Home / Bakery products / Charlotte with apples 4 eggs a glass of sugar. Biscuit according to the classic recipe

Charlotte with apples 4 eggs a glass of sugar. Biscuit according to the classic recipe

Lush Charlotte prepared in a very easy way, the main thing is to observe the indicated norm of the products included in the recipe. The secret of charlotte is simple, you need to take the preparation of the dessert responsibly and everything will work out perfectly for you.

Cooking time - 30 minutes.

The preparation time of the ingredients is 15 minutes.

After cooking, you will receive - 6 servings of 100 gr.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:


  • Eggs - 2 pieces.
  • Apples - 330 grams.
  • Flour - 1 cup.
  • Sugar - ½ cup.
  • Soda - 1/3 teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil - for greasing baking sheets.


  1. Consider how to cook a very tasty and the easiest Apple pie on the hastily at home.

    Sweet apples are washed, peeled, then cut into thin slices, as in step by step photo. We do these steps so that the baked biscuit is tender, airy and does not feel the peel when eating.

  2. Break two eggs into a deep bowl, pour sugar. Beat with a whisk or mixer for 10 minutes until a thick, stable consistency is formed.

  3. Sift flour at room temperature through a fine sieve, then pour into the whipped mass. Extinguish soda with vinegar or boiling water. Also add to biscuit dough. Mix the combined ingredients with quick movements so that the mass does not settle.

  4. We grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil. Traditionally, pour half of the biscuit in the first layer, spread the chopped apples and the remaining biscuit dough.

    We bake classic charlotte in the oven for 30 minutes at 160 degrees Celsius.

Charlotte is loved by many. Perhaps because it is one of the simplest pies.

According to one version, the original recipe was developed by English chefs for the wife of King George III Charlotte. In those days, the dessert was more like tiramisu: pieces of biscuit were soaked in syrup, laid out in layers, alternating with apple filling. Over the past centuries, the recipe has changed dramatically, but from this charlotte has not so much lost its taste qualities how many new ones.

  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 glass of flour;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • 3-4 medium apples.


First separate the whites from the yolks. In a deep bowl, beat the egg whites with ½ cup of sugar until stiff foam forms: this will make the cake fluffy.

Beat the yolks with the remaining sugar and mix with the proteins.

In the resulting mixture in small portions add the sifted flour. Stir well all the time so that no lumps form. The consistency of the dough should resemble sour cream.

Add soda and salt. Stir.

Wash the apples and cut into cubes or slices, removing the core. For charlotte it is better to use hard varieties so that when baking, pieces of fruit do not turn into porridge.

Grease a baking sheet with a little vegetable oil. Put the apples on the bottom. Then add the dough so that the slices are completely closed.

Repeat the procedure and make the surface of the future cake even. If you have apples left, put them on the dough.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 30-45 minutes.

As soon as the crust of the pie turns light brown, check its readiness with a match or a toothpick.

Sprinkle over charlotte when serving. powdered sugar, garnish with berries or a scoop of ice cream.

Biscuit by classic recipe for 4 eggs, a glass of sugar, a glass of flour

Now there are many recipes for cooking biscuit dough, most of them include baking soda to make the dough rise and be airy. But, if you bake a biscuit according to the classic old recipe, in which there is no soda, but only eggs and flour beaten with sugar, then it will turn out to be no less magnificent, and most importantly - many times tastier!

The biscuit is very tasty. There is nothing superfluous here. Only pure classic composition. It is important to use the freshest eggs, flour the best varieties. Then everything will work out at its best. Your cake base will be just wonderful.

The easiest recipe for a classic biscuit for 4 eggs a glass of sugar a glass of flour in the oven

Anyone who wants to cook a lush, soft and fragrant classic biscuit from 4 eggs can cook a glass of sugar a glass of flour in the oven - it is important to do everything according to the recipe.


  • Wheat flour - 1 cup
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs
  • Refined sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l


Crack the freshest chicken eggs into a bowl. Pour in sugar.

Make sure the dishes are clean and dry. Not a single drop of water should get in

Beat the contents of the bowl very well with a metal whisk. You can use a mixer. Beat until each grain of sugar is completely dissolved. You should get a little foam.

