Home / pies / Natural ice cream recipe at home. How to make homemade ice cream? wow basic recipe

Natural ice cream recipe at home. How to make homemade ice cream? wow basic recipe

The most delicious homemade ice cream - in our selection! Prepare what you like - ice cream, creamy, chocolate!

  • cream from 33% - 200 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • vanilla pod - 1 pc.

Combine milk and sugar in a small heavy bottomed saucepan. We cut the vanilla pod along the entire length with a knife blade, remove the seeds and also add to the milk mass. Thanks to vanilla, ice cream is saturated with a delicious natural flavor, but in the absence of this ingredient, you can get by with a bag of vanilla sugar or a pinch of vanillin. We heat the mixture to a hot state, but do not bring to a boil.

In another container, gently grind the egg yolks with a whisk. In this case, we just need to achieve uniformity - we should not beat the mass, otherwise foam may form on the surface, which will complicate the process of making ice cream.

Pour hot milk into the mashed yolks in a thin stream, continuously stirring the mixture.

Pour the resulting composition into a saucepan, put on a small fire and cook until lightly thickened. It is important not to overheat the milk, otherwise the yolks may curdle! To avoid this trouble, choose a saucepan with a thick bottom for cooking the cream and cook over low heat. Also, do not forget to constantly stir the cream, especially at the bottom (it is most convenient to use a silicone spatula for this).

We check the readiness as follows: run your finger along the silicone spatula. If the trace remains clear, and does not swim with cream, immediately remove the pan from the heat.

Tip: if the yolks are still curled up, you can grind the mass through a fine sieve or puree with an immersion blender. However, unfortunately, it will no longer be possible to avoid the egg taste in ice cream. In this case, it is better to remove the pan from the heat sooner rather than later.

Cool freshly prepared cream to room temperature. At the same time, beat the cold cream until stiff.

To the whipped creamy mass, spread the cooled cream and mix. Chill the mixture in the freezer for 3 hours. During this time, it is necessary to take out the container 5-6 times and mix the mass thoroughly in order to avoid the formation of ice crystals and obtain a smooth and uniform texture.

When the consistency of the workpiece becomes similar to soft ice cream and will be difficult to mix, transfer the mass into a silicone mold, cover with a lid and put it in the freezer for another 3-4 hours (you can leave it overnight).

Before serving, let the frozen ice cream stand for a while at room temperature. Then we collect a slightly melted mass with an ice cream spoon and form balls. Optionally, we supplement the dessert with chocolate chips, mint leaves or berries.

Recipe 2: homemade ice cream - cream ice cream

  • 500-600 gr whipping cream (fat content from 30%)
  • 100 gr powdered sugar (or fine sugar)
  • a pinch of vanillin

Put chilled cream, powdered sugar and a little vanillin in a deep bowl. Beat until fluffy stable foam 4-5 minutes.

Place the whipped mixture in a plastic container.

We put it in the freezer for the night.

We take out a ready-made ice cream, let it thaw a little and can be laid out in bowls.

Such ice cream can be made in different ways - with the addition of cocoa (carob), frozen berries - it is especially tasty with honeysuckle (only the berries must first be pureed with a blender, and then added to the whipped mixture and beat again).

Recipe 3: how to make homemade ice cream ice cream?

The recipe for homemade ice cream ice cream can be reproduced at home, it will turn out very tasty, natural and taste like a Soviet ice cream.

  • egg yolks (4 pcs.);
  • milk (300 ml);
  • cream (33%, 300 ml);
  • powdered sugar (180 g);
  • vanillin (½ teaspoon).

So, first of all, bring the milk to a boil and then cool it to about 30 degrees.

Add icing sugar and vanilla sugar to the yolks.

We beat.

We add milk. We beat again.

We put on a quiet fire and, stirring, hold until the mixture thickens. As everyone around advises, you can check the density by running your finger over the spatula - if a clear mark remains, the mixture is ready.

Let cool to room temperature and then refrigerate.

Meanwhile, whip the cream.

Mix with chilled cream.

We transfer the entire mixture into a container in which it will then be convenient for us to mix the future ice cream with a blender.

Then we take it out and quickly (so that the ice cream does not have time to melt) mix with a blender.

Put it back in the freezer for 2 hours. We repeat the procedure 2-3 more times with an interval of 30-60 minutes. Thanks to the blender, ice cream will have the desired structure. The blender allows you to grind ice crystals and form an air mass.

When the ice cream is completely frozen, take it out and use a special spoon to make balls. Beforehand, you can put the ice cream in the refrigerator for 15 minutes so that it melts a little - it will be much more convenient to make balls.

We spread the ice cream in bowls and sprinkle or pour over with whatever you like. I am grated chocolate. Homemade ice cream is not inferior to store-bought ice cream in taste, and it is guaranteed that it does not contain “extra” additives in terms of content. Recipe verified.

Recipe 4: homemade milk ice cream ice cream

  • milk - 1 glass;
  • butter - 25 grams;
  • egg yolk - 1 piece;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • vanilla sugar - 5 grams;
  • starch - ½ teaspoon.

In a deep bowl, combine sugar, cornstarch and vanilla sugar.

Add one egg yolk.

Grind the mass until smooth. Pour in some milk.

Send the remaining milk to the fire. Add 25 grams of butter. Butter must be real, consisting of 100 percent cow's milk cream. Bring the mixture to a boil.

Pour the egg mixture into the boiled milk. While stirring, bring to a boil. Remove from heat and put in cold water. Cool, stirring occasionally.

Pour the cold mixture into molds. It can be a large form or small portions. I have a large silicone mold and molds for small cars.

Send the molds to the freezer for a couple of hours.

Ice cream from small molds will be ready in 30-50 minutes. It is very easy to take it out of the silicone molds.

