Home / Biscuits / Rice noodles with beef in Chinese recipe. Chinese beef: recipe

Rice noodles with beef in Chinese recipe. Chinese beef: recipe

Chinese beef is a very juicy and also incredibly aromatic dish. If you do not know how to cook it at home, then we offer several detailed recipes... Which of the presented methods to choose for a festive or ordinary family table is up to you.

Chinese beef: a step-by-step recipe

There are many options for creating such a dish. But the most popular is the one that provides for the use of hot spices and spices. After all, with them, any dinner becomes as fragrant and spicy as possible.

So how is Chinese spicy beef cooked? To do this, you should purchase products such as:

  • pitted beef meat is as fresh as possible - about 800 g;
  • fresh chopped ginger - 2 dessert spoons;
  • green onions - apply at will and taste;
  • Bell pepper- 2 pcs.;
  • fresh champignons - 4 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 dessert spoons;
  • salt, hot pepper and other spices - according to personal taste;
  • any balm - 2 dessert spoons (for the marinade);
  • soy sauce- about 150 ml (for the marinade);
  • vegetable oil - 2 small spoons (for the marinade);
  • drinking water - about 200 ml (for the marinade);
  • potato starch and granulated sugar - 2 small spoons each (for the marinade).

Product processing

To make Chinese beef delicious, it must be carefully processed. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash the meat piece, and then remove all unwanted elements from it and cut into thin and long strips.

Cooking the marinade

Beef in Chinese sauce will only turn out juicy if soaked in the marinade correctly. To prepare it, you need to pour drinking water into a saucepan, and then add potato starch, soy sauce, balm there, vegetable oil and granulated sugar. Further, in the resulting marinade, you need to put all the previously processed meat and keep it for about half an hour.

Frying on the stove

Chinese Beef Can Serve You great dish for anyone festive table... To prepare such a dinner, in a preheated pan, it is necessary to fry the garlic slices along with chopped ginger and green onions... It is recommended to do this with a small amount of vegetable oil.

All ingredients should be mixed well and kept over medium heat until golden brown... Next, they need to be laid out in a separate bowl, and chopped champignons and spicy onions should be placed in the same pan. Saute these ingredients until redness. After that, they must be removed in a similar way to a separate plate.

As for the meat product, it should be carefully removed from the marinade and fried in a pan. Next, you need to lay out sweet pepper to it, make it redden, and then alternately lay out the garlic with ginger and mushrooms with onions... At the end, all products must be poured with marinade, where the meat was recently soaked, seasoned with the necessary spices, closed with a lid and simmer for another 5 minutes. At the end of the specified time, the dish should be removed from the heat and kept in this state for about ¼ hour. After that, you can safely present it to the table.

How is Chinese beef cooked with vegetables?

Beef goes well with almost all vegetables. That is why it is quite easy to find the right ingredients for such a dish.

Today we decided to tell you about how Chinese beef with cucumber is made. For such a dinner, we need:

  • pitted beef meat is as fresh as possible - about 600 g;
  • hot onion bulb - 2 pcs.;
  • medium-sized fleshy tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - add at your discretion;
  • chopped ginger root - use to taste;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 small pieces;
  • potato starch - 1 large spoon;
  • any spices - add to taste;
  • soy sauce - 2 large spoons.

Preparation of ingredients

Chinese-style beef with cucumber is quite easy to prepare. To do this, you need to wash the meat piece well, and then cut it into not very thick, but rather long pieces. Exactly the same should be done with pickled cucumbers, as well as fresh tomatoes and onions.

Marinate meat

In order for beef with vegetables in Chinese to turn out as fragrant and juicy as possible, it must be kept in the marinade. This requires combining soy sauce with potato starch and any spices. Next, it is necessary to lower the entire meat product to them and stand for 25 minutes.

Heat treatment

After the meat is marinated, it should be removed from the brine and fry in vegetable oil until the crust turns red. Next, the beef needs to be placed in a separate plate, and in the same frying pan, saute the tomatoes, onions and cucumbers. After ¼ hour, add to the vegetables again. meat ingredient, tightly close everything with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes. It is recommended to serve such a dinner to the table along with boiled Chinese rice. Enjoy your meal!

Cooking beef with noodles

Chinese Beef Noodles are a very filling and nutritious lunch that's easy to make at home. To create it, we need:

  • pitted beef meat is as fresh as possible - about 500 g;
  • hot onion bulb - 1 pc .;
  • sweet pepper - 1 medium piece;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh fleshy tomato - 1 large vegetable;
  • Peking cabbage - about 100 g;
  • soy sauce - about 50 ml;
  • fresh lemon juice - use at your discretion;
  • sesame seeds - 2 dessert spoons;
  • olive oil - about 80 ml;
  • salt, hot peppers and other spices - according to personal taste;
  • shop rice noodles - about 50 g.