Sift the flour through a fine sieve several times. Gradually and very carefully pour it into the whipped mass. Gently mix everything. Volume should not disappear.

Choose your own baking dish. The main thing is to cover the bottom with parchment paper, grease the walls very well with butter and sprinkle with cornmeal.

Transfer the resulting mass to this container.

It is good to heat the oven to 200 degrees. Put the form with the dough to bake for about 30 - 40 minutes.

The time it takes to bake depends entirely on the size of your pan and the power of your stove.

Determine the readiness of the cake using a wooden toothpick. If crumbs stuck to it, then the biscuit should still continue to bake.

Do not rush to remove pastries from the mold, especially from the oven. Just open the door a little oven. Leave in this position for 10 - 20 minutes. Only after that, pull out the form and release it from the biscuit.

Sprinkle the dessert on top with powdered sugar, decorate with berries or fruits. Here is up to you. You can go to the tea ceremony.

I wish you good tea!

How to bake a classic biscuit for 4 eggs?

Baking products from biscuit dough is both difficult and simple at the same time: firstly, you need to strictly follow the recipe, secondly, do everything quickly, and, thirdly, believe that the biscuit will turn out!

Biscuits are very light and fluffy, they are used for making cakes, rolls, etc. In addition, the biscuit itself is already ready product, if you sprinkle it with powdered sugar, for example.

Culinary dictionaries unanimously define biscuit as "bread made from flour, sugar and eggs".
The determining factor for biscuits is the ratio between an insignificant flour base (sometimes 50-100 g of flour) and a large egg mass (from 10 to 100 and even 200 eggs, proteins, yolks).

If in the recipe from 1805 it was advised to “beat the yolks of 13 eggs into foam” for making a biscuit, today an excellent biscuit is obtained from a smaller number of eggs, but it is best to use a food processor or mixer to knead such a dough so that the mass becomes as airy as possible.

Observe a few simple rules and the result will please you:

  1. Before you start kneading the dough, preheat the oven to the indicated temperature and prepare the molds. Dough prepared in advance may not rise enough when baking.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar at the highest speed of the mixer and long enough for the mass to increase at least 3 times. Sometimes the whites are beaten separately, but this is not really necessary. The airiness and volume of the dough rather depend on the whipping time and the temperature of the products.
  3. The flour is mixed only by hand (the foam will settle from the mixer!), Slowly, for 3-5 minutes; the foam should absorb it entirely, and the mass should turn out to be homogeneous.
  4. The form or baking sheet should be greased with oil and sprinkled with flour or semolina. Lubricate the side walls of the form should not be, otherwise, when baking, the dough will rise only in the center of the form.
  5. The form is filled with dough to 3/4 of the height, as it increases in volume during baking.
  6. Biscuit dough should be baked immediately after preparation.
  7. Place the molds with the dough in the center of the oven. If you have to use two oven levels at the same time, swap the pans halfway through baking.
  8. Do not open the oven door unless absolutely necessary. If you have to do this, open the door briefly and carefully.
  9. The biscuit is ready when it has risen well and the edges have pulled away from the walls of the mold. Under light pressure with your finger, the cake should spring back and restore its shape.
  10. After removing from the oven, immediately place the form on a damp towel - this will make the biscuit easier to move away from the edges.
  11. A freshly baked biscuit is poorly cut and soaks from impregnation with syrup, so it is recommended to keep it after baking for at least 8-12 hours.
  12. You can add to the biscuit dough: vanilla sugar spices - saffron, turmeric, coriander and cinnamon, etc., natural cocoa butter, cocoa powder, dried fruits: raisins, prunes, dried apricots, dates, figs, candied fruits, lemon peel, nuts

So let's get started.

For a real biscuit, you will need the following ingredients:

Eggs- absolutely fresh, pre-washed, depending on the recipe, they can be divided into yolks and proteins, and even taken whole (it is not necessary to separate at all, some housewives claim that this is even better);

Flourpremium, dry with fresh taste. It is best to sift the flour so that it is enriched with oxygen. For some recipes, flour should be mixed with baking powder (baking powder);

Sugar- clean, it should be a sufficient amount. When preparing a biscuit, it must completely dissolve;

starch (optional)- some cookbooks insist on using biscuit dough in cooking (especially heated biscuit dough) potato starch. When using starch, the biscuit will turn out to be more porous and will not crumble when cut;

Butter(only for butter biscuit) - it must be softened so that it can be whipped easily, and sufficiently fat - at least 72%.

