Home / Dumplings / Georgian chicken satsivi step by step recipe. Georgian chicken satsivi

Georgian chicken satsivi step by step recipe. Georgian chicken satsivi

Features of the Satsivi dish

Satsivi is a traditional dish Georgian cuisine, which, as a rule, is prepared for the Christmas table. Georgians eat it first, because on this day the strict fast ends and it is allowed to eat meat. Often, the inhabitants of this country say that they associate Christmas with walnuts and chicken - these are the 2 main ingredients of Satsivi.

There are several main features of this dish that every housewife must take into account in the process of preparing it:

  • the chicken must be fat and well-fed (the ideal option is to use broilers that are grown in Gori);
  • it is desirable to make the sauce thick so that bread can be dipped into it;
  • each guest or household does not need to put a separate portioned plate with a dish, a person must impose “Satsivi” on himself (as is customary among Georgians).

How to cook "Satsivi" according to the classic Georgian recipe?

Ingredients to be used to prepare the dish:

  • 2 heads of white onions;
  • 25 g flour;
  • 50 ml white wine vinegar;
  • 1 kg of chicken meat;
  • 100 g butter;
  • salt and pepper (you can use a lot of pepper in this recipe if you like spicy meat);
  • a bunch of cilantro and other herbs that are used in Caucasian cuisine;
  • 1 tsp hops-suneli and the same amount of coriander;
  • 1/2 tsp saffron
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 cup walnuts.

The process of preparing Satsivi:

  1. Take chicken meat, clean it of all fatty parts, rinse, and then boil in a small amount of water under a lid. This process will take you 20 minutes.
  2. When smoking is cooked, remove it from the broth (it must be left) and coat with butter.
  3. Preheat the oven to 190°C, place the chicken in it and bake for 20 minutes.
  4. While the chicken is cooking, prepare the sauce: chop the onion and fry it for butter. As soon as he acquires a beautiful golden crust, add to it the flour and the broth in which the chicken was cooked.
  5. grind walnuts. In the resulting chips, add all the spices that we indicated in the list of ingredients.
  6. Pour the resulting mixture into chicken bouillon then add the vinegar as well.
  7. Chicken, which should be ready at this stage, chop into small pieces and throw into the sauce for 5-7 minutes.
  8. Chop the greens and sprinkle with it before serving the dish.

If you like, you can also garnish the dish with a few pomegranate seeds, purely for the play of colors on the dish and for the beauty of the presentation. Although Georgians, as a rule, do not do this, so as not to interrupt the rich nutty taste of the sauce and chicken, which is soaked in all the spices and nut oils.

Today we will learn how to cook the famous Georgian chicken satsivi dish. Step by step recipe the photo was taken in such detail that even if you wish, you will not be able to make a mistake. Most likely, you will be surprised when you realize that there is nothing complicated in cooking satsivi. In order for you to get the right satsivi, you just need to follow the technology exactly, step by step, without missing or changing anything. But precise cooking technology is not everything. Foods for satsivi must be chosen carefully. The chicken must be fatty (ideally homemade, from the market), with a large breast, walnuts - light, fresh and sweet, herbs and spices - fragrant. Only in this case you will get a real festive Georgian dish. Other poultry meats such as turkey can also be used for satsivi, but with fatty chicken, this dish will have the most traditional taste.


  • Homemade chicken (breast and legs) - 1.5 kg (so much came out of the chicken with a total weight of 2.3 kg);
  • Peeled walnuts - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • Onion - 3 pcs.;
  • Butter - 150 g;
  • Flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Garlic - 1 head;
  • cilantro - 1 bunch;
  • Salt - to taste:
  • Grape vinegar - 100 ml;
  • Coriander - 1 tsp;
  • Suneli hops - 1 tsp;
  • Ground red hot pepper - 1 tsp;
  • Water - 3 l;
  • Bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • Allspice - 1/2 tsp;
  • Imeretian saffron (marigold) - to taste.

Cooking time: about 3 hours
Servings Per Container: 8

Cooking a classic satsivi according to a Georgian recipe with a photo step by step

Fill the chicken hot water and boil for half an hour, after boiling, constantly removing the foam. Add allspice, Bay leaf after 20 minutes of cooking.

Take the chicken out of the broth and transfer it to a baking dish in the oven. Save the broth to make the sauce.

