Home / Buns / Making delicious pancakes. How to make pancakes: a recipe for making delicious pancakes

Making delicious pancakes. How to make pancakes: a recipe for making delicious pancakes

Thin pancakes are like an exam for any housewife. It is necessary to master the art of their preparation. But sometimes you can’t find your perfect recipe: when it’s delicious, and very fast, and incredibly simple. And most importantly, you know - 100% will work. In this tricky case, there are quite feasible rules, and we will tell about them.

Secrets of thin pancakes

We either complain about an unsuccessful recipe, or about the “wrong” frying pan, or about bad products. But if thin pancakes are not obtained in any way, the matter is most likely a deviation from the recipe or a banal rush.

Another mistake is that we are trying to bake pancakes on a fancy, advertised pan with many functions. But the most ordinary cheap crepe maker, and even a cast-iron pan left over from Soviet times, will do a better job of this mission.

  • We are afraid of too thin dough - it seems to us that it is impossible to bake it, that it is already completely liquid, and we specially add density to it, which is the whole mistake;
  • Milk straight from the refrigerator is not the best option, it is not necessary to boil it, but you need to warm it up;
  • Pour vegetable oil into the dough after the first batch of poured milk, pour the second batch into the resulting mixture after the oil.
  • Take the time to remove all lumps from the dough. You can, of course, connect a mixer to this task, but experienced housewives say that the taste of pancakes in this case may change slightly.
  • In the process of cooking thin pancakes, do not forget to periodically stir the dough.
  • Before baking, the pan must be thoroughly heated by adding literally two tablespoons of vegetable oil (preferably odorless);
  • Don't experiment unnecessarily. On kefir, for example, thin pancakes will not work.
  • The dough should only contain products at room temperature.
  • It is better to sift flour for baking several times.
  • Each ready-made pancake, stacked in a pile, is recommended to be poured with melted butter.

Empirically, you will find your wisdom in making pancakes, and get the hang of cooking them with holes, and openwork, and ruddy.

Best Recipes

No matter how beautiful the pancakes in the photo are, their main advantage is the taste. We have selected some of the best pancake recipes - try and enjoy.

Recipe 1. Classic version


  • 800-850 ml warmed milk
  • 9-10 Art. l. flour (with a slide)
  • 4-5 eggs
  • a teaspoon of salt and sugar
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. oil (sunflower)


  • Mix milk, eggs, sugar and, of course, salt. Do not forget that all products must be at the same temperature.
  • Gently add the sifted flour 2-3 times. Stir for a long time until the last lumps disappear.
  • It's time for vegetable oil.
  • Then we pour milk again, we get the dough of the consistency we need.
  • Fire should be slightly above average. We heat up the pan. If we use oil, then a little bit.
  • Bake on both sides. Once the pancake is browned, flip/remove. Don't forget to stir the dough.

Classic recipe - delicious pancakes!

Recipe 2. Pancakes on the water


  • half a liter of water
  • 2 eggs
  • flour (300-340 g)
  • a pinch of salt
  • a teaspoon of sugar
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sunflower oil


  • Crack eggs into a bowl, add sugar and salt.
  • We pour water. Mix well.
  • Gently, slowly, we introduce the double-sifted flour into the dough. We mix everything with a whisk.
  • We bake pancakes. They should come with holes.

The recipe for pancakes on the water is perfect for spring rolls, this will help reduce the overall calorie content of the dish.

Pancakes on the water (video)

Recipe 3. Pancakes on kefir


  • half a liter of kefir
  • one and a half to two tbsp. flour
  • 2 large (preferably brown) eggs
  • a glass of milk
  • a teaspoon of soda
  • a tablespoon of sugar
  • half spoon of salt
  • 1/2 spoon of oil

Pancakes, of course, will not be so thin, but they cannot be denied delicacy and appetizing.


  • In warmed kefir, add eggs, soda, sugar and salt.
  • Add flour, bring to the consistency of sour cream.
  • There should be no lumps, mix well.
  • Pour warm milk in a thin stream into the dough.
  • Add oil, mix. You can bake!

