Home / Dough / Calorie yolk 1 pc boiled. How many vitamins and protein are there in one egg? Slimming eggs

Calorie yolk 1 pc boiled. How many vitamins and protein are there in one egg? Slimming eggs


What is the total energy value chicken eggs... Differences in the calorie content of the product prepared different ways.

The chicken egg is a popular food that has become an invariable part of the diet for millions of people. Many of us cannot imagine breakfast without boiled eggs or fried eggs with bacon. Another plus in favor of the product is its availability and availability in every grocery store.

When organizing a diet, it is important to know a number of points: what is the use of an egg, the calorie content of the product in boiled, raw and fried form, cooking features and other nuances.

Total calorie content

The first thing to note in your notebook is the calorie content of one egg. This parameter is 157 kcal / 100 grams.

At the same time, the weight of the product depends on the breed of chicken, and the color is in no way related to the set of vitamins or the number of calories. For example, in Russia and the United States, eggs are mostly light beige or white. Average weight - 40-70 grams. Therefore, the indicator in question should be considered taking into account the mass.

What's in the line-up?

When forming a diet, you need to take into account the calorie content of eggs and their healing properties. It is no secret that the product consists of two components - yolk and protein. So, the protein contains only 10 percent pure protein. Everything else is water. As for the yolk, it also has two components - cholesterol and fat.

The total mass of the product is formed as follows:

  • yolk - 32%;
  • protein - 56%;
  • shell - 12%.

The egg contains 12 key vitamins. The product is considered one of the main sources of vitamin A. In terms of vitamin D content, the egg is in second place after fish oil. Also in the composition there was a place for representatives of group B, tocopherol and choline.

The calorie content of the product is largely due to the large amount of fat in the yolk. Moreover, they are presented in two versions - mono- and polyunsaturated. Saturated (harmful) are also present, but not a large number.

The "fatty" composition is as follows:

  • Polyunsaturated fats- linoleic and linolenic acids (16% and 2%, respectively).
  • Monounsaturated- oleic and palmitoleic acids (47% and 5%, respectively).
  • Saturated- palmitic, stearic and myristic acids (23%, 4% and 1%, respectively).

Also in the egg there was a place for minerals containing the following elements:

  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • cobalt;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus.

Boiled calories

It is most useful to drink raw eggs, if not for one "but". There are always risks that there will be salmonellosis dangerous to health in the composition. So it's better to cook the product for safety.

What is the calorie content of 1 piece of boiled egg? It is worth remembering here that this element of the diet consists of two components - yolk and protein, the number of calories of each of which is different ( 9 and 4 respectively). At the same time, the total number of kcal in an egg (regardless of whether it is boiled or not) remains unchanged - on average 60-80.

If we consider the components, then the following "picture" is formed:

  • The protein of the boiled egg supplies a small portion to the body - 17-20 kcal, what is 25-30% the total calorie content of the boiled product. At the same time, the plus of the protein part is the absence of fats and the supply of amino acids necessary for a person (as well as B vitamins).
  • The yolk is a source of cholesterol, the harm of which is covered by the presence of lecithin in the composition.

Calorie content of a hard-boiled or soft-boiled egg

The energy value of a hard-boiled chicken egg is lower - 45-50 kcal. Nutritionists assure that this cooking method is most effective for people who are on a diet. The shelf life of the finished product is 8-10 days (and you don't have to worry that it will deteriorate). Despite this feature, it is still recommended to take the finished dish immediately after cooking.

As for the soft-boiled cooking method, here the calorie content of one egg remains unchanged - 60-80 kcal. In this case, the stomach will take 2-3 hours to digest. The duration of cooking such a dish is 3-5 minutes. The longer the process, the worse the digestibility.

Fried egg energy value

Many people love to fry eggs without worrying about calories. Here this indicator (due to oil) is higher and amounts to from 170 calories. On average, the parameter in a fried egg is 2-3 times higher than in a raw one. For this reason, this cooking option is not recommended when following a diet and health food.


Considering the calories in 1 boiled egg (raw, fried, soft-boiled, and so on), the easiest way to form a diet and provide the following benefits to the body:

  • protect the optic nerves and eliminate the risks of cataracts;
  • ensure the normal process of hematopoiesis;
  • improve mental abilities, strengthen memory;
  • stimulate immunity, speed up the process of losing weight;
  • improve the health of bones and teeth;
  • rejuvenate the body.

