Home / Cakes / How to make lecho for the winter simple recipes. Lecho for the winter: classic step-by-step recipes

How to make lecho for the winter simple recipes. Lecho for the winter: classic step-by-step recipes

Lecho recipe is classic dish Hungarian cuisine has long been popular with housewives, not only at home. Bright and fragrant lecho for the winter is simple, versatile, beautiful. In addition, there are many recipes for lecho - you can easily adapt traditional taste in my own way.

Lecho can be called canned salad, which will preserve the taste of summer and easily compensate for the lack of vitamins in the cold season. V different countries it is used both as an independent dish and as a side dish for fried meat, and with white bread or pancakes, and with pieces smoked sausage, and mixed with eggs, and sour cream, and as a filling for pies or pizzas, and as a dressing for first courses.

How to cook delicious lecho - general rules

This dish does not have an exact recipe - at home, everyone has the right to cook it as they like. Someone adds more seasonings, someone experiments with different vegetables and spicy herbs, someone replaces the frying pan with a multicooker ...

But there are classic rules of real lecho:

  • Choose the brightest, fleshy, sweetest tomatoes and peppers.
  • Peel the tomatoes before cooking. You can quickly do this if you cut their skins crosswise, dip the fruits for a minute in boiling water, and then immediately into a bowl of ice.
  • Try not to let the vegetables boil and turn into porridge during cooking.
  • If you want real taste, fry vegetables not in oil, but in lard.
  • Use vinegar in minimum quantities, only for harvesting and preserving lecho for the winter, solely to extend its shelf life.
  • Classic spices for lecho are paprika, salt and sugar. You can add everything else to your taste (fear and risk): parsley, cloves, peppercorns, dill, cilantro, basil, thyme ...
  • If you add garlic to your homemade lecho, keep in mind that if you put it at the beginning of stewing, the garlic smell and taste will weaken by the end of cooking, and if you add garlic at the end of stewing, it will be felt much more noticeable.

A real classic lecho requires only three essential products - bell peppers, tomatoes and onions. But during its existence, the lecho recipe has adapted many times for affordable or favorite products. Various variations of lecho appeared: with carrots, eggplants, fried onions, cucumbers, zucchini, beans, tomato paste, without oil, etc. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a selection of simple and a variety of recipes for real delicious lecho and choose the one that will become a hit in your family.

Recipe number 1 Classic lecho with pepper and tomatoes

You will need: 1 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg bell pepper, large onion, ghee, paprika, sugar, salt (to taste).

Cooking. Chop the onion and send it to a deep frying pan with melted bacon. While it is fried over low heat until transparent, peel the pepper from seeds and cut into strips, and peel and chop the tomatoes (you can use a blender or a meat grinder). Send pieces of pepper and paprika to the pan to the onion, simmer for 10-15 minutes. After the specified time, add chopped tomatoes, sugar, salt to the resulting mass and simmer for another 10-15 minutes until thickened.

A few minutes before the end of cooking, stir in 1-2 eggs into the lecho or add pieces of smoked sausage (optional). Serve hot as a stand-alone dish or as an addition to potatoes, rice or pasta.

On a note! If the lecho is prepared exclusively for preservation for the winter, the bacon is replaced with odorless vegetable oil, and a little vinegar is added for better preservation of the seams (if you overdo it, your seaming can be called anything, but not real Hungarian lecho, since vinegar greatly distorts the taste ). The hot lecho is laid out in sterilized jars under the neck, closed with sterilized lids and rolled up.

Recipe Lecho with carrots No. 2

You will need: 1 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of bell pepper, 0.5 kg of carrots, large onion, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, paprika, sugar, salt (to taste), 1 tbsp. vinegar.

Cooking. Finely chop the onions. Peel the bell peppers, chop in large pieces... Peel the tomatoes, pass through a blender. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Send the onion into a pan with heated vegetable oil, fry until transparent. Add tomatoes, carrots, spices and vinegar. After 10-15 minutes, add bell pepper, simmer for another 15 minutes. Put the finished lecho hot in sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids and roll up.

Lecho recipe with eggplant No. 3

You will need: 1 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of bell pepper, 0.5 kg of eggplant, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, sugar, salt (to taste).

Cooking. Peel the tomatoes, scroll in a blender. Peel the bell pepper from seeds, cut into large pieces. Cut the eggplants into large pieces. Place the spiced tomatoes in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for 15 minutes, pour in vegetable oil and simmer for another 20 minutes. Add pepper and eggplant and leave everything together on the fire until thickened. Put the finished lecho hot in sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids and roll up.

Lecho recipe with zucchini No. 4

You will need: water, 1 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of bell pepper, 2 kg of courgettes, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, sugar, salt (to taste), vinegar.

Cooking. Cut the courgettes and onions into cubes, tomatoes and peppers into small strips, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Send onions with carrots to the pan and fry in vegetable oil. Put the zucchini with pepper and tomatoes in a saucepan and cover with water (its volume should be twice the volume of the resulting vegetable mass). Bring water with vegetables to a boil, add salt, sugar and onion-carrot mixture. All together stew for at least half an hour until thickened, add vinegar before the end of cooking. The hot lecho is laid out in sterilized jars under the neck, closed with sterilized lids and rolled up.

Recipe Lecho with rice No. 5

You will need: 1 kg of bell pepper, 1 kg of carrots, 3 kg of tomatoes, 1 tbsp. rice, large onion, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, sugar, salt (to taste), 1 tbsp. vinegar.