From a large mold, spread the ice cream with a spoon on portioned plates. It is incredibly tasty, tender and fragrant.

Recipe 5: how to make ice cream at home

  • 0.5 liters of cream (the higher the fat content, the tastier the ice cream will be)
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 4 chicken eggs
  • Chocolate chip cookies (or other flavors)

Break eggs into a bowl and add sugar.

Beat well with a fork and grind the sugar. Pour in the cream and mix well again.

Pour the resulting mass into a small saucepan and put on a very slow fire. Stir constantly, do not bring to a boil, otherwise the eggs will curdle. Remove from heat, when the mass begins to thicken, the consistency should resemble liquid sour cream.

In total, the pan will spend 15 to 20 minutes on fire. Well, you can also find out the readiness of the desired consistency by swiping your finger over the spoon. If the spoon is covered in cream and a fingerprint remains, the mixture for homemade ice cream is ready.

After removing from the stove, pour the mass into any dish convenient for freezing. In general, any food-grade plastic container can be used.

Add any filler (in this case, crumbled cookies, or you can use berries, chocolate chips or pieces of fruit).

Let stand for about an hour to allow the mixture to cool slightly (the mixture will cool faster if you place the container in a sink of cold water). Then transfer the container with the mixture to the freezer. Homemade ice cream will solidify and gradually thicken. The thickening time can be from 5 to 6 hours, so it is better to do it at night or in the morning, which will be enjoyed by the evening.

Before serving, remove the container of homemade ice cream with cream from the freezer and place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. From the prepared ice cream, roll up a tablespoon (if there is no special spoon for ice cream) into small balls and place in tall glasses, bowls or plates. Ice cream can be decorated with grated chocolate or berries. Serve immediately. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 6: how to make ice cream from milk? (step by step photos)

  • milk - 2.5 cups
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • vanillin - to taste

Pour the milk into a homemade saucepan, bring the milk to a boil, then remove the saucepan from the stove and let the milk cool to a temperature of 36 degrees.

Add sugar and vanillin to the egg yolks (if you want to make vanilla ice cream, and not regular ice cream). Mix well and grind the mass. To do this, you can use a blender.

Stir the resulting mass constantly, pouring milk into it in a thin stream.

We heat the final mixture over low heat, while not stopping stirring. The mixture should become thick.

The resulting mixture, our cream is cooled first, then put it in the refrigerator.

Pour the cream into a separate bowl. Whip the cream until it becomes thick.

Add whipped cream to the cooled cream and mix the mass.

The mixture is transferred to a plastic container, closed with a lid, and placed in the freezer for one hour. Then we take out a slightly frozen mixture, beat with a mixer and put it back in the freezer. We repeat the procedure again.

Then we leave the mass of the future ice cream for 3 hours in the freezer. Here is our ice cream. To soften the ice cream slightly, place it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes before serving.

Ice cream is a favorite treat for everyone, regardless of age and gender. This dessert has a really great taste - appetizing, cool, and even with chocolate or fruit additives, well, how can you resist? And what choice of ice cream does a modern manufacturer offer - yes, it's just huge.

What kind of ice cream you can’t find in stores - pure ice cream or with additives, in a waffle cup, creamy, chocolate, in chocolate glaze, in a waffle cone with pieces of fruit, with fruit jam, with chocolate chips, creme brulee and much more. The list of types of ice cream is endless.

Is it possible to cook it yourself? Yes, of course you can! But first, it’s worth considering the basic rules that you need to know to prepare a delicious cold treat.

What you need to know before you start making ice cream

  • If cooking is carried out without using an ice cream maker, then the ice cream must be mixed well and thoroughly. Every 20 minutes during the entire freezing period. Approximately for the entire freezing period, you need to mix 3-4 times;
  • If an ice cream maker is used, then the container should first be cooled, and then the ingredients should be transferred there;
  • Use only quality products. The taste of ice cream will depend on the quality of the products. Use only fresh milk, cream, chicken eggs, fruits and berries. Quality chocolate and natural flavors;
  • Cook only from ingredients with a high fat content. Otherwise, ice crystals will form during freezing, and they will crunch on the teeth;
  • Add flavorings only after complete freezing;
  • Nuts, fresh or dried fruits, chocolate pieces should be added to almost frozen ice cream. When adding the whole mass must be mixed well;
  • In order to prevent the appearance of ice crystals during long-term storage, alcohol must be added to the ice cream. If this dessert is intended for children, then you need to put corn or invert syrup, honey, gelatin in it.

Classic ice cream recipe


Put the yolks in a cup and add vanillin and powdered sugar to them. Grind well to a homogeneous consistency;

Pour half of the hot milk into the mashed yolks and mix;

Pour the yolk-milk mixture into the remaining milk and mix;

The finished mass is cooled to room temperature and put in the refrigerator;

Mix the milk-yolk mixture with whipped cream, transfer to a special form and close tightly;

We put it in the freezer and leave it to freeze;

Every 20-30 minutes, the mixture should be gently mixed with a mixer.

Cooking gourmet French ice cream

Constituent components:

  • Egg whites - 6 pieces;
  • 200 ml full-fat milk or low-fat cream;
  • 300 ml cream with 33% fat for whipping;
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • Vanillin to taste.