Ingredients: 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, 4 eggs and a sachet of vanilla.

For classic biscuit we will need 1 glass of sugar, 1 glass of flour, 4 eggs and a bag of vanilla.

Separate the whites from the yolks.

We begin to beat the egg whites at the lowest speed of the mixer. Slowly, one spoon at a time, add sugar and add vanilla.

When the protein mass becomes white and fairly dense, add the yolks in the same way with a spoon, while continuing to beat.

We remove the mixer and begin to sift flour into a bowl with proteins, gently kneading with a spoon in the direction from the bottom up.

Pour the finished dough into a greased form and send it to the oven preheated to 190-200 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

The main rule when baking a biscuit is not to open the oven door - otherwise it will fall off. I also ordered my household members not to stomp in the kitchen and not to talk loudly. When the time is right, take out the form and turn the biscuit on a plate (grid, towel) and let cool.

Subject to all the rules, the biscuit turns out to be high and very airy. It can be a great base for cakes. This copy was destroyed with tea without any impregnation.

  • Biscuit cake: a very tasty and simple recipe. 14 biscuit cake recipes
  • How to cook a biscuit in a slow cooker

Classic chocolate biscuit for 4 eggs

From the fact that the dessert is chocolate, the basic principle of preparation does not change. The same classical composition of ingredients is required. The difference is that here cocoa powder is added to the flour. It changes the taste for the better. So taste it yourself and treat others. Flour is calculated in the classic chocolate biscuit recipe for 4 large eggs or 5 small ones.


  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Wheat flour - 100 g
  • Cocoa - powder - 60 g


  1. Divide fresh eggs into whites and yolks in different bowls. Beat the contents of each separately, with the required amount of sugar. The yolk mass should become lush, light. And protein - stable white foam.
  2. Sift the flour through a fine sieve 2-3 times. Pour cocoa into it and mix dry ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Sifting flour is necessary so that the dough is well enriched with oxygen. This is the main guarantee of his rise.
  4. Add 1/3 of the protein mass to the yolks. Mix very gently from top to bottom. So that the mass does not lose volume. Add flour and cocoa, mix again.
  5. Stir the remaining protein foam into the dough gradually, in 2-3 doses.
  6. Prepare a mold. Lubrication is not necessary at all. shift raw dough, smooth it well over the entire surface. Then the dough will rise evenly.
  7. Bake dessert in a well-heated oven, at a temperature of 180 degrees. Approximately about 35 - 40 minutes.
  8. The cake is smooth, without a single tubercle on the surface.
  9. The oven door must not be opened during baking. The dough will immediately fall off from a sharp change in temperature.
  10. After making sure that the cake is ready, let it cool in the ajar oven. After that, remove it from the mold onto a beautiful tray.
  11. Homemade biscuit can be used to form a cake, for this it is enough to cut it across into two cakes. Or you can grease the whole with cream and arrange on top.
  12. Let it soak a little. To please everyone who has gathered at your home. Serve exclusively with hot, freshly brewed tea.

Bon appetit and sunny, warm day!

This is a real biscuit dough, which such famous confectioners work with, creating their masterpieces.

Classic recipe for 4 eggs

So today I bring to your attention a biscuit, a classic recipe for 4 eggs. Let's prepare a very tasty, and most importantly, quite easy-to-prepare biscuit, from which we will then prepare a cake or any other dessert. You can simply spread it with jam or pour over chocolate and serve with tea or cappuccino.

It is best to bake a biscuit in a detachable form, with a diameter of 22 cm, if we do everything right, our biscuit will grow by 7-8 cm and can be cut into 3 cakes if desired.