Cooking. Finely chop the onions. Peel the bell pepper from seeds, cut into large pieces. Peel the tomatoes, pass through a blender. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Put all vegetables in a saucepan, bring to a boil and then simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. Add raw washed rice, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, stir and simmer for about half an hour over low heat under a lid. Pour in vinegar 5 minutes before the end of cooking. We put the finished lecho hot in sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids and roll up.

Recipe Lecho with tomato paste No. 6

You will need: 2.5 kg bell pepper, 1 kg tomato paste, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, paprika, sugar, salt, chili (to taste), 1 tbsp. vinegar.

Cooking. Peel the bell pepper from seeds, cut into large pieces. Heat tomato paste, granulated sugar, vegetable oil, vinegar, salt and spices in a saucepan. After boiling, add pepper and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Remove the chunks of pepper from the sauce and place them in sterilized jars, then pour hot sauce over them to the top. Close with sterilized lids and roll up.

Recipe Lecho with cucumbers No. 7

You will need : 1 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of cucumbers, head of garlic, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, sugar, salt, suneli hops, ground coriander, ground black pepper (to taste), vinegar.

Cooking. Chop the cucumbers into pieces. Peel the tomatoes, scroll in a blender. Crush the garlic in a garlic press or chop finely. Place the tomatoes with garlic, salt, sugar, black pepper, vinegar and oil in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add cucumbers and simmer for about 20 minutes, then add coriander and suneli hops. Stir and simmer for about 10 minutes - the cucumbers should be soaked in flavor, but not too soft. We put the finished lecho hot in sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids and roll up.

Lecho recipe without tomatoes and without cooking # 8

You will need: 1 kg bell pepper, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, sugar, salt (to taste), a few peas of black pepper, vinegar.

Cooking. Peel the bell pepper from seeds, cut into large pieces. Send chopped eggplants, spices, oil and vinegar to the container - leave everything for 3-4 hours at room temperature. After the specified time has elapsed, put the resulting "soft" salad in sterilized jars along with the resulting liquid. Put the jars to be sterilized in boiling water for 15 minutes or in the microwave at full power, and then roll up with sterile lids.

Recipe Lecho with beans No. 9

You will need: 1 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of bell pepper, 150 g of beans, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, sugar, salt (to taste), vinegar.

Cooking. Pour the beans overnight with water, boil in the morning until tender. Peel the tomatoes, scroll in a blender. Peel the bell pepper from seeds, cut into large pieces. Place the tomatoes in a saucepan and bring to a boil. After 15 minutes, add the pepper and simmer for another 10 minutes. Then add beans, spices, add vegetable oil and cook for another 10 minutes. Pour in vinegar at the very end of cooking. Put the finished lecho hot in sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids and roll up.

Recipe Spicy lecho number 10

You will need: 1 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of bell pepper, a head of garlic, 0.2 kg of carrots, a pod of hot pepper, a few cloves, a few black peppercorns, paprika, sugar, salt (to taste).

Cooking. Chop the garlic very finely. Peel the bell pepper from seeds, cut into large pieces or strips. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Peel the tomatoes, scroll in a blender. Mix all vegetables in a saucepan, add spices, bring to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Put the finished lecho hot in sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids and roll up.

Lecho recipe without oil and vinegar No. 11

You will need: 1 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of bell pepper, head of garlic, paprika, sugar, salt (to taste).

Cooking. Peel the bell pepper from seeds, cut into large pieces. Peel the tomatoes, cut into strips. Chop the garlic very finely. Send the tomatoes with garlic to simmer for 10 minutes, then add spices, chopped peppers to the mass and simmer for another 20-30 minutes. Put the finished lecho hot in sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids and roll up.

Recipe Lecho with beets No. 12

You will need: 1 kg of bell pepper, 0.7 kg of beets, 0.5 kg of carrots, 0.5 kg of tomatoes, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, parsley, chili pepper, sugar, salt (to taste).

Cooking. Bake the beets in the oven until soft, then grate on a coarse grater. Cut the tomatoes into slices. Peel the bell pepper from seeds, cut into pieces or rings, cut the chili pepper in half. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Finely chop the parsley with a knife. In a deep frying pan, fry the carrots in vegetable oil, add parsley and two types of pepper to it. Mix everything, add the tomatoes and continue to simmer for about 10 minutes until they soften. Add grated beets, sugar, salt and simmer for another 5 minutes. While hot, we put the lecho in jars and send them for sterilization in boiling water for 15 minutes or in the microwave at full power, after which we roll up with sterile lids.

Recipe for Lecho-Assorted Peppers No. 13

You will need: 1 kg of bell pepper, 0.4 kg of tarkinsky (capsicum) pepper, 2 kg of tomatoes, black peppercorns, allspice, cloves, sugar, salt (to taste).

Cooking. Peel the tomatoes, scroll in a blender. Peel the bell peppers and tarkinsky peppers, cut into large pieces. Place the spiced tomatoes in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for 15 minutes, add pepper and leave everything together over the fire until thickened. Put the finished lecho hot in sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids and roll up.

Recipe Lecho-stew "All vegetables at once" No. 14

You will need: 1 kg bell pepper, 2 kg tomatoes, 1 kg zucchini, 0.3 kg potatoes, 0.5 kg carrots, 0.3 kg cucumbers, large onion, ground black pepper, ground red pepper, ground garlic, sugar, salt (each taste), vinegar, vegetable oil.

