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Cooking tomatoes for the winter. Homemade tomato preparations for the winter

Pickled tomatoes are a common treat at the Russian table, especially in winter. In the cold season, you so want to get a piece of the already gone summer. You just need to open a can of canned tomatoes, which will undoubtedly decorate your table and complement the main dishes. The article describes a few simple and complex recipes rolling of sweet, sour and sweet tomatoes - for every taste, which even gourmets will like.

General principles of pickling tomatoes for the winter

Recipes for winter seams are varied. What housewives do not put in the marinade: honey, garlic, lemon, pepper, currants, cherries. But still, there are certain rules, not observing which you can get a lot of trouble, such as: burst cans, "flying" blanks, a bitter taste. Let's figure out how to avoid them.

  • To start sterilize the jars... To do this, rinse them with detergent or soda, rinse thoroughly and boil in water. You can simply pour over boiling water. Then the jars must dry completely. Only then proceed with the preparation.
  • Flood hot brine need in warm jars so they don't crack.
  • As for tomatoes, they must be carefully selected, exclude rotten and spoiled tomatoes, tear off the stalks... Ripe and unripe fruits are best not pickled together. Slightly unripe tomatoes are best for pickling.
  • If you want the tomatoes to be equally saturated with brine, put in one jar fruits of the same size and variety.
  • Pierce the place where the stalk was... This will help prevent the skin of the tomato from bursting on contact with boiling water. For more confidence, you can chop the fruit in several places.
  • If the recipe uses Bay leaf, you better not leave it in the bank... After lying in brine, it begins to taste bitter.

Knowing these subtleties and secrets, you can confidently start corking sweet tomatoes for the winter.

Sweet Canned Tomato Recipes

Pickled sweet tomatoes can be prepared in a variety of ways. Sugar or honey is usually added to the marinade to add a sweet taste. Here are a few a variety of recipes canning tomatoes for the winter, among which everyone can choose the most suitable one. Or you can use a couple of recipes and roll up the cans for each. This is how you choose your favorite.

A simple "grandma's" recipe for canned tomatoes

This recipe does not require a large number ingredients is easy to prepare. But that doesn't mean that taste qualities tomatoes in this case will suffer. In addition, fruits preserved in this way have a long shelf life.

Ingredients calculated for 1 liter of water:

  • tomatoes;
  • sugar (2 tbsp. l.);
  • bell pepper;
  • salt (1 tbsp. l.);
  • vinegar (1 tbsp. l.).

How to cook: Arrange the tomatoes in jars, add each bell pepper, cut into four parts (do not forget to remove the seeds from the peppers). Pour hot water over vegetables, leave for about 20 minutes. Drain the water and cook the marinade (you can directly from the same water): put sugar, salt, vinegar in the specified proportions. Pour vegetables with brine, seal tightly and arrange to cool under a blanket. After a few days, the jars can be opened and put away for storage.

Recipe for pickled tomatoes for the winter with honey


  • 5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 500 g of honey;
  • garlic;
  • 150 g salt;
  • spices: cloves, allspice peas;
  • currant or cherry leaves;
  • 150 g vinegar;
  • a bunch of dill.

Preparation: finely chop the dill, peel the garlic and cut into circles. Put greens, leaves in a jar, add seasonings and garlic, then fill the container with tomatoes. Boil the brine: boil 7.5 liters of water, put cloves, honey, vinegar, salt there. Cook for 3 minutes. Pour marinade over the future blanks, let them stand until they cool. Drain the marinade into a saucepan and boil it again, pour over the tomatoes again. Seal the jars and, after cooling, take to a cool place.

Royal tomatoes for the winter, a sweet recipe


  • tomatoes;
  • Carnation;
  • salt;
  • vinegar;
  • hot peppers;
  • sugar;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • allspice peas;
  • bell pepper;
  • garlic.

Preparation: put dill, two rings on the bottom of each can hot pepper, one quarter bell pepper, peppercorns and fill the container with tomatoes. Pour boiling water over the jars and let them brew for about 5 minutes. Drain the cooled liquid, add garlic cloves, salt (1 tbsp. L.), Sugar (1 glass), vinegar or acetic acid(1 tbsp. L.) In each. Pour boiling water over the contents of the container, roll up and remove until it cools.

Sweet and sour tomato recipe for the winter

  • slightly unripe medium-sized tomatoes;
  • 1 tbsp. l. table salt;
  • 1 tsp table vinegar;
  • allspice black peas;
  • 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 3 leaves of lavrushka;
  • dill umbrellas.

How to cook: spread the dill over an umbrella in liter jars, fill the container with tomatoes. Then prepare the brine. Put salt, bay leaf, sugar in the water, boil. Add allspice to taste. Let the brine simmer for 1-2 minutes. Then remove the lavrushka and pour the future workpieces with brine. Let the tomatoes steep for 6-8 minutes, then pour the brine back into the pan. After adding vinegar, wait for the brine to boil and repeat the procedure. Close the jars with lids and put them under the blanket. A tasty preparation for the winter is ready!

Recipe for sweet tomatoes for the winter with oak leaves

Ingredients per 1 liter of water:

  • medium sized tomatoes;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • oak and currant leaves;
  • peppercorns;
  • citric acid (pinch);
  • sugar (7-8 tbsp. l.);
  • table salt (1 tbsp. l.);
  • garlic cloves (about 1-2 cloves per jar).

How to cook: put leaves, garlic, dill and pepper on the bottom of the jar. Fill the jars with tomatoes, you can put more leaves on top. Pour boiling water into jars and leave for 5-8 minutes. In the meantime, you can cook the marinade. The volume of the marinade is calculated as follows: the volume of the container used is divided in half. Boil the required amount of water, add sugar and salt. Drain the tomato and refill with brine.

Sweet canned tomatoes with cinnamon

Tomatoes canned according to this recipe will slightly spicy... And cinnamon will add unusual notes to the taste.

Ingredients for 1 liter of water:

  • small tomato fruits;
  • salt (2 tbsp. l.);
  • granulated sugar (6 tbsp. l.);
  • nine percent vinegar (1 tbsp. l.);
  • parsley;
  • cinnamon (1 cm);
  • chili pepper (1 pc.).

