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Easter from cottage cheese and sour cream is a classic recipe. Easy Easter cottage cheese recipes

We are preparing with special trepidation for one of the main Orthodox holidays. And many housewives try to make the treat (and Easter cakes) also special.

And for this, first of all, it is necessary that the products are fresh. We offer you master classes on cooking Easter from cottage cheese with citrus fruits and nuts, with raisins and candied fruits - we hope that everyone will find a recipe to their liking. Happy Easter!

1. Custard Easter with citrus aroma

Photo: Ekaterina Morgunova/BurdaMedia

You will need:

  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 9 eggs
  • 250 g butter
  • 1 large lemon
  • 200 ml sour cream 20% fat
  • 200 ml heavy cream
  • 50 g chopped almonds and raisins


1. Wipe the cottage cheese twice through a sieve. Melt the butter, mix with cottage cheese and put on the stove. Bring to a boil over low heat, then remove from heat and let cool slightly. Whisk all the eggs into the mixture one at a time.


  • for Easter, you should take the freshest cottage cheese;
  • you need to combine it with warm oil gradually, in small portions;
  • when the custard curd-butter mass becomes warm, beat in the eggs, kneading thoroughly after adding each one.

2. Grate the zest of half a lemon on a fine grater, squeeze the juice. Second - cut into thin slices. Add to egg mixture lemon juice, sour cream, cream and mix thoroughly. Add chopped nuts and raisins.


  • peel from a lemon can be removed with a grater or a sharp knife;
  • be careful not to touch the white shell (it will give the dish bitterness);
  • in order to get the maximum amount of juice from a lemon, the fruit should first be poured over with boiling water.

3. Put the resulting mass into a pasochnik lined with damp gauze. Then gather the ends of the gauze at the top so that the mass does not flow out. Put under oppression, put in the refrigerator for a day. If the load is too heavy, the liquid flowing through the mold slits will become cloudy. If liquid does not appear at all, the load is too light.

4. Put the finished Easter on a beautiful plate.

5. Decorate it with lemon slices on top.

You will need:

  • 1.2 kg cottage cheese
  • 200 ml cream
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 g granulated sugar
  • 1 pinch vanilla sugar
  • 200 g butter
  • 200 g peeled almonds
  • zest and juice of 1 lemon


1. Mix cottage cheese with cream and place under the press for a day. Then drain the whey, transfer the cottage cheese to a large bowl.

2. Wipe the prepared cottage cheese twice through a fine sieve. Cut the butter into pieces and leave at room temperature for 30 minutes.

3. Beat the eggs with a mixer, put on a hot water bath gradually add sugar and vanilla sugar. Heat up, but do not bring to a boil.

4. egg mix remove from heat and let cool. Beat the butter with a mixer and combine with the cooled egg mass.

5. Grind the nuts in a blender, add to the egg-oil mass along with the zest and lemon juice, add the cottage cheese, mix everything well.

6. Line the pasochnitsu with 2 layers of wet gauze. Transfer the resulting curd mass to a pastry box, cover with gauze ends on top and place under a press for a day.

7. Decorate the finished product (optional) with almonds, lemon zest.

Photo: Dmitry Bayrak / BurdaMedia

You will need:

  • 800 g cottage cheese
  • 200 ml cream
  • 200 g powdered sugar
  • 200 g butter
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 100 g raisins
  • 100 g candied fruit


1. Pour boiling water over raisins. Rub the cottage cheese twice through a fine sieve, mix with 100 g of powdered sugar and cream. Drain the water from the raisins, add it to the curd along with candied fruit and vanilla sugar.

2. Melt the butter and let it cool down a bit. Then mix it with the egg yolks and the remaining powdered sugar. Salt, beat well and combine with curd mass.

3. Line a sieve or colander with damp gauze folded in half. Put the curd mass, lightly tamp, cover with gauze on top and refrigerate for 12 hours.

4. Decorate the finished Easter with fruits and candied fruits.

Just melts in your mouth!

Photo: K. Vinogradov/BurdaMedia

You will need:

  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 300 g sour cream 30% fat
  • 150 g butter
  • 200 g sugar
  • 0.5 sachet of vanilla sugar
  • 100 g small raisins


1. Rub the cottage cheese 2 times through a fine sieve. Add sour cream, melted butter, stir until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

2. Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar with a mixer. Combine the resulting creamy mass with the curd mixture, raisins, mix well.

