Home / Dough / Okroshka recipe is usual on kvass. How to make okroshka on kvass correctly? The most delicious lean meat-free recipe

Okroshka recipe is usual on kvass. How to make okroshka on kvass correctly? The most delicious lean meat-free recipe

With the arrival of summer, every housewife is looking for a dish that would not be too greasy and hot. After all, eating such food puts a heavy load on the body, which is already in a stressful situation due to the heat. Therefore, I want something light and cold. And here one of the traditional recipes of Russian cuisine comes to our aid. We will teach you this and tell you why this particular option is the most useful and delicious.

This dish is similar to borscht and includes vegetables and a large number of greenery. Due to the fact that cold broth or kvass is used for it, this dish is indispensable in the heat. However, most often housewives make okroshka based on meat broth... We propose to increase it even more. beneficial features and take it as a basis for okroshka, this is an excellent solution, since it will not spoil the taste of the dish and at the same time increase the number of vitamins and minerals in it. Together with kvass, our food will also contain kefir, which is also very useful milk product, which is especially popular among the beautiful half of humanity due to its low calorie content.

So, on kvass, and what ingredients do we need for this? All proportions are for a medium saucepan. We take a pound of boiled peeled potatoes, four boiled eggs, half a kilo fresh cucumbers, 100 grams of green onions, a small bunch of dill, 300 grams of boiled sausage (without fat), 100 milliliters of mayonnaise and one and a half liters of good homemade kvass. From these ingredients we will prepare our today's meal. As you have already noticed, the components are no different from traditional recipe, only with the exception of kvass, which replaces Now let's move on directly to the explanation of how to make okroshka on kvass.

The recipe is trivial, since it involves only a couple of actions. First, take all the ingredients and cut them into cubes. If desired, the eggs can be grated, but it is preferable to also crumble them so that the structure of the soup remains intact. Mix all components in a saucepan. In order for them to stand in the refrigerator for as long as possible and not deteriorate, they do not need to be salted.

Immediately before use, combine a small amount of vegetables, mayonnaise, kefir in a plate and fill it all with kvass. Stir and salt (if necessary). So, you saw by example, on kvass.

It should be noted that today there are several variants of kvass. It is made from bread, berries and fruits. Some people mistakenly assume that he is alcoholic beverage, because as a result of fermentation, its composition changes slightly, and 2% alcohol appears in it. However, you should not worry about this, because this is too low a percentage that will not even be felt by the body.

If you want to diversify your menu a little, then you can cook fruit okroshka, using apples, peaches, pitted cherries instead of vegetables, pouring it with the same drink. is identical to how to make okroshka on kvass. The dish will also turn out tasty, healthy and pleasantly refreshing on summer days.

I know that there are many recipes for okroshka, but I only use one. Every year at the beginning of May I cook real okroshka with kvass. The recipe is classic, without deviations towards Soviet traditions. That is, I do not put in okroshka sausages... Meat trimmings are much more suitable for these purposes. And it was on them that okroshka was made in ancient times. Any meat will do. The main thing is to be soft. As for the rest of the set, everything is clearly verified. Potatoes and eggs for satiety, young cucumbers, green onions, parsley, dill and, without fail, radishes. Actually, the appearance of the first ground radish on the market awakens a keen desire to cook okroshka as soon as possible. Kvass, of course, ideally have a homemade one. But which of us is perfect? I certainly don't. So I take the purchased, not too sweet kvass. Fortunately, we now have quite worthy brands of kvass, albeit not cheap, but quite similar to the original. Without false modesty, I will say that okroshka according to this recipe will turn out to be mega-tasty. 10 years of annual practice have played a decisive role. And a trip to Rostov the Great enriched the classic recipe for okroshka with one of the most, in my opinion, the main ingredient borrowed from the chefs there. What is the ingredient? I'll tell you everything a little later. Especially for you, I filmed the whole process of making okroshka step by step.


  • bread kvass,
  • 2 medium-sized potatoes, boiled in their skins,
  • 3 hard boiled eggs
  • 150 g boiled meat(anything from beef to chicken breast),
  • 3 medium sized cucumbers
  • a bunch of fresh radishes (8-10 pieces),
  • 3 sprigs of dill,
  • 3 sprigs of parsley,
  • 2 arrows of green onions,
  • 2/3 teaspoon salt
  • 1/3 teaspoon mild Dijon mustard (or prepared horseradish without beets) for each serving.

