Home / Dumplings / How to learn to draw on coffee. How to draw on coffee: two main techniques: easy and more difficult

How to learn to draw on coffee. How to draw on coffee: two main techniques: easy and more difficult

Many of us have seen the art of coffee painting with our own eyes in coffee shops. It's always nice to have a cup fragrant coffee, decorated with an intricate pattern, but have you ever wondered how these coffee paintings are created? There are many techniques with which to decorate the coffee surface, but in this article we will tell you how to make coffee with a pattern using the main ones.

How to make drawings on coffee?

Historically, the art of foamy coffee painting - latte art, originated in the vastness of Italy. The first to paint coffee were the Capuchin monks (hence the consonant name coffee drink for painting - cappuccino) back in the 16th century, and thanks to the love of Italians for coffee, it has come down to our times. However, the art of latte art has diversified over time, classical drawings in the shape of a heart and a flower began to border on a whole string of works from all kinds of spices and syrups.

If you want to pamper your guests with a delicious and beautiful drink, then you should definitely figure out how to make a simple but effective drawing on your own coffee, and we will help you with this with our photo master class.

Foam technology

First, let's look at the main - "foamy" latte art technique, in which only whipped milk will be used. Properly frothed milk is the basis good drawing: the milk should not be overheated, so control the frothing temperature by placing your little finger on the bottom of the milk jug. Start frothing milk from the bottom as soon as you feel warm - smoothly move to the top and whip the foam.

The classic pattern on coffee foam is a flower, even a non-professional can do it.

Etching technique

The etching technique involves the use of any sharp objects (toothpicks, needles, sticks) to create delicate curves and lines. You can learn how to make drawings on coffee using this technique from the photo master class below.

Screen technique

So, we figured out how to draw a picture on coffee using two basic techniques, however, there is also a third simplest technique - stencil technique. You can buy a coffee stencil in a store or make it yourself, to do this, select a simple pattern, print it out, glue it to a piece of thick paper or cardboard and punch small holes along the contour of the image with a needle or awl. The next time you want to treat yourself to a nice drink, simply hold the stencil near the coffee foam and carefully sift the cinnamon, black pepper, or vanilla through the holes.

To create designs with glaze, you need at least basic artistic skills, although minimalist stripes or a check on a foam surface are within the power of every aspiring coffee artist.


The latte art technique is as follows: specially prepared in a special way is poured into a coffee drink and, mixing with it in a cup, creates various patterns on the surface of the coffee. In institutions Catering the barista, who has passed in this field, is responsible for the creation of latte art.

So, to create drawings on coffee, you will definitely need a coffee machine. First of all, prepare the milk foam. Take whole pasteurized milk with a fat content of 3-3.5%. Pour milk into a stainless steel pitcher specially designed for latte art. The milk level should be slightly below the base of the pitcher's nose. Bring the pitcher to the steam wand located on the coffee . Immerse the steam faucet in the middle of the pitcher, with the holes of its tip at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from the surface of the milk.

Open the steam tap. The milk will begin to expand in volume and form foam. Hold the pitcher straight and raise the steam faucet tip, keeping a distance of 1-1.5 cm, as the foam increases. Control the whipping process by sound: a uniform hiss should be heard. This stage takes 5-15 seconds.

Next, you need to steam the milk. Rotate the pitcher so that the steam tap is close to the side of the pitcher. Immerse the tip of the faucet 1-1.5 cm from the bottom of the pitcher. Tilt the jug of milk towards you, controlling the vortex movement that has arisen in it. The steaming phase lasts 5-15 seconds, during which time the temperature of the milk reaches 65-75°C.

Close the steam valve and remove the pitcher from under it. Before the milk enters the coffee drink, it should be shaken with circular movements of the hand.

Make a thick espresso in the coffee machine. Pour the coffee into the prepared cup. For a more distinct pattern, sprinkle the resulting foam with cinnamon, grated chocolate or cocoa. Small portions start adding milk. The pitcher's nose will serve as your "pencil" when creating a future drawing.