3. Place the container with the mass in a hot water bath and stand, stirring, for 30 minutes.

Then put in a pasochnik lined with gauze, put oppression and put in the cold for 24 hours.

2. Put the pan on very small fire. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a hot state, then allow it to cool. Add icing sugar, lemon zest to the chilled mass and mix thoroughly.

3. Add finely chopped candied fruit to the mass, mix again and arrange in small bowls.

Place under oppression for 24 hours. Then put on beautiful plates. Decorate as desired before serving.

Easter cottage cheese. An integral part of any Easter table. Curd Easter can be either raw or baked or custard or boiled. And how tasty the cottage cheese Easter will turn out to a large extent depends on the quality of the cottage cheese used for its preparation.

The baked cottage cheese Easter is especially delicious - this Easter is usually baked in the oven, and candied fruits, raisins, nuts or cocoa are often added to it. And custard (boiled) cottage cheese Easter always turns out to be very tender - in order to cook it, a mixture of cottage cheese, butter, sour cream and eggs is brewed in a saucepan. This is how the famous curd Easter "Royal" is prepared!

In general, cottage cheese Easter can be prepared in two ways: cold and hot. In order to cook Easter curd in a cold way (that is, raw easter), all components are carefully rubbed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and to prepare a boiled Easter, the mass is heated over a fire until bubbles begin to rise from the bottom of the pan. Of course, it takes more effort to prepare hot curd Easter, but it turns out to be much more tender and sweeter than the raw version.

Ideally, cottage cheese for making cottage cheese Easter should be fresh and fairly fatty (although some hostesses claim that excellent cottage cheese Easter is also obtained from dry low-fat cottage cheese). Particularly well suited for these purposes is selected cottage cheese, and if it was made from baked milk, it is doubly good (to make such cottage cheese, milk is heated in the oven for several hours), because Easter prepared from such cottage cheese can boast an extremely pleasant pink color!

In order for the cottage cheese Easter to always turn out homogeneous, the cottage cheese must be carefully rubbed through a sieve, and only after that it is combined with all the other ingredients and the future cottage cheese Easter is thoroughly kneaded. And you can always beat the curd mass with a mixer.

Sour cream for cooking Easter cottage cheese should be non-acidic, as well as quite fatty and thick, and cream should also have a high fat content (at least thirty percent). And sugar can always be replaced with powdered sugar - it will be much easier to grind it with egg yolks, and the finished product in this case will boast a more delicate texture. As for eggs, it is best to take the yolks for cooking Easter cottage cheese, which are ground with sugar or powdered sugar until they brighten. And the lighter this mixture turns out, the better!

- a special dish of cottage cheese, which, according to all traditions, is prepared only once a year for the Great Easter holiday. The custom of preparing curd Easter is widespread in the central and northern regions of our Motherland. In the south of Russia and in Ukraine, Easter or paska is called festive bread or, which are baked according to traditional recipes. They are also brightly colored and arrange an elegant Easter corner.

In this article you will find delicious recipes cottage cheese Easter without baking, which is based on a very useful product. Delicious and tender cottage cheese Easter will be loved by children. Find your universal recipe cottage cheese Easter, your family will definitely appreciate this Easter cottage cheese dessert.

We choose cottage cheese of high fat content, and preferably homemade. Due to its fat content, tenderness and great taste dessert. According to all the rules and traditions, it must be rubbed twice through a sieve. In modern times, many housewives resort to blenders and choppers, you can also skip a couple of times through a meat grinder.

There are opinions that cottage cheese is one of the oldest sacred foods associated with the worship of fertility deities. Many rituals in antiquity, such as the spring ceremony of greeting the earth and the first plowing of the field, were carried out precisely with the use of cottage cheese and other dairy products, which had an extremely symbolic meaning for believers.

Cottage cheese is more than food, because it is the best thing in milk, its essence, the most nutritious and beneficial for the human body. And grated cottage cheese, and even with sugar and with the best butter, is a generous gift of nature.

There are two ways to prepare cottage cheese Easter. Both are without baking, but in the first so-called "raw" method, we mix the products and immediately put them into a mold. The second way - the mass for Easter is brewed in a thick-bottomed dish on fire. The method of preparing custard curd Easter is not at all complicated. The only difference is that at a certain moment the mixture of products heats up, but the curd mass should never be brought to a boil.

Custard cottage cheese Easter with raisins and candied fruit

You will love it delicate texture such a custard Easter and its excellent taste with lemon peel, raisins and candied fruits. Nuts add a nice flavor.

