Home / Patties / How to cook veal medallions in a pan. How to cook the most tender veal medallions? Learn how to make veal medallions for a nutritious dinner

How to cook veal medallions in a pan. How to cook the most tender veal medallions? Learn how to make veal medallions for a nutritious dinner

Veal medallions are a magnificent and original festive meat dish. Therefore, when preparing it, you must definitely try to make it not only tasty, but also aesthetically beautiful.


  • veal - 1 kg;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • white wine - 2 tbsp.;
  • fresh champignons - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 300 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • parsley.


We wash the veal, cut into about 12 pieces, salt, pepper, pour wine and marinate for about 6 hours in the refrigerator. Then we tie the edges of the meat with a thread, giving them a round shape, and fry in vegetable oil until a golden crust forms. Finely chop the onion, sauté in the remaining oil, add mushrooms chopped into slices and fry everything together until tender. Before serving, remove the threads, put the medallions on a baking sheet, put on top fried mushrooms, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake the dish in the oven until the cheese is melted.

Veal medallions - recipe


  • veal - 400 g;
  • soft cheese - 200 g;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • ham - 50 g;
  • cognac - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • truffle paste - 10 ml;
  • flour;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


How to cook veal medallions? Soft cheese cut into small cubes, put in a bowl, pour cold milk and put in the refrigerator for several hours. In the meantime, finely chop the ham and pre-boiled hard-boiled and peeled eggs. We mix these ingredients with truffle paste, salt, pepper to taste and mix the filling thoroughly.

We wash the veal fillet in cold water, dry it slightly, remove the film from the meat and cut the meat across into 4 medallions about 1.5 centimeters thick. In each we make a small pocket and fill them with stuffing.

Now let's prepare the sauce: take a bowl of milk and cheese, put in a saucepan with hot water and then on low heat. We constantly stir the cheese mass until the cheese is completely dissolved, and then increase the heat. Add egg yolks carefully stir and cook for another 5-7 minutes. The sauce should acquire a creamy uniform consistency.

Season the medallions with salt, pepper, roll in flour and fry on both sides in butter. Then pour the cognac over the meat, cover with a lid and increase the heat.

We put the finished cutlets on a dish along with vegetables, serve the sauce separately.

if you love delicate dishes meat, then by all means try out the recipes for beef in pots, or beef with cheese.

Good appetite!

Like everything tasty and juicy, the meat dish, called a medallion, which has gained popularity throughout the world, came to us, like many others, from France. Apart from original recipes with the addition of wine to create delights from meat, in this country the grape drink itself is drunk with almost every meal. But no one forbids Ukrainians to do this, if the food becomes tastier at the same time.

And to further hone your skills in the kitchen, you need to learn how to work with spices and spices. Their purchase from store shelves, of course, will not give such romance as going to the market, where there is always a layout of all kinds of dried herbs.

If you are lucky enough to meet a seller from an eastern country, you are a real lucky one, because he will assemble for you such a set of meat and garnish that the dishes will be no worse than from a professional chef.

Admitting mistakes: veal medallions could get better

It is believed that in order to cook well, you need to study in a special educational institution, and only in this way will you be able to navigate how to choose the right products, act according to the recipe, and determine the desired consistency. But in practice things are different.

Life is a real school. And in the kitchen everyone is equal - both men and women, and everyone has the opportunity to create their own masterpiece. What else is common for both sexes? This is the love of meat. Dishes from it are shown in the diet for all ages, unless, of course, there is an individual intolerance. With this it is clear, as in a pharmacy.

In principle, not only veal meat is used for medallions, but also chicken, beef, the main thing is that the thickness is at least 1.5 cm, and the diameter can be formed at least 5-8 cm. There are no special principles, but 3-4 a piece with these dimensions is a serving for one person. It allows you to fully get enough of the dish.

As it was said, there are no rules, but veal medallions are the most tender, and after they stay in the marinade, they become the most tender meat. You can marinate slices for medallions in the same way as for kebabs, but only correctly;) The usual steps for marinating meat that should be corrected:

  • Mix meat pieces with chopped onion, salt, pepper, add spices, leave for 20-30 minutes.
  • Pour over every bite soy sauce, squeeze the garlic, add oil, leave for half an hour.
  • Sprinkle a whole piece of meat (not cut) with salt, pepper and vegetable oil, leave for 30 minutes, cut later.