Cooking. Peel the tomatoes, turn half in a blender, chop half into large pieces. Peel the bell pepper from seeds, cut into large pieces. Cut the courgettes, cucumbers and potatoes into middle pieces. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Chop the onion and send to a preheated deep frying pan with vegetable oil. As soon as it gets golden, send all the chopped vegetables and spices there. Mix everything and, with the lid open, simmer over low heat for about an hour until thickened. Add vinegar five minutes before cooking. Put the finished lecho hot in sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids and roll up.

Lecho recipe in the microwave №15

You will need: 1 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of bell pepper, half a head of garlic, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar, salt (to taste).

Cooking. Chop the garlic very finely. Peel the bell pepper from seeds, cut into large strips. Peel the tomatoes, scroll in a blender and send to the multicooker bowl with butter, sugar and salt. Mix everything thoroughly and add pieces of pepper. Turn on the multicooker and, without closing the lid, cook on the "Stew" mode for about 30 minutes. Add garlic 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add vinegar 5 minutes before cooking. Put the finished lecho hot in sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids and roll up.

Lecho's recipe in two stages No. 16

You will need: 1 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of bell pepper, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, paprika, sugar, salt (to taste), 1 tbsp. vinegar.

Preparation: Peel the bell pepper from seeds, cut into large pieces. Peel the tomatoes, pass through a blender. Send half of the tomatoes, spices and vinegar to a frying pan with heated vegetable oil. After 10 minutes, add bell pepper as well, simmer for another 10 minutes. Add remaining tomatoes and simmer until thickened. Put the finished lecho hot in sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids and roll up.

Recipe Italian Lecho No. 17

You will need: 1 kg bell pepper, 0.5 kg canned tomatoes in own juice, half an onion, 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil, ground pepper, sugar, salt (to taste).

Cooking. Peel the bell pepper from seeds, cut into large pieces. Canned Tomatoes cut in small pieces. Chop half of the onion and send to a preheated pan with olive oil... Add chopped peppers, stir, add tomatoes. Simmer covered over low heat for about half an hour - the pieces of pepper should soften, but not lose their shape. Turn off the heat, salt and pepper, add sugar, stir everything gently. Put the finished lecho hot in sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids and roll up.

As you can see, among such huge variety Lecho recipes for the winter can even get confused. Why not cook several options at once? Or do you have own recipe really special and delicious? Be sure to share in the comments!

So the processing of the crop is coming to an end, it is at this time that I plan to prepare lecho. At home, the preparations are the most useful for the body, and it has been scientifically proven that the vegetables are the best ones that are grown in the region of your residence. And there is no need to talk about savings here, in the season Bell pepper is inexpensive, but try to buy it in winter! I agree that you can pamper yourself with exotics, but why do we need someone else's expensive pepper when we have our own, without chemicals and several times cheaper than foreign ones. Convinced? Then my proven recipes are for you.

Delicious lecho for the winter-recipe you will lick your fingers

Each hostess prepares lecho for home recipe... This recipe is delicious, be sure to prepare it for the winter, I am sure that you will like the appetizer. You can eat it as an independent dish or serve such lecho as a side dish, in any case you will lick your fingers.

The required set of ingredients:

  • bell peppers and tomatoes - each 2 kilograms
  • sunflower oil- 150 gr
  • sugar - 100 gr
  • salt - 50 gr
  • table vinegar - 2 tsp
  1. I clean the pepper from the tails, seeds, partitions, cut into rings of about 1.5 cm.
  2. I skip the tomatoes in the combine, they should turn out to be a homogeneous mass, pour them into a saucepan. I add sugar, salt, pepper rings, vegetable oil, vinegar there, mix well.
  3. I send the saucepan over medium heat, cooking takes 30-40 minutes, sometimes I stir from bottom to top. The pepper will sink to the bottom of the pot as it cooks.
  4. I do not sterilize jars, but burn them in the oven. Before burning the cans, I dry them slightly, put them in a cold oven, turn on the temperature of 200 degrees, and hold them for 15 minutes. I think it's faster this way, and it's guaranteed that all sorts of microbes will die.
  5. I shift the hot lecho into cooled jars, seal it with boiled lids, turn it over, wrap it up with something from warm clothes.

My advice

  • In all recipes, I indicate sweet pepper in its pure form, i.e. already cleaned, this means that it is necessary to purchase or take your own grown by 300-400 grams more. The same applies to other vegetables, unpeeled will need a little more.
  • I always try to write the date of preparation on the jars with funny notes about what happened that day. In winter, it's great to remember this day when this blank was prepared, and even so convenient.
  • In winter, I often use lecho for cooking winter food - for borscht, soups, for meat, and lecho gravy will flavor any dish.
  • The ideal lecho tastes sweet, slightly salty and slightly sour, so try and get your measure, coma - salt, sugar, vinegar.
  • The signal that the lecho is already ready is actually not the time indicated in the recipes, but the state of the boiled pepper, if it is boiled, then our workpiece is ready.
  • Lecho in many recipes, but in almost all of me it is not sterilized, but closed hot. Take this moment responsibly - when pouring into containers, the stove should continue to work under the workpiece, observe the boiling point when pouring into jars. Containers should not be underfilled, squeeze oxygen out of them completely. A well-filled jar should be rolled up immediately. If everything is done according to the rules, the workpieces will not explode.
  • A properly rolled pepper is not just a translation of products, it is really a delicacy dish, a wonderful side dish in winter, the gravy itself is very tasty, it can be drunk, but can be used to prepare the first and second courses.