An excellent recipe for the Easter holiday will not leave anyone indifferent at the festive table. Cook with pleasure!

You will need:

  • 550 g fat cottage cheese
  • 50 g butter
  • 130 ml sour cream 20% fat
  • 100 g granulated sugar
  • 2 pcs. chicken egg
  • 1/5 tsp table salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 1/2 piece lemon peel
  • 80 g walnut
  • 70 g raisins
  • 70 g candied fruits
  • easter decorations
  • piece of gauze fabric

Cooking method:

We will need a form for cottage cheese Easter, the dimensions of which are 11.3 cm x 11.3 cm x 4.8 cm

Soak the raisins in hot water for 30 minutes, then dry them well on a paper towel.

We beat fatty cottage cheese with a blender until soft, you can also soften it by passing it through a meat grinder, or rub it through a sieve

When the cottage cheese becomes homogeneous in consistency, add eggs and sour cream

Continue beating with the blender

Butter can be added to cottage cheese Easter according to your taste, varying the amount from 50 g to 150 g

Beat the mass well with a blender, pour it into a saucepan with a thick bottom, put on medium heat

We heat the curd mixture and reduce the heat, stirring continuously for 6-8 minutes until boiling, but the mass should in no case boil

Add candied fruits, nuts and raisins, mix thoroughly

We put the form for Easter on a small plate

Pour the mixture into the prepared form, lined with a couple of layers of gauze.

At the bottom of the form, before filling it on gauze, put 6-8 multi-colored candied fruits, they will serve as an additional decoration for the top of the next Easter

We fill the form with curd mass to the very edge.

Gently cover Easter with the edges of the gauze fabric on top, place a board or small plate on top and oppression, place the structure in the cold for 1-2 days

Timely drain the curd whey from the bottom plate

After 1-2 days of Easter pressing, we disassemble the structure, remove the oppression

We unfold the gauze fabric, free the base, put a plate on top, on which Easter will be decorated and served

We turn Easter over and carefully remove the gauze fabric from the surface of Easter, candied fruits look very nice at the top

Decorate Easter the way you want

Enjoy your meal!

Marble curd Easter with nuts and dried fruits

It is very easy to make such a beautiful marble Easter with your own hands at home. The tint of the stripes is given by cocoa, and dried fruits and nuts will give their unique zest.

Delicious and delicate dessert on your table for the holiday, no doubt, will please family and guests. Feel free to take note of the recipe and get ready for the holiday!

You will need:

  • 1 kg cottage cheese 9-12% fat
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 200 g butter
  • 1 st. granulated sugar (or powdered sugar)
  • 5 g vanilla sugar (1 sachet)
  • 0.5 - 1 tsp cocoa powder
  • 100 g dried fruits
  • 100 g nuts
  • confectionery topping
  • piece of gauze fabric

Cooking method:

Grind fat cottage cheese in small batches through a sieve
Add softened butter and rub it with cottage cheese

Add sour cream, granulated sugar, vanilla sugar, mix until smooth

Separate 1/3 of the mixture into a separate bowl, add prepared dried fruits (dried apricots and raisins) and chopped nuts, mix well

After dried fruits, add 0.5 teaspoon of cocoa powder or more - depends on the desired color of the "marble" strips

So, the mixtures for Easter are prepared, put the form for Easter on a small plate

We line it from the inside with gauze cloth 1-2 layers

Then we alternate the colors of the mixtures, carefully leveling the layers with a tablespoon or spatula.

We finish the base with a white mixture and cover it on top with the edges of gauze fabric

We set a small plate or saucer of a suitable size on top, oppression on top to remove excess moisture, remove Easter in the cold for 12 hours

We drain the whey from the bottom plate in time, which departs while Easter is under oppression

After 12 hours, we remove the oppression, unfold the gauze fabric, freeing the base

We cover the base with a dish and turn Easter in the form, open the form on one side and carefully remove the gauze fabric from it

Decorate with candy sprinkles or chocolate chips as desired.

Enjoy your meal!

Easter cottage cheese "Royal" with boiled yolks

Such a magnificent in taste and solemnly decorated Easter justifies its name - "Royal" Easter from cottage cheese with dried fruits and candied fruits. Such an elegant Easter is a real queen among Easter desserts.

Be sure to prepare such a beauty for the holiday, everyone will be simply shocked by the grandeur of the idea and its chic execution. Happy and joyful Easter to you! Good luck!

