Home / Chebureks / Recipe for Chinese noodles with vegetables. Chinese noodles - best recipes

Recipe for Chinese noodles with vegetables. Chinese noodles - best recipes

Chinese fried noodles Chow mein is often prepared by Chinese housewives in their kitchen. The dish has become a classic thanks to simple recipes for cooking and great taste. Satisfies hunger well. In addition, the dish is quickly prepared without the need for original culinary devices. Chinese fried noodles are complemented by vegetables, seafood or meat products. With any complementary ingredients, the noodles go well. Cooking does not take much time, which, of course, also contributed to the spread of food beyond the borders of the Middle Kingdom.

Chinese fried noodles with chicken

A popular and one of the most famous cooking options for this dish is chicken noodles. Now we will taste this dish. Only first you need to cook it. Ingredients for Chinese fried noodles:

  • one chicken leg;
  • half a onion;
  • some fresh chili pepper (about half a teaspoon);
  • two tablespoons soy sauce;
  • fresh champignons - 50 grams;
  • one large tomato;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • egg noodles - 200 grams;
  • soy sauce.

Step-by-step guide to action

And here is the recipe for fried noodles itself:

  1. WITH chicken leg remove the skin. The bones also need to be cut out: to prepare the dish, we only need the pulp. Cut the meat obtained in the process of cutting the legs into medium-sized cubes.
  2. Chop the onion finely, and crush the garlic with a special press.
  3. And now you need to take a deep, thick-bottomed frying pan and heat it up in it vegetable oil... Put meat, garlic and onions in it. Fry with continuous stirring until the chicken is half cooked.
  4. Chop the mushrooms into plates and add to the pan. We also send a quarter of a chili pepper (peeled from seeds and carefully chopped) there.
  5. Chop the tomato as you like. The main thing is that these are not too large slices and pieces.
  6. Add everything to the chicken and continue frying. Salt the contents of the pan to taste. If you have dry ginger available, great. Add this to the roasting dish as well. Sprinkle with red pepper to taste.

Cook noodles

Before we get fried noodles, we still need to boil them first. The cooking process for this product is likely to be straightforward. Moreover, it can be read on the packaging. egg noodles... Usually this simple action takes no more than ten minutes.

Pour the amount of soy sauce suggested in the recipe into a pan with chicken and vegetables. Mix all products with it and taste to make sure that the dish is normal salty. If the contents of the pan seem a little dry (not juicy) to you, add three tablespoons of hot boiled water.

Drain the cooked noodles in a colander and then transfer them to the vegetable and meat mixture. Stir again to distribute the sauce evenly over the noodles. Now you can serve it to the table. Serve in deep bowls, sprinkling the food with sesame seeds and finely chopped green onions.

Zucchini noodles

Fans of dishes that include zucchini will love this recipe for fried zucchini noodles. Products required for the dish:

  • one zucchini zucchini;
  • 300 grams of pork pulp;
  • red sweet pepper - one piece;
  • 200 grams of noodles (instead of noodles, it is permissible to take noodles);
  • fresh ginger - a small piece of root, the size of Walnut;
  • one small chili pepper;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • green onions - a small bunch;
  • soy sauce - about three to four spoons;
  • half a teaspoon of lemon grass powder (optional).
  • olive or sunflower oil;

Cooking technology

  1. Cut the pork pulp into strips.
  2. Chop the zucchini into small strips.
  3. Peel sweet pepper from inedible elements (seeds, stalk) and cut it into small cubes.
  4. Crush the garlic with a press, ginger and chili also need to be chopped.
  5. Heat well in a skillet vegetable oil and fry the pork on it until golden brown.
  6. Add all prepared vegetables to the meat, do not forget to salt. Simmer vegetables with meat for about four minutes and then add soy sauce to them. Do not forget to taste what happened after the introduction of the sauce. The dish may need an extra pinch of salt. You can also season the contents of the pan with lemongrass powder at this stage of cooking.
  7. The noodles for this recipe are pre-boiled in the most the usual way half done and washed cold water.
  8. Now in vegetable mix lay out the noodles with pork and carefully, gently mix all the ingredients.
  9. Add a little boiling water to the pan and simmer the contents on high fire... Continue until all the water has evaporated; the process will take approximately four to five minutes.
  10. When all the liquid has evaporated, the dish is completely ready to eat. Place the fried noodles in bowls and sprinkle with green onions and sesame seeds.

Step 1: prepare the onion.