Remember that if you add eggs to the diet, then it is better to cook them all the same.

Knowing the calorie content of foods is important for everyone who is losing weight. All diets, to one degree or another, urge us to control energy value food. Since eggs are part of the standard diet of all Russians, the question of how many calories in an egg is of interest to many. It should be noted that nutritionists have an ambiguous attitude towards this product. Someone recommends eggs for weight loss. On their basis, for example, the nutritional system of the endocrinologist Osama Hamdiy was created. Other doctors advise to strictly limit the number of eggs in the diet. There are regular recommendations to reduce their consumption to two pieces a week. In this article, we will try not only to answer how many calories are in an egg and egg dishes, but also to discuss the advisability of including these products in the menu when fighting obesity.

How many calories are in eggs of different varieties

Most often, we use chicken eggs (selected, ordinary or small) and quail eggs... How many calories are in an egg depends on the type of egg. Let's take a look at specific examples. Choice chicken egg weighs about 60 grams. Its calorie content is 94-100 kilocalories. An ordinary chicken egg weighs 50-60 grams. Its calorie content is approximately 78-85 kilocalories in one piece. Small chicken eggs weigh less than 50 grams. Their calorie content per piece is 63-77 kilocalories. Chicken variety dietary eggs you can find out by looking at the label on the package. Of course, only laboratory research can establish the true calorie content. The data given by us are averaged and fluctuate depending on the season, the breed of the bird, its age, and the composition of feed at the poultry farm. In 100 grams of any chicken egg, there are approximately 157-160 kilocalories. There are even more calories in 100 grams of quail eggs - about 168-170. But the eggs of this variety are much smaller. Their weight is about 9-12 grams. How many calories are in the egg of this bird? No more than 20 kilocalories in one piece. Less commonly, other types of eggs are used in the diet. A duck or goose egg contains 185 kilocalories per 100 grams, a turkey egg - 165 kilocalories, an ostrich - 118 kilocalories. How many calories are in an egg depends primarily on its mass.

Calorie content of egg whites and yolks

In the egg, two parts can be clearly distinguished: the white and the yolk. Their composition is radically different in the content of proteins and fats, as well as calories and microelements. Those who use eggs for weight loss need to be aware of these differences. The yolk is rich in complete animal proteins, fat and cholesterol. It contains about 11.5% fats. Cholesterol in one yolk is 210 mg. Of course, those who are struggling with atherosclerosis are forced to almost completely abandon egg yolk. But if you do not have pronounced problems with blood vessels, then you should not completely abandon this product. There is a mass in the yolk nutrients: omega-3 complex, calcium, folic acid, vitamin D. The calorie content of each chicken egg yolk is approximately 55-65 kilocalories. Protein has very different nutritional properties. It consists of carbohydrates and proteins (albumin). There is practically no fat and cholesterol in protein, which means that it will not be harmful even with the strictest diet. In terms of energy value, this product can be classified as low-calorie. Calorie content egg white only 15-20 kilocalories. If we talk about 100 grams of the product, then for the yolk the calorie content is 352 kilocalories, and for the protein - only 45 kilocalories.

Calorie content of soft-boiled and hard-boiled eggs

As culinary processing, eggs are the easiest to boil. The boil time determines whether the egg is soft-boiled or hard-boiled. The calorie content of the product is almost the same in both cases. The calorie content of a hard-boiled egg is 160 kilocalories per 100 grams. The calorie content of soft-boiled eggs is almost the same - 157-159 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. The longer the egg has been cooked, the longer it will take to digest it in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, hard-boiled eggs can be stored longer. The digestibility of nutrients in any case remains high.

Calories in a fried egg

Fried eggs are much more nutritious than raw or boiled eggs. This is because this cooking method uses fat (oil or butter). All oils are extremely nutritious foods. Vegetable oil (including olive oil) is considered the record holder for calorie content. In 100 grams, it contains about 900 calories. This is so much that it significantly exceeds the energy value of mayonnaise, bacon, chocolate and sugar. Fried eggs per 100 grams contains 240 calories. This is one third more than raw or boiled eggs. The omelet is made from eggs with the addition of milk, cream, flour, cheese. Its calorie content can be 200-350 kilocalories. The calories in a fried egg are often overkill in any dietary system.

