Home / Biscuit / How to soak black mushrooms before salting. How long to soak milk mushrooms before salting

How to soak black mushrooms before salting. How long to soak milk mushrooms before salting

Many housewives choose milk mushrooms for harvesting mushrooms for the winter, and this is not at all surprising, since these mushrooms really turn out to be very tasty.

In general, few people know that a mushroom is not quite an edible mushroom. That is, it can easily be called edible, but only after it has undergone the necessary processing. But on the other hand, milk mushrooms are very convenient to collect, there is absolutely nothing complicated about this, since such mushrooms usually grow in fairly large groups.

Previously, milk mushrooms were cooked in barrels - these mushrooms were salted for the winter in this way. But today there are other recipes for blanks that we have no right to refuse, especially if you are an avid mushroom picker. And since you like to pick mushrooms, it is not surprising that you will also have to learn how to cook them.

In fact, the main feature of these mushrooms is that they contain milk, a kind of bitter juice, which we must get rid of before we start cooking from this type of mushroom, and even more so put them on the table. First, the mushrooms for this are cleaned of forest debris, branches and needles, and then they need to be soaked for quite a long time. After the milk mushrooms need to be washed until white.

Why is soaking so important?

The fact is that milk mushrooms contain substances that are quite easy to poison, that is, real toxins. So that these toxins do not get into our body, you need to thoroughly wash the milk mushrooms, put them in a container, pour them gently with very cold water and then make sure that the mushrooms are completely covered with water. Of course, the mushrooms themselves will definitely float, so it's better to take a large lid from an enamel pan and put them on top. It is best if you soak the milk mushrooms for as long as possible - two days. In order for the mushrooms not to deteriorate during this time, and the water in them does not bloom, it is necessary to change it as often as possible. Then you need to wash the milk mushrooms, which you soaked for the right amount of time, several times in running water. Only after that can we say that these mushrooms are completely ready for seaming and the risk of getting some kind of poisoning is simply minimal.

1. Milk mushrooms salted for the winter. simple recipe without spices.

In order to cook milk mushrooms according to this old and simple recipe, you need to take:

  • - Coarse salt, you can use ordinary - 250 grams;
  • - Milk mushrooms - 5 kilograms of soaked mushrooms;

The milk mushrooms you have collected must first be cleaned well, and all places that seem suspicious to you must be removed. Wormy areas need to be cut off, and also do not leave those places in which there are punctures from the needles. After that, you need to cut off each mushroom and a little lower part from the stem. Then be sure to rinse the milk mushrooms, while changing the water several times. After that, transfer them to an enameled bucket without chips or a large basin, fill with water, slightly open the top with a not too heavy oppression so that all milk mushrooms are constantly in the water. Change water often. After a night in the water, the mushrooms will begin to foam. Immediately drain the water, rinse the mushrooms a couple of times, pour new water again.
In general, milk mushrooms can be soaked for two to five days, less is not desirable, otherwise toxic substances will remain in the mushrooms, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

After such a soaking, the mushrooms will lose quite a lot in volume, since their juice will be washed out. Once you have discovered. that the pulp of the mushroom is no longer bitter, the milk mushrooms are completely ready for salting. Before you start cooking mushrooms, they need to be cut into several pieces. After these pieces are laid out in a large enameled basin. They put a layer of mushrooms tightly - sprinkled everything with salt, and repeat the same thing again until you lay out all the mushrooms you have.

After you need to put a large flat lid on top, install oppression on it. Mushrooms should stand like this for three days, and every day you should knead them several times. When the time comes, arrange the mushrooms in sterilized jars. Mushrooms need to be applied very tightly, as they will be stored without marinade. Therefore, after each layer, it will be necessary to compact the mushrooms tightly enough. Close everything with plastic lids, put in the refrigerator, let it stand for 2 months. Once this time has elapsed, the mushrooms will be completely ready to eat.

2. Salted milk mushrooms for the winter.

For this recipe, you will need to take the following products:

  • - Black milk mushrooms - 1 kilogram;
  • - Dill umbrellas - 5 pieces;
  • - Vegetable oil;
  • - Garlic - 5 large cloves;
  • — Water;
  • - Sea salt, but not iodized - 2 tablespoons with a slide.

To begin with, put water on fire, let everything boil, and then pour quite a bit of vegetable oil into it. Milk mushrooms that have already undergone the necessary processing, which we talked about above, must be placed in water. Let everything cook in this form for about 8 minutes, and then put the milk mushrooms on a colander. In this case, the water should completely drain from the mushrooms.

