curd mass is more homogeneous and tender. Sometimes st. l sour cream, but this is to your taste.

Pour some milk at room temperature into the bowl. I asked my youngest son to help me with wetting the cookies, to which he happily agreed :-))

Place the cookies moistened with milk in three rows of five pieces each, on a pre-lined cling film. We spread the curd mass on the middle row of cookies with a slide of uniform height.

Now, together with the film with both hands, we simply raise the two extreme rows to the top, forming a triangle. We check that there are no voids inside the "construction". We tightly tie the edges of the cling film so that it comes out like the "candy" in the photo. We put our "candy" somewhere for an hour in the refrigerator. This is necessary in order for the filling to become denser due to the oil. So the future cake will be easier then to cover with chocolate.

It's time for the frosting. In a water bath or in other ways convenient for you, melt the chocolate with butter, mix them and let them cool slightly.

We take out our "house" from the refrigerator and free it from the film. Apply and distribute evenly chocolate icing over the entire surface, not forgetting the "barrels". We remove the cake in the refrigerator until the chocolate has completely solidified, this is at least. And as a maximum, I always recommend giving any dessert time to brew well in the refrigerator. Therefore, I always try to cook them in the evening for serving the next day.
All with all the past January holidays!

Prepare easy and delicious dessert possible at home. And it will not take as long as some housewives think. A house made of cookies with cottage cheese filling will be a great start to the day or a full-fledged afternoon snack for the baby and you. So, let's try to figure out the ingredients and the method of preparing a sweet dish.

Dessert Description

A house made of cookies and cottage cheese (see the main photo) is prepared in the form of a kind of roll. Baking is not used, like any other heat treatment components or the whole dish. Imagine a square or triangular biscuit roll, inside which is a filling of cottage cheese and fruit. On top, the dessert is decorated with powdered sugar, white or brown chocolate icing. Served slightly chilled and cut into portions in the form of small squares or triangles. It turns out a fragment with cottage cheese and fruits, framed by cookies.

Which cookie to take?

Cookies for dessert will suit absolutely any:

  • store or home;
  • sand or biscuit;
  • with or without additives;
  • chocolate or oatmeal.

Even if your cookie is pretty dry and looks like it's no good, use it to make a cookie house. Together with cottage cheese and icing, it will become softer and saturated with sweetness - you get an amazing dessert.

Since our recipe does not require baking, use the shape of the cookies that you need for the house. That is, a square or rectangular one is suitable.

curd filling

This is the basis of this dessert. It keeps its shape, because the no-bake cookie house is being prepared. Therefore, it is better to take cottage cheese of medium density.

If you come across a liquidish product, mix in a little cookie crumbs (pieces ground in a blender) - 100 g of crumbs will be enough for 500 g of cottage cheese. Or hang in clean gauze for a couple of hours to let the excess liquid go.

And if, on the contrary, the cottage cheese is too dry and grainy, use fat sour cream or whipped cream. With the last component, the filling for the dish will turn out to be airy and lush. Mix whipped cream with powdered sugar with cottage cheese rubbed through a fine iron sieve. Select the ratio of ingredients according to the consistency of the mass - arbitrarily.

Another option for dry cottage cheese is soft butter with a high degree of fat content - 82%.

Flavor inclusions can also be added to the curd filling (see "Additional Products" below).

Fruit "core"

The most common filling option is a fresh banana. It does not need to be prepared for a long time - it saves time. To taste and possibility, add the following toppings to the dessert:

  • grated apple with citrus juice (a few drops so that the fruit does not darken);
  • chopped fruit with boiled washed rice and honey - the original version;
  • canned peaches - without syrup, they are soft and will cut well in a ready-made cookie house.

The filling can be completely without fruit - only cottage cheese with sugar.


What products will we take:

  • soft cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • fat sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar - 4-5 tbsp. l.;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • shortbread cookies - 9 or 12 pcs.

The finished house can be triangular, then you need 9 cookies, or square - take 12 pieces for it. In our recipe, the house will be a triangle.

The recipe for a cookie house implies the following procedure:

  1. To begin, beat sour cream with powdered sugar and vanilla. Arm yourself with a hand whisk or an electric mixer.
  2. Mix the mass with cottage cheese.
  3. Lay out the food foil or film on the table. Lay the cookies next to each other on it to form a square grid of nine 3x3 cookies.
  4. Carefully lay the cottage cheese on them so as not to break the structure.
  5. Grab the edge of the foil and lift up. It turns out that two side rows of cookies rise up and connect, forming a triangular building. Inside is a loose layer of curd.
  6. Cover with foil so that the entire dessert is in it.

After coating the dessert with icing, put it back in the refrigerator so that it freezes. Then cut into pieces that look like houses. From the sides on the curd part, you can draw small patterns with chocolate or insert a slice of milk chocolate as a window.

This is an easy cooking option. Well, experienced craftsmen are able to create a real magic cookie house (the photo below demonstrates it). Why not strive for such perfection?

For such a work of art, special-shaped cookies are baked. And a house is already assembled from ready-made ones. The parts are glued together with thick glaze or sugar caramel (it is boiled with a small piece of butter).