Preparation: arrange the parsley with twigs, cinnamon and chili in jars. Fill the jars with vegetables and cover with hot water. Leave them on for 5 minutes. Throw sugar and salt into boiling water. The marinade should be boiled for 2 minutes. Drain the tomatoes, then pour a spoonful of vinegar into each jar and fill each with hot marinade. Immediately roll up the container tightly, turn over and allow to cool.

Recipe for sweet pickled tomatoes with honey and onions

Ingredients for 1 liter of water:

  • plum tomatoes;
  • onions (1 pc.);
  • honey (50 g);
  • salt (30 g);
  • apple cider vinegar (30 g).

Preparation: a very simple recipe with a minimum of ingredients. Cut the white onions into rings. Fill the jars with tomatoes sprinkled with onions to the top. Boil the marinade: add salt, vinegar and granulated sugar to boiling water. Pour the hot marinade over the fruits and roll up the tomato jars.

Tinned sweet tomatoes are sure to delight your family for a winter dinner. Now you know how to cook them, and from the many proposed recipes, you will definitely choose the one that suits your personal taste.

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Servings: 8
Cooking time: 2 hours
Kitchen: Choose a kitchen

Recipe description

On this page I will tell you how to close tomatoes for the winter in jars. For many years now, I have covered tomatoes in slices for the winter. Before, I always closed them completely - this is what my mother did, and then I did. But since I mastered this recipe, this is the only way I make them. Moreover, each of my friends or guests who managed to taste my delicious canned tomatoes resembling ready salad, asked me how to close the chopped tomatoes for the winter.

I wrote down this recipe so often for acquaintances, relatives, girlfriends and coworkers that I finally decided to post it on the site. Moreover, now is the autumn season again, cheap vegetables are a dime a dozen, and if anyone wants to close the tomatoes for the winter, then it's time to find suitable recipe, to please relatives in winter with delicious canned tomatoes, adding them to, meat or.

In this recipe, I am sharing the ingredients for an 8 liter can of canned tomatoes. If you want to cook more (or less), increase (or decrease) the amount of food proportionally.

As for the variety, of course, you can close any tomatoes for the winter: yellow, pink or red, you can make a mixture of tomatoes of different colors to look beautiful. But it is better to give preference to hard, strong fruits, so that during cooking the pieces do not fall apart, do not lose their shape, but look whole and beautiful.

I always start preservation by cleaning the kitchen, and then washing the cans with baking soda and boiling the metal lids for a few minutes. This is not idle advice. Cleanliness in the kitchen, having everything you need for work at hand, clean sparkling glassware prepared in advance - all this creates an atmosphere of celebration and good luck. And this is necessary for the conservation to be successful.

To cook chopped tomatoes for the winter in jars, you need:

  • 5 kg tomato.
  • 2 glasses of sugar.
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt.
  • 1.5 cups vinegar.
  • 6 medium onions.
  • 0.5 teaspoon of cloves.
  • 8 small bay leaves.
  • 40 peas of black pepper.
  • 1-2 pods of hot pepper (light, jalapeno or paprika).
  • 3.5 liters of water.

Cooking in steps:

  • We select vegetables for preservation. The more ripe, beautiful and tasty fruits you take to work, the tastier your canned tomatoes will be for the winter in jars.
  • We wash the tomatoes in clean water and let them drain and dry slightly. We peel the onion from the husk, and hot pepper wash, cut in half and remove the seeds.

  • Chop the onion into thin rings and finely chop the hot pepper with a knife. (By the way, if you have never cut such a pepper before, be careful. It is better to cut it with gloves, otherwise it will burn your fingers for several days).
  • Mix chopped onion with chopped pepper, divide into about 8 parts and add a serving to the bottom of each jar.
  • Next, add 5 black peppercorns, 1 bay leaf and 2-3 pcs to each jar. clove seeds.

  • Then we chop the tomatoes. You can simply cut it into 4 pieces if your vegetables are not large. It is possible and smaller - at your request. However, I do not advise too small, it is better to cut into pieces that are convenient to take on a fork.
  • Add the chopped tomatoes to the jars on top of the onions.
  • After that, prepare the marinade: bring the water to a boil, dissolve the salt and sugar in it, carefully pour in the vinegar and heat it up again until the marinade boils.
  • Pour the marinade into jars with chopped tomatoes(do not add 1-1.5 cm to the edge). Banks are installed in a large pot or a boil on the bottom of which a grate or other support is installed (it is impossible for glassware to stand directly on the bottom of the pan, it may burst).
  • Pour warm water into the boil (you cannot pour cold water so that the jars with hot marinade do not burst from the temperature difference). The water in the pan should be 3-4 cm below the top of the cans, so that when boiling, water from the boil is not poured into the cans.
  • We cover each jar with a metal lid, put the pan on the fire, bring the water to a boil and sterilize our tomatoes for 5 minutes (over low heat).
  • After that, we remove the cans with conservation from the evaporation, tighten the lids tightly (or close them with a seaming key).
  • We turn each jar upside down, cover it with a blanket and leave it for half a day - until it cools completely.
  • Cooled down canned tomatoes take out into a cold room. If you live in a private house, I think you have no problems with such a room - a basement or a storage room or just a cold room will do. If you live in an apartment building, where it is hot in summer even in storerooms and utility rooms, then it is better to preserve tomatoes for the winter in the fall, when the heat subsides.
  • It is better to open tomatoes preserved in pieces after at least two weeks after cooking, so that they have time to soak in spices. For example, I open canning only when fresh vegetables run out.
Well, well, good preservation and bon appetit!

These preparations from tomatoes are for those zealous housewives who have grown a gorgeous harvest of tomatoes in their gardens and want to preserve it. There are a huge number of recipes for preparations from tomatoes, these are natural tomatoes, ketchups and tomato paste, pickled and pickled tomatoes, salads and assorted and even jam from green tomatoes... As they say - choose the taste! We have prepared a selection of the tastiest and most unusual recipes... So, preparations from a tomato.