Egg powder

The calorie content of egg powder is extremely high. This product contains about 542 calories per 100 grams. Of course, we never eat this product in large quantities and in pure form. Otherwise, soon all of us were faced with the acute problem of obesity. The calorie content of dry egg whites and yolks also varies greatly. There are approximately 336 calories in 100 grams of protein powder. This is a lot, but still significantly less than in dry yolks. Their calorie content is almost 625 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Slimming eggs

Some diets use eggs for weight loss. First of all, we are talking about low-carb diets. These diets are based on the current understanding of metabolism. With the exclusion of carbohydrates, we start the processes of breaking down fat. As a result, ketone bodies appear in the blood, which help suppress appetite. Eggs can also be used in low-calorie diets. The calorie content of hard-boiled and soft-boiled eggs makes these foods dietary. Their energy value per serving is small. And the feeling of fullness comes for a long time. Eggs are sources of valuable vitamins and minerals. Moreover, these substances are absorbed from eggs very well. A chicken egg per 100 grams contains: phosphorus - 192 milligrams, potassium - 140 milligrams, sodium - 134 milligrams, calcium - 55 milligrams, magnesium - 12 milligrams, iron - 2.5 milligrams, copper - 83 micrograms, cobalt - 10 micrograms. All of these substances are especially needed to maintain health for those who are constantly struggling with excess weight through various unbalanced diets. However, the abuse of eggs can lead to undesirable consequences. This is especially true for those whose cholesterol levels, according to blood biochemistry, exceed normal values. Therefore, eggs for weight loss should be used only with good blood biochemistry tests.

But how healthy are they, how many calories are in a boiled egg and cooked differently? All this interests those who are on a diet and not only. About their calorie content and useful properties ah and will be discussed in the material.

Calorie content of boiled eggs

100 grams of a chicken egg contains about 160 kcal, on average, one piece weighs about 70 grams. Accordingly, one boiled egg will have a calorie content of 80 kcal, two pieces - 160 kcal, respectively. This amount of calories is considered optimal for breakfast, you will also saturate your body with the necessary amount of elements such as:

  • vitamins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • trace elements.

Egg white is good even with a diet, because it is absorbed almost entirely, and is of great benefit to the body than the protein of meat, milk or fish. The calorie content of the product in boiled and raw form is practically the same.

Many people mistakenly believe that these foods are harmful to the body due to the fact that they are high in cholesterol, but this is not at all the case. There is only up to 2 percent of it in them, but there are much more lecithins, so if there is boiled eggs, you will not be afraid of atherosclerosis.

A hard boiled egg can be stored for up to 10 days. but in fresh they are much more useful so it's best to boil them just before eating. It takes about 5 minutes to cook.

Raw foods are considered the most useful, but no one can guarantee that they will not contain salmonellosis.

The number of calories in the yolk and protein separately

The calorie content of yolk and protein is also different. Most of the calories are in the yolk, while the protein contains three times less.

Everyone knows that an egg is composed of protein and yolk. So, the calorie content of protein per 100 grams is only 17 kcal, it is equal to a quarter of the total calorie content. There is almost no fat in protein, it is in it that all useful amino acids and B vitamins.

But the calorie content of the yolk is 50 kcal. It contains:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins A, B, E;
  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • iron and other trace elements.

Boiled product components

Contrary to popular myths about harm and high calorie content of these products, they are excellent for weight loss diet food.

So, they contain a total of 12 types of vitamins. In terms of the amount of vitamin D, the egg is second only to fish oil. And it also contains a lot of minerals, for example;

  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • iron.

Calories with other cooking methods

We looked at how many calories are in a hard-boiled egg, and below we will consider what its energy value will be if it is cooked using other methods.

How many calories are in a boiled soft-boiled egg

If you cook it soft-boiled, its usefulness will be the same, and the calorie content of one piece will be about 70 kcal. Such a product is completely digested within 2 hours. To make a soft-boiled egg, boil it for up to 5 minutes. The yolk in it should have a semi-liquid state, a soft-boiled egg should be eaten only hot.

Many people like to fry eggs in the morning, of course, the question of its calorie content for some remains relevant. One fried egg without oil has 110 calories. But their number increases if it is fried in fatty oil.