  1. In a metal container with a thick bottom, mix milk and cream. You also need to add half a glass of granulated sugar there and mix well;
  2. Then the pot with the ingredients must be put on the stove and heated. In the process of heating, all components must be intensively mixed until the sugar is completely dissolved and the mass acquires a uniform consistency;
  3. Next, remove the pan from the stove, cool and put in the freezer;
  4. We break the eggs, free them from the shell and carefully separate the proteins from the yolks, while making sure that not a single yolk bursts and gets into the protein;
  5. Pour a glass of sugar into a separate dry bowl and put the squirrels there;
  6. Next, using a mixer or blender, we begin to beat the whites and sugar at low speed, gradually adding speed. Beat until a strong foam appears;
  7. After that, you need to get the milk-cream mixture from the freezer. It should only cool, but not freeze;
  8. Carefully transfer the protein mixture there. Transfer with a large spoon and stir constantly;
  9. When all the components are mixed, the entire mass must be transferred to a special container and tightly closed with a lid;
  10. Put the container in the freezer to freeze the ice cream. In the process of freezing, you need to mix the mass every 20 minutes;
  11. After about 2 hours, the ice cream will be ready to eat!

How to make fragrant chocolate ice cream "Eskimo"

Ingredients that will be required:

  • 600 ml of milk;
  • 50 grams of powdered milk;
  • Dark chocolate bar - 100 grams;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • Corn starch - 70 grams;
  • For glaze - a bar of dark chocolate per 100 grams, 100 grams of butter.


  1. In a water bath, you need to melt the chocolate bar to a liquid state;
  2. Then add butter there and also melt, mix well;
  3. Reduce the heat and leave the mixture on the stove;
  4. Add corn starch to 100 grams of cold milk and stir until completely dissolved;
  5. In the rest of the milk we spread milk powder and granulated sugar. We put the mixture on the stove and heat to a boil;
  6. As soon as the milk with sugar boils, pour the milk mixture with starch into it and mix well;
  7. Bring the jelly mixture to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes;
  8. Add the melted chocolate mass to the milk jelly and mix well;
  9. Next, transfer the chocolate mass to an ice cream maker and freeze for 20-25 minutes;
  10. After that, pour the mixture into small cups, insert the sticks and place in the freezer for 3-4 hours to freeze;
  11. We make frosting. Chocolate should be melted to a liquid state;
  12. Then add butter there and also melt;
  13. Boil everything for a couple of minutes and remove from the stove;
  14. We take out the ice cream from the freezer, pull it out in turn from the cups and dip into the icing;
  15. We hold in our hands until completely solidified and again place in the freezer on parchment paper;
  16. After about 2-3 hours, the popsicle can be eaten.

Bright and delicious popsicles - an illuminating delight

Components that will be required:

  • 200 grams of ripe strawberries;
  • 200 grams of ripe kiwi fruits;
  • Half a glass of apple juice;
  • 3-5 mint leaves;
  • 70 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 30 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 120 grams of natural unsweetened yogurt.

How to cook:

  1. First, apple juice must be poured into a small container and heated on the stove;
  2. Add granulated sugar to the heated juice and cook until completely dissolved;
  3. We spread the yogurt in a cup, add powdered sugar and finely chopped mint leaves there. We mix everything;
  4. Strawberries must be washed, dried and the sepals removed;
  5. Next, make a puree out of it. You can use a blender and mash with a fork;
  6. With kiwi, peel off the peel and make puree from the pulp;
  7. Apple syrup should be divided into two servings. Mix one portion with kiwi puree, another with strawberry puree;
  8. Put kiwi puree on the bottom in prepared molds and put in the freezer for 40 minutes to freeze;
  9. Then we take it out, spread the mixture of yogurt and mint and again put it in the freezer for 40 minutes;
  10. After that, we take out the form again, spread the strawberry puree and set to freeze;
  11. After 40 minutes, we take it out, insert the sticks and send it to the freezer for 2-3 hours until completely frozen.

The easiest ice cream recipe

Products for cooking:

  • One liter of milk;
  • 5 egg yolks;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon starch powder.


  1. Pour milk into a metal container, put butter and place on gas;
  2. Heat the mixture and bring to a boil. Boil until the oil is completely dissolved;
  3. Next, break the eggs, free from the shell and separate the whites from the yolks;
  4. The yolks must be put in a cup, pour sugar and starch powder. Stir everything until complete grinding of granulated sugar;
  5. After that, add a small amount of milk there and mix with a whisk. The mixture should resemble sour cream;
  6. Then the container with milk and butter must be put on fire again, pour the egg mixture into it and mix everything with a spoon;
  7. The mass should be brought to a boil, boil for a couple of minutes and remove from heat;
  8. We put in a container in cold water and cool;
  9. As soon as the milk mixture has cooled, it can be poured into molds or a container and tightly closed;
  10. Then put everything in the freezer and freeze. Also, do not forget to stir the ice cream every 20 minutes;
  11. After 3 hours, ice cream can be eaten.

We use the technique: ice cream in an ice cream maker

Ingredients required for cooking:

  • Egg yolks - 4 pieces;
  • A glass of milk;
  • Bank of condensed milk;
  • A little vanilla.

Cooking rules:

  1. The first step is to break the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. Next, put the yolks in a bowl and beat them with a whisk or mixer until foam forms;
  2. Pour milk into a deep cup, add condensed milk there and beat well with a mixer until a homogeneous composition;
  3. Then pour everything into a metal container and put it on the stove, heat it up and pour in the yolk mixture. Boil for a couple of minutes, do not forget to constantly mix;
  4. Add vanilla there and mix everything again;
  5. Pour cold water into a container and put a pan with an ice cream base in it. This will ensure rapid cooling and no film will form on top;
  6. Next, the chilled mixture should be poured into an ice cream maker;
  7. Cooking ice cream in an ice cream maker for about 30-40 minutes. As soon as the mass thickens, the ice cream maker can be turned off;
  8. Put the ice cream maker in the freezer for 12 hours. Be sure in the freezer the temperature should be from -18 degrees and below;
  9. Ready ice cream should be put into any container. If it turns out too soft, then it can be put in the freezer for a couple of hours.
  • It is advisable to use an ice cream maker for cooking. In it, ice cream will turn out homogeneous and without impurities of pieces of ice;
  • You need to freeze at least 3-4 hours;
  • It is not advisable to keep in the freezer for more than 5 hours. This can lead to the formation of ice, which will spoil the taste of the dessert.