  • - chicken eggs - 4 pcs.,
  • - granulated sugar - 180 g,
  • Wheat flour- 150 g,
  • - vanillin - a pinch.
  1. First, beat the egg white. This is a very important step, if the dishes are wet or with fat residues, then the proteins will not whip into a lush foam. We begin to beat the whites at low speed, adding a little granulated sugar and vanillin. As you beat, increase the speed until the mass increases in volume and becomes dense.
  2. Now, without stopping beating, also carefully add the yolks one by one.
  3. Pour all the sifted flour into the egg mass.
  4. With a wooden spoon, knead the dough from the bottom up.
  5. Mix very slowly and gently.
  6. We line the bottom of the form with parchment, and do not grease the sides.
  7. We heat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees.
  8. Put the dough into the mold and bake for 25 minutes. At the same time, we do not open the cabinet door and do not make noise in the kitchen.
  9. We take out the finished biscuit from the mold and cool on the wire rack.
  10. Using this recipe, you can cook a very tasty simple biscuit cake. Enjoy your meal!

Step by step cooking

Every housewife knows what a classic biscuit is used for. The recipe for 4 eggs is the most popular version of its preparation. After all, a biscuit is usually used to create delicious cakes, pastries and, of course, rolls. On the shelves of modern supermarkets you can already find ready-made cakes. But it is much more interesting to cook them yourself. In addition, a biscuit baked at home is much tastier.

It is worth noting that every housewife can master the classic recipe. It's actually not very complicated. The main thing is to choose the right products. So, how is a classic biscuit prepared? The recipe for 4 eggs includes three main ingredients. However, the preparation seems only simple. The dough is very tricky. To prepare a biscuit, you should follow some of the subtleties of the process, on which the result depends.

Only quality products

A simple biscuit according to the classic recipe should be prepared only from quality products. For example, chicken eggs must be fresh. If there is no certainty about how long they have lain on the store shelf, then you can conduct a simple experiment. Pour water into a deep bowl, add salt and dip the eggs into it. If they drown and do not rise from the bottom, then the eggs are fresh. If they surfaced, then they should not be used. It is worth considering that fresh egg whips up much better.

As for flour, the best classic biscuit is obtained from premium wheat flour. The recipe for 4 eggs is quite simple. However, products should be chosen carefully. These are not just recommendations. From components High Quality delicious culinary creations.

How many products are required

So, how many products will it take to bake delicious biscuit. The classic recipe for 4 eggs consists of simple dialing products: flour, granulated sugar and eggs. To get high-quality baking, you need to calculate the exact number of components. To do this, use a kitchen scale.

If there is no such device, then you can replace it with a measuring cup. If necessary, you can use any container, the volume of which is precisely known. Or you can take the following steps:

  1. A glass, with a volume of 200-250 milliliters, contains from 130 to 160 grams of flour.
  2. In exactly the same container, from 180 to 230 grams of sugar is placed.
  3. One tablespoon with a slight slide contains about 25 grams of sugar and 30 grams of flour.

To get a magnificent biscuit, you should take granulated sugar and flour in the same amount. By weight, their ratio should be 1 to 1. As for chicken eggs, this is where things get a little more complicated. By weight, the amount of this product is very difficult to calculate. But there is a certain pattern. For every 40 grams of flour, one egg should be taken.

We prepare products

Start cooking a classic biscuit for 4 eggs, step by step recipe which is described below, follows with the preparation of all components. The flour must be carefully sifted before kneading the dough. It is best to do this three times. This will take a little time. However, due to sifting, the flour will be saturated with air and baking will be more magnificent.

It is best to mix products at the same temperature. Therefore, all components of the test must be removed from the refrigerator and left for some time in the room.

Biscuit: classic recipe for 4 eggs

How to cook delicious fluffy biscuit? This is a simplified recipe. In this case, you do not need to separate the yolks and whites. It is enough to combine all the necessary components and put the form with the dough in the oven. For cooking you will need:

  1. One glass of flour.
  2. An incomplete glass of sugar.
  3. 4 eggs. If they are small, then you should take 5 pieces.
  4. One teaspoon of baking powder.

Cooking process

1. Eggs need to be driven into a deep container. Add a glass of granulated sugar to this. The components should be thoroughly beaten. To do this, you can use a regular whisk or a mixer. As a result, the mass should double and acquire a light shade.

