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Buckwheat energy value 100 g. Buckwheat - nutritional value

Boiled buckwheat rich in vitamins and minerals such as: silicon - 76.5%, magnesium - 14.4%, chlorine - 18.8%, manganese - 22.2%, copper - 19%, molybdenum - 15%

Why boiled buckwheat is useful

  • Silicon is a structural component of glycosaminoglycans and stimulates collagen synthesis.
  • Magnesium participates in energy metabolism, synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect on membranes, is necessary to maintain homeostasis of calcium, potassium and sodium. Lack of magnesium leads to hypomagnesemia, an increased risk of developing hypertension, heart disease.
  • Chlorine necessary for the formation and secretion of hydrochloric acid in the body.
  • Manganese participates in the formation of bone and connective tissue, is part of the enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; essential for the synthesis of cholesterol and nucleotides. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by a slowdown in growth, disorders in the reproductive system, increased fragility of bone tissue, disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Copper is a part of enzymes with redox activity and involved in iron metabolism, stimulates the assimilation of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing the tissues of the human body with oxygen. The deficiency is manifested by disorders in the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
  • Molybdenum is a cofactor of many enzymes that provide the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
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Adding whole grains for a healthy and healthy diet is considered one of the key factors. Buckwheat is the leader due to its rich composition, nutritional value and taste. The calorie content of buckwheat boiled in water is several times lower, despite the high content of useful vitamins and minerals, which makes it possible to prepare diet meals on its basis.

Useful properties of buckwheat

Buckwheat is a very popular product. It is present in the diets of people of different ages. Contains countless useful components that have a beneficial effect on the health of the body, and at the same time, the amount of calories in buckwheat on water is very low.

Adding buckwheat to food contributes to:

  • normalization of the work of nerve cells;
  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • improving brain function;
  • strengthening of blood vessels;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • preventing the development of cancer cells.

To the above, it should be added that boiled buckwheat is the main ingredient in most diets on water due to its low calorie content.

A buckwheat-based diet helps to achieve:

Buckwheat dishes on the water are recommended for children and adolescents. Low-calorie groats saturate the young body with useful substances and strengthen it. With increased physical exertion, boiled porridge helps to build muscle mass. If a food product is added to food 2 hours before the crime to exercise, then by this time energy will be developed that will help to overcome the stress. Due to the ability to remove toxins from the body, buckwheat can improve the condition of the skin. As a result, acne and acne disappear, and the skin becomes more elastic.

Calorie buckwheat per 100 grams

In 100 gr. raw buckwheat contains 313 kilos of calories... This is very small, because this food product is so actively added to dietary diets. This water-based product is obtained from buckwheat grains by separating the shell and core. It depends on the quality of the kernel what kind of cereal will be - the first, second or third.

Attention! Buckwheat contains proteins (12.7 grams), fats (3.3 grams) and carbohydrates (62.1 grams).

The low calorie content of boiled buckwheat is compensated by a rich supply of minerals. There are almost 2 times more of them than in other types of cereals on the water. This benefit when consumed helps to improve metabolism. The composition of buckwheat is dominated by polyunsaturated fats due to its organic origin. Thanks to this, they have a positive effect on fat metabolism and help to lower blood cholesterol.

Cooking buckwheat in this way is very simple, it is important to observe the proportions. But salt has a direct effect on the percentage of useful components in the finished dish. During cooking, the grains swell, absorb water and eventually increase by 3-4 times. Calorie content per 100 gr. buckwheat boiled in water with salt is reduced to 110 kcal... And then the amount of proteins will decrease to 4 grams, fats - to 1 grams, and carbohydrates - 21 grams.

In order to preserve useful substances in the composition, it is necessary to pour buckwheat with cold water (purified) for 2-3 hours. Then drain the liquid and pour it over again, only now with boiled water. Wrap well and leave overnight. In the morning you can already eat.

Determining the calorie content of buckwheat in water with oil is more difficult. Depends on the quality and quantity of the latter in the finished dish. In 1 st. l. fits 16.5 gr. butter. But it is not recommended to include boiled buckwheat with this product in dietary food if you need to lose weight in a short time. And if the dish is your favorite and giving up on it is an impossible task, then it is better to use buckwheat porridge with butter 2 times a week for breakfast. You can add 1 tsp. honey.

