Home / Khachapuri / Vegetarian pea soup - the best recipes for first courses. Lean pea soup: recipe without meat Pea soup recipe without

Vegetarian pea soup - the best recipes for first courses. Lean pea soup: recipe without meat Pea soup recipe without

It is difficult to find a more dietary and at the same time nutritious soup.

Pea soup without meat

So, let's figure out what trace elements are contained in peas:

  1. Vitamins A, B, C
  2. Squirrels
  3. Carbohydrates
  4. Fructose
  5. Glucose

The vitamin complex is important for eliminating depression, insomnia, bad mood and nervous tension.

Metabolic processes and the work of the organs of the cardiovascular system are also normalized.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates play a more important role, since without their presence in the body, human life is generally impossible.

Fructose and glucose make it possible to eat peas for patients with diabetes mellitus with insulin dependence.

Among other things, this leguminous plant contains a fair amount of magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and potassium.

Pea soup puree

The latter is not a small part of it, so peas can give odds in the competition in nutritional value and usefulness to many other vegetables and grains.

The calorie content of pea soup largely depends on the ingredients contained in it.

Naturally, the most dietary option is vegetarian dish, boiled in water.

Here it is energy value we can name in concrete numbers - 39.6 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Oriental pea soup

Such indicators make pea soup an excellent dish for weight loss, which effectively satisfies hunger, delivers mass to the body. useful substances and at the same time does not harm the cause of correcting the figure.

By the way, a large amount of potassium in this legume helps a lot in the fight against diseases such as ischemia and hypertension.

Most of the dishes, especially the first ones, which are prepared from peas, are very easy to learn.

To the stove - vegetarian recipes for pea soups with photos

Classic lean pea soup

Let's start with the simplest and most classic.

So, you will need:

  1. Half a cup of peas
  2. Potato (3 pieces)
  3. Onion (1 large onion or 2 small ones)
  4. Pure cold water(1 large glass)
  5. Vegetable oil
  6. Bunch of fresh aromatic parsley
  7. Salt and pepper

Step by step recipe:

  1. Soak the peas in cool, clean water the night before and leave overnight. So it will swell a little and the cooking process will go easier.
  2. Take a pot of water and put the peas to boil. At this time, heat the pan, pour a little vegetable oil and fry the onion until golden brown.
  3. Peel potatoes, wash and cut into cubes.
  4. Add the fried onions and potatoes to the water with the peas, reduce the heat a little and leave to cook until the potatoes are ready.
  5. Add salt and pepper to taste, turn off the heat and garnish the soup with finely chopped parsley. Bon Appetit!

This simple but very tasty soup can be improved a bit with homemade noodles.

To prepare it you will need:

  1. Half cup wheat flour
  2. Vegetable oil (3 teaspoons)
  3. Cold clear water

Step by step preparation:

  1. Mix the flour vegetable oil and add a teaspoon of water. Stir.
  2. Salt the resulting mixture and leave for an hour so that the dough rises a little.
  3. Roll out the dough, dry a little and cut into strips. Send the resulting noodles to the oven and dry until cooked.
  4. Add noodles to pea soup along with potatoes and onions.

Vegetarian pea soup with vegetables

This recipe will be slightly more varied in terms of ingredients.

Very nutritious, tasty and at the same time quite a dietary first course.

List of ingredients:

  1. One cup of plain split peas
  2. Potatoes (2-3 pieces)
  3. Pure water
  4. Carrot (1 piece)
  5. Low-fat sour cream (100-150 grams)
  6. Cauliflower (100 grams)
  7. Butter (20-30 grams)
  8. Turmeric, Bay leaf and ground black pepper
  9. fresh greens

  1. Rinse the peas and soak as in the previous recipe. Leave overnight.
  2. Before cooking, drain the water, rinse the peas again and add a little new, fresh water - so that it completely covers the peas, but at the same time protrudes a maximum of 3 cm.
  3. Boil peas until softened. If necessary, add water.
  4. Peel potatoes and carrots. Cut into small cubes. Shred the cabbage too.
  5. Pour some water into the pot with chickpeas and bring to a boil. Enter vegetables, bay leaf, turmeric and a small piece butter.
  6. Cook vegetables until soft.
  7. Salt, enter the rest of the spices and sour cream.
  8. After about 2-3 minutes, turn off the heat, sprinkle the soup with finely chopped herbs. The dish is ready!