More than one generation has been true to this pancake recipe.

The recipe for delicious pancakes on kefir (video)

Feed options

  • Today, simplicity and naturalness are welcomed. Therefore, you can put pancakes in a stack on a wide plate, and put two cups with jam and honey next to them.
  • Greens and fresh berries can also decorate a still life, only, of course, separately.
  • You can even arrange a “pancake party” with all sorts of different toppings. From fast food sauce to grandma's jam. Berries, jams, caviar are welcome.
  • And yet, thin pancakes have strong associations with the Russian feast, grandmother's cuisine, and rustic flavor. The most reliable submission options are built on this. Thematic tablecloths, napkins, painted wooden utensils are best suited.
  • But you can go in a more modern way, you get culinary eclecticism. For example, our pancakes and exotic fruits.

Methods for wrapping pancakes (video)

  1. Let's wrap up the above with a list of seven top tips for making pancakes.
  2. Pancakes will not become airy if you do not sift the flour.
  3. Do not mix the ingredients directly from the refrigerator.
  4. Cast iron pans make the best pancakes.
  5. Remember how much dough was in the ladle of the best pancake.
  6. If the pan does not have time to warm up, the pancake will really turn out to be lumpy.
  7. The longer things go, the faster the pancakes bake, so don't leave the kitchen.
  8. Grease the pan with oil using a silicone cooking brush.

Be true to your favorite recipe for pancakes with milk, and then there will be no misses, and the necessary automatism will turn you from an ordinary housewife into a real home chef.

Pancakes can become a festive table decoration and an excellent everyday breakfast, a children's menu is unlikely to do without them, and Maslenitsa is completely unimaginable. How to cook pancakes? There are several recipes for this dish. In addition, pancakes can be enjoyed solo or become a delicious "wrapper" for delicacies.

How to cook pancakes with milk

All recipes for making pancakes in milk use approximately the same products, but even slight variations and differences in frying technology can affect the final result. Pancakes with milk are a kind of classic of the genre. In addition to one liter of this product, the dough contains the following ingredients:

  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  • flour - 300 g;
  • granulated sugar - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder - 2 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. It is convenient to use a deep bowl for kneading the dough. In it you need to break the eggs and grind them with sugar. It is not necessary to be zealous, because lush foam is not appropriate here. You can beat the mass with a whisk, blender or mixer.
  2. Pour milk in a thin stream. It can be heated, but should not be boiled or heated to too high a temperature. In this case, the poured flour will clump into a hard lump.
  3. To make pancakes thin and tender, flour can be sifted directly into the egg mass. In this case, it is not necessary to interrupt the whipping process. It must be continued until all the lumps are gone.
  4. Add salt, baking powder and vegetable oil. The last component will prevent pancakes from sticking to a hot surface.
  5. The pan must be well heated and greased with sunflower oil. It needs very little to just eliminate the dryness of the dish.
  6. Then, using a ladle, collect the batter and gradually pour it into the pan, turning it so that the liquid spreads evenly along the bottom.
  7. Pancakes need to be fried on both sides until golden brown.
  8. Each finished pancake needs to be greased with butter.

How to cook pancakes on kefir

Delicious pancakes are also obtained on kefir. Many believe that they lose to their "milk" counterparts, as they turn out to be thick and fatty.

In fact, so that kefir pancakes do not become lumpy, you need to know not only the correct recipe, but also some tricks for preparing this dish.

Required Ingredients to cook pancakes on kefir:

  • kefir - 3 tbsp.;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs;
  • flour - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • starch - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp

How to cook:

  1. Pour kefir into a bowl and pour soda into it. Leave the ingredients for a few minutes.
  2. At this time, in another container, mix the yolks with sugar and beat well by hand or using the appropriate technique. After that, add flour and starch, without ceasing to stir the mass vigorously.
  3. Add kefir to the prepared mixture in small portions, stirring the dough first with a spoon, and then with a mixer until smooth. Then you need to add whipped proteins, salt and oil.
  4. You can start frying. Ready-made pancakes are best stacked.