The classic recipe for okroshka on kvass with step by step photos

Boil peeled potatoes, eggs and a piece of meat until tender. This is best done in separate saucepans. Eggs are boiled quickly - they are ready 10 minutes after boiling. The potatoes will have to cook for half an hour. As for the meat, I stew it in a saucepan with a thick bottom, pouring half a glass of water so that the meat does not burn. And without fail I add thyme (this herb is now often sold in stores). Thyme gives the meat a "smoky" flavor - an irreplaceable seasoning in the household. If there is no thyme, then add the traditional Bay leaf and three black peppercorns. I cook the meat for about 45 minutes. Allow all food to cool before slicing.

We begin to cut everything for okroshka. The order of slicing does not matter at all. The first thing I did was take the potatoes. Peel off. I cut it finely enough. I like everything in okroshka to be cut into smaller pieces. But in reality, there are no hard and fast rules. Love to buy - please cut larger.

After potatoes, usually the hands, knife and board become sticky. Therefore, I always rinse everything so as not to suffer from the irritation that everything sticks to everything. Moving on to the eggs. Chop finely.

Next, we have cucumbers next in line. If the skin on them is thin and delicate, you do not need to peel them. I have it of medium hardness, so I partially removed it, leaving it in some places just to make okroshka brighter in color.

Moving on to the radishes. Radish is usually the hardest ingredient in okroshka. Therefore, it is desirable to cut it thinner. Then okroshka will taste homogeneous. Plus, the finer we cut the radish, the brighter its taste will appear. Some even rub on a coarse grater. But I still get by with a knife. Since we have a classic okroshka, we will not change the recipe according to our understanding.

The next step is meat.

And finally, greens. The children have already managed to prepare the greens for cutting by cutting them into pieces. It remains only to chop the onion, parsley and dill into smaller pieces.

Now we salt our okroshka.

We mix.

And here such a moment still needs to be taken into account. Okroshka not seasoned with kvass is well stored in the refrigerator. You can put it right in a bowl like this, covering it with a lid. This is mega-convenient if you are waiting for your husband for dinner. In the afternoon he chopped it, in the evening he just put okroshka in a plate, poured it with kvass and ... And here we just use our secret ingredient, thanks to which I hear the same phrase from my husband every year: "Mmmm, what a delicious okroshka!"

The secret is simple - it's hell. Or Dijon mustard, which tastes very similar to horseradish. Just be sure to try it before putting horseradish on your plate. So that it is not very spicy, otherwise you can get such spicy okroshka that it will be impossible to eat it. Mix horseradish with okroshka right on the plate. Then we put the sour cream in the center - you just don't need to stir it, because okroshka looks so much more appetizing. And in the center you can stick a small sprig of greenery. A trifle - and the view becomes a restaurant one.

Well, the last moment. Perhaps someone cannot decide which ratio of thick and kvass to choose. The answer is: any. Personally, I like it thicker, so I fill the plate with thicker almost to the brim, leaving somewhere no more than a centimeter, and fill it with kvass.

Bon Appetit!

Hot summer days will come very soon, and of course okroshka will be the best cold dish these days. It will be for us not only food, but also a real salvation from the summer heat.

In the last article, I talked in detail about this cold dish and suggested cooked with kvass, kefir, whey, sour cream, mineral water and mayonnaise. I also tried to add variety and offered a variety of options using meat, chicken, sausage and even nuts.

Some options were well known to me, some of them I found in the literature available to me. And there were so many of them that I decided to write a whole series of articles on this topic.

I have cookbooks dating back to the 1960s with descriptions of old Russian recipes. Moreover, all of them provide for the presence of kvass in the ingredients. After all, it is with him that the dish is prepared in the traditional Russian version.

Therefore, in today's article, this will be taken into account, and the liquid component will be prepared exclusively from that Russian drink, but we will change the rest of the ingredients. After all, the summer is long, will we not repeat ourselves every day ?!

In the last article I already suggested, and you can see it by clicking on the link. And today I propose another recipe. It differs from the previous one primarily in the composition of the meat. If in the previous version we used one type of meat, then today we need three types - veal, beef and pork leg.

Of course, these meat products cannot be dogma. Since I am sharing old recipe, then the description for it says that you can use corned beef, lean lamb, tongue and other types of meat. Also poultry and game meat.

We need:

  • boiled veal - 100 gr
  • boiled beef - 100 gr
  • boiled ham (ham) - 100 gr
  • boiled potatoes- 3 - 4 pieces
  • boiled eggs - 4 - 5 pieces
  • fresh cucumbers - 4 pcs (medium)
  • radish - 200 gr (optional)
  • green onion - 100 gr
  • parsley, dill - 50 g each
  • sour cream - 1 glass
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • salt to taste
  • mustard - 0.5 tsp (or to taste)
  • kvass - 1.5 - 2 liters


In the old days, meat was not specially boiled for okroshka, but was prepared from what remained from other dishes. Not only boiled but also fried meat was used. Which is also allowed in cooking.