There are three basic shapes in latte art: a flower, a heart, and an apple. To create a flower, mentally divide the cup into 4 identical parts: top, bottom, right and left halves. Start pouring milk into the top base of the cup. When the cup is half full, carefully move the milk flow to the left side. While gently rocking the pitcher, turn it into the right half of the cup. Pour the remaining milk in a zigzag pattern, ending at the bottom. When the cup is almost full, lift the pitcher and cross out with the last portion of milk. In this case, the pitcher's nose sharply move from the bottom up. A thin stream of milk at the final stage, as it were, collects the entire pattern in the center of the cup.

To create a heart, visually draw a circle on the surface of the cup; it will not be possible to go beyond its borders. Point the pitcher's nose at the center of the cup. Fill an imaginary circle with milk by gently rocking the pitcher from side to side. After filling the cup to the brim, lift the pitcher and cross out the circle in a thin stream along the diameter.

To create an apple-shaped pattern, pour a dollop of milk froth near the far side of the cup. This will be a branch of the future apple. Then place the pitcher's nose in the center of the cup and form a circle, as in the example with the heart. Carefully fill the cup with milk foam.

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Before frothing the milk, briefly open the steam valve to drain any condensation that has formed in it.
At the end of the milk frothing process, the steam dispensing tube must be cleaned with a cloth, and also opened for a couple of seconds, removing drops of milk that have fallen into the tap.
Mastering the technique of creating basic drawings will allow you to invent and embody more complex shapes.

Useful advice

The simplest and fast way creating a picture - with a toothpick. Pour some milk into the center of the cup. The dark dots of espresso left on the surface will be your "ink". In contrast with milk foam, you can create quite elegant patterns.
The use of syrups with the addition of starch allows you to create patterns of different colors.


  • Latte art - the art of drawing on coffee
  • coffee cup drawing

Spectacular appearance is the key to the popularity of a particular dish. Coffee is no exception either. The refined, unusual look of a cup of coffee makes the guests applaud admiringly, and adds a considerable number of points to the rating of the drink. How to decorate coffee?

You will need

  • - coffee;
  • - whipped cream or milk;
  • - cocoa powder;
  • - cinnamon, grated chocolate;
  • - chocolate topping;
  • - a cup;
  • - toothpick.


As a final touch, use grated cinnamon, chocolate chips, cocoa. They can highlight some parts of the picture or apply sprinkles along the edge of the cup. In this way, you can decorate the coffee surface with funny animal faces, abstract swirls and waves, graceful flowers and leaves.

Start “drawing” and you will be surprised how many miracles can be created from an ordinary cup of coffee with cream. It just takes a little imagination and a little patience.

Drawing on coffee is an interesting and at the same time simple way to decorate a drink. You can easily apply a pattern to coffee using a paper stencil. Just imagine how surprised your guests will be when you serve such an unusually decorated, aromatic drink on the table.

Each era has its own distinctive features: somewhere great artists appear, somewhere legendary musicians glorify their names, and somewhere the real Overseas word “barista” literally 5 years ago was not yet known to a simple layman. And today he can show how to draw on coffee.

A little about the profession and art

In Italy, local residents created a separate coffee culture several centuries ago, but the profession itself - coffee bartender - appeared relatively recently - about 50 years ago. Who is a barista? This is a professional coffee bartender who prepares all types of espresso, including lungo and ristretto, as well as all sorts of cocktails (cappuccino, machiatto, latte and coretto).

How to draw on coffee? A professional barista will say, "Very simple." The art of drawing on coffee has appeared quite recently, and in order to master it perfectly, it is not at all necessary to complete courses of a professional bartender.

Professional requirements or what should a coffee bartender be able to do?

An interesting feature: in Italy, most often men become baristas, since latte art requires the greatest skill, honed over the years, but in the domestic restaurant industry, ladies become coffee cup decorators.