First of all, with the help of a knife, we peel the onion from the husk and immediately after that we thoroughly rinse it under running water so that later it does not pinch our eyes. Then - put the onion on a cutting board and, using the same sharp inventory, cut into half rings. Transfer the chopped onion to a clean plate.

Step 2: prepare the garlic.

Using a knife, peel the garlic from the husk and then lightly rinse it under running water. Then we put the vegetable on a cutting board and chop it finely with the handy tools. Attention: if you have a garlic or blender on hand, then you can grind the garlic using such an inventory. So, put the finely chopped garlic in a free saucer.

Step 3: prepare the ginger root.

Using a vegetable peeler, remove the peel from the ginger root. Immediately after that, lightly rinse it under running water and put it on a cutting board. Grind the root in the same way as the garlic and then transfer it to a clean saucer. Attention: the finer we chop the ginger, the juicier and more aromatic the dish will turn out, since this component will give more juice.

Step 4: prepare the carrots.

Using a knife or vegetable peeler, peel the carrots and then thoroughly rinse them under running water. After that, using a coarse grater or a special grater for cooking korean carrots, rub the vegetable directly into a free plate.

Step 5: prepare the cabbage.

Lightly wash the white cabbage under running water, remove the top coarse leaves and put on a cutting board. Using a knife, chop it into thin straws and then transfer the cabbage to a clean plate. Attention: the thinner we grind it, the tastier and juicier the Chinese noodles will be.

Step 6: prepare the mushrooms.

First, we wash the mushrooms under running warm water. After that, using a knife, if necessary, remove the coarse skin on the surface of the mushroom and cut off the coarse leg. And now we put the mushrooms on a cutting board and, using the same sharp improvised equipment, we cut the mushrooms into small pieces of your choice. Transfer the mushroom pieces to a clean plate.

Step 7: prepare the bell pepper.

So, we rinse bell pepper under running water and after - put on a cutting board. Using a knife, remove the leg from the vegetable and immediately after that, remove the seeds. Again, lightly rinse it under running water to wash off the remnants of the seeds and put it on a cutting board. Cut the pepper into two halves lengthwise, and then cut each part into thin strips across the piece. We transfer the chopped bell pepper to a clean plate.

Step 8: prepare the green onions.

Lightly wash the green onion feather under running water and on a cutting board, chop it with a knife, and then transfer it to a free saucer.

Step 9: prepare the spaghetti.

Before we prepare the dish itself, it is best to pre-cook the spaghetti. To do this, pour purified water into a medium saucepan and put the container on medium fire... And to make the water boil faster, cover the pan with a lid. Add salt immediately after boiling water. We make the fire less than average and carefully (so as not to burn yourself) put the spaghetti in a container. Mix everything well with a tablespoon, cook the pasta after boiling water according to the instructions on the package or for 5-15 minutes depending on what kind of flour they are made from.
Attention: from time to time we stir spaghetti with improvised inventory. You can also try them for readiness. To do this, it is enough to catch a few pieces with a spoon and try after they have cooled slightly. The pasta should be soft, but not overcooked, otherwise, instead of spaghetti, we will get porridge. Immediately after cooking, turn off the burner and, holding the pan with kitchen oven mitts, pour the boiled dough with water directly into the sink through a colander or sieve. Lightly rinse the spaghetti under running cold water so that they do not stick together and leave it in a free saucepan to the side so that excess liquid drains.

Step 10: prepare the black peppercorns.

Of course, many dishes turn out to be more aromatic if freshly ground black peppercorns are added to them. Since such a spice usually goes more fragrant than ground black pepper. Therefore, we pour the peas into a hand mortar and, using the pestle, crush them to a powder state.

Step 11: Prepare Chinese Vegetable Noodles.

Pour the vegetable oil into a deep frying pan or cauldron with a thick bottom and set the container on less than medium heat. When the oil has warmed up well, put the chopped garlic and ginger root into the pan. Constantly stirring everything with a wooden spatula, fry finely chopped vegetables until a delicate golden color literally for 20 - 40 seconds.

Immediately after that, add half-rings of onion to the pan and again mix everything well with a wooden spatula. We continue to fry vegetables for another 10-12 minutes until the onion becomes soft and becomes pale beige.

As soon as this happens, add chopped vegetables to the container: cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, as well as mushrooms. Mix everything well again and continue to fry the vegetable filling of the dish for another 5 minutes.

After the allotted time, add the soy sauce to the container and again mix everything thoroughly with the improvised inventory.