You will need:

  • 500 g fat cottage cheese
  • 3 pcs. boiled yolk
  • 200 g butter
  • 200 g sour cream 2% fat
  • 150-200 g powdered sugar
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 0.5 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 150 g candied fruits
  • 100 g nuts
  • 50 g raisins
  • grated white and black chocolate
  • food beads for decoration
  • piece of gauze fabric

Cooking method:

Grind the boiled yolks with a spoon through a sieve, add sour cream and mix well

Grate the chilled butter on a coarse grater and add it to the main mixture

The final mixture is not homogeneous

To achieve uniformity, it is necessary to rub the resulting mixture in small parts through a fine sieve.

Soak raisins in hot water for 30 minutes, then be sure to dry it thoroughly on a napkin

We decorate curd dough candied fruits, raisins and nuts, mix thoroughly

We choose any nuts according to your taste, but it is better to choose tender varieties, such as peanuts, cashews or walnuts

So, our curd mixture is ready.

We put a sieve into a separate bowl and cover it with gauze cloth in 4-6 layers

We spread the curd mixture, leveling and compacting it with a spatula.

We cover the form with the edges of the gauze fabric, folding them with an envelope

On top of the fabric we put a small plate of a suitable size and put oppression on it, put it in the cold for 24 hours

After a day in the cold, we disassemble the structure, remove the oppression, open the gauze fabric

Turn the sieve over with the dish

Carefully remove the gauze fabric from Easter

To further decorate Easter, you need to draw and cut a stencil

On a two-layer napkin we circle a small plate with which we covered Easter under oppression

We need a ruler

With the help of simple steps, we cut out two parts of the stencil, for decoration we need both

We cover the Easter base with the extreme part of the stencil, as shown in the photo

With large confectionery beads, select all the tops of the flower

Now cover the white chocolate flower with the other part of the stencil

Adding beads to the Easter surface

Now we decorate the uncovered surface of Easter with dark chocolate to the very foundation

We lay out a cross on white chocolate from beads and complete the Easter decoration with smaller beads

Enjoy your meal!

Delicious Easter with gelatin and candied fruit

Such a bright and amazing snowy cottage cheese Easter with gelatin and candied fruits on your table is a holiday for children and adults! Everyone will like it, and the hand will reach out for another piece! After all, it will be simply impossible to resist!

Feel free to try to cook it for the Great Easter holiday, and it will great option dessert that homemade will ask you to perform again and again. Delicious impressions to you!

You will need:

  • 600 g cottage cheese
  • 125 g sour cream 20% fat
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 st. powdered sugar
  • vanilla
  • 30 g cream
  • 1 PC. banana
  • candied fruit to taste
  • 20 g gelatin

Cooking method:

Soak gelatin in a glass cold water- it should swell

We pass all the cottage cheese through a sieve, rubbing it with a spoon into the mixer container

Add sour cream, powdered sugar, salt and vanilla to the cottage cheese

Beat with a mixer until completely smooth.

Gelatin is swollen, it must be melted in a microwave or over a fire in a bowl

In no case should you not bring gelatin to a boil - it will lose all its gelling properties!

Add the melted gelatin to the curd mass and mix again with a mixer.

Take some of the curd mixture into a separate bowl.

Add candied fruits (or dried fruits) to taste

In the curd mass, which we selected in a separate bowl, we will add a fresh banana

Grind the banana into half rings, mix it with the curd mass

We prepare the form - we set the form for Easter on a small plate, line it with a wet gauze cloth

We fill the form with the curd mixture with candied fruits to the very top, compacting well and leveling it with a spoon

We cover the base of Easter with the edges of gauze fabric, set a suitable saucer on top and oppression

The whole structure is placed in the cold for 2-3 hours

Now we will make small beads in a silicone mold

First, put the curd mixture with candied fruit into the mold, compacting it with a tablespoon

We stir the form in the cold, after 2-3 hours it will completely harden

After 3 hours, we take out the cottage cheese Easter, remove the oppression, open the gauze fabric on top, turn the Easter on a dish

Now you can decorate it as you wish, although it turned out to be very beautiful and elegant.

Enjoy your meal!

Cottage cheese Easter is a dish that is served at the festive Easter table along with and. This delicious sweet dessert cooked only once a year, using a paster (a special shape in the form of a truncated pyramid). Cottage cheese is ground, mixed with sour cream and other ingredients of the recipe, supplemented with nuts or dried fruits.