Lecho in tomato juice for the winter

For this recipe, purchase tomato juice, your favorite. I do not use salt, because usually manufacturers salt the juice, you can salt it to your liking.

  • favorite tomato juice - 2.5 liters
  • sweet peppers - 2 kg
  • sugar and sunflower oil - a glass of each
  • salt - 2 tablespoons
  • table vinegar, 9% - 1 tbsp.

  1. Cut the peeled peppers into 4-6 large pieces.
  2. Mix together tomato juice with vegetable oil, add sugar, salt, vinegar, bring to a boil.
  3. The first signs that the juice will boil have appeared, these are bubbles on its surface. Put prepared pepper parts in a saucepan, boil for 40 minutes.
  4. Place the hot mass in a sterilized container, roll up, wrap in a warm cloth, keep until completely cooled. Store cold.

Lecho with tomato

  • sweet pepper - 4 kg,
  • tomatoes - 2 liters from ripe soft tomatoes,
  • sugar - 2 glasses without a slide,
  • vegetable oil - 180-200 gr,
  • vinegar 9% - 250 gr.

Make a tomato filling with the addition of sugar, oil and vinegar, salt and boil. Place coarsely chopped peppers in it, boil for 40-45 minutes. Arrange in a clean container, pour in the filling in which the pepper was prepared, twist, keep wrapped until cooled.

Tomato and pepper lecho with garlic "Generous summer"


  • sweet peppers and tomatoes - 1 kg each
  • garlic teeth - 3 pcs.
  • onion - 3 heads
  • sunflower oil -70 gr
  • Bay leaf
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • black pepper - 3 peas
  • sugar-75-80 gr
  • table vinegar - 10 gr.

  1. Chop pepper, garlic and onion into thin strips.
  2. Turn tomatoes into homogeneous mass blender (you can use a meat grinder).
  3. Put everything in a saucepan, pour water over so that all vegetables are covered, place on fire.
  4. Salt, add bay leaf, pepper, sugar.
  5. I do not close the lid, I simmer the carcass over low heat for about one hour.
  6. Then I pour the vinegar, mix it and fill it in clean jars, try to fill it up more so that there is no room for air. Air will reduce the shelf life of the workpiece.

Green tomato lecho for the winter recipe

Required products:

  • peppers, green tomatoes, onions - each 1 kg
  • vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp
  • garlic cloves - 6 pcs
  • salt - 1 tbsp
  • sugar - to taste (100 gr)

  1. Cut the peeled into a medium cube vegetables - pepper, tomatoes, onions.
  2. For 12-15 minutes, fry the onion until light brown, add pepper and green tomatoes to it, salt, add sugar.
  3. After boiling the vegetable mass for 5 minutes, put the chopped garlic there. Cook vegetables for 20-25 minutes.
  4. We do not remove it from the stove, but immediately fill the jars with boiling lecho, close with sealed lids, turn over, wait for it to cool.

Homemade lecho for the winter

Here's another lecho recipe, my recipe with my favorite home-style taste. The preparation is very simple.

  • I take tomatoes (3 kg), twist them with a meat grinder, boil for about 20 minutes over low heat. I cut into strips 1.5 kg. sweet peppers, add to the boiling mass, pour 0.5 cups of sunflower oil, salt (2 tbsp. l.), add 200 gr. sugar, I continue cooking for about 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, pour 0.5 cups of table vinegar into the conservation.

Bulgarian lecho recipe


  • red peppers, bulgarian peppers - 3 kg
  • tomatoes - 2 kg
  • garlic - 2 small heads
  • bitter pepper - 1 pod
  • greens (dill, parsley) - each bunch
  • vegetable oil - 250 gr
  • vinegar 6% - 125 gr
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons with a small slide
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Shred Bulgarian peppers into long pieces.

Skip garlic, hot pepper, tomatoes with a meat grinder, chop the herbs with a knife. By the way, it's great to take greens for cooking any kind of lecho. Now, parsley, dill are enough, they have a low price, and in winter greens are worth their weight in gold, besides, it is so useful in the cold season.

Combine all components at once, pour a mixture made from oil, vinegar, salt, sugar, boil for 30-35 minutes. Put hot in glass containers, twist.

Spicy lecho for the winter

You need to take 5 kg. ripe tomatoes-3 kg. peppers, cut into strips, apples and carrots, 1 kg, 0.4 kg. hot peppers, garlic on preference, sunflower oil.

  • Grind vegetables, with the exception of sweet peppers, mix and add to the peppers, chopped into strips, salt to taste, pour in oil, boil for 50 minutes, put in containers, twist. You can not cut the sweet peppers, skip along with all the ingredients, it will not come out lecho, but a spicy seasoning.

Lecho with carrots for the winter

  • tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • peppers - 1.5 kg
  • carrots - 0.6 kg
  • sugar, vegetable oil - each 1/2 cup
  • salt - 30 gr
  • table vinegar-100 gr

Grind the tomatoes with a food processor (meat grinder), chop the peppers into strips, grate the carrots with large cells, combine together, boil for about an hour, twist immediately, until they cool.