That is why she received such a name "meat team". Currently, meat for a dish is specially boiled, or cooked with sausage, which is also done quite often. And in today's recipe, you can safely make changes, and use any type of meat products.

1. All meat should be boiled in advance, naturally in different pans. Since the cooking time for all types will be different. Season with salt at the end of cooking. Then let it cool and refrigerate for at least an hour. During this time, it will have time to cool and it will be much easier to cut it into even cubes.

The ingredients are usually cut into cubes or strips of the same size. Someone cuts large, someone small, but I like the "golden mean". Cubes measuring 1 - 1.5 cm, short straws no more than 1.5 cm - for me this is the most optimal size.

2. Cut the boiled chilled potatoes and eggs into the same cubes.

3. If the cucumbers have a thick, rough peel, then it is better to peel it. Cut the cucumbers into cubes. Radish in old Russian versions is not used very often. Therefore, we add it at will, and maybe even according to the mood!

Now they are actively adding it, and many do not even understand how it is to cook a dish without radishes? But I also know the ardent opponents of this bright, beautiful vegetable. Therefore, everyone will decide on this issue for himself, and decide to be a radish in the soup, or not to be!

If so, then it must be cut into cubes and added to the total mass. After all, this is how we cut all the ingredients and put them in a common bowl.

4. Chop green onions, grind half with salt with a crush or a tablespoon. Add the other half to the rest of the ingredients.

5. Grind the herbs.

6. Put pounded onion, herbs, mustard, sugar and salt in sour cream. Mix. Add a little kvass, mix again and refrigerate for 30 - 60 minutes. Refrigerate all chopped ingredients.

7. Then get both that, and another and connect. Add kvass until the desired density is obtained. Pour into bowls and enjoy.

Additionally, put mustard, sour cream and kvass on the table. If someone wants to add something, he can take advantage of it.

Also put green onions on the table, fresh garlic and, of course, a crust of fresh black bread. All these additions will come in handy.

Okroshka with chicken and veal (beef)

In general, this recipe is in the old original performance has a very interesting composition meat ingredients... It includes veal, hazel grouse, or partridge.

But since at present the last two ingredients are not often found on our table, we will simply replace them with the chicken or turkey we are used to.

We need:

  • boiled veal - 150 gr
  • chicken fillet - 150 gr
  • boiled potatoes - 3 - 4 pieces
  • boiled eggs - 4 - 5 pcs.
  • fresh cucumbers - 4 pcs (medium)
  • green onion - 100 gr
  • parsley, dill - 50 g each
  • sour cream - 1 glass
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • salt to taste
  • mustard - 0.5 tsp (or to taste)
  • kvass - 1.5 - 2 liters


I will immediately answer the question that can be asked according to this recipe - "Can I use other meat?" Of course you can! That's why it is okroshka, that you can use all suitable ingredients. Why am I using veal and chicken here?

Because the recipe is intended to use meat and chicken. Veal is young and tender meat, and chicken also has soft meat. Therefore, they will go well in a dish. In general, of course, cook to your liking.

Basically, the recipe is exactly the same as the previous one. Therefore, I will describe it very briefly.

1. Meat and chicken can be pre-boiled or fried, as you like.

2. Boil potatoes and eggs.

3. Cut all ingredients into small cubes or small sticks. Chop greens and chop green onions. Mix all.

In this recipe, I do not grind onion and salt, and I do not use radishes. Our meat is too tender here.

4. Mix sour cream with sugar, salt and mustard, pour in a little kvass, and pour over the chopped food.

5. Stir and refrigerate for 30 - 60 minutes to slightly ferment.

6. Then put okroshechny mass in a plate for everyone and pour the required amount of kvass chilled in the refrigerator.

Put kvass, mustard, sour cream, herbs and garlic on the table. And also slice brown bread.

Eat with pleasure!

On kvass with sausage and mustard

To understand general principles cooking this summer dish, I decided to include a video plot in the article, which tells step by step how and what to do, and in what sequence.

Since the principles of cooking this dish are similar, although in different versions they also have numerous nuances, the video will help you understand those moments that not everyone understood from what was written.

This version of the dish is also classic, except that it is prepared with sausage.

Summer kvass soup with fried sausage

In the last article, I already shared a recipe where we used sausage as a meat component. But today I want to propose a new version, where we will use fried sausage.