How many calories are in buckwheat with milk

If you add milk, then the calorie content of boiled buckwheat increases. How much depends on the percentage of fat content of the product. If you take milk of 1.5% fat content, then the nutritional value of the finished cereal will be 150 kilos of calories, if 2.5%, then it will rise to 160 kcal, and at 3.2% - 170 kcal. Also, the calorie content on the water increases with the addition of sugar, honey or dried fruits. For dietary nutrition, milk of 1.5% fat content is suitable.

Diet based on buckwheat

A diet in which buckwheat is a key ingredient is very effective. Sitting on it for 1 week, you can easily lose 4-5 kg ​​due to the low calorie content of the product boiled in water. True, many women bypass her, because of the severity and monotony. Sitting on a buckwheat diet, for a good result, you will have to drink a lot of liquid (boiled water, mineral water without gas, green tea, yogurt, kefir). Then, in just a couple of weeks, it is really possible to lose more than 10 kg.

Diet based on buckwheat:

  • saturates the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • removes cholesterol;
  • improves the skin of the face, giving it a healthy complexion.

The only and main drawback is the absence of flavor enhancers (salt, seasonings), as a result of which dishes with a low calorie content are bland. But this is for the best, because they retain fluid in the body, which causes swelling. It turns out that the diet based on buckwheat on water has no obvious drawbacks. But it is strictly prohibited for people with vitamin deficiencies and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Those wishing to lose weight need to know that. To achieve great results on a food product with a low calorie content, this period can be increased if only losing weight is able to withstand the monotony of dishes.

Calorie content of buckwheat dishes

Dishes with buckwheat will be useful for people with low hemoglobin, pregnant women, children, elderly people and those who want to lose weight quickly without harm to health. The table below shows the calorie content of dishes based on this food boiled in water.

Name of the dish Ingredients and their quantity Calories per 100 gr.
Buckwheat porridge on water with butter Groats - 400 gr.;

Butter (low fat) - 10 gr.

About 100 kcal
Buckwheat porridge with milk Groats - 300 gr.;

Milk 100 ml.

150 kcal
Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms Groats - 300 gr.;

Mushrooms - 100 gr.;

Onions - 20 gr.

120 kcal
Buckwheat porridge with meat Groats - 300 gr.;

Minced chicken - 200 gr.;

Onions - 30 gr.;

Carrots - 20 gr.;

Refined oil - 50 ml.

300 kcal
Groats - 300 gr.;

Kefir - 100 ml.

160 kcal
Chicken soup with buckwheat Groats - 140 gr.;

Chicken broth - 2 l;

Boiled fillet - 100 gr.;

Onions - 40 gr.;

Carrots - 30 gr.;

Tomato paste - 60 gr.;

Salt - 1 tsp

50 kcal

If you focus on the calorie table, then the least calories are contained in chicken soup with buckwheat. This is because many useful substances are evaporated from the products during cooking. The calorie content of buckwheat dishes depends on the quality of the cereal. The most high-calorie porridge is cooked from whole grains, and a dish made from buckwheat flakes will be low-calorie.

Product harm

Buckwheat porridge should be limited for some acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. It is forbidden to use after performed abdominal operations.

In general, there are two types of harmful "use" of buckwheat, which are often found in life:

Both options, instead of the desired result, give the completely opposite real one. At the first, a person will lose not extra pounds, but muscle mass, problems with hormones and a slowdown in the work of nerve cells. And in the second case, healthy boiled cereals in water, thanks to flavor enhancers, are eaten in large quantities, and the weight is kept at the same figures. Therefore, trying to saturate the body with the useful components of buckwheat with a small amount of calories, one should adhere to reasonable restrictions.

People with diseases of the digestive system and pancreas are very harmful "semi-steamed water" buckwheat porridge with a mono-diet. In order to avoid serious complications, before eating a low-calorie dish boiled in water, it is recommended to consult a dietitian and take the necessary tests.

If you combine buckwheat boiled in water with other ingredients, then it becomes more high-calorie. But at the same time, the finished dish contains more useful components that the body needs during the diet. The body weakens from strict diets, so sometimes you can afford buckwheat porridge with milk or butter (without flavor enhancers).

Buckwheat takes an honorable priority among dietetic foodstuffs. Representing not grain, as many mistakenly believe, but cereal, it was brought from Greece.