Many do similar actions, but few know the secrets of experienced chefs. And they work with products more delicately. For example, at home, one way or another, they salt both marinade and meat before frying. And experienced chefs give customers the right to salt the dish according to their own taste. Also, this is justified by the fact that meat with salt takes longer to cook, and chefs in restaurants are limited in the time allotted to prepare the ordered dish. Find out further what exactly needs to be corrected in your actions.

How to marinate veal medallions. The recipe could be like this.

Before we start talking about cooking itself, it is worth recalling the tools in the kitchen. They must be sharpened. Other options are not acceptable. When cutting medallions with a sharp knife, the pieces will be even and look aesthetically pleasing on the dish itself. So, when the meat is chopped, use the following tips on how to marinate it:

  • Prepare onion porridge. Yes, it’s not enough just to chop the onion with a knife, you just need to place it in a blender and grind, puree. So later the product will give all those tastes that the meat should be saturated with.
  • Add mustard. Calculate the amount of mustard according to this proportion: 0.5 tsp is enough for 5 medallions. mustard. Its main role is not to add flavor, but to soften the meat. And although the tenderloin is already so tender, but this way the taste will become even more pleasant, and you will get royal veal medallions. The recipe, as you can see, is almost a courtyard, although the advice is good.
  • Drizzle veal with olive oil (or other vegetable oil). This technique is easily explained by simple physics. Oily substances are good conductors. Having taken the necessary esters from spices and spices, the oil will give them to the meat, because it is quickly absorbed into the fibers through an oily substance.

Before leaving the meat in the marinade for the standard 30 minutes, mix it well in the mass of onion, mustard and oil. Feel free to massage the veal properly. This will only make it tastier. When half an hour has passed, it's time to fry.

Veal medallion: in the oven, on the grill, in a frying pan

Thought it would immediately be a question of where it is better to put the meat? It's too early for that. It is worth knowing a few more nuances. Before, in fact, immersing the future dish in the oven or on another hot surface, it is necessary to give it the necessary shape.

Behind all the subtleties, one should not forget that the round shape is characteristic of the medallion. And to form it, there are several popular ways. Moreover, which one you will use will tell either about professionalism or amateurism in the kitchen, no matter how rude it may sound.

It became clear that the methods differ in labor costs. And this is true, but not only. Also used different materials. We are glad that every family has one material in the kitchen. Use foil or twine to form a round veal medallion. Moreover, it is professionals who use the foil, since with the help of it even sides of the pieces are obtained, and the meat is cooked in its own juice, so it turns out more tender. With the use of twine, the round shape cannot be saved in any way. So you don't have to look for it to look like a restaurant chef, because foil is needed. Do a few simple steps:

  • We keep the standard width of the foil, and make the length no more than 8-10 cm.
  • Having folded the strip four times, it will turn out just the thickness of the medallion - 2-2.5 cm.
  • Wrap each piece with a strip of foil.
  • Put the meat on a hot surface.

Meat dishes are fried, stewed, and often even combine these two processes. Therefore, if you are used to frying in a pan, do so. If you have professional grilling equipment, use it instead. Many cooks, after frying in a pan, move the meat to the oven until it is fully cooked.

Develop your own rules and get new delicious delicacies.

Already tender veal medallions in a creamy sauce become noticeably softer

There are no restrictions and rules for veal sauces, as well as for other recipes based on meat. Everyone relies on their own taste. Do not want to fool around at home with the preparation of the sauce on wine, berries, mushrooms? Then use universal sauce with cream. It is served both in restaurants and ordinary cafes, because whatever one may say, simplicity is more characteristic of the national taste. And he is the most tender to meat, especially for juicy medallions. The cooking method is often simple, but when you want to create, then you only benefit from such zeal. You can even find a sauce recipe with boiled celery, pumpkin, ginger, and refine it to suit your family's taste.

Obviously, veal medallions in a creamy sauce are great with any side dish. Such versatility will be a godsend when you are limited in time. Let's consider several options:

  • Make the onion mass mushy and add crushed garlic to it. After boiling for 2 minutes, add cream and leave on low heat. Use spices to taste. When you see the consistency thicken, turn off the heat. Let the sauce cool and then strain.
  • Pre-fry the flour on a dry surface of the pan. When it turns golden, it's time to add 1 tbsp. butter. After a minute, add cream and boil for 2 minutes. Constantly mix the sauce with cream, otherwise the hated lumps cannot be avoided. Salt and seasonings are added to taste.
  • Great cream sauce it is obtained with the addition of broth, cheese, yolk and butter, and it is made in a water bath. The listed ingredients are heated so that the consistency is homogeneous, but do not allow boiling. Next, carefully place the yolks so that they do not have time to cook. This mass is seasoned with herbs and spices.