Put the mushrooms in an enamel bowl, mix them with salt and dill umbrellas, with very finely chopped garlic. Set aside the 5 cm long dill stalks, we will still need them, but a little later. Next, you need to put oppression on the mushrooms from above so that they fit snugly against each other. The oppression can be removed after 12 hours, but only in order to thoroughly mix the contents of the container. After oppression, you need to return to the place for another 12 hours. Then you need to spread the milk mushrooms into jars, press them down a little and fix them with dense dill stems laid out crosswise.

Mushrooms, as they are ready, in jars need to be filled with brine, which will turn out in the process of insisting milk mushrooms under oppression. After that, put the mushrooms in the refrigerator for a month under nylon lids.
You can try them no earlier than 30 days.

3. Milk mushrooms salted with cabbage leaves for the winter.

This is a rather old recipe, familiar to our grandmothers.

In order to cook mushrooms on it, you need to take the following products:

  • - Milk mushrooms - 5 kilograms of mushrooms;
  • - Horseradish root fresh small size - 1 piece;
  • - Coarse salt, but always without the addition of iodine - 1 cup;
  • - Garlic - one head of winter variety;
  • - Currant fresh leaves without damage - 20 pcs;
  • - Cherry leaves without damage - 20 pieces;
  • - Fresh dill - one bunch;
  • - 8 cabbage leaves.

First you need to sort out all the milk mushrooms and clean them, then you need to soak them in water, which you have already salted a little - about 5 tablespoons of salt were added to 10 liters of water. After that, the mushrooms again need to be filled with water, this time for 5 hours. Then you need to thoroughly wash all the prepared greens, wash and clean the horseradish root. Garlic needs to be peeled, disassembled into separate cloves. After that, you need to cut each garlic clove lengthwise into two halves. Horseradish root should be cut into very thin plates.

Next, wash the cabbage leaves thoroughly in cold water, tear them into two large pieces each. Then you need to take a container, preferably a plastic basin, and put everything that you have prepared into it. A layer of mushrooms should be laid out in two rows, followed by spices with salt and cabbage leaves. Then mushrooms again and so on until the very end, until everything is laid out. After that, take a flat lid and put everything under pressure.
At room temperature, mushrooms in this form should stand for about two days, maybe a little less. During this time, you need to mix milk mushrooms at least 4 times. After that, you need to lay out the milk mushrooms quite tightly in prepared dry sterilized glass jars. Do not forget to water the milk mushrooms with the juice that stood out from them while the mushrooms were infused.
Mushrooms close with plastic lids, store in the refrigerator. Such mushrooms are served on the table after two months.

4. Salted milk mushrooms for the winter with the addition of onions.

For this recipe you need the following products:

  • - A bucket of fresh milk mushrooms for 10 liters;
  • - Onion;
  • - Salt - 1.5 cups coarse salt.

Prepare mushrooms for salting as described above. After the mushrooms, if they are not too large, you need to put them in the basin as a whole, if the mushrooms are large - cut, sprinkling each of the layers with salt and onion, cut into rings or half rings. After that, you need to store milk mushrooms under oppression for a whole month in a cool place, and then put them in jars, dry and sterilized, and put them in the refrigerator.

5. Salted milk mushrooms in oak leaves.

In order to cook milk mushrooms with oak leaves, you need to take the following products and spices:

  • - Milk mushrooms - one kilogram;
  • - Salt - 3 tablespoons without top;
  • - Garlic - 5 cloves;
  • - Dill with an umbrella - a bunch;
  • - Oak leaves - 3-4 small leaves without damage;
  • - Cherry leaves - 3 pieces;
  • - Horseradish leaf - 1 piece;
  • - Black pepper - 6 pieces.

First, the mushrooms must be prepared for salting according to the method indicated at the beginning of the article.

Water for salting mushrooms should be taken salted, pour 10 liters of water and dissolve 5 tablespoons of salt. Water is changed three times every day, but salt is added only the very first time.

After that, you need to cut off part of the legs from the mushrooms, and wash the mushrooms themselves well. Then you should cut the largest mushrooms into several pieces, and the small ones can be salted whole.