Tip: If you want to make this soup even leaner, you can omit the butter.

Pea soup puree with croutons

Rich and very tasty dish without animal fats. Lovers of delicious and healthy food will love it.


  1. Dry whole peas (250-300 grams)
  2. Carrot
  3. Potato (4 medium tubers)
  4. Onion (2 pieces)
  5. Allspice
  6. Flour (about half a cup)
  7. Garlic (2 cloves)
  8. Croutons or crackers
  9. Salt and spices to taste

Cooking steps:

  1. Soak the peas in clean water and leave for 10 hours.
  2. Then we wash it and let the excess moisture go away.
  3. Take a pot of water and boil it.
  4. Add a whole onion (previously peeled and washed), carrots cut into small cubes (but not all), allspice and bay leaf. We leave all this stuff to “make friends” for 15 minutes.
  5. Cut potatoes into cubes.
  6. Fry flour until golden brown.
  7. Add potatoes, peas and flour to the pan and leave for another 15 minutes.
  8. You should have one more onion and some carrots left - we make frying out of this. Rub the carrots through a fine grater, and chop the onion.
  9. Fry it all up in large numbers vegetable oil.
  10. Add the roast to the soup and leave to cook for 20-25 minutes
  11. Turn off the heat, squeeze the garlic into the dish, salt and pepper. Let it infuse for another half an hour.
  12. Decorate with croutons and serve. Bon Appetit!

Tip: it is best to use crackers or croutons from the usual white bread. To do this, simply cut it into cubes and dry it in the oven.

Vegetarian chickpea soup - a simple recipe for every day

Chickpeas are a worthy alternative to the usual peas, originally from sunny Turkey.

His beneficial features very similar to their relative, however, a large amount of fiber predominates in chickpeas.

For this reason, it is easily digested, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and can even regulate blood sugar levels.

Naturally, we could not ignore such a wonderful product and therefore we are sharing a recipe for making excellent chickpea soup.

Soup with chickpeas and lemon

So let's take a look at the ingredients first:

  1. Chickpeas (300 grams)
  2. Olive oil (100 ml)
  3. Onion (1 large onion)
  4. Wheat flour (2 tablespoons)
  5. Lemon
  6. Parsley
  7. Salt and black pepper - optional

Cooking in the following sequence:

  1. Soak chickpeas in clean water and leave for 12 hours.
  2. Drain the water and wash the chickpeas a few more times, then pour it into a sieve and leave to dry.
  3. Fry on olive oil onion.
  4. Add chickpeas to it and fry everything together for 3-4 minutes.
  5. When you feel a pleasant aroma (it is somewhat reminiscent of nutty), remove the pan from the heat.
  6. Transfer the onion and chickpeas to a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. Let it cook for an hour and a half.
  7. Squeeze lemon juice into a small bowl and mix with flour.
  8. Finely chop the parsley.
  9. Now the most interesting thing: we take out part of the cooked chickpeas from the pan and turn it into a puree. Entering back with lemon juice, salt, pepper and sprinkle with parsley.
  10. Turn off the fire and let it brew a little. The dish is ready!

Tip: Use half a whole lemon to mix with flour - so you don't overdo it and give the taste the right shades.