To taste, "kefir" pancakes are not inferior to relatives in milk. They turn out more satisfying and are better combined with various fillings.

How to cook pancakes on the water

Even if there is no suitable sour-milk base for the dough in the refrigerator, and the approaching dinner cannot be imagined without pancakes, then you can cook them on ordinary boiled water.

Products, necessary for making pancakes on the water:

  • water - 0.5 l;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. ;
  • vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Kneading begins, as in previous recipes, with eggs. They need to be broken into a deep bowl and beat with a whisk.
  2. Then you need to pour in water and mix the mass thoroughly.
  3. Salt, sugar and soda slaked with vinegar are added to it. Mix everything well again.
  4. Then you can add flour, without ceasing to stir the mass. The dough is ready!

Although you can also add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to it. Or replace this ingredient with lard - they need to grease the pan before each pancake.

According to this recipe, pancakes are thin and tender. You can enhance the effect by periodically stirring the dough, which will provide it with good oxygen saturation. To do this, you need to scoop up the dough and pour it back into the bowl.

How to cook pancakes with yeast

Pancakes are an old Slavic dish. It was not only considered tasty and satisfying food, but also symbolic. After all, the pancake is round, warm and pleasant, like the sun. The nutritious product was held in high esteem not only by the ancestors. Modern residents of megacities also savor pancakes with pleasure. And there are a lot of cooking options, one of which is based on yeast.

Those who decide to cook pancakes with yeast should pay attention to the fact that they are fresh. Their pleasant aroma will tell about this, as well as the starch coating, which immediately appears after rubbing them with your finger.

In addition to one pack of yeast, the following products are required:

  • flour - 400 g;
  • milk - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp

How to cook:

Cooking real yeast pancakes begins with dough. It is a liquid dough made from flour and milk.

  1. Most of the milk must be heated to a temperature of 40 degrees. Then you need to add the yeast, while the milk must be stirred until it is completely dissolved.
  2. Next, flour and sugar are introduced. The mass is again stirred so that there are no lumps.
  3. The prepared dough should resemble sour cream in its consistency. It must be placed in a warm place, covered with a napkin or towel for half an hour. During this time, it will rise several times. While the dough is coming up, it is important that the kitchen has a consistently warm temperature and there are no drafts.
  4. In the risen dough, you need to add the rest of the sugar, butter. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Then beat in the egg and begin to wield the whisk again until the dough becomes homogeneous.
  6. Milk is introduced into such a mass, which will make the consistency similar to kefir. The dough should be left for another half hour in a secluded place.

After that, you can start frying in a hot and oiled pan.

How to make pancakes without eggs. Lean pancakes - recipe

Although Fasting plays an important role in the life of every Christian, this does not mean that you should give up your favorite pancakes at this time. Unless, of course, they are prepared according to a special lean recipe.

This method of cooking makes the dough literally keep on parole, because there are pancakes without milk, eggs and other fast foods in the composition. However, this does not affect their taste and satiety in any way. Such recipes can be adopted by those who follow the figure, but do not want to give up their favorite treat.

For pancakes without eggs, you will need the following products:

  • milk - 400 g;
  • water - 450 g;
  • flour - 300 g;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp. l.;
  • slaked soda with vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 60 g.


  1. Beat 100 g of water, milk, salt, sugar, flour and soda with a mixer or whisk. To give the product airiness, it is advisable to sift the flour.
  2. Then add melted butter, as well as about 200 g of cooled boiled water and boiling water.
  3. Mix the mass thoroughly and proceed directly to work at the stove.

This recipe is very simple. Minimal time and food costs allow you to prepare an excellent snack or an “independent” dish. But still, with this composition, it does not pull on lean food. In order to eat pancakes without violating church prohibitions, the dairy component must also be excluded from the recipe.