Next, you need to take the garlic and peel it, into the container in which you will put the mushrooms for pickling, you need to send horseradish leaves. Mushrooms should be put with caps down, and so a couple of layers. After that, you need to salt each layer of mushrooms, put cherry leaves, as well as oak, garlic and dill between each layer of mushrooms. The topmost layer is covered with a clean linen napkin or gauze, oppression is placed on top. Then you need to put a very heavy load so that everything fits as tightly as possible to each other. If the brine is not enough. then the load must be even heavier.
Mushrooms stand like this for about a month, and then they are laid out in jars and put in the refrigerator.

Crispy salted milk mushrooms can be a decoration for both everyday and festive tables. But, as with any mushroom, increased attention is paid to the processing of mushrooms. You need to know how to clean the blanks, how much to soak them, in what cases to cook and in what way it is better to salt.

It is worth considering that neglecting the basic recommendations can at least lead to a deterioration in the taste of the snack - improperly processed mushrooms are salty bitter. Moreover, ignorance of the rules for working with mushrooms can provoke severe food poisoning.

How to soak and boil milk mushrooms?

Regardless of the salting method, fresh milk mushrooms must undergo mandatory pre-treatment.
It consists of several stages:

  • First, the products are sorted out, throwing out completely damaged ones and removing wormy places from the rest.
  • Next, we clean the mushrooms from dirt. It can be quite corrosive and dense, so it is better to initially arm yourself with a brush. If this does not help, soak the milk mushrooms for a couple of hours in cold water and repeat the treatment.

  • It is recommended to immediately cut the peeled mushrooms in accordance with the requirements of the salting option (into 2-4 parts or the stem is separated from the cap).
  • Before you cook the product or salt it in a cold way, it must be soaked, otherwise the bitterness will not go anywhere. We spread all the products in a container of suitable size, fill it with cold water (you can add a little fine table salt), cover with a lid of a smaller diameter and put oppression so that the mushrooms do not float up. For this, you need to use only glass, wooden or enameled dishes, other materials can spoil the product. How long to keep milk mushrooms in this form depends on their freshness and quality. It is better not to rush and wait 2-3 days, and change the water at least twice a day.

Tip: Salted mushrooms without legs are traditionally considered the most delicious, but this does not mean that unnecessary parts of the mushrooms should be thrown away. It is from the legs that delicious and tender mushroom caviar is obtained, you just have to choose the right recipe.

We wash the soaked milk mushrooms several times, paying attention to each mushroom. Further, depending on the salting option, the blanks must either be boiled or immediately sent for preparation of blanks.

Cooking the product is very simple:

  1. Put it in a bowl of cold water. There should be enough liquid so that the elements float freely and do not squeeze each other, so it is better to make several passes.
  2. Bring the mass to a boil, reduce the heat to low and note the time.
  3. Boil milk mushrooms for 15 minutes, no matter how much they soaked. Next, we take out the products (and do not drain the water, which leads to damage to the caps) and use it for its intended purpose.

There is one more rule that should be followed when preparing canned milk mushrooms. It is better to collect them on your own, and in places that are largely remote from roads and industrial enterprises. Mushrooms growing in areas with an ecologically unfavorable situation absorb all harmful substances from the environment and soil. Their use causes irreparable damage to the body, no matter how intense the pre-treatment.

A cold method of salting mushrooms that does not require boiling them

Milk mushrooms do not have to be boiled before salting. There are methods of processing components in which heat treatment is not carried out at all. There are many recipes, here is the simplest and most popular of them:

  • For 10 kg of mushrooms we take 0.5 kg of coarse table salt.
  • We take a wooden barrel or a high enameled container and begin to put the mushrooms into it with their hats down. Sprinkle each layer with salt. Of course, the first time it is difficult to calculate how much salt to use for each layer. The optimal option is considered in which 1 kg of mushrooms is spent on one layer. In this case, 10 layers are obtained, each of which is poured with 50 g of salt.

  • We lay out a wooden disk wrapped with gauze on the workpiece, or simply cover it with a cloth, and put a smaller dish or lid on top.
  • Be sure to use the load. It can be a stone or some kind of container with water.
  • The entire structure must be placed in a cool place with a temperature not higher than 15-16ºС. How much to withstand in time, we decide on our own, depending on the desired result. But the first sample should be taken no earlier than 2 weeks later.

Before using cold salting methods, it is necessary to evaluate all the possible risks of such an approach. You should not resort to it if the mushrooms were not collected, but purchased. When working with products from the market or from the store, it is better to use preservation options based on the heat treatment of components.