Pea soup without meat, the recipe for which, and more than one, we will consider later in our article, can be no worse than its classic counterpart, cooked according to all the canons of the genre, on fragrant smoked ribs. Of course, as they say, you can’t deceive the stomach with grass, nevertheless, and who said that in such a dish it would be lonely to swim in hot water peas? Not at all. There are many recipes for making lean (and not so) pea soups, they contain a wide variety of ingredients, in addition, perhaps some people cook them without meat, not because they are fasting or are convinced vegetarians, but simply because of the lack thereof. Well, no problem. You can cook with sausage - it will also turn out to be a good dish, by and large. Or with mushrooms. But what's the point of talking too much? It is better to move on to practice. So let's start cooking. So, pea soup without meat. Recipe one.

The easiest option

If we decide to give up meat, then this does not mean at all that we will make our dish just on the water. Not at all. We will cook our pea soup in broth. Only for vegetables. And to prepare it in boiling water, put two carrots cut into large pieces, one onion, juicy tomato, greens, garlic, favorite spices. And in another saucepan at this time we cook peas. By the way, to make the process go faster, many housewives pre-soak it. Who at all for the night, and who at least for a couple of hours. So, it will be ready in about thirty minutes, as for the peas, here you will have to watch it yourself. The main thing - when you see that it is almost ready, you need to combine it with the broth, after removing the vegetables from the latter, and add three or four finely chopped potatoes. 15 minutes before readiness, you need to add a roast to the soup (grated carrot + chopped onion, fried in oil). And when it's time to turn off the heat under the pot, we need to add a few very finely chopped garlic cloves to our simple pea soup and cover the dishes with a lid. Let it brew. And you can serve with croutons, somewhere in half an hour. This is how the most common pea recipe is cooked, which, as you can see, is incredibly simple.

And now let's complicate the composition of the dish a little.

Cooking soup with vegetables

To do this, you will need to arm yourself with a glass of peas, two potatoes, one carrot, an onion, a few tablespoons of sour cream, butter (50 grams are required, no more), cauliflower (300 grams will be enough). Plus, prepare spices, your favorite herbs.

As we have already mentioned, before preparing pea soup, in order for the main ingredient to boil faster, you must first soak it. Which is what we did. And now it remains only to drain the water from it, rinse it, and then put it to boil. We prepare vegetables. We cut carrots, onions, potatoes, we disassemble the cabbage into (after all, we have colored) inflorescences. When we see that the peas are almost ready, we add all our vegetable platter and oil to it. Plus spices. We cook until ready. Topped with sour cream before serving.

Peas and cheese are a great combination

The ingredients for this soup are almost the same as in the previous version, we only exclude sour cream and cauliflower, but add dried celery and one hundred grams of cheese, and be sure to smoke it. The now very popular pigtail cheese is best suited for these purposes. We cook in exactly the same way. And at the very end, add spices, celery and "pigtail". Attention: it is not recommended to add salt during the cooking process, because the cheese itself will give the required taste to the soup. And if it seems to someone that there is not enough salt, you can add the right amount of “white death” directly to your own plate.

Pea soup

Recipes for making puree soups from a variety of ingredients are extremely popular today. The hero of our review, peas, was no exception. By the way, by and large, all soups from it are prepared in almost the same way, as you may have already noticed. The only difference is in the ingredients. The same can be said about such a dish as pea soup puree. The recipes for its preparation do not shine with a special variety, but the main difference from the usual pea soup is that at the end of cooking all the ingredients are ground with a blender. However, if you take potatoes of the appropriate variety, which falls apart in the blink of an eye, and even cook peas to a state of porridge, then no newfangled devices will be needed. It is quite possible to get by with a spoon, turning it into a ready-made soup into this most coveted puree.

So, perhaps, we will not focus on the ingredients and the cooking process itself, but simply give advice. If you want puree soup - choose any recipe you like for yourself, cook pea soup, and then either send it to the processor or stir it with a blender.

And we'd better move on to a more interesting question.