Immediately after that, add the red chili sauce to the pan with vegetables and mix everything again with a spatula. Now we check vegetables for salt. If the dish is still unsalted, despite the fact that we added soy sauce to the pan, and it itself is quite salty, then you can still add some salt to the vegetables. Important: but do not forget that the spaghetti also absorbed some of the salt from the water during the cooking process. Therefore, be sure to taste the dish during the cooking process.

So, we continue to fry vegetables for another 5 minutes. Attention: if you want crispy vegetables in the Chinese noodles, then this time will be enough for frying. If not, then it is worth continuing the time for frying vegetables. for 10-12 minutes, while not forgetting to stir everything from time to time with the improvised inventory so that the crushed components do not burn.

When the vegetables reach the desired density, add boiled spaghetti to them and mix everything well with a wooden or kitchen spatula.

Immediately sprinkle the dish with freshly ground black pepper and mix everything well again. That's it, Chinese noodles with vegetables are ready. Therefore, we turn off the burner and we can serve the dish to the table.

Step 12: Serve the Chinese Vegetable Noodles.

Decorate the finished noodles with vegetables in Chinese style with chopped green onions and serve to the table.

To do this, you can use a tablespoon or kitchen spatula to transfer the dish to a special flat plate for serving, or spread it out in portions to each. Such noodles are not only very tasty and aromatic, but also quite satisfying. You can serve the dish as the main one with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.
Good appetite!

You can use any shape of pasta to make Chinese noodles with vegetables.

In addition to the vegetables indicated in the recipe, you can add any others to your taste. For example, it could be green beans, fresh green pea, and instead of carrots sweet potato, which can also be chopped with a coarse grater and will add sweetness to the dish.

Instead of green bell peppers, you can put red or yellow bell peppers in the dish, as this will not change the taste much.

For fans fast food or fast food Chinese noodles are one of the most popular dishes... But can we always be sure of the quality of the food we buy in a bistro or cafe?

Turns out, favourite dish you can very simply cook it yourself at home. This does not require any special skills or equipment.

In order to cook Chinese noodles with chicken, prepare necessary products... Do not neglect the vegetable component, it is very important for the authenticity of the dish.

Wash the chicken fillet and cut into thin long strips. Heat the oil in a frying pan and send the meat there. Fry it, stirring occasionally, over low heat. Do not forget to add salt. We send the noodles to boil in salted water. Cook as much as is written on the package.

We prepare fresh vegetables... We wash everything and cut it - onion into cubes, carrots into a coarse grater, and finely chop the cabbage. Better arm yourself with a sharp knife!

Here the chicken meat has already acquired an appetizing ruddy shade. You can proceed to the next stage.

Add vegetables to the pan and mix with a spatula. All ingredients must be evenly mixed. Add soy sauce and natural apple cider vinegar to the pan and mix. Simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.

Now it's time to add the cooked noodles. By the way, you can use any noodles - egg, rice, buckwheat. I have spelled (wheat) noodles today. Simmer the contents of the pan for another 10 minutes over very low heat.

Determine readiness by cabbage - it takes longer than other ingredients to reach readiness. When the cabbage is ready, add chopped ginger and garlic. Simmer for another 3 minutes and turn off.

Serve your favorite dish hot. Chinese noodles go well with fresh herbs and vegetables.

Bon Appetit!

Chinese cuisine has long ceased to be exotic. And although some dishes from the Middle Kingdom are not for everybody's taste, Chinese noodles are loved by gourmets all over the world. Today we'll talk about how to cook Chinese noodles.

Tricks with dough

By the way, the Chinese themselves cannot live a day without. And since they love rice no less, they make noodles from it. Sometimes soy and green bean flour is used. Chinese noodles do it yourself - a laborious process that requires manual dexterity in every sense. To begin with, knead a hard dough of 250 g of flour and 100 ml of water, cool it well and roll it into a thin rope. Then it is stretched to the sides, throwing it up and down. When the tourniquet reaches its maximum length, it is folded in half, but so that it does not get tangled, and continue to stretch. Such manipulations are repeated until the finest threads are obtained.

Vegetable mosaic

Since not everyone is able to master how to make Chinese noodles at home, you can limit yourself to the rice noodles from the store. The easiest and fastest way to cook it is with vegetables. Fry chopped onion, 4 cloves of garlic and 1 tbsp in vegetable oil. l. ginger root. We spread the sliced ​​zucchini, carrots and Bell pepper... Stirring constantly, simmer vegetables for 7 minutes. Meanwhile, pour 200 g of noodles with boiling water and steam for 5 minutes. Then we put it in a colander, combine with vegetables and simmer for another 3 minutes. Cover the dish with a lid and let it brew for 10 minutes. This dish will successfully diversify your summer menu.

