Home / Bakery products / Is it possible to cook pancakes without sugar. Banana pancakes without sugar and eggs

Is it possible to cook pancakes without sugar. Banana pancakes without sugar and eggs

Type 2 diabetes is a disease that often develops as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle. Large excess weight and physical inactivity are the main causes of impaired glucose uptake and the appearance of insulin resistance.

That is why diet plays an important role in the treatment of non-insulin dependent diabetes. One of the main rules medical nutrition with high blood sugar - this is a complete rejection of flour products, especially fried ones. For this reason, pancakes often fall into the list of foods prohibited for the patient.

But this does not mean at all that diabetics must definitely refuse this masterpiece of Russian cuisine. It is only important to know how to cook healthy pancakes for type 2 diabetics, the recipes of which will be in in large numbers presented in this article.

Healthy pancakes for diabetes

Traditional pancake dough kneaded on wheat flour, with the addition of eggs and butter, which raises the glycemic index of this dish to a critical level. A complete change of ingredients will help make diabetic pancakes.

To begin with, you should choose flour that has a low glycemic index. It may be wheat, but not premium, but coarse grinding. Also suitable are varieties made from cereals, whose glycemic index does not exceed 50, these include buckwheat and oatmeal, as well as different types legumes. Shouldn't be used cornmeal because it contains a lot of starch.

No less attention should be paid to the filling, which should not be greasy or heavy, as this contributes to the set of extra pounds. But it is especially important to cook pancakes without sugar, otherwise you can increase the concentration of glucose in the body.

Glycemic index of flour:

  1. Buckwheat - 40;
  2. Oatmeal - 45;
  3. Rye - 40;
  4. Pea - 35;
  5. Lentil - 34.

Rules for making pancakes for type 2 diabetics:

  • Flour for pancakes can be bought at the store or made independently by grinding cereals in a coffee grinder;
  • Choosing the second option, it is best to give preference to buckwheat, which does not contain gluten and is a valuable dietary product;
  • When kneading the dough, you can put in it egg whites and sweeten with honey or fructose;
  • Ideal as a filling low-fat cottage cheese, mushrooms, vegetable stew, nuts, berries, fresh and baked fruits;
  • Pancakes should be eaten with honey, fat-free sour cream, yogurt and maple syrup.


Sugar level

In order not to harm the patient, one must strictly follow classic recipe. Any deviation can lead to a jump in blood sugar and the development of hyperglycemia. Therefore, it is not recommended to arbitrarily include products or replace one with another.

During frying, only vegetable oils should be used. Greatest Benefit for diabetics is olive. It contains a whole list useful substances and does not increase cholesterol levels.

Although properly cooked pancakes are not harmful for type 2 diabetics, they should be eaten in small portions. They can be quite high in calories, which means they can interfere with weight loss. But, of course, it is not worth completely abandoning their use.

Buckwheat pancakes.

This dish is great for breakfast. Buckwheat is a low-calorie product rich in B vitamins and iron, so pancakes made from buckwheat flour can be eaten even when diabetes 1 type.


  1. Warm filtered water - 1 cup;
  2. Baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  3. Buckwheat flour - 2 cups;
  4. Vinegar or lemon juice;
  5. Olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons.

Mix flour and water in one container, extinguish soda with lemon juice and add to the dough. Pour the oil there, mix thoroughly and leave at room temperature for a quarter of an hour.

Bake pancakes without adding fat, as the dough already has olive oil. Ready-made food can be eaten with the addition of low-fat sour cream or buckwheat honey.

Pancakes from rye flour with oranges.

This sweet dish is not harmful for people with diabetes, as it does not contain sugar, but fructose. Wholemeal flour gives it an unusual chocolate color, and the orange has a pleasant taste with a slight sourness.


  • Fructose - 2 teaspoons;
  • Rye flour - 2 cups;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Olive oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • Egg;
  • Large orange;
  • Yogurt with a fat content of 1.5% - 1 cup.

Break the egg into a deep container, add fructose and beat with a mixer. Add flour and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Pour in the butter and part of the milk, and continue to beat the dough, gradually adding the remaining milk.

Bake pancakes in a well-heated pan. Peel the orange, divide into slices and remove the partitions. Put a slice of citrus in the middle of the pancake, pour over with yogurt, sprinkle with cinnamon and carefully wrap it in an envelope.

oatmeal pancakes

Make pancakes from oat flour very simple, and the result will appeal to both diabetics and their loved ones.


  1. Oat flour - 1 cup;
  2. Milk with a fat content of 1.5% - 1 cup;
  3. Chicken egg;
  4. Salt - 0.25 tsp;
  5. Fructose - 1 teaspoon;
  6. Baking powder - 0.5 tsp.

