Home / Cupcakes / The perfect gingerbread dough ☆ Gingerbread with burnt sugar ☆ My tricks. Burnt Sugar Gingerbread Recipes Burnt Sugar Gingerbread Recipe

The perfect gingerbread dough ☆ Gingerbread with burnt sugar ☆ My tricks. Burnt Sugar Gingerbread Recipes Burnt Sugar Gingerbread Recipe

For the test
Yolks 2 pcs
Margarine 150 g
Granulated sugar (1 tbsp for caramel + 1 tbsp for margarine) 2 tbsp
Boiling water 1 tbsp
Baking soda 1 tsp
Flour (how much dough will take) 1 kg (approximately)
For glaze
Granulated sugar 1 tbsp
1/3 tbsp water
For filling
Thick jam (I have apple) 300 g
# Glass - 250 ml

Cooking method
These gingerbread cookies are our family's favorites. And everyone who has tried them likes them very much. Moreover, if you do not warn me that I baked them myself, then they think that these are store-bought gingerbread.
The recipe is very simple, the ingredients are available. Despite the fact that there is no honey in the composition of gingerbread, they are very similar to honey. I do not add spices and herbs to the dough. The gingerbread cookies are already very fragrant.
Although the recipe contains a lot of sugar, the gingerbread cookies are not sugary at all. Apparently, burnt * does not give sweetness, but a special honey-caramel aroma.
V original recipe gingerbread cookies are baked without filling. Very good! But I add jam. We like it even more!
Grind 2 yolks with 1 cup sugar and softened margarine **


Pour 1 glass of boiling water into a mug and cover with a lid so that it does not cool down. We put it next to the stove on which we will make burnt sugar.

Otherwise, if you then distract yourself by pouring boiling water from the kettle, the sugar may burn out. This is how my sugar once burned *** while I was pouring boiling water into a glass (I specially photographed this marriage):

We burn 1 cup of sugar in a dry frying pan (not Teflon). I do this in a stainless steel pot. The photo shows how the sugar gradually melts.


As soon as the sugar has melted, pour boiling water (1 glass) into it in a thin stream and stir until the lumps dissolve. Caution, steam can burn! Do not bend over the pot / pan at this point.
It turns out like this syrup

Syrup immediately, hot, pour into margarine with yolks and sugar

Stir it well

Then add a little flour, pour soda on top

Stir and add flour until soft elastic dough. The amount of flour in the recipe is conditional (it can be less or more). It depends on the size of the eggs and the density of the margarine used. Add flour gradually and do not hammer the dough with flour, otherwise the gingerbread will not be fluffy and tender.

The finished dough looks like this

If we decide to cook gingerbread without filling, then roll out the dough 1 cm thick, if with filling, then 0.5 cm. If the dough sticks to the table and rolling pin, then it can be slightly dusty with flour. Cut the rolled dough into circles, squares or rectangles


Smear the jam over the surface, not reaching the edges of about 0.5 cm. The thicker the jam, the tastier the gingerbread will be. If the jam is not very thick, then you need to put it a little.
Cover with the second rectangle on top.

Press one layer to another with your finger
We form the edge of the gingerbread, as on dumplings, with a "pigtail". This is necessary so that the thinner edge of the gingerbread does not bake earlier and does not dry out. And the gingerbreads look prettier that way.


If we make round gingerbread cookies with a filling, then we connect the upper and lower layers by scrolling over them with a jar (not a thin glass!) And with a screw jar, and not a simple crimp. I don’t know why, but it’s just such a jar that allows the layers to bond tightly.



We spread the gingerbread cookies on a baking sheet at a short distance from each other

Bake until slightly golden brown at 180 - 200 degrees. Gingerbread is baked quickly, 15 - 20 minutes (depending on the characteristics of the oven and the size of the gingerbread). The gingerbread cookies are then ready when they rise and easily fall behind the baking sheet. If the gingerbread is not baked, then they will be viscous and light.

While the gingerbread cookies are baking, prepare the icing. To do this, boil water, gradually add sugar to it, dissolve it completely


Put the hot gingerbread on sheets of paper and immediately cover with hot glaze. We cover with glaze several times (it dries up - we smear it again). You can do this directly on the baking sheet, but on paper it is easier - you do not need to wash the baking sheet later. The frosting turns into a crust like store-bought gingerbread, which prevents it from drying out.