It turns out that ice cream can be made at home with great success. Of course, it will taste a little different from the store-bought one, but it will be much better and tastier. Remember about recommendations and advice.

Be sure to use only natural ingredients and follow the entire recipe. Then you will make a real masterpiece of culinary art.

Ice cream is an ancient delicacy known 4,000 years ago in Ancient China. It has been known in Europe since the 12th century thanks to Marco Polo.

By definition, ice cream is a frozen sweet product made from milk, cream, sugar, butter, juices, and other products to which flavors and aromas have been added.

With the onset of hot days, the demand for ice cream increases dramatically, as both adults and children love it. But unfortunately, in our time, ice cream producers, in pursuit of quantity and long shelf life, forget about quality. And to find normal ice cream, without harmful fillers, is very difficult.

Therefore, we have to make ice cream at home, which we will do now.

Homemade ice cream how to cook

The most popular ice cream is ice cream, and now we will figure out how to make it.

We need:

  • 3 eggs
  • 125 g milk
  • 300 g cream 33%
  • 150 g sugar (can be 80-100 g, to taste)
  • 10 g vanilla sugar, optional


1. Separate the yolks from the proteins, transfer them to a saucepan.

2. Add sugar to them and pour milk, mix and put on the stove. With constant stirring, bring to the consistency of condensed milk. Remove from heat and, stirring occasionally, cool.

You can cool naturally, or you can put it in a container of cold water or on ice.

3. Cream and utensils for whipping must be cooled in the refrigerator. Then whip the cream to firm peaks.

4. In the cooled syrup, carefully, in portions, add cream, mix.

5. In a wide container, transfer the mixture, cover with cling film and put in the freezer for 1 hour.

6. After that, move the frozen ice cream away from the edges of the container, and beat with a mixer for 1 minute. Cover again with cling film and place in the freezer for another 1 hour.

7. Then, interrupt again, transfer to a smaller container and freeze for 4 hours. for maturation.

8. Serve in bowls with any jam or grated chocolate, nuts.

Ice cream according to GOST in cups recipe

We need:

  • 430 g milk 3.2%
  • 360 g cream 33-36%
  • 140 g sugar
  • 15 g vanilla sugar
  • 50 g dry milk
  • 20 g corn or potato starch


1. Mix milk (100 ml) with starch.

2. Mix milk powder with sugar, vanilla sugar, add a few tablespoons of milk to them, mix. Add the remaining milk and put on fire, stir.

3. Add starch with milk to this mixture and, with constant stirring, bring to a thickening. After cooling in a bowl of cold water, also stirring, to avoid lumps.

4. In a chilled bowl, beat the chilled cream until stiff peaks. Gently add them to the cooled milk mixture, mix thoroughly.

5. Pour into a large container, and cover with a film, put in the freezer for 1.5 hours.

After mixing, and again for 1.5 hours in the freezer.

6. Then, transfer to paper or plastic cups, cover with foil and refrigerate for 4.5 - 5 hours.

Creamy ice cream on a stick inexpensive recipe

We need:

  • 1 liter 10% cream
  • 0.5 cup sugar
  • 5 pieces of plastic cups
  • 5 wooden sticks or plastic spoons
  • food foil


1. Since cream is 10% liquid, they need to be boiled down. Therefore, pour them into a saucepan and put on a slow fire and, with stirring, boil for 1.5 hours to decrease by almost 3 times.

2. Add sugar to the boiled cream, stirring, cook for another 1-2 minutes. The mixture is cooled to room temperature.

3. Beat with a mixer until thick and send to the freezer for 30 minutes, then beat again for 3 minutes at max. speed, and again for 30 minutes in the freezer.

Then beat for another 3 minutes and pour into glasses.

4. Cut the foil into circles, with a diameter slightly larger than the top of the glass. We put spoons or sticks in a glass of ice cream and cover with circles of foil, piercing them with chopsticks. We send it to the freezer and keep the ice cream there for 4-5 hours, at a very low temperature.

To remove the ice cream from the cups, dip it for a few seconds in hot water.

To preserve ice cream - wrap each serving in foil and send it to the freezer.

Chocolate ice cream at home

This ice cream is especially popular among both children and adults. We are preparing it soon.

We need:

  • 100 g sugar
  • 80 g cocoa powder
  • 15 g cornstarch
  • a pinch of salt
  • 370 ml milk
  • 1/2 tsp vanillin extract


1. Dissolve the starch in 2-3 tablespoons of cold milk.

2. Pour the rest of the milk into the pan, add sugar, salt, cocoa and mix everything, put on medium heat.

We introduce diluted starch. With constant stirring, thicken the mixture.

Then pour into another bowl and cool, covered with a film, in contact with the liquid.

To speed up the cooling process, put on ice or in cold water.

3. To form ice cream, you can use special silicone molds, or in the old fashioned way - plastic or paper cups, as in the previous recipe.

4. We stand in the freezer for 4-5 hours, and it is better to send it overnight. Remove from molds, wrap in parchment paper and store in the refrigerator. We use at will.

Ice cream from kefir and bananas

This type of ice cream will appeal to kids, and adults too.

We need:

  • 1.5 cups (300 ml) kefir 2.5%
  • 2 bananas
  • 2 tbsp honey

For syrup:

  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
  • 200 g frozen cherries, pitted


1. Bananas are peeled, cut into pieces and sent to a blender.

2. Add kefir and a spoonful of honey to them, we interrupt everything until a homogeneous mass. Pour into a plastic container and put in the freezer for 1.5 hours.

3. Prepare the syrup: we interrupt the frozen cherries with cornstarch in a blender, pour into a saucepan and boil for 15 minutes on fire. Cool down.