Lenten pancakes on soda

Lean pancakes can be cooked on soda (sweet water or mineral water). For this you need the following ingredients:

  • highly carbonated water - 1 tbsp.;
  • mukat - 1 tbsp;
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - a pinch.

What to do:

  1. The process of kneading dough begins with sifting flour.
  2. You need to add salt and sugar to it, and then pour it with soda and leave it in a bowl covered with a lid for half an hour.
  3. After this time, it is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water and vegetable oil into the mixture.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly, the dough is ready for baking.
  5. Such pancakes are fried, as well as usual.

How to cook thin, thick, openwork, lush pancakes in a hole

The recipes listed above make it possible to cook pancakes of different density and appearance. In milk, they turn out to be thin, if you try hard and strictly follow the recipe, then a slight thickness can be achieved using a kefir base.

Fans of thick pancakes, similar in taste to pancakes, will also have to stock up on kefir for making treats.

To make the dish lush and airy, in the process of cooking, you need to separate the proteins from the yolks. For making pancakes in a hole, the base recipe will be with warm milk.

Openwork pancakes can become a real masterpiece. They require a certain skill, patience and a great desire to surprise your beloved husband or child. Any recipe can be used for cooking, but it is better to stay on the classic first cooking option.

The prepared pancake mixture must be placed in something similar to a confectionery syringe. You can make it yourself from improvised means.

A ketchup bottle or an ordinary plastic bottle with a cut hole in the lid will do. You can also adapt a milk carton with a neatly cut off corner.

The dough is poured into the selected container and a pattern is drawn very quickly in a heated frying pan. First you need to complete the contours, and then fill in the middle. The “picture” must be fried on both sides, gently turning with a spatula.

There can be a lot of ideas for images. For example, you can “draw” an openwork heart for your loved one, bake pancake flowers for your daughter, and create a typewriter in a frying pan for your son. It is important to connect imagination and diligence to the process.

For those who love pancakes with jam, jam, honey, you can cook pancakes in holes. Filler will flow into small holes, and make the taste of the dish even more saturated.

Such "pores" are obtained if the dough is well saturated with oxygen. To do this, you need to add slaked soda or baking powder to it, and also do not forget to stir the mass.

How to cook pancakes with cottage cheese, meat, minced meat

You can wrap the filling in both thin and thick pancakes. Many people remember the taste from childhood - pancakes with cottage cheese. This filler is very easy to make. To do this, mix cottage cheese with sugar and raisins.

You need to add ingredients to your taste - someone likes it sweeter, and someone does not allow himself to roam.

Before you combine cottage cheese with raisins, the latter must be thoroughly washed and allowed to lie down in hot water for several minutes. You can add vanilla sugar. It will give a soft and unobtrusive aroma to the dish.

The prepared filling is laid out in the middle of the pancake. Then the "wrapper" is folded like an envelope or twisted like a roll. In the second case, the filling should be laid out more towards one of the edges, freeing up space opposite. This will allow you to roll the roll with high quality, and the filling will be symmetrically located in the pancake.

If you want to cook pancakes with meat, you need to boil and cool the beef. In the process of cooking, it is necessary to salt it, add a little allspice and bay leaf. The meat must be chopped with a knife or using a blender. Add the onion rings fried until golden brown to the meat mass. Then the filling can be wrapped in a pancake.

You can make pancakes. In this case, any low-fat minced meat can be used as a filling: chicken, beef, etc. It's easy to prepare. Saute finely chopped onions in sunflower oil in a frying pan. You can add a couple of cloves of garlic and herbs. Next, you need to add minced meat and fry it until cooked. Allow the filling to cool to make it easier to wrap it in pancakes.

It is noteworthy that pancakes need to be fried only on one side if a meat product is wrapped in them. When the filling is laid, the pancake envelopes are fried in vegetable oil until crispy.

Pancakes are a delicacy, without which it is difficult to do both on weekdays and on holidays.

For housewives with a variety of culinary experiences, it is important to know the recipe, or rather a few, which allows you to cook delicious pancakes quickly and without additional effort.

