Home / Pies / Child's recipes for the new year. We compose a children's holiday menu for the new year

Child's recipes for the new year. We compose a children's holiday menu for the new year

Young children are looking forward to the New Year holiday with special impatience. For them, this is a time of magic, days shrouded in a fabulous atmosphere and belief in miracles ... But even in this case, the baby should not be deprived of his usual dietary diet. How can all this be combined?

Healthy dishes for children for the New Year

On the New Year's table for children, vegetables must be present, served both fresh and boiled. But complex salads from them for children under three years old can not be made. It is better to just chop finely or, conversely, grate vegetables on a coarse grater and arrange them in the form of a forest clearing. Older kids can be offered lungs vegetable salads, like a vinaigrette, seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil. It is also better to cut the fruit into pieces and lay out a festive composition from them.

On the children's table for the new year, low-fat hard cheeses are permissible, which can be part of sandwiches or canapes, and also stand on the table separately, in the form of thinly sliced ​​slices.

For hot meals, baked or boiled meat, cut directly on the baby's plate, is perfect. Highly healthy meals- baked chicken or steamed fish. Even the usual cutlets will do: in this case, you need to decorate such a dish with imagination, for example, make them in the form of small cones and "hang" on a spruce twig laid out on a plate.

You can diversify the children's New Year's table sandwiches with faces of animals laid out from food or with New Year's patterns drawn with a syringe.

Desserts for children for the New Year

Of course, not a single children's New Year's table is complete without festive dessert! It can be:

  • various fruits, served separately or in the form of a salad, seasoned with yogurt;
  • curd desserts(if time and imagination permits, you can decorate a New Year's dessert table for a child with snowmen or Snow Maidens made of cottage cheese);
  • light home-made biscuit-marshmallow cakes, home-made cookies in the form of Christmas trees, deer, which will once again remind the child of the fabulousness of the New Year period.

New Year drinks for children

Children's New Year's table must necessarily include a sufficient number of different drinks. Celebrating the New Year, even at home, implies active games and dances, which makes the little fidgets hot, and they will probably need to quench their thirst from time to time.

For toddlers up to two years old, it is best to use compotes and fruit drinks from dried fruits, weak black tea or children's herbal tea.

Older children can also be offered freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices diluted with water. But just remember that they cannot be abused, otherwise the baby may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. And, of course, there should not be sugary carbonated drinks on the child's New Year's table.

How to serve a children's New Year's table?

When planning a children's New Year's menu, try to focus on the originality of the festive food design. Your culinary delights are completely Small child hardly appreciated. And the table, albeit with simple dishes, but decorated in the style of a favorite fairy tale, will appeal to him.

The easiest way to add a festive mood to your table is to set it according to a winter theme.

For example, children's drink glasses can be frost-coated. To do this, pour granulated sugar into a saucer and lower a wet glass into it with the edges down. And if you supplement the drink with a bright straw or decoration in the form of an umbrella or a snowman, then the delight will never end!

Also, a children's New Year's table can be decorated with colorful napkins, figures of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, cheerful symbols of the coming year.

Expert opinion

Evgeny Timakov, pediatrician, head physician of the Timomed Medical Center

Younger preschool children can be divided into two main groups: from 0 to 2 years old and from 2 to 4 years old. For both groups, both individual and general rules for the preparation of the menu apply.

For example, on the New Year's table for all kids, fruits, vegetables and herbs should be present. But children under three years old should not be offered tangerines and kiwi, which often provoke allergies. You also need to be careful to include berries in the children's New Year's menu.

For children under three years old, it is better to replace ready-made cakes and pastries with special children's cookies, muesli or yoghurts.

A child under four years old should not be fed ready-made meals from the culinary department at all. He should be given food prepared at home. You will delight your baby with fresh and healthy meals, as you will be sure that they are free of harmful fats, dyes and preservatives.

Spices (black pepper, Bay leaf) can be added to children's meals from the age of two.