Kira Stoletova

Milk mushrooms are edible mushrooms that are widespread in Russia, they are popular in home preservation. There are several varieties: white and black, creaky and peppery, poplar, yellow and many other species. However, most of them have a bitter taste, which, on the one hand, repels worms, but it can also harm humans. Therefore, the main stage in the preparation is the soaking of milk mushrooms. We will talk about important nuances, recipes and useful tips below.


Upon returning from the forest, the mushrooms should be placed in a metal or plastic dish, filled with water and soaked for 20 minutes. Primary soaking is necessary so that the particles of forest mud become a little sour and can be easily cleaned.

Each mushroom should be carefully examined for rottenness or the presence of worms. Dirt is removed from a good mushroom with a knife along with the film. After processing the outer side of the cap and legs, the plates should be removed from the inside. This procedure is carried out only with large mushrooms. Carefully trim the thin edge that is wrapped inside the cap and remove the white plates with a knife, moving in the direction from the stem to the edge. Rinse with clean running water.

Soaking Features

It should be explained why the stage of soaking milk mushrooms is a key one and its poor quality execution can lead to health problems. All types of mushrooms contain toxic substances in small quantities, which give a "bitter" taste and can cause poisoning.

  • In order to avoid chemical reactions, we do not recommend using aluminum pots or soaking tanks, it is better to give preference to enameled or wooden utensils;
  • Water must completely wet the entire volume of mushrooms, otherwise raw mushrooms may oxidize and change color upon contact with air;
  • If you decide to use warm water (which soaks milk mushrooms faster), add more salt and change the water frequently. Under no circumstances skip the water change time - otherwise the milk mushrooms may turn sour and become unsuitable for eating.

Proven Soak Recipe

If you soak the mushrooms for 2-3 days in salted cold water (10 g of salt per liter of water) and change it 2 times a day, all toxic substances will go away.

Our ancestors even collected peeled mushrooms in a bag with nettles and sent them to a river or reservoirs with running water for three days. You can try this simple method in your summer cottage.

Other recipes

Soak milk mushrooms correctly, taking into account the characteristics of the variety.

The white mushroom is considered the safest, because it contains the least amount of toxins. It is enough to soak it overnight (10-15 hours). The water will darken but remain clear. Soaked king mushroom ”(another name for the white mushroom) is used in pickles and for pickling.

Very outwardly, it looks like a creaking breast. If you run a fingernail over the hat, a quiet creak is heard, and because of the white liquid that appears when broken and looks like milk, it is also called spurge. The most bitter mushroom of the whole family. It should be soaked for at least 4 days, while the water turns red. It is very strongly saturated with the taste of salt, so it is better to use it in a marinade - then the mushroom smell will remain.

Black mushroom is used more for salads in fried or salted form. It will not lose pigmentation after soaking, but it is rarely pickled because of its unattractive appearance. Before frying fresh mushrooms, roll them in egg and flour breading, because the horses will release a lot of liquid.

  • After collecting the mushrooms, a bitter smell remains on the hands and can haunt you for several days. To avoid this, wash your hands with sunflower oil and then with soap;
  • Use a hard toothbrush instead of a knife to improve the quality of cleaning and not deform the appearance of the fungus;
  • To accurately get rid of bitterness, cut the mushrooms into slices;
  • Iodized salt gives an unpleasant aftertaste, so you should use ordinary;
  • With the barrel storage method, once a week check for mold on the oppression and remove it in a timely manner.

Soaking mushrooms. Very detailed for beginners.

Milk mushrooms delicious salting recipe

How to pickle milk mushrooms, Grandma's recipe


Be sure to soak the mushrooms before cooking them. This is done in order to avoid poisoning and to make the taste more pleasant. It doesn’t take much time for this, but health will be in perfect order.

Crispy salted milk mushrooms can be a decoration for both everyday and festive tables. But, as with any mushroom, increased attention is paid to the processing of mushrooms. You need to know how to clean the blanks, how much to soak them, in what cases to cook and in what way it is better to salt.

It is worth considering that neglecting the basic recommendations can at least lead to a deterioration in the taste of the snack - improperly processed mushrooms are salty bitter. Moreover, ignorance of the rules for working with mushrooms can provoke severe food poisoning.

How to soak and boil milk mushrooms?

Regardless of the salting method, fresh milk mushrooms must undergo mandatory pre-treatment.
It consists of several stages:

  • First, the products are sorted out, throwing out completely damaged ones and removing wormy places from the rest.
  • Next, we clean the mushrooms from dirt. It can be quite corrosive and dense, so it is better to initially arm yourself with a brush. If this does not help, soak the milk mushrooms for a couple of hours in cold water and repeat the treatment.