When the gingerbread cookies are cool and the icing is completely dry, put them in a plastic bag or container. If the gingerbread is large, then each can be wrapped in plastic wrap. The longer the gingerbread cookies are stored, the better they become. And after a month they remain tasty and soft.


Enjoy your tea, tasty and joyful for everyone!
P.S. I always make a lot of gingerbread (2 - 3 servings). First, they can be stored for a very long time. Secondly, most of it goes to presents in the form of a gift set of fermented tea homemade(recipes here and here) and gingerbread, packed in boxes, also of our own production. Such gifts are very well received for New Year, Christmas and other holidays. After all, these gifts are made with your own hands and with love.
You can bake larger gingerbread cookies - 20 - 25 cm (round, square), with embossing and decoration. Such gifts look no worse than the famous Tula and Vyazma gingerbread.
Last time I baked 7.5 kg of gingerbread in 2 runs. I passed them on to my friends and family. Mom, accustomed to the present from Vyazma in the form of the famous Vyazma gingerbread, said that mine are much tastier. I agree with my mom ...

Platter for approx. 2 kg
Cooking time: 1 hour
* Burnt sugar (burnt) is, in fact, caramelized sugar that has been heated to Brown color... It is used to color creams, fondants, sauces, compotes and other drinks, as well as to flavor them.
In addition, burnt food often means a drink like punch, which is made from alcohol, some fruits, and also, in fact, burnt sugar, which is added to the main mixture by melting. Outwardly, it is a spectacular, but uncomplicated drink in the way of production, which was distinguished by unjustified high cost and was widespread in Europe among students at the beginning of the 19th century.
Different types burnt sugar, which differed in the proportions and amount of components, were known under various names, for example, caramboli, gaudeamus, golden fleece, damn drink, burshen-getrán and others.
The benefits of this product have been known to humans for a very long time, but regarding the harm of burnt sugar, we can say that the consequences of its use are similar to those of using white sugar in food. The most common thing that is known about its properties is that it helps with a cough or in the case when it just has a sore throat.
** I baked gingerbread cookies from different margarine. There is no difference in taste, but I noticed that from the "Hostess" there is a "pigtail" relief along the edge of the gingerbread, and from "Pyshka" it disappears. If you set yourself the goal of making drawings on the surface of the gingerbread using the embossing method, then it is better to use the "Hostess".
*** Pots and pans after cooking the burnt sugar and glaze can be easily washed if you pour water into them for a couple of hours.

This dough can be used to bake cake layers. I sandwich the cakes with cream of thick sour cream and sugar. Add walnuts... Highly delicious cake it turns out. Almost indistinguishable from a honey cake!

The recipe is taken here

My favorite holiday! Since childhood, I have been waiting for him more than his birthday. I love decorating the house with lights, putting the tree down before everyone else and cleaning it up later than everyone else! I love tangerines so much that I'm allergic to them! I love the comfort in the house during this period of time so much, I love to wrap gifts and in general I love to give them! So .. what am I for? I decided to write a recipe for sooo delicious Christmas gingerbread, which are perfect as a decoration on a Christmas tree, as a gift to beloved friends and generally to the Christmas table! They have such a pleasant aroma, they smell like Christmas and holidays! Do you want you to have the same holiday mood? Here's a recipe for such a mood!

I always cook the dough in a large number, so that at any convenient opportunity to get it out of the freezer and voila, here's a gingerbread for you! This dough can be stored for up to 1 month in the refrigerator or up to 4 months in the freezer.

And so, for 1.5 kg of dough we need:

500g granulated sugar

200ml of boiling water

200g butter

850-900g wheat flour

1 tsp soda

1/2 tsp salt

2 tsp ground cinnamon

1 tsp ground ginger

1 tsp ground nutmeg

2 tsp honey

White or colored glaze:

200-220g finely ground powdered sugar

1/2 tsp corn starch

1/2 tsp lemon juice

Food colorings

Turn on "Jingle Bells" and let's go!