It is important that the guests like the dish, and for this I suggest taking a little time and reading the article in more detail.

The simplest pancakes are baked from dough based on milk, kefir or water. Despite the small list of ingredients, the result is always excellent.

Pancakes are served hot, because they seem less tasty when they are cold. Follow this method of presentation, and you will always have grateful fans among friends and household.

Recipe for pancakes on kefir

Take: 2.5 cups of flour; glass of water; half-liter jar of kefir; 2 large eggs; 3 heaping tablespoons of sugar; 5 g of salt and soda; 5 st. spoons of refined vegetable oil.

To prepare pancake batter, follow these instructions:

  1. Pour sugar and salt into the container in the amount that a simple recipe for delicious pancakes requires.
  2. Beat in the eggs one by one and beat the mixture until smooth.
  3. Measure out 500 ml of kefir and send to a bowl.
  4. Pour flour there and, when the mass becomes homogeneous, pour in boiling water with baking soda dissolved in it.
  5. Stir the dough intensively, avoiding the formation of lumps.
  6. Pour in vegetable oil, stir the dough for the last time and start baking pancakes.
  7. In a frying pan greased with oil, only one pancake can be fried at a time. The diameter of the bottom corresponds to the size of one pancake, and a whole stack of them comes out of the indicated products. In the photo you see a portion that will be enough for a small company.

When the ruddy pancakes are ready, the recipe calls for greasing each of them with butter. This is a good way to make them even softer and tastier.

The recipe is suitable for preparing treats for several people, be sure to take note of it.

Delicious recipe for thin pancakes with holes in the water

Delicious pancakes, which we will now learn how to bake, can be stabbed in water, you need to take 500 ml of it.

The list of other ingredients looks like this: 0.350 kg of flour; 2.5 st. spoons of granulated sugar; 5 g of salt and the same amount of soda; 3 large eggs; 75 ml vegetable oil.

To prepare the dough, follow the instructions:

  1. Pour the granulated sugar into the bowl where the eggs are already, and rub with a whisk.
  2. The sugar crystals should completely dissolve, and then pour in half the water heated to a boil.
  3. Salt the mass, then add the sifted flour.
  4. Boil the remaining water and dissolve the soda. Pour the hot soda solution into the dough, stirring all the time with a whisk so that lumps do not form. This method of adding soda will help make simple pancakes more airy and tender.
  5. The turn of vegetable oil has come. When it fully interferes, leave the dough to infuse.
  6. After 20 minutes, start frying pancakes, the recipe calls for doing this in a well-heated pan. Before pouring a portion of the dough on the bottom, be sure to grease it with vegetable oil or a piece of margarine chopped on a fork.

The photo shows how to facilitate the process of cooking a dish without resorting to special devices.

Like an easy pancake recipe? I do not advise you to stop and read the article to the very end, in it you will find another way to make tender pancakes.

The most delicious recipe for thin pancakes

Pancakes are both lush and thin. They can be prepared with a wide variety of fillings or served with sour cream, honey, jam. The method of serving depends on the taste and desire of the hostess, who is guided by the tastes of family members.

If your plans include an item - baking thin pancakes, then you have to nail down the yeast-free dough.

Be sure that the result will please you, because the pancakes are soft, thin and suitable for wrapping a variety of fillings. They perfectly set off their taste, so the way is always open for experiments.

In the photo you will see pancakes stuffed with minced meat, fish, mushrooms, curd mass. Choose any that match your preferences and delight your loved ones.

Remember the ingredients that the recipe calls for: 1 liter of milk; 270 g white flour; two eggs; a pinch of salt; 40 g of sugar; 1/3 teaspoon of soda and 50 ml of vegetable oil.