The composition makes buckwheat useful. The cereal contains a large concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They help reduce bad cholesterol and have a positive effect on the metabolic process. Thanks to the latter quality, a person who eats buckwheat loses weight faster, despite the fact that it is high in calories.

This cereal contains many flavonoids that prevent the growth of oncological tumors, prevent the risk of thrombosis. Buckwheat normalizes blood sugar and is recommended for diabetics to be included in the diet. The folic acid present in the product makes it valuable for women during pregnancy as well.

The energy value of dry buckwheat is 370 calories, and boiled, including the water absorbed during cooking, is 150 calories for every 100 g of product. Carbohydrates account for 29, proteins - 5.9, and for fats - 1.6 g.

How many calories are in buckwheat in water?

The cereal, boiled in water, turns out to be quite liquid and low-calorie. The calorie content of the dish is approximately 90 kcal. It contains vitamins and minerals. Adding meat and other ingredients to such porridge will significantly increase the calorie content.

If you add salt and oil to buckwheat in water, its calorie content will increase almost to 500 calories per 100 grams! Heat treatment does not affect the amount of calories in the porridge.

The use of buckwheat porridge in water during the diet provides the body with oxalic acid, calcium, iodine, iron, amino acids, phosphorus, vitamins from B and PP groups. It contains folic acid, which strengthens the heart muscles and blood vessels. The product has excellent taste, which makes boiled porridge an excellent choice for both dietary and health-improving menus.

Calorie buckwheat with milk

To prepare dietary buckwheat milk porridge, you should take only skimmed whole milk. Losing weight is important to constantly count calories.

Including buckwheat porridge with milk in the diet menu, it should be borne in mind that the energy value of both products is summed up together. For 100 grams of cereals, take 50 ml of milk, which gives about 200 calories.

Porridge has no restrictions. You can eat the dish at any time of the day. It improves metabolism and provides the body with protein (protein). The presence of fiber helps to cleanse and get rid of slagging.

Buckwheat is a cereal obtained from the seeds of sowing buckwheat (an annual cereal of the Buckwheat family). The homeland of the plant is the mountain slopes of India, Burma, Nepal, from where it spread across the globe. The cereal "got" to European countries from Greece.

The product is used in cooking to create a side dish for vegetable, meat dishes, casseroles and snack pies. In addition, buckwheat has found wide application in medicine: it prevents vitamin deficiency (especially in the spring-winter period), strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases immunity, activates the intestinal tract, and stabilizes the psycho-emotional background.

General information

Buckwheat is classified as environmentally friendly products, since the technology of its cultivation does not require the introduction of chemicals during sowing. The cereal is cultivated primarily for culinary use. However, due to its rich chemical composition, cereals are popular in diet therapy, medicine, cosmetology, and agriculture.

There are the following types of buckwheat:

  • kernel (whole grain, peeled from the outer shell);
  • cut or cut (crushed groats with a broken structure);
  • Smolensk flakes (highly crushed grains).

Classification of buckwheat by type of heat treatment:

  • fried (dark brown);
  • steamed (brown);
  • natural (light green).

Remember, the finer and darker the cereal, the less nutrients it contains.

Chemical composition

Buckwheat is the record holder for protein content among cereals. The biological value of the culture protein is determined by 18 amino acids present in the cereal. The highest concentration is found in lysine, tryptophan, arginine, methionine, valine, isoleucine, glycine.

Interestingly, in terms of protein content, buckwheat is a complete alternative to animal protein. To supply the body with building material, it must be present daily in the menu of athletes, vegetarians, pregnant women, and the elderly.

Table number 1 "Chemical composition of buckwheat"
Item name Ingredient content in 100 grams of cereals, milligrams
Tocopherol (E) 6,65
Niacin (PP) 4,2
Riboflavin (B2) 0,2
Pyridoxine (B6) 0,4
Thiamin (B1) 0,43
Folic acid (B9) 0,032
Beta-carotene (A) 0,002
Potassium 380
Phosphorus 298
Magnesium 200
Sulfur 88
Chlorine 33
Calcium 20
Sodium 3
Trace elements
Silicon 81
Iron 6,7
Zinc 2,03
Manganese 1,56
Copper 0,64
Boron 0,35
Titanium 0,034
Molybdenum 0,033
Fluorine 0,023
Nickel 0,0101
Selenium 0,0083
Chromium 0,004
Iodine 0,0033
Cobalt 0,0031