A coffee bartender is not just an attractive appearance and the ability to create unpretentious squiggles. The profession has special requirements that a real barista must fulfill:

  • Thoroughly know the rules and techniques for preparing espresso, its varieties and coffee-based drinks.
  • Excellent understanding of coffee, its cultivation methods, varieties and preparation features.
  • Perfectly master the flair of a gourmet - be able to determine the type of coffee from half a sip.
  • Be able to make the most delicious coffee in the world, as well as draw unimaginable patterns and unsurpassed patterns on the foam.

To create a small masterpiece that will disappear with the first sip of the visitor, the master perfects his art for hours, or even weeks, tries, experiments and enjoys the amazing result. Understanding how to draw on coffee is not difficult. It is much more difficult to put theory into practice.

Master class from a real "barista"

Latte art - the art of creating designs on coffee crema - requires a certain level of craftsmanship and skill. Any beginner can draw a simple heart, but to create three-dimensional images or drawings with small details - this needs to be learned.

First of all, it is necessary to whisk the milk with high quality and pour it into the espresso correctly. The image itself is created in two ways:

  1. Regular drawing with a toothpick.
  2. Infusion of frothed milk in a special way.

In one case or another, a wide variety of patterns are created on the surface of the drink, ranging from simple figures to true masterpieces of coffee painting.

Drawing technique

There are several of them, but to perform any of them, you should know a few secrets that will allow you to achieve an excellent result. How to draw on coffee:

  • It is necessary to create a thick base for the image (cappuccino or espresso).
  • Use cream with a high percentage of fat content. They should not be whipped for a long time - a slight thickening will be enough.
  • It is recommended to whip cream in a special jug - a pitcher. The device was created specifically for latte art and, thanks to its design features, allows you to create magnificent drawings.
  • To achieve the best result, you need to sprinkle the surface of the drink with cocoa powder.

These small but very important secrets form the basis of coffee art. Everything else is a skill honed over the years.

How to make drawings on coffee?

There are several basic techniques that are used to create original decorative elements on the coffee surface. These are the basics of art that even a novice barista can master.

  • Pitching. This is the main and most difficult drawing technique. To create it, a special stainless steel pitcher is used - a pitcher. With it, you can draw a heart or a "rosette" - this is the base of latte art.
  • Etching is a technique derived from pitching. For drawing, not only a special jug is used, but sticks, toothpicks or skewers, which allow you to create more detailed images.
  • Mixed media - the name speaks eloquently for itself. It is a combination of the above two techniques. Distinctive feature- the ability to decorate the picture with cinnamon, syrup or chocolate.

Art is developing rapidly. Currently, there are special courses that provide latte art training, and today various competitions and competitions are held in this area, where professional baristas demonstrate their skills.

Stencil and 3D painting technique

This is the most simple technique drawing on the surface of the coffee. To create a pattern, special stencils for latte art are used, with which you can make complex and detailed images. The technique is available even to an unprepared beginner - stencils are available for free sale. Having tried several times to create original drawings, you can surprise your family and friends unusual drink adorned with fancy decorations.

3D technique is the most spectacular and impressive way to create a picture. Barista from Japan Kazuki Yamamoto has achieved the greatest skill in this area of ​​art. He easily creates incredibly voluminous and realistic images from whipped cream, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off.

From simple to complex

The theory is clear. It remains only to put the knowledge into practice and figure out how to do it. It is worth recalling once again the pitching technique - the basis of all the basics - and the two main shapes - the heart and the rosette. To get a simple one, you need to whip the milk in a special jug and carefully pour it into the espresso, while shaking the pitcher from side to side. This is necessary in order to obtain petals of various sizes. must be held at an angle - this is necessary so that the coffee foam does not fall. At the very end, all that remains is to draw a thin stream of milk - the stalk of the "rosette".

Drawing a heart is even easier. To do this, you need to direct the milk flow to the center of the cup, and then, swinging the pitcher from side to side, form a small circle. After filling the cup, lift the jug and cross out the circle along the diameter with a small stream of milk. So the circle is slightly extended in the direction of the last movement and a charming heart is created.