Take a saucepan or deep frying pan with a thick bottom and pour all the sugar into it. We put on medium heat. We wait until the bottom layer of sugar dissolves and we begin to "help" the sugar to melt, We begin to stir it from the edges to the middle. At this stage, you need to make sure that the sugar does not burn, otherwise the gingerbread will taste bitter. To do this, stir it constantly and do not increase the heat. It takes patience. The sugar should completely dissolve and the mass should become amber without a single lump. I tried to show in the photo the different stages of "dissolving" sugar in a saucepan.
When the mass has become homogeneous, dark amber and without a single lump, remove the pan from the heat and start adding boiling water in a thin stream! HERE WE READ CAREFULLY !!!

Caramel is VERY high temperature, so in no case (!!!) use cold water... When you start adding boiling water, the mass will start to boil very hard and bubble - this is normal. Be very careful not to burn yourself! There will literally be steam coming out of the pan, so DO NOT LOOK INTO THE POT! The main thing here is to add boiling water in a very thin stream and stir the caramel vigorously. If there is someone to help, super! Unfortunately, I could not pour boiling water and take pictures at the same time, so I tried to describe the process in as much detail as possible. This is how it all looks. Stir the caramel until smooth. Now we return the pan to the fire. Add butter and melt it in caramel. When the butter is completely melted, add spices, salt, soda and honey. It's a matter of taste, you can add the spices that you like the most! I add cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg... You can add spices such as cardamom, anise, cloves, and allspice. And then the holiday begins! The whole house will smell like Christmas, try not to start eating the dough raw!
When you add all the spices and baking soda, the baking soda will start to work and the mass will rise with a head. Here you need to quickly and quickly stir our dough with a whisk or spatula and remove from heat in a minute. Stir vigorously and steadily until the cap falls off. Now our mass needs to be cooled, to do this, stir the dough constantly. It should become uniform, dark and slightly stringy. Only when you are convinced that the mass is slightly warm can you introduce the egg. Mix the egg with a whisk. Do not add the egg to the hot mixture, it will simply boil there, and it will be very difficult to strain such a dough. Now add the sifted flour in portions. You may need less flour or more, depending on the quality of the flour and the products you use. it important point, since if you add too much of it, the gingerbread will bubble and crumble, if a little will not keep its shape. When we realized that it is already difficult to mix the mass with a whisk, we allocate a workplace for ourselves and we will knead the dough with our hands in the remaining flour. Pour the flour onto the surface and spread out the dough.

This is how it looks in reality. But it's worth it!
Knead the dough and do not add more flour than is in the recipe. We add it only if all the flour is already in the dough, and it remains very sticky.

By color ready dough resembles boiled condensed milk.

And by consistency, it should be soft, slightly sticky and leave "dents" on itself.

We wrap our dough in a bag or cling film and send it to the refrigerator at least overnight.
The dough lay overnight in the refrigerator and became very thick and glossy. How it smells guys! And this is how the dough looks in section.
I roll out the dough right away on a Teflon rug, I think this is the most convenient way, since the finished figures will not need to be transferred anywhere and they will remain even. You can also bake the gingerbread cookies on baking paper. I use these cuttings for gingerbread. I think they can be found in most bakery shops, especially before the holidays. I have both plastic and metal, both options are comfortable and I am quite satisfied.

I roll out the dough not very thinly, 3-5mm, do not forget that you need to try to roll it out of the same thickness so that the gingerbread cookies do not come out different. It is advisable that there is a small distance between the gingerbread cookies, as they will rise and slightly increase in size.
If you want to make gingerbread toys for the Christmas tree, you can make a hole for the crochets, I use a wide cocktail tube.
I send the gingerbread cookies to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 6-7 minutes. Try not to overexpose the gingerbread cookies so they don't get stale. The finished gingerbread will rise and remain slightly soft, and when cooled down, they will be soft.

Our beauties turn out to be so even! Smell amazing and uniform in color!
This is how the reverse side of the gingerbread looks like, if baked on a Teflon rug, a very flat surface, in my opinion this is how it should be.
You can leave them as they are or paint them with glaze. Everything is optional! This is a great time with the kids! Call the whole family and start painting the gingerbread cookies the way you like! My shorty is still quite small, my husband is at work, so only I am having fun! So, I will share with you a recipe for icing for gingerbread. You can keep it white, or color it with food coloring!
Pour the protein into the dishes and add ALWAYS sifted icing sugar. The finer your powder, the more uniform your glaze will turn out. To the same mixture, add half a teaspoon of starch. First mix the protein, powder and starch with a whisk until the whole mass forms into a lump.