Lecho with carrots and peppers

Products: 3 kg. tomatoes, each 1 kg. - carrots, onions, 2 kg. peppers.

  • Cut - onion, tomatoes, peeled peppers into strips, chop the carrots on a grater with a large mesh, mix, fill with a mixture consisting of 1 faceted glass of sugar, 1.5 tbsp. salt, 1.5 tbsp. sunflower oil, 1.5 tbsp. table vinegar, boil for 20 minutes. We put it straight from the fire, uncooled in containers, twist it. Output - 11 jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters.

Lecho recipe for 5 kg of pepper

It will take 5 kg. peppers, 3 kg. tomatoes, 1 kg. onions, 50 gr. salt, 10 tbsp. sugar, 10 allspice peas, 10 pcs. carnations.

  • Twist the tomatoes with a meat grinder, 30 min. boil them down.
  • Cut the peppers into long strips.
  • Fry the onion chopped into half rings.
  • Salt the boiled tomatoes, add sugar, lower the strips of peppers, boil for 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, add the fried onions. Spread the lecho boiling, immediately twist.

Lecho without tomatoes with tomato paste

Cut sweet peeled peppers into wedges.

  • Then take tomato paste, dilute with water in a 1: 1 ratio. For every kg. tomato paste take 1 kg. chopped pepper, 50 gr. sugar, 30 gr. salt, cook for 10 minutes. The uncooled, boiling mixture is packed in jars, sterilized by 0.5 liters for 25 minutes, liter for 35 minutes.

On the shelves in stores, you can admire jars with beautiful labels, sometimes doubts arise, is there a need for homemade preparations? With age, I realized that cooking lecho at home for the winter is not a whim at all. Such winter preservation can be a decoration for any table, because it is natural. Especially if the blanks are rolled up with gentle methods, with a minimum of sugar and vinegar, without long heat treatment, and this applies not only to lecho.

Remember the good old days, when boiled potatoes were accompanied by all kinds of delicious "winter" salads stored in the cellar? Now, at any time of the year, you can go and buy any vegetables and fruits, but then our mothers and grandmothers diligently rolled summer gifts from their own gardens into jars for the winter.

In addition to pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, almost every housewife considered it her duty to make good stocks of sweet bell peppers, and lecho was her favorite recipe.

There are many, many options for this amazing food. Yes, and every hostess always had some little tricks that distinguish her proprietary recipe from all others.

Someone is still diligently sterilizing a truly beloved folk salad, while someone has improved it and now enjoys the good old lecho in a new manner.

The simplest Bulgarian pepper recipe, which our grandmothers used to roll, has always been the most delicious. In fact, in preparation, it does not require a huge amount of spices and ingredients, but when you smear the delicate juice from a plate with a piece of bread, you are ready to lick your fingers.

2. Pour the tomato paste into a clean, large, deep saucepan.

3. Remove the seed pods from the washed peppers and cut juicy pulp in the form of stripes, about 8 pieces from each fruit.

Send the slices to the tomato filling.

4. Heat to a boil over medium heat, add oil and add salt and sugar. Mix everything and let it boil well for half an hour, not forgetting to stir periodically.

By this time, the pepper will stop crunching like fresh, but it will still be firm.

5. Chop the peeled garlic cloves and add to the tomato pepper mixture.

Cook for another 5 minutes, and then turn off the heat, pour in the vinegar essence and stir well so that the acid is evenly distributed in the lecho.

6. Immediately decompose the still boiling winter salad in and, having rolled up, wrap them up in an inverted position for a day.

For reliability, many send the filled cans to sterilize for another 10 minutes before seaming, but this is at the discretion of the hostess.

After the jars are completely cool, store them in a dark place where it is not very hot.

Generally, delicious recipes There are quite a lot of homemade lecho preparations. For example, in this article on my colleague's culinary blog, I found and highly recommend paying attention to them.

Recipe for lecho from bell pepper and tomato without sterilization

Not everyone loves a large number of sunflower oil in winter harvesting, as well as tomato seeds in lecho and therefore prefer to remove them during cooking. You can do this with a juicer, but if you don't have one at hand, a regular sieve will do.

And how to do it - see the recipe.

We need:

  • Red tomato - 2 kg.
  • A clove of garlic - 4 pcs.
  • Sweet pepper - 1.2 kg.
  • Granulated sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  • 6% vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 2 tsp
  • Pod hot pepper- 1 PC.
  • Fresh basil - ½ bunch.


1. Thoroughly washed ripe tomatoes are divided into quarters, so that later it would be easier to grind them to a juicy state.

2. Send the tomato slices to the blender. You can also pick basil leaves there with your hands. Grind well until smooth.

3. To get rid of seeds and pieces of skin, rub the tomato mass through a sieve. Pour a portion of chopped tomatoes into it and squeeze out the pure juice with a spoon, pusher or culinary spatula, rubbing it out, and discard the remaining "husk".

In order not to use a lot of unnecessary dishes, you can wipe it directly into the pan, in which cooking will then be carried out. The resulting mass is immediately sent to cook over medium heat. and with constant skimming, cook for a quarter of an hour.

4. In order not to oversalt and not to overdo it with sugar, take measuring spoons in advance and, filling them without a slide, measure out the required amount of sugar and salt.

5. While the tomato juice is boiling, cut the washed and peeled sweet pepper into slices. It is enough to divide it into quarters, but you can make thinner strips.