Tomatoes in own juice. For the preparation of these canned food, small round or oval tomatoes with a diameter of 3-4 cm are suitable. Rinse the tomatoes, cut them crosswise, blanch in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then lower them in ice water. The skin is easily removable. Prepare tomato juice: Steamed overripe tomatoes over low heat, rub through a sieve. Add salt to the resulting juice at the rate of 50-60 g per 1 liter, put on fire and bring to a boil. Put the peeled tomatoes in sterilized jars, shaking them so that the tomatoes lay tighter, pour boiling juice and put on sterilization. Sterilize half-liter jars - 5-8 minutes, liter - 10-12 minutes. Roll up.

2.5 kg of tomatoes,
1 pod of hot pepper,
1 PC. sweet pepper
10 black peppercorns,
5 allspice peas,
1 root with parsley,
1 carrot,
2 liters of water
30 g salt
60 g sugar
4 tsp 80% vinegar.

Cut the tomatoes crosswise, blanch in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, dip in ice water, remove the skin. Peel the bell peppers, cut into wide strips. Wash the hot pepper pod, cut the carrots into slices, cut the parsley root into slices, cut the herbs coarsely. Arrange tomatoes and vegetables in sterilized jars, pour boiling brine. Put the jars in a pot of warm water, bring to a boil, sterilize for 20 minutes. Then add vinegar and roll up.

Salted tomatoes according to an old recipe. Tomatoes for this recipe are cooked in a keg, bucket or saucepan. Place leaves on the bottom of the container black currant, lay out hard, slightly unripe tomatoes, sprinkling them with black currant leaves. Prepare brine: for 12 liters of water - 2 glasses of sugar, 1 glass of salt, 15 bay leaves, 1 tsp. black peppercorns, 1 tsp. boil allspice peas, let cool, add 100 g of dry mustard, stir and let stand. As soon as the brine becomes transparent, pour tomatoes over them, put a clean cloth on top and oppression. Take out in the cold.

Salted tomatoes in a bag. it original recipe pickling tomatoes in a plastic bag. Rinse medium-ripened tomatoes, prepare cherry, currant, celery and dill leaves. If you can find sugar beets, good, they inhibit oxidative processes. Put a layer of greens in the bag, then a layer of tomatoes, again a layer of greens, chopped sugar beets and again tomatoes, put a layer of greens on top. Tie the bag tightly and put it in a barrel or box. After two days, pour the mixture of tomatoes and herbs with brine. The brine is prepared as follows: take water in an amount equal to half the capacity of the bag, salt, add dill, bitter and allspice, bay leaf and boil everything (for 1.5 liters of water - 100 g of salt, spices and herbs to taste). Cool, strain and pour into a bag. Tie the bag tightly.

Canned tomatoes with grapes

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:
1 Bell pepper,
1 pepper pod
3 cloves of garlic
2 bay leaves
5 currant leaves,
4 cherry leaves,
10 black peppercorns,
1 horseradish leaf,
2 sprigs of dill,
1 tbsp salt,
1 tbsp Sahara,
1 bunch of grapes,

Wash the tomatoes, chop in several places. Put spices, tomatoes, grapes, salt, sugar in sterilized jars, pour boiling water over and leave for 20 minutes. Then drain the water, bring to a boil, pour it back into the jars and roll up.

Dessert tomatoes in apple juice. Chop small tomatoes in several places, blanch in boiling water for half a minute. Boil the apple juice with salt and sugar (for 1 liter of juice - 30 g of salt, 30 g of sugar). Place prepared tomatoes in sterilized 3-liter jars, add 8-10 lemongrass leaves, pour boiling water over for 5 minutes. Then drain the filling, boil again, pour over the tomatoes. Repeat this procedure one more time. Roll up.

Delicious tomatoes with red currant juice. Chop the tomatoes with a wooden toothpick in several places, blanch in boiling water for half a minute. Prepare the filling: for 1 liter of water - 300 ml of red currant juice, 50 g of honey, 50 g of salt, boil. Arrange the prepared tomatoes in sterilized jars, add 30 g each of lemon balm and tarragon leaves, pour boiling water over them, drain after 5 minutes and boil again. Pour again, drain, boil, repeat the procedure one more time, roll up.

Cherry-flavored tomatoes

2 kg of tomatoes,
5 cherry twigs with leaves,
1 liter of water
100 g sugar
50 g salt
3 g citric acid.

Wash ripe tomatoes, chop from the side of the stalk and put in a jar together with cherry branches, and put the branches vertically along the walls of the jar, pressing them with tomatoes. Dissolve salt, sugar, citric acid in water, bring to a boil and pour over tomatoes. Pasteurize for 10 minutes, roll up.

Tomatoes in gelatin. For the brine, you will need 4 liters of water, 100 g of salt, 500 g of sugar, spices (allspice, cinnamon, bay leaf, dill, cloves - to taste), 200 g of water and 11 tablespoons of gelatin. The specified amount should be enough for four 3-liter jars. Dissolve gelatin in 200 g of water, let it swell for 2-4 hours. Cut large, dense tomatoes into 4-6 pieces. Cut the onion into rings (you need 2-3 large onions for each jar). Prepare the brine: boil water, salt, sugar and spices for 5 minutes, add the swollen gelatin, stir. Put tomatoes and onions in jars, pour into jars. Sterilize 3 liter jars for 20-30 minutes. Before rolling, add 1 tsp to each jar. vinegar essence.

Tomatoes with gooseberries. For each 3-liter jar, approximately 1 liter of filling will be required: for 1 liter of water - 50 g of salt, 50 sugar. Chop the tomatoes with a wooden toothpick, blanch in boiling water for half a minute. Sort the gooseberries, cut the tails, chop with a wooden toothpick. Put prepared tomatoes in jars, sprinkle with gooseberries, pour boiling filling. After 5 minutes, drain the filling, boil, pour again, repeat one more time, roll up.

Tomatoes with garlic in apple juice. A 3-liter can will require approximately 1 liter of filling: 1 liter apple juice- 50 g of salt, 50 g of sugar. Chop the tomatoes, blanch in boiling water for half a minute. Peel the garlic, but do not cut it! Put tomatoes in jars, sprinkle with garlic, pour boiling filling. Roll up, turn over, cool.

Tomatoes with onions in apple juice are prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe, with the only difference that 1 liter of apple juice requires 30 g of salt and 30 g of sugar. Cut the onion into large rings, put it together with the tomatoes in jars, pour boiling water over it, roll up.