Like these ones simple ways delicate sauces. In addition, cream can even save meat if you overdry it. It is enough to pour a medallion on it and put it in an oven heated to 120 degrees. After 20 minutes, your dish will be transformed. And no one will know that it was losing its juiciness. True masters know other secrets of how to eliminate dish defects, but for lovers, the use of cream will be a salvation.

Learn how to make veal medallions for a nutritious dinner

Before starting the first manipulations with products, you must first learn how to choose them correctly. After all, success depends on subtleties. And their mistresses know by heart.

  • It is better to buy in the market or in farm shops. If possible, refuse to buy meat from supermarkets.
  • Train yourself to buy meat products from one seller.
  • For a medallion, cutouts with a thickness of at least 2 cm are good.
  • Look for calf meat that is a deep, light red color.
  • Fresh veal quickly returns to its shape after being pressed.
  • The layer of fat in a calf up to 6 months is white. Look for one, do not buy from yellowness. Yellow indicates age over 6 months.
  • The smell of fresh milk from veal is the norm. Any others indicate improper storage.

After you already have a piece of fresh on your hands, it is worth giving an answer to the question of how to cook veal medallions, and the answer is simple and banal. If you decide to try your hand at cooking for the first time, or occasionally do it, choose simple recipes.

Working correctly with simple pepper, onions, butter and some herbs, you can easily prepare your masterpiece, which has no equal.

If you chose to cook in a skillet, do as most craftsmen do and fry the medallions in melted butter. It will turn out very appetizing. Leave the vegetable oil for more simple meals eg scrambled eggs. And one more rule - when you need to cook tasty, forget about the rules of a low-fat diet. Find out what the taste should actually be, and then modify the recipe.

Cranberry sauce for veal medallions - a traditional variant of berries

No meat dish is complete without spicy sauce. And a huge number of them have been invented: creamy, berry, mushroom, cheese, satsebeli, tomato, and others. And there are new ideas for their preparation. Probably every chef in the restaurant kitchen offers his own version of meat supplements. It is also easy to make at home. Whoever loves cuisine loves to experiment in general, so who knows, you have the opportunity to distribute your medallion recipe and sauce for it. And it will be sweet and sour, bitter, milky or any other, it's up to you. We will tell you how to cook a berry version, and one of the ingredients will be cranberries.

We prepare the sauce for veal medallions as follows:

  • Pour 400 ml of semi-sweet red wine into a saucepan.
  • Put it on fire and bring to a boil, then add 100 ml of port. It is necessary to give the sauce acidity. This preserves both a slight sweetness and sourness.
  • Boil contents until reduced by half.
  • Now add 200 g of cranberries and 20 g of butter.
  • When the berries are cooked, you can turn it off.
  • We take a blender and grind to a homogeneous consistency in a saucepan.
  • Strain the resulting liquid through a sieve. All sauces should be strained. This recommendation may save your meal. Because leaving lumps and hard pieces is a bad form not only for restaurant customers, but also for those whom you are going to treat with cooked food.

Would you like to make a presentation like in a restaurant? It's simple, you need your imagination and sense of aesthetics. And most importantly, no one will criticize, because the chef is an artist. And despite the result, the phrase “I see it this way…” is always a strong argument.

How to cook tender and juicy beef medallions? Choose the best and favorite recipe from our selection - it's simple!

They create classic medallions mainly from beef or veal. Veal meat is much more tender and does not need to be beaten first. To do this, purchase fresh beef pulp, preferably the neck, and first clean it from veins and films that can twist the meat when heat treatment. Then cut it into medallions about 1.5 cm wide, as in the photo below. It is from such blanks that it is prepared famous dish. It's even better to take a clipping.

  • beef medallion -2 pcs.
  • green pea– 200 g
  • salt - to taste
  • seasoning - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

Tie around each veal or beef medallion. cooking string, twine. This is done so that the meat piece does not lose its shape during frying. If you have beef medallions, then they need to be slightly beaten off on both sides.

Just before frying, dust the workpiece on both sides with salt and seasonings of your choice. When planning to cook medallions on the grill, dip them in vegetable oil.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan and heat it - it should be very hot. Drop the seasoned medallions into the oil and fry them on one side for exactly 4 minutes.

Then turn over to the other side and simmer for the same amount of time. Wrap the finished medallions in foil and leave for 10 minutes.