We need:

  • sausage - 300 gr
  • boiled potatoes - 3 - 4 pieces
  • boiled eggs - 4 - 5 pcs.
  • fresh cucumbers - 4 pcs (medium)
  • green onion - 100 gr
  • parsley, dill - 50 g each
  • radish - 250 gr
  • sour cream - 1 glass
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • salt to taste
  • mustard - 0.5 tsp (or to taste)
  • kvass - 1.5 liters
  • vegetable oil - 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons


1. Cut low-fat sausage like "Doktorskaya" or "Ostankinskaya" into slices 1 cm thick. Fry it on both sides in a small amount vegetable oil until golden brown.

2. Place on paper towels to drain off all the fat. Then cut into cubes, 1 cm side.

Sausage can be replaced with sausages, or small sausages, but also low-fat varieties. Our soup is cold, and fat, which will not dissolve, but will float in a piece. And we don't need it.

3. Cut boiled potatoes, eggs, cucumber and radish into cubes of the same size (if using).

4. Also chop the green onions and chop the herbs.

5. Mix sour cream with sugar, salt and mustard, dilute with a small amount of kvass and pour the mixture over all the chopped ingredients. Stir and refrigerate for 30-60 minutes to slightly ferment the mixture.

6. Then spread the okroshechnaya mass into plates and add the required amount of cold kvass to each one.

Serve with sour cream, fresh herbs, garlic and black bread.

Eat with pleasure and with a supplement!

Okroshka with fish and sauerkraut in Ural style

I know that few cook this cold dish with fish, but there is a recipe. And they cook on it in the Urals. I must say that the dish turns out to be quite tasty.

We need:

  • boiled low-fat fish - 500 gr
  • potatoes - 3 pieces
  • boiled eggs - 2 - 3 pcs.
  • radish - 250 gr
  • sauerkraut without brine - 1 glass
  • green onions - a small bunch (80 gr)
  • dill - 50 gr
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • mustard - 1 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • salt to taste
  • kvass - 1.5 liters


As you probably already noticed, the recipe is very original, if only because it contains sauerkraut and fish. And there are no cucumbers we are used to (although, if you wish, you can add them. And so, we look at the recipe.

1. Lean fish boil until tender in salted water, cool, separate from the bones and cut into small cubes or pieces.

2. Cut boiled chilled potatoes, radishes and egg whites into cubes. Also cut the cucumbers if you wish to include them in the recipe.

3. Grind green onions with salt in a separate bowl. Add half of the chopped dill there.

4. Sauerkraut rinse if it is very salty. Or simply squeeze out the brine if the taste is normal. Cut it into smaller pieces.

In general, such okroshka is prepared not only from sauerkraut, but also from fresh. Take two or three top sheets and cut into cubes. These leaves are dark green in color, and they completely replace cucumbers here.

5. Grind the egg yolks with salt, sugar and mustard. You can cut the yolks, but in a pounded form, our soup will turn out to be thicker.

Add a little kvass and mix until smooth.

6. Mix all the ingredients, add the grated yolks and sour cream. Stir and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

7. Then take out, add kvass, bringing the mass to the desired density and pour into plates.

Or you can spread the okroshechny mixture to each of the plates and pour kvass into them, as much as you need. For beauty, lay out pieces of boiled fish on top.

In general, fish can not only be boiled, but also fried and steamed, that is, again, who - how much more he loves!

8. Sprinkle with chopped dill.

In the Urals, such okroshka is served with boiled hot potatoes, which are served on a separate plate. It is watered with melted butter and sprinkled with dill herbs.

Yummy! Words cannot describe!

Okroshka with shrimps

Never prepared such an option? Be sure to try! The recipe - just "lick your fingers!"

We need:

  • boiled shrimp - 250 gr
  • boiled potatoes - 2 - 3 pieces
  • boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
  • radish - 250 gr
  • cucumbers - 2 - 3 pieces (medium 250 gr)
  • green onions - 50 - 60 gr
  • dill and parsley - 30 g each
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • sour cream 20% - 100 gr
  • kvass - 1.5 liters
  • salt to taste


1. Boil potatoes and eggs. Cool, peel and shell. Separate the yolks from the whites. Cut the potatoes into cubes, cut the protein into smaller pieces.

2. Boil the shrimps in salted water for 2 minutes, peel, remove the shell. Then also cut into small pieces.

Leave a few pieces for decoration.

3. Rinse and dry vegetables and herbs. Finely chop the greens. Grate half of the cucumbers and radish, cut half into small pieces or cubes.