Chicken with a twinkle

A more satisfying variation is the recipe for Chinese noodles with chicken and vegetables. Dice 2 chicken breasts and marinate them for 20 minutes in a mixture of 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce and 3 crushed garlic cloves. Soak 200 g of rice noodles in boiling salted water for 5 minutes, put in a colander and rinse under cold water. Fry the chicken in a hot skillet with oil. As soon as it turns white, pour the chili pepper cut into thin rings and 1 small onion, cut into half rings. After a couple of minutes, add the noodles and fry for 5 minutes. At the end, pour in 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar and 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce. We simmer the noodles for another minute and invite the household to the table. Chicken in such an unusual design will surely suit their taste.

Meat delight

If there is no rice noodles, egg or wheat noodles can be quite successfully replaced. How to cook Chinese noodles at home in this case? We mix 4 tbsp. l. light soy sauce, ½ tsp. salt, 1 tsp. cornstarch and 1 tbsp. l. water. Cut 450 g of pork neck into thin slices, fill them with marinade and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Fry pork in a deep frying pan in a large number oil to golden crust... We transfer it to a paper towel to drain all the fat. Pour ½ glass of water into a clean pan, 4 tbsp. l. dark soy sauce and 3 tbsp. l. hoisin sauce. Put the pieces of pork here, bring the mixture to a boil and immediately remove from the stove. Boil 400 g of noodles, put them on plates and add pork.

Sea holidays

Fish gourmets will appreciate the seafood recipe. For a richer taste, you can take an assortment, but you can limit yourself to shrimps - 150 g. We pour them with a mixture of 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce and 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and marinate for 20 minutes. Soak 200 g of rice noodles in boiling water and, as soon as it swells, put it in a colander. Fry the head in vegetable oil onions until transparent, add one carrot and bell pepper, cut into strips. When the vegetables are softened, put the shrimps and noodles on them and, stirring constantly, simmer for no longer than 2 minutes. Such a dish will decorate your table both on weekdays and on holidays.

Mushroom basket

Chinese noodles go well with many foods, and mushrooms are no exception. We start, as usual, by frying the chopped onion in vegetable oil. Add 150 g of Chinese cabbage, carrots and bell peppers, cut into thin long strips. Lastly, put 200 g of coarsely chopped champignons. Boil in salted water 300 g wheat noodles and transfer it to vegetables. Mix 5 tbsp in a bowl. l. soy sauce, 70 ml of dry white wine, 1 tbsp. l. corn starch, 1 tbsp. l. honey and beat vigorously so that there are no lumps. Pour vegetables with mushrooms with dressing and simmer for a couple of minutes over medium heat. Sprinkle sesame oil over the dish before serving.

Homemade Chinese noodles are a universal dish for the whole family. The main thing is to choose the ingredients that everyone will like. Happy culinary experiments and bon appetit!

Wok noodles with chicken and vegetables, the recipe for which we will describe, is very easy to prepare. All ingredients of this dish are fried in a special cone-shaped frying pan. It is also called "wok". Its peculiarity is that the products not only acquire a ruddy color faster, but also taste different from frying in an ordinary pan.

Chinese wok noodles are gaining popularity all over the world every day. It is as famous and loved as pizza and lasagna.

You can use any noodles for this dish:

- spaghetti familiar to everyone.

Home-made wok noodles are much healthier and more nutritious than those purchased at convenience stores. In this article, we'll look at some good options.

First recipe

chicken breast- 350 grams;

- carrots - 150 grams;

- Bulgarian pepper - 150 grams;

- garlic - 3 cloves;

- onions - 150 grams;

hot peppers- 1 piece;

- broccoli - 250 grams;

- wok sauce - 150 milliliters;

- vegetable oil - 50 milliliters;

buckwheat noodles- 350 grams;

- dark sesame oil.