We process the ingredients

To make the Chinese beef noodles really tasty, this dish should be prepared slowly, in stages. First you need to rinse the meat piece, and then cut off all unnecessary elements from it and blot well with paper towels. Next, the beef needs to be cut into rather long and thin slices.

As for the rest of the ingredients, they also need to be processed. Garlic and onions must be peeled and then chopped finely. Tomatoes, bell peppers and Chinese cabbage need to be washed and cut into strips.

Cooking on the stove

Chinese style beef with noodles is cooked only on the stove using a deep saucepan or frying pan. Pour into the dishes olive oil, and then heat it strongly and lay out the meat cubes. It is recommended to fry them on maximum heat for about 3-4 minutes. Next, add half rings of onion to the beef, and also fresh tomato, sweet pepper and Chinese cabbage... These ingredients should be stewed in own juice without adding a drop of water.

The final stage

After the meat product becomes soft, it, together with vegetables, needs to be seasoned with any spices, as well as chopped garlic and chili peppers. Also, add soy sauce to the ingredients. After mixing them, the food should be brought to a boil, removed from heat and kept under the lid for several minutes.

As for the rice noodles, boil them as described in the instructions. Next, the products must be thrown into a colander and shaken vigorously.

Serving correctly to the dining table

After preparing the dish, you need to take a not very deep plate and put a portion of boiled rice noodles into it. Next, it should be covered with Chinese beef and mixed well. Serve to dining table this dish is recommended together with chopsticks. Also, for beauty and taste, it must be sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Let's summarize

As you can see, it is not very difficult to cook Chinese beef. The main thing is to follow all the requirements of the recipe. After all, this is the only way you will get the most delicious and savory dish against which none of the invited guests can resist.

I propose to cook delicious dinner of rice noodles with meat in Chinese style. The pungency of the dish can be adjusted to your liking. We don't really like spicy things, so I used a minimum of spices.

To prepare this dish, we need beef, bell peppers, onions, rice noodles, a mixture of peppers, soy sauce, vegetable oil and salt.

Cut the beef into pieces, then put it in boiling water, remove the foam, reduce the heat, and season with salt. Cook until tender. Then strain the broth, it will come in handy for making soup or borscht. Set aside the meat.

Put the rice noodles in a deep bowl and pour boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Then we put it in a colander and rinse under cold water.

In vegetable oil, fry the onion and bell pepper cut into half rings for 5 minutes.

Add the cooked boiled meat to the pan. Pepper to taste. For spicy lovers, a slice of chili can be added at this stage. Pour in the soy sauce and cook for another 5 minutes.

Add rice noodles to the pan, mix well so that all the noodles are soaked in the sauce.

Udon is one of the types wheat noodles with meat, in our case with beef and vegetables. This is an Asian dish and should be cooked properly in a wok pan. You can also cook it in a regular skillet, but using a wok, you will fry all the ingredients in a more correct way. Also, with the help of a frying pan, you can simplify the cooking process, for example, boil noodles in it. This is quite convenient if you are cooking somewhere over a fire and you do not have extra utensils to boil the noodles.

The recipe for Chinese wheat noodles with beef is prepared quite easily and quickly, the main feature of this recipe is a good fire so that everything is well fried.

How to cook Chinese noodles quickly, in this step by step photo recipe, we will try to do it in the shortest possible way in a matter of minutes! You can also watch a video recipe for cooking wheat chinese noodles at the end of the page.

You can also watch a video recipe for making Uyghur lagman at the end of the page.

Ingredients for making Chinese noodles with beef and vegetables:

The amount of ingredients is calculated for a volume of 5 liter wok.

  • Beef - 300 grams
  • Wheat noodles - 300 grams
  • Onions - 1pc.
  • Green onions - 1 bunch
  • Bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Hot chili pepper - 1pc.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Teriyaki sauce or soy sauce (preferably “teriyaki”)

From spices:

  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Refined sunflower oil or sesame oil

Let's start making Chinese noodles!

Cut the beef into strips, but not too thin, so that the meat does not burn out when deeply roasted.

Cut the onion into half rings.

Bulgarian pepper slices mode.

Chop the chili pepper and peel it from the seeds, if you don't really want to spicy noodles... We also clean the garlic and chop it.

Pour about 100 milliliters into the wok sunflower oil and put the meat in the heated oil. It takes a good fire for the meat to roast. Also, do not forget to stir constantly so that the meat does not burn. For frying meat, 3 minutes is enough.