According to the method of preparation, cottage cheese Easter can be raw and boiled. In the first case, the recipe does not provide heat treatment- all components are immediately ground into a single mass and placed in a mold. In the second option, the mixture of ingredients is preheated over low heat. We'll consider step by step recipe boiled cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits and raisins.


  • cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% or higher - 600 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • sour cream from 20% - 200 g;
  • yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • raisins, colored candied fruits (or other additives) - 100 g each.

Easter cottage cheese recipe with photos step by step at home

How to make cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits and raisins

  1. Cottage cheese, no matter how fat and silky it is initially, first of all we grind it through a sieve, or we break it with a submersible blender. It is extremely undesirable to neglect this moment - in this case it is very important to achieve the most smooth composition so that the finished Easter turns out to be tender and uniform, without cottage cheese grains.
  2. In a thick-bottomed saucepan, we combine the already pounded cottage cheese with sour cream, vanilla and regular sugar, as well as soft butter, cut into small cubes. We separate the yolks from the proteins and also load them into the curd mass.
  3. After mixing the ingredients, place the pan on the stove. We warm over low heat, carefully stirring the curd mixture. When exposed to temperature, the mass will gradually begin to become more liquid - this is completely normal, as it should be!
  4. When air bubbles begin to rise from the bottom, remove the curd mixture from the heat - you do not need to wait for an active boil. Let cool until slightly warm.
  5. We load colored candied fruits and raisins to the curd mass (do not forget to rinse and dry in advance), mix. If desired, you can add other additives to Easter - any chopped nuts, a mixture of dried fruits, fresh berries.
  6. We moisten the gauze with water, wring it out, fold it in two layers and stele inside the bean box (the edges of the fabric should hang down on the sides). We substitute a plate from below so that liquid whey flows into it. If there is no special form for Easter, you can use a regular colander or take a large one. plastic bottle by making holes at the bottom to let the liquid out.
  7. We fill the prepared container with curd mass (in our example, a pastry box is used, designed for 900 g of Easter).
  8. We lift and wrap the edges of the gauze hanging on the sides, hiding the curd mass under the fabric. We place a load on top (for example, a container of water). We send it to the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.
  9. After a while, remove the load, open the edges of the gauze. We cover the cottage cheese Easter with a plate, turn it over. Remove the bead and remove the fabric.
  10. At will, we arrange curd Easter confectionery sprinkles or in another way. Cut into pieces and serve.

Cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits and raisins is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Of course, it is hard to imagine a festive table in an Orthodox family without an Easter treat. Cottage cheese Easter turns out very tasty, you will find their recipes with photos below. the day before Happy Easter all housewives try to prepare carefully, think about how to set the table. It has already become traditional to paint eggs and cook Easter cottage cheese. How to cook cottage cheese Easter: recipes with photos can be found in the article.

Eggs are painted in different ways: someone uses purchased paints, and someone uses natural products. In any case, you will get multi-colored testicles. After painting, they should be rubbed sunflower oil so they will shine. You can buy Easter stickers in advance and stick them on each egg. With that sorted out, now is the time to prepare Easter. You can cook ordinary Easter cakes, or you can make cottage cheese Easter. So, the topic of our article is cottage cheese Easter: recipes with photos, how to cook this holiday dessert we will tell below.

If you have never cooked yourself, then thanks to the recipe for cottage cheese Easter without eggs, you will create a real cooking masterpiece. This method is the easiest, suitable even for novice cooks. And if you really want to surprise your family, make a cheese passover. Find out the preferences of each family member and, based on this, prepare a real treat for festive table. Cottage cheese Easter as a dish turns out to be very tasty and tender. On this day, Easter must be on the table. How to cook them at home? This is what we will deal with now.

Easter from cottage cheese (royal)

There is a time-tested recipe for cooking Easter. A photograph is also attached. From such a delicacy you can’t drag it by the ears.

Required products:

cottage cheese (it is desirable to choose fatty, 1 kg);

sour cream (fat, 210 grams);

a couple of eggs;

sugar (half a cup, choose according to your taste);

butter (with a high% fat content, 110 grams);

vanillin (a couple of sachets);

raisins (100-150 grams);

candied fruits (100-150 grams).

The first step is to pass the curd through a sieve. It is advisable to do this several times so that the dough is airy and not clogged.