6. Send the pepper slices to the tomato juice and boil for another 10 minutes.

7. If you love very much pungent taste, then hot pepper should be chopped as finely as possible.

If not, then it is best not to grind it, but to throw a whole pod into the pan, and remove it from the pan and discard it before pouring the lecho into the jars. Chop the garlic cloves with a press and add to the previous ingredients.

8. Pour in oil and vinegar and add salt and sugar. Mix well, being careful not to break the pepper slices. Cook for 5 minutes.

9. Immediately place in sterile jars, roll up and, covered with a warm blanket, allow to cool upside down. You can store it in the cellar or in a cool dark pantry.

In winter, opening and eating such a jar is always a pleasure!

Lecho with tomato paste from 3 kg of bell pepper

Initially, lecho was a Hungarian canning and was made only from fresh tomatoes. But now many do not want to bother with them for a long time, or there is a lean year for tomatoes, or they are not sweet and tasty enough, so many hostesses resort to a little trick - they use ready-made tomato paste.

We need:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 3 kg.
  • Boiled water - 2 liters.
  • Tomato paste - 0.9 kg.
  • A clove of garlic - 6 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil, 9% vinegar - 6 tbsp each l.
  • Sugar - 4.5 tbsp l.
  • Salt - 3 tsp
  • Hot pepper pod - 2 pcs.
  • Allspice peas, black ground pepper, cloves, coriander - to taste.


1. Before starting cooking, you should pay attention to the composition of tomato paste by reading the information on the package. Ideally, apart from tomatoes, there should be nothing there.

If you see salt and sugar, then adding them to the salad costs about a third less.

Dilute tomato paste with water, depending on its thickness. If it is liquid, then 1: 2, if it is very thick, then 1: 3. It should turn out tomato sauce medium density so that cloves and peas do not sink in it.

Spices can be added immediately, but do not overdo it with them, because the more of them in the boiled sauce, the stronger the specific aroma then in ready dish.

If you do not like the spices that come across, it is better to put them in a small cotton bag or a small square, the edges of which are tied with a long thread. Tie the thread to the handle of the pan, and put the "lump" with spices in the sauce and pull it out only at the end of cooking.

2. Put a saucepan over medium heat to boil, and at this time cut the peeled sweet peppers into oblong pieces.

3. Once the tomato sauce has boiled, dip the pepper slices into it and let it boil. Gradually, the stripes will submerge in the red liquid and boil evenly.

Try to immediately remove the foam so that thickened lumps do not appear, which then will not look beautiful in the finished dish.

4. Add salt, sugar and sunflower oil and cook with occasional stirring for 25 minutes.

5. Chop the cloves of garlic and hot peppers and send to the saucepan. Pour vinegar there and cook for another 7 minutes.

6. Arrange the boiling salad in sterile dry jars, roll up and wrap. After cooling, it can be stored in any cool place.

The finished dish turns out to be bright, rich in color, aromatic and incredibly tasty.

The most delicious lecho for the winter

Did you know that Bulgarians in the traditional recipe instead of the usual vinegar essence use Apple vinegar? It also contains only vegetables and spices, and absolutely no oil!

It seems to me that this is really the most tasty option because vegetables are filled with flavors of each other and a hint of piquancy is given to them by a set of spices that are usually used in making homemade ketchup.

We need:

  • Sweet red tomatoes - 3 kg.
  • Sweet pepper - 3 kg.
  • Sugar - 80 gr.
  • Salt - 40 gr.
  • Allspice and black peppercorns, cloves - 5 pcs.
  • 6% apple cider vinegar - 1.5 tbsp l.


1. Fresh tomatoes rinse and, after drying them, clean them of "butts" and any defects on the skin. Grind in any convenient way until puree and send to a thick-bottomed saucepan to simmer over medium heat. Cook for a quarter of an hour.

2. As soon as the mashed potatoes begin to boil, try to immediately remove the foam and stir periodically so that the tomatoes do not stratify and burn.

3. While the tomato puree is being prepared, cut the previously washed and peeled peppers into wide strips. To make the salad as beautiful as possible, I recommend taking multi-colored pods.

4. Grind the spices into powder or tie them into a bag with a long string.

5. Pour the pepper pieces into the boiling tomato puree and let it boil, stirring occasionally to combine the whole mass of vegetables.

6. Lower the spices, add salt and sugar and stir. After 10 minutes, pour in apple cider vinegar and let it simmer over low heat for another 5 minutes.

7. Then pour into sterile prepared jars and roll up, wrap up until it cools completely.

Delicious, satisfying and beautiful! And what else do you need for an appetizing dish.

Video on how to cook a delicious bell pepper lecho with vegetables

We made this video specifically for this article. And we hope you enjoy it. After all, it is very, very simple to make a blank on it. I would even say as simple as shelling pears.

You just need to cut and cook everything in two stages. Then just screw the lids on the jars.

However, see for yourself.

It's that simple. But despite the fact that there seems to be nothing complicated in cooking, this in no way diminishes all the advantages of this recipe.

I will say from experience, after opening such a jar, it is eaten in one sitting. And the preparation is liked by everyone, without exception, who tries and eats it. And I hope you like it too.

How to cook lecho for the winter from peppers, carrots and onions

My household really like the lecho with carrots and onions. He prepares at the base traditional recipe- nothing additional is required to invent.