Green tomato caviar

Ingredients for 1 kg of caviar:
600 g green tomatoes,
200 g carrots
100 g tomato sauce
50 g onions
25 g parsley root
15 g salt
10 g sugar.

Tomatoes, carrots, parsley root, bake onions in the oven (you can fry in vegetable oil), cool, mince, add salt, sugar, spices, tomato sauce, mix. Put in a saucepan, bring to a boil, put in sterilized jars. Cover the jars with dry sterilized lids, sterilize for 1 hour, roll up.

Tomatoes with sunflower oil. Prepare the marinade: for 1 liter of water - 10 bay leaves, 15 black peppercorns, 15 cloves, 3 tbsp. salt, 2 tbsp. Sahara. Boil everything, add 3 tbsp. 9% vinegar. At the bottom of one-liter jars, put 2 bay leaves, 6 black peppercorns each, an onion cut into rings. Then place the dense red tomatoes, cut in half, tightly, placing them with the cut down. Also put a few onion rings on top. Pour with marinade, put in a saucepan with warm water and sterilize from the moment of boiling for 15 minutes, covered with a lid. Before sealing, pour enough vegetable oil into each jar so that it completely covers the marinade with a layer of 2-3 mm. Roll up.

Ingredients for 1 liter can:
500 g green tomatoes
20 g garlic
10 g salt
50 g 6% vinegar,
70 g of celery greens,
350 g of water.

Cut off the caps from green tomatoes, peel the garlic, finely chop the greens. Insert 1-2 cloves of garlic into the seed nests of tomatoes, tamp with herbs, salt. Put the prepared tomatoes in a wide bowl under oppression and put out in the cold for 4-5 days. Then drain the brine, boil. Arrange tomatoes in jars, pour boiling brine, sterilize half-liter jars - 5-7 minutes, liter jars - 8-10 minutes. Roll up.

Tomatoes "Vologda"

3 kg of tomatoes,
1 kg of onions
1 kg of sweet pepper
5 heads of garlic,
5 allspice peas.
For the marinade:
2 liters of water
3 tbsp salt,
6 tbsp Sahara,
1 tbsp 70% vinegar
2 tbsp vegetable oil.

Cut strong red tomatoes into 4 parts, onion and bell peppers - rings, chop the garlic. Sterilize the jars, lay out the tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic in layers, pour the hot marinade over the vegetables. Put to sterilize: half-liter - 10 minutes, liter - 15 minutes. Roll up, turn over until it cools completely. The garlic will make the marinade cloudy, but that's okay.

Tomato juice with pulp. Wash ripe and overripe tomatoes with a bright color, peel and simmer over low heat. Rub through a sieve (or grind with a blender), pour into a saucepan, boil for 30 minutes, pour into sterilized jars or bottles, sterilize at 90 ° C for 30 minutes. Roll up. Lemon juice can be added when consumed.

Tomato-apple sauce

6 large tomatoes,
2 cups apples, chopped
3 sweet peppers
2 cups raisins
1 cup chopped onion
3.5 cups sugar
¼ glasses of salt,
3 cups wine or 9% vinegar
60 g dry mustard,
2 tbsp ground ginger.

Peel the tomatoes, cut into 4 pieces. Remove seeds from sweet peppers. Chop apples and onions. Put all products in a saucepan, add raisins, sugar, salt, dry mustard, vinegar, ginger and cook over low heat for 2 hours. Cool, arrange in jars, seal with plastic lids. Keep cold.

Spicy tomato paste

3 kg of tomatoes,
500 g onions
300-400 ml of 9% vinegar,
2-3 bay leaves,
300-400 g sugar
5-6 peas of black pepper,
3-4 juniper berries,
salt to taste.

Chop ripe tomatoes and onions and steam in an enamel saucepan over low heat, then rub through a sieve or colander. Heat the vinegar, put the spices in it, bring to a boil, cool and pour into the tomato mass. Boil the pasta over low heat by a third, season with sugar, salt and mustard, boil for a few more minutes, spread hot, roll up.

Boiling green tomatoes (seasoning for meat)

1 kg of green tomatoes,
500 g sugar
500 ml 5% vinegar,
1 tbsp salt,
1 tbsp curry powder
6 cloves of garlic
1 tsp cumin,
some red hot pepper, ginger, raisins.

Chop all ingredients, mix and cook over medium heat for 1 hour. Arrange hot in jars, roll up.

Green tomato jam. For 1 kg of tomatoes - 1.2 kg of sugar and 1 glass of water. Wash small fleshy tomatoes, remove the stalks and remove seeds. Prepare syrup, dip tomatoes in it and leave overnight. Then put on fire and cook for 1-1.5 hours. At the end of cooking, add 2 g of citric acid. Arrange in sterilized jars.

Red tomato jam. For 1 kg of tomatoes - 1 kg of sugar, 1 glass of water. Prepare the syrup, put small red tomatoes in it (surely whole ones!), Put on the fire and cook for 30 minutes, leave overnight. The next day, boil the jam again, remove the foam, add a little vanillin, boil. Remove the foam again, leave overnight. In the morning, cook the jam and pour it into clean jars. If you boil overripe tomatoes in this way, you get jam.

These are such different blanks from a tomato. Good luck to you!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Relevant - what to do with the crop harvested in the country or ideas for homemade preparations to extend the summer. Of course, canned tomatoes for the winter in jars - good way save the summer harvest of vegetables.

Tomatoes are combined to taste with many products, spices and herbs, and the presented recipes will help you choose the most delicious recipe canning tomatoes for the winter.

Canned tomatoes for the winter. Harvesting delicious and sweet tomatoes

How nice it is to open a jar of tomatoes in winter. With meat - it is the most. Sweet tomatoes for the winter are easy to make.

Composition for a 3-liter can:

Tomatoes - 2-2.5 kg
Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. l.
Celery greens to taste
Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
Allspice peas - 2-3 pcs.
Black peppercorns - 5-7 pcs.
Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
Onions - 1 pc.
Garlic - 3-4 cloves
Bitter pepper - to taste


My tomatoes, we select medium-sized fruits. We prepare spices, dill, bell peppers, onions, celery, garlic.