Latte art is art in its truest manifestation, which is perfectly mastered by professional baristas. However, anyone who wants to touch coffee art can create small masterpieces.

It is no secret that coffee is one of the most popular drinks, and it attracts people not only with its invigorating taste, but also with its exquisite taste. appearance. The art of latte art, or drawing on the surface of coffee, is not at all as complicated as it seems at first glance, because in order to create a stylish contrasting design on coffee foam, special coffee stencils have long been invented.

Coffee stencils are used by both professional baristas and ordinary people who, having mastered this simple skill, can delight their loved ones not only with a delicious, but also very beautiful coffee masterpiece at least every day. All that is needed for such a truly unique morning surprise is a set of coffee stencils and a loose product that contrasts with the main tone of the coffee (it can be cinnamon, cocoa or powdered sugar).

Did you know? The art of drawing on coffee has become so universally popular that since 2004, special championships have even been held among those who own this skill.

Our useful tips on decorating coffee with pastry stencils will help you quickly master this simple, but such an effective technique.

Typically, coffee stencils are used to decorate a cup of cappuccino, mocha or latte. In addition, with the help of stencils, you can decorate all kinds of sweets, pastries, desserts, mousses and cocktails. Usually, snow-white foam is decorated with drawings, on which cocoa or ground cinnamon looks extraordinarily impressive.

How to decorate coffee with a stencil

There you are step-by-step instruction. You will need:

  • Cup with coffee
  • Milk
  • Stencil for decorating coffee
  • Small strainer (e.g. for making tea)
  • cocoa powder

Stages of work:

  1. Brew coffee and pour some milk into it
  2. Type cocoa powder into a strainer - so the pattern will turn out more uniform
  3. Cover the cup with the stencil and sift the cocoa powder through a strainer onto the stencil. Remove the stencil and serve coffee immediately.

The process of decorating finished coffee using stencils is demonstrated in detail in the following video clip:

The diameter of the stencil should be slightly larger than the cup. Disposable stencils for confectionery are made simply: just print one of the pictures offered on the Internet and then cut out the bright areas with scissors.

It is important that the stencil has a tail, for which it can be gently pulled and removed from the cup. To make a reusable stencil, instead of paper, take cardboard and, after cutting it, glue it with tape, or better, immediately take plastic, for example, a lid from yogurt.

It is not easy to process thick cardboard, and even more so plastic, with scissors and adhesive tape. Therefore, it is often much easier to buy coffee stencils than to make them yourself. Online stores today offer a wide variety of stencils for drawing on coffee, including in sets. Their themes can be very diverse, and the drawings are specially thought out so that they are easy to read and remain on the foam for a long time. You will find beautiful stencils in our catalog.

The main rule of aesthetic decoration is that in no case should you touch coffee or its foam with a stencil. If you carefully prepared coffee, observing all proportions, then you can simply put a stencil for decorating coffee on a cup.

However, in the case when the foam of the coffee turned out to be too voluminous, the stencil will have to be held in weight with one hand, while sifting cocoa or cinnamon with the other. In general, the closer the stencil is to the foam, the clearer and more understandable the pattern will be.

Perhaps the hardest part about how to use a coffee stencil is learning how to gently hold the design over the foam without touching it. If at first it seems to you that there is a danger of smearing the foam, while decorating coffee, place the cup at eye level or try working together.

In general, the patterns on the surface of coffee are short-lived, which is why such coffee should be served immediately after decorating. However, there are some ways to extend the life of jewelry, and the main thing here is the density of the foam. It is believed that the most durable drawings are obtained on cappuccino, to which cream was added - the thicker, the better (you can even use aerosol from a can).

Instead of cream, ice cream can be added to a cup intended for coffee and allowed to melt slightly. Carefully pouring coffee into this cup, you will notice that the ice cream rises and forms a foam that is quite suitable for drawing through a stencil. If you have a blender with a whisk attachment, you can easily make rich foam from full-fat milk in just a minute on turbo. By laying this foam on the surface of the coffee, it will not be difficult for you to draw any pattern on it.

