Home / Buns / Lambik myasnitskaya 40a. Beer restaurant on Myasnitskaya - "Lambic"

Lambik myasnitskaya 40a. Beer restaurant on Myasnitskaya - "Lambic"

32 varieties Belgianbeer
in the main brasserie of Moscow

Even strange, what brasserie appear in Moscow only now. In short: this is such a compromise between a pub, a cafe and a restaurant - a purely French invention, very comfortably. To understand what it looks like, it is better to visit Lambic, the best brasserie in Moscow so far, on Vorontsovo Pole. A long line of wine, a lot of strong elite alcohol. The cuisine is a little eclectic - but there is plenty to choose from.

But it is the beer line that draws attention to itself.- over 30 purely Belgian varieties! The institution named itself after the variety "lambic": it is difficult to produce, ferments in wine barrels and can be up to 10 years old. Belgian ale from the monasteries of the Trappist order is also pleasing (the famous line Trappist), a variety of beer drinks (noteworthy cherry "Scream"), and of course "Leff"- where without it! And, as always, each variety is poured into its own unique glass.

These varieties are worth checking out!

Dominus Double
365 rubles, 330 ml.

Beer with white, thick foam, which consists of a thousand bubbles rising from the bottom of the glass during the entire time that the foam is held. The malt aroma is masked by an intense fruity peach aroma, as well as a cinnamon-like spicy aroma. Alcohol can be caught only in the aroma, it completely disappears in the taste.

Pauwel Kwawk
360 rubles, 400 ml.

Amber ale with a fruity aroma and rich malty taste, it has a fruity aftertaste with a touch of hops. The pride of Belgium and the favorite drink of all beer connoisseurs in the world.

The owner of the inn and the owner of the brewery, Powell Kwak, treated guests and passing mail and passenger coaches with his beer.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Powell came up with an ingenious solution to make beer glasses of a certain shape that could be inserted into special wooden holders located next to the coachman on the wagon. Thus, the driver could, along with his passengers, drink beer on the way.

Bourgogne des Flandres
340 rubles, 500 ml.

One of the rarest ales with a fruity aftertaste. This variety is created by blending dark abbey ale and lambic, followed by aging in Portuguese port casks Bourgogne des Flandres. This type has a rich taste (many call it wine), a reddish-ruby color and a great creamy foam. This is an absolutely exclusive type of beer that has no analogues on the Russian market.

You haven't tried this beer yet.! Belgium produces about 600(!) varieties of lager and ale, and it’s good if a dozen of them reach Russia. Three dozen is already a more significant sample for review. And it’s worth getting acquainted: you won’t find such a range of different tastes and aromas in Moscow anywhere else.

Go to the brasserie:

7 (495) 223 01 55

Daily: 12.00–24.00

Gordon Five - 340 rubles for 500 ml
Blanche de Bruxelles - 340 rubles for 500 ml
Bourgogne des Flandres - 340 rubles for 500 ml
Martins Pale Ale - 230 rubles for 250 ml
Kriek Lambic - 360 rubles for 600 ml
Delirium Tremens ("White fever") - 350 rubles per 500 ml
Belhaven McCallums Stout - 350 rubles for 350 ml
and others...

Lambic is a type of Belgian beer., quite difficult to produce, based on the method of natural fermentation without the addition of yeast.
The name of this type of beer, according to historical sources, comes from the name of a small picturesque town Lembeek in Belgium. We like both this beer and the picturesque Belgian lands, which is why we decided to create a beer restaurant with this name and recreate a special aura within the walls of our brasserie, taking guests to the world of gothic-beautiful Belgium and the rich recipes of Belgian brewers.

Brasserie Lambic"- this is a place where it is pleasant to come to have a good rest, but also where it is no less pleasant to leave after a good rest and enjoy the delights of old Moscow streets.

Our brasserie is located in one of the most pleasant historical sites Moscow in a building built in the 19th century.

Summing up, let's just say that it is worth seeing and trying once than reading about the Lambic Brasserie several times.


Before pregnancy, my husband and I went to Moscow bars almost every week. Well, we love good beer and delicious snacks!

But when our little hooligan was born, the opportunity to go to such establishments disappeared due to the fact that my son really did not like to even go out into the street, and we could not even dream of a trip to the center.

But, to our happiness, we found out that a branch was opened near the house (metro Park Pobedy) Belgian beer restaurant Lambic, to which we never got to pregnancy. And then my godmother's birthday was also planned, so when she chose a place for the celebration, we advised her to go there.

The restaurant itself is a ten-minute walk from the Pobedy Park metro station or 15-20 minutes from the Bagrationovskaya metro station. It is located in a lowland, but you can find it, as there are signs everywhere.

At the entrance we were greeted by a polite smiling girl who offered to enter. By the way, if you want to go there with a stroller, it is better to take your dad with you or ask the waiters (who were so kind to help us), since you need to immediately go up or down the stairs.

I am not very strong in Belgian interiors, as we like Irish pubs more, but in general it is quite nice there. Everything is so white and cream, there are various figurines and candles on the windowsills.