  • It is recommended to immediately cut the peeled mushrooms in accordance with the requirements of the salting option (into 2-4 parts or the stem is separated from the cap).
  • Before you cook the product or salt it in a cold way, it must be soaked, otherwise the bitterness will not go anywhere. We spread all the products in a container of suitable size, fill it with cold water (you can add a little fine table salt), cover with a lid of a smaller diameter and put oppression so that the mushrooms do not float up. For this, you need to use only glass, wooden or enameled dishes, other materials can spoil the product. How long to keep milk mushrooms in this form depends on their freshness and quality. It is better not to rush and wait 2-3 days, and change the water at least twice a day.

Tip: Salted mushrooms without legs are traditionally considered the most delicious, but this does not mean that unnecessary parts of the mushrooms should be thrown away. It is from the legs that delicious and tender mushroom caviar is obtained, you just have to choose the right recipe.

We wash the soaked milk mushrooms several times, paying attention to each mushroom. Further, depending on the salting option, the blanks must either be boiled or immediately sent for preparation of blanks.

Cooking the product is very simple:

  1. Put it in a bowl of cold water. There should be enough liquid so that the elements float freely and do not squeeze each other, so it is better to make several passes.
  2. Bring the mass to a boil, reduce the heat to low and note the time.
  3. Boil milk mushrooms for 15 minutes, no matter how much they soaked. Next, we take out the products (and do not drain the water, which leads to damage to the caps) and use it for its intended purpose.

There is one more rule that should be followed when preparing canned milk mushrooms. It is better to collect them on your own, and in places that are largely remote from roads and industrial enterprises. Mushrooms growing in areas with an ecologically unfavorable situation absorb all harmful substances from the environment and soil. Their use causes irreparable damage to the body, no matter how intense the pre-treatment.

A cold method of salting mushrooms that does not require boiling them

Milk mushrooms do not have to be boiled before salting. There are methods of processing components in which heat treatment is not carried out at all. There are many recipes, here is the simplest and most popular of them:

  • For 10 kg of mushrooms we take 0.5 kg of coarse table salt.
  • We take a wooden barrel or a high enameled container and begin to put the mushrooms into it with their hats down. Sprinkle each layer with salt. Of course, the first time it is difficult to calculate how much salt to use for each layer. The optimal option is considered in which 1 kg of mushrooms is spent on one layer. In this case, 10 layers are obtained, each of which is poured with 50 g of salt.

  • We lay out a wooden disk wrapped with gauze on the workpiece, or simply cover it with a cloth, and put a smaller dish or lid on top.
  • Be sure to use the load. It can be a stone or some kind of container with water.
  • The entire structure must be placed in a cool place with a temperature not higher than 15-16ºС. How much to withstand in time, we decide on our own, depending on the desired result. But the first sample should be taken no earlier than 2 weeks later.

Before using cold salting methods, it is necessary to evaluate all the possible risks of such an approach. You should not resort to it if the mushrooms were not collected, but purchased. When working with products from the market or from the store, it is better to use preservation options based on the heat treatment of components.

Veselka ordinary

Phallus impudicus L.

Veselkovye family (Phallaceae)

Synonyms: immodest phallus, smelly morel, gouty morel, upstart, devil's egg, witch's egg, shameless.

The specific shape of the fungus and the change in smell during growth aroused interest among people. The "witch's egg" was considered the best way to evoke feelings of love, and the mature mushroom was considered poisonous. Veselka healers have been using since ancient times. The archives contain data on the use of veselka in healing back in Kievan Rus. By the way, A.G. Lukashenka called this mushroom "the national treasure of Belarus."

In Borneo, oars were considered the penises of dead heroes who appeared at the places of their glorious death. In Germany, if the veselka grew near the tomb, this was considered evidence of the presence of hidden sins and crimes that were not revealed during the life of the buried. In Nigeria, the mushroom has been used for magical purposes. It was believed that he could make the sorcerer invisible at the moment of danger threatening him. In northern Montenegro, peasants would rub slime on the necks of bulls in front of the local equivalent of bullfighting to make them stronger. They also fed vessel eggs to young gobies as an aphrodisiac to make them good sires. It is known that the famous writer Balzac cured a stomach ulcer with a tincture of veselka, which was prepared for him in St. Petersburg. A.S. Pushkin, who suffered from thrombophlebitis, also used veselka tincture.