In a large bowl, break the egg, salt, add fructose and beat with a mixer. Slowly add flour, stirring constantly to avoid lumps. Add baking powder and mix again. While stirring the mass with a spoon, pour in the milk in a thin stream and beat again with a mixer.

Since there is no fat in the dough, pancakes must be fried in oil. Pour 2 tbsp into a heated pan. tablespoons of vegetable oil and pour 1 ladle of pancake mass. The dough should be kneaded periodically. Ready meal file with various fillings and sauces.

Lentil envelopes.

This pancake recipe for diabetics will appeal to lovers of exotic and unusual flavor combinations.


  • Lentils - 1 cup;
  • Turmeric - 0.5 tsp;
  • Warm boiled water - 3 cups;
  • Low-fat milk - 1 cup;
  • Egg;
  • Salt - 0.25 tsp.

Grind the lentils in a coffee grinder and pour into a deep cup. Add turmeric, add water and mix well. Leave for 30 minutes for the lentils to absorb all the liquid. Whisk the egg with salt and add to the batter. Pour in the milk and mix again.

When the pancakes are ready and have cooled down a bit, put meat or fish filling in the middle of each and wrap it in an envelope. Put in the oven for a few minutes and you can serve for dinner. Such baked pancakes are especially tasty with low-fat sour cream.

Oatmeal and rye flour pancakes

These sugar-free sweet pancakes will appeal to both adult patients and diabetic children.


  1. Two chicken eggs;
  2. Low fat milk - a glass filled to the rim;
  3. Oatmeal flour - an incomplete glass;
  4. Rye flour - a little less than a glass;
  5. Sunflower oil - 1 teaspoon;
  6. Fructose - 2 teaspoons.

Break the eggs into a large bowl, add fructose and beat with a mixer until foam appears. Add both types of flour and mix thoroughly. Pour in milk and butter and mix again. Bake pancakes in a well-heated pan. This dish is especially tasty with low-fat cottage cheese filling.

Cottage cheese pancakes with berry filling

Following this recipe, you can cook a wonderful one that will appeal to everyone without exception.


  • Egg;
  • Fat-free cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • Baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt on the tip of a knife;
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Rye flour - 1 cup;
  • Stevia extract - 0.5 tsp.

Pour flour and salt into a large bowl. In another bowl, beat the egg in place with cottage cheese and stevia extract, and pour into a container with flour. Add soda quenched with citrus juice. Knead the dough in conclusion by pouring vegetable oil. Bake pancakes in a pan without fat.

Any berries are suitable as a filling - strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, currants or gooseberries. To enhance the taste, you can pour a little crushed nuts into the filling. Put fresh or frozen berries in the center of the pancake, wrap it in an envelope and can be served with low-fat yogurt sauce.

Festive pancakes with strawberries and chocolate.

This festive dish is tasty and beautiful, and at the same time it is absolutely not harmful.


Oatmeal - 1 cup;

Skimmed milk - 1 cup;

Hot boiled water - 1 cup;


Olive oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

Strawberries - 300 g;

Dark chocolate - 50 g;

A pinch of salt.

Pour the milk into a large container, break the egg there and beat with a mixer. Season with salt and pour in hot water stirring constantly so that the egg does not curdle. Add flour, add oil and mix thoroughly.

Bake pancakes in a well-heated dry frying pan. Make strawberry puree, put on pancakes and roll up.

Drizzle melted chocolate on top.

To make pancakes for type 2 diabetics even more healthy, you can use the following simple tips. So you need to bake pancakes in a pan with non-stick coating, which will help to significantly reduce the amount of oil.

During the preparation of the dish, you must carefully monitor its calorie content and use only fat-free foods. Never add sugar to dough or stuffing and replace it with fructose or stevia extract.

Do not forget to count how many bread units are contained in the dish. Pancakes whose bread units depend on the composition can be both dietary and extremely harmful for patients with diabetes. Therefore, people with high sugar should be aware that y, heh is also very low.

Despite the fact that there are pancake recipes for diabetics, you should not get too carried away with these dishes. So it is not recommended to cook this dish more than 2 times a week. But rarely diet pancakes are allowed even for seriously ill diabetics who doubt whether it is possible to eat starchy foods in their condition.

What kind of baking for a diabetic is the most useful, the expert will tell in the video in this article.

Like any other dish in the diet of a diabetic, pancakes should be prepared and consumed strictly without sugar, not to mention that only special flour with a low carbohydrate content should be chosen for the test. With the right approach and skill, the finished result will be in no way inferior to traditional pancakes.

Is it possible to eat pancakes with diabetes?