Once the medallions are fried, add green peas to the pan and reduce the heat to medium. Fry it for about 5-7 minutes, lightly sprinkled with salt.

Then put the cooked green peas on a serving plate - it will become the basis for the medallions.

Place the fried medallion on the polka dots and decorate it as you like.

Cutting such fried pieces of veal or beef medium roast, you will see inside the juicy layer of pink meat without blood and framing it golden brown! Good appetite!

Recipe 2: Beef Apple Medallions (Step by Step Photos)

Tender and soft beef apple medallions are obtained. This is the name of the part of the carcass from the thigh muscle of the animal, where the meat is the most delicious. When buying a product, you need to pay attention to freshness, for this you need to press your finger on the tenderloin.

My recipe is not complicated, so together we will make wonderful beef medallions that will turn out tender and soft. How to cook them, read below. The set of products is minimal, and as a result, you will have a restaurant-style dish on your table.

  • 500 grams of beef fillet,
  • salt, pepper as desired
  • 2-3 tables. l. olive oil,
  • 100 grams of apples
  • 100 grams of onion,
  • foil (or rope).

We cut the meat into medallions with a thickness of no more than 1.5 cm. In this way, the meat will be fried and remain juicy, without losing its softness. Choose fresh beef. From such meat, delicious medallions will certainly turn out. The fillet should be even so that you can cut it into beautiful pieces without any problems.

We flavor the meat with spices: we use the classic set - this is salt and pepper. Sprinkle the meat with spices and lightly rub them into the meat with clean hands. The meat will begin to marinate.

Spray the medallions with olive oil, lightly rub the oil into the meat. This is also an additional marinating step. The meat will be more juicy. We leave the medallions to marinate for 10 minutes. Salt, pepper and oil are the best companions for beef.

We wrap the meat with foil strips, fix them, so to speak. Instead of foil, a clean rope is suitable, it is even sold in culinary stores.

While the meat is marinating, prepare the remaining products: cut the onion into half rings, and the apples into thin slices. We will use them for cooking tender and tasty meat.

We drip a little olive oil into the pan, warm it up and put the medallions. Without moving, without touching them, fry for a couple of minutes on one side, and then turn over and cook on the other side.

Immediately after turning over in a pan with medallions, put the onion with apples. Let them caramelize along with the meat. Onions and apples will give juice and the meat will turn out very juicy.

We serve hot beef medallions to the table along with a side dish of onions and apples.

Recipe 3: beef medallions with champignons (step by step)

Meat dishes have always attracted and attract excellent taste and aroma. Especially if it is a delicious beef medallion that has juiciness. Do not think that beef medallions are tough, they are not at all.

  • beef tenderloin 1 kg
  • champignons 250 grams
  • half cup tomato sauce
  • wine 80 ml
  • broth from chicken meat 370 ml
  • vegetable oil 30 ml
  • olive oil 30 ml
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • seasonings to taste

Rinse the beef tenderloin well and cut into medium medallions.

Sprinkle the meat on all sides with pepper and salt.

We wash the mushrooms, cut into thin plates.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it up.

After the oil becomes hot, put medallions with spices on it.

Fry the meat on one side for 1.5-2 minutes.

Then we shift them to the other side and fry also for 2 minutes.

We take out the meat on a plate, add olive oil to the pan, put the butter and melt it.

Cook until golden brown.

After 4-5 minutes, when the sauce becomes thick, pour the wine. We add fire, you need to cook until the wine has completely evaporated.

When the wine has almost completely evaporated, pour chicken bouillon. Cook until the broth has reduced by almost half.

Then we put the medallions in the sauce with mushrooms.

Reduce the heat to almost half, leave the meat to stew for 7-10 minutes until tender.

After that, remove from the heat, put the medallions on a plate, pour over the sauce with mushrooms and serve.

Recipe 4: beef medallions in a pan (with photo)

  • Beef (preferably loin) - 600 g
  • Onion - 2 pcs
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Seasoning

Cut the beef into slices, salt and pepper. You can beat off a little.

Fry in vegetable oil on both sides

Cut the onion into half rings, carrots into slices. Add tomatoes (I have canned ones) Stew everything in a saucepan, then pour hot water over it.

We send the fried meat to our vegetable sauce, season with your favorite herbs and simmer for small fire minutes 25.

You can boil spaghetti for a side dish !!!

Recipe 5: Juicy Beef Medallions with Garnish

Juicy beef? Sounds pretty interesting. Often, beef meat is fresh. Today we will reveal some of the secrets of its preparation and try to surprise you with the beauty and taste of a festive dish.