Canning tomatoes step by step

We put peppercorns, allspice peas, bay leaves, herbs, garlic, onions and peppers on the bottom of the jar.

We fill the jar with tomatoes.

Fill with boiling water and let cool slightly. We drain the water into a saucepan. Add 2 tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons of sugar to a 3-liter jar. We boil and fill the jars with marinade, not forgetting to add 0.5 glasses of vinegar (3 tbsp. L.).

After the jars have been poured with marinade, we roll up the lids with a seaming machine. We wrap and put the sweet tomatoes to cool a little. Bon Appetit!

Preservation of tomatoes for the winter. Recipe for 1 liter can

Composition for 1 liter can:
tomatoes - 1 kg
bay leaf - 3 pcs.
salt - 1 tbsp. l.
black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
drinking water - 1 l
garlic - 3 cloves
greens to taste


Choose small tomatoes. Tomatoes should be washed well and chosen to be of approximately the same size, if possible, without defects.

Next, we prepare the brine. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan. When the water boils, add spices and salt, herbs to taste. The brine should boil for 5-7 minutes. Then you can pour it into banks.
We take pre-sterilized jars and lids.

We spread peeled three cloves of garlic and a bay leaf on the bottom of the jar. Then put as many tomatoes in the jar as will fit in the jar. And pour the resulting brine on top. Optionally, add one teaspoon of vinegar (70% solution).

Then roll up the cans and turn upside down. So you need to leave it overnight.
You can store it both in the refrigerator and in a regular cabinet. Good luck with your blanks. Bon Appetit!

Canned tomatoes for the winter. Delicious red currant recipe

Composition for two 1.5 liter cans:
Tomatoes - 2 kg
Red currant - 150 gr (on twigs)
Currant leaves - 4 pcs.
Dill, umbrella - 2 pcs.
Carnation - 4 pcs.
Sweet peas - 6 pcs.
Black peas - 6 pcs.
Garlic - 2 wedges
Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
Sugar - 3.5 tbsp. l.
Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
Vinegar 9% - 2 tsp
Water - 1.5 l


Rinse tomatoes in cold water... Wash sprigs of red currants in cold water.
Sterilize banks and iron covers... Rinse currant leaves, dill, bay leaves. Peel the garlic.

Put black pepper, allspice, cloves, bay leaves, dill umbrellas and black currant leaves on the bottom of sterilized jars.

Fill a jar with tomatoes, currant twigs between them.

Boil water and pour boiling water over the tomatoes, close the lids. Leave on for 5 minutes.

Drain the water from the cans. For the marinade, add salt, sugar to the drained water, bring to a boil. Pour the marinade into the jars.

Add 1 tsp. 9% vinegar, roll up the jars, turn over and wrap.

Bon Appetit!

Pickled green tomatoes with mustard

Uncomplicated and quick recipe pickled green tomatoes.
green / milk / brown tomatoes - 1 kg
sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
salt - 1 tsp
black and red pepper - 0.5 tsp each.
coriander - 1 tsp
mustard - 1 tsp
garlic - 2 to 5 cloves
vinegar 9% - 50 ml
vegetable oil- 50 ml


Choose small, green, brown or even dense red tomatoes. The most delicious are the so-called "milk" tomatoes, which did not have time to acquire a red color, but they will not be sour, since they have already passed into the middle stage of fruit ripeness.

We wash the tomatoes, at the same time carefully sort through them, discard all that did not fit.

Now the remaining tomatoes need to be cut into even quarters or into 6-8 pieces if the tomato is too large.

Pour salt and sugar into the middle of a bowl of tomatoes. Stir the tomatoes in the sugar-salt mixture and wait a little until all the crystals dissolve.

Season the tomatoes with spices, in our case, hot red pepper and freshly ground aromatic black and ground coriander. Choose a set of spices / herbs at your discretion.

Add the most intriguing ingredient to tomatoes - hot mustard. It will perfectly complement all the spicy ingredients with its burning taste, refresh the dish and make it more piquant. Mix.

Squeeze out the garlic, mix again.

Add any fresh herbs. Mix with herbs.

Pour vinegar and oil into the tomato mass, mix completely.

We put green tomatoes under oppression for a day and leave them in the kitchen. Then we transfer it to the refrigerator along with the marinade in a jar.

Bon Appetit!

Tomatoes for the winter in their own juice

Composition for 3 pcs. 700 g cans:
Tomatoes saucepan 2.5 l chopped tomatoes
3 tbsp. l. salt
2 tbsp. l. Sahara


We wash the jars well and sterilize them in a pot of water or in the microwave. We put the washed wet cans for three to four minutes at full power.

Next, rinse the tomatoes well, preferably small in diameter and the same size.
We put the tomatoes in jars.

Cut the rest of the tomatoes into slices and put on medium heat.

Bring the tomatoes to a boil and cook for 7-10 minutes. From laying a tomato to boiling and the end of cooking, it will take about half an hour for a given volume.

Filter the resulting mass through a fine metal sieve.

Put the resulting tomato juice on the fire again, boil it, add salt and sugar. They can be added to taste, since someone loves tomatoes sweeter, and someone, on the contrary, is saltier.

Fill the tomatoes in jars with the resulting juice and close them tightly with lids, which also need to be boiled beforehand. Or roll it up.

Initially, the recipe did not indicate the addition of vinegar, but pour 1/3 teaspoon into each jar.

Store the tomatoes in the refrigerator. They are eaten very quickly, the juice goes well into soups, gravy and is delicious in itself, like tomatoes. Very tasty with fried potatoes or just with bread. Bon Appetit!

Recipe for a delicious preparation: tomatoes for the winter under the snow with garlic

At the time of homework, housewives will need a recipe for tomatoes with garlic "under the snow" for the winter. They taste like tomatoes in their own juice, because the aftertaste of vinegar and garlic is not felt at all.

Brine (for 1.5 liters of water):
100 g sugar
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon vinegar (essence)
1 dessert spoon of garlic in a 1.5 liter jar of tomatoes
1 tablespoon of garlic in a 3 liter jar of tomatoes


Jars and lids for pickled tomatoes with garlic are sterilized. Tomatoes are washed, laid out in clean jars, without any spices.