4. Combine the yolks with mustard and green onions and grind with a little salt.

5. Add sugar and sour cream, mix everything and pour half of the cooled kvass into the mixture.

6. Add to the resulting mixture all the chopped and chopped ingredients, pour the remaining kvass and mix. Try to see if there is enough salt. If not, add salt. Let stand in the refrigerator for 30 minutes and serve.

Arrange the whole shrimp on top.

On a hot summer day, add ice cubes to the dish.

On kvass with mustard and mayonnaise (sour cream)

We will cook this option without potatoes. In this case, the dish will turn out to be less nutritious.

We need:

  • boiled meat - 300 -350 gr
  • cucumbers - 4 pcs (medium)
  • boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
  • green onions - 150 - 200 gr
  • dill - bunch
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • kvass - 1.5 liters
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - to taste
  • salt to taste


1. Boil the meat, salt at the end of cooking. Take out and let cool completely, then cut into strips.

2. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Cut the proteins into strips. Set aside the yolks for now, we will need them later.

3. Cut the cucumbers into short strips. Mix all ingredients.

4. Chop the green onion, transfer to a bowl, salt and heat with a wooden crush until it runs out the juice. Then also add it to the total mass. Salt to taste.

Put the okroshechny mass in the refrigerator for at least 1 - 2 hours. During this time, all the ingredients will be cooled and sated with each other's juice.

5. Grind the egg yolks with a fork in homogeneous mass, add 2 tablespoons of mustard and stir. Transfer to a saucepan. Pour with kvass and refrigerate for at least 1 - 2 hours.

6. Remove coarse stems from the washed and dried dill and chop.

7. Remove all ingredients from the refrigerator. Put okroshechny mass in a bowl, pour in the required amount of infused kvass, add mayonnaise or sour cream to taste and sprinkle with dill.

You can add variety to such a recipe and add radishes as a component. And you can also replace fresh cucumbers with lightly salted ones. All this will add new interesting shades to your favorite dish.

Be sure to eat chilled!

Lean diet okroshka with green radish

Delicious okroshka can be cooked without meat. In this form, it can be cooked during fasting, or for those people who do not eat meat at all.

We need:

  • boiled potatoes - 3 - 4 pieces
  • Uzbek green radish - 1 piece
  • cucumber - 1 - 2 pieces
  • onion - 1 pc (small)
  • green onions - 100 gr
  • dill and parsley - a bunch
  • mustard or horseradish - 1 tbsp spoon
  • kvass - 500 ml
  • salt to taste


1. Peel the boiled and chilled potatoes and cut into cubes.

2. Grate the green Uzbek radish on a coarse grater.

Pickled apples are also used in the recipe. If there are no such, then you can use fresh sweet and sour varieties.

We need:

  • salted mushrooms - 200 gr
  • pickled or fresh cucumbers - 5 - 6 pieces
  • pickled apples - 2 pcs.
  • green onions - bunch
  • dill - 1 bunch
  • horseradish or mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt to taste
  • kvass - 2, 5 - 3 liters


1. Rinse the salted mushrooms thoroughly and discard in a colander, let the water drain completely, then cut into small pieces.

2. Remove the skin from pickles and cut into small cubes.

3. Finely chop the green onion and dill and transfer to a bowl. Salt, then grind with a wooden crush until juice appears.

4.Clean the skin from the apples, remove the core and seeds and chop small cubes.

Pickled apples are usually harvested in the fall. Apples are laid out on a pillow of cherry, currant, raspberry sprigs, a couple of mint sprigs are also added. A marinade is prepared from sugar and salt, and apples are poured with it. Then oppression is set on them, and thus the apples reach the desired taste in 1.5 months.

As already mentioned above, you can use fresh apples, however, as well as cucumbers.

5. Mix all ingredients and pour in kvass. Add mustard or horseradish. Or both together.

Serve with sour cream if desired.

Okroshka on homemade kvass

In the old days, kvass for okroshka was specially prepared. It turned out to be white, and differed in taste from the usual bread in that it turned out to be not so sweet.

First from rye flour prepared leavened wort, buckwheat and Wheat flour... Also needed was malt, also rye, buckwheat or barley.

The wort was fermented with prepared sourdough, often with the addition of mint. This is how this drink was prepared.

The process must be said not too simple, besides, you need to look for malt and have the right flour at hand. Therefore, there are much easier ways to make the drink at home using pre-baked bread.

And I suggest looking at the recipe for how to make such kvass.

This is one of the cooking options that is a good idea to adopt. After all, in the summer we not only eat okroshka, but also do not mind trying cold kvass on a hot sunny afternoon.