Let's start with how to cook a beef medallion so that it is juicy.

There are three indispensable rules for this method:

  1. First of all, take a piece of meat and cut it across the fibers.
  2. So that the beef is not tough, it should be beaten well with a wooden mallet. (Crush all the "threads" of the ligamentous tissue.)
  3. We fry the beef - quickly, not allowing the meat to "dry on the fire."
  • 120 grams of beef;
  • 100 grams of potatoes;
  • 3 bell peppers(red, orange, green);
  • 30 grams of arugula;
  • 250 grams of vegetable oil;
  • sesame;
  • salt;
  • ground nutmeg;
  • baking foil.

Let's start with the preparation of arugula.

We select the intact leaves of the plant, put them together so that the compacted parts are together. Cut off the hard part.

We lower the upper part of the foliage that will go into the salad into cold water for 5 minutes.

We proceed to the preparation of the beef medallion.

We take 120 grams of beef. This piece is well beaten off on both sides. Salt and sprinkle with ground nutmeg On the one side.

With our hands we knock down a beaten piece of beef into a single lump, moving towards the center.

To form a circle - a medallion, you need to make a shape. For this process, take a piece of baking foil (20 centimeters).

Let's fold this piece in half.

Then in half again. Width - 5 centimeters.

We repeat this folding process again to form a dense strip, 2.5 cm wide.

We turn the strip of foil into a circle by folding it.

We close the edges by putting 1.5 centimeters into each other and pressing tightly so that they do not open.

The mold for the beef medallion is ready.

We put this form on the beef chop, compacting it into a circle of foil.

Leave for impregnation while we cook the potatoes.

We wash the root crop in water, peel it, cut into cubes. (Side - 2 centimeters)

Pour 250 grams of vegetable oil into a heated cast iron. Bring it to a boil. Drop the potato pieces. Fry until golden brown. Remove the potatoes from the oil with a slotted spoon. Sprinkle with salt on a plate, after frying.
French fries are ready.

In boiling vegetable oil, after the potatoes, lower the beef medallion with a slotted spoon. Fry on both sides. (Fire - medium power.) We take it out of the boiling oil. Put on a separate form to cool slightly.

At this time, prepare the multi-colored bell peppers.

To do this, take 3 different peppers: red, green and orange to add elegance to the dish.

From the washed fruits, cut off the same piece.

Cut each piece of pepper into squares. (A side is 1 centimeter.)

The turn came to the arugula. It, after "water procedures", should be dried on a paper towel to remove excess moisture.

So, preparatory work finished.

Let's start shaping the dish.

In the center of “our picture” we will place a beef medallion, having previously removed the foil form from it.

Sprinkle the meat product, for a piquancy of taste, with sesame seeds.

On the left - put the french fries, fried in cubes.

To the right of the beef medallion lay out the arugula leaves. We tear each leaf with our fingers and lay it out in the form of a semicircle.
Potato - repeats the shape of the salad.

We lay out multi-colored squares of bell pepper in an arbitrary form on pieces of arugula and fried potatoes.

Our dish - beef medallion - is ready to serve.

Place your favorite sauces next to the plate on the table.

Suitable for this dish: tomato, garlic or cheese. Choose yourself. You can make your own sauces or buy ready-made sauces from the store.

Recipe 6, step by step: how to cook beef medallions

Today I propose to cook delicious soft beef medallions. Many do not make them because they do not know how to cook them tender and soft. But I will help you with this. For cooking, we choose a beef or veal tenderloin, this part of the carcass is perfectly fried and it turns out not hard, it chews well. Medallions can be served at the table with a salad with vegetables and cheese, and any sauce will be appropriate in addition, for example, it can be prepared on the basis of cream and your favorite cheeses, add herbs, onions or garlic. It is also very tasty to add airy mashed potatoes or baked potato bars as a side dish to meat, adherents proper nutrition steamed asparagus can be added. Beef or veal must be present in the diet of any person, therefore, let's start preparing an excellent lunch or dinner.

  • beef tenderloin - 200 g,
  • salt, pepper - to taste,
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

Prepare beef or veal meat - cut off a few good pieces from the tenderloin. For medallions, I suggest not marinating the meat in order to fully enjoy it. palatability beef, marinades will be reserved for other occasions. Also prepare twine - a tight, hard thread. Rinse and dry the meat. Then sprinkle the meat with salt.