Pancakes for diabetes can be eaten in two cases: if the disease proceeds without complications, occasionally it is allowed to eat one or two small pancakes from regular test, and in other situations, the ingredients of the dish should differ from the usual in the direction of dietary restrictions. Thus, diabetics in most cases should forget about traditional wheat flour for dough, about the active use of eggs, milk and butter, and about adding sugar to the recipe. Since pancakes are basically flour product, which are prohibited in diabetes, you will have to make a choice in favor of alternative recipes to the detriment of the usual taste and appearance of the dish.

Is it possible to eat pancakes with diabetes, and if so, how much and in what form? This is always determined by the attending physician, because classic pancakes you can greatly harm your health, as their calorie content and glycemic index do not stand up to scrutiny. This is all the more true if ready-made pancakes are consumed with everyone's favorite sour cream or jam, not to mention more high-calorie fillings. In any case, even diet pancakes with water and carbohydrate-free flour should be consumed in limited quantities (no more than 150 grams at a time and no more than once a week).

Pancake recipes without sugar

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Pancakes for diabetics can be cooked in milk, if it is fat-free (up to 1% fat), as well as using chicken eggs, but with the approval of the attending specialist, because some diabetics are contraindicated in chicken yolks.

Recipes that include sugar will have to be abandoned, but this ingredient can always be replaced with analogues that do not contain glucose, such as stevia or xylitol, which do not lose their properties after heat treatment.

But the most strict selection should be subjected to the dough, or rather, the flour from which it will be kneaded. From the usual wheat with a high content of carbohydrates, a diabetic will become ill. A sharp jump in blood glucose will lead to hyperglycemia, so you should turn to more specific types of flour products made from cereals such as:

  • rye;
  • oats;
  • spelt;
  • buckwheat.

All these types of grains have a low calorie content and a low glycemic index, which distinguishes them favorably from wheat, rice, barley and corn.

Rye flour pastries

Pancakes made from rye flour for diabetics can only be conditionally called useful, because this flour is not considered dietary, although it contains less carbohydrates than wheat flour. Nevertheless, the share of this component in 100 gr. flour reaches 40%, and the calorie content reaches 250 kcal, which does not fit well into the framework of a strict diabetic diet. In addition, it is worth remembering the high acidity of rye, due to which it is not recommended to use this pastry for patients with a similar pathology of the stomach.

Otherwise, pancakes for type 2 diabetics made from rye flour can be prepared at a fairly simple recipe, according to which you will need to sift 200 gr. flour and mix it with a pinch of salt and 50 gr. sweetener. Then you need to add half a teaspoon to the flour. baking soda quenched with vinegar or lemon juice, then pour in 200 ml of low-fat milk, mix and beat in one egg. Consistently stirring the mixture with a whisk, add another 300 ml of milk and two tbsp. l. vegetable oil, and then leave for 15 minutes at room temperature. On a well-heated vegetable oil the pan is poured in portions of the dough using a ladle, after which they are baked in the traditional way until cooked.

Buckwheat pancakes

Sugar-free pancakes made from buckwheat flour are not too inferior to rye pancakes in terms of calories and glycemic index, so the recommendations for their use can be considered similar (no more than two or three pieces at a time). Flour of this variety is favorably distinguished by a high content of iron, calcium and vitamins, as well as the presence of lysine and methionine in proteins, due to which it is well absorbed by the body. Generally buckwheat flour, like boiled buckwheat itself, is a satisfying product that satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time.

You can cook a pancake delicacy from buckwheat next recipe, for the implementation of which you need to take:

  • two st. milk 1%;
  • three eggs;
  • 20 gr. yeast;
  • one st. l. sugar substitute;
  • two st. buckwheat flour;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Preparation begins with the fact that a glass of warm milk and yeast are diluted in a large container, after which all the flour is poured into it and kneaded thoroughly. The dishes should be covered with a towel and left in a warm place for one hour, and then add the remaining milk, sugar substitute, salt and egg yolks. The whole mixture should be kneaded well and left again for an hour and a half, meanwhile whipping the egg whites to a foam state, which are also added to the batch. Before baking, the dough must be mixed gently from top to bottom, and then portionwise fried in a frying pan heated with oil until golden brown.

Oatmeal pancakes

Oat flour is valued all over the world for its easy digestibility and high content of proteins with essential amino acids, so oatmeal and its derivatives are considered truly dietary. Pancakes, which are easy to prepare and saturate for a long time, give the body energy and useful vitamins, are no exception for type 2 diabetes. The whole process fits into five simple steps. First you need to mix two glasses of flour, a pinch of salt and three tsp. sweetener. In parallel, two eggs, half a liter of milk and one and a half tbsp are kneaded. l. sunflower oil, beating everything until smooth. The third step is to carefully pour this mixture into the container with dry ingredients, and then put the pan on the fire and heat the oil in it.