4. Take out the ice cream and mix again with a mixer, and then send it to the freezer for 1.5 hours.

5. Put a spoonful of honey into the cooled syrup and mix.

6. Serve the finished ice cream in bowls, pouring cherry syrup.

Super - diet ice cream (sorbet) for losing weight

As you know, ice cream is a high-calorie product, but not that, 100 g of this product contains 70 kcal.

We need:

For the base:

  • 600 g applesauce
  • 1 lemon, zest

for the 1st type of sorbet:

  • 1 piece (70 g) carrots
  • 3 mint leaves
  • 2 tbsp cream 10%

for the 2nd type of sorbet:

  • 100 g spinach
  • 2 kiwis

for the 3rd type of sorbet:

  • 100 g strawberries
  • 1 tsp beetroot juice


Ice cream basics

  • Cooking applesauce from baked in the oven, sweet apples. We combine the finished puree with lemon zest. The mixture is divided into three equal parts.

1- species, orange

  • peel the carrots, rub on a fine grater and send to a blender;
  • Chop the mint leaves and add to the carrots. Add 200 g or 1/3 of applesauce to them and interrupt;

  • We lay out the finished mixture in cups and put in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer, this is important.

2-kind, green

  • peel the kiwi from the skin, cut it and put it in the grinder;
  • chop the spinach and send to the kiwi. Add applesauce to this. We grind everything;

  • We take out the cups filled with orange sorbet from the refrigerator and add green sorbet to it, leaving room for the next type. We put it in the refrigerator again.

3 kinds, red

  • We put the strawberries in a blender, pour in the beet juice and add the remaining applesauce. We interrupt everything;

  • in cups with the previous types of sorbent, we report the red look, insert wooden sticks and send, now to the freezer, for 2 hours.

  • We take out the finished sorbet carefully from the cups, and ... - “the meal is served”.

Ice cream with condensed milk according to GOST 1970 at home

This kind of ice cream, nostalgia for the times when our generation had just finished 10th grade and had their whole life ahead of them.)))! But let's not get distracted and let's get ice cream.

We need:

  • 500 g cream 33%
  • 200 g (1 cup) condensed milk
  • 10 g vanilla sugar
  • 1 tbsp cocoa


1. In a pre-chilled bowl, beat the chilled cream, with the addition of vanilla sugar. First, beat at low speed, until foam appears, and then at max. rpm, to stable peaks.

2. After that, add condensed milk and continue to beat for 7-10 minutes.

3. The resulting mixture is divided into 2 parts, one is sent to the freezer for 8-10 hours.

4. The second part - fill with cocoa, mix until smooth and also send to the freezer for 8-10 hours.

Homemade milk ice cream

We need:

  • 5 glasses of milk (1 l)
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 10 g vanilla sugar
  • 1 tsp fresh butter

for freezing:

  • 3 kg ice
  • 1 kg coarse salt


1. We will need 2 whole eggs and 2 yolks, break and beat lightly.

2. We take a pan where we will cook, and filter the beaten eggs through a sieve. Add sugar to them, mix and pour milk.

3. In a large container, pour water, bring to a boil and put the pan with the mixture, you get a water bath.

4. While stirring, bring the mass to the consistency of liquid semolina, it should be cooked for about 15 minutes. Then add the butter, mix, cover with a lid and cool to room temperature.

5. We send the cooled mass to the refrigerator, without freezing !!!, where it will stay for 2 hours.

6. The next step is freezing. It can be produced in the freezer, spread out in cups, but we will go the other way.

7. We will freeze in ice with very coarse salt. In a basin, larger in diameter than a saucepan with a mixture, put chopped ice and fill it with salt. Put a container of ice cream on top of the ice and, while stirring, cool it. The mass should acquire a mushy state, this is after about 20-30 minutes.

8. In this state, any fillers can be added to the mixture: cocoa, nuts, frozen berries, citrus fruits, chocolate and others. Put the mixture into plastic molds and put in the freezer for 3 hours.

How to make italian chocolate ice cream at home

We need:

  • 2 glasses of milk
  • 0.5 st. cocoa
  • 1 chocolate bar
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 3 yolks, egg


1. Mix cocoa with a glass of milk in a bowl and put it on fire.

2. We break the chocolate bar and add it to the cocoa-milk mixture, stir, bring to a boil and completely dissolve the chocolate. Remove from fire and cool.

3. Mix a glass of milk with sugar, put on fire so that the sugar dissolves, and beat in the egg yolks, slightly beaten.

Stir the mixture, cook until thickened and combine with the chocolate mass. With constant stirring, boil until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

4. In a plastic container, through a sieve, pour the mass and send it to the freezer for 3 hours.

Video recipe: How to serve ice cream

Ice cream is the most desired treat in the summer season. It is not only tasty, but also refreshing. It is also often used as an addition to summer drinks and to serve some desserts. Below are a few recipes that describe how to make ice cream at home.

Simple milk ice cream at home:

  • milk 3.2% - 330 ml;
  • egg - 2;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • oil - 80 gr;
  • vanillin.

Beat the butter and half the sugar with a mixer or whisk. Next, we drive in the eggs and add the rest of the sugar, you can immediately pour in the vanilla. We continue to work with the mixer for a few more minutes, until the consistency of the contents of the bowl becomes homogeneous.

Milk is poured into the ice cream blank last. Again, beat everything with a mixer at maximum speed.

Pour the mass into a saucepan and boil over low heat so that it begins to thicken a little. We work the hot mixture for a couple of minutes with an immersion blender. After that, put the container in a larger bowl with ice water so that the workpiece cools faster. Pour into a freezer container and place in the freezer overnight.