Sprinkle the meat with ground black pepper, you can also use a mixture of peppers for a brighter interesting taste. Rub the spices into the meat with patting movements.

Take a stiff thread, tie it around each piece of beef. If there is no hard thread in stock, then you can simply take food foil, fold it in several layers, wrap the meat.

Place a frying pan on the stove vegetable oil how to warm up the oil. Transfer the pieces of meat to the pan.

Fry the meat on each side for exactly three minutes, the fire should be moderate.

Also, do not forget to fry the meat on the sides.

That's all, now put the meat on a plate and serve, add sauce and garnish to taste.

Recipe 7: Beef Medallions in Mushroom Sauce

A classic meat dish, and quite versatile both for meeting guests and for homemade dish. Beef medallions in mushroom sauce are your lifesaver in the kitchen.

  • 300 gr. veal
  • 200 gr. mushrooms
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 50 ml. cream
  • 1 onion
  • 5 gr. thyme
  • 10 gr. cilantro
  • pepper

For sauce - put a sprig of thyme for aroma in vegetable oil for a few minutes, then fry chopped onion in this aromatic oil small cubes, next, throw in the mushrooms, pour in the cream.

Slightly beaten veal tenderloin fry in a grill pan for 10-12 minutes.

After we place the medallions in the sauce and simmer on the fire for several minutes.

The dish is ready, bon appetit!

Recipe 8: Beef medallions cooked in bacon

Meat medallions from beef from the most valuable part of the beef carcass, tenderloin, because the best meat beef dish are made from it. Many restaurants consider these dishes to be their hallmark, because many visitors like tenderness and taste features this dish, which is not so difficult to prepare. When serving medallions, a variety of sauces can be used, but they can also be served separately. Already starting to drool? This is not surprising, because few people can resist delicious medallions. Therefore, we bring to your attention a recipe for making fragrant and mouth-watering beef medallions.

  • 3 beef tenderloin medallions
  • Several strips of bacon
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon butter, unsalted
  • Olive oil
  • Spices to taste
  • cooking rope

The recipe, although not complicated, but requires a lot of attention. You should follow all the instructions and recommendations given, and only then you can enjoy the taste of unsurpassed meat lumps. To begin with, each of the pieces of meat must be carefully beaten off. After that, the medallions are wrapped in bacon. To give the correct shape, each of the medallions must be tied with a rope. Don't forget to add salt and pepper too.

At this time, it is necessary to thoroughly heat the pan and pour a small amount of olive oil into it. We place the meat in a pan and press it firmly, while not moving it around.

So it should be fried for two minutes, after which the same manipulations must be carried out over the meat on the other side. After that, it is necessary to fry the meat in a pan from all sides for about one minute.

At the same time, add butter and crushed garlic clove to the pan. Drizzle thoroughly with oil.

Now you need to cut the onion into half rings and add it to the pan. You need to fry it for several minutes until it becomes fried. Pour the meat generously with the sauce that has turned out. Drizzle meat for more flavor. good cognac or rum. We set it on fire and wait until all the alcohol burns out.

After that, you need to transfer the meat to the grill.

You can start making the sauce. To do this, in the pan in which the meat was cooked, you need to add a small amount of red wine, as well as fatty sivki.

Juicy veal medallions- it french dish, which is neat pieces of rounded meat, fried in a pan or baked in the oven. The finished dish is complemented with a side dish and sauce. In expensive restaurants, the preparation of meat medallions includes complex techniques: sous vide or flambé. But to cook delicious meat medallions, you do not need to master these techniques. We will prompt basic recipes veal medallions and reveal the secrets of juicy meat.

