Home / Recipes / How beautiful to lay the cheese. How to cut sausage and cheese beautifully? Cooking Tips! Sliced ​​sausage and cheese on the festive table, photo

How beautiful to lay the cheese. How to cut sausage and cheese beautifully? Cooking Tips! Sliced ​​sausage and cheese on the festive table, photo

How to cut cheese, how to serve cheese. To fully feel all the magnificence of the taste of cheese, it must be served correctly. Most cheeses should be taken out of the refrigerator an hour before serving. Only in this way can the product reveal its true taste and aroma. Cheese is important to cut properly. The art of cutting cheeses is part of the etiquette and philosophy of the French "art devivre" (the art of living), which in short
is in the phrase: "Let's respect the cheese and others."

Incorrect cutting of cheese can significantly distort its true taste and interfere with the full enjoyment of eating.

Cheese should be cut not into thin plates, as is customary in Russia, but into slices or sticks - so the unique cheese taste and aroma will last longer in the product. Each piece of cheese should consist partly of the crust and partly of the cheese heart, as the aroma and taste of the product changes from the crust to the pulp.

For cutting different cheeses, it is best to use different knives. This will help protect the delicate taste of delicate cheeses from the “intervention” of harsh, pronounced aromas of savory cheese.

for slicing soft cheeses thin perforated blades are used. Thanks to the perforation, the wet cheese mass does not stick to the blade. In addition, soft cheese knives often have a curved shape with a fork-shaped fork at the end to make it easier to take pieces from the cheese plate.

Very delicate cheeses(cottage cheese) are divided into portions with a spoon, since it is impossible to cut them.

Hard cheeses are cut with a spatula-shaped knife with a slot in the middle of the blade. With such a device it is extremely convenient to cut neat pieces from the cheese head.

For cutting cheese circles, knives with two handles are also taken, which are used mainly in shops and restaurants.

Extra-hard cheeses (Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano) are not cut, but pricked like ice with special knives.

For cutting blue cheeses, a special knife is used, the blade of which is a stretched wire or string. The use of ordinary knives causes the noble blue mold to crumble.

Speaking of serving cheese, one cannot fail to mention the cheese plate. A cheese plate will allow you to feel all the richness of cheese flavors. If a cheese plate acts as a main course, then 250 g of all cheeses should be per person, and if as a dessert, then no more than 100 g.

How to cut cheese. Beautifully and neatly cut cheese

As has long been customary, this is one of the most anticipated and popular dishes on the festive table, especially now that buffet tables are starting to come into fashion. But how to cut sausage and cheese beautifully so that such a dish will please guests? All it takes is good taste, a flight of fancy, as well as the skill of the hostess.

To impress your guests and make festive table chic, you need to think in advance about the design of plates with cheese and sausage. Don't be trite. It is not enough just to cut several types of sausages and cheeses and put all this variety on a large beautiful plate. As in the case of other dishes on the festive table, cold appetizers must be approached with imagination in order to pleasantly surprise guests and decorate the celebration.

If you find it difficult to do this the first time, then before you cut the sausage and cheese nicely, you can sketch out what you want to end up with. Any good hostess will prefer to work a little harder, but at the same time create a masterpiece that guests can appreciate. After all, everyone can see snacks simply laid out on a plate every day. and not at all festive. Your painstaking work will be fully rewarded by the emotions of the guests, their admiring exclamations, admiration of the original

A good option

How to cut sausage and cheese beautifully? Now we'll tell you. We offer you one interesting and at the same time quite simple option - you can simply lay out all the available products in the form of flower petals. However, they can be completely different. For example, the middle can be laid out from pieces of something light, and everything else can be made darker. Such a dish must be decorated with greenery around the edges, which will imitate the leaves of a flower.

Kala are an excellent option, to create them, a very thinly sliced ​​​​sausage is rolled up like a bud, and the cheese squares inside resemble cores. Or you can put olives or black olives inside. In this case, the petal itself is best made from cheese. In the second version, the feces look much more realistic. But in order to cut cheese and sausage beautifully, you should do it very, very thinly. If feces are made from both improvised materials, you will get a chic festive bouquet on a plate.


If you work a little harder, you can create a more complex and impressive composition. For example, a rose. To make it, sausage pieces are rolled up and pressed tightly against each other. Foundation many bandage green onion. The second layer is made looser and slightly arched outward. And the third is laid out simply on a plate. How to cut sausage and cheese in this case? The cheese, which is the substrate here, is made in thin plates, and the sausage (it is better to take boiled) is simply not very thick circles. Thick enough to roll easily.