2. Flour must be introduced into the resulting composition. This should be done gradually, gently mixing everything, but not for too long. Yes! Mix the dough for the biscuit should not be in a circular motion, but in the direction from the bottom and up. This will keep the dough airy.

3. The classic biscuit is prepared without adding any additives. But the baking powder in this case will not be superfluous. It is best to combine this component with flour and only then add it to the dough. This will evenly distribute the component throughout the mass.

If there is no baking powder

If there is no baking powder in the house, it can be replaced with ordinary baking soda, extinguished table or apple cider vinegar. You can also use lemon juice for this purpose. When the spoon with soda is covered with bubbles, it is necessary to pour its contents into the dough. In this case, one nuance should be taken into account. If the soda is not well mixed, then the finished biscuit may acquire a green tint in some places. In addition, there will be a characteristic aftertaste.

"Warm" biscuit: a classic recipe

How to cook a delicious cake or a cake? For this, a biscuit mixed in a water bath is ideal. This is another cooking method. fluffy biscuit which takes a little time. However, the process is a little more complicated than the one described above. To prepare such a biscuit, the separation of yolks and proteins is not required. Required condition - water bath. So, we are preparing a biscuit of 4 eggs!

How to make dessert for the whole family special efforts? To begin with, it is worth grinding the eggs with granulated sugar. In this case, the container with the mixture must be placed over a water bath. Of course, you can have a bowl or saucepan right in the water. But it should not boil much, it is enough to heat the water to a temperature of 80 ° C.

The egg-sugar mixture must be beaten and heated at the same time. The temperature of the mass should not exceed 45 °C. After that, the composition should be removed from the water bath. Beat the mass until it cools down.

Flour must be added to the finished mixture. This should be done gradually and in a very thin stream. You can also add spices to the dough, such as cinnamon or vanilla. The composition should be thoroughly kneaded. The biscuit in this case is crumbly.

Preparing for baking

How to bake a biscuit? Even a beginner will master the classic recipe for 4 eggs, but not everyone knows that the dough should be sent to the oven immediately after cooking. This is another important rule. To begin with, everything should be carefully prepared. The form in which our dessert will be baked must be greased with butter, and then sprinkled breadcrumbs, flour or semolina.

You can also put special baking paper on the bottom of the container. The walls in this case are lubricated with oil. That's all. It remains to fill out the form ready dough. It should take up only ¾ of the volume of the container. This will prevent the biscuit from flowing over the edges of the mold during cooking.

How to bake in the oven

So, the dough is ready for baking, soon it will be possible to try the most delicious classic biscuit! The recipe for 4 eggs described above is ideal for making rolls and cakes at home. However, kneading the dough is only half the battle. Biscuit must be baked correctly. The form with the dough should be placed already in a well-heated oven. Otherwise, the cakes will not turn out too lush.

A biscuit is usually baked at a temperature of 180-200 ° C. This takes 30 to 45 minutes. It all depends on the size of the mold, as well as on the thickness of the layer. Biscuit dough is very capricious. The first 20 minutes you can not open the oven. When checking the cakes for readiness, do not slam the doors. After all, such a dough does not tolerate shakes. This will only knock out the air bubbles that make it fluffy.

Ready biscuit

You can check the readiness of the cakes with a match or a toothpick. You can also use spaghetti. It is enough to stick something in the middle of the cake and take it out. If the dough does not stick, then the biscuit is ready.

You can check without piercing the cake with anything. To do this, press on the top of the product with your finger. A well-baked biscuit quickly restores its shape. When the cakes are ready, do not rush to take them out of the oven. Just turn it off and open the door. After all, temperature changes affect the splendor of the biscuit. It is necessary to withstand the cakes in the oven for 1-8 hours. After that, you can get a biscuit. The classic recipe for 4 eggs allows you to save a lot of time and cook delicious dessert. The main thing is to follow all the rules.

Classic biscuit for 4 eggs

Recipe for a classic biscuit for 4 eggs

Carefully separate the egg whites from the yolks. Grind the yolks with half the total amount of sugar and vanilla sugar. Proteins (they must be cold) pour into a clean, dry bowl and beat with a mixer or whisk until a light foam forms. Add a small amount of sugar and continue beating.