Salt boiled chicken meat.

Spread the boiled chicken with a small part of the butter. Let's send it for twenty minutes to the oven already preheated to 190 degrees.

Finely chop the peeled onion.

Grind walnuts into powder in a coffee grinder.

Let's make the so-called "red" flour in a dry frying pan - fry it to a creamy color, with mandatory intensive mixing.

Melt the remaining butter in a saucepan (wok, large frying pan, cauldron).

Spasserem chopped onions in hot oil.

Let's grind coriander in a mortar. Add it, the rest of the spices (red hops-suneli, hot peppers, saffron), salt to chopped nuts.

Pour red flour into the browning gradually.

Add spiced nuts and white grape vinegar (we have homemade sherry) to the satsivi sauce.

Thin this sauce with hot chicken broth to a consistency liquid sour cream. Boil it for about 7 minutes on minimum heat (do not boil!).

Cut the cilantro greens, chop the garlic cloves.

Add skinless, boneless chicken pieces to the sauce to warm them up for five minutes.

At the very end of the preparation of the sauce, add cilantro with garlic. Everything is almost ready!

Satsivi only needs to be cooled, laid out in a suitable dish, in order to then serve the Georgian dish to the festive table with some kind of bread (we have caraway bread sticks). Have a great gastronomic experience!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 120 min


- whole chicken or pieces - 1.5 - 2 kg,
- garlic - 4 cloves,
- walnuts - 150 gr.,
- cilantro, parsley - 1 bunch,
- salt, ground black pepper, utskho-suneli, ground paprika, coriander - to taste,
- water - 1-2 liters.

Cuisine: Eastern, Caucasian, Georgian
Cooking time - 2 hours
Servings Per Container - 6

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. To prepare satsivi, we need a chicken carcass. Cut the chicken carcass into pieces. If you do not have time to cut the carcass, buy it in the store chicken legs, hips, wings, several pieces of each type. Everyone can choose the part of the bird that is most desirable. This will make the cooking process easier. Poultry meat must be on the bone. This is one of important points in the recipe. It is the bone broth that will give the desired taste. Meat should be cooked on the bone. So, put the washed chicken pieces in the pan. Pour cold water and set to boil. Do not salt until the meat boils. Salt the broth moderately, after 30-35 minutes from the moment of boiling. The meat is poured with cold water to get the right and delicious broth. We put the meat to cook and wait.

2. While the meat is cooking, prepare the walnuts, cilantro, parsley, garlic. Pre-dry the nuts for 3-4 minutes in a hot oven. Properly prepare satsivi using fresh cilantro. In this weed special taste. I know that many refuse to use cilantro because of its specific taste. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of trying the right Satsivi. You can simply reduce the amount of cilantro, replacing part of it with parsley. Peel a few cloves of garlic.

3. In a meat grinder, twist the cilantro, parsley, garlic and walnuts dried in the oven. Grind in a mortar or coffee grinder utskho-suneli, a little paprika, coriander, black pepper. Please do not replace ucho-suneli with hops-suneli. These are completely different spices, although utskho-suneli is part of hops-suneli. Properly cook satsivi with ucho-suneli.

4. Our chicken was cooked in the broth for about 40 minutes - 1 hour. Remove meat from broth. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Lay out chicken pieces on a baking sheet. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Dry the meat in the oven in an open form for about 15-20 minutes.

5. Pour the prepared nut mixture with a couple of ladles of broth. Stir.

6. Using an immersion blender, beat the nut mass with the broth until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. Let's get the satsivi sauce. He looks like cream sauce, although it consists of nut butter and greenery. There will be a lot of broth in which the bird was cooked. You don't need all the broth to make satsivi. Leftover broth can be used for other dishes.

Prepare satsivi at home and try it. A very tasty, original and very fragrant poultry dish on your table. The dish can be considered dietary. There is no pre-roasting in the recipe. It turns out very tasty. The dish can be served with any side dish. In Georgia, Satsivi is most often served without a side dish. In addition to the dish, fresh vegetables or a salad from fresh vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil.

How to cook chicken satsivi - perhaps the most famous Georgian dish. It is present in every holiday table, especially on New Year! Satsivi is originally made from turkey. But you can also make Satsivi from chicken. Chicken satsivi is prepared much more often, it is a little more economical 🙂 Georgia is very proud of its Satsivi dish and preserves the traditions of its preparation. Today I will tell you how to cook homemade satsivi, and from the bottom there will be a video on how satsivi is prepared in restaurants.