Make a dish with cold snack additional elements will also be interesting. In addition to the already somewhat banal greens, many housewives add miserable cherry tomatoes or bright berries and fruits, such as cherries, strawberries or kiwi. The appetizer can also be decorated with fresh flowers. Such an interesting composition will look very impressive and will become a truly culinary masterpiece.

Another idea of ​​​​how to cut cheese beautifully is to cut it into cubes and complete it with halves of grapes on special skewers. You can also use olives or any other fruits and vegetables you like.

You can make original cutting without resorting to the help of colors. You can roll everything into rolls and lay it in a slide. Another interesting option- this is to place the sausage around the edges, then closer to the center - cheese, and in the very middle - olives, pieces of fruit, tomatoes or gherkins.

How to cut sausage and cheese beautifully? Now we will give some fairly easy tips to make these products look interesting on a plate. Different varieties laid out in sectors look very impressive - in rows, squares, circles or triangles, as you think of it. Another interesting option is to cut the sausage and make a cone out of it, placing greens or half an olive inside. Fasten the slices so that they do not unfold, skewers or toothpicks will help you.

Various figures can be cut out of cheese with the help of special knives. Therefore, when working with him, hold back your imagination a little, otherwise you can do a lot of things. Well, if the holiday is associated with lovers, then you can serve cheese hearts, there are even special forms for this. Such an appetizer runs the risk of becoming a real decoration not only for the table, but for the whole celebration.


If you have enough time in reserve, as well as helpers, then you can make a real work of art, a culinary masterpiece from cutting.

Without an appetizer, a buffet or a feast is simply unthinkable, and all because we have long been accustomed to having a bite to eat even while sitting at a banquet and enjoying delicious dishes.

That's why in today's selection of tips and lessons, Your Cook will tell young cooks how to cut cheese beautifully for the holiday table. Moreover, restaurant wisdom will be used, and simply original and unusual secrets- everyone will find what he likes!

How to cut cheese beautifully: step by step instructions

Photos from restaurant catalogs are replete with all kinds of cuts, of which you can often find cheese - and all because it is universal and suitable for any occasion. At home, it is quite possible to repeat such beauty.

Restaurant slicing and serving a cheese board step by step

How to make cheese slices like in a photo from fashion magazines? It's simple: we stock up on several types of cheese, preferably not cheap ones. It will be optimal to combine three types: soft, for example, white cheese from goat milk, hard classic and semi-soft.

It is best to use a special device for cutting cheese and vegetables - this way you can chop the ingredients faster, but you can easily do it yourself with a knife. The main thing is to sharpen it well.

In addition to, in fact, cheeses, we will also need fruits - juicy ripe pear and grapes. It is better to take dark.

We also add fruit jam or confiture - apricot or peach. Good crackers as a substrate for a snack will not interfere either. And we also need skewers and a real wooden board - in expensive establishments they put cheese slices on it.

Let's start cooking

  • So, first we chop our ingredients. The easiest way to cut a round cheese is this: we divide the head into two halves, and then each in half again. We cut the cheese into thin layers of the same width and shape.
  • Soft cheeses are usually scooped with a dessert knife. Or you can cut them into small pieces at once - it's up to you. But we strongly recommend cutting soft and semi-soft cheeses into small triangles or sticks that are convenient for tasting. And hard varieties - classic slices.
  • We spread the cheeses directly on the board, each one separately from the other. Next to the board we put a bowl of fruit jam. Arrange crackers or dry cereal in a long line in the middle of the board.
  • We wash the pear, cut it into two halves and remove the hard seeds and core. We cut it with a sharp knife into thin half-ring plates and put it in a handful directly on the board.
  • We wash the grapes and divide them into separate grapes. We put them on the board.
  • When the sliced ​​​​cheeses are stacked and ready, we serve them to the guests.

We taste the dish by piercing a slice of cheese with a skewer and dipping it in sweet jam or confiture. We also try to add juicy fruits and combine crackers with jam and various cheeses, getting real pleasure from the process.

And if we are talking about a gourmet dinner, then it would not be superfluous to serve such a chic treat with a bottle of good white wine.

Original sliced ​​​​cheeses for a homemade feast

How to properly cut cheese for the table if you need to surprise guests? It's simple - use graphic cutting!

You can make a beautiful plate of cheeses if you chop each type of product in its own way. And trimmings can be put on cheese chips for sprinkling salad.

  • So, the first thing we decide is how we will serve the cheese. Soft better with a sharp knife to divide into cubes of medium size. Solid - cut as usual, but at the end we cut off all the excess to make a perfect square.
  • Cut the cheese of medium softness into triangles. To do this, you can immediately give a piece of cheese this shape or chop first as usual, and then cut off the corners.
  • We put the cheeses on a beautiful large plate, putting them each in a different part of the plate.
  • Put a little in the center of the dish apple slices, chopped thinly. And we'll give cheese plate with honey in a small saucer.
  • It also does not hurt to add nuts - almonds, cashews or hazelnuts. You can simply pour them in a pea between slicing cheeses.