Therefore, when calculating the number of calories fried egg be sure to consider not only the egg itself, but also the oil in which you cooked it. Typically calories ready meal is more than 170 kcal, this figure is more than twice the calorie content of a cooked product. That's why fried food are not included in the diet for weight loss diets, they are too high in calories.

But if you are watching your figure, but are not able to deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating fried eggs for breakfast, fry only proteins, since they contain a minimum of carbohydrates and zero fat.

Omelet and its calorie content

Omelet is one of the most common egg dishes made for breakfast. Cooking is very simple:

  • beat 2 eggs with milk;
  • pour the mixture into a frying pan, heating a little oil in it until then.

The calorie content of the finished dish is 118 kcal, if you cook an omelet from some proteins, then it will be only 85 kcal. The number of calories increases dramatically if you add tomato or cheese to the omelet; with both ingredients, it is 342 kcal.

Calorie table of eggs in different forms

Below is a short list of the calorie content of this product in one form or another, indicating the usefulness:

This product is excellent for inclusion not only in a diet for weight loss, but also in medical nutrition, and for the purpose of general health promotion. It has the following beneficial properties:

Naturally, there are many useful products, which contain fewer calories than a boiled egg, but it is not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty, especially for breakfast. And if you want to enjoy the taste of this product and double the amount of consumed vitamins, then try quail eggs. But remember that their calorie content is higher than that of chicken and is about 150 kcal per piece.

Boiled eggs are a product that is confident in terms of calorie content, healthy and tasty. Eating 2 for breakfast will keep you feeling full for a long time.

Eggs have become part of the daily diet, probably as densely as bread, water, tea or butter. They can be used in food not only as a salt, but also as part of a variety of dishes, and starting the day with a boiled egg or fried eggs is a kind of tradition. But if fried option it is not possible for everyone, especially those who suffer from liver and pancreatic problems, as well as a sensitive digestive tract, then a boiled egg will not do such harm. Perhaps this is the safest way heat treatment which can be applied to this product. And in the greatest demand: it is the egg brought to readiness in this way that is added to salads, casseroles, sandwiches, main courses and soups. And it is precisely because of such a variety of its use that it is worth knowing how many calories are in a boiled egg, and what are its positive and negative sides... Especially considering that in various methods of losing weight this product is limited or removed from the diet, it is necessary to find out the calorie content of a boiled egg - hard-boiled or soft-boiled, and how exactly it is best to use it.

How many calories are in a boiled egg

By and large, for 1 boiled egg, the calorie content is not so much different from that for a raw egg, showing 87 kcal. This, again, is a relatively average figure, implying that we are referring to a specimen weighing 55 grams. For larger or smaller options, of course, you have to separately calculate the calorie content of a boiled egg, based on the fact that there are 159 kcal per 100 grams. From the point of view of energy value, in it, as in cheese, the largest part is given to fats, of which there are 66%. The reason for this is the yolk, which is a concentration of cholesterol: in order to facilitate most recipes, not so much by "weight" as by the effect on the pancreas and liver, it is removed, leaving only the protein. The relatively low-calorie boiled egg - both chicken and quail - contains almost no carbohydrates. But it can be considered a worthy source of protein, having a share of 32%. Although, no doubt, this indicator cannot be compared with meat or fish.

If we talk about the method of heat treatment, then the calorie content of a hard-boiled egg is not much different from the calorie content of a soft-boiled egg: 160 kcal versus 159 kcal per hundred grams. In terms of chemical composition and preservation of useful properties, they are identical to each other, and therefore from this point of view there is no difference in which direction to make a choice. Since the calorie content of a hard-boiled egg is not a decisive factor, the reasons for using it more often than others are to maintain the shape of the yolk required for various dishes... It, unlike soft-boiled eggs, can be served cold.

The benefits of a boiled chicken egg

Concerning chemical composition in this product, then the amino acids that are contained in the egg white and are not synthesized by the body on its own are the first to be isolated. Moreover, it is in the egg that their balance is the most ideal in comparison with other products, and therefore all of them are compared with the egg when studied. Among the especially important here, it will not be superfluous to note tryptophan, methionine and lysine, whose deficiency can lead not only to the cessation of the creation of proteins in the body, because of which they begin to be taken from the internal organs and blood, but even to fatty degeneration of the liver. And for the time when the body is still forming, the lack of protein affects mental and physical development. Therefore, even despite the calorie content of a boiled egg, 1 or 2 are required to be present in the diet of a child and teenager. Moreover, often at this age, the metabolism is still active enough so as not to worry about extra pounds. By the way, with regards to the maximum assimilation and replenishment of protein from the egg, nutritionists recommend creating a tandem of potatoes for him. Undoubtedly boiled or baked: fried will only intensify the blow to the pancreas.