Olivier salad recipe for kids

  • Cross out the mayonnaise. A great alternative will become a sauce of sour cream and olive oil.
  • Not needed and green pea: Babies usually swallow it whole, and then it is not digested.
  • Don't use any sausage! The correct replacement is chicken breast.
  • Pickle- not the best treat for a small child. But cleaned fresh will be in place.
  • A salad that smells delicious and crunches cheerfully will appeal to all household members!

New Year is first of all children's party... And so that our children remember these wonderful days as the most magical and fabulous, we need to make some efforts. The children's festive table is very different from the usual feast for us, adults. And it's not just a lack of alcohol. After all, the kids don't care what culinary delights will be on the table, they don't even care how much money you spent on red caviar and trout. Children, as you know, "eat with their eyes", for them it is important not what is on the table, but rather how everything is arranged.

When preparing a table for little guests, you will have to show considerable ingenuity and imagination and remember yourself in childhood. Remember how interesting it was to eat the most ordinary sandwich, which was not just bread and butter, sausage or cheese, but looked like a mouse or a lion cub? Even the most simple dishes can be decorated and served so that all the treats are simply swept away from the table. We will talk about how you can present delicious and beautiful dishes to your little guests.

Just let's agree right away - no sausage, no mayonnaise and ready-made sweets! Everything is only homemade and healthy. Instead of purchased mayonnaise, if you are absolutely nowhere without it, you can use a salad dressing based on cream and natural yogurt ("crème fraiche") or prepare a light homemade mayonnaise based on milk and butter. To do this, beat in a blender 100 g of vegetable oil and 100 g of milk at the same temperature (preferably room temperature) and add mustard, salt, sugar and lemon juice or vinegar. The whole mixture is whipped in seconds! But sausage substitute can be made from chicken meat.

1 chicken (preferably chilled)
10 quail eggs,
1 chicken egg
10 olives or olives,
1 large bag of gelatin
100 g cream
2-3 carrots (it should not be thick and even),
spices, salt - to taste.

Remove the skin from the chicken, separate the meat from the bones and grind it in a meat grinder. Beat the resulting minced meat with egg and cream in a blender or food processor until smooth, salt, add spices to taste, put in the refrigerator. In the meantime, cook quail eggs, boil the carrots. Clean up. Use a carving knife to run longitudinal strips over the carrots. If there is no such knife, then just cut the strips with an ordinary knife, just be careful, do not cut to the core. Remove the minced meat from the refrigerator, whisk it again, add the gelatin, mix well. You can not regret gelatin! Line an empty juice box, preferably square, with a plastic bag inside. Start uploading minced chicken, shifting it with whole quail eggs and olives, placing them evenly. Insert the cut carrots into the minced meat to the full length. Tap the box on the table to remove any possible voids. Put a bag of minced meat in a saucepan, pour water to the level of minced meat, cover the minced meat with a bag and cook for 1.5-2 hours under a lid, depending on the size of the "sausage". Remove the finished "sausage" from the water, cool and refrigerate overnight. The "sausage" is tender, with gelatinous edges, and the cut shows eggs, olives and carrot "stars".

This sausage is a decoration in itself, and thanks to its square or rectangular shape, it is ideal for mini sandwiches. Spread any shaving brush on a piece of bread (cheese, curd, garlic, etc.), put our beautiful sausage, press a little and cut crosswise so that you get 4 sandwiches. Garnish with a mint or parsley leaf.

If you want to mess around, try making curly sandwiches: cut out Christmas trees from bread, cheese, sausages with a cookie cutter and assemble the sandwiches, smearing each product with a thin layer of a shaving brush that suits your taste. Brush with a thin layer of mayonnaise or butter on top and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Children do not need monumental dishes, they will rather be attracted by the buffet table, where there will be a mass of a wide variety of piece snacks. But you can't do with sandwiches alone, so you need to come up with something that will be interesting and tasty.

chicken drumstick - by the number of eaters,
noodles in "nests"
salt, spices - to taste,
tomato or pepper - for decoration.