Dough preparation method:

  1. Whisk eggs into a bowl.
  2. Salt them and add granulated sugar.
  3. Pound the mass until smooth.
  4. Pour in vegetable oil. It must be refined, otherwise the pancakes will acquire a characteristic smell.
  5. Heat the milk so that later the pastries do not tear when turning. Do not bring the milk to boiling point, if it is too hot, the eggs will curdle and flake.
  6. First, pour a quarter of the milk with the dissolved soda into the bowl and stir the mixture with a whisk. Thanks to the baking powder, in this case soda, pancakes are obtained in a hole. If you do not add it, then you will get even baking without openwork patterns.
  7. Now, in parts, pour in the flour, which the recipe requires without fail to sift. This way you will avoid the formation of lumps. After each serving, stir the dough with a whisk until it becomes homogeneous.
  8. When all the flour has been introduced, pour in the rest of the milk. Watch the consistency of the dough, it should be like heavy cream. Only in this case, the dough will easily spread along the bottom of the pan and contribute to the formation of thin pancakes. And that is exactly what we need to achieve.
  9. Before you start baking, let the dough stand for a quarter of an hour. During this time, all the components will finally bind together, the gluten will swell, and the pancakes will not crumple in the pan. The method of insisting helps to make the dough more durable, do not forget about it.
  10. In order to fry pancakes, purchase a special frying pan with low sides for your household. In it, pancakes turn over even without a spatula, you just have to throw them up and catch them, holding the pan by the handle. Don’t worry if you don’t have special dishes, a regular cast-iron skillet will do. Before pouring the dough into it, heat it on the stove and grease with vegetable oil.
  11. Fry pancakes over low heat for one and a half to two minutes on each side. This method allows you to get pastries of a ruddy hue, which are well baked from the inside.
  12. The signal to turn over is the darkened edges of the pancake. If you are planning to make a recipe for delicious spring rolls, then on the other hand, keep them quite a bit. When delicious pancakes with filling, wrapped in an "envelope" get back into the pan, they will catch up and acquire a golden appetizing color.

Look at the photo, the pastry looks appetizing, despite the fact that the pancakes were almost not fried on the other side.

Ordinary water can be used instead of milk. However, this way of kneading the dough will prevent you from baking pancakes with a creamy taste, as a result they will be more insipid.

Recipe for pancakes with milk

List of ingredients: half a liter of milk; 2.5 st. spoons of sugar; 2 ¼ cups flour; 3 large eggs; 5 g of salt and baking soda; 3 art. spoons of refined vegetable oil.


  1. Divide the milk in half.
  2. Pour sugar and salt into one of them, beat in the eggs.
  3. Whisk the mixture with a whisk until all the ingredients are combined.
  4. Pour the flour in parts, and when the dough becomes homogeneous and thick, start pouring in the remaining milk, after dissolving the soda in it.
  5. Before you start baking pancakes, add refined vegetable oil to the dough. This tip will help you prepare tender baked goods.
  6. If the pan does not have a non-stick coating, the recipe advises to grease it with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

To prevent the pastry from being too greasy, there is one simple way to apply fat to the bottom of the pan. You just need to take a silicone brush and lightly dip it into a container of oil.

The simple pancake recipe we reviewed is great for serving with toppings. They can be cooked both salty and sweet, it is important to take this factor into account when you add sugar to the dough and bake delicious pancakes.

My video recipe

It is not necessary to wait for Maslenitsa to bake various pancakes. You can fry them right today, for example, for dinner. Or in the morning for breakfast.

Pancakes are a real lifesaver. After all, they can feed the whole family to the full when there is not enough time to prepare dinner, or a couple of small bills are left in the wallet, and the pay is only the day after tomorrow. After all, you can cook them from almost nothing, but in any case it will turn out delicious, and everyone will be satisfied.

Pancakes are baked on water, milk, kefir, yeast, with and without eggs, on wheat flour, buckwheat. Pancakes can be made lush, thin, openwork or solid, like the sun. Cooking options are countless. Choose any.

Pancakes - food preparation

Pancakes do not require special preparation. The ingredients are mixed and fried. The only thing, to improve the taste, it is recommended to sift the flour before baking. And if the recipe includes yeast, milk must be warmed up before being added to the dough. Just not very strong (up to a maximum of 37C - body temperature), otherwise the yeast fungi will die.