Then this recipe will come in handy.

But there are also quite a few different ways its preparation. And here is one of them.

How to make okroshechny kvass at home

We need:

  • stale bread - 300 gr
  • rye bread - 1 slice
  • sugar - 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • boiled warm water - 1.5 + 1.5 liters


1. Crush the pieces stale bread... Bread can be used both white and black. Fold it into a 2 liter jar.

2. Add 1 - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and pour warm water. Cover with a glass lid. A plastic lid will not work.

3. Put the jar in a warm place for 1 - 2 days. The mixture will begin to ferment and the overall process time will depend on the temperature at which it will be.

Readiness is determined by taste. If the liquid is well acidified, then it is ready for the next stage.

4. When ready, carefully drain the liquid, leaving 5 - 6 cm high bread grounds in the jar. Add a slice rye bread and 1 - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar.

5. Pour 1.5 liters of warm boiled water again. Cover with a glass lid and leave in a warm place for another day.

After this time, kvass will be completely ready for consumption and cooking okroshka.

And for today it was our last recipe.

Let's summarize what has been written. The topic of today's article today was "Okroshka on kvass". I shared with you the recipes I know, which turned out to be very diverse, both in preparation and in taste. I tried to write everything in great detail, step by step, so that everyone would understand everything.

We used different types meat, chicken, sausage, fish and even shrimp. From vegetables they took traditional potatoes, cucumbers and radishes. Although I must tell you that potatoes were not used in old Russian recipes. It appeared in Russia only in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

Radish was also not always used, I don't know why. I think we have always grown it. Maybe they didn't add it for the reason that now - just not everyone loved it in the dish.

But they added cabbage, not quite familiar to us, both fresh and sauerkraut, as well as black radish. There are very simple options, for example. They are interesting in that rusks or stale bread were used as part of the cold soup.

As well as now, green onions, dill and, less often, parsley were in demand, most likely because its leaves are coarser than those of dill. They were very fond of vigorous okroshka, and for this they added horseradish or mustard to it. Seasoned with sour cream for flavor. And now they began to add mayonnaise.

All this variety is actually okroshka, the one that we love, and are ready to eat with pleasure almost every day, especially when it's hot outside.

Dear friends, maybe you have some special way of cooking your favorite dish? Share it with us, write the recipe in the comments. Let all readers cook delicious okroshka and enjoy its taste !!!

Bon Appetit!

This question baffles novice cooks on hot summer days. Yes, elementary! No wisdoms! There would be kvass! There is? Forward!

In summer, in the heat, you often do not want a hot soup, and without the first one, for many, dinner is not lunch. Cold soups, and okroshka in particular, are simply salvation in this situation. The only difficulty is to indicate the amount of products, which depends on the number of eaters, their taste preferences and the desired density of okroshka. Let's do this: let's give our approximate calculation for 1 person, an adult eater, and you yourself multiply by the number of people (you can also do it for 2-3 days) and make the desired changes. So, for one plate of okroshka with kvass ...


  • Chicken egg - half or whole
  • Potatoes - 1 piece of medium size
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 small cucumber (about 10 cm long)
  • Sausage type "Doktorskaya", without fat - 1-2 petals (depending on the diameter of the sausage "loaf") 3-4 mm thick. Generally speaking, the "correct" okroshka is made with boiled beef, and if you have the strength and time to cook the meat (you can see how to do this), then you can replace the sausage with a piece of cooked meat
  • Fresh dill - a pinch of finely chopped, about 1 teaspoon, you can, by the way, add other your favorite herbs (green onions, parsley, cilantro, basil)
  • Kvass - about 1 glass, chilled or at room temperature (kvass, of course, it is better to buy live fermentation, in addition, please note: some manufacturers now produce a version of "kvass for okroshka", it is less sweet, therefore, it seems to us, it is preferable but regular kvass will work too)
  • Sour cream - 1 tablespoon
  • Table salt - at will and to taste (we usually do not put it, but we put a small salt shaker on the table for those who wish) + about 0.5 tablespoon when boiling potatoes and the same amount when boiling eggs


Peel the potatoes in the required quantity, boil until tender in salted water and cool. This can be done the day before (in this case, it is better to store it in the refrigerator in a container with a lid).

Hard-boiled eggs in the required quantity (do not know how - look) and cool, this can also be done in advance.