Fry until tender chicken drumsticks... While the chicken is roasting, cook the noodle nests until tender, but don't overcook! Sprinkle the nests with cheese and heat slightly in a hot oven until the cheese melts. Place the "nest" of noodles on a plate, set the drumstick upright inside. On the top of the shin, draw a scallop with mayonnaise, stick in the eyes, make the beak and wings from a piece of tomato or pepper. These chickens will amuse the kids!

Liver dragons


500-600 g chicken liver,
200-300 g of champignons,
1 large onion
50 g milk
50 g butter
salt, spices - to taste,
mashed potatoes - for decoration.

Boil the liver in salted water, fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil along with finely chopped onions. Combine the liver and mushrooms, grind in a food processor or blender, add a little warm milk and softened butter, stir. Put the minced meat in the refrigerator for a few minutes to start setting. Then mold the dragons: about 2 tablespoons. Roll the minced meat into a ball and pull it out on one side to make a dragon's face, and on the other, make a ponytail. Insert the eyes - cloves, make a spout out of a peppercorn. Refrigerate to set. In the meantime, cook the mashed potatoes with egg and butter and beat well until smooth. Put the puree in a cornet and place the "needles" on the neck, back and tail of the dragons in the form of a ridge. Purée into paws. Delicious dragons are ready!

1 pack of waffle cones,
500-700 g minced meat,
100 g cream
1 egg,
50 g milk
greens - for decoration.

Whip the prepared minced meat with cream until smooth and fill the waffle cones with the resulting mass. Beat the egg with milk, roll the filled horns into the mixture and quickly fry them in hot vegetable oil. Then place the horns on a baking sheet and place in the hot oven for 20-25 minutes. Turn the horns over on the baking sheet a couple of times. Roll the finished horns in finely chopped herbs and place on plates. Garnish with a red pepper or carrot star.

Regular cutlets can be turned into dragon nests. Of course, there are no dragons there, but for children you can make up a story about nests in which dragon eggs lie. It is easy to prepare such nests: in the formed cutlets with the bottom of a glass, make indentations into which pour one quail egg at a time. Place the patties in the oven for about 15-20 minutes, then sprinkle with the cheese and wait until it melts.

Color the regular mashed potatoes in different colors using different products. For example, green puree prepared with the addition of stewed spinach, mashed in a blender with a spoonful of butter. Orange puree is obtained by adding boiled carrots with butter, crushed in a blender or rubbed through a sieve. Red mashed potatoes can be made by simmering peeled and seedless tomatoes. Boiled pumpkin gives pink color. Raspberry puree obtained from mixing with chopped boiled beets or its juice. For yellow - boiled yolks Pound home eggs with butter, mix with mashed potatoes. Place a spoonful of each puree on a plate.

Be sure to decorate salads and snacks in the form of a Christmas tree, a snowman or a dragon. Make baguette sandwiches and fold in dragon shape. To do this, cut the baguette from below, remove the pulp, mix it with cream and softened butter and rub until smooth. Stir in corn, peas, boiled tongue cubes, olives and a chopped egg into the resulting mass. Stuff the baguette with the resulting mass, wrap it tightly cling film and refrigerate. When serving, cut into 1-1.5 cm thick slices across, lay in the shape of a dragon, make a muzzle out of a tomato, a hood of chopped pepper and green onions, eyes of olives, nostrils and teeth of sharp droplets of mayonnaise.

On each plate you can put a snowman made of cheese balls: grate the cheese, mix with cottage cheese, add a little mayonnaise or thick sour cream for stickiness and roll three balls of small mala less. The balls can be additionally rolled in finely grated egg white. Put them on a toothpick, attach a nose from a piece of carrot or tomato, insert eyes from carnations, buttons from pepper, and put on a paper bucket with a note-wish inside on your head.