Tip 5. For those who want to create their own pattern for the stencil

If you want to create your own pattern on coffee, remember that not every plot will look equally advantageous on coffee foam. When developing a drawing, avoid small details, since when applying a loose mass through a stencil, they can merge with each other.

It is better if your drawing is somewhat schematic, but easily understandable for the one you decide to treat. Also remember that a cup of coffee has a round diameter, which means that the pattern should be evenly inscribed in a circle: elongated and inharmonious plots should be avoided.

Good day, dear readers of our site. There are a lot of artists in the world, someone paints pictures on canvases, and someone expresses himself with the help of drawings on the surface of coffee drinks. Painting with milk foam on a coffee treat is called latte art.

Very often you can see such drawings in decent cafes where you can enjoy excellent coffee. With the help of them, the visitor can express gratitude for visiting the institution. Guests also note the uplifting mood due to cute drawings on coffee, which are pleasantly pleasing to the eye.

Latte art for beginners

The art of painting on a coffee drink appeared quite recently and has recently gained great momentum and has become part of the life of many coffee lovers. Gourmets who prefer coffee with drawings are ready to pay quite a decent amount for a cup of drink, somewhere around $100. As can be seen from the figure, admirers are ready to pay a large amount, which indicates the demand for latte art.

When art was just emerging, coffee was painted using improvised means. Here, cream was used, with which a heart or other light pattern was drawn on the surface of the coffee foam and decorated, for example, with ground cinnamon, sprinkling the edges.

Currently, various competitions are held in this area where the best baristas create whole works of art. This is where you can see the most beautiful latte art. They come up with more and more new techniques for drawing and confirm that there is room for improvement in the art of latte art. How to make a painting on coffee excites many, including ordinary coffee lovers who want to pamper themselves and loved ones not only delicious coffee, but also beautiful drawings on its surface.

To make latte art you will need:

  • Craftsmanship is a matter of course, because without it it will not be possible to make beautiful patterns on the foam;
  • Quality espresso. This is one of the main components, without which a high-quality drawing cannot be obtained;
  • Milk of a certain fat content. It only takes fresh product with a certain temperature.

For drawing we need:

  • A cup of good quality espresso;
  • Whipped milk;
  • Stick for drawing. It must be thin;
  • Additional decorations: syrup, cinnamon or cocoa powder, chocolate chips and more.

Thus, the canvas is coffee, and the pencil or brush is a thin stick and a stream of frothed milk.

Puppy (I think)

Latte art

Barista is not just an attractive profession. Such a person must professionally perform his functions and meet all of the following requirements:

  • Know all the rules for making espresso. Distinguish its types and know how to prepare other types of drinks based on it;
  • It is good to know the types of coffee, as well as what each of them is suitable for. In addition, you need to know the secrets of cooking each type;
  • To be able to correctly determine the type of coffee only by tasting the drink a little;
  • Know the rules for making the best coffee drink and master the art of latte art.

To create a picture on coffee foam, baristas hone their skills for a very long time and hard.

Learning the theory is quite simple, but in practice it is not always possible to apply it the first time.

How to make latte art? This question worries many, because most of us believe that it is almost impossible to do at home. However, professional baristas claim that if you really want to, then everything will work out. Almost everyone who wants to do this will succeed in making latte art heart, but it will be possible to start more complex three-dimensional drawings only after repeated training and understanding how this process takes place.

It is worth noting that one of the main points for preparing for painting coffee is milk for latte art, which must be fresh and well-whipped. In addition, it must be correctly poured into coffee, so that later you can draw whatever you want.

Latte art: how to draw? There are many secrets here, but you should know the following:

  • You can draw a pattern with a regular toothpick;
  • You need to pour milk into espresso in a special way that will allow you to correctly form the pattern.

With these two methods, you can draw both light patterns and complex ones. Here everything will depend on the degree of skill.