Well, and then ... Okroshka is called that because now we finely chop all the ingredients. Moreover, two options are possible. If you are cooking for 1-2 people, it is more convenient to crumble each one directly into a plate (which you will see in our photos). If there are many eaters, we will mix all the crumbled foods in a large bowl, and then put the mixture on plates (by the way, this mixture can be stored for 2-3 days in the refrigerator in a sealed container). It is more convenient to pour okroshka with kvass right on the plate (except, of course, for the "dinner party" situation, then pour the kvass in a saucepan, stir and serve the finished okroshka on the table in the "ceremonial" soup tureen).

So, finely chopping a hard-boiled egg or half an egg in a plate, you can crush the curved part of the fork teeth ( watch our recipe video!).

We chop the sausage into small (4-5 mm) cubes. If you use boiled meat instead of sausage - finely chop it too.

Crumble boiled potatoes into small cubes (about the same as sausage).

Cut the fresh cucumber into the same small cubes (if a thick-skinned cucumber is caught, it is better to peel it of rough tough skin).

Finely chop the washed and dried greens (you can limit yourself only to dill).

We mix all the crumbled products (in a plate or in a large bowl, depending on the number of eaters, if mixed in a bowl, put them on plates).

It is okroshka that can be called the most summer soup. It is cold, it is satisfying, and it is also quite refreshing. It can be eaten with garlic, a slice of black bread and salt. Or you can substitute a young onion with fresh, aromatic green feathers instead of garlic. Delight.

Okroshka, like pancakes, can be cooked on very many bases. It can be sour cream, mayonnaise, yogurt, whey, vinegar, broth, mineral water etc. But today we will analyze the top 5 recipes based on kvass. Do you like kvass?

Be prepared for the fact that we will add sausage, shrimp, beets, meat and even beet kvass... Surely you haven’t heard about the latter. Do you know what this means? This means that it's time to try this recipe too.

Okroshka - cold soup, which hardly anyone wants to cook in winter. At least because it's cold. And in winter you want something lukewarm, like a huge plate of borscht with sour cream and garlic, still hot, donuts. Therefore, we suggest that you go to the market right now to buy products. After all, it is more likely that the trees outside your window are already green. Is that correct?

If you're ready to get started, let's get started together. Bon Appetit!

General rules for the selection of products and preparation

The choice of food is one of the most important points in cooking. Okroshka on kvass will not be an exception.

The main product in our dish is kvass. We advise you to take the one you like the most. well and the best way home, of course. But you are unlikely to want to cook kvass and wait for it for several days. Although, this option would be ideal.

Next will go fresh cucumbers... It is more desirable to buy them on the market, because there the probability of a natural product is several times higher than in a supermarket. Feel the cucumbers, smell and taste, if possible. The peel and the structure of the vegetable itself should be dense. The smell should be pleasant, fresh. Of course, it should smell like a cucumber. The problem with store-bought cucumbers is that most of the time they don't smell at all. It is hardly possible to call such a product natural.

Choose potatoes with a low starch content. This means it will not crumble and will keep its shape in the soup. These are oval tubers, which are yellow inside, and their peel is brown or also yellow.

Well, we helped you with the main components, then it's a matter of taste and opportunity. Let's discuss the recipes as soon as possible?

Okroshka on kvass with sausage

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

Everybody loves the classics. And okroshka on kvass with sausage is exactly the classic that each of us has already tried. If you don't like to change your traditions, keep this recipe.

How to cook:

Tip: instead of chicken eggs you can add quail eggs, but then take not five pieces, but at least ten.

Original okroshka on kvass with shrimps

Okroshka with shrimps is something unusual that is definitely worth trying. Having tasted kvass and shrimp in one dish, you will be surprised by the incredible taste.

It will take 20 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 114 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the potatoes, add water and boil until full readiness checking the softness of the root crop with a knife;
  2. Drain the boiling water from the finished tubers and cool them;
  3. Then peel and cut into cubes;
  4. Rinse eggs, boil until tender in boiling water;
  5. Cool, peel and chop the finished eggs;
  6. Rinse green onions, chop finely;
  7. Wash the mint, remove the leaves from the branch and chop them finely;
  8. Put mint and onion in a mortar, add salt and grind the mass well;
  9. Wash the tomatoes, remove the roots and cut them into cubes;
  10. Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends and cut them into cubes or chop with a grater. If the peel is bitter, it must be removed with a knife or vegetable peeler;
  11. Wash the radishes, cut off the tails and cut the roots into cubes;
  12. Boil the shrimps in boiling water for four minutes;
  13. Drain them in a colander, cool and clean;
  14. Combine yogurt with mustard;
  15. Combine potatoes, eggs, onions with mint, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes and shrimps;
  16. Season the mass with yoghurt-mustard sauce and pour over everything with kvass. Ready.