Now we will use the mixer at low speed. Beat our mass for 2-3 minutes. It should turn white and increase slightly in size.
After 3 minutes, add lemon juice and beat for another 3-4 minutes. In total, beat the glaze for 5-7 minutes, until it becomes white and dense. Then there is such a moment. It depends on what you want to paint on your gingerbread, the consistency of the glaze you need will depend on it. For the contour of the gingerbread, a denser mass is needed; to fill the drawing, it is not liquid, but not as thick as for the contour. I advise you to divide the frosting into 2 parts - for the outline and for the filling. To make the icing brighter than liquid, add half a teaspoon of water to it and stir until you achieve the consistency you want.

If you want to do colored glaze, divide it into parts and add food coloring.

You can also use a different powder or colored sugar.
For the drawings, I use pastry bags, I just cut off a very tiny piece from the tip so that the icing does not pour out with a wide ribbon. Now only your imagination! To paint the gingerbreads evenly, without smudges and beautifully, definitely needs practice! I don't have it, because I have never painted on gingerbread! This is also my first experience, so please understand and forgive! I'm sure that if you do this a couple of times, the third time your gingerbread will be perfect! I first drew the outline, and then filled the gingerbread with colored glaze. I left some of the gingerbread with white icing.
At the end of the recipe, I can say that it is for me perfect recipe gingerbread dough! They turn out to be insanely tasty and aromatic! If you like ginger - add more ginger, if you like pepper cookies - add allspice! They will give you a festive mood, I promise you that!

Gingerbread sugar icing

Burnt sugar gingerbread and protein glaze

Recipe for gingerbread gingerbread dough without honey and protein glaze for painting.

There are secrets in cooking gingerbread on a burnt, but in general, there is nothing complicated. The main thing is not to burn the sugar to bitter.

Sugar - 0.5 kg
Water (boiling water) - 200 ml
Butter or
margarine - 200 g
Flour - 800 - 900 g
Egg - 1 piece
Soda - 1 tsp
Salt - 0.5 tsp
Cocoa - 2 tablespoons
Ginger - 2 tsp
Orange zest - 2 tsp
Cinnamon - 1 tsp
Cloves - 1/4 tsp
Cardamom - 1/4 tsp

You can add absolutely any spices to your taste. Soda and salt must be added.

Add flour gradually, the dough should be soft enough, practically not sticky.
If there is not enough flour in the dough, the gingerbread cookies, when baking, do not keep their original shape, "float", but if, on the contrary, hammer the dough with flour, then when baking, bubbles may appear on the gingerbread, the dough "shrinks".

Ready dough you need to mature in the refrigerator overnight, or better for a day.

Immediately after baking, hot gingerbread cookies are quite soft, they bend a little if taken in hand, after cooling they keep their shape well, remain soft inside.

The more "mature" the gingerbread, the tastier it is, let the gingerbread lie at least a couple of days.

If you need a perfectly even gingerbread for painting, put an even cutting board on the still warm gingerbread.

I am not a great master of the gingerbread business, but we definitely cook gingerbread with the kids for Christmas) We have tried many recipes, this one, in my opinion, is the most successful.

Glaze recipe for gingerbread and cookies.

For cooking you will need:

Egg white - 1 pc
Powdered sugar - 200 - 250 g
Starch - 0.5 tsp
Citric acid - 1/4 tsp

In this video I will show 3 working consistencies of glaze: hard peak (gluing parts of gingerbread houses, making different colors (for example, roses), etc.), soft peak (gingerbread outline, inscriptions, etc.) and liquid glaze for pouring.

The amount of powdered sugar depends on the size of the protein, more or less may be needed.

Glaze, especially thick (hard peak), dries quickly, so you need to store it in a tightly closed container, or, if you are going to use it right now, you can cover the container with a damp towel.

Comments (1)
  • Gingerbread with glaze

    Another variation of the gingerbread recipe, they turn out to be very soft, tasty and so spicy. Gingerbread: 340g flour 1/4 tsp. soda 1.5 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp ground ginger 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg 1/4 tsp ground ...