The nutritional value of buckwheat includes (per 100 grams):

  • proteins - 13.5 grams;
  • fat - 3.4 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 61.5 grams;
  • water (14 grams);
  • organic acids (0.2 grams);
  • dietary fiber (11.3 grams);
  • starch (55.4 grams);
  • unsaturated fatty acids (2.28 grams);
  • mono- and disaccharides (1.5 grams);
  • saturated fatty acids (0.67 grams);
  • amino acids (10.32 grams);
  • sterols (0.074 grams)
  • ash (2.1 grams);
  • purines (0.06 grams).

The calorie content of the product directly depends on the cooking method. So, dry (germinated) grain contains 330 kilocalories per 100 grams of product, boiled cereals - 150 kilocalories, steamed kernel - 250 kilocalories.

Considering that there is no gluten (gluten) in the cereal, buckwheat is of particular value for people with celiac disease.

Beneficial features

The effect of cereals on the human body:

  1. Reduces the risk of developing malignant neoplasms (due to the content of natural antioxidants).
  2. Increases the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors, including radiation (folic acid enhances immunity, potassium and iron prevent the absorption of radioactive isotopes).
  3. Accelerates the healing of the gastric mucosa (tannins contained in cereals have an anti-inflammatory effect).
  4. It potentiates the synthesis of hemoglobin, as a result of which the rheological parameters of the blood are improved (due to the presence of iron).
  5. Prevents the occurrence of thrombosis (unsaturated fats prevent the adhesion of cholesterol plaques to the walls of blood vessels).
  6. Improves psycho-emotional state, prevents sleep disturbances (due to the presence of tryptophan, magnesium, B vitamins).
  7. Stabilizes the concentration of sugar in the blood (has a low glycemic index, which is 40).
  8. Prevents hormonal dysfunctions by supplying essential substances (vitamins, amino acids, micro and macro elements) to the body.
  9. Increases potency in men (zinc stimulates testosterone production).
  10. Reduces blood pressure, normalizes the contractile function of smooth muscles (these processes are controlled by magnesium).
  11. Strengthens the nervous and immune systems, helps "fight" insomnia, migraines, headaches (due to the presence of rutin and B vitamins).
  12. Stimulates intestinal motility, relieves constipation, "supplies" dietary fiber to the body.
  13. Seals the walls of blood vessels, increases the elasticity of veins (rutin, which is rich in croup, has a pronounced capillary-protective effect).
  14. Strengthens bone tissue, including teeth and nails (due to the content of phosphorus and calcium).
  15. Maintains osmotic pressure in the cell, accelerates the excretion of excess fluid from the body (these mechanisms are "under the control" of potassium).
  16. It stabilizes the heart rate, improves myocardial function, prevents the development of coronary artery disease (the magnesium contained in buckwheat normalizes the neuromuscular activity of the heart).
  17. Protects the liver from fatty infiltration (due to the presence of lipotropic substances in cereals).

In addition, with regular consumption of buckwheat, the functional state of the dermis, hair, and nails improves.

Application in medicine

Considering that buckwheat contains a wide range of nutrients, it is successfully used in folk medicine. For the preparation of medicinal potions, whole unroasted cereal grains (green) are used, as well as buckwheat leaves and shoots.

Folk recipes:

  1. A mixture for stagnation of bile, high sugar, pancreatitis, poisoning. To prepare the composition, you will need 15 grams of buckwheat flour and 250 milliliters of low-fat kefir. The first ingredient is obtained by grinding cereals on a coffee grinder, and the second by fermenting homemade milk. Both products are combined and left in the container overnight. The resulting mixture is eaten for breakfast. The duration of choleretic therapy is 1 month. After 30 days, the course is repeated.
  2. Remedy for anemia, chronic fatigue, weakness. Before creating the drug, the cereals are washed and then dried in a frying pan. After that, the kernel is ground in a coffee grinder. Buckwheat flour is taken 30 grams 4 times a day, in between meals.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, the powder is washed down with warm milk. The tool is used for at least 30 days (until the condition improves). If necessary, after a month's break, the course is repeated.