On a note. Ice cream blanks should not be sent to the freezer hot or even warm. Be sure to wait until it cools down completely.

popsicle recipe

  • cottage cheese - 250 gr;
  • powdered sugar - 100 gr;
  • cream - 250 gr;
  • white chocolate - 100 gr;
  • chocolate tubes - 5 units;
  • crushed walnuts / pistachios.

Eskimo is prepared by step-by-step whipping of products. First of all, cream is whipped with powdered sugar, then cottage cheese is gradually introduced. It turns out quite a thick creamy consistency.

Melt the chocolate and pour into the dough. Beat for a minute or two.

Pour nuts into ice cream molds, spread the workpiece, stick a tube deep into the center. Place in the freezer for 2-3 hours.

vanilla ice cream

  • fat cream - 750 ml;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 150 gr;
  • egg yolks - 6 units;
  • vanillin.

We combine milk and a third of the cream in a saucepan, pour ⅔ of sugar there. Put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring.

In the meantime, grind the remaining sugar and yolks with a mixer. When the mass is very light, pour in the milk-cream mass in small portions, continuing to beat.

The resulting workpiece is poured back into the saucepan and sent to warm over low heat, stirring constantly. The consistency will gradually thicken, resembling custard. We put the saucepan in a bowl with ice and, stirring, cool. The result was a French cream Angles - smooth and shiny.

Whip the remaining cream on high speed until medium thick. Pour the chilled milk-sugar cream into them and mix with a spoon.

We distribute the resulting vanilla delicacy in special portioned containers or in one large container and send it to freeze for several hours in the freezer.

creamy treat

Ice cream according to this recipe does not feel water crystals, as it happens in store-bought ice cream or when using large amounts of water in cooking.

The recipe is very simple and the preparation of homemade ice cream will not take more than ten minutes.

Cream ice cream turns out to be unrealistically tender, with a fairly dense structure:

  • cream with a fat content of 30% - 550 ml;
  • condensed milk with sugar - 170 gr;
  • gelatin - 7 gr.

First, prepare the gelatin: pour it with a stack of boiling water. It is important that there is as little water as possible.

Pour cream and condensed milk into a mixing bowl. Beat with a mixer until smooth - it will take only a minute. After the speed is turned on to the maximum. By this time, the gelatin will dissolve in boiling water and it can be added to the creamy condensed mass. We work with the mixer for a few more minutes. We spread the mass in a container, close it and send it to the freezer for at least 5 hours.

Homemade creme brulee

  • 500 ml cream from 33%;
  • vanillin;
  • 25 gr flour;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 180 gr boiled condensed milk;
  • 150 ml of milk.

We put the milk on medium heat to warm up.

Separate 4 tables from the prepared volume of cream. spoons in a separate cup and add flour with vanilla, yolks and boiled condensed milk to them. We rub everything very well with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained without dense lumps.

Pour the resulting mass into the warmed milk and mix well with a whisk. We send it further to warm up. You need to warm it up while stirring, as the cream will thicken. You will get a consistency like a thick custard for cakes. When the cream becomes thick and begins to boil a little, it must be removed from the heat and left to cool.

Let's do the rest of the cream. They need to be beaten until a dense foam is obtained, if desired, sugar can be added. After we spread the cooled custard and mix with a mixer.

Close the whole mass with a lid, or tighten with a film. Put in the freezer for several hours. It is recommended to stir the mass with a spoon every hour, as long as possible - this is necessary to prevent crystallization and create a lush, loose consistency of the dessert.

On a note. Such ice cream can not be frozen and used as a cake cream.

Chocolate dessert at home

Chocolate ice cream with a delicate, creamy texture can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • fat cream - 500 ml;
  • fine sugar - 180 gr;
  • cocoa - 25 gr;
  • salt - 2 gr;
  • egg yolks - 5-6 units;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • quality dark chocolate - 125 gr.

First, break the chocolate into small pieces.

In a saucepan with a thick bottom, combine salt, cocoa and half the sugar. We stir. Add some milk and stir until smooth. Get a glossy chocolate paste. Pour in the remaining milk and cream, mix again. Put on a slow fire and stir until it boils. As soon as it starts to boil, immediately remove from heat.

While the milk mixture is heating, let's take care of the yolks: combine them with the remaining sugar and mix with a whisk until a light creamy mass appears.

Now you need to combine the milk mixture and the yolks. This must be done very carefully, as the milk is still hot enough, and the yolks can curdle. Therefore, at first we pour quite a bit of chocolate-milk mass into the yolk mass, mix with a whisk. Then add a little more and mix again. Now the yolk mass has warmed up and will not curdle, pour in the milk mass in a thin stream, constantly working through the mass with a whisk.

Put the saucepan back on the fire, cook for five minutes, stirring constantly. The fire should be slow, the mass should not boil, otherwise the yolks will boil. The mass should thicken and resemble the state of custard for a cake.

Remove the pan from the heat and put the chocolate into the contents, mix vigorously until the pieces are completely dissolved.

Cool the ice cream blank in a container with ice water. Stir from time to time so that a crust does not form.

Pour the cooled workpiece into a deep freezer container. We close. We leave for the night.

On a note. The ice cream blank should not be sent to the freezer hot or even warm. Be sure to wait until it cools down completely.

Fruit and berry ice cream

  • 150 gr blackberries;
  • 150 gr of peach pulp;
  • 200 gr sugar;
  • 2 glasses of cream;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 6 egg whites.

First, beat the proteins until a stable foam, then combine with sugar, without stopping whipping. Separately, beat the cream until it thickens.

We introduce the thickened butter cream into the sweet egg mass in small portions, continue to beat at maximum speed for several minutes.

Reduce the mixing speed, pour in the milk in a thin stream. We work for 1-2 minutes.