  • Chicken 1 piece
  • Onion 2 pcs
  • Walnuts 500 gr
  • Utskho suneli 1-1.5 tsp (fenugreek blue)
  • Dry cilantro 1 tsp
  • Imeretian saffron (yellow flower) 1-1.5 tsp
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Corn flour (you can also use wheat flour) 1 tbsp.
  • Red ground pepper (chili) to taste
  • Vinegar (optional) 1 dessert spoon
  • Salt to taste

How to cook chicken satsivi

Boil the chicken. Remove from broth and set aside. Strain the broth. Chop the onion very finely and fry (as in the photo), I fry in vegetable oil, in the original chicken fat.
Previously, satsivi nuts were ground through the finest sieve. Very traditional housewives and still do it today. But many scroll nuts 2 times through a meat grinder or in a blender.
About 2 tablespoons put the walnut in the pan, lightly sprinkle with saffron, drip vegetable oil(a couple of drops) and warm a little. Then transfer the mixture to a bandage folded a couple of times and squeeze out the nut juice. Literally 1-2 Add all the spices, flour, garlic through a press to the ground nuts, mix everything, and add a little about a glass of broth so that the mixture becomes liquid and without lumps. Boil the remaining broth (adjust the amount yourself), constantly stirring the boiling broth, add nuts to it, mix well and add onions. When everything boils, turn off the gas.
chop the chicken into portioned pieces, put in a dish in which we will serve satsivi and fill the dish with satsivi so that it covers the chicken. And pour the oil that we squeezed out on top. (Of course, now I have taught you a little trick) since Georgians squeeze nuts with their hands to get this oil. It is customary to eat satsivi from. Gomi recipe in flour dishes. Georgian chicken satsivi is ready. Bon Appetit!

My Georgian grandmother taught me how to cook this dish, so I share the first-hand recipe for satsivi!

I share her direct speech - I really wanted to remember and save it at least in this form. She translated her Georgian memoirs into Russian - as best she could, but with love. I will never be able to repay my Nino for the miracles that she gave me every day with nothing else.

SATSIVI, GENATSVALE! Literary but detailed

Satsivi recipe with the secrets of Georgian cuisine first hand!

Literature can be neglected if you click here: - and go directly to step by step master class cooking satsivi.

"N if possible, a very fat chicken or turkey (not less than 1 kg), preferably with feathers from the village from a farmer friend, is recommended).

P clean the tick, wash it properly and put it to cook on a quiet fire in a spacious saucepan (be sure to cut off the ass-wen). During cooking, remove the foam all the time -. After you remove all the foam, throw a bay leaf there for 15-20 minutes (do not forget to pull it out later). Let the chicken cook until fully cooked.

A don't waste your time - finely chop the onion: 2-3 pieces of medium size will be enough. Onions should be handsome, not bitter and always white. After cutting, put it in a frying pan and simmer in the fat removed from the broth. It's okay if a little of the broth itself gets there. Carcasses over a very quiet fire, for a very long time, until it is all softened. If the chicken is lean, you will have to stew in butter - this is worse, but also possible.

P Then take 250-300 g of walnut, 1-2 cloves of garlic and grind them together through a meat grinder 2-3 times. Squeeze them out (the oil will be garlic-nutty). Do not squeeze out - do not suffer. We are preparing further.

V the remaining mass (cake), add the cooked onion and scroll-squeeze again - you should get a very dry mass.

T Now take it and start slowly diluting it with chicken broth. Very slowly, stirring and rubbing until smooth with a wooden spoon. At the same time you add (also gradually):

dry cilantro

Utskho suneli (I love both a lot, but you try with 0.5 teaspoon - if it seems a little, repeat)

A pinch of ground red hot pepper (again, to taste, do not overbite!)

a pinch of cinnamon

A pinch of yellow flower (saffron)

1 tablespoon flour without top, also gradually

2 tablespoons wine or apple cider vinegar.

M Slowly, slowly you interfere - you drown it with broth - you add spices. Take your time, here is jewelry work and patience training - the mass should turn out without lumps. You cook peanut sauce to the chicken - the whole taste of satsivi is in it.