Another multi-colored delicacy that will surprise kids (and not only them!) - striped smoothies... For cooking green smoothie grind a handful of parsley or spinach in a blender, gradually adding water, until a smooth paste is obtained. Add banana and kiwi to the green gruel and beat until fluffy. Blue or magenta a smoothie is made by combining and whipping a banana and frozen blueberries or blueberries. Red- banana and cherry (or strawberry). Yellow- mango and banana (or pineapple). Pour colorful smoothies into clear glasses, alternating layers, and garnish with whipped cream. Smoothies can be frozen like sorbet and served as colored balls. For better plasticity of the sorbet, add 1-2 quail eggs to each smoothie while beating. Why exactly quail? Because there are no salmonella in raw quail eggs, but you need to be careful with chicken eggs.

The children's table must literally burst with fruits and sweets. And if the fruit can be laid out on plates or sliced ​​fruit, then it is not enough to pour the candy into the vase. You can make candy bouquets from them or lay out a Christmas tree from them. Of course, you have to tinker, but your table will be remembered for a long time! To create a candy tree, you will need green wrapping paper, wooden skewers for shashliks, floral foam or polystyrene, narrow tape or tape, a sheet of thick Whatman paper. Wrap each candy in wrapping paper to form a cone. Secure on skewers with tape or tape. Roll a cone out of a dense Whatman paper, glue or fasten it with tape, put the floral foam inside and fix the entire structure on the saucer with tape. The saucer should be smaller than the bottom of the Whatman cone. Now stick the wrapped candies into the cone, trying to shape the tree. Such a tree can be decorated like a real one, and the tree itself does not have to be green. Any design options are possible.

And, of course, the New Year's table is unthinkable without a cake!

10 eggs
800 g sugar
1 lemon
100 g starch
250 ml of milk
450 g butter
vanillin, cognac - to taste.

Prepare a biscuit: mash 8 yolks with 300 g of sugar, add lemon zest, starch, mix and carefully add 5 whipped whites. Pour the dough into a split round pan and bake the sponge cake in the oven at medium heat. Baking time is about 50 minutes. Cool the finished biscuit completely and cut with a thread into 2 cakes. The third crust in the cake is meringue. For him, beat 3 proteins with 100 g of sugar (it is better to take icing sugar) to hard peaks. Put the resulting mass in a round shape, lined with paper, and bake the meringue in a non-hot oven with the door open for 45-60 minutes. Butter cream: Stir 200 g of sugar in milk, put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Then mash 200 g of sugar with 2 eggs until the sugar is completely dissolved, gradually add milk to this mixture and put on water bath... Boil at 80-90 ° C for 5-10 minutes. Don't forget to get in the way! Cool the cream. Whisk the softened butter until it is white, gradually adding the cooled custard... V butter cream add vanillin. Assemble the cake: bottom cake - biscuit, coat with cream, then - meringue, cream, biscuit, cream. Spread the remaining cream over the edges of the cake. Decorate the cake: on the sides, glue Christmas trees cut from green pastry paste or from strong jelly. Place biscuit Christmas trees on the surface of the cake, coated with a layer of cream and rolled in green coconut flakes, and place the figures of toy dragons between them. Each kid will get their own dragon.

This is just a small part of what you can think of for children on New Year's holidays. How many design options for the same canapes or fruit cuts you can think of! Imagine, please, pamper your children. Let the home holidays be remembered for a lifetime!

Larisa Shuftaykina

/ New Year's table for a child

Festive dinner - headache for any hostess. And if children grow up in your house, then this problem becomes much deeper: you need to make the menu as varied and tasty for the baby as possible. We will tell you how to combine business with pleasure and, under the chimes, meet the year with health benefits and joy for the stomach.

In this article, you will learn how to choose a New Year's menu for children.

The taste of the holiday

In the choice of crumbs' dishes, you should be guided by the basic principles. The table setting should be beautiful, the dishes should be tasty, the food should be healthy. All this does not mean at all that you have to set another table and cook separately for the children. Quite the opposite - a family evening is the perfect place to apply all your culinary ingenuity and create a versatile meal.

The main difference children's menu from an adult lies in the original serving and the harmless composition of the products. The familiar chicken baked in the oven can be a hit with a toddler who is indifferent to the bird if served properly.