Jars of tomatoes are poured with boiling water, covered with lids on top and stand for 10 minutes. During this time, the garlic is prepared.

The water from the cans is poured into a large saucepan, its volume must be measured and a brine for delicious pickled tomatoes is prepared from it, adding sugar and salt. This marinade is boiled and then vinegar is added.

Before pouring boiling brine over the tomatoes, put the grated garlic into the jars. Squeeze out the remnants of garlic that can no longer be grated with a garlic press. Apart from garlic, no other spices are used.

According to this recipe, pour tomatoes with garlic with boiling brine, tighten with metal lids.

Turn jars of tomatoes in garlic sauce. "Tomatoes in the snow" for the winter should be wrapped up until they cool completely. Try and you cook home preparation"Tomatoes in the snow" with garlic according to this recipe. Bon Appetit!

Canned tomatoes for the winter with bell pepper

Tomatoes are very tasty and aromatic. The brine is drunk quickly. 4 liters of water is enough to fill in two 3-liter and one 2-liter cans.

Composition for one 3-liter can:
2 bell peppers
a bunch of dill (seeds)
2-3 grains of bitter pepper
1 light pepper
1-2 cloves
3-4 bay leaves
5 cloves of garlic
1 onion
horseradish greens
horseradish root
3-4 cherry leaves
For 4 liters of water:
0.5 cups salt
1 cup of sugar
1 cup vinegar 9%


Wash all ingredients well.

Chop the herbs, peel the garlic and onion.

Put herbs, garlic and onions in sterile jars. When stacking tomatoes, place peeled and halved bell peppers between them.

Pour boiling water over the jars. Let stand for 30 minutes. Then drain the water. Bring to a boil again, adding salt and sugar. Pour in vinegar carefully.

Pour the tomatoes with hot brine and roll up the lids.
Enjoy your winter evenings!

Canned tomatoes for the winter

tomatoes - full cans
salt - 3 tsp
granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
water - 1 l
vinegar 9% - 1 tsp
sweet peas - 1 pc.
cloves - 1 pc.


We take selected tomatoes.

We sterilize the jars. A metal mug with water, like the water boiled, we put the jar on a hanger and wait for it to fully warm up. And so all the banks. As soon as they are ready, we begin to put the tomatoes in the jars. And fill the lids with boiling water.

We lay the tomatoes completely, as tightly as possible. Now we are preparing boiling water. As soon as the water boils, fill in all the cans. When the turn comes to the last, the first can already be poured. In general, they should stand in boiling water for 10 minutes.

Now we cook the brine. The calculation is based on 1 liter. Pour water into a saucepan. When it has practically boiled, add sugar and salt. It will boil for a few minutes.

Now we pour the brine into the jars. Add cloves and peppercorns, vinegar. And we close the banks.
At the output, we get very delicious tomatoes... Bon Appetit!

Canned tomatoes for the winter - the most delicious recipe with grapes

Composition for one can (800-900 ml):
Salt - 1 tbsp l. (no top)
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Apple cider vinegar 6% - 1 tbsp l.
Garlic - 1-2 cloves
Shallots - 1 pc.
Grape leaf
Grapes - 1 handful
Bay leaf - 1 pc.
Dill - small bunch
Sweet pepper - 0.5 pcs.
Tomatoes - how many will fit in a jar


Put a grape leaf at the bottom of a clean jar, cut the garlic and onion. Then we cut the pepper, you can add a spicy one.

We put bay leaf and dill.

Then place the tomatoes tightly. We put the kettle on to boil, this is in the event that you do not have a lot of cans, if you have a lot, put a saucepan.

Pour boiling water to the very top of the jar and close the lid. Let's leave for 8-10 minutes.

Then pour water into a saucepan, put on fire. Add salt and sugar. Pour vinegar into the jars and cover with a lid.

When the brine boils, pour the tomatoes a second time and roll up the lids, turn it upside down and cool.

Bon Appetit!

Pickled tomatoes "Lick your fingers"

No wonder this is the name of the recipe - "Lick your fingers" tomatoes have a completely exceptional taste and look very beautiful. This recipe will help you prepare delicious pickled tomatoes. Having tried these canned tomatoes and onions in winter, you will lick your fingers!

Composition for 5 cans with a capacity of 1 l:
Red tomatoes - 2-3 kg
Dill greens - 1 bunch
Parsley greens - 1 bunch
Garlic - 1 head
Onions - 100-150 g
Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
For the marinade (for 3 liters of water):
Salt - 3 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 7 tbsp. l.
Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
Vinegar 9% - 1 glass
Black pepper - 5-6 pcs.
or Allspice - 5-6 pcs.


Wash the tomatoes thoroughly.

Peel and chop the onion.

Steam the jars over a boiling kettle or in the oven.

Finely chop the greens.

Peel the garlic, cut large cloves.

Put chopped greens, garlic on the bottom, pour in 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Then stack the tomatoes and rings onions... Lay in layers.

And so on until the entire bank is full.

Prepare the tomato marinade. For 3 liters of water (about 3 three-liter cans): 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 7 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, allspice, bitter pepper, bay leaf.

Boil everything, then pour in 1 glass of 9% vinegar. Pour tomatoes in jars with not very hot marinade (about 70-80 degrees).

Leave to sterilize for 15 minutes. Then roll up the cans and turn them over until they cool.

As a result, you really get tomatoes - "lick your fingers"! Bon Appetit!

Canned tomatoes for the winter in jars

Composition for a 2 liter jar:

horseradish leaves
currant leaves, cherries (for a 2 liter jar - 3-4 pieces each)
dill umbrella (for a 2 liter jar - 2-3 pieces)
garlic (for a 2 liter jar - 5 cloves)
cloves, peppercorns, allspice (for a 2 liter jar of each type of seasoning, 6-7 pieces)
For brine for 1 liter of water:
salt - 1.5 tablespoon
sugar - 3 tablespoons
acetic acid 70% - 1 tsp
A 2-liter jar requires an average of 1.2 liters of brine


For cooking canned tomato we select medium-sized ripe fruits, but not overripe, so that they do not fall apart during conservation. In addition to tomatoes, you will need garlic and herbs - dill branches, cherry and currant leaves and horseradish leaves.