Cooking juicy veal medallions at home

Veal medallions are prepared from carcass fillets, which are the least exposed to stress during the life of the bull. Of course, the preference is given to beef tenderloin. Meat from the subvertebral part is lean, but very tender, not requiring softening or marinating. Before preparing veal medallions, the tenderloin must be carefully cleaned. If this is not done, the films and connective tissues will shrink under the influence of temperature and “squeeze” the juice out of the meat. If this is your first time deciding, find out how to clean it properly and cut it into steaks in this one.
Juicy veal medallions are prepared from other loin parts: neck, shoulder blade and rump. Try to choose meat without veins and films, otherwise you will have to work on trimming it. Choose aged - it is softer and more tender due to the natural fermentation of muscle fibers.
The tenderloin medallions do not need to be marinated, but if you are using tougher beef, we recommend marinating the veal medallions.
The base marinade for beef steaks is a mixture of fresh spices and olive oil. For piquancy, add pressed garlic or grated ginger root. Good for tenderizing meat with balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and fruit acids. However, try to marinate the medallions for no more than 2 hours. Before frying, thoroughly blot them with a napkin: provided the surface of the meat is dry, a crust will form on it faster. Detailed Recipes delicious marinades read for meat.
Cooking veal medallions step by step
Prepare tenderloin or any other veal fillet. Remove all films, veins and connective tissues from the meat. Blot from moisture and cut into portions with a thickness of at least 2 cm. It doesn’t cost less - there is a risk of overdrying the tender ones.
Marinate the meat as desired, leaving it at room temperature. If you plan to put it in the refrigerator, remember to take it out 40 minutes before cooking. You cannot fry cold beef medallions in a pan.
Use a non-stick pan. A grill pan is also suitable. In the first case, heat a spoonful of oil in a frying pan. You can use a mixture of different oils. For example, olive and cream or olive and sesame. If grilling the medallions, brush each piece of meat with oil.
The recipe for cooking medallions in a pan is good because the meat cooks very quickly. The beef is first fried to a crust, and then placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for another 10-20 minutes.
Remember: the juiciest veal medallions are cooked to medium rare.
5. Before serving the medallions, give them 5 minutes to “rest” - ready meal will be more juicy.
How to cook delicious medallions: tips from chefs
- cut the meat correctly: try tying the tenderloin with cooking string, making the same indents. It will be easier to cut medallions of the same thickness along these indents;
- so that they keep their shape and do not deform when frying, secure each of them with a thread or a foil ring;
Butter added to freshly made medallions will give them a creamy aftertaste.

Veal medallions in creamy sauce

Beef medallions are usually served with sauce. We offer you a recipe for juicy medallions in a pan with delicate sauce. Prepare and properly cut the fillets into medallions. Season them with salt and pepper and send to hot pan. Cook for 3 minutes on each side, gently flipping with tongs. Be sure to “seal” the meat on the sides. Transfer the finished ones to a plate, leaving to rest under the foil.
In the same pan, sauté finely chopped shallots and pressed garlic. Add cream, reduce heat and heat until thickened. Season the finished creamy sauce with ground white pepper and salt. Pour over cooked juicy veal medallions and serve with mashed potatoes or risotto.

Veal medallions with mushroom sauce

Seasoned with salt and pepper, beef for medallions, fry in portions in a preheated pan until crispy. As soon as the last piece of meat is fried, reduce the heat and add the butter and finely chopped onion to the pan. Next, put the mushrooms with garlic. Cook until nicely browned, then pour in heavy cream and add Bay leaf. Boil for a couple of minutes until thickened and season mushroom sauce taste. Return the veal medallions to the pan and heat in the sauce for another 5 minutes. Serve hot.

Recipe for medallions of beef in bacon

Beef medallions will be juicier if you wrap each with a slice of bacon, tying with a thread. Fry the meat until crusty, and then put it in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Don't remove the bacon. It will saturate the meat with juice and give it a piquant smoky taste.
Before serving the finished medallions, the bacon slices are removed along with the thread and seasoned with coarse salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.
We recommend this recipe for meat medallions in case you cook them from the shoulder or neck. As a rule, meat from alternative parts of the carcass has a more pronounced taste. Bacon will complement it, as well as wine or cognac-based sauce. Read the recipe for this.

Veal medallions recipe with herbs

Do you want the medallions to turn out not only juicy, but also fragrant? Add fresh rosemary or thyme. Do it this way: wrap each medallion with a sprig of rosemary and thyme. Secure with string and fry first for strong fire to the crust. Lower the heat and add a generous spoonful of butter and a few cloves of garlic to the pan. Continue frying the meat, pouring it with hot oil. Cook for 8-10 minutes, and then transfer the juicy and fragrant medallions to presentation plates, removing the herbs. Prepared according to the same recipe. Detailed recipe steak with herbs in a pan, read ours.

Beef medallions: interesting details about the dish

This dish is always taken with beef or veal tenderloin or, in other words, fillet, apple. This part of the carcass is soft and the dishes from it are juicy and tender. Medallions are also prepared from beef tenderloin - a traditional dish French cuisine.

At its core, beef medallions are medium-sized chops with a pronounced rounded shape. It is because of the shape that the dish got such an interesting and original name. How to cook it? There is different variants recipes: in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker. With various sauces and the addition of a wide variety of ingredients. Below I will give options for recipes, according to which I myself prepare this dish, and you can choose for yourself the one that seems most interesting to you. But before moving on to the recipes, I’ll tell you how to choose the right beef (veal) tenderloin for the dish.

