Home / Pies / Sour milk pancakes recipe. Sour milk pancakes lush recipe with photos step by step

Sour milk pancakes recipe. Sour milk pancakes lush recipe with photos step by step

It would seem so simple common dish, well, what else can you think of. You can add eggs to the dough, but you can not, the taste will be completely different. You can bake with sour milk and yeast, in general, there are many options, read and choose. Sour milk is very useful product, do not rush to pour it out, because so much.

Sour milk pancakes

Lush pancakes with sour milk

What is required to complete the recipe:

  • Half a liter of sour milk
  • A pair of chicken eggs
  • Two tablespoons of sugar
  • Three tablespoons of boiling water
  • A glass, maybe a little more flour
  • Half a teaspoon of baking soda
  • Butter

How do we lush pancakes cook:

In a convenient bowl, beat eggs with salt and sugar with a mixer or a whisk so that the sugar is dispersed. Then pour in the sour liquor and continue to beat, Separately extinguish the soda with boiling water, pour it into the dough. We begin to sow flour to the liquid, continuing to beat.

When the dough is ready, you need to keep it warm a little. Place the bowl on the kettle or in a saucepan with hot water... After half an hour, you can bake our pancakes. Heat the frying pan with oil and fry for two minutes on both sides. Can be served with homemade sour cream, condensed milk or your favorite jam.

Sour milk pancakes

We just need to prepare:

  • Half a liter of sour milk
  • A couple of eggs
  • Two tablespoons of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
  • A pinch of salt
  • Two to three glasses of flour, depending on the quality

How to cook pancakes:

First, let's beat the sugar and eggs well. Some will think that there is a lot of sugar, not at all, such pancakes can then be eaten simply with tea.

The sugar is gone, then add sour milk, salt and soda, continue to beat, and add flour ourselves. How much is so much flour? We will fry the pancakes in a decent amount of butter, covered with a lid, in this way, to make the pancakes more magnificent, you need to make the dough thicker. I have it like homemade thick sour cream.

Before frying, the dough should be allowed to stand to finish the process of extinguishing the soda and then bake. We pour in the oil, we do not make the fire too strong, firstly, there is a lot of sugar, it burns quickly, and secondly, the dough is thicker than usual, it is necessary that the pancakes are baked well.

We love to eat such pancakes with some sour syrup, try it, it's just yummy.

Sour milk pancakes without eggs

We will need for them:

  • A glass of warm sour
  • A glass of flour, maybe a little more
  • A pinch of salt
  • A tablespoon of sugar
  • A quarter teaspoon of baking soda

How to bake such pancakes:

I often give this recipe to friends, well, I like pancakes, why not give it. And everyone starts to wonder, but where are the eggs? Yes, they are absent in the recipe, I most often bake just such pancakes, because they turn out tender and fluffy, because the eggs "plant" the dough.

We dissolve sugar with a whisk sour milk, add salt, and then sift the flour. I always sow, so everything turns out more magnificently. While I sift the flour, I add soda to it. The dough should be thick, like country sour cream. And let him stand for at least fifteen minutes.

We bake pancakes in hot oil with the lid closed. And you can serve it with honey, and with any syrup, with jam.

Sour milk pancakes with yeast

For the recipe we will need:

  • Half a liter of sour milk
  • Two eggs
  • A tablespoon of dry yeast
  • Half a glass of sugar
  • A couple of glasses of flour, + -
  • A pinch of salt
  • Vanillin

How to cook yeast pancakes with sour milk:

Sour milk needs to be slightly warmed up and the yeast diluted there well. Separately break eggs together with sugar, add salt and vanillin.

We mix everything, add the sifted flour, stir so that all the lumps disperse. We remove the dough in a warm place under a towel. When it fits, it doubles in size, you can bake pancakes. Serve deliciously with honey or sour cream.