In many countries, attempts are being made to industrially cultivate this fungus, which have been successful, at least in China.


At a young age, the fungus is ovoid, 4-6 x 3-5 cm, the future fruiting body is surrounded by a thick mucous membrane under a whitish leathery film. When ripe, the shell around the fungus breaks into 2-3 blades, forming a vagina. The mushroom grows unusually fast, reaching its maximum size in 15-40 minutes. A hollow spongy leg rises from the egg ( recipes), 10-30 x 2-5 cm. At its upper end there is a light cellular thimble-shaped “hat”, bearing a green-olive layer of spore-bearing, disgustingly smelling carrion mucus. Attracted by such a "flavor", flies and other insects become distributors of fungal spores, getting dirty in the mucus covering the "hat". When the spores are "disassembled", the smell disappears.

Variety phallus impudicus var. togatus from under the cap of the mushroom, a white openwork smelly-smelly net of different lengths can descend, from very short to almost reaching the ground. The purpose of the mesh (mycologists call it indusium) - further enhance the smell and give insects an additional convenient place to land. Previously, such veiled veils were confused with the so-called "lady with a veil" (Phallus duplicatus, = Dyctiophora duplicata, double mesh), because of which the latter was considered much more common than it really is.

It occurs throughout the temperate forest zone of Russia. It grows on soil in deciduous and mixed forests, in shrubs, among grass, everywhere infrequently and not abundantly. It is a facultative symbiotroph and can form mycorrhiza with oak, beech, linden and some shrubs. Does not tolerate frost, bears fruit from July to late September. Edible in the egg stage. The peel is removed before cooking, the jelly-like layer is removed. The green middle is fried in oil or stewed in sour cream. Raw, it tastes like a cross between cabbage and radish.

The mushroom is eaten raw (salads) and fried or stewed in countries such as Germany, France and China.

similar species

The more heat-loving Gadrian merry-go-round ( P hallus hadriani) in the “egg” stage has a more elongated shape, the egg itself is colored lilac or purple, the leg is more massive when it appears, up to 8 cm in diameter. The medicinal properties of this veselka have not yet been studied.

pharmacological and medical properties

The main action of Veselka, confirmed by laboratory studies, is antitumor activity. The components of the mushroom extract (polysaccharides, phenols and sterols) not only stop growth, but also partially destroy cancer cells of various lines.

Venous thrombosis - the formation of blood clots in the veins - is a common cause of death in breast cancer patients; patients are forced to take anticoagulants regularly to avoid thrombosis. Conducted laboratory experiments have shown that Veselka extract significantly reduces the risk of blood clots and can be used as a prophylactic. As other medical studies have shown, Veselka contains phytosteroids, which in their action on the body are similar to male sex hormones. androgens, that is, the fungus is indeed aphrodisiac. Veselka and its preparations significantly affect male potency. In addition, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating and anti-stress (adaptogenic) effects are shown.


In traditional Chinese medicine, the mushroom is used as a remedy for rheumatism. Veselka is used in Bulgarian folk medicine in the treatment of gout and epilepsy. In Germany, the mushroom is used as a remedy for gout and severe stomach pains. In India, an aqueous infusion of veselka served as a folk remedy against typhus.

In Russian fungotherapy and folk medicine, veselka (“ground oil”) is considered the queen of mushrooms for its ability to remove cholesterol from the body and lower blood pressure (with hypertension), kill malignant cancer cells, tuberculosis bacilli, herpes viruses, influenza, hepatitis and even AIDS.

The mushroom is used in the following cases and is believed to have the following effects:

  • activation of the antitumor immune function of the body;
  • causes the body to produce perforin which prevents cancer cells from dividing and forming into a tumor
  • resorption of malignant (sarcoma, melanoma, leukemia and other oncological diseases) and benign tumors (polyps, cysts, pituitary adenomas, prostate adenomas, etc.);
  • removes cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • heals ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, is used for hemorrhoids, fistulas and cracks in the rectal mucosa;
  • destroys herpes, influenza, hepatitis viruses, cytomegalovirus;
  • destroying hidden infections, increases potency, fights infertility;
  • relieves inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, inflammation and pain in the joints (gout);
  • with thrombophlebitis, paralysis, enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • when applied externally, it relieves trophic ulcers, bedsores, joint pain, skin tumors, psoriasis and eczema, heals bites, is an antipruritic, analgesic.
  • useful for enhancing potency, that is, it is a strong aphrodisiac.