  • Gingerbread

    Gingerbread recipe: For the dough: eggs - 2 pcs. sugar - 120 g. honey - 100 g. butter 50 g. soda - 1 tsp. cocoa - 2 tablespoons ground cloves - 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon -1 tsp ground ginger - 2 tsp flour - about ...

  • Gingerbread!

    These mint gingerbread cakes, therefore, are very similar to store-bought ones, with a gingerbread taste and, of course, a mint aroma. Mint gingerbread dough: Milk - 500 ml Flour - 250 g + 850 g Baking powder - 55 ...

  • My first gingerbread

    True, my paintings are still crooked, but very tasty! I am writing the original recipe: Gingerbread recipe: For the dough: eggs - 2 pcs. sugar - 120 gr. honey - 100 gr. butter 50 ...

  • Gingerbread recipe + frosting.

    DD are expensive. I come here periodically for advice and guidance. Here is a post today. I really want to please the kids in the kindergarten with gingerbread. I have already carried out 2 rehearsals according to the recipes found in the internet. Not a single sensible and ...

Author's text
Katalin ©

Gingerbread form from the city of Český Krumlov (Czech Republic). Photo www.ckrumlov.info

I cannot yet say for sure when the turning point came in gingerbread recipes, i.e. when in old recipes began to add oil, soda and liquid (water and milk) without fail. For some reason, it seems to me that this happened already in the XX century. An egg and a small amount of butter were already in recipes from the mid to late 19th century, but not all. Now in many modern recipes there is even not one, but two or three or four eggs. And the gingerbread themselves are baked, like regular cookies: mixed all the ingredients, baked and eaten almost immediately, "otherwise they will go bad" (I mean most of the Russian-language recipes). Rarely are stories about matting / standing both dough and ready-made gingerbread. However, with modern "water-egg" recipes, it is problematic to stand the dough for a long time: it can easily deteriorate. And many chefs do not attach much importance to spices and add them just to add. And in general, a rare culinary specialist is familiar with the technology of making gingerbread dough ...

What is "modern gingerbread": for the most part, among home cooks, these are just small cookies that are prepared with spices or using stamps / printing boards. For some reason, Russian-speaking cooks also call baked goods or sweets from other traditions, which are prepared in the same way, "gingerbread". The same Chinese yuebin are called "moon cakes", the same German aniseed springerle cookies are sometimes called "gingerbread" or white gingerbread. "Just recently, bloggers picked up stories about" Japanese gingerbread "- rakugan, which are also formed using special boards (kashigata)... But this is not gingerbread, but sweets similar to yuebin. By the way, these Japanese and chinese food only with a stretch can be called sweets in the usual sense.

This is our "gingerbread tradition" in Russia. And all this with the help of the Internet is now spread, reprinted, repost, without delving into the essence of the issue, and contributes to the misunderstanding not only of their traditions, but also of others ...

German springerle biscuits (www.jultchik.livejournal.com), Chinese yuè bĭng desserts (www.abc-chinese.ru), Japanese rakugan desserts (www.tokyojinja.com) and an old sturgeon gingerbread board for baking Gorodets gingerbread (pryaniki .info).

I became closely interested in gingerbread precisely after I began to see their recipes in translated culinary magazines and books published in Russia (for the most part, these were translations from German). Since all sorts of "Tula" and "mint" were heard and were considered common, they could be bought in almost any store at any time of the year, other traditions were interesting: what about them there? But I nevertheless decided to start with my own, with domestic ones. Of course, I took the recipes in Kengis's book, which she mentioned more than once in her articles. Some of the favorites to this day remain


Such gingerbread cookies have a taste and aroma similar to honey.

Ingredients and preparation:

"For 800 g of gingerbread

Flour 3 glasses;
Oils 50 g;
3/4 cup water;
1 cup granulated sugar for syrup, 1/2 cup for burnt (I only take 1 glass of sugar, less brown);
Spices 2 teaspoons (I used the Hungarian mixture that I talked about in part 3);
1/2 teaspoon soda.