The secrets of choosing the right clippings for medallions

For medallions, you should always buy fresh, paired tenderloin. You can also take chilled meat, but it is better not to use frozen beef or veal for a dish. When choosing meat, always pay attention to its color. If we are talking about beef, then a good tenderloin will have a red or rich pink color.

The piece should not have streaks or films, but fat may be present and its color - white or pale cream. If the fat is yellow, the meat is definitely from an old animal. I check the freshness of the meat and so - I press it with my finger, if it quickly restores its shape, then the product is fresh and you can buy it.

If you buy a fresh fillet, then you can easily cut small and round medallions from it without any problems. Watch the thickness of the pieces - it should not be more than one and a half centimeters. It is not necessary to beat the medallions, but if you are not too lazy to do this, then the meat will turn out even more juicy and tender.

Ladies and one more piece of advice: always cut the meat not along, but across the fibers. Beat the medallions through a plastic bag, and you need to beat them to the state of a soufflé. Having prepared the meat, it remains only to choose a cooking recipe. Below are the most interesting, in my opinion, options.

Delicate beef medallions in wine and cream sauce

In this version, we will cook the medallions in a pan, and I will explain in detail how to fry the meat so that it does not lose its juiciness. For the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  1. 6 cut and broken medallions.
  2. 6 strips of bacon, about 15 centimeters wide.
  3. 50 grams of quality cognac.
  4. 100 grams of dry red wine.
  5. 100 grams of heavy cream.
  6. Two small onions.
  7. 3-4 cloves of garlic.
  8. Vegetable and butter for frying.

Further, the cooking process will consist of the following steps:

  1. We take our medallions and wrap each of them with bacon in a circle, fasten with a thread, salt and pepper.
  2. We heat the pan with vegetable oil and fry our medallions on each side until a beautiful crust. The average frying time on each side is 4 minutes.
  3. Crush the garlic cloves with a knife and mix the crushed garlic with melted butter. Pour this dressing over the meat. We continue frying and at the same time add the onion, cut into thin rings, into the pan, simmer the onion with the meat in the pan until the vegetable is soft.
  4. We turn off the fire, pour cognac over the meat and vegetables and set it on fire. All alcohol should evaporate.

After - we take out the medallions from the pan, put them on a separate plate. And in a frying pan we make sauce: pour wine and cream into it, heat over low heat until the sauce resembles low-fat sour cream in consistency. Drizzle medallions with sauce and serve with fried potatoes, fresh or pickled vegetables.

Recipe for the oven

It is quite easy to cook veal or beef medallions in the oven, and the recipe is good for both dinner party, and for hearty lunch in the family. For the recipe, you must prepare a set of the following products in advance:

  • 6 pieces of beef or veal tenderloin
  • 50 grams of soy sauce
  • 5 tablespoons olive oil
  • 70 grams of hard cheese
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 100 grams of medium fat mayonnaise
  • Spicy herbs (ready seasoning).
  • Large head of onion

We beat off the tenderloin a little and rub abundantly with soy sauce, herbs, lemon juice and keep in this marinade for half an hour. After fry the medallions on both sides in a pan and then put them on a baking sheet. We coat the medallions with mayonnaise on top, put onion rings on pieces, sprinkle with grated cheese. The meat is baked for half an hour.

Medallions in a multicooker

The recipe for a slow cooker is good because you do not have to stand at the stove and waste your time, and the meat when cooked in this appliance turns out to be juicy and tender. To prepare the dish, prepare the products according to the following list:

  • Half a kilogram of veal or beef tenderloin
  • 150 grams of fat sour cream
  • 5-6 garlic cloves
  • 4 small ripe tomatoes
  • 200 grams of cheese
  • 400 grams of milk
  • A piece of butter

We beat the meat, salt and pepper. In the device, select the “Baking” mode and put the medallions in its bowl. Without closing the lid, fry on both sides for three minutes. Finely chop the garlic, stir with sour cream. We cut the tomatoes in circles, grind the cheese through a medium grater.

Put the fried meat in the multicooker bowl in layers, coat the top sour cream sauce, put mugs of tomatoes there and cover everything thickly with grated cheese. Pour warmed milk over the top. We again set the baking mode on the device and bring the medallions to readiness within an hour. Ready meat goes well with mashed potatoes, rice and vegetable salads and cuts.