Sour milk pancakes with apples

For the recipe we will need:

  • Two glasses of sour milk
  • Two eggs
  • Two apples
  • One fourth of a teaspoon of baking soda
  • A tablespoon of sugar
  • A little more than a glass of flour
  • A pinch of salt

How to make apple pancakes:

We first beat the eggs with sugar and together with sour milk. Then add salt, soda and flour there. Pour the flour gradually, stir the lumps. With the last three apples and mix in our dough. Do not forget that the soda dough should stand. Then we bake the pancakes. Serve deliciously with sour cream.

Sour milk pancakes

What do you need for cooking:

  • Two glasses of sour milk
  • A pinch of soda and salt
  • Three tablespoons of sugar
  • Two eggs
  • Sunflower oil
  • One and a half glasses of flour

How to cook pancakes:

Mix sugar with eggs and beat until dissolved. We pour in the sour liquor there, it should be warm, we begin to mix. Add salt and soda to the flour and begin to mix it into the dough. It should not be too stringy. We leave it on the floor for an hour, then bake the pancakes.

Hot pancakes with sour milk and cold sour cream are a "secret weapon" with the help of which loving grandmothers manage to successfully lure their grown-up grandchildren to visit. The presented simple recipe allows mothers to compete with the older generation.

The main feature of the sweet fragrant pastries- enough batter... The baking soda will give it volume and airiness. Excess flour can ruin the whole thing, so you should stick to the suggested proportions.

Versatility sweet pastries in that it organically fits into any dessert "configuration".


  • sour milk 1 cup (250 ml)
  • chicken egg 1 pc.
  • salt 1 tsp
  • sugar 2 tbsp. l.
  • soda 0.75 tsp
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l. + for frying
  • wheat flour 200 g


1. Pour the sour milk into a deep bowl for making the dough. Add baking soda to make the pancakes fluffy. Stir. Leave for 5-7 minutes for the soda to react with the sour milk.

2. Add salt and sugar. Stir to dissolve both ingredients.

3. Whisk in a medium egg to the rest of the ingredients. Shake with a whisk until evenly distributed.

4. Pour in vegetable oil. Stir.

5. For baking, it is always recommended to sift the flour to make the finished product soft and airy. Add the sifted flour in portions to the liquid ingredients. Stir until a smooth, lump-free consistency is formed.

6. The pancake dough should not be liquid and not very thick (for example, like 15% sour cream). Leave on the kitchen counter for 10-15 minutes.

7. Pour oil into the pan. Adjust the amount to your liking. You can cook pancakes without vegetable oil in a hot frying pan. Spoon small portions of dough into well-heated butter. Grill over medium heat for 2-3 minutes on each side. If you cook on small fire, then it will take a little more time.

8. Place the fried pancakes on a paper towel or a layer of napkins to absorb excess oil. Serve to keep them cool.

Note to the hostess

1. Eggs and milk, intended for kneading the dough, should be at room temperature. Inadvertent heating of milk in a water bath can lead to separation of the whey, so you should remove it from the refrigerator beforehand.

2. In order to get an airy dough, eggs, beaten separately, are introduced into it. In the composition of viscous milk, this cannot be done efficiently. Some of the flour can be replaced with semolina.

3. Constant stirring while adding flour will avoid annoying lumps in the dough. You can add small pieces of apples, cinnamon or vanilla to it. In the snack version of the pancakes, you can enter green onions or dill, any spices to taste. But the addition should be small in volume so as not to precipitate the dough.

4. After proofing it is not stirred. If the dough is thick, you can spread it by helping yourself with another spoon. Too large portions may not bake well: the optimal amount is half a tablespoon.

5. It is better if the pan is cast iron, with a thick bottom - it will ensure uniform heating of the entire area. When gas bubbles begin to form on the surface of the dough, turn the pancakes in the pan. If necessary, this can be done several times, achieving a dense crispy crust.

Date of publication: 16.02.2018

We saw that the milk has expired, no need to pour it out. Take it out of the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature overnight. You will succeed good foundation for pancakes. The dough on sour milk also interacts well with soda, as well as on kefir.

  • Yeast dough recipe
  • Cottage cheese dough recipe
  • How to cook pancakes in the microwave

Check the milk before you start cooking. If it is not very acidic, then the acidic medium may not be enough to quench the soda and you will need to add to the soda citric acid... Or postpone the cooking process until tomorrow. You can use good milk dough recipes.