You should make sure that salads, appetizers, hot dishes, fruits, vegetables and desserts are present on the table. Dishes can be taken out one by one - this will make it easier to store them. appearance... Try not to rush, otherwise the child's body may not endure the feast of the belly, and the fun will turn into the most unpleasant consequences.

Because New Year's Eve Dinner usually happens after daily meals, you need to take care that the child does not go hungry before it. At the usual time (at 6-7 pm) it is better to have a small snack.

Looking for a place for a children's party in Krasnoyarsk? Come to our catalog!

The main threat to the body of the crumbs is the foods that cause allergies. Oranges, tangerines, candies, red caviar, seafood, nuts, soda and others can become a serious obstacle for your baby. So do not give the biggest gift and choose the recipes wisely, especially if your child is prone to allergic reactions and has immune problems.

So, it is better to replace carbonated drinks with natural fruit drinks, compotes or juices without added sugar, sweet desserts - for fruit salad with yoghurt dressing, and the cherished candies from under the Christmas tree should generally be given on schedule. You don't want to enter the new year with rashes, dermatitis and other symptoms, do you?

Pay attention to the quality of the products from which you are going to prepare dishes for the festive table. Very often in supermarkets, during the New Year's rush, they try to sell slightly spoiled goods to customers under the guise of completely fresh ones. Do not get fooled by gimmicks - it is better to buy meat, fish and poultry in trusted places, be sure to look at the date of manufacture and re-check the purchased products after returning from the store. Agree, poisoning is not the best result of a feast.

Finally, make sure the ingredients work together. There is no need to give a creamy dessert immediately after a hot fish dish, you should not cook heavy food, pour tons of mayonnaise into salads, or use the most spicy sauce as the main ingredient. If you really want to prepare food that is suitable only for adults, do not give it to your child or immediately place portions on the plates of the family and guests. So the baby will not have any questions about why this fragrant dish cannot be sent to the mouth.

Popular questions from parents

Marina Anatolyevna Popova, pediatrician of the Renovatio Center of Medicine, advises you.

What rules to follow when drawing up a New Year's menu?

“If you have several children visiting you on New Year's Eve, you should find out in advance if the children have food allergies (tangerines, chocolate, etc.), if possible, exclude them. Food should be as light as possible, not greasy, not spicy. "

Can sodas be given to children?

“I do not advise doing this. Firstly, soda will interfere with the normal digestion of food, and secondly, even after drinking one glass of soda, the child will exceed the daily amount of sugar that should enter the body. And if the baby has stomach problems, then carbonated drinks should be strictly prohibited. "

What products should not be on the children's New Year's menu?

“It is very important, even on New Year's Eve, to observe the diet of the child. Therefore, breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea should be on schedule. But dinner can be more varied. I strongly advise you to exclude fried, smoked, salty and spicy foods from the children's menu. These dishes can cause pain and colic in the child's stomach. "

Of course, it will take a long time to list the recommendations for decorating the New Year's table, drawing up the correct festive menu. Moreover, we can endlessly warn parents, but the main advice is to think with your head and try to cook food with love.

Future adults love to imitate their parents, and this is an important quality for development, but it is a pity that parents imitate their heirs a little - in their ability to genuinely enjoy the holidays. Let's correct the annoying mistake and start enjoying life even at the stage of culinary preparation, for which we will arrange the children's New Year's table generously, beautifully and creatively! A triumph of spectacular ideas, fabulous motives of glorious calendar days, delicious food combinations and ample opportunities for kids to imitate their parents await you.

Thinking of a children's party, immediately direct your imagination towards the buffet table. We have already written about children's birthdays more than once, and the convenience of a buffet presentation - with a lot of recipes and photos! - leaves no room for doubt. Children will love the buffet for the new year too!

For those who want to know interesting thematic ideas for festive table, we suggest reading them in the following articles.