Water infusions and alcoholic tinctures from fresh or dried fruit bodies of the veselka are used. According to available data, Veselka preparations do not conflict with any other dosage forms and preparations.

According to the healer's experience, the juice of Veselka is the most curative, and this juice can be obtained at any stage of ripening. Depending on the stage of development of the fungus, the juice was isolated, various diseases can be treated. The most healing is the juice obtained from the fungus, which is in the stage of a jelly-like egg. This juice cures benign tumors and malignant hypertension. For gout, various joint diseases and skin diseases, the juice of an already mature fungus with spores is more suitable; it is likely that the brownish-green mucus that is formed to attract flies has some specific way of acting on affected skin and inflamed joints. By the way, Russian healers and herbalists treat eczema with this disgustingly smelling mucus. It is not completely known what really works here, and where the “magic of similarity” is used and, accordingly, the self-hypnosis of patients. But the number of people cured by veselka is great.

Fungotherapists especially recommend using Veselka for preventive purposes: men over 25; people who have undergone any operation; those who are diagnosed with "vegetovascular dystonia".

Therapeutic and cosmetic use of Veselka has a wide spectrum of action. It effectively fights against skin diseases (dermatitis, fungal infections, pyoderma, psoriasis, eczema, fungal diseases of the feet and nail lesions), varicose "mesh", with benign formations on the skin (papillomas, lipomas, warts). Veselka-based tonics clean and whiten the skin well, help to cope with nevi (moles), as well as disinfect and heal it and are suitable for all skin types, especially for problem skin.

Veselka ointment has a rare effect of restoring the skin (I tested it on myself: no worse than fly agaric), rejuvenating the cellular composition and preventing the occurrence of various age-related and other formations associated with violations of skin regeneration processes. An increase in turgor and an improvement in skin color are also a consequence of this effect.

rules for collecting and harvesting for medicinal purposes

Collect fruiting bodies at any stage of development, use depending on the stage or purpose of use.


Recipes for internal use (for gastritis of various forms, for gastric ulcers, diseased kidneys, for gout, polyarthritis, paralysis and oncological diseases, prostate adenoma, to enhance potency, etc.)

When preparing for internal use, fresh "eggs" of the veselka fungus are wiped with a dry cloth (it is undesirable to wash), cut and poured with vodka (moonshine), oil or water. Frozen "eggs" are pre-thawed to room temperature. It is advisable to grind powder from dried fruiting bodies immediately before preparing a tincture or infusion.

Tincture #1(universal)

5 g of powder or 50 g of fresh or frozen veselka eggs pour 200 ml of vodka, leave for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Filtering is not required. The longer the period of infusion, the higher the medicinal effect. Take from 1 teaspoon to 3 tablespoons depending on the disease. To lower the pressure in hypertension, 1 teaspoon of tincture 2 times a day is enough. For tumor diseases, take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. For other diseases (for example, prostate disease) - 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

Preventive course of treatment - 30 days (carried out 2 times a year), therapeutic course - 3-4 months.

Tincture #2 (with gastritis of various forms, with stomach ulcers, painful sensations in the kidneys, with gout, polyarthritis, paralysis and oncological diseases)

5 g of powder or 50 g of fresh or frozen veselka eggs pour 200 ml of vodka. Roll up the lid and leave in the refrigerator for 1 month. Take tincture 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon 20 minutes before meals for a month. Take a break for 1-2 weeks and again conduct a course of treatment.

With gastritis, duodenal ulcer as an additional treatment: dilute 1 tablespoon of veselka tincture in a quarter cup of cold boiled water and drink 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals. Duration of treatment: with gastritis - 2 weeks, with duodenal ulcer - 4 weeks.

With prostate adenoma or uterine fibromyoma as an additional treatment: take 1 tablespoon of mushroom tincture 1-2 times a day half an hour before meals for 1 month. After a two-week break, the course can be repeated.

With mastopathy : drink tincture 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals. In addition, dilute the tincture with cold boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2, moisten a gauze napkin in the solution, wring it out slightly and put it on the sore chest. Do cold applications once a day for 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment - until the condition improves.