  1. Buckwheat jelly to strengthen the cardiovascular system, prevent atherosclerosis. The composition of the remedy includes 45 - 50 grams of cereals (pre-crushed in a coffee grinder), 250 milliliters of water. These ingredients are combined and mixed thoroughly. After that, the mixture is poured into a liter of boiling water in a thin stream. Kissel is simmered over low heat for 10 minutes. Take a buckwheat composition 3 times a day, 200 milliliters.
  2. Healing ointment for abscesses, boils, difficult healing wounds. Chopped buckwheat (45 grams) is combined with celandine broth (50 milliliters). The healing mixture is applied to the affected area three times a day for 10 minutes.
  3. Buckwheat sprouts for health improvement. The grain is rinsed with clean water and then spread on a damp gauze. The container with raw materials is placed on the windowsill. Considering that green buckwheat secretes a lot of mucus, cloth and cereals are washed daily with water. With proper care, seedlings appear on the 2nd day. For medicinal purposes, use a little "hatched" grain (1 - 4 millimeters).

Remember, the shoots shouldn't be longer than 1 centimeter.

Indications for use: anemia, obesity, vitamin deficiency, inflammation of the gallbladder, arthritis, pathologies of the organs of vision, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, varicose veins.

  1. Powder for babies. The crushed buckwheat kernels are sieved through a fine sieve. The resulting powder is used for the prevention and treatment of diaper rash in children (in the absence of lycopodium).

Application in cosmetology

Buckwheat, along with improving the body, has a beneficial effect on the skin (nourishes, rejuvenates, cleanses, normalizes cellular metabolism). Due to the content of vitamins, phytohormones, organic acids and fats, the cereal is actively used in the composition of professional cosmetics, as well as home masks, creams and scrubs. Homemade mixtures with buckwheat are ideal for the care of combination, normal, sensitive skin.

Grain-based home remedies:

  1. A nourishing mask for dry and normal skin. Components of the composition: 30 - 60 grams of buckwheat flour, 20 milliliters of olive oil. The mask is applied to previously cleansed moist skin of the face, neck and décolleté for 20-30 minutes. After completing the procedure, the mixture is washed off with warm water.
  2. Toning mask for oily and combination skin. Method of preparation: mix grated carrots (1 piece), 30 grams of buckwheat flour, 2 milliliters of lemon juice. Apply the paste mixture to the dermis for 20 minutes, rinse.

With regular use of the composition (three times a week), the complexion improves, the capillaries become stronger, and “the oily sheen disappears.

  1. Film mask for problem and sensitive skin. To prepare the product, you will need 100 milliliters of chamomile infusion. 15 grams of edible gelatin and 20 grams of buckwheat flour are dissolved in it. The prepared mixture is heated to 70 degrees and then cooled. After that, add 15 milliliters of fresh aloe (or cucumber) juice to the mask. The composition is kept on the face for 20 minutes, and then carefully removed by hand. The film mask is used to cleanse and narrow the pores, reduce acne breakouts, activate blood circulation, and deeply moisturize the dermis. It is suitable for all skin types.
  2. Mask against rosacea. Active ingredients of the composition: buckwheat flour (15 grams), chicken yolk (1 piece), honey (5 milliliters). The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the dermis in a thin layer. After 15 minutes, the mixture is washed off. The mask has a capillary-protective, anti-inflammatory and firming effect on the skin.
  3. Compresses for the eyes from edema. Buckwheat is pre-crushed and distributed in two gauze bags. Before use, immerse them in hot water for 4 minutes (for steaming), then cool. Then apply compresses to your eyelids for 15 minutes.

This mask is used to eliminate puffiness under the eyes, smooth out fine wrinkles, and deeply nourish the dermis.

  1. Body Scrub. Buckwheat flour (15 grams), coffee grounds (15 grams), mint or chamomile broth (100 milliliters) are combined and mixed thoroughly. The mixture is applied to the washed body, intensively massaging problem areas.

The scrub perfectly removes dead skin cells of the epidermis, cleanses and tones the skin, and reduces the severity of cellulite.

  1. Nourishing hair mask. To create a mixture, prepare: 30 grams of buckwheat flour, 100 milliliters of warm homemade milk, 1 egg, 10 milliliters of honey. The composition is mixed and applied to clean hair for 30 - 40 minutes. After the specified time, the mask is washed off with hot water and shampoo. The product nourishes and strengthens fine, unruly hair.