T now the resulting thick sauce should be gradually diluted with broth (but not all, the whole will not just go away) to the state of liquid semolina porridge and put on a quiet fire. Boil, genatsvale, until boiling, then another 5 minutes, and then ...

E If the "porridge" is very thick, add more broth, if everything is fine, combine with the chicken. Already cooked, that is, cut into appetizing pieces. And now all this together now cook for 15 minutes on a very quiet fire. Continue to add the broth, already on the fire, as the satsivi thickens, stirring (the nut has such a habit). The broth will not leave all, but most of it. Almost at the end, add another 2-3 peas of allspice, the same number of cloves + salt to taste.

D ah, here's another one. When you finish cooking, take it out to the balcony, let the satsivi cool down. And then pay attention to the consistency: if it is thicker than liquid semolina, dilute it with more broth (should have remained), if not, everything is in order. Satsivi must stand for some time so that all the ingredients unite in true love, mixing and mutually soaking.

V cold chicken satsivi, you can return the walnut-garlic butter if you have it.

P.S. I regulate all the spices, firstly, depending on the size of the bird, and secondly, according to my own whim. And don't let the appetite put you to shame, yeah

P.P.S. Do you know why you cooked satsivi, genatsvale? So that your man, your children, your friends do not lose their taste for life. Then you will be happy too.”

satsivi recipe ingredients

  • chicken 1500-2000 g
  • walnut about 0.5-0.6 kg
  • garlic 3-4 cloves
  • onion 1 small
  • ground dry cilantro 0.5 tsp (no top)
  • ucho suneli 0.5 tsp (no top)
  • ground red Cayenne pepper- pinch
  • cinnamon - whisper
  • saffron - a few flakes (if Imeretian, then more)
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l. (if there are few nuts, if there are enough of them, then it is not necessary)
  • balsamic or good wine vinegar 2 tbsp. l.
  • sweet peas 3 pcs.
  • cloves 3 pieces

eggs in classic recipe Satsivi are not used!! As for spices, it is better to buy spices for satsivi in ​​the market!

How to cook Georgian chicken satsivi

Cut and cook chicken 1.5-2 kg with. Chicken can (and should, if possible) be replaced with turkey. Peel the onion and garlic, finely chop and sauté in vegetable oil.

Prepare walnuts. Please note: the whiter, juicier and meatier they are, the tastier and more beautiful satsivi will turn out.

Dissolve a pinch of saffron in boiling water and leave it to infuse. Authentic satsivi uses Imeretian saffron, or the so-called "yellow flower". The latter - in the form of a powder - is added along with other spices and does not need to be dissolved in water.

Chop the onion and sauté it in olive oil in a frying pan. Note: in chicken satsivi, it is better to use sweet varieties of onions, but not purple, so that satsivi does not turn out dark.

In general, spices are a separate issue. Add, in addition to saffron, ucho suneli, cilantro, red pepper, allspice, cinnamon, cloves.

If the chicken is already cooked, remove it from the broth, cool and cut into pieces. Strain the broth through cheesecloth.

Scroll through the meat grinder together garlic and nuts. Once is not enough - scroll 2 or 3 times. Squeeze out the oil from the resulting mixture. Add the saved onion to it, scroll again and squeeze. Add some dry spices.

Now the most important thing. Slowly and carefully, in small portions, stirring constantly, add the hot chicken broth. At the same time, also gradually, add spices and balsamic vinegar. You should get a thick homogeneous sauce (see picture).

Gently dilute the resulting sauce with broth and put on a quiet fire until boiling. After it boils, let it cook for another 5 minutes.

Without removing the sauce from the heat, put all the cooked pieces of meat there. Pour almost all the broth and cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat. At the very end, throw in cloves and allspice, salt.

It remains to cool the chicken satsivi and evaluate the thickness of the sauce. If it turned out too thick, dilute with more broth that should have remained, in extreme cases - with hot boiled water.

What is Satsivi served with, what is it eaten with? With gomi, for example -. If satsivi turns out to be spicy, a lot of mchadi goes away ( corn tortillas) or pita bread.

What is left unsaid? Georgian Satsivi is eaten cold! Satsivi suits the taste of pomegranate, but it is completely optional.

Read about all the other cooking secrets above.