Put 1/2 cup sugar in a skillet and, stirring occasionally, heat until light brown. Add, gradually stirring, water, then 1 glass of sugar, oil, spices and cool the mixture with stirring to room temperature. Mix flour with baking soda, sift and knead the dough from all products. "

"Cutting and baking gingerbread dough

The finished dough is placed on a flat board or table. To prevent it from sticking to the board and hands, sprinkle flour on the board and dough. They form the dough in the form of a brick by hand, put it on a floured board, sprinkle it with flour on top and use a rolling pin to roll it into an even layer 5-8 mm thick. When making a gingerbread, the prepared layer 10-12 mm thick can be rolled onto a rolling pin and put on a baking sheet. If gingerbread or biscuits are prepared, then the finished layer of dough is cut with a knife or with the help of grooves into all kinds of figures. The weight of one gingerbread, depending on the size of the groove, can fluctuate on average from 20 to 40 g. Certain varieties of gingerbread, for example, Tula loaves, can weigh up to 100 g.

Cool gingerbread dough can be placed on a clean, washed baking sheet without grease for baking, and soft dough- on a greased baking sheet, otherwise it will stick to the baking sheet and the products will come out with large bubbles and torn bottoms.

Before baking the gingerbread cookies, sweep away excess flour from them and smear them with an egg or, better, egg yolks. So that the gingerbread cookies do not move when lubricated, you need to spray the baking sheet with water before laying them.

To speed up the work, the entire layer of dough is lubricated with an egg and, if desired, various patterns are made with a fork or pastry comb; You can also sprinkle the layer greased with an egg with peeled unroasted chopped nuts, almonds, peanuts, and when the egg grease dries up, divide the layer with a knife or with the help of notches into different figures and transfer to a baking sheet.

Small and thin gingerbread cookies are baked at a temperature of 220-240 ° for 8-15 minutes, and large products and gingerbread - at a temperature of 180-240 °. Immediately after baking, wipe the surface of the gingerbread with a soft napkin or brush. This increases the shine of the items. "( R. Kengis. " Home cooking cakes, pastries, cookies, gingerbread, pies ").

I stood the dough for a day, after baking I covered the gingerbread with the usual sugar glaze(water + powdered sugar; grind to the desired thickness). The batch, which is in the photo, was stored for three weeks, until it was eaten. And to keep it so much, I drove the flies away from it :)

I will include gingerbread in the Consolidated post of my

Almost every recipe baked goods contains animal products (butter, eggs, milk). During Orthodox fasting, it is difficult to find suitable recipe baked goods containing only permitted foods. To cook delicious lean pastries you need to try more than one recipe. We suggest you make lean gingerbread.

Honey recipe


  • flour –3 tbsp.;
  • water -1 st .;
  • honey - ½ tbsp.;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil- 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • soda - 2 g;
  • lemon juice or vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking process

  1. In a small container, melt honey mixed with sugar and water. We cook thick syrup. When drained from a spoon, it should form a thread. Add vegetable oil, vinegar slaked soda or lemon juice.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix the flour and a pinch of gingerbread spice (you can add cinnamon). The recipe contains honey, which will add extra flavor to the gingerbread. Add flour, pouring in small portions with constant stirring to the hot syrup, knead the dough
  3. We roll it out to one and a half centimeters thick and cut out the figures with molds. Heat the oven to 200 ° C. Put the gingerbread cookies on a greased baking sheet and bake for fifteen minutes.
  4. We cook the icing by mixing sugar and water, as in the first recipe and apply to the surface of the finished gingerbread through a pastry bag.

Jam recipe


  • 160 g flour (1 cup);
  • sugar - half a glass in dough and one hundred grams for fondant;
  • honey - two tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - two tablespoons;
  • molasses - one teaspoon;
  • water - ½ tbsp. (two spoons for syrup and six for dough);
  • thick jam - four tbsp. l.


  1. Mix 125 g of sugar with honey and six tablespoons of water, cook a thick syrup.
  2. Add butter, molasses to the hot syrup, pour in a little flour, knead the dough. We knead well with our hands for a few minutes. This recipe does not contain baking powder, so we cook the dough quickly without letting it cool down.
  3. Divide the dough into five, six balls. Roll out the balls into flat cakes about one centimeter thick.
  4. Put jam in the middle of each. We pinch and immediately put in a hot oven.
  5. Bake at 180-200 ° C for about ten minutes.
  6. To prepare the syrup, mix sugar with two tablespoons of water, cook until thick. Lubricate lean gingerbread with warm syrup.

Try to cook delicious gingerbread according to our recipes, please your family with new interesting dish... Enjoy your meal!