Is that fresh tomatoes to speed up the process, replace thick tomato paste. The zest of this recipe is that the vegetables are pre-sautéed, and the piquancy is added by the lavrushka.

We need:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 1.2 kg.
  • Carrots, onions - 0.2 kg each.
  • Tomato paste - 0.3 kg.
  • Sunflower oil - 5 tbsp l.
  • A clove of garlic - 2 pcs.
  • Hot pepper pod, bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • 9% vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Ground black pepper to taste.


1. Rinse and peel all vegetables well. Cut the onion into strips or in the form of half rings. Carrots can be chopped into strips, but it will look much more original if you make oblong stripes from it with the help of a regular vegetable peeler.

2. Pour 2 tbsp into a frying pan. l. oil and when it warms up over medium heat, send onion and carrot slices to sauté for five minutes, stirring occasionally.

The vegetables should be slightly soft, but not fried in any way.

3. While the previous ingredients are simmering in the pan, quickly cut the peppers into strips and send them to the slightly softened vegetables in the pan.

4. Close the lid and simmer for 10 minutes. During this time, the pepper will become softer, but retain its elasticity. This sautéing will add “satiety” to the finished dish.

The main thing is not to forget to stir periodically so that nothing burns and heat treatment happened evenly.

5. Now it's time for tomato paste. Put it in a convenient container and dilute with water until it becomes a semi-thick sauce. I usually use a very thick paste, so I dilute it in a 1: 3 ratio.

Season with salt, sugar and season with ground pepper. Stir and our liquid lecho base is ready.

6. Pour the tomato sauce into a deep saucepan.

Send the sautéed vegetables, chopped cloves of garlic and pieces of hot pepper there (you can put it in a whole pod, and then throw it into a container for storage before pouring it).

And our culinary witchcraft will complete with a leaf of lavrushka.

7. Place a saucepan over medium heat and simmer. Cook with occasional stirring for 10 minutes.

Pour in vinegar, stir. After a couple of minutes, taste for salt and sugar. If your taste is a little lacking - add.

Arrange the boiling dish in a sterile dry container, tighten the lids tightly and send to cool in an inverted position, wrapped in a warm blanket.

Ready lecho is ideal for boiled potatoes. You can also serve it as an independent side dish.

Grandma very often used this winter salad as a sauce during the preparation of cabbage rolls - you will not believe it, but the taste is completely different and much richer than with fresh vegetables for filling.

Any boiled and fried meat becomes much juicier and more appetizing with lecho. And if you are too lazy to cook, then it is quite possible to have a snack just with a couple of pieces of fresh bread.

Bon appetit and Bulgarian winter evenings enjoyment!

For me, this is the most delicious lecho you can think of. In this juicy, tender and aromatic vegetable appetizer all colors and tastes of a sunny summer are collected. Fleshy bell peppers, sweet carrots, spicy onions and rich tomatoes go well in this lecho, which we will prepare with you for the winter.

The other day I have already made with you one more lecho recipe - with sweet peppers and tomatoes (according to my grandmother's recipe). And today the recipe from my mom - the blank has been tested for many years and always turns out to be 5+. By the way, if I like to eat such a lecho just with a piece of bread or as a side dish for meat dishes then my mom calls it dressing and puts it in borscht. And in fact, you can also add this juicy and aromatic lecho to the first course - it will turn out very tasty, I guarantee.


(1 kg ) (1 kg ) (400 grams) (400 grams) (100 grams) (100 milliliters) (1 tablespoon ) (2 tablespoons ) (2 pieces ) (5 items )

Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

The recipe for this simple and tasty lecho for the winter includes bell peppers, tomatoes, onion, carrots, refined vegetable (I have sunflower) oil, 9% table vinegar, sugar, salt, bay leaves and allspice peas. You can choose any color of pepper, but it is important that the fruits are fleshy and ripe. Also take ripe tomatoes, you can even crumple them - you still chop them. From spices, you can also add a couple of clove buds, but this is optional. By the way, although vinegar is used in this recipe for lecho, you can neglect it or add less (although 2 tablespoons is not much for such an amount of vegetables).

So, first of all, let's get to the tomatoes. They need to be washed and cut out from the vegetables of the place where the stalk was attached. Then grind the tomatoes in any convenient way - you can use a food processor or through a meat grinder.

But I was too lazy to collect it, and then wash it, so I just punched the tomato slices with an immersion blender right in the pan (I have a 4 liter capacity), in which the lecho will be prepared for the winter. The result is literally 30 seconds, and there is no need to peel off the skin.

Add to tomato puree(we can say that this is juice with pulp) salt, sugar, allspice and lavrushka. If you want lecho to be spiced, add hot peppers but I never do that. For me, lecho is a delicate snack, not spicy at all. Put the saucepan on the stove, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for about 15-20 minutes. Do not forget to stir the tomatoes.

In the meantime, let's get to the rest of the vegetables. We clean the onions and carrots - we need both of them 400 grams in peeled form.

Onions can be sliced ​​at will, but I prefer the pieces to feel in the finished lecho. Cut large onions into 4 parts, after which we cut each into thick quarter rings. Pour all the oil into the pan at once, heat it up and spread the chopped onion. Fry over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until transparent.

While the onions are fried, either chop the carrots on a coarse grater, or cut them into strips (thin cubes). The second option, although longer, but in the finished lecho turns out to be tastier (in my opinion).