It is better if the milk sours more and becomes thicker. Probably, they made yogurt at grandmothers in childhood. This is how we need it.

It is also important that the milk and eggs have time to warm up, so remove them from the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking.

Lush pancakes with sour milk - a simple recipe with soda

The cooking process itself is very quick, especially when all the ingredients are already at hand. For sour milk, you definitely don't have to run to the store.

Flour always leaves a little more than a liquid base. If you cook without eggs, use almost equal parts flour and milk.

To get fluffy pancakes that will not fall off when frying, do not add a lot of sugar.


  • 2 cups sour milk
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 egg
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • Vanillin

Pour sour milk into a bowl, drive in an egg and add granulated sugar.

We do not extinguish soda with vinegar, the necessary reaction will go with the acid, which is contained in yogurt.

We introduce the pre-sifted flour and mix everything with a whisk.

So that the soda starts working and the dough becomes loose, we move the bowl with the mass to rest for 10 minutes.

At this time, we will prepare the pan. We heat the oil in it and without stirring the mass anymore, we begin to form our crumpets.

As soon as the surface begins to bubble, then it's time to turn over and fry the other side.

We do not cook pancakes over high heat! We set the medium or weak mode of the stove.

A strong fire mode can deceive us with browned sides, while the inside of the donut will be soggy.

Sour milk pancakes without eggs

Eggs are not at all a necessary ingredient in the preparation of the dough. Especially if they cannot or were not in the refrigerator. The ratio of all products does not change much.

Serve them with a spoonful of sour cream.


  • 0.5 l of sour milk
  • A pinch of salt
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 2 cups of flour

Pour the sour milk into a saucepan; it must be heated on the stove until hot. Stir constantly, avoiding it sticking to the bottom.

You should have a thick consistency for the spoon to stand a little.

At the last stage, pour out the soda.

We take a frying pan, if you find a cast iron, then use it. We warm up the oil and form the cakes with a spoon.

Yeast dough recipe

The recipe with yeast is certainly more laborious than without them. But on the other hand, the result will always turn out to be lush and airy.

Take any yeast - pressed or dry. Only the pressed ones should disperse in a warm environment.


  • 0.5 cups flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp Sahara
  • A pinch of salt
  • A teaspoon of yeast
  • Glass of sour milk

First, pour a spoonful of yeast, sugar and flour into warm curdled milk. We send this dough to rise to a warm place for half an hour.

Meanwhile, mix the egg with a pinch of salt until smooth.

When the mass is suitable, mix it with the egg mixture.

We are looking for a frying pan with a thick bottom, heat a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil in it and begin to fry the crumpets.

Important: if you pour yeast into the total mass, for example, kneading it in a bread maker or in a blender, then never pour yeast on salt or vice versa. It is better to dilute salt in a liquid base, then add flour, and yeast is already on the flour.

When salt interacts with yeast, they cease to work and the dough does not rise at all.

Sour milk dough with apples

Apples add sourness and aroma to any product. Delight the kids with fruit crumpets. They eat almost everything, believe me.

There are enough ingredients for four servings. Therefore, it will be possible to feed the whole family with breakfast on the day off.


  • 1 egg
  • 350 ml sour milk
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 1 tbsp Sahara
  • A little salt
  • 1 apple
  • 8 tbsp. l. flour

Pour soda, sugar and salt into the milk.

We forget about this mass for five minutes. In the meantime, let's get to the apple.

We peel it and let it dry on a grater. To make the taste of the pancakes softer.

The dough needs to be viscous and thick. If you do not have the same consistency with 8 tablespoons of flour, then add a little more.

They sell different flour, if you have wheat flour, then you already know that it is produced different varieties, due to the different content of gluten in it, dough of different consistencies is obtained. Somewhere you need to put more flour, somewhere less.

By the way, it can generally be replaced with semolina if you suddenly forgot to buy flour.

We also fry on moderate heat on vegetable oil.