Tip: add two to three lemon wedges to the water to taste the shrimp during cooking.

Add beets to okroshka

If on a hot summer day you miss the borschik, but you are not ready to eat hot soup, we advise you to cook okroshka with beets. It will refresh and saturate you no worse than borscht.

It will take 1 hour to cook.

How many calories - 59 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the beets and cut them into strips;
  2. Put the root vegetable in a saucepan, add a glass of water, two-thirds of the vinegar and put it on the stove to simmer for twenty minutes;
  3. Rinse green onions and dill and chop them finely;
  4. Combine dill with onion, add sugar and grind everything into a homogeneous mass. It is good if there is a mortar;
  5. Grind both types of cucumbers into small cubes;
  6. Wash, peel and boil the carrots until cooked, checking the softness with a knife;
  7. Cool the finished carrots, then cut into cubes;
  8. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan, add mayonnaise and spices to taste;
  9. Pour the mass with kvass and at the end add the cooled stewed beets.

Advice: it is better to serve okroshka chilled, as it tastes better due to the fact that the tastes are combined.

Nourishing okroshka on kvass with meat

It will take 40 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 52 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Cool the meat into cubes;
  2. Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends and cut them into strips or chop with a grater. If the peel is bitter, it must be removed with a knife or vegetable peeler;
  3. Wash the radishes, cut off the tails and cut them into rings;
  4. Wash the dill, chop finely;
  5. Wash the eggs, put them in a saucepan with cold water and send them to gas;
  6. Cook the eggs until they are firm for about twelve minutes in boiling water;
  7. Move the finished eggs to cold water, cool;
  8. Next, peel and cut the eggs into rings;
  9. Put green onions in a dish, add salt and grind the mass until juice appears;
  10. Combine meat, cucumbers, radishes, dill and green onions in a saucepan;
  11. Arrange vegetables in portions on plates, pouring them with cold kvass;
  12. Decorate each plate with egg and radish rings.

Tip: you can add spices, sour cream / mayonnaise to the soup to taste.

Classic okroshka with sausage on beet kvass

What, what, but you definitely did not eat such okroshka. You can say whatever you want, but we won't believe you. it unique recipe that you simply have to save and prepare this soup at your leisure.

It will take 30 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 97 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends and cut them into cubes or chop with a grater. If the peel is bitter, it must be removed with a knife or vegetable peeler;
  2. Wash the eggs, put them in a saucepan with cold water and send them to gas;
  3. Cook the eggs until they are firm for about twelve minutes in boiling water;
  4. Transfer the finished eggs to cold water, cool;
  5. Next, peel and dice the eggs;
  6. Wash the potatoes, put them in a saucepan with cool water and put them on the stove;
  7. Turn on the gas and bring the water to a boil;
  8. Boil the tubers until fully cooked, checking the readiness with the tip of a knife;
  9. Drain the water from the finished potatoes and cool them;
  10. Peel the cooled potatoes and cut them into small cubes;
  11. Peel the beets, cut into cubes;
  12. Boil water and pour it over the beets, cover with a lid;
  13. Wash the radishes, cut off the tails and cut them into cubes;
  14. Wash green onions and chop finely;
  15. Cut the sausage into cubes;
  16. Remove the beets from the water and pour the kvass into the beet broth, combine them;
  17. Put cucumbers, eggs, potatoes, radishes, onions, sausages in a saucepan;
  18. Season the mass with sour cream, season with spices and pour over beet kvass;
  19. Cool the soup for an hour and then serve.

Tip: For piquancy, you can add lemon wedges to the soup. It will turn out to be very tasty and unusual.

They say that in order to cook okroshka deliciously, you need to know a little. That is why our secrets will be short, but clear, clear and simple. Remember!

  1. Chop the components finely, because it will be tastier, because more various ingredients will fit in the spoon. No wonder the soup got its name;
  2. If you have a mortar, be sure to grind the herbs with salt. So the greens will give more flavor and flavor to the soup;
  3. To keep okroshka in your plate cold even longer, throw an ice cube into your dish and enjoy the dish calmly;
  4. If you like mayonnaise, substitute it for sour cream. This, by the way, will also give the soup a special taste;
  5. Salt the dish carefully if there are already pickled and pickled cucumbers in the composition. Try it and then add.

Okroshka on kvass is the best thing that can happen to us in the summer in a stuffy kitchen. You can cook it quickly and it is not at all difficult. And most importantly, that one does not need to fry for hours near the stove, trying to cook something worthwhile. Choose the right soups and enjoy them all year round.