Pea soup with sausage

Sausage, of course, is not meat, but nevertheless it is not cauliflower. So those who skimmed through the previous recipes with almost disgust can perk up. The dish promises to be delicious and, of course, no longer dietary. But those who have already frantically rushed to count calories can also relax. Let, of course, they have to taste the “unhealthy” sausage, but along with it, peas, which have long been considered a valuable source of much-needed vegetable protein, will also enter their stomachs. So, as they say, we kill two birds with one stone - and we will please ourselves, our beloved, and we will benefit.


To make this soup, you will need:

  • A glass and a half of dry peas.
  • Three hundred grams of smoked (required!) sausage.
  • Two sweet red peppers (color - more for contrast with peas, most likely).
  • Seasonings (your choice)

How to cook

We will cook peas in the same way as in previous cases.

There is nothing new here. As for the rest of the ingredients, they should be fried in the following sequence: first, chopped onions, then grated carrots are added to it, then the chopped main product is sausage, and then peppers. All this assortment must be put out on a very small (and certainly under the lid) fire for about ten minutes. Well, then add to the peas, season with spices. Salting is again not recommended; sausage, as in the case of cheese, contains this ingredient in sufficient quantities.

By the way, instead of smoked sausage, you can take boiled sausage. It will work out well too. Or, for example, the same sausages. What is more important, if the soup is prepared with the expectation that it will be eaten by children. Only sausages choose quality ones. Do not add to the dish what is left after the holiday. Well, the rest of the field for experimentation is quite extensive. We want to finally offer another rather interesting option.

Peas with mushrooms

As you can see, it's still very democratic dish- pea soup without meat. The recipe for its preparation allows you to interchange the components as the hostess likes. So we suggest adding mushrooms to it. They may well replace meat, and due to their introduction, the dish will not only acquire a truly amazing taste, but also support an organism depleted, say, by fasting.

As for mushrooms, you can take any, even the same mushrooms. But it is best to use dried ones. And preferably white. Firstly, they will give an amazing aroma, and secondly, their taste is very good.

As for cooking, everything is similar to the process that was described in the simple version pea soup. The only thing you should pay attention to is that if you took dry mushrooms, then they also need to be soaked. Then rinse, cut and cook not separately, but always with peas. If you have simple mushrooms, then they must first be cooked and then fried along with vegetables. That's all wisdom.

And finally

Naturally, many would like to know how pea soup will affect the state of their figure. Calories count in it, by and large, there is no particular need. The nutritional value of any dish, as you know, depends entirely on the ingredients. Our soup is no exception. And as for the simplest version of it, then you can absorb such a meal calmly, on the scales. In one serving of this soup there will be only 87 kcal. Unless, of course, your plates for first courses are not very deep. However, with such a low calorie content, you can eat a couple of servings. There will definitely be no harm. Neither the figure nor the body. So cook and eat your meals with pleasure. Even if they are dietary.

Bon Appetit!

Meatless pea soup is one of the most hearty, rich and budget-friendly soups you can think of. Bright, rich taste, a simple set of products plus an elementary cooking process make it perhaps the most desired soup, both for the hostess and for the eaters. And with the onset of cold weather, pea soup is simply irreplaceable!

And the absence of meat in this recipe does not make it less tasty or satisfying. Just the opposite! Seasonings and spices will help magical transformation of the soup from unpretentious to fabulously fragrant and simply awesomely tasty. They more than make up for the lack of meat. Otherwise, the cooking process is probably familiar to you, and is unlikely to cause any questions and difficulties. Hearty, aromatic and very, very tasty!


  • split peas - 200 g;
  • carrots - 1 medium;
  • onion - 1 medium;
  • tomato (optional) - 1 small;
  • potatoes - 3-4 small tubers;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground turmeric and paprika, dried herbs - a pinch each;
  • other spices and spices - to taste and if desired;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.;
  • water - to the desired thickness of the soup.


First of all, let's prepare the peas for the soup. We wash it, then fill it with cool water so that the water level is at least a couple of centimeters higher. We leave the bowl with soaked peas for at least 3-4 hours, if possible, leave it overnight.