Wait until all the sugar is in the bowl with the proteins. The mass should turn out white and very thick, so that when the plate is turned over, it does not flow and does not fall out. Gently add 1/3 of the protein mass to the yolks and mix thoroughly. Then add flour and the rest protein mass. Knead the dough, lifting layer by layer.

By learning how to bake a biscuit, you can master many recipes! Grease a baking dish with vegetable or butter, cover with parchment paper. Pour the dough into the mold and smooth it gently. Bake the biscuit in the oven at 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Carefully remove the finished cake from the mold and use for making cakes.

Helpful Hints:

  • The dough does not need to be mixed for a very long time, otherwise air bubbles will leave it, which make the biscuit airy and loose.
  • In the dough, you can add lemon or orange zest, cocoa, nuts, raisins, dried fruits, candied fruits, coconut flakes or chocolate.

Enjoy your meal!

Greetings, dear readers. Today we will cook tasty pie: charlotte with apples in the oven. We have selected 5 of the most delicious and simple recipes.

Charlotte with apples in the oven

In fact, this is my favorite pie. Maybe because of the apples, I don't know. But I immediately remember my childhood, how my mother cooked it, we drank tea, it’s easy to overeat. But I wondered why Charlotte, and not just Apple Pie.

Solution found! Charlotte - sweet dessert from apples baked in dough. Dessert means it's ready quickly. We go further and then I realized that I did not understand anything))).

Look here: Charlotte is a German dessert, any fruit was used in it. In fact, the Germans borrowed the pudding recipe from the British, apparently slightly modified. But gradually, it was the apples in the pie that became the most common, since in Europe they are cheap.

But charlotte came to us from England, a cook who was in the service of Alexander I. Well, the recipe has become known all over the world over time.

In general, it turned out to be not a pie, although purely in Russian it is a pie. And I also realized that making such a dessert is very simple. And what, cut the apples, knead the dough and bake. It will take about 40 minutes and you're done.

There are many various recipes how to bake charlotte with apples in the oven. It is based on the Classic recipe, adding various other ingredients, other recipes are obtained, no less tasty. Today we have selected 5 of the most delicious.

The classic recipe is the easiest.

Charlotte with apples in the oven is a classic, nothing more is needed, well, the basis of all other recipes.


  1. flour - 1 cup;
  2. sugar - 1 cup (not to the brim);
  3. eggs - 4 pieces;
  4. vanillin - 0.5 teaspoon or cinnamon - 2 teaspoons;
  5. apples - about 400 gr.

Step 1.

Take the eggs out of the fridge and beat with a mixer. They must be cold, so the dough will be more magnificent.

Whisk the eggs

Step 2

Add sugar and mix thoroughly. Sugar can be smaller, who does not like very sweet.

Step 3

Add vanillin or vanilla sugar. You can add cinnamon instead of vanilla - 2 teaspoons.

Step 4

Now Gradually add flour and mix thoroughly each time. It is best to sift the flour. There is a good sifter in the form of a mug, you press the handle, a portion of the sifted flour falls into the dough and mix thoroughly. It is very convenient, you can handle it with one hand and the flour does not scatter around.

Step 5

Now add baking powder. If it is not there, then you can add soda on the tip of a knife, slaked with vinegar.

Step 6

Now cut apples. They can be cut as you like: slices, pieces, cubes ... The main thing is that they are not very small.

Cut apples however you like.

Slices of apples can be sprinkled vegetable oil and sprinkle with sugar. This way they will keep their shape better. You can sprinkle them lemon juice so the apples don't turn brown.

Step 7

Add apples to dough, mix.

mix apples and dough

Step 8

Preparing the baking dish. If it is detachable, then posting parchment paper and lubricate with oil. If the form is silicone, then only lubricate with oil.

Step 9

oven in advance heat up to 180 ºС, pour the dough with apples into a mold and put in the oven.

Step 10

Charlotte is baked for 30-40 minutes. You can check the readiness with a toothpick or a match. When pierced in several places, if the dough does not remain on a match or toothpick, then the pastry is ready.