It gives the impression of something airy. We also really liked the exhibition wall of bottles and glasses of Belgian beer, which was located at the very end of the hall.

The upper hall was quite spacious, I did not count the number of tables, but a lot of people could fit there. There is a toilet on the top floor, but by the number of people who climbed from below, it seemed that the toilet on the lower floor was either missing or under renovation. We came to the bar when it had just opened, maybe they didn't have time to finish something.

Well, let's talk about the most important thing - about food and beer.

Those who are familiar with Belgian beer will understand what I'm talking about. These aromas, these indescribable tastes. This is not Zhigulevskoye! The beer there is great! Not diluted, corresponds to the real taste (in some bars they pour not what is written on the menu). I can't remember all the types, but the main thing is that there is Kwak and Delirium red. By the way, to our great happiness, the restaurant serves a double portion of Kwak, the glass looks impressive!

All beer is poured into branded glasses.

The food there is very tasty. We tried most of the menu as there were five of us and we all ordered different dishes.

The most memorable were bruschettas with smoked duck with tomato jam, shrimp popcorn, lamb cutlets (I didn’t find it on the menu for some reason).

They also took a cheese platter, which consisted of five types of cheese. We also ate mini lamb pasties, they were incomparable. A cellar burger with an egg on top and it was not that big in circumference, but the cutlet was thick, and the buns were delicious and crispy. Since I am breastfeeding, I ordered myself a lingonberry aisti. It was a bit sweet, but still very tasty, and the mint allowed it to refresh.

By the way, for those who love alcoholic cocktails, I can say that the cocktails there are very nice. Normal size and plenty of alcohol in them. Only one confused us - this is Margarita, as they added an egg there. I'll tell you the taste is not standard))) For me it's disgusting, but my husband seemed to like it.

Despite the fact that we ate and drank a lot, but in my stomach there is always a small section for dessert :). For dessert, we tried a three-chocolate cake and truffles.

The truffles were a bit like a potato cake, but much softer and tastier. And three chocolates is generally a separate song. If you like sweets (and chocolate in particular), then leave room for dessert, this is the most delicate cream mousse or something else that melts in your mouth.

The service was almost top notch. Sometimes the cooks (or the waiter) hesitated with the order, but not at all for long, you didn’t have to wait for half an hour. The waiter was very friendly and was happy to talk about dishes and beers. Maybe this is due to the fact that the restaurant had just opened, or maybe the fact that, besides us, only one, and then two couples were sitting in the bar.

Our son even managed to crawl on the laminate, as there were no people, which saved the situation, because he certainly would not have sat in one place for a long time. Nobody was against it.

In general, we were satisfied with the visit to the Lambic restaurant and recommend it for review. By the way, there is a similar restaurant at Chistye Prudy, but we haven't managed to get there yet.

*I wish you a pleasant pastime.*

And if my review was useful, then I can tell you about our trip to the Bavarius pub, which we will never go to again.

Beer restaurant on Myasnitskaya - brasserie "Lambik": its appearance has become necessary, as the popularity of Belgian beer is growing at an enviable pace. Sometimes, especially on weekends, not all true connoisseurs of beer can taste it at the Lambic restaurant on Vorontsov Pole - all places are occupied.

Muscovites appreciated refined taste two traditional product classes produced by Belgian brewers:

Top-notch classic light beers;

A line of specialty beers: monk, cherry, trappist ale, unfiltered, Belgian ale, seasonal beer and other varieties that create a unique brand of "Belgian beer".

We have done everything to satisfy the needs of our visitors: a wide range of fresh draft and bottled Belgian beers, a variety of truly delicious snacks, soups, steaks, grills ... The traditionally cozy interior of our restaurants will greatly contribute to your excellent rest and after work day and weekends!

Finding our restaurant on Myasnitskaya is easy: it is located near the Chistye Prudy and Turgenevskaya metro stations, and just five hundred meters from the Krasnye Vorota metro station.

Know that:

You go to the beer restaurant from the Chistye Prudy metro station - from the Chistye Prudy metro station to the Lambic restaurant, 2 minutes at a leisurely pace.
You go to the beer restaurant from Turgenevskaya - from the Turgenevskaya metro station to the Lambic restaurant you will walk in 2 minutes.
You need a beer restaurant on Chistoprudny Boulevard - from Chistoprudny Boulevard to the restaurant on Myasnitskaya - 2 minutes.
If you want to find a beer restaurant near the Krasnye Vorota metro station - from the Krasnye Vorota metro station to the beer restaurant is 9 minutes on foot.
After visiting the restaurant, you can walk to Chistye Prudy - you will spend only 10 minutes on this.

Lambic - beer and restaurant on Myasnitskaya

An extensive selection of fine Belgian beers at Lambik, a restaurant near Chistye Prudy, is our special pride.

So let's talk about beer. Not about the one that harms health, but about the one that pleases us at certain moments of our lives - about the Belgian.

Beer is classified not only by color (as a rule, in Russia, Ukraine, and also in some European countries), but also by the method of fermentation.

With this classification, two types of beer are distinguished:

El - fermented at a temperature of 15-25 ° C using top-fermenting yeast. Often have a fruity flavor, the alcohol content is usually high. The production of ale takes from 3 to 4 weeks, (rarely - up to 4 months).

