Home / Dumplings / Frozen raspberry marshmallows. Raspberry puree marshmallow

Frozen raspberry marshmallows. Raspberry puree marshmallow

At home, raspberry marshmallow with agar-agar turns out to be tender and airy. Be sure to try making it, and you won't want to buy store-bought marshmallows anymore. After all, homemade sweets are the most delicious!

It is better to cook marshmallows with fruit puree, you can use apple, pear, raspberry, peach puree.



  • raspberry puree (pitted) - 130 g;
  • large protein from chicken eggs- 1 PC.;
  • agar-agar - 10 g;
  • water - 75 ml;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • icing sugar - for boning.


I bought raspberry puree in the store, ready-made with sugar. To make mashed raspberries at home, rub the berries through a fine strainer, and boil the resulting puree with sugar. Add raspberry jam to the mixer bowl, send egg white... Food should be at room temperature. Begin to beat at low speed, gradually increasing the speed.

Beat for 10-20 minutes until the desired consistency is obtained. To homemade marshmallow was lush on agar, protein mass should thicken well, become lighter and grow in volume.

And now you need to prepare the gelling component. Boil the syrup first. To do this, take a saucepan. Add granulated sugar, agar and water to it. Agar is better to take top grade, it will be white or light yellow in color. Agar of the first grade is also on sale, but it is slightly darker and products made from it will be of a dark shade. So, mix the ingredients and after 10-20 minutes send them to the fire - the agar needs to swell a little. Equip yourself with a silicone spatula and stir constantly so that the agar does not settle to the bottom and stick to the bottom of the saucepan.

Until when should the syrup be cooked? The sugar should be completely dissolved. The mass should boil well. Unlike ordinary gelatin, agar-agar is not afraid of boiling, it is made from seaweed and much healthier than gelatin... If you dip the spatula into the syrup and raise it, the properly cooked syrup begins to drain in threads, not very quickly. At this stage, turn off the fire and let the mass cool to 80 C.

Reduce the mixer speed to the minimum. Pour the cooked syrup into the protein mass in a thin stream. At the same time, we work with a mixer until we add all the syrup and the workpiece has completely cooled down. The berry-protein mass thickens even more and forms dense peaks.

To form a beautiful marshmallow, take a piping bag with an asterisk attachment. Fill it with whipped paste.

Prepare the board in advance. Cover it with parchment, foil, or cling film. The best option there will be white baking paper or a teflon mat. Plant the marshmallows of the desired shape. In my case, from a given number of products, 23 pieces of soft and tender marshmallow... Now it needs to be dried.

I used the easiest way to dry it at home at room temperature. To do this, leave it for 12 hours, preferably for a day, so that the workpieces dry well at room temperature. But the drying time depends on the size of the planted marshmallows - small ones dry faster than large ones.

You can also dry marshmallows in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees; it is not easy to do this in a gas oven, because it is difficult to set the temperature, but dry in an electric oven for 40 minutes, then turn off the oven and leave it until the oven cools down.

Also, marshmallows can be dried in an electric dryer, it will take about 1 hour.

After drying, sprinkle with powder. Pry the bottom with a knife and blind the halves together.

Raspberry marshmallow with agar agar is ready. Delicious tea drinking! Such marshmallows are stored at room temperature no higher than 25 C in a hermetically sealed bag for about three days. In the refrigerator, the shelf life is increased by another couple of days.

If suddenly your marshmallow does not freeze, this could happen for several reasons:

  • incorrect filling of agar and water - the ratio of the recipe is violated;
  • agar was prepared incorrectly, the time of swelling in warm water and further cooking were not kept;
  • you may have oiled baking paper before depositing marshmallows - this can also affect their solidification.