As soon as the peas have swollen from the water and increased in size, we thoroughly wash them under running water, throwing them into a colander.

Meanwhile, put water on the soup. Pour it into a saucepan, add salt, bring to a boil and add the washed peas to it.

When cooking, be sure to remove the resulting foam.

We leave the peas to cook with a half-closed lid on medium or slightly more than average (but not at the very maximum) heating of the stove for about 15-20 minutes. If you want the peas to boil harder, cook them for 10 minutes longer. The soup in this case will acquire a more puree-like, creamy consistency.

During this time, we begin to prepare vegetables for soup. Peel potatoes, carrots, onions. I just wash the tomato, there is no need to remove the skin from it.

Potatoes will go to the soup, the rest of the vegetables - for dressing for overcooking. Cut the potatoes into cubes, the size is at your discretion.

Cut the onion and tomato into small cubes. Grind carrots using a grater with a large section. In principle, if there is no tomato, you can replace it with 1 tbsp. l. thick tomato paste. Or completely exclude the tomato component from frying, limiting yourself to only a standard set - onions and carrots. In this case, the soup broth will turn out lighter.

When the peas boil off the allotted time, add potatoes to the soup. Close the lid again and cook the soup until the potatoes are ready.

Now frying. It can be done in parallel with cooking potatoes. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, let it warm up and pour spices and seasonings directly into the oil. I definitely recommend adding ground paprika and turmeric - they go well with peas and add spice to the soup. Other spices and spices - to your taste. We warm up the spices for a minute or two, it is not necessary longer, otherwise they will burn.

Then we throw vegetables prepared for overcooking to them. Close the lid and fry the vegetables until soft, stirring the frying occasionally so that nothing burns.

When the potatoes are ready, we load the overcooked into the pea soup. We also throw a bay leaf there (one - if large, two - if the leaves are small). If the soup is too thick, you can dilute it with boiling water to the desired thickness.

Bring the soup to a boil again and remove from the stove. Ready!

Serving such meatless pea soup is insanely delicious with garlic croutons. This great dish in post.

Cooking tips:

  • Creamy pea soup will be very tasty. To do this, simply grind the soup with a blender at the end of cooking.
  • Pea soup can be topped with grated cheese, Parmesan is perfect.
  • Use fresh parsley or dill.
  • If you cook pea soup without meat and beat it with a blender, then vegetables such as pumpkin, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower will help diversify the taste.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Peas are an excellent source of vegetable protein, which is absorbed by the body better and faster, unlike animal protein. Thanks to this fact, pea dishes are great for meat-free diets and fasting. This soup, among other things, is very tasty and colorful, and children like it. The only negative is pea soup without meat, the recipe for which is very simple, it takes at least two hours to cook, but the result is worth it. And if someone from your family is not satisfied with this option for preparing the first course, you can offer it, which is also easy to cook according to our recipe.

- 1 glass of peas;
- 1300 ml of water;
- 2 large carrots;
- Bay leaf;
- a pinch of ground pepper;
- 1.5 tsp salt;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- any greens for dressing;
- 30 g butter.

Recipe with photo step by step:

A glass of dry peas is thoroughly washed in plenty of water, and then transferred to a bowl and poured with water. We leave the peas in this form for several hours, but best of all at night. After a while, you will notice that the peas are swollen. Now we send it to the pan and pour 1300 ml of clean water. You can also use any broth instead of water or by replacing only part of it. If you adhere to the indicated proportions, then the pea soup will turn out to be of ideal density.

We put the pan on the fire, adding bay leaf. Cook peas on low heat for 2 hours.

Approximately 1 hour after the peas were put to boil, carrots should be added to it. We clean it and cut into slices. Now peas and carrots are boiled in a saucepan.