Fry oatmeal pancakes on both sides for 30-40 seconds, because oatmeal dough is very quickly heat-treated.

What fillings for pancakes are acceptable for diabetics

With type 2 diabetes, it is better to avoid any fillings and dressings for pancakes, because this is already a high-calorie dish, there is no need to add satiety to it, let alone sweetness. But if such a desire nevertheless arose, it is strictly forbidden to use butter or fatty sour cream. All types of jams, jams and honey are subject to the same ban due to the high content of glucose and fructose.


For type 2 diabetics, it is better to select recipes in such a way that the filling does not affect the satiety of the treat, but at the same time it would be useful. For example, you can cook delicious pancakes with low-fat cottage cheese or use low-fat chicken meat for the filling - in this case, the dish will replace nutritional value the whole meal. As another option, you can call ready-made pancakes stuffed with fresh berries that have not been processed, including cherries, raspberries, gooseberries, currants and strawberries.

I always wondered why add sugar to pancake dough, because they are so delicious. In our family, pancakes were always baked without sugar, and I never ate tastier than these pancakes. No matter how many friends treated themselves to pancakes - it's not that! Of course, with or without sugar is a matter of taste and habit. But once, having tried pancakes prepared in my way, everyone asks for the recipe. It's pretty simple. In general, baking without sugar is now becoming more and more popular.

I usually take 1 liter of milk or a little more. I add all other products, as God puts on my soul. But to make it easier for you to navigate, I give a list of ingredients with approximate volumes. In addition to milk, we need:

Eggs - 3-4 pieces

Flour - 2-3 cups

Sunflower oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons

Break the eggs into a large bowl. Add some salt to them and beat everything well. Pour a little less than a glass of milk, stir well. It's time for the pain. I pour it, which is called "by eye". Pour and stir at the same time to make a dough of the consistency of very fat sour cream. This is important, since in such a mixture it is easier to break all the lumps.

When the dough has become homogeneous, we begin to add milk in small portions. They poured half a glass - stirred, added more - stirred again. We act in this way until the dough becomes liquid enough to easily pour into the pan. But don't overdo it! Don't throw away all the milk when in doubt. Let better dough will be thicker. When we start baking, we will understand whether it is worth diluting it.

And finally, pour the sunflower oil into the dough and stir well. The oil is added to keep the pancakes from sticking to the pan. If you add too much, then the pancakes will turn out to be greasy, not enough - you will have to wash the pan, or even clean it with coarse salt and start the process again. A frying pan, by the way, is better to take a cast-iron small size.

Before baking pancakes, lightly grease the pan. sunflower oil and fire it up. Apply oil with a feather. If the pan is not hot enough, the pancake will stick, so wait for a little smoke to come out. We collect the dough in a ladle and pour it into the pan, turning it so that the mixture is evenly distributed. After the pancake is browned, turn it over with a spatula. We try the pancake, and add some salt, if necessary.

We grease the finished pancakes on one side with butter and fold them into a triangle with the buttered side inward. You can not smear pancakes with butter, but eat with sour cream. These pancakes are good stuffed with minced meat with rice and onions. Bon Appetit!

Mix all loose ingredients in a bowl, namely: flour, baking powder for dough, a pinch of salt and vanilla (you can replace vanilla extract). In the dough for banana pancakes without sugar and eggs, if desired, you can add a little cinnamon or ground nutmeg, but in my opinion, these seasonings interrupt the flavor of the banana, and the vanilla only emphasizes it.

Pour milk into the dry mixture in several passes and mix with a whisk. You should get a fairly thick dough.

Mash bananas with a fork into a puree. The riper the banana, the sweeter it is, and the tastier and more aromatic the pancakes will turn out. Sometimes discounted bananas are sold in stores, because. their peel has darkened, and the bananas themselves have become soft. These bananas are perfect for this recipe.

Introduce bananas into the dough.

Pour a spoonful of melted butter (can be replaced with olive or vegetable oil without smell).

Preheat the pan, grease with oil and bake the pancakes for a few minutes on each side. Flip when bubbles appear on the surface of the pancakes.

When it seems to you that the pancake is ready, press it lightly with a spatula. If no droplets appear on the surface of the finished pancake liquid dough, you can shoot. Keep in mind that the dough is with a banana, so the texture of such pancakes is slightly more moist than regular pancakes.

Due to the presence of bananas in the dough, pancakes can burn, so do not overdo it. big fire. And use a non-stick frying pan.