And also cloves, peppercorns and allspice.
Thoroughly wash the tomatoes, prick with a toothpick. We sterilize jars and lids over steam.

All seasonings and leaves are thoroughly washed, you can pour over boiling water.
We boil 2 pots: water in one, brine in the other.

We put greens, spices, tomatoes in sterilized jars, try not to throw them, but fold them neatly. We put everything in a mix, in layers. Cut the garlic in half.

We put the tomatoes not up to the very neck, we leave a little space.

Fill with boiled water and let stand for about 5-7 minutes. At this time, we prepare the brine: add sugar and salt to boiling water. We put spoons without a slice, but of course, sugar and salt from different manufacturers can be either sweeter or saltier (the smaller, the saltier). Taste it. The brine should be more sweet than salty, but not sugary, a drop of salinity should be present in it.

We drain the water from the cans (we do not use it for the brine, only for the first fill). Fill with brine, acetic acid on top. We twist, turn over for a short time.
The taste of the tomato is amazing, moderately spicy, pleasant sweet and sour. Leaves give flavor to tomatoes, by the way, the more, the better. And the pickle is just a song! The taste of cloves is not felt at all, in general, the aroma from all the seasonings is magical! Happy preparations and bon appetit!

On a note
Each tomato, before being sent to the jar, is recommended to pierce with a toothpick or a sterile needle in the area of ​​the stalk. This is to make the tomatoes soak faster and better in the brine, and to make the tomatoes less likely to burst in the water.

Canned tomatoes with carrots and onions

The taste of the tomato turns out to be sweet, and the vegetables give them special flavor... There is very little vinegar in this recipe, which is also important. In winter, tomatoes are eaten with pleasure, carrots and onions can be used in salads, and pouring is also used. The recipe is given for a 3 liter jar.

Composition of lightly salted tomatoes fast food for a 3 liter jar:
Carrots - 2 pcs.
Bulb onions - 2 pcs.
Garlic - 4 teeth.
Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
Sugar (filling) - 3 tbsp. l.
Salt (filling) - 1 tbsp. l.
Vinegar (9% filling) - 1 tbsp. l.
Black pepper


Cut the carrots into strips or grate on a Korean grater.

Cut the onion into rings or half rings. Pour boiling water over the vegetables and cover with a lid for 10 minutes. This is necessary so that the carrots warm up well and everything goes without explosions. The water can then be used for filling. Cut the bell pepper into strips.

Put the spices in a clean jar, then carrots, onions and bell peppers, and then as many tomatoes will fit. Fill everything with boiling water, cover with a lid and let stand for about 10 minutes. Then pour the water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar there. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, pour in vinegar.

And fill the tomatoes with brine. Roll up the lid, turn over and wrap until it cools. Bon Appetit!

Harvesting for the winter the best grandmother's recipe

For 4 glasses of well water:
Granulated sugar - 1 glass
Salt - 2 tsp (not iodized)
Black peppercorns several. peas
Cinnamon - a small piece (~ 1 cm) or a pinch
Carnation - 3 - 4 buds
Bay leaves - 1-2 per can
Acetic essence - 1 tsp. for a 3 liter jar

Put peppercorns, cloves, cinnamon, lavrushka, sugar and salt on 4 cups of well water. Bring to a boil and dissolve sugar and salt, cool until warm. Put the washed tomatoes in clean jars, pour over the marinade and sterilize at the rate of:
1 liter jar - 7 minutes
2 liter - 10 minutes
3 liter - 15 minutes
Add vinegar essence at the last moment.

Roll up. Turn upside down with pockets until it cools. Bon Appetit!

I wish you successful blanks! Enjoy cooking! If you liked the article and found it useful, share it on social networks. Buttons social networks are at the top and bottom of the article. Thank you, check out my blog more often for new recipes.

Tomatoes contain more useful properties than harmful. Since they are red in color, they have a positive effect on the blood, enriching its composition and fighting blood clots.

In boiled form, they are better absorbed, and use in fresh advise by adding vegetable oil and chopping a clove of garlic.

Pickled tomatoes also have useful properties. It turns out that they contain antioxidants that remove harmful substances from the human body. The combination of tomato with meat helps its better assimilation.

Tomato rolling for the winter is now in full swing, so we suggest you pay attention to the following recipes.

Canned tomatoes without added vinegar

A simple and tasty recipe that suits people who don't digest vinegar well.

  • Tomatoes in a three-liter jar - 1 kg 700 g;
  • Granulated sugar per liter of water - 125 g;
  • Carnation;
  • Allspice;
  • Peppercorns;
  • Fresh tarragon or tarragon;
  • Rock salt, per liter of water - 25 grams without a slide;
  • Citric acid is one third of a teaspoon.

Rinse the jar well, if desired, you can sterilize. At the bottom, put 4 cloves, allspice and black pepper, 3-4 sprigs of tarragon.

Wash the vegetables, dry them and make cross-shaped cuts with a fork so that the skin does not burst during the heat treatment. Lay loosely, up to the shoulders of the can.

At this time, the lid should be sterilized. Put in a bowl, pour hot water and leave to sterilize for five minutes. The collected jar is poured with boiling water, closed with a lid and left for ten or fifteen minutes.

After the specified time, boiling water is poured into the pan and it remains to measure the amount of water for preparing the marinade. It must be remembered that for each liter of water, one table salt, five tablespoons of sugar and a third of a teaspoon of citric acid are used.

After boiling, the marinade is cooked for another minute and you can pour it into a jar. It should be poured to the very top. Roll up with screw caps or with a typewriter.

Pickled vegetables are turned over, covered with a warm blanket. It remains to wait until it cools completely. The rolled tomato is stored in a cool place.

It took quite a bit of time, a maximum of half an hour.

Add horseradish for a great snack!

In this recipe for rolling tomatoes for the winter, horseradish will also be used along with tomatoes and other ingredients. As a result, tomatoes have a "character", and everyone who tries them at least once asks for the recipe.

So, for cooking you will need:

  • Tomatoes, per 8 liter cans - 5 kg;
  • A bunch of parsley;
  • Horseradish - 150 g;
  • Garlic - 3-4 heads;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs.