Here you can taste draft varieties: Delirium Tremens ("White fever"), Pauwel Kwawk, Belhaven McCallums Stout (Belhavan McCallums Stout), Triple Karmeliet, MARTINS PALE ALE, Bourgogne des Flandres, Leffe Blonde (Leffe light), Palm (" Palm ") or Special Belge ("Special Belg" - Belgian special)

Lager is the most common type of beer. The production technology is as follows: yeast is added to the boiled and cooled beer wort and pumped into the tank. For about a week, the fermentation process takes place at a temperature that excludes oxidation. At the next stage, the yeast is separated and the beer is sent for secondary fermentation. Fermentation and maturation of beer at low temperature lasts from 20 to 120 days, sometimes more. At the end, the beer is filtered and bottled in barrels, bottles, cans. Bottled beer is often pasteurized or fine-filtered to increase shelf life.

A number of beers do not fall under this classification, and they are distinguished into separate types:

Wheat beer - differs in that the method of fermentation in a bottle is used to make beer.

Lambic - belongs to a special class - Belgian beer of spontaneous fermentation. In the production of lambics, brewer's yeast is not used - and this is its main difference from other types of beer.

Lambic is made only in the cool season - from October 15 to May 15 (in summer, the fermentation rate becomes uncontrollable). Brewing hops - they determine the taste and aroma of beer - a perennial plant. Its sticky grains, located on the inside of the stipules, form the basis for the preparation of the wort. During storage of hops, sticky grains are resined, changing color and composition. The aromatic and bitter substances contained in them largely determine the taste, color and aroma of beer. Lambic hops must be aged for at least three years in order to extinguish, reduce their aroma and bitterness. Brewing malt is obtained by germinating cereals (barley). For lambic take barley malt with unsprouted wheat grains. The must obtained after boiling is poured into wine barrels, in which the wine was aged before. The fermentation process is started and maintained thanks to the so-called wild yeast remaining on the walls of the barrels. The main fermentation lasts a week, then the beer is aged for several more years.

A young lambic aged from three months to a year has almost no foam and a very sour taste.

Lambic-based beers make several excellent beers:

Kriek or cherry lambic (Kriek, a cherry-flavored lambic that has been fermented for four to eight months, then filtered, clarified, and fully prepared matures in bottles for another year. Already in bottles, it ripens to full readiness for another year, has a specific almond flavor and is usable for five years.)

Framboise (frambozen lambic) (raspberries are added before fermentation)

Faro (Faro, a kind of blend of light and strong varieties of lambic; before fermentation, caramel and sugar are added to the wort - white or brown, to give the beer the desired color; taste - sweet and sour, with a subtle hop bitterness)

Gueuze (Gueuze, a blend of young one-year-old lambic with more aged two- and three-year-old varieties; it is fermented due to residual sugar in young lambic; slightly sour, but the taste is more balanced than young or old lambic separately)

Oude goise - old lambic, 1/3/5/10 years old.

Have you already wanted to try these delicious drinks? Come to the restaurant "Lambik" on Myasnitskaya! We are waiting for you!

The Brasserie Lambic chain is one of the best beer restaurants in the capital. The speaking name immediately tells the lovers of the foamy drink that here they can find an island of real Belgium, feel the spirit of the classic Brussels brasserie and enjoy a large selection. excellent beer. Both lovers of a democratic atmosphere and connoisseurs of elite establishments will feel equally comfortable here.

Brasserie Lambic has been operating on the Moscow restaurant market since 2011. During this time, we have received many regular guests, true connoisseurs of the unique Belgian beer. For them, visiting the brasserie has become an invariable ritual and lifestyle. Every day the number of regulars is growing, but we try to meet the needs of the most demanding guests, surprising and delighting them with novelties every day, improving the quality of service.

Awards, community recognition

Brasserie Lambic has twice been awarded the title of the best beer restaurant in Moscow according to TripAdvisor and Afisha Internet magazine. We maintain active business relations with Belgian brewers. Eminent restaurateurs and masters of brewing have repeatedly come to visit us. They highly appreciated the service and the quality of the cuisine, appreciated the beer list, and were satisfied with the overall color and atmosphere created by the establishments.

Drinks and cuisine

Belgian beer is the hallmark of our restaurant. It is here that gourmets can find an impressive variety of their favorite ale: light, dark, classic, exclusive, fruity, wheat, dense or light. But at the same time, drinks from other well-known manufacturers are widely represented in Brasserie Lambic. We have taken the best of the Flemish and European cuisine and enriched the menu with exclusive signature dishes. Visitors will also enjoy pleasant gastronomic compliments from the chef.

Convenience and comfort

Our brasseries are very conveniently located and are located almost in the city center, in the busiest areas of Moscow and within walking distance from the metro. Each of the establishments can boast of the originality of the interior and its own face, but all of them are united by the national Belgian flavor, combined with European style, excellent cuisine and high standards of service. This puts Brasserie Lambic not only among the best beer establishments, but also among the best restaurants capital Cities.