Pancakes - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Pancakes with milk

It is mixed with milk that pancakes are considered the most real and traditional. They bake quickly, in one or two. And if there is excess dough left, it can be stored in the refrigerator in order to fry for dinner with heat, with the heat of fresh and hot pancakes. The pan must be lubricated with vegetable oil every other time.

The recipe contains baking powder. You can cook without baking powder, but it is he who makes the pancakes airy. Baking powder can be replaced with half a teaspoon of soda diluted with a few drops of vinegar (6%) or lemon juice.

Ingredients: 2 cups wheat flour, milk - 3 cups, three eggs, vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons (for dough), salt - ½ teaspoon, sugar sand - 1 tablespoon (for sweet pancakes - 3 tablespoons .), baking powder - ¾ tsp.

Cooking method

Mix eggs, sugar, baking powder, salt, flour and half a glass of milk in a bowl. Mix mass. To do this, you can use household appliances - a mixer or a blender. The dough will be quite thick and smooth. This is done to avoid the appearance of lumps. And then dilute the mass with milk, pouring it in a thin stream and stirring. The consistency should be similar to liquid sour cream or kefir. At the end, pour in the vegetable oil and mix well.

Recipe 2: Pancakes on kefir

Pancakes on kefir have a whole army of fans. After all, they have a peculiar taste - kefir gives the dough sourness, and together with the butter that is used to lubricate the cake, a peculiar and piquant taste is obtained. Pancakes prepared according to this recipe come out nostrilous and openwork.

They can be eaten with jam, condensed milk, mushrooms, caviar. If you like sweet pancakes, you can add two or three tablespoons of sugar to the dough. It is convenient to grease the pan with half an onion. It is put on a fork and dipped in vegetable oil.

Ingredients: 0.5 l of kefir, ¼ tsp of salt and soda, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp of vegetable oil, flour, ½ cup of boiling water.

Cooking method

In a saucepan, mix eggs, salt and kefir. Heat on the stove to body temperature, approximately 36C. Pour in flour so that the mass turns out to be slightly thick (like on pancakes). Dilute soda in half a glass of boiling water (boiling water) and add to the dough, mix. Then add vegetable oil and you can start frying. Ready-made pancakes are smeared with butter, you can sprinkle with sugar or pour sour cream.

Recipe 3: Pancakes on the water

Traditionally, pancakes are baked with milk, kefir, curdled milk or whey. But, it turns out, you can bake pancakes on ordinary water. And sometimes they turn out thinner, crispy and tasty. Because there is one secret - proteins and yolks are beaten separately, and only then are mixed in the dough. These pancakes are ideal for stuffing with meat, liver, cottage cheese, eggs and onions.

Ingredients: wheat flour - 0.3-0.4 kg, 3 eggs, 0.5 l of water, 2 tbsp. sand sugar and vegetable oil, a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

Mix the ingredients except water to get a thick and homogeneous mass, and then slowly pour in the liquid and stir to avoid lumps. Now you can grease the pan with oil and bake pancakes.

Recipe 4: Thin Pancakes

How tender and extraordinarily tasty they are, these thin pancakes. It's not always easy to cook them. If you put more flour, they come out thick, if less, they will tear when turned over or gather into an accordion.

And the secret is simple: in order for pancakes to turn out thin and turn over well, you need not spare the eggs, but mix the dough thoroughly and let it brew a little so that the gluten in the flour swells. If it seems to you that the dough may turn out to be too much, reduce the amount of ingredients by two or three times.

Ingredients: 1 liter of fat milk, 4 cups of wheat flour, 5 eggs, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable and melted butter (for dough), 1 teaspoon of salt (without a slide), granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method

The method of preparation is very simple - mix all the ingredients thoroughly, it is best with a mixer. Lastly, add the oil and mix with a spoon. Before frying, the pan is heated and greased with vegetable oil. If the dough will be kneaded by hand, then, in order to avoid lumps, it should be kneaded with one glass of milk, adding all the ingredients (except butter). The mass will turn out to be thick, it is stirred until smooth and the remaining milk is poured in a thin stream. Each new batch of liquid must be well mixed until smooth. Then the oil is added.