Rinse the berries and fruits, cut the peaches into small pieces. Separately, using a blender, we prepare blackberry and peach puree. We divide the protein-cream blank into 2 approximately equal parts. We combine one with berry puree, the other with peach. Mix thoroughly.

Put fruit preparations in containers and freeze, tightly covering with a lid / film.

No added eggs

  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • sugar - 90 gr;
  • dry milk - 35 gr;
  • starch - 10 gr;
  • fat cream - 250 ml;
  • milk 3.2% - 300 ml.

We combine all dry ingredients in a saucepan (except starch). Pour more than half of the milk to dry products, mix.

Combine the rest of the milk with starch, stirring it well.

We heat the milk mixture with sugar, powdered milk and other products over low heat, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil. As soon as it starts to boil, pour in the starch mass and stir. When the mass begins to thicken, pour into a container through a sieve and leave to cool.

Meanwhile, whip the cream. When the workpiece has cooled, combine with cream and beat for several minutes. After that, put the ice cream to freeze.

On a note. Only cream with a fat content of more than 30% is whipped into a stable foam quickly enough. It is possible to beat a less fatty product, but this is very rarely possible.

How to make vegetarian ice cream?

Delicious vegan ice cream can be made with a banana.

Products are designed for one serving of ice cream, increase their volume depending on the planned number of servings:

  • 2 bananas;
  • 50 ml soy milk;
  • sugar - 15 gr;
  • diluted in a couple of tsp. vanilla - 5 gr.

Bananas are removed from the peel and cut into rings. We lay it out on a board and send it to freeze for three hours.

After 3 hours, we combine the rings with the rest of the products and mix in a blender until creamy. We put the mass in a waffle cone and freeze for an hour or two.

Recipe for making yogurt

Making yogurt ice cream is very easy. It is important to take tasty, high-quality yogurt, otherwise the delicacy will turn out not so tasty and rich.

  • 2 jars of yogurt;
  • 2 sticks for stirring coffee;
  • a couple cups of boiling water.

The recipe is extremely simple, and even children can handle it. The basis of ice cream in this version is yogurt - fruit, berry or natural, take your favorite. In the foil with which the jar is sealed, we make a small incision in the center, insert the stick into it so that it is well immersed in yogurt. The resulting structure is sent to the freezer for 2-3 hours.

After the jar is removed from the freezer. Carefully remove the foil, tearing it off the sides. To make it easy to remove the ice cream from the jar, you need to let it thaw a little. You can speed up this process by dropping a jar of yogurt ice cream into a bowl of boiling water for a minute. After that, the delicacy easily comes out of the container.

lemon dessert

A quick, low-calorie, lemon-banana-flavoured dessert can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • 3 bananas;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 150 gr of powdered sugar.

Peel bananas and cut into rings. Grate the zest from one lemon, then squeeze the juice from both citrus fruits and mix with the zest and banana pulp, pour the powder into the container. Use a blender to turn the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

Before serving, you need to remove the ice cream for 10 minutes from the freezer - the dessert will become softer and tastier.

If you want a simple lemon flavor, make a simple creamy or vanilla treat and add lemon juice and zest to it, mix well before freezing.

Ice cream - probably, few people will refuse a portion of this beloved cold delicacy on hot summer days. Those lucky ones who have an ice cream maker can make ice cream at home.

Fortunately, this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and the availability of ingredients and a variety of recipes allows you to enjoy all the flavors.

Ice cream maker - like any technique, has its own characteristics, requires proper handling and compliance with certain conditions. Then the device will serve the owner for a long time, delighting with high-quality work.

Regardless of the type of ice cream maker (automatic, manual or semi-automatic), the principle of operation is always the same - the device cools the contents with regular stirring, which allows the mass to freeze more evenly.

With this in mind, you should never put large pieces of fruit or other ingredients (berries, nuts, chocolate) into future ice cream. All fillers must be crushed beforehand.

Warm and hot substances require more energy to cool them, therefore, in order to avoid burnout of the motor of the ice cream maker and damage to the cooling elements, only those products whose temperature does not exceed 40 ° C should be placed in the device.

Do not put pieces of ice or sugar in the mixture, do not pour in liquids - solids can damage the spatulas, and additionally poured liquid can freeze without mixing properly with the mass, which will make the ice cream unpleasantly squeak on the teeth, like broken glass in it.

Cream ice cream ice cream recipe in an ice cream maker

It is not at all difficult to prepare everyone's favorite ice cream. This is a versatile and, perhaps, everyone's favorite kind of ice cream that your family and all guests will certainly enjoy. Perfect for a holiday dessert.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 200 ml cream.

Cooking time: 30 minutes. 10 servings of 60 g, calorie content of each - 125 kcal.

Eggs should be thoroughly ground with sugar until a white foam forms.

Then add milk, and stir well, put on a slow fire. We need to heat the mixture, making sure that it does not stick to the bottom and does not burn. - for this it is important to constantly and evenly stir.

Thus, continuing to mix, heat until the mass is completely thickened. You should get a light airy cream. Now we remove the mass from the heat and let it cool, but while it cools, we prepare the second cream.

To do this, whip the chilled cream until the mass increases by 4-5 times. Cream of cream does not need to be interrupted to sharp peaks - it should be thick, but not hard. We combine both creams and carefully, gently mix with a plastic or wooden spatula (these materials have a lower thermal conductivity).

Put the creamy mass in a bowl of an ice cream maker and send it to freeze.

When serving, ready-made ice cream can be sprinkled with chopped walnuts or chocolate chips for beauty.

Recipe for ice cream on yolks at home in an ice cream maker

Ice cream with yolks is not only very tasty, but also very useful, especially for a growing child's body and for everyone who has an increased energy consumption. If it is cooked correctly, then the presence of yolks in the delicacy is not felt at all.