Two hours have passed. We take out the bay leaf from the soup. This is very important point, should not be ignored. All soup ingredients requiring heat treatment ready and ready to move on to the next step. Add salt, pepper and chopped garlic to the pea soup.

Using a submerged blender, we interrupt the peas with carrots in the soup. We do this very carefully, the soup should be absolutely homogeneous.

Return the pot of pea soup to the stove and bring it to a boil. It remains to add a piece of butter for a more noble taste and silky texture, and season the pea soup with fresh herbs, preferably parsley. Hot pea soup served with

Peas are very common in Russian cuisine and are also popular only in the Middle East. Since the Middle Ages, peas have been a very important product in the diet of our distant ancestors, they prepared from it: pea soup and porridge, noodles and jelly, ate raw and baked various pies. The nutritional qualities and benefits of peas have always been appreciated, hence the wide variety of pea dishes. Meatless pea soup has become popular recently, as everyone large quantity people began to observe fasts and monitor their diet.

History reference. It is known from history that peas came to us from Ancient Egypt. It was originally known as a wild plant. Nowadays, the overall popularity of peas is not so high, but is actively welcomed by adherents. healthy eating. Because proper nutrition And healthy lifestyle lives are at their peak right now.

Peas contain a lot of nutritious, natural substances - vitamins and carbohydrates, proteins and starches, minerals and fiber. And if peas contain valuable protein, this is its property and should be used in dishes where meat can be excluded, i.e. great to replace.

It should also be noted that the use of peas increases efficiency and adds energy, it is directly shown to those who work in hard physical work.

Peas are deservedly considered the champion for the content:

With such a magical set, it does not take much effort to understand the full health benefits of peas for any person.

Pea dishes are necessary in the diet of children and adolescents, since vitamins and microelements are especially important during the period of growth and development.

Recipe number 1 Pea soup without meat

The most important thing for pea soup is the richness of the pea-potato broth, thanks to which the cooked soup will be tasty even without the presence of meat. There is another important subtlety - this is vegetable broth, it is boiled on various vegetables, and various spices are added. They love him for the benefit in general and for low calorie only about 60-65 kcal.

According to the recipe you need:

  1. 300g whole peas;
  2. A few peas of allspice;
  3. Several (5-6) potatoes;
  4. 4-5 bay leaves;
  5. One not small onion;
  6. 1/2 parsley root;
  7. 1/2 celery root;
  8. Large clove of garlic;
  9. 1 medium carrot;
  10. 2 tablespoons of wheat flour;
  11. 1 tablespoon of salt.
  • Soak the peas in cold water overnight.
  • Boil vegetable broth in 2-3 liters of water - from onions, parsley, celery, the first half of carrots, laurel and allspice. Bring to a boil and cook for half an hour over low heat.
  • The potatoes are cut into small cubes and at the same time the peas, washed after overnight soaking, are added to the vegetable broth. Bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook 20-25min.
  • Coarsely grate the onion and the second half of the carrot, overcook in oil in a frying pan, at the end - for 2-3 minutes until ready, you can put 1 tablespoon of tomato paste.
  • The flour is calcined in a dry frying pan so that it darkens slightly about 3-4 minutes. And then add it to the soup in small portions, stirring continuously.
  • We collect in a saucepan - potato and pea broth, overcooked vegetables, finely chopped garlic. Slowly boil for another 10 minutes, salt, pepper the soup and remove from heat.
  • The soup is allowed to stand for minutes. 20-25 , sprinkle with herbs and serve to eat.
  • Eating pea soup is very tasty with croutons or crackers prepared in advance.
  • The recipe for pea soup is recommended to everyone, and especially those who are losing weight and reducing their weight - for diet nutrition.

Recipe number 2 pea soup puree without meat

The cooking time of different peas lasts from several minutes (green varieties) to one and a half hours (round, dried varieties). Also different time for soaking - there are lovers of eating whole peas, and the other half loves exclusively boiled mashed potatoes.