What can replace agar-agar in making homemade marshmallows:

  • Gelatin - it has one feature - when boiling, this product completely loses its gelling properties, so do not let it boil.
  • Potato starch - it is difficult to calculate the proportions of the bookmark of this component.
  • Pectin is the best substitute for agar, as its properties are almost indistinguishable from it. But there are some differences in usage. Pectin must first be mixed with sugar in a 1: 2 ratio, and then added to a slightly boiled liquid.

See also how to cook at home.

This is my first time making marshmallows and I don't even know what will come of it yet! But if I did publish this recipe, I did SOMETHING! Before you start, a couple of notes or, shall we say, tips before preparing this dessert.

To make the marshmallow, you need to use puree of berries or fruits with a high pectin content, such as:

Apples, Currants, Raspberries, Plums, Pears, Apricots and Cherries.

For marshmallows, it is best to use applesauce, it has a higher pectin content than others. This is how the familiar "standard" marshmallow turns out. If the pectin content in the berries or fruits you have chosen is small, then it must be mixed 50/50 with applesauce or add powdered pectin .... Boil the puree until thick and leave to cool. When it cools down, the mass should resemble jam. The better the mashed potatoes are boiled, the more chances that the marshmallow will turn out tender and with the desired consistency. And in general, there is a greater chance that it will work out at all!

For the preparation of marshmallows, a vegetable thickener is used: agar-agar and you cannot replace it with gelatin! And finding agar-agar turned out to be an even bigger problem if you are not from Russia! BUT! I found a way out for an agar-agar tycoon and a marshmallow !!! 😁

Beat the protein mass well !!! Have patience, it should be thick and glossy!

Otherwise, it doesn't seem that difficult, so let's get started! I apologize in advance for the quality of the photo, there was no lighting in the kitchen, but to transfer everything "to Better conditions"I just had neither the time nor the opportunity!

We need:

125g ready-made raspberry puree

100g sugar for puree

5g agar-agar

200g sugar

It turns out about 28-30 halves, which is 14-15 marshmallows!

I use ready-made raspberry puree. To do this, I interrupted the raspberries with a blender and strained them through a sieve.
We boil it together with sugar until thickened. Leave to cool. As I already wrote, after cooling down, the mass should become as thick and dense as possible.

When our puree has cooled, put it in a blender bowl and add the protein. IMPORTANT that not a drop of yolk gets into the white, I advise you to divide the egg beforehand. Turn on the mixer at medium speed and leave. If you have a hand mixer, it will be a little more difficult, since while the protein mass is beating, we need to prepare the syrup. If so, first beat the protein mass until stable peaks (beak) and immediately start preparing the syrup.
Pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add water and agar-agar. We put on a low heat and stir constantly vigorously so that the agar-agar does not burn.

When boiling, the syrup will bubble and rise up, so it is advisable to use a stewpan with high sides.

Cook the syrup until a thick and dense "thread" begins to drain from the scapula. In the photo, I tried to show what I mean. This density should be our protein mass so that we can safely start adding syrup. Again, if you are using a hand mixer, call your family or get ready to use two hands! At a slow mixer speed, start adding the syrup to the protein mass, preferably without getting on the mixer blades. When all the syrup has been added, turn on our mixer to the maximum and beat for another 3-5 minutes. Our marshmallow mass is ready! It should be glossy, dense and resistant! Now you need to distribute it in a culinary bag (I use the Wilton 6B attachment) and begin to deposit the marshmallows. You can use parchment or a Teflon mat, whichever is more comfortable for you.

Make marshmallows in the shape or size you like best! The larger the marshmallow, the longer it will dry!
And so, now you need to leave the marshmallows to dry. I do this at room temperature, just leaving it in the kitchen, on the table. It is impossible to say for sure how long the marshmallow will dry. Maybe 3 hours, maybe 5, maybe all night! It depends on the temperature in the house, how you whipped the whites, and much more. We check the marshmallow in a couple of hours, it should be sticky only from the bottom so that we can connect the halves. My marshmallow has been drying for 4 hours, but I advise you to dry it longer, or better all night!
We select a suitable half for each and combine the marshmallows.
Roll marshmallows into icing sugar and voila ..
These are the marshmallows obtained according to this recipe, very tender on the inside, with a crust on the outside and with a bright raspberry flavor! You need to store marshmallows in a tightly sealed container so that it does not weather. You can wrap it in cling film!