It happens that the top of the baking is already browned well, and the middle is not ready yet. Then we take the cake out of the oven, cover with foil and return to the oven.

Step 11

Pie from the oven

When Charlotte is baked, we take it out of the mold and let it cool down for a while. You can sprinkle powdered sugar or cocoa powder on top, or you can do nothing.

That's all, we got a charlotte with apples in the oven. Although this is a simple recipe, it is no less tasty. Now consider other options for Charlotte.

Charlotte on kefir.

charlotte on kefir

Not infrequently, some products lie in our refrigerator for a long time, and so that they do not deteriorate, housewives use them in baking. For example, if kefir disappears, then you can also do very delicious charlotte with apples.

We will need:

  1. flour - 2 cups;
  2. kefir - 1 glass;
  3. eggs - 3 pieces;
  4. sugar - 1 cup (to the brim a little bit);
  5. apples - about 450 - 500 gr. (5-6 pieces);
  6. 1 teaspoon baking powder.

Step 1.

cooking apples, they can also be cut as you like, but not very finely.

Step 2

We get eggs from the fridge and beat, there add sugar and mix thoroughly. Following add baking powder. If it is not there, you can also use soda on the tip of a knife, slaked with vinegar.

Step 3

Now pour kefir and mix everything thoroughly. Same way add flour gradually, sifted. Add flour little by little and mix well. The dough should be thicker than pancakes.

Step 4

We prepare the form, as described above. Put the apples on the bottom and pour the dough. The oven should already be preheated to 180 ºС, put the dough there and bake for 40-45 minutes.

Step 5

We check the readiness as described above e. Then we take it out of the oven and, if you want, you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar or cocoa powder.

That's all, it also turns out very tasty and kefir has not disappeared, but has benefited.

Spicy Charlotte recipe. Very fragrant smell and taste.

Charlotte with apples in the oven can be baked very fragrant, just drooling. For this, spices are used in baking.


  1. flour - 1 cup;
  2. sugar - 1 glass;
  3. eggs - 4 pieces;
  4. apples - 500 gr.;
  5. soda - 1 teaspoon;
  6. cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
  7. turmeric - 1 teaspoon;
  8. nutmeg - 1 teaspoon.

Step 1.

We cut apples in a way convenient for you, top with cinnamon and nutmeg m.

cut apples

Step 2

Now preparing the dough, as described in the first recipe, only tight at the end add turmeric and mix thoroughly.

Step 3

We also prepare the form by lubricating with oil. We put spicy apples there and pour dough on top.

Step 4

ready-made spicy charlotte

We heat the oven to 180 ºС, put the cake in the oven and bake for 40-50 minutes. We check the readiness in the same way as it is written in the classic recipe. Let it cool down a bit when ready.. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or cocoa powder, if desired.

That's all, cut and serve on the table and enjoy the fragrant Charlotte.

Air recipe Charlotte with apples.

Charlotte with apples in the oven is essentially a pudding. Therefore, the dough can be made very airy. Our son loves this recipe.

What will be required:

  1. flour - 180 gr;
  2. sugar - 1 glass;
  3. eggs - 3 pieces;
  4. apples - 250-400 gr.
  5. vanilla sugar - 10 gr. (or cinnamon - 2 teaspoons);
  6. potato starch - 2 tablespoons;
  7. baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  8. cognac - 1 teaspoon;
  9. lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  10. black sesame - 1 tablespoon.

Step 1.

Cold eggs mixed with sugar and beat with a mixer until the volume doubles.

Step 2

Now Separately from the eggs, mix the flour, starch and baking powder.

Step 3

Now add this gradually to the eggs and mix well. Same way add vanillin or vanilla sugar or cinnamon.

Instead of vanilla or cinnamon, you can add orange or lemon zest. It has a very interesting taste.

Step 4

Add cognac to the dough. Instead, you can add rum or brandy.