The rest of the important vitamins and minerals, as well as the largest fatty part, belong to the yolk. It is for this reason that it is a rather controversial element of the entire product. On the one hand, in a boiled chicken egg, the calorie content is determined precisely by the yolk, as well as the percentage of fat, but on the other hand, it contains a large proportion of nutrients. Here is a very high dose of one of the B vitamins, choline, which is supposed to lower cholesterol levels and prevent plaque on the walls of blood vessels. For this reason, moderate consumption of boiled eggs in calories and negative aspects of their composition will not darken life. In addition, there is a decent content of biotin, which is required for carbohydrate and fat metabolism, vitamin A, which works as a natural antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on vision, the condition of the skin and bone tissue, and also contributes to the best absorption of some of the amino acids contained in egg white. ... This is how the balance of the elements in this product is achieved.

In addition, 1 boiled egg with a caloric value of less than 100 kcal also contains folic acid (B9), vitamins D, PP and E. Of the microelements, iodine, copper, selenium, fluorine, cobalt, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium are of particular importance. sodium, magnesium and calcium. And special mention should be made of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, for which many people drink fish oil, when you can simply include fish or eggs in your diet. This element is necessary during stress, since it lowers the production of cortisol, promotes muscle recovery, and therefore is especially actively used in sports nutrition, in addition, it improves blood pressure, thinning the blood. Daily rate Omega-3 is achieved by consuming five medium eggs or one hundred grams of salmon.

Boiled egg in the diet of those who follow the figure

As it became clear after finding out how many calories are in a boiled egg, you can include it in the menu if you want to keep the current weight or lose extra pounds, but you should do it wisely. Given the risks of increased cholesterol levels and not the lowest calorie content, a boiled egg in the amount of one per day, of course, will not do harm, but clearly not heels the best way will affect weight. Zharka, of course, has to say her uncompromising no. But when it comes to pairing with other products, there is a lot to talk about.

Despite the fact that in order to increase the protein value, nutritionists advise adding potatoes to a boiled chicken egg, the calorie content of such a union, alas, will not please anyone. In addition, their joint assimilation is an order of magnitude more difficult than a single one. The situation can be corrected by greens and fresh vegetables- in particular cucumbers or tomatoes. But still, if the choice is made in favor of such a tandem, keeping in mind the number of calories in a boiled egg and potatoes, as well as their severity for the digestive tract, it is recommended to use it in the morning, before lunch, inclusive.

Another important point that many people forget about and which affects more not the figure, but health, is the shelf life of eggs as such. Moreover, not only raw, but also boiled. If it is desirable to eat the cooked soft-boiled immediately, then it is permissible to store it hard-boiled for up to three to four hours. This time is usually enough for him alone, and in a salad, sandwich or soup. After the specified period, the assimilation of valuable substances, as well as the processing of the product by the body, become more complicated.

4.3 out of 5 (7 Votes)

Eggs are one of the most versatile foods in the diet. On the basis of eggs, you can prepare various dishes, both everyday and for a feast. Everyone knows that protein is an essential component of human food, and eggs are an integral part of the daily diet. However, going on a diet, many people have a question about how many calories are in an egg, how useful it is in proper nutrition.

Read also - should you consume a day?

Calorie content of a boiled egg

100 grams of a chicken egg contains approximately 160 calories. One egg weighs approximately 70 grams, which implies that the average calorie value boiled egg is about 80 kilocalories.

The best option for a dietary breakfast is considered to be two boiled eggs, their calorie content will be about 160 kilocalories, which is the most suitable option for a morning meal. In addition, this breakfast provides the body with:

  1. Vitamins;
  2. Proteins;
  3. Carbohydrates;
  4. Minerals.

A special property of egg white is its complete digestibility, which is extremely beneficial for health. In addition, eggs contain lecithin, and the use of this product is an excellent prevention of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Caloric content of protein

Egg white contains 85% water, 12.7% protein, 0.3% fat and 0.7% carbohydrates. 100 grams of egg white contains a total of 50 calories. Considering the average weight of a chicken egg, it is easy to calculate the average calorie content of its protein, and it is quite a bit - about 16-17 kilocalories. Thus, a boiled egg without yolk contains very few calories, and it can be actively used in dietary nutrition, for example, adding to various low-calorie salads.