Cottage cheese dough recipe

Pancakes with cottage cheese are more satisfying. They don't climb as well as all the previous options. But in terms of usefulness, they probably come first.


  • ½ cup flour
  • 200 g cottage cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 cup sour milk
  • 4 tablespoons Sahara
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • Vanillin, cinnamon, or lemon zest
  • ½ tsp soda

We mix cottage cheese with eggs and milk.

Flour and sugar are added there.

Melt butter, it will add crunchiness to the pancakes. Pour it into the dough. Add different spices for flavor.

For example, it turns out very tasty with lemon zest and vanilla.

From time immemorial, pancakes were baked in Russia, because easier dishes you can't imagine. Moreover, when milk sour in a few hours without refrigerators and chemical additives, it was used with great success in cooking.

  1. Sour milk - 0.5 l.
  2. Egg - 2 pcs.
  3. Flour - 3 tbsp.
  4. Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  5. Soda (optional) - on the tip of the spoon.
  6. Salt - 0.5 tsp.

It is difficult to find someone who does not like pancakes, because they are associated with childhood, a Russian stove, a hospitable hostess and an appetizing aroma in the house.

Even for those who count calories, but are very fond of pancakes, there is a way out. Prepare them by replacing wheat flour on oatmeal or any other flakes.

However, pancakes were not always what we cook today. Throughout its history, this dish has undergone many changes, starting with the name, ending with the cooking recipe.

They remain quite popular today delicious pancakes with sour milk based on oatmeal

The history of making fritters goes back to the distant 16th century. Translated from the ancient Greek "eladion" means cooked "in oil". Pagan Russia is known for worshiping the main god - Yaril, the sun god. As a sign of reverence for him, people baked small, palm-sized pancakes of a golden color, which were associated with the Sun. There are such "suns" should be done exclusively with your hands, so as not to anger God.

One of the most famous holidays in Russia - Maslenitsa, was not complete without pancakes, various cakes and pancakes. They were baked in special cast-iron pans called "pancakes". Mother-in-law invited sons-in-law to visit and treated them with the most delicious dish- pancakes served exclusively with sour cream.

It is noteworthy that initially the pancakes had different names in different villages, they were called:

Only in the 20th century did they acquire their familiar name. Moreover, in different cities this name meant different dishes... In St. Petersburg, it was a flat cake with sweet filling served hot. In Moscow, pancakes were baked from butter dough with a high content of eggs and milk. They were large and thick in size. Today, each housewife prepares pancakes in her own way, adding different fillings, and serving them with sour cream, condensed milk, jam or any other sweets. What could be better than getting the whole family together in the evening in a cozy kitchen, drinking tea with pancakes and sharing the news of the day.

Unique pancakes with sour milk: we cook ourselves

Do not rush to scold your husband who did not pay attention to the date of production of expired milk, a good housewife will do everything. Instead of a spoiled mood, it is better to bake pancakes.

Pancakes made from sour milk turn out to be very fluffy, nostril and surprisingly tasty.

The recipe for pancakes with sour milk is not particularly complicated.

However, there are certain conditions that must be met:

  1. Do not stir the dough in sour milk, just take it with a tablespoon or ladle and fry in vegetable oil.
  2. You can beat the dough with a mixer or blender, but only at the beginning.
  3. It is better to mix the dough by hand, and add flour with a fork or whisk.
  4. Pancakes can be cooked on wheat, buckwheat or corn flour, and for those who follow the figure, flour can be replaced with cereals... In this case, the flakes should be divided into 2 parts: grind one part into coarse crumbs using a blender, and the second part should be added later in order to make the pancakes viscous.
  5. As for soda, it must be added when milk has been standing for a very long time in order to discourage bitterness. And the effect of bubbles from the fermented milk mixture will appear without the addition of soda and baking powder.

Sometimes, instead of sour milk, kefir is indicated in recipes, however, this is a way "to hastily”, Pancakes with sour milk are tastier.

There are a lot of fillings and additives in sour pancakes, they can be:

Pancakes made from milk that are not completely sour will turn out tough, so you need to wait for the milk to sour completely. Ideally, you need to wait for the separation curd mass from the serum.