When the onion is half cooked and becomes transparent, add the carrots to it and fry everything together until full readiness... Do not forget to stir so as not to burn.

In the meantime, prepare the pepper. We wash the vegetables, cut them in half lengthwise, cut out the stalks, white veins and remove the seeds.

We cut the halves ourselves arbitrarily - it is in this lecho for the winter that I love when the pepper is cut into thick cubes. In this form, the pepper should be 1 kg (a little more is possible).

By the way, without a lid for 20 minutes, tomato juice with additives managed to boil, evaporate and become thicker. Taste it: it will seem a little rich, but it should be. We also add peppers, carrots and onions - they will absorb salt and sugar. At this stage, I advise you to remove the bay leaf, since it has already managed to give off its aroma, and then it can give bitterness in the preparation.

Stir the contents of the pan, cover with a lid and bring everything to a boil. After that, remove the lid, make medium heat and simmer vegetables in tomato filling about 20 minutes. During this time, gently mix everything a couple of times. It may seem that there are too many vegetables for such a volume of tomatoes, but this is not so: in the process of stewing, they themselves will let out juice and there will be much more liquid.

The readiness of the pepper is determined by its texture: the flesh should become almost soft, while the skin should in no case come off (then you just digested it). But the pepper should not crunch either - find a middle ground for yourself. Before that, carrots and onions were almost ready, so everything is clear with them.

In this article, we will make recipes from familiar tomatoes and peppers. The wonderful taste of lecho prepared today will retain its flavor until winter.

In winter, the workpiece finds its place on festive table, it is put to the second courses, as an additional side dish.

And I like to dip meat dumplings into a plate with lecho, and then drag the pepper itself onto the tongue into the bargain. We always take this preparation with us to a picnic in early spring.

Bell pepper lecho and tomato for winter

My friends love to make vinegar. for its more stable rich taste and say: classic recipe.


  • Tomatoes - 2 kg
  • Pepper - 3 kg
  • Vegetable oil (odorless) - 250 ml
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Vinegar 9% - 100 ml (70% - 12 ml, 6% - 150 ml)

Recipe preparation:

We pass the prepared red tomatoes through a meat grinder with a fine grid.

Put the missed tomatoes in a cauldron or any other a large pot.

We add here: sugar, salt and vegetable oil. Mix everything well and put on little fire, so that while it comes to a boil to have time to cut the pepper.

We clean the pepper from seeds, cut it lengthwise into 4 parts and cut into strips of 5 - 6 mm.

Chopped whole pepper strips are ready.

By this time, our tomatoes were boiling.

We lower all the chopped peppers to the tomatoes in the cauldron.

Mix everything well and bring to a boil.

After boiling, make a small fire and cook for exactly 20 minutes. Stir during this time 2 - 3 times. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add 100 g of vinegar, mix well and cook.

After the end of cooking lecho, take half-liter jars (sterilized), put a funnel on top and fill them to the top with hot mass.

Then we close the jar with a lid and roll it up with a seaming key.

One jar of lecho is ready for the winter.

So we fill other half-liter jars and roll up the lids. We got 8 cans. There is no need to turn over the banks.

We just wrap the jars in a blanket until they cool completely. The recipe is complete. We are looking forward to the winter.

Tomato and pepper lecho - no vinegar for the winter

This vinegar-free recipe is my absolute favorite.

We will need:

Recipe preparation:

Cut the peeled and washed peppers into strips.

We cut the pepper and this is how it looks.

We put it in a large saucepan, in which we will cook it with tomatoes.

Cut the tomatoes into slices.

We chopped 3 kg tomato, 1.5 kg in each plate.

We lower one plate with chopped tomatoes to the peppers.

Rub it on a medium grater and put it with tomatoes and peppers.

Then add sugar and salt. Mix everything well.

Now we put all this mass to stew for 10 minutes on low heat. At the end of 10 minutes, add the second plate of tomatoes.

After that, we continue to simmer for another 30 minutes.

When the lecho is ready, pour it into clean cans and

roll up for the winter.

The recipe for those who like to eat food without vinegar for the winter is ready.

Pepper and tomato lecho - minced with carrots

We will need:

  • 3 kg of tomatoes
  • 1 kg of carrots
  • 1 kg sweet pepper
  • 2 hot peppers
  • 4 heads of garlic
  • marinade (look during cooking)

Recipe preparation:

  1. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder.
  2. Pass the carrots through a meat grinder.
  3. Combine skipped tomatoes with skipped carrots and cook in a saucepan or cauldron for 1.5 hours.
  4. At the end of boiling, put: minced 1 kg of sweet pepper, 2 hot peppers and 4 heads of peeled garlic. Cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Then we cook the marinade: 250 ml of water, 250 ml of vegetable oil, 250 g of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, bay leaf, peppercorns, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar.
  6. Pour the marinade into the prepared mass and cook for another 15 minutes.
  7. Pour the hot mixture into prepared jars and roll up.

Bon appetit in the winter!

Pepper lecho recipe with tomato paste - video

Tomato paste is a great substitute for rolled tomato paste. The workpiece will be tasty and fragrant.

As you can see, the recipe is pretty simple and delicious. The season is in full swing, be in time.

How to cook lecho: from peppers, tomatoes, onions and carrots - video recipe

Check out the classic recipe for making vegetables.

If you carefully read the article with recipes, this is enough to cook lecho and see it at the dinner table in winter.