  • 300 ml of 30% cream;
  • 160 ml of milk;
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 5 st. spoons of sugar.

Cooking time: 45 minutes. 10 servings of 60 gr, each calorie content is 114 kcal.

Beat the yolks with sugar until a white foam forms, but do not interrupt into flakes - the mass should be white and only slightly thickened. While stirring, heat the cream to 80ºС. Be careful not to let the cream boil.

Now, stirring the yolks intensively so that they do not curl up too quickly, pour a little cream into them. Pour the resulting yolk mixture back into the cream and mix thoroughly.

We return the mass to a slow fire and, stirring with a spatula, or whisking with a mixer at the slowest speed, bring to a slight thickening, the structure should be like that of a cream. Now, remove the mixture from the heat and let it cool to room temperature, stirring occasionally. Pour into an ice cream maker and freeze.

Eggless chocolate ice cream recipe

Delicious chocolate ice cream can be easily made at home. Delicate creamy taste of ice cream in combination with dark chocolate gives a spicy contrast.


  • 100 gr. dark chocolate;
  • 400 gr. condensed milk (this is one standard jar);
  • 500 ml of 33% cream;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder.

Cooking time: 35 minutes. 16 servings of 60 gr, each calorie content is 230 kcal.

Chocolate needs to be melted - it is best to do this in a water bath or in the microwave, in short pulses. In a separate deep bowl, mix the cream and condensed milk, add the sifted cocoa there and start beating with a mixer for one minute.

If cocoa scatters all over the room, then first mix it into the mass with a spatula, and then whisk. Now we introduce chocolate into the creamy mass, and continue beating until a beautiful homogeneous cream is obtained.

Transfer the mixture to an ice cream bowl and freeze.

When serving, ready-made ice cream can be additionally decorated by sticking chocolate tubes into it, but keep in mind that they will significantly increase the calorie content of the dessert.

Recipe for making strawberry ice cream for an ice cream maker

Strawberry ice cream tastes amazing and is easy enough to make. These berries have long been famous for their beneficial properties, and in combination with milk, their value only increases, as does their taste.


  • 200 gr. strawberries;
  • 100 gr. powdered sugar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of lemon juice;
  • 200 gr. 33% cream;
  • 200 gr. condensed milk, or custard.

Cooking time: 40 minutes. 16 servings of 60 gr, each calorie content is 230 kcal.

Peeled strawberries should be chopped, sprinkled with powdered sugar and sprinkled with lemon juice. The easiest way to do this is with a blender. Combine cream and cream (or condensed milk) and beat with a mixer until a thick, fluffy cream is obtained.

Strawberries must be introduced into this creamy mass and mixed with a spatula, distributing the berry mousse evenly throughout the mass. We put in the ice cream maker until the mass is completely frozen.

Homemade ice cream recipes without an ice cream maker

Do not despair if it is not yet possible to purchase an ice cream maker for some reason, it is quite possible to make delicious homemade ice cream without an ice cream maker - here are some simple and affordable recipes:

Milk soft ice cream

Classic, very tasty and easy to prepare ice cream with milk. Almost a dietary dessert that will suit everyone without exception (of course, if a person does not suffer from milk intolerance).


  • 2 eggs;
  • 400 gr. (2 cups) milk;
  • 3 art. spoons of sugar;
  • flavoring (vanillin or a little cocoa).

Cooking time: 30 minutes. 10 servings of 60 g, each calorie content - 82 kcal.

Grind eggs with sugar until white, adding flavoring, pour in a little milk and stir until smooth, then add the remaining milk and put on fire, with constant stirring, bring to a boil, but do not cook. Eggs thicken the mixture very quickly, therefore, remove the resulting cream from the heat and leave to cool to room temperature.

Beat the cooled mass with a mixer for a minute or two, no more, and send it to the freezer for a couple of hours.

It is desirable to mix the mixture for the first time for a more uniform freezing of the mass.

Incredibly delicious, fatty, nutritious ice cream that always turns out.

Eskimo is a dessert that is quite high in calories, therefore, it is better to cook it for the weekend, or for a celebration, and not for every day.


  • 400 gr. (one jar) condensed milk;
  • 500 ml. 30% cream.

Cooking time: 30 minutes. 15 servings of 60 gr, each calorie content is 192 kcal.

In a plastic bucket or mixer bowl, combine cream and condensed milk, stir, then beat with a mixer for exactly a minute. Pour the cream into molds or pour into a lower container (so that it freezes faster than it settles to the bottom) and send it to the freezer for 1.5-2 hours.

Proper operation will significantly extend the life of the ice cream maker. Here are a few tips that are easy to follow:

  1. Do not place the device near sources of heat and moisture. Too warm room prevents normal operation of the ice cream maker, and high humidity can cause a short circuit and burnout;
  2. Always make sure that the ventilation grilles are not covered with something - the air must circulate freely. Without a constant air flow, the ice cream maker will not be able to cool the appliances efficiently, it will overheat and, in the end, will become unusable;
  3. After transportation, wait a few hours before turning it on so that the coolant can settle to the bottom of the tank, or if you left the device overnight on the street, also wait about three hours so that the condensate formed inside the objects evaporates at dawn and does not cause a short circuit;
  4. If you understand that the ambient temperature is far from the norm (too high, 35-40ºС), then it is better to move the ice cream maker to the cellar, or in extreme cases, wrap the device with a dry towel and wrap it with foil over it, this will stabilize the temperature and prevent overheating of the motor. But do not cover the vent caps.

In principle, caring for an ice cream maker is not at all difficult, like any other home appliances, with proper and careful handling, it will serve the owner for more than one year.

But making homemade ice cream with it is very easy and convenient. This is a great opportunity to regularly delight yourself and loved ones with delicious desserts.

Another recipe for homemade ice cream is in the next video.