Step 5

Cooking apples. Now them cut into slices, sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar. You don't need much sugar.

cooking apples for charlotte

Step 6

Now we prepare the form, grease with oil. The form must be taken with high edges as the dough rises well during baking. Sprinkle the bottom with sesame seeds and pour half the dough.

grease the bottom of the mold with oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds

Step 7

Spread the apples on the dough, then pour the remaining dough. After standing for a while, sprinkle with the remaining sesame seeds.

put the apples on the dough

Step 8

Now in an oven preheated to 180 ºС we put our cake for 30-40 minutes. We check the readiness and if it is ready, we take it out and let it cool a little.

that's what happens

That's all, the charlotte is very fluffy and melts in your mouth. Enjoy your tea. While writing, I almost choked on saliva. The recipe is awesome.

Charlotte with apples and dried fruits, you will lick your fingers.

The recipes described above are charlotte with apples in the oven. And now I want to tell you awesome recipe this pie, but not only with apples. Be sure to try this recipe. This is a full-fledged dessert that, after cooking, will simply evaporate before your eyes. In the sense that they will eat it very quickly and ask for more))).

To begin with, I will say that we will cook it on a baking sheet, so more ingredients will be required. In fact, there is no difference in what to bake a pie. It's just that in a baking sheet it turns out more and the shape is not round, but rectangular.

If you want, you can simply use not one form, but several, instead of a baking sheet.

And so you will need:

  1. flour - 1 cup;
  2. sugar - 1.5 cups;
  3. eggs - 6 pieces;
  4. apple - 5 pieces;
  5. apricot - 600 gr.;
  6. orange - 1 piece;
  7. dried fruits - 100 gr.;
  8. butter- 100 gr. (1/2 pack);
  9. vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  10. starch - 1 tablespoon;
  11. soda - 1 teaspoon;
  12. cinnamon - 1 teaspoon.

Step 1.

We take eggs and separating whites from yolks. In protein add 2/3 sugar, soda, vanilla and mix well.

Here are a few ways to easily separate the white from the yolk.

Step 2

Now add the remaining 1/3 cup of sugar to the yolk and beat with a mixer until foamy.

Step 3

Combine Step 1 and 2 into one bowl. Beat well with a mixer.

Step 4

Now add some flour, sifted through a sieve and mix well. Then there add orange zest and dried fruits, mix well.

Here is a video on how to make a simple zest and where to apply.

Step 5

We cut apples at your convenience and mix with cinnamon.

Step 6

Slicing apricots, preferably in slices, and mix with starch.

Step 7

Now we take a deep baking sheet or molds, grease them with oil. Now Spread the apples and top with butter.

Step 8

Now on top spread the apricots and sprinkle with sugar. Then pour the dough and put in a preheated oven to bake.

put first spicy apples, then apricots

Step 9

The cake is baked at 180 ºС for 40-45 minutes. Readiness can be checked with a toothpick, as described in the classic recipe.

charlotte with apples, apricots and dried fruits

That's all. Once ready, leave to cool slightly while the tea is poured. Enjoy your meal.

A few secrets of making a delicious pie.

What is charlotte with apples in the oven and how it is prepared, we have sorted it out. Know many housewives still have their own secrets of cooking Charlotte. We will talk about them now.

  1. To make the dough fluffy, be sure use the eggs from the fridge.
  2. Use sifted flour.
  3. Add baking powder to dough b or slaked soda, you can extinguish it with lemon juice.
  4. Add alcohol to dough- cognac, rum, brandy, the dough is better.
  5. Use vanilla sugar for flavor, vanillin or cinnamon, but separately.
  6. You can also add orange zest and lemon. a (do not use only the white part of citrus, it gives bitterness), there is a visual video in the last recipe.
  7. So that the apples do not darken sprinkle them with lemon juice.
  8. Apples can lay out both at the bottom of the mold, and in the middle, and at the top. They are either mixed with the dough, or laid out separately.
  9. AT place with apples, other fruits can be used as a filling, such as pears, plums, or any other, even dried fruits. Poppy, sesame, nuts, raisins, honey can also be added.
  10. In dough preparation can be used sour cream, kefir, butter, cottage cheese, semolina.

That's all. Adhering to such simple recipes, You will be able to prepare a very tasty dessert. Share this recipe on in social networks write your recipes in the comments. Enjoy your meal.