New Year's snack buffet: what can be used to make a Christmas tree

At the New Year's table, you cannot do without Christmas trees, so even at the stage of snacks, you can build many elegant options. Here are just a few photos that make it easy to understand the principle of growing festive beauties - from a variety of products.

There are cheese and sausage slices, and slices of cucumbers, and plates of cucumber skin, and grapes, and, of course, citrus fruits, so much loved by Monkey 2016.

New Year's "recipes" for Christmas trees for children

A snowman and Christmas balls, which can be made from several snack masses, look interesting. You will find three recipes for them in the story about New Year's snacks.

Based on inexpensive but delicious New Year's salads, which we talked about in the article of the same name, you can make bumps.

It can be a few large cones that you have to share with a spoon, or many portions - on a plate for each child.

You can bribe the hearts of parents who are anxious about the diet of their children by choosing a high-value product for a traditional recipe. For example, quail eggs are for stuffed eggs.

We need

  • Hard-boiled quail eggs - 10 pcs.;
  • Soft cheese (cream or cottage cheese) - 2-3 tbsp. (can be replaced curd mass with herbs
    or processed cheese);
  • Salted salmon - 50 g;
  • Dill - 3-4 branches;
  • Pepper - 1 pinch

How to cook

  1. Cut the boiled eggs across and take out the yolks.
  2. Cut lightly salted salmon into the smallest possible cubes
  3. Chop the dill very finely.
  4. Combine yolks, cheese, salmon and dill and mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  5. Stuff the halves of the eggs with this mass, covering the top with the second empty half.
  6. We put each stuffed egg on a skewer or toothpick.

Serve on lettuce leaves or surrounded by cheese and sausage slices.

"Egg" children's New Year's table (photo)

Preparing the menu for New Year's celebration, so do not want to go beyond the already bloated budget. On the other hand, you really want to please your guests with something original!

We invite you to consider ideas for hot with apples, bananas and frozen cherries, because these are the most affordable fruits on winter counters.

And in general, it makes sense to look through the options for hot dishes for a children's birthday, because December 31 is also a birthday for the new 2016 year.

And if you decide not to limit the New Year's menu to snacks and sweets, then look for hot recipes on our website - by request "children's birthday".

For dessert, gingerbread is especially good - as a variant of a portioned New Year's dish, which is convenient to eat with your hands, including with a free buffet serving. And again it is worth emphasizing the form.

A few photos of traditional options.

Children's "photo-recipes" of gingerbread for the New Year

How to work with glaze is a topic for a separate detailed discussion. And today we will describe for you delicious recipe dough and an easy way to decorate children with adorable decoration - WITHOUT GLAZE.

New Year's gingerbread cookies "Bear wants to be friends!"

We need

  • Flour - 250 g;
  • Butter (already softened) - 70 g;
  • Sugar - 80 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Ginger (dried, powder) - 1 tsp;
  • Fresh ginger, grated - 1 tsp;
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • Cloves (ground) - ½ tsp;
  • Soda - ½ tsp;
  • Almonds (whole nuts) - by number of cookies.

How to make Christmas cookies

  1. Cut the butter into cubes, combine with sugar and an egg and interrupt in a blender until smooth.
  2. Add flour, spices, soda, grated fresh ginger, cocoa powder to the mass. Twist again in a blender. We form a dough lump, wrap it in foil and send it to the refrigerator - for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Divide the dough in half. We take one part to work, and the second can be returned to the refrigerator.
  4. Roll out the dough between two layers of baking paper: put the lump on the paper, press it lightly, on top of the second piece of paper - and slowly work with a rolling pin. Our goal is a flat dough up to 7 mm thick.
  5. Using a curly bear-shaped mold, cut out the cookies. With any colored pencil (or pastry stick) we outline the eyes, mouth, ears and nails on the legs. Put a nut in the middle of each cookie and wrap the upper legs that hold the nut.

Cook's Tip
You can cut the cookie cutters with other cookie cutters as well. The main thing is that it should be an animated character with distinct handles.