Making pancakes with sour milk: a step by step recipe

Cooking is not difficult.

  1. Break eggs into a deep bowl or small saucepan, add salt and sugar, mix with a mixer or whisk.
  2. Add to egg mixture sour milk at room temperature.
  3. Stir in flour, previously sifted, with a fork or whisk in a circular motion.
  4. Lastly, add baking soda (if desired).
  5. Consistency finished dough should be like thick village sour cream to "stand the spoon". If the dough is too thick, you do not need to stir in all the flour.
  6. Leave the dough to infuse for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Heat a wide skillet, pour vegetable oil into it and gently spread the dough with a tablespoon so that there is a small distance between the pancakes and they do not stick together.
  8. On medium heat, bake pancakes for 1-2 minutes on each side under a closed lid.

After cooking, put the pancakes on a wide cup, garnish with fruits or berries, you can sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Note to the hostess: sour milk pancakes

Here are some helpful tips to improve the taste of your pancakes.

If you want to make pancakes with sour milk more flavorful, then add a little vanillin to the dough.

  1. To make the pancakes aromatic, you can add vanillin to them, and finely chopped dill into salted pancakes.
  2. Another secret of fragrant and tender fritters- yogurt, it should be added to the dough while kneading. You should take thick yogurt (5-8%), for example, strawberry or peach, you can make it yourself, you can take a bottle of Agusha.
  3. During the frying process, it is easy to understand when it is time to turn the pancakes. As soon as they began to brown from below, and holes appeared on top, it's time to turn it over.
  4. Soda can make pancakes look flat, rubbery. Instead of baking soda, add a little baking powder to the dough, the pancakes will turn out to be more fluffy.
  5. Pancakes can also be cooked with yeast, however, they may not turn out as soft and juicy as with sour milk or kefir.
  6. Pancakes absorb oil very well, so for those who do not like too fatty, it is better to add a little vegetable oil during frying so that the pancakes do not float in it. Also, vegetable oil can be added directly to the dough (2-3 tbsp), then it is enough to add oil to the pan only before the first batch, then there will be enough oil in the dough.

To prevent the pancakes from burning and sticking, you should reduce the amount of sugar, keep it to a minimum, especially if the dish is served with jam or condensed milk.

How to cook pancakes in sour milk (video)

As you can see, there are a great variety of recipes for making pancakes, fantasize, choose your favorite recipe, and bon appetit!

Sour milk pancakes: a recipe (photo)

First you need to prepare all the necessary products.

Add the prepared ingredients to the container in turn, including sour milk, eggs, flour and sugar to taste

Preheat the pan with sunflower oil and carefully lay the pancakes on the surface

Be sure to fry the pancakes on both sides until full readiness and ruddy color

Ready-made pancakes with sour milk can be served with sour cream and fresh berries... Bon Appetit!

A thrifty housewife will never have the idea of ​​pouring sour milk into the sink. Why throw away a good product when you can still use it? For example, fry for breakfast delicious pancakes? On sour milk, they always come out lush, with a thin crunchy rim along the edge, ruddy, tender.

Frying pancakes from sour milk is profitable and convenient. You do not have to extinguish the soda with vinegar, because the acidic product will give the desired "bubbling" reaction. Using just one basic recipe, you can cook sweet and savory pancakes. You can add the most different vegetables, fruits and berries - the familiar taste of pancakes will turn out different, but also very pleasant.

The subtleties of cooking fluffy pancakes

The two most important rules are:

Although, in general, soda or baking powder is not always added to the pancake dough with sour milk. It is quite possible to replace this ingredient with baker's yeast or to refuse it altogether.

The consistency of the dough should resemble thick homemade sour cream, in which the "spoon is". Only in this way the pancakes will turn out to be high, lush and will not fall off after being removed from the pan. In recipes, a certain amount of flour is indicated in relation to other components of the composition. However, the final version is always adjusted by eye, adding flour or milk, depending on how thick the dough is.

It is more convenient and faster to knead with a hand mixer or blender. But it is recommended to use the technique only at the beginning, before mixing liquid and dry ingredients. It is advisable not to drive flour into the pancake dough, but gently stir in with a fork or whisk.