Additional products

As additional components, you can use inclusions in the curd mass or fruit "core". It could be:

  • ground nuts (any: peanuts, walnuts, almonds, pecans, cashews), with walnuts and almonds will have to remove the bitter skin in advance;
  • dried fruits chopped or crushed into gruel;
  • pieces of fresh or canned fruit;
  • fresh berries or from jam;
  • jam;
  • grated chocolate - milk, white or dark bitter;
  • pre-cooked soufflé;
  • confectionery topping;
  • coconut flakes - fresh or dried.

For flavoring, add one of these:

  • fresh citrus zest or juice;
  • a drop of alcohol - cognac, rum, liquor, white table wine;
  • vanillin - in powder, extract or seeds from a natural pod.

Literally with two or three additional ingredients from the list, the DIY Cookie House dessert can be made not only tasty, but also an original sweet dish.

Some of these ingredients can also be added to the icing for dessert.

glaze options

1) With cocoa.

You will need:

  • butter - 100 g;
  • cocoa powder (unsweetened) - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar (or sand) - 10 tbsp. l.;
  • cream (or milk) - 10 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. Mix soft butter with the rest of the recipe ingredients. Heat up a little so that the consistency becomes homogeneous. At the same time, stir the mixture with a whisk or spoon.
  2. Cool the frosting at room temperature and use as directed.

2) From white chocolate.

You will need:

  • white chocolate bar - 100 g;
  • powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cream - 3 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. Break up the white chocolate bar and place in a small bowl. Build water bath and melt the pieces.
  2. Add powdered sugar and cream, stir until homogeneous mass. You can use a mixer or immersion blender for more efficient mixing.
  3. Since the icing was not heated over an open fire, it can be poured over the prepared dessert almost immediately.

According to the same principle, icing is prepared from dark or milk chocolate. Use butter or milk instead of cream, if desired.

With the same icing, draw square windows on pieces of the already cut dessert.

Your child has no appetite, he refuses to eat healthy dairy products? Prepare a dessert with him - a house of cottage cheese and cookies. The child will be happy to eat what he has made with his own hands. In this article, we will tell and show step by step how to make a house cake from available products no baking.

There is original recipes sweet desserts that are prepared without heat treatment. By combining ordinary products, you can make a beautiful and delicious cake, spending a minimum of time and effort on the work. Give your child the opportunity to be creative, prepare a dessert together. Of course, spend more time than if you made the cake yourself, but the minutes and hours spent with the children are priceless.

As a basis for the cake, we use biscuit or shortbread, maybe crackers.

For the curd filling, we take fatty cottage cheese (if you do not count calories), preferably smooth, not grainy. If you need to improve the quality and taste, add dairy products to it:

  • cream
  • sour cream
  • yogurt
  • butter
  • condensed milk

For the filling, choose fillers:

  • dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, prunes
  • fresh, canned, frozen fruits (cherry, pineapple, banana, raspberry, strawberry, kumquat)
  • nuts - walnuts, peanuts, cashews, almonds
  • to enrich the taste, add cocoa, coffee, vanilla, honey, citrus zest

House Decoration:

  • icing, melted chocolate
  • marmalade, candy
  • coconut flakes, almonds, chopped walnut

If the cake is decorated thematically or a suitable inscription is made, it can become the main dessert on New Year, Easter, Valentine's Day, birthday.

Classic house cake step by step

The recipe for a no-bake dessert house is one of the cheesecake options. For its preparation, we use a minimum of products, cottage cheese and cookies are delicious in themselves and go well together.

Cake Ingredients:

  • cottage cheese 500 g
  • sour cream 50 g
  • powdered sugar from 100 to 150 g, add to your taste
  • biscuit cookies 9 pieces
  • milk 100 g

Decoration Ingredients:

  • dark chocolate bar
  • milk 4 tbsp. l.
  • 20 g butter

Preparing the cake:

  • Beat cottage cheese with powdered sugar and sour cream until a homogeneous smooth mass.

  • We spread cling film or foil on a wide cutting board, kitchen table, put cookies on it, first dropping each one into a bowl of milk.

  • We make the basis for the cake, lay out the cookies in three rows of three things (3X3), spread the tender curd cream in the center.

  • We lift the film from both sides at the same time, so that the cookies are folded in a corner above the central row, like the roof of a house.

  • We cover the sweet design of cookies and cottage cheese cling film, so that to lightly compress the filling and keep the shape of the house, leave it in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

After the curd mass hardens, remove the film and decorate the dessert:

  1. We take a bar of chocolate, break it into pieces
  2. We put a saucepan with chocolate in a water bath
  3. Add milk and butter after the chocolate has melted
  4. Pour frosting over cake and let cool.

The finished cake looks delicious!

Cherry House Cake - Step by Step Recipe

Cherry has a bright taste with sourness, which betrays piquancy to sweet dishes. Juicy beautiful berries in the picking season or in canned form will be a great variation for fruit and curd filling.