I can say that marshmallows according to this recipe will turn out even for a beginner, maybe not "from the picture", but very tasty! So full speed ahead!

And do not think that making marshmallows at home is, if not impossible, then catastrophically difficult. Explore our step by step recipe take a photo and make sure it's very easy!

No raspberries? It's OK. Take frozen cherries, currants or even a berry mix with a little more sugar!

Raspberry Marshmallow Recipe

What do you need:
300 g frozen raspberries
15 g gelatin
3 tbsp water
3-4 tablespoons Sahara

form 18x18 cm (it is advisable to use a confectionery frame, can be replaced with a split form)

How to make raspberry marshmallows:

1. Soak gelatin in water.

2. Put the berries in a saucepan and heat without boiling. Remove from heat, rub through a sieve.

3. Return the raspberry puree to the saucepan over the fire, add the sugar. While stirring constantly, bring the puree to a boil. Remove from heat.

4. Add the swollen gelatin to the raspberries, stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. The mass must be properly cooled.

5. Using a mixer, beat the puree for ten minutes until a fluffy, dense mass is obtained.

Transfer the raspberry puree to the mixer bowl. Add chicken protein... Begin whisking at medium speed until fluffy.

While the protein is whipping, prepare the syrup. Add granulated sugar, water, agar-agar to a saucepan. can be found in our article. Send container to fire. Stir constantly and cook until thick.

A well-beaten raspberry puree with protein should be firm and not run out when the bowl is turned over.

If you have a thermometer, heat the syrup to 110 degrees. Otherwise, the finished syrup should slowly drain from the spatula with pulling threads.

Turn on mixer to medium speed. Pour the cooked hot syrup into the puree in a thin stream. After adding syrup, increase speed and beat well.

As a result, you should get a dense, stable mass.

For depositing, take a tight piping bag and an asterisk attachment. Fill the bag with marshmallows.

Cover the board with parchment and plant the marshmallow of the desired size. From this amount of ingredients, 28 medium halves were obtained. Leave it on for a couple of hours to freeze the marshmallows.

Detach the halves and connect together. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

The raspberry delicacy is ready.

Enjoy your tea!

If raspberry marshmallow is beautifully designed and packaged, it can be presented as a sweet gift for your family and friends.

Ecology of consumption. Food & Recipes: Airy and delicate raspberry marshmallow is a natural and inexpensive delicacy. The slight sourness and rich taste of berries will appeal to both adults and children!

Airy and delicate raspberry marshmallow is a natural and inexpensive delicacy. The slight sourness and rich taste of berries will appeal to both adults and children!

And do not think that making marshmallows at home is, if not impossible, then catastrophically difficult. Explore our step by step photo recipe and make sure it's very easy!

No raspberries? It's OK. Take frozen cherries, currants or even a berry mix with a little more sugar!

Raspberry Marshmallow Recipe

What do you need:
300 g frozen raspberries
15 g gelatin
3 tbsp water
3-4 tbsp Sahara

form 18x18 cm (it is advisable to use a confectionery frame, can be replaced with a split form)

How to make raspberry marshmallows:

1. Soak gelatin in water.

2. Put the berries in a saucepan and heat without boiling. Remove from heat, rub through a sieve.

3. Return the raspberry puree to the saucepan over the fire, add the sugar. While stirring constantly, bring the puree to a boil. Remove from heat.

4. Add the swollen gelatin to the raspberries, stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. The mass must be properly cooled.

5. Using a mixer, beat the puree for ten minutes until a fluffy, dense mass is obtained.

6. Transfer the air mousse to the mold, smooth it out.

7. Send to the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.