For the recipe you need:

  • Peas 500 grams;
  • One fresh tomato;
  • One onion;
  • One not small carrot;
  • 3 medium garlic cloves;
  • Vegetable oil 3-4 tablespoons;
  • One tablespoon of fresh ginger;
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric;
  • Various fresh herbs;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • If the peas are whole, in the evening it is poured with cold water.
  • In the morning, wash the peas, and cook in 2 liters of water, on low heat for an hour and a half, removing the foam and stirring occasionally.
  • Onions and carrots are rubbed coarsely on a grater, the tomato is cut into small cubes, without skin, squeeze the garlic through a garlic press.
  • In a frying pan with oil, cook overcooking for the soup by frying all the prepared vegetables. Ginger and turmeric are also added here. Overcooking is ready when the carrots are ready.
  • The last step in cooking pea soup is to combine pea soup with frying, boil for no more than 5 minutes.
  • We puree (grind) the soup hot with a blender, add greens, and on fire for only 1 minute - until the soup with greens boils.
  • Serve pea soup with sour cream, croutons or garlic breadcrumbs - all options are good.

Recipe number 3 Dietary pea cream soup with mozzarella

Recipe for meatless pea soup with mozzarella - wonderful option diet food Plus, it's quick to prepare in just 30 minutes and light dinner ready for the whole family.

The prescription needs:

  • Frozen green peas 500 grams;
  • One onion;
  • One liter of ready-made vegetable broth;
  • Grow oil 1 tablespoon;
  • Sour cream not greasy 50 ml;
  • Salt, pepper to taste;
  • A few mint leaves for garnish
  • One small clove of garlic;
  • Mozzarella cheese about 50 grams.
  • Onion finely chopped, fried in a frying pan in oil.
  • Vegetable broth take ready or cook. Add thawed peas, ready-made onions, salt, pepper and add nutmeg to the broth.
  • The pot is about to boil 10 minutes- before fully prepared peas.
  • Add sour cream and puree the soup with a blender until puree.
  • We cut the cheese into small cubes, chop the garlic and add to the finished soup.
  • Serve soup with mint leaves in bowls on the table.

Recipe #4 Exotic Pea Soup with Salmon

Pea soup according to this recipe is unusual due to the addition of salmon to it. Original - appreciated by lovers of fish dishes.

According to the recipe you need:

  • Vegetable broth 500 ml;
  • Smoked salmon 100 grams;
  • One medium onion;
  • Cream 200 ml;
  • Green peas 300 grams;
  • Grow oils 2 tablespoons;
  • Lemon juice ½ teaspoon;
  • Greenery;
  • Salt pepper;
  • Curry - to taste.
  • Finely chopped onion, fry in oil in a frying pan until a beautiful golden color.
  • Put the peas and fried onions into the boiled broth. Cook on a low heat until the peas are cooked.
  • Puree the soup with a blender + salt + pepper to taste, do not forget the curry.
  • In the puree soup, you need a little lemon juice, and slowly add cream to the soup.
  • Heat the soup just a little, just until it boils.
  • The salmon is cut into medium-sized cubes, and added to the soup right into the bowls before serving.
  • The final touch before serving the pea soup without meat is to remember to sprinkle the greens!

  • Peas do not need to be salted before cooking, without salt they will boil faster. Salt the soup at the very end of cooking for 3-4 minutes until the soup is ready.
  • Pea soup is very tasty with fried cheese sandwiches or with garlic croutons. In the warm season, it is sprinkled with various fresh herbs.
  • It is best to pour peas in the evening with cold water. And in the soup that is being boiled, you can add only boiling water, otherwise the peas will not boil.
  • If you are a lover pea puree soup, know that it is better to knead it not cooled down, hot.
  • You can cook homemade croutons or crackers for pea soup. Bread is fried in olive oil and for a "zest" add a sprig of rosemary. Amazing flavor! Rosemary goes very well with pea soup.