If the recipe says that the eggs (separately the whites) need to be beaten into a foam, they will need to be cooled. After lying in the refrigerator for a few minutes, whites and yolks are whipped much faster and better.

To get fluffy delicious pancakes, the dough should rest and come up before being sent to the pan or in the oven. Cover the container with a clean kitchen towel and leave it warm for 20-30 minutes. You can speed up the process by placing a bowl of dough in a saucepan half filled with hot water.

And the last thing. After the flour has completely dispersed and the dough is covered with bubbles, you do not need to stir it. You just need to scoop up the thick bubbling mass with a tablespoon and gently spread it on a hot frying pan drizzled with oil.

"Granny" recipe for pancakes from sour milk

The set of products in this version is standard, without any additional components. The amount of sugar can be changed in the direction of decreasing or increasing, depending on whether you want to cook sweet pancakes from sour milk or unleavened. It is advisable not to change the proportions of other products.



Sour milk pancakes - video

Serve on the table with any "sauce": sour cream, honey, berry jam, etc.

Pancakes with sour milk without eggs

Every housewife, at least once in her life, has found herself in such circumstances when one or another ingredient is not enough to prepare a planned dish. There is nothing unusual and scary in this, since you can always find a way out of an uncomfortable situation. For example, you can cook pancakes in sour milk without eggs at all.

Recipe 1. Choux pastry pancakes.



Note that custard pancakes are made without baking soda. The dough rises well during baking even without this component.

Recipe 2. Air pancakes without eggs.



According to this recipe, pancakes with spoiled milk are cooked over low heat under a lid. On each side, pancakes need to be fried for 2-3 minutes.

Recipe 3. Yeast fritters.



The recipes suggested above will come in handy not only when there are no eggs in the house, but also for cooking dietary meal people for whom this product is an allergen.

Dessert pancakes with a twist

If there is a desire to change classic recipe and make pancakes in sour milk with unusual taste, you can try adding pieces of fruit, berries, cottage cheese, cheese, grated vegetables, spices, spices to the dough. Let's consider some of the most popular options for dessert pancakes with a twist.

Recipe 1. Curd pancakes with coconut flakes.



When serving, pancakes with cottage cheese are poured over with sour cream, honey or everyone's favorite condensed milk.

Recipe 2. Apple pancakes on sour.



Apple fritters are fried in hot vegetable oil as usual. The same recipe can be used to make banana pancakes. The only difference is that the banana pulp is not cut, but kneaded into pulp with a fork.

Recipe 3. Sweet pancakes with raisins.



Served with fruit salad, sour cream sauce, jam.

Recipe 4. Orange pancakes.



Serving to the table, orange pancakes are poured with a sauce made from honey and freshly squeezed orange juice.

Snack pancakes with vegetables and unusual filling

Most of us are used to eating sweet pancakes for breakfast, dipping them in sour cream or honey. But it turns out that there are savory pancakes that can be served either as an appetizer or even as a main course. Moreover, cooking such is no more difficult than baking traditional dessert ones.

Recipe 1. Diet pancakes with zucchini.



Zucchini absorbs oil well, so you need to add it to the pan before adding each new batch of pancakes.

Recipe 2. Pancakes with Jerusalem artichoke.


  • Sour milk - 250 ml.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Jerusalem artichoke - 300 g.
  • Salt and soda - ¼ tsp each


Vegetable pancakes with Jerusalem artichoke can be served with both savory and sweet sauces.

Recipe 3. Onion pancakes with hot baking.



If there is a desire, according to the same principle, you can make pancakes with minced meat... Prepare minced meat from any type of meat, put a heaped teaspoon on each pancake, fry under a lid on each side for 3 minutes.

Recipe 4. Snack pancakes.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Milk - 200 ml.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 200 g.
  • Soda - ½ tsp.
  • Salt - ½ tsp

The filling of your choice can be made from mushrooms (100 g), crab sticks(240 g), smoked sausage(100 g), hard or soft homemade cheese(200 g).