To enhance the cosmetic effect, after the end of the procedure, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

Buckwheat for weight loss

Despite its high energy value, buckwheat has a low glycemic index. This is an absolutely dietary product on the basis of which many weight loss schemes, fasting days and food rations have been compiled.

The effectiveness of buckwheat diets is due to the prolonged breakdown of cereals in the stomach, which dulls the feelings of hunger. At the same time, the body is forced to provide itself with nutrients by burning fat reserves from the depot. As a result, the metabolism is accelerated and a person can lose excess weight faster. In addition, cereals contain many beneficial elements that help those who lose weight lose weight while maintaining a good mood, strong nails, healthy skin and thick hair.

The buckwheat diet is easy to use as it contains cereals and water. The duration of mono meals varies from 3 to 14 days (depending on the goals set). The three-day weight loss scheme is classified as fasting days, it helps the body cleanse itself of toxins and burn up to 1.5 kilograms of excess weight. To eliminate from 5 to 10 extra pounds, the buckwheat diet is extended to 14 days.

How to cook cereal properly?

Buckwheat is steamed from the evening for the whole next day. For this, 300 grams of washed kernels are poured with a liter of boiling water. The vessel is wrapped in a blanket and left on the stove for 10 - 12 hours.

Remember, adding sugar, salt or seasonings to a diet meal is strictly prohibited.

Acceptable Power Schemes:

  1. Pour 350 grams of buckwheat with a liter of fat-free kefir. Insist porridge for 10 - 12 hours in a warm place. Consume only this mixture throughout the day.
  2. In the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening, eat exclusively steamed buckwheat, and during snacks, consume 250 milliliters of low-fat kefir. The daily norm of a fermented milk drink is 1 - 1.5 liters.

The duration of the kefir-buckwheat menu should not exceed 14 days.

To consolidate the result, return to the previous diet smoothly. In the first 4 days of "exit", in addition to buckwheat, eat only easily digestible foods (fruits, low-calorie yogurt, kefir, honey, vegetable salads, greens), and then gradually increase the calorie intake to normal.

Contraindications to the use of buckwheat diet: gastritis, stomach ulcer, duodenal erosion, diabetes mellitus, intestinal disorders, hypertension, pregnancy, lactation, old and adolescence.


Buckwheat is a valuable dietary product, a record holder among cereals in terms of the content of protein and amino acid structures. In addition, the cereal contains a large amount of iron and B vitamins, which are "responsible" for the proper functioning of the hematopoietic, nervous and immune systems. With regular intake of buckwheat, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the work of the intestines is activated, the swelling of internal organs decreases, the risk of thrombosis is reduced, cerebral circulation improves, and the psycho-emotional background normalizes.

In traditional medicine, kernel is included in the diet of people suffering from anemia, cealicia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, arthritis, rheumatism, chronic fatigue syndrome, stomach ulcers, atherosclerosis, constipation.

On the basis of buckwheat grains, decoctions, ointments, poultices, jelly are prepared, which help to fight heart and endocrine disorders, skin pathologies, and malignant neoplasms. Along with buckwheat grains, leaves, stems, flowers and plant husks are used. For example, the upper shell is used to fill orthopedic pillows (to eliminate insomnia, anxiety), buds and seeds - to make baby powders, flour and leaves - to heal wounds, boils, abscesses.

Remember, regular intake of buckwheat (2-3 times a week) reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes by 70%, prevents the development of anemia, and improves the functional state of the digestive tract.

Below are tables of the chemical composition and diagrams from which you can find out what nutritional value, what vitamins, minerals, and how many calories a given food product contains. Over time, one glance at the charts will be enough for you to understand the nutritional value of food.

The tables show the% RSP data. This is the recommended daily requirement of an adult on the example of a woman, a worker of predominantly mental work, with an energy consumption of 2000 kcal / day, in accordance with our accepted norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2008.

At the moment, the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine at the US National Academy of Sciences for children 1-3 years old are used to calculate the amino acid rate and% RDA in essential amino acids, based on their increased protein requirement of 0.88 g per 1 kg of body weight per day, instead of 0, 66 g / 1 kg for adults. (Dietary norms for energy, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, fatty acids, cholesterol, proteins and amino acids from 2002/2005)

Your daily intake may be higher or lower than the% RDA listed here.

useful (PUFA and MUFA) fats


»Indicates no data.

Data source: USDA SR-23

USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

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