It is advisable to take tomatoes with dense pulp and of the same size. For convenience, elongated small tomatoes are used for conservation.

The vegetables are cut in half, the tails are removed, the horseradish should be cut into large rings, the seeds should be removed from the pepper and everything, except for tomatoes and parsley (it must be finely chopped), scrolled through a meat grinder.

The result is delicious vegetable porridge... Banks should be rinsed and sterilized in an oven or water.

At the bottom of each jar, put one tablespoon of vegetable mass, then a layer of tomatoes, folding the cut down. Above, again, the vegetable mass, then the tomatoes cut down and do so until the jars are full. The last layer is the vegetable mass, the cans must be filled up to the shoulders.

For the marinade you will need:

  • Water - 2.5 liters;
  • Salt - 100 grams;
  • Granulated sugar - 200 grams;
  • 9% table vinegar - 1 glass.

Salt and sugar are poured into the pan and put on the stove. During the cooking process, care must be taken to dissolve the salt and sugar. As soon as the marinade boils, wait another two minutes, then pour in the vinegar, close the lid and remove from heat after a minute.

Pour hot marinade into jars so that they do not burst, and close with pre-sterilized lids. The marinade level should be an inch below the rim of the jar.

It remains only to sterilize the banks. For this, a deep saucepan is prepared, two or three cans are placed in it, everything is poured with boiling water and put on the fire. The water level in the pot should be 2 cm below the hangers of the jars.

After boiling, sterilize for another 5 to 15 minutes, as you are used to. Violent boiling should not be. Top up the jars with the remaining marinade and roll up.

Store the tomato roll in a cool place, although they keep great at room temperature.

Sweet pickled tomatoes

On average, there are 600 grams of tomato per liter jar, although much depends on the packing density. As a result, they turn out to be very tasty, sweetish. The recipe for rolling sweet tomatoes for the winter is simple and this is its advantage.

  • Tomatoes - 1.5 to 2 kg;
  • Salt - 30 grams;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • Black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • Table vinegar 9% - 100 ml.

The tomatoes should be washed, dried and so that the skin does not burst, make two cruciform punctures at the stalk with a fork.

In this recipe, it is not necessary to sterilize the jars, the main thing is that they are clean and dry. Pour jars of tomatoes with boiling water carefully and leave in this form for ten minutes.

The water must be drained and measured. For one or one and a half liters of water, you will need 30 g of salt and a glass of sugar (200 g). The saucepan with the marinade is placed on the stove, bay leaves, peppercorns are added there, and vinegar is added at the very end.

The marinade is brought to a boil, mixed, vinegar is poured in two minutes before readiness and closed with a lid.

Jars are poured with marinade and immediately closed with sterilized lids.

Pickled sweet tomatoes are ready for the winter, stored in a cool place, and at room temperature.

Juicy and tasty. We offer you an excellent selection of interesting recipes.

Delicious pickled zucchini for the winter is great snack To winter table... Take note of a few of ours.

Find out from our how to properly prepare eggplants for the winter, so as not to spoil the wonderful taste of this vegetable.

Recipe for rolling green tomatoes with vodka

Representatives of the stronger sex, having learned that there is vodka in the recipe, always ask for supplements. In fact, this strong drink acts as a preservative, but its zest is still present.

  • Tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • Dill - 2 umbrellas;
  • Horseradish leaves - 2-3 pieces;
  • Bay leaf - one piece for each can;
  • A pod of red hot pepper - one piece per jar;
  • A clove of garlic - 5 pieces for each jar.

For the marinade you will need:

  • Water - 1.5 liters for three cans;
  • Coarse salt - 50 g;
  • Granulated sugar - 125 g;
  • Table vinegar - 100 ml;
  • Vodka - 2 tbsp. l.

Rolling green tomatoes with vodka for the winter is easy and simple.

In tomatoes, make cuts next to the stalk and insert the garlic there, cut into two halves.

Hot peppers, horseradish leaves, bay leaves, dill and tomatoes on top are placed at the bottom of each jar.

Pour boiling water over vegetables, wait ten minutes, drain the water, put on fire, add salt and sugar. As soon as it boils, wait another two minutes and add the vinegar and vodka.

Pour the marinade hot. Stored in a cool place.

Green fruit salad for the winter

This recipe for rolling green tomatoes for the winter will appeal to even the most fastidious housewives, the vegetables are sweet and sour, and they are prepared simply and quickly.

For cooking, you need the following ingredients:

  • Green tomatoes - 5-6 kg;
  • Garlic - 2 heads;
  • Red hot pepper to taste;
  • Red bell pepper - 4 pcs.;
  • Dill - an umbrella for each can;
  • Aspirin - 1 tablet for each can.

For the marinade you will need:

  • Water - 3 liters;
  • Salt - 1.5 cups for everything;
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Table vinegar - 1 glass

At the bottom of each jar, put an umbrella of dill, tomatoes cut into 3-4 pieces. Finely chop the garlic or pass through a press, grind the Bulgarian and hot peppers in a meat grinder, mix with the garlic and distribute evenly over the jars.

The aspirin tablet is put into the jars one at a time.

Prepare the marinade by mixing all the ingredients, place on the stove and bring to a boil. At the end, add vinegar, close the lid and pour into the jars after a minute.

Pour the marinade into each jar. Next, with the help of a typewriter, you need to roll up the cans, turn upside down and wrap them up. Jars of tomatoes for the winter can not be sterilized, just hold the lids for five minutes under boiling water.

Some people ask: why should the cans be turned over and wrapped? This is done so that the lid is additionally sterilized. In addition, it will be immediately noticeable whether the bank rolled well or not.

Jars are wrapped in order to sterilize not only the lids, but also the products.

It is better to choose small tomatoes with an oblong shape for rolling for the winter. It is more convenient to put them in jars, they are more fleshy, better withstand the steep boiling water, which is poured into.

The calorie content of tomatoes is low, 20 kcal per 100 g, they are also recommended to eat more for weight loss.

Tomatoes contain calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and other substances vital for the human body.

Many world cuisines, for example Italian, could not exist without this product. Good luck rolling tomatoes for the winter!