Cake Ingredients:

  • cookies 12 pcs.
  • canned cherries 100 g
  • smooth creamy curd 200 g
  • 50 g heavy cream
  • sugar 80 g, about half a glass
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife

For glaze:

  • 3 art. l. cocoa
  • 5 st. l. milk or sour cream
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • piece of butter 20 g
  • half a bar of dark chocolate


  • We spread the foil on the table and lay out the cookies (3x4)

  • Beat cottage cheese, cream, sugar, vanillin until a smooth cream without lumps is formed and coat two layers of cookies

  • In the center lay out canned or fresh pitted cherries

  • We collect the cake, lifting the foil from both sides, connect it at the top, send it to the refrigerator for 5 hours so that the mass takes shape

Making frosting:

  1. We heat the milk to 30 ° C, stir sugar and cocoa in it
  2. When it boils, reduce the gas and cook until it thickens.
  3. At the very end, add oil
  4. Pour icing over cake and sprinkle with almond flakes

Despite the fact that the cake is very easy to prepare, under the power of an inexperienced housewife, it is not inferior in taste to complex desserts that require special skills.

Banana house cake - step by step recipe

The filling for the house cake can be varied with all sorts of components; it is traditional for us to add raisins to the cottage cheese. If we take European and American cuisine, then a dessert based on cottage cheese and cookies (cheesecake) is usually made with a banana.

Filling Ingredients:

  • fat cottage cheese 800 g
  • sour cream (20%) - 300 ml.
  • thickener for sour cream
  • powdered sugar - a glass
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife
  • 2 bananas
  • 200 g milk for dipping cookies
  • cookies 30 pieces


  • We spread the curd cream on the first layer of cookies, then on the second (600 g in total), in the center we place peeled bananas, cut into pieces.

  • We collect the cake and leave it in the refrigerator for the night.

  • We take out the chilled dessert, remove the film and evenly, using a spatula, apply curd cream (200 g) over the entire surface.

Dessert can be decorated with nuts, candied fruits or colored powder. Delicious and satisfying cheese cake It's easy to make lighter, less calorie foods by choosing lower-fat foods and replacing shortbread and biscuits with whole-wheat biscuits or crackers.

Cake house of cookies and cottage cheese: photo

There are many options cottage cheese dessert a house with the addition of cherries, peach, kiwi, cranberries, as well as various types of shortbread, biscuit, chocolate chip cookies. Each hostess can experiment and use a variety of components, guided by her own taste preferences.

Variations on the theme of dessert without baking:

Cake house with natural candied fruits(cherry, tangerine, dried apricots, kumquat)

  • stuffing from cottage cheese cream with candied berries and fruits
  • decorate with milk chocolate melted in milk

Cottage cheese dessert without baking for Valentine's Day

  • garnished with whipped cream and strawberry pieces
  • the inscription is made with melted dark chocolate using a confectionery syringe on paper, and then transferred to the cake

Chocolate cake house

  • without baking from two layers of chocolate chip cookies
  • cream cheese and banana filling
  • topped with chocolate melted in milk with butter

Coffee- chocolate house ik of two types of cookies (coffee and chocolate)

  • various curd fillings- plain and with cocoa
  • if you arrange it in detail, then such a dish can decorate the Easter table

cake house with gelled cream cheese filling and a large biscuit

  • stuffing filled with pieces canned peach, almond, zest of one lemon

The classic version of the cake house

  • with homemade cottage cheese, sour cream and raisins
  • decorated with chocolate icing, with custard pattern

Cake house with cottage cheese and chocolate cream, topped with nuts and raisins

  • garnished with melted chocolate and sprinkled with coconut flakes

Cottage cheese-strawberry cake without baking

  • stuffed with chocolate and cheese mass with whole strawberries
  • into the curd mass by adding a small amount of gelatin soaked and heated on fire (up to 90 ° C)

Cake house based on cottage cheese grandmother with homemade cottage cheese with boiled egg yolks

  • Stuffing using gelatin diluted in milk

Portion cottage cheese-banana cake house for kids

A variant of a children's dessert made of cookies and cottage cheese, drenched in lemon glaze

  • For decoration, we use favorite children's sweets: marmalade, M&M's, marshmallows and vitamins in the form of figurines.

Portion cake house without baking cookies and cottage cheese

  • Pomegranate seeds serve as a decoration - a dessert for breakfast or an afternoon snack

coffee cake house from biscuits

  • Garnished with coffee cream based on condensed milk
  • Filling - cottage cheese with pieces of milk chocolate and raisins

fruit cake house with cream cheese and biscuits

  • Complemented with pieces of canned peaches,
  • Topped with butter-coffee cream

  • Who does not like chocolate icing can do house cake with powdered sugar
  • As a filling, it is better to choose light curd cream with raisins and candied fruit

New Year's cake house the child can make himself and eat with appetite

  • The basis - biscuit cookies 7 pcs.
  • Marmalade figurines serve as decoration
  • Sprinkled with coconut flakes - imitation of snow

  • Cake house of cookies and straws with gentle curd cream and adding walnuts

Cake house is a great option for those who are limited in time or learn the basics of cooking. You can please your family and friends by preparing a simple but very tasty dessert from available products, without baking.

Video: "Curd Cookie House"