How to decorate cheese slices on a festive table

Innings cheese snack also includes decoration, so it’s better to choose not only delicious and high-quality varieties of cheese, but also take care of framing the treat. No one likes having only cheese on their plate.

It is easiest to build a masterpiece with your own hands, adding juiciness to the dish with fruits, sweetness with honey or jam, and crunchiness with expensive crackers.

Usually photos from restaurants look like this - everything that can be successfully combined with types of cheeses and eaten with them is served on a plate.

Lovers of salty and sour will love olives or black olives. They can additionally decorate the cut.

OK it's all over Now! Now you know not only how to cut the cheese beautifully, but also how to elegantly present the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bto the table.

Any feast, and even more so a buffet table, begins with a beautiful cut.

Dishes placed on the festive table (and in everyday life) should look appetizing. Cuts served at the very beginning, along with snacks - even more so. Their purpose is to interest the guests with their unusual appearance.

Cheese and sausage (its different varieties) can be mixed and create a whole work of art, which is certainly hard not to notice on the table among other treats.

How to cut sausage and cheese

For beautiful dish the product must be neatly and beautifully cut, always with a sharp knife and always on a clean separate cutting board. To make it easier to get a sliced ​​​​form, the product is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (but not in the freezer) - so the pieces will turn out not only smoother, but also thinner. For greater beauty, special knives are used. Neat thin plates come out from under their blades, fit into any pattern on the dish. Cheese is generally taken out of the cold at the last moment: otherwise it will soften and it will become problematic to cut it.

The nuance is the following: what shape to give cheese and sausage. With the latest clarity more. According to table etiquette, it is cut in circles perpendicular to the stick or cut obliquely and oblong ovals are obtained. The skin is naturally removed before cutting. The circles are cut evenly, retreating from the edge to half a centimeter. The rest is considered fat. With boiled sausage, a greater thickness is allowed, but for envelopes it is also reduced here.

Cheese durum varieties, going for cutting, cut into rectangles (this is the easiest way), triangles (according to the cut of the purchased piece) or rhombuses. Any of the options does not allow for large thicknesses. It is believed that the cheese should be a little translucent, but not crumble with a porous structure. The size of the slices should be small (about 5 - 6 cm).

How to lay out the slices beautifully

  • Sliced ​​cheese and sausage parts are laid out on a dish, alternating, creating a pattern and a contrast of colors. It may turn out to be a flower, a fan, a circular solution.
  • Another of the popular ways to cut cheese and sausages is into strips. From such blanks, chrysanthemums and huts are created, hedgehogs are laid out for a children's feast.
  • Large sheets of cheese and sausages are filled with salads. Rolled envelopes can be turned into callas, putting sausage sticks into cheese ones, and cheese into sausage ones.
  • Having given free rein to your imagination, you can put together anything from pieces of sausage and cheese: from a flower meadow to cute little animals.
  • You can roll the cut slices into various rolls, tubes, roses, etc. Inside the sausage tube, you can put sprigs of greens, olives or lemon. Sausages of small diameter can simply be beautifully laid out on a plate.
  • To make the cut look beautiful on the plate, put lettuce leaves on the bottom. Sausage cuts should take up 2/3 of the plate, and cheese cuts should take 1/3. Meat tubes and rolls are placed at the bottom of the plate. Thin slices are laid out on top. You can put a small amount of vegetables on top of the sausage. Spread the shredded cheese over the rest of the plate. This is a fairly simple way to beautifully arrange the cut.
  • To give the cutting an original look, you can add additional elements. In addition to greens, olives and lettuce, you can use cherry tomatoes, fresh or pickled cucumbers, pomegranate seeds, strawberries, lemons, mushrooms, nuts, candied fruits, etc.
  • If you work a little harder, you can create a more complex and impressive composition. For example, a rose. To make it, sausage pieces are rolled up and pressed tightly against one another. Many bandage the base with green onions. The second layer is made looser and slightly arched outward. And the third is laid out simply on a plate.
  • Another idea of ​​​​how to cut cheese beautifully is to cut it into cubes and complete it with halves of grapes on special skewers. You can also use olives or any other fruits and vegetables you like.
  • Sliced ​​​​sausage and cheese can be served in the form of canapés. String pieces of sausage, meat, cheese, vegetables or fruits on a toothpick or skewer. Alternate the ingredients to make a really interesting cut that is easy to grab and eat.