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 * C. Put baking paper on a baking sheet. And we lay out our figures.
  2. We bake cookies for 10 minutes. If the dough is thicker than 7 mm, it will take an additional 4-5 minutes.
  3. While baking the first batch, repeat all steps to create cookies from the second half of the dough.

Of course, when preparing a children's New Year's table, one cannot do without a wide variety of sweets and pastries. Interesting ideas for recipes - without wasting time and effort! - have long been described on our website, where we invite you to look.

Pay special attention to the no-bake cheesecakes, which are easy to prepare even for a novice housewife. Among the options offered are convenient recipes - with ingredients readily available in winter.

For these easy-to-use cakes, we have in store an equally simple but effective decor - in a red and white New Year's style.

Approaching the end of the article, let's not pass by the apogee of adult attributes on the menu of the new year. This is a necessary drink not only for the upcoming 2016, but also for all past and future ones. Yes, you guessed it right, we mean CHAMPAGNE!

To fully please the children, we will serve a refreshing children's drink in bottles of champagne or wine. Or buy Apple juice with gas, which is called "Children's Champagne", and, armed with simple techniques, we decorate bottles especially for children.

Such a drinking accompaniment is perfect for a sweet table, because, you must admit, tea is served to children at home - on ordinary days. And the New Year's menu is a place for surprise and delight!

Options for New Year's decor of bottles

Method number 1

Santa Claus is easy to make, for which you will need red, white, gold and black fabric, some cardboard, cotton wool, ribbons and buttons.

Fleece, felt, thick chintz will help you out. But even if these materials are not available, you can create a decoration from glossy colored paper, it is only important to glue it well (a dense layer of PVA or Moment glue).

Method number 2

With acrylics, a piece of sponge, paintbrushes, and minimal painting skills, you can make other great recipes for New Year's drink bottles for the kid's table to life.

Leaving your home after the New Year's celebration, each of the young guests can take with them a sweet memory of a fun holiday and a delicious, originally laid table.

Option number 1

If you bake well and with pleasure, this may be the easiest recipe. gingerbread with glaze. It is important that the gingerbread has a ribbon by which it can be hung from the tree.

And do not forget to make a bright label where the wish for the child is written - always with his name (!)

Option number 2

Take a closer look at the candy Christmas trees- based on the bottle. Please note that you can always choose a bottle smaller than that of champagne. At your service kefir, from juice or milk. The main thing is that they are glass.

For a smaller bottle and candy, you can choose a smaller one. However, the well-known craft will not lose its relevance, because it is beautiful, stable and curious for children in the very process of extracting sweets - they need to be cut off or torn off.

Option number 3

For older children who are already beginning to be interested in all sorts of tests and horoscopes, you can beat the meeting of the new year 2016 - as the time under the symbol of the Monkey. And then round candies in gold foil will become the best decor for the bottle. What kind of beauty can be built can be clearly seen in the photo.

This pineapple does not have to be decorated with expensive sweets. There is another - a budget recipe: take any round candies and wrap them in gold foil. Pineapple leaves - double-sided green paper:

Option number 4

The abundance of interesting New Year's dishes and entertainment for children is very elegantly emphasized by the presentation of candy wreaths at parting. They can be the same for everyone, but they are executed not in a circle, but in the form of a heart.

The universal symbol of love emphasizes the friendliness of your home and the child's desire to make friends with all the guests.

The recipe for making wreaths is as easy as shelling pears! Just one photo immediately makes the manufacturing process clear:

You will need cardboard, candy, scotch tape (or strong thread), and a ribbon for the loop on which you can hang the wreath. Note! It is easy to attract your child to this craft - starting from 4 years old. Let the baby know that friendship is a troublesome business that requires work and dedication. And only in this way a person has the right to count on the reciprocity and reliability of friends.

Always remember that a children's New Year's table, like a holiday for children in general, is first of all creativity and an optimistic vision of the world. All his joys, beauty and madness open for you a forgotten space for the expression of affection, friendship, love, faith in your own strength and in all good!