As soon as the meat is browned, pour onions and bell peppers into the wok, keep the fire at the proper level and stir constantly. Fry the contents for about 2 minutes.

Next, pour in the garlic, hot pepper,add the sauce and mix. Next, add salt and black pepper, mix well again and give a little time so that all the contents are thoroughly fried, about two minutes was enough for me.

Now let's cook the noodles. I cook outdoors and have no extra dishes, so I will use the same wok. If you are cooking at home, then you can boil the noodles while cooking the meat.

Wheat noodles are cooked very quickly, about 3 minutes.

When our noodles are ready, add the previously cooked vegetables with meat and mix ...Add some chopped greens and our Chinese noodles are done!

Now you can sum up how much time it took to cook.It took about 7 minutes to fry the meat with vegetables and 3 minutes to cook the noodles. And that, if not counting the time spent on making a fire and preparing firewood, the dish was cooked for 10 minutes.

You can also watch a video of a recipe for making udon with beef.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel, we will show you many ways to prepare delicious meals in nature and in the field.

To cook this, to feed the family for dinner and take to work with you. And yes, now I have to think over my daily diet at work, because I cannot go to a cafe, I am an irreplaceable employee.

And so, there was beef and some vegetables. at first there was an option to cook rice, but my son suggested an option with noodles.

Everything is being prepared quickly and simply, as I like))

rice noodles - 1 package
beef - 300 g
onion - 1 pc.
carrots - 2 pcs.
green radish - 1 pc.
sweet pepper - 1 pc.
salt, pepper - to taste
vegetable oil - for frying

To make the beef quickly cook, it should be cut into thin and small pieces, almost like for beef stroganoff, but a little less.
Pour vegetable oil into the pressure cooker, heat and put the meat there.

While the meat is fried, cut the onion in half rings and add to the pan.

All other ingredients are cut into strips and, as they are cut, are placed in the pan. First, carrots, then green radish and bell peppers.

Do not forget about salt, pepper and other spices - as you like.
Now we need the meat and vegetables to be with the sauce, so pour in about 500 ml of broth and leave over low heat.
At this time, you need to prepare the rice noodles. Everything is simple here, you can boil it according to the instructions, or soak it in boiling water for three minutes. Drain the water, put the noodles directly into the pan and leave to cook for another three minutes.

Bon Appetit!

I really love all sorts of sushi, rolls, noodles, but I'm not very good at preparing the rolls myself, and therefore we buy such food. But the other day in the supermarket I remembered that we ran out of soy sauce at home and when I went up to the counter, I simply could not leave without buying rice noodles, especially since it was not expensive, although I thought the price would be much higher.
Since this was the first experience, I read a lot on the Internet of recipes and decided to do it like this.
First, cut the meat into small strips

we send it to a dry frying pan without oil on the stove for strong fire, fry constantly stirring

when the meat begins to brown, crush the cloves of garlic

so it will give its aroma better and do not cut it very finely

add garlic to meat

thanks to the garlic, the meat will become golden even faster, it will acquire a pleasant aroma, the main thing here is to constantly stir. Fry like this for about 2 minutes, then add frozen vegetables

and a carrot (I already had it grated and frozen, but you can take a fresh one and cut it into cubes, I also add not a lot of carrots, since my husband does not like her, he will say so, I add only for beauty)

then add soy sauce

cover and simmer for 5 minutes.
During this time, we need to cook rice noodles. By the time the vegetables were added, the water was already boiling and all that remained was to throw the noodles

we cook it almost until cooked, it was written on the label for 5-7 minutes, I cooked it for 3 minutes, it was a little overcooked.
Add spices to vegetables with meat

I have ground ginger, black pepper, red pepper, hop-suneli and coriander. Mix, add a little oil (we need it so that the noodles do not stick together).
By this time, the noodles have been cooked, drain the water from it and add to the meat with vegetables

I added a couple more spoons meat broth, if there is no broth, you can replace it with boiled water, since I have not fresh vegetables, they gave little juice, and the dish needs a little liquid to make it juicy.
Mix everything and simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes

After cooking, I let the dish brew a little, then put it in beautiful plates for chinese food and you can eat all this charm with chopsticks, it is convenient there, since there are no small ingredients besides carrots and creates a pleasant and unusual atmosphere.

It turns out very satisfying and tasty dish... It seems to be nothing special - noodles with vegetables, meat and noodles, but thanks to the unusual method of preparation, it turns out very interesting, besides, rice noodles have a slightly different taste than ordinary ones.
We liked this dish very much and was cooked more than once in several days.
Bon appetit and a happy NEW YEAR 2017!

Cooking time: PT00H35M 35 min.

Estimated Serving Cost: RUB 45