Recipe 5: Sour Pancakes

Someone prefers sweet pancakes, someone thin or spongy. And this recipe is for lovers of sour pancakes. And it turns out there are quite a few of them. And no wonder, because pancakes on sour milk are lush, ruddy, unusually tasty, sweet and sour. They are best served with sour cream, melted butter or honey. By the way, sour pancakes can also be stuffed, for example, with cottage cheese or minced meat with fried onions.

The recipe includes baking soda. It is not necessary to extinguish it with vinegar, there is enough acid in milk.

Ingredients: 0.5 l of sour milk, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, starch and sugar sand, ½ teaspoon of soda and salt, 3 eggs, 8 tbsp. spoons with a small slide of wheat flour.

Cooking method

Grind eggs with salt, sugar, add milk and pour soda. Mix.

In another bowl, mix flour with cornstarch. Gradually pour the egg-milk mixture into the flour, and stir continuously so that no lumps form. At the end, add vegetable oil and fry pancakes.

Recipe 6: Yeast Pancakes

Here they are - the real Russian pancakes, yeast. Probably the most delicious of all. Yeast pancakes are best served with caviar. But with sour cream there will be very, very nothing. And in general, they can be served with absolutely any filling. Pancakes are tender, lacy, airy, delicious. And how beautiful! And, most importantly, they melt in your mouth.

Ingredients: wheat flour - 300g, milk - ½ liter (or 300ml milk + 200ml water), 7g dry yeast (or 20g fresh), 5 tablespoons (70g) refined vegetable oil (odorless), 2-3 tbsp. l. sugar sand (60g), 3 eggs, salt - 1 teaspoon (without a slide).

Cooking method

Grind eggs with sugar and salt and beat well, even better with a mixer. Add yeast, vegetable oil and half of warm milk. Stir the mass and slowly pour into the flour, stirring continuously. Pour in the rest of the milk and keep warm.

After about an hour, the mass will double. It must be stirred to release carbon dioxide bubbles. After the mass rises a second time, it is NOT interfered with anymore. The dough is fried like this, right with bubbles (this is important), scooping gently from the very top with a ladle. Before frying, the pan should be well heated and it must be greased with a thin layer of oil.

Recipe 7: Pancakes with meat (with minced meat)

Meat is one of the most delicious fillings for pancakes. To start them, you need to bake pancakes according to any of the above recipes. But the filling itself and the method of preparation are very original and do not look like traditional ones, because. the pancake is stuffed with raw minced meat.

Ingredients: raw minced meat, salt, 1-2 eggs, one onion, dill greens.

Cooking method

Season the minced meat with chopped onion, salt and dill. Add and beat in a little water (a couple of tablespoons), so the filling will turn out juicier.

Beat the eggs in a deep bowl, season with salt.

Cut the pancake into two pieces. Put a little minced meat on the edge of each half, like on a small cutlet, press it down to make it flatter. Then wrap the pancake with minced meat in a triangle-envelope, dip in the egg and fry on both sides. The fire must be made medium, closer to small, so that the pancake becomes golden in color, and the filling has time to fry.

  • If the dough is cooked a lot, to speed up the frying process, use two pans. That way things will go a lot faster.
  • In order to knead the pancake mass without lumps, the liquid is poured into the flour, and not vice versa.
  • If the pancakes are hard, you need to smear them with butter, put them in a deep bowl and cover with a lid to soften them.
  • It is convenient to lubricate the pan with a small piece of lard, pricked on a fork, or with half a potato dipped in oil.
  • If you planned to get openwork pancakes, and they come out in a continuous sheet, the situation can be corrected by adding ordinary mineral sparkling water to the dough.
  • Ready-made pancakes can be frozen. Arrange them in piles and pack them in a bag. Then next time you won’t have to bake them - it will be enough just to defrost and stuff them.