Calorie content of the yolk

The yolk of a chicken egg is more high-calorie than protein - 100 grams of it contains about 360 kilocalories. In addition, its fat content is about 11.5%, and there is also cholesterol in the amount of 200 milligrams.

The average yolk contains about 65 calories.

Nutritional value of chicken eggs

100 grams of an egg contains about 13 grams of protein, 11 grams of yolk and 1 gram of carbohydrates. After boiling a medium egg by the "hard boiled" method, the amount of food elements has the following indicators:

  • Protein - about 8 grams;
  • Fat - about 7 grams;
  • Carbohydrates - about 0.6 grams.

Eggs are famous for their content of the following vitamins:

  1. Retinol - is required for the development of dental and bone tissues, takes part in the functioning of vision, stimulates lipid metabolism and the development of new cells, reduces the rate of aging, is a prophylactic agent against inflammation and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Pyridoxine - accelerates metabolism, relaxes the central nervous system, stimulates the synthesis of energy elements from carbohydrates, promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin, and takes part in the formation of insulin.
  3. Cyanocobalamin - stimulates the synthesis of erythrocytes and metabolism, accelerates lipid metabolism in liver cells, helps to reduce cholesterol concentration.
  4. Tocopherol is a natural antioxidant that helps transport oxygen to body tissues, prevents blood clots, improves skin and mucous membrane nutrition.
  5. Calciferols - contribute to the proper development of dental and bone tissues, improve the body's immune defenses, and enhance the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  6. Folic acid - takes part in the formation of DNA, promotes the development of immune defenses, and helps the proper functioning of the digestive system.
  7. Riboflavin - is required for the development of hormones and red blood cells, protects the retina of the eye membrane from ultraviolet exposure, takes part in the breakdown of food elements, and helps to replace old tissues with new ones.
  8. Niacin - takes part in redox reactions, tissue respiration, metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, promotes the secretion of gastric juice.
  9. Thiamine - takes part in protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, promotes the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems.
  10. Choline - takes part in the metabolism of lipids and cholesterol, promotes the proper functioning of the nervous system, destroys atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels, and helps to lower the concentration of glucose in the blood.
  11. Biotin - takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin and in glucose metabolism, regulates blood sugar levels, promotes the breakdown of fat, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  12. Pantothenic acid - takes part in the formation of antibodies, prevents inflammation, stimulates the breakdown of fat in the body.

In addition, chicken eggs contain a number of important minerals:

  • Calcium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Cobalt;
  • Iron;
  • Copper.

Calorie content of egg dishes

Breakfasts made with chicken eggs are delicious and energizing. In addition, they take little time to prepare.

Fried eggs

This dish can become harmless to the figure if you fry the eggs in a special pan without adding vegetable oil or in the oven. When calculating kilocalories, you can only take into account the calorie content of the eggs themselves and the various seasonings that you use. If the addition of oil is an integral action in the preparation of scrambled eggs, then its calorie content must also be added. As a rule, the energy value of fried eggs vegetable oil, per 100 grams of a dish is 240 calories.


The omelet is made from a couple of chicken eggs and milk. Most often it is cooked in vegetable oil, but it also works great in the oven or microwave, where oil is not required. When calculating the energy value, you need to pay attention to the number of kilocalories in milk, which is directly dependent on its fat content. For example, if you make an omelet from a couple of chicken eggs and half a glass of milk containing 2.5% fat, then the energy value of the omelet will be about 200 kilocalories.

To reduce the number of kilocalories of such an omelet, you can only make it with the addition of proteins. Energy value protein omelet will be equal to approximately 100 kilocalories. If you prefer omelets with the addition of cheese, sausage, tomatoes, then you need to take into account that the calorie content of such dishes is much higher.


Many people really like toasted bread on eggs for breakfast, called croutons. 100 grams of croutons made from white bread with the addition of one chicken egg and a piece butter, has an energy value of approximately 200 kilocalories.