  1. How is wok noodles made with chicken and vegetables, the recipe for which will be discussed below? First of all, you need to prepare all products for use. Chicken and vegetables are washed well and dried on a paper towel.
  2. First, carrots are cut into cubes, then onions are cut into half rings, bell peppers and chicken are cut into strips.
  3. If frozen broccoli is used, then after thawing it, it should be divided into inflorescences. But when it is fresh, you must first dip it in boiling slightly salted water for a couple of minutes.
  4. Peel the chili and garlic thoroughly and chop as small as possible.
  5. Any vegetable oil is poured into a special frying pan, the main thing is that it does not have a smell. When it warms up, add garlic and hot peppers to make them a little fried.
  6. At this time, pour water into a separate saucepan, throw the noodles, put on the stove. Having done this, chicken and carrots are laid out in a frying pan. On the high fire stirring constantly, they should be broiled until lightly browned.
  7. Then broccoli, bell peppers and onions are added. Everything is well mixed and fried for 8 minutes.
  8. During this time, the noodles should cook. It is drained into a colander and sent to the pan. More wok sauce is added immediately. All components are thoroughly mixed and heated for several minutes.
  9. At the end of cooking, season the contents of the pan with sesame oil. You shouldn't add much of it. After the pan with ready-made dish can be picked up from a hot surface.
  10. Wok noodles with chicken and vegetables, served with chopped green onions. Top it is sprinkled with cilantro greens.

Second recipe

What could be the filling in wok noodles? Most different. For example, with vegetables and mushrooms. For cooking you will need:

- medium-sized zucchini;

- garlic (two cloves);

rice noodles(100g);

- one onion;

- hot pepper - a small pod;

- champignons - 5 mushrooms;

- Chinese cabbage - 5-6 leaves;

- soy sauce - a couple of tablespoons;

- sesame oil - a tablespoon;

- granulated sugar - a teaspoon;

- a small root of ginger;

- cilantro - 1 bunch.

How to make wok noodles at home?

  1. The vegetables are washed and cleaned first.
  2. The noodles are placed in boiling water. Then, as soon as the lid on the pan starts to vibrate, it should be removed from the hot surface.
  3. Before pouring the sesame oil into a preheated wok, heat it on medium. Then you should immediately put chopped garlic cloves there, as well as diced onions. Stirring constantly, fry for no more than half a minute.
  4. Then mushrooms and zucchini are added, cut into slices of approximately the same size. They are fried for about two minutes.
  5. Then finely chopped Chinese cabbage leaves, hot peppers and ginger root are added. It is kept in a pan for another two minutes.
  6. Strain the noodles and transfer to the pan together with granulated sugar and soy sauce.
  7. After half a minute, chopped greens are added. Everything is thoroughly mixed, and the pan is removed from the hot surface.
  8. Cover the finished dish and leave for a few minutes.
  9. Chinese noodles with vegetables and mushrooms are placed in bowls. Before serving, it is sprinkled with peanuts, which must first be fried.

Wok noodles with chicken and vegetables. Peanut and mushroom recipe

For cooking you will need:

- 200 grams of egg noodles;

- one chicken breast (finely chopped);

- 30 grams of coarsely chopped peanuts;

- 30 milliliters of sesame seeds or peanut butter;

- 2 minced garlic cloves;

- about three centimeters of finely chopped ginger root;

- one crushed hot peppercorn;

- three leeks (take only the white part, cut into strips);

big carrot, also cut into strips;

- 70 grams of champignons;

- 100 grams of green peas (you can use both fresh and frozen);

- 200 grams of Chinese cabbage, coarsely shredded.

To make the sauce you will need:

- 80 milliliters of chicken or vegetable broth;

- 3 tablespoons of soy sauce;

- a teaspoon of honey.

Cooking a dish

  1. The noodles are placed in a separate container and filled with boiling water. After a few minutes, when it becomes soft, you need to drain and rinse with cold water.
  2. Fry the peanuts in a separate skillet.
  3. It is advisable to place cooked vegetables with meat at a close distance from the stove.
  4. Pour oil into a very preheated wok and add the chicken immediately. Stir constantly, fry until the ingredient is golden brown. Then put it on a separate plate.
  5. In place of the meat, you should put chopped hot peppers, garlic and ginger root. Fry for about 30 seconds.
  6. Then peas and carrots are added. Hold until the latter is slightly soft.
  7. Then add the onion, which is fried for about a minute.
  8. After that, the mushrooms are added and aged until they let out the juice. Stir the contents of the pan all the time.
  9. Then we can put Chinese cabbage and mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  10. Then the sauce is made in a separate bowl - the components specified in the recipe are combined and mixed.
  11. Put noodles, chicken on sauce in a frying pan with vegetables.
  12. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and fried for 2 minutes.
  13. Peanuts are added last. Once again, everything is jumbled up. Then you can serve it to the table. This is how easy it is to prepare wok noodles with chicken and vegetables, we have described its recipe in detail.