2 eggs are driven into the curd, sugar is poured in and added soft butter. Immediately send sour cream and vanillin to the ingredients. Now beat all the ingredients thoroughly. For these purposes, use a mixer. If there is no such device in the kitchen, beat with your hands for 10 minutes.

In the meantime, you need to remember, it is better to do this in advance, rinse the raisins. After it dries, it will go into the curd mixture along with the candied fruit. Mix well again.

Next, moisten a piece of gauze and cover the form with it. If there is no beekeeper, you can take a flower pot or a colander. Spread the curd mass on cheesecloth. Wrap with gauze and place a plate on top. Serum will flow through the bottom of your mold, so substitute something under the bottom too. Put everything in the refrigerator overnight.

In the morning, remove the plate, remove the gauze and turn the Easter on a dish. Flip in the same way as you would the jellied meat. The finished delicacy can be decorated with candied fruits and written in capital letters "XB". The most delicious cottage cheese Easter (classic) is ready. Treats can be brought to the Easter table.

Baked Easter (recipe with photo)

Not a single Easter holiday is complete without Easter. Food should be appropriate for the holy day. Instead of bread, Easter is eaten on this day. Easter from cottage cheese is considered the most delicious, tender and melting in the mouth. All food on the table is exclusively Easter. But how to make Easter at home? We will now provide a simple recipe.

Required products:

homemade cottage cheese (700-800 grams);

chicken eggs (6 selected pieces);

sour cream (250 grams);

sugar (250 grams);

cinnamon (a couple of small spoons, you can one);

zest of any citrus (grated, 6 small spoons);

baking powder (sachet);

wheat flour (half a cup);

a piece of butter.

Easter treat preparation:

Now you will see how to make a delicious baked Easter. First, separate the whites from the yolks. We need the yolks. They will need to be ground with sugar and mixed with cottage cheese. This is where all the ingredients on the list go. But the flour will need to be sifted first.

Grease the prepared baking dish with a piece of butter. Put the mass there and send it to the oven. Readiness can be checked with a match. If the dough does not stick to it, then you can get it.

Lubricate the finished cake with whipped protein with powdered sugar. This is optional. If you don't like it, don't do it, and without it it will turn out very tasty. Here is Easter cottage cheese ready. The recipe turned out to be very simple. Easter must be put on the Easter table, and you already know how to cook it at home.

Easter recipe with chocolate flavored cottage cheese

How to do delicious easter? This question is asked by many housewives on the eve of the great holiday. After all, food should correspond to this day. Do-it-yourself Easter cake will be especially appreciated. Cooking Easter is very easy at home. There are recipes where the egg is added, and there are where it is completely unnecessary. You can cook a very tasty Easter with the taste of chocolate. Now we will offer you the easiest recipe (step by step).

Required products:

homemade cottage cheese (550-600 grams);

butter (210 grams);

sour cream (110 grams);

milk chocolate (bar);

sugar (250 grams);

vanillin (sachet).

Easter preparation:

Before you start cooking, pay special attention to the cottage cheese. It must be properly rubbed through a sieve, if possible several times. Then send it to the prepared bowl. Put some soft butter in there. Next, mix both ingredients with a blender.

Beat sour cream separately and slowly spread to the curd-creamy mass. Mix everything again. After that, sugar and vanillin are added to the prepared composition. Mix everything. Grate the chocolate with small holes and pour into the mixture.

Cover the mold with cheesecloth and put the prepared mixture there. Cover the top of Easter with the ends of gauze, and place a plate on top. Also place a plate under the bottom of the mold, where excess liquid will drain. Put everything in the refrigerator overnight.

In the morning your curd paste will be ready. You do not need to decorate it, as it will be beautiful because of the chocolate chips. Now you know how to cook a curd treat quickly and tasty.

Custard Easter: how to cook

We are all preparing for Easter in a special way. This holiday is famous for all kinds of pastries and colored eggs. But you never tried custard easter? Now we will tell little secret how to cook it. To give taste and aroma, it is desirable to add citruses.

Required products:

homemade cottage cheese (1 kilogram);

chicken eggs (8-9 pieces of the second grade);

butter (pack);


sour cream (210 ml);

cream (fatty 210 ml);

raisins (50 grams);

chopped almonds (50 grams).

Easter treat preparation:

Today we will get not just boiled Easter, but custard. As usual, grind the cottage cheese through a sieve. Add softened butter to it. Now put the saucepan on a small fire and bring to a boil. Do not forget to stir the composition.