Tincture #3 (for cancer treatment)

6-7 fresh mushrooms (100 g) finely chopped. Pour a jar of mushrooms (1 l) to the top with 50% moonshine or diluted alcohol, close the lid tightly and put in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Every day, the tincture must be shaken. Treatment: a full course requires 3-4 liters of tincture; take 20 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Wash down with a raw fresh egg or seize with 1 teaspoon of honey. In parallel, you can cook and drink an infusion of chaga, in any form. 1 course of treatment corresponds to 1 liter of veselka tincture. After the course, a 10-day break is made, and the treatment is resumed. At the same time, you should undergo a course of chemotherapy, if it is prescribed by oncologists.

Infusion on vegetable oil

Pour 5 g of veselka powder with linseed or olive oil (150 ml) heated in a water bath. Stir, keep for 3 hours in a warm place (for example, near the battery), then refrigerate for 5 days to infuse. Do not strain the infusion. Take, depending on the severity of the disease, 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

water infusion

Pour 5 g of Veselka powder into 200 ml of warm boiled water. Insist 8 hours. Stir before use. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Fresh mushrooms to enhance potency

Eat fresh peeled "eggs" in the amount of 2-3 pieces 2-4 hours before the intended sexual intercourse. For a long-term effect, you need to eat one "egg" per day for 2-3 weeks.

Formulations for external use (external tumors, ulcers, wounds, cervical erosion, mastopathy, bedsores, medical cosmetology, etc.)


10 g of dry (or 100 g of fresh) veselka pour 200 ml of vodka and infuse for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Filtering is not required. Treat ulcers, wounds, tumors 2 times a day, in the form of lotions (not compresses).

With cervical erosion use cotton swabs soaked in veselka tincture, diluted in a ratio of 1: 2 with warm chamomile infusion. This solution is also suitable for douching, as well as for enemas for hemorrhoids.

With mastopathy Veselka mushroom tincture is half diluted with water, clay is added, a cake is made and applied to the chest overnight. In the morning, the cake is removed, the chest is washed, and in the evening a new cake is applied. At the same time drink 1 tablespoon of Veselka tincture 3 times a day for a month.

In terms of medical cosmetology treat problem areas of the skin 2 times a day with cotton swabs dipped in veselka tincture (i.e. in the form of lotions, not compresses). For a softening effect, you can dilute the tincture with warm chamomile infusion in a ratio of 1:2.

Ointment for resorption of benign and malignant tumors of shallow (or external)

To prepare the ointment, you first need to get the juice of Veselka (autolysate). To do this, put raw mushrooms in a glass jar. Juice is formed after 2-3 months of storage. Souring juice does not reduce its activity. The fungus autolysate can be stored for up to 5 years. It is used exclusively in the form of an ointment of the following composition: Vesselka juice - 50%, base prepared from triethanolamine and stearic acid - 50%. No side effects were noted. Treatment of ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids until their complete resorption lasts from 1.5 to 5 months. For a treatment cycle, 0.3 to 1.0 liters of ointment is required. The ointment must be massaged dry with a light touch of the hand (simple spreading does not give a result) into the skin adjacent to the tumor. The growth of cysts and fibromyomas during the period of application of the ointment was not noted in any case of official observation. A year after the application of the ointment, only in one case, the growth of fibroids was noted.

The same ointment should be used to treat problem areas of the skin in terms of medical cosmetology. The ointment should be massaged dry into problem areas of the skin with a light touch of the hand.

Powder for non-healing wounds and ulcers

Grind dried veselka into powder. Mushroom powder 2-3 times a day sprinkle on sore spots. The course of treatment is carried out until complete healing.

Mixed Recipe

For gout, sciatica, arthritis, bursitis: take veselka tincture (see recipe No. 1) 1 dessert spoon 2 times a day, and make warm compresses an hour before bedtime (dilute the tincture with hot water in a ratio of 1: 3, moisten in solution napkin, apply to a sore spot, cover with a film and insulate with a woolen scarf or scarf). The course of treatment is carried out until improvement.

On the Internet and in the "yellowish" fungotherapeutic literature, of course, everything is found. Here, for example, is such a pearl: “During a flu epidemic, to neutralize the house from germs, pour 1 tsp. veselka powder in 4 saucers and place them in the corners of the room.

To prepare the base for the ointment, you need to take 25 ml of triethanolamine per 100 g of stearic acid. The mixture is poured with water and heated with constant stirring on a source of uniform heat. Water is added as needed until a gelatinous, homogeneous mass is formed, without lumps of stearic acid, after which the hot base is cooled, stirring, until a white cream forms.