One question torments many who want to learn latte art: how to draw on coffee foam? In answering the question, it is worth noting some rules:

  • Need to weld thick coffee: espresso or cappuccino. Here the brewing process itself will be important, as well as the quality of the drink;
  • Use high fat cream. They do not need to be whipped for a very long time, just thicken a little;
  • For whipping, a special device is used - a pitcher. It was created specifically for creating paintings, which allows it to be used due to the convenient design in the form of a jug;
  • The pattern is shaded with cocoa powder, which is sprinkled on part of the pattern.

These secrets seem trifling, but they form the basis of a successful latte art. It will be possible to achieve great success in this direction if you are ready to hone your skills for years and improve it every time.

Directions of latte art

Latte art, like many techniques, has several directions that relate directly to the application of the pattern. The most common are 4 such areas:

  • Etching. One of the most popular among the best baristas in the world. The painting is applied with the help of milk, foamed in a special way, and a sharp stick, which looms the main pattern;
  • Cappuccino latte art. Here enjoy food coloring. The decor is given with the help of syrups and chocolate chips. Colored latte art improves the mood of visitors;
  • Multi art. Mixed technique using the main secrets of 1 and 2 directions. It is used only by professional craftsmen;
  • Espresso art. A fairly simple technique for applying a simple pattern or pattern.

You can make latte art topping, as well as shade the pattern with cocoa powder or cinnamon powder. In various forms, you can see latte art photos that are posted by ordinary people, as well as real masters.

There is another direction 3-D. Using this technique, you can achieve the most realistic drawing, but the process of creating a drawing is more complicated and not everyone can understand.

Latte art at home

Latte art allows you to deliver gourmets not only taste pleasure, but also give a good mood for the whole day due to a cute pattern.

Professionals in this business pay special attention to milk foam, which is important to prepare very high quality. In a sense, the result will depend on it, and not on the quality of the coffee. The height of the foam will depend on the consistency of the foam, as well as the taste.

Latte art allows you to deliver gourmets not only taste pleasure, but also give a good mood for the whole day due to a cute pattern

How to make latte art at home? It is important to remember that to create milk foam, you need to take cold milk and beat, gradually heating it to the required temperature. This method ensures that the foam can hold for 10 minutes or more.

Latte art drawings are made by infusing coffee and milk jets using a certain technique. To decorate the picture, use a pen for latte art or a regular toothpick. In latte art, syrup is used to add color and flavor.

There are certain patterns that even a novice master can perform at home:

  • Latte art heart. Due to the milk foam, you need to form a circle, filling it completely. Then make a drawing in the center of the circle.
  • Rosa latte art. It is carried out by filling the cup ½ with a milk jet with a gentle movement starting from the far wall. With gentle movements, you need to bring the jug of milk closer while making the movements "snake".
  • Apple. With the help of milk foam, the stalk is first formed, and then the jet moves in the center.

There are some more simple patterns that can be applied to coffee at home. Using a latte art stencil, you can apply a simple pattern to the foam using cocoa powder.

Very often, the pattern itself is influenced by many factors, the main of which are the following:

  • How high is the jug of milk foam above the cup of coffee;
  • How often do jet oscillations occur;
  • From what point did the drawing begin;
  • The rate at which the milk jet is added to the cup.

The drawing itself, its quality and how long the foam will last will depend on these and other factors.

It is worth noting a few secrets that baristas use when creating a beautiful pattern in a cup with a drink:

  • High-quality coffee always retains its foam after preparation. It can be sprinkled with cocoa powder and this will give milk or creamy foam a rich beige color;
  • To "pull" the pattern at one point or line, you will need to sharply draw a jet. Also here it is necessary to take into account the height of the pouring of the jet and its infusion force. Only training can lead to the desired result;
  • Coffee foam gives the drink a full taste, so to emphasize it, you will need to correctly position the picture.

In order to properly whip the milk, you need a mixer. The procedure must be carried out in conjunction with gradual heating to 70 C. You can also use a special cappuccinator device. It will allow you to whip milk into foam much faster.

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