When the mixture has cooled, beat in the eggs one at a time. If you have cottage cheese lying around somewhere, you don’t need to cook from it. Take a fresh product.

Add lemon juice, sour cream and cream to the prepared mass. Stir again well. Immediately add chopped almonds and raisins. Important! When you rub the zest, do not touch the white skin, otherwise bitterness will be felt in the dish.

Now put the bean bag in front of you and cover it with gauze. This is where the curd paste will go. Put everything under oppression and send it to the refrigerator overnight. The Easter egg recipe was very simple.

Cottage cheese Easter in a slow cooker

There are a huge number of recipes for cooking Easter. There is a cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits, a cottage cheese Easter without eggs, but few people know that this Easter treat can be cooked in a multicooker. How to cook cottage cheese Easter? What are the recipes in the multicooker? In fact, the methods for preparing Easter sweets are quite simple. You will be convinced of this now.

Required products:

homemade cottage cheese (fatty, 750-800 grams);

butter (155 grams);

dried apricots (155 grams);

raisins (100 grams);

cream (250 ml);

sugar (half a glass);

a pinch of salt;

vanilla sachet.

Easter treat preparation:

The first step is to thoroughly rub the curd through a sieve. Put softened butter on it. In order for it to become soft, it is enough to pull it out of the refrigerator 2 hours before cooking. Add vanilla to this and mix.

Take the whites and beat with a mixer with sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves.
The next step is the washing of dried fruits. Clean fruits will need to be crushed.

Mix the whole mass with cream and salt. Homogeneous mass pour into the slow cooker and leave for 10-15 minutes, setting the "heating" mode.

In the meantime, prepare the form and cover it with cheesecloth. When the signal sounds on the slow cooker, add cottage cheese and set the "porridge" mode. Set a timer for 5 minutes and don't forget to stir.

The mixture must then cool down. After that, dried fruits are added there and everything is mixed. Now the prepared mass should be laid out in a mold. Place plates on top and bottom and place in the refrigerator. The next day, Easter should be turned over onto a dish, and the gauze should be carefully removed. So our cottage cheese Easter with dried apricots is ready. This recipe is loved by all housewives. It is simple, and the delicacy turns out so tasty that it scatters from the Easter table in a matter of seconds.

Recipe for boiled Easter

It is difficult to imagine a bright Easter day without Easter cakes. But they can be prepared not only from flour, but also from cottage cheese. We are going to talk about the second option. Now we will tell you how to make Easter from cottage cheese (boiled). Everyone chooses a recipe for themselves, who knows, maybe this is the way you will like. Easter cottage cheese recipe is presented to your attention.

Required products:

homemade cottage cheese (fat about a kilogram);

chicken eggs (2 pieces of the highest grade);

sour cream (310 grams);

butter (155 grams, about half a pack);

sugar (210 grams);

a pinch of vanillin;

raisins (110 grams).

Easter treat preparation:

Get the curd first. It must be rubbed through a sieve several times. This will help him stay airy. Add sour cream and melted butter to this. Yes, you heard right, it was melted, and not just softened. Mix everything well until smooth.

Beat eggs with a mixer together with sugar and vanilla. Combine the resulting mixture with curd mass and raisins. Put the saucepan with the prepared composition in a water bath for half an hour. Remember to stir the mixture regularly.

Then proceed as usual. Take a mold for Easter and cover with gauze. If you don't have a bean bag, a colander or flower pot will work. The most important thing is that there is a hole at the bottom through which the whey will flow. Fill the form with gauze, prepared mass. Lay the edges of the gauze on top and cover with a plate. Place a plate down as well, as excess liquid will flow out there.

Place everything in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, the frozen Easter can be turned onto a plate and decorated as desired. For design, you can take multi-colored candied fruit. Lay out the letters "XB" with them or just sprinkle on top. The treat is ready!

After you paint the testicles and prepare Easter, they must be dedicated. This is the meaning of all preparations. On this day, all Christians go to church. They light candles and pray. Then they come home and break their fast. On this day, Easter is eaten instead of bread. For variety, along with cottage cheese delicacy you can bake cookies.

Whichever recipe you choose, you will not regret it, as Easter cottage cheese melts in your mouth. It is such a bliss that it is beyond words, you have to try it. Not one Easter holiday is complete without Easter. Get ready for this day in a special way, because it happens only once a year. This is not just a holiday, Easter means a lot to believers.