Home / Khachapuri / How to make real chanakhs. Beef chanakhi in pots

How to make real chanakhs. Beef chanakhi in pots

Chanakhi - a traditional dish Georgian cuisine lovers, which is lamb stewed with vegetables. The potted chanakhi recipe includes eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes and onions, which are placed in layers in a pottery. The set of these vegetables should be equal in weight to the meat taken. This dish uses the whole set of spices of Georgian cuisine.

The calorie content of the dish is about 95 kcal per 100 g and depends on the fat content of the meat. Consider step by step and with a photo how to cook vats in pots, a saucepan and a slow cooker.

Chanakhi in Georgian in pots

Well-soaked in juice, steamed enough, saturated with aromas, the ingredients give Georgian chanakhi an impeccable taste, and the dish itself pleases with a festive and bright look.

List of ingredients:

  • Small eggplants and Bulgarian pepper - 2 each;
  • Beef ( lamb is better) - half a kilo;
  • fresh tomatoes and potatoes - 3-4 pieces;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Onion - 3 heads;
  • Fresh greens (basil, cilantro, parsley) - a small bunch;
  • Vegetable oil (for frying) - 5-6 large spoons;
  • Spices, salt - to taste;
  • Butter (preferably fat tail fat) - 50 g.

The recipe is for 4-5 pots.

Cooking scheme:

  1. We will cut the eggplants into large pieces on our own. Sprinkle them with salt, mix and leave for half an hour so that bitterness comes out of them, then rinse;
  2. Peel the onion heads and cut them into half rings;
  3. We remove the stalks, seeds and partitions from sweet peppers, cut them into large squares. AT classic recipe this dish is better to include multi-colored fruits, from this the finished dish turns out to be colorful and appetizing;
  4. We cut the potatoes into large slices - first we divide the tuber in half, then each half - into quarters;
  5. Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces. To cook such a roast, lamb and tail fat are considered ideal. But when cooking a dish at home, you can deviate from the original recipe and take beef pulp;
  6. Before putting the ingredients in earthenware, they can be lightly fried (optional). Pour a little vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it up and lay out the eggplants first. We stand them on the flame, not forgetting to stir, for two minutes (until a light golden color);
  7. Transfer the fried slices to a separate bowl. If necessary, add a little oil to the pan and fry our bright sweet pepper for five minutes;
  8. Next in line are potatoes: fry it until golden brown;
  9. We remove the potato slices from the pan, then pass the onion. Be sure to mix it well so that the half rings do not burn;
  10. When the onion slices are browned, transfer it to another container and fry the meat. Better beef put on the pan in parts and fry in 2-3 doses, because if you put all the pieces at once, they will release a lot of moisture and the dish will turn out not fried, but stewed;
  11. The ingredients are laid out in layers. First, distribute the cold cuts, salt;
  12. Next, lay out the passivated beam. If we are preparing a beef canakhi dish without fat tail fat, then we will add a small piece of butter to each pot;
  13. Then we sort the eggplants, salt as desired;
  14. The next layer is potatoes. Add a piece of butter and salt to taste;
  15. Lay sliced ​​bell pepper on potato slices;
  16. We choose juicy and fleshy tomatoes, cut into segments and add to the rest of the ingredients, add a little salt;
  17. Sprinkle everything thickly with fresh herbs and finely chopped garlic. If desired, add adjika or ground coriander;
  18. We cover the pots with a lid. Georgian chanakhi are cooked in the oven for an hour and a half at a temperature of 180 degrees. You can not add water to the container during the process, there will already be a lot of liquid there.

We serve a delicious dish on the table, decorating with fresh herbs.

Chanakhi in a slow cooker

"Smart device" will help you quickly cope with the preparation of this amazing Georgian dish.

List of components:

  • Sweet pepper, onion, eggplant, tomato - two each;
  • Lamb - 600 g;
  • Potato - 4 tubers;
  • Garlic - 5 teeth;
  • Coriander - a small spoon;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • A bunch of cilantro.

Recipe for chanakhi in a slow cooker:

  1. Rinse the lamb and pat dry with a paper towel. Coarsely cut, sprinkle with pepper, add some salt;
  2. We also wash all the vegetables. Tomatoes, onions, peeled peppers and eggplants are cut into rings;
  3. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with melted butter. We put the meat on the bottom, then the onion rings and then the rest of the vegetables. Salt and pepper everything to your taste, set the “Cook Mode” at a temperature of 120 degrees. As soon as the meat pieces are slightly fried, pour in a little water, close the lid and simmer for an hour.

Lamb chanakhi is sprinkled with herbs before serving.

Chanakhi from chicken in pots

The following products are required:

  • Tomatoes and eggplants - 2 vegetables each;
  • Potato - 3 tubers;
  • Bulb;
  • One chicken fillet;
  • Seasonings, herbs, salt - to taste;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.

Detailed cooking instructions:

  1. Cut the fillet into medium-sized pieces and send to the bottom of the pot. Then finely chop the onion and put it on top of the chicken;
  2. Also, the onion can be put as the first layer, the taste of the food will not suffer from this;
  3. We cut the potatoes into medium cubes and lay them on top of the rest of the ingredients. Layers can be smeared with mayonnaise;
  4. Eggplants are laid out in the last layer and cut into strips or cubes. Sprinkle with parsley and garlic on top. Also added Bay leaf, salt, peas, tomatoes and 1/3 of a glass of water. Tomatoes are scalded with boiling water, the peel is removed from them, and the pulp is passed in a blender, then stewed a little in a frying pan and sent as sauce to chicken in a pot.
  5. Closed earthenware should be placed in the oven for 0.5 hours at a temperature of 170 degrees.

Chanakhi with chicken - unique cooking masterpiece which is very easy to prepare.

Chanakhi in a pot


  • Fat tail fat - 100 g;
  • Onion - 0.5 kg;
  • One bunch of basil, cilantro and parsley;
  • Bulgarian pepper and eggplant - 3-4 pieces each;
  • Lamb - 1.5 kg (ribs with meat or pulp);
  • head of garlic;
  • Potato - 7-8 tubers;
  • Tomatoes - 6 pieces;
  • Black ground pepper - 1/3 of a small spoon;
  • Salt - a teaspoon.

Recipe for chanakhi in a pot:

  1. Cut the bacon into small pieces (you can take butter or vegetable oil instead) and put it on the bottom of the saucepan;
  2. Top with pieces of lamb, cut not very finely;
  3. Then - eggplant, cut into large slices. Salt and pepper;
  4. Lay out the tomatoes, cut into 5-6 parts;
  5. Peel the bell pepper, coarsely chop and put on the tomatoes;
  6. Add onion on top. Chop it as you wish;
  7. Put coarsely chopped potatoes, salt, pepper, sprinkle with chopped herbs;
  8. Chop the garlic and add to the pot. Close it tightly with a lid and put on a strong flame. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium and cook for a little over an hour. If desired, add 0.5 cup of white wine.

Chanakhi - Georgian lamb soup

Composition of products:

  • Bulgarian pepper and tomatoes - 300 g each;
  • Lamb - 900 g;
  • Two garlic cloves;
  • Eggplant - 400 g;
  • Celery, cilantro, green basil - a bunch;
  • A mixture of Georgian spices (utskho-suneli, Svan salt) - a small spoon;
  • Olive oil - 6 large spoons.

Home step by step recipe:

  1. We cut the lamb into large pieces, put it in a container and fill it with water. Cook until ready, remove the foam;
  2. We cut the eggplants into cubes, peel the peppers and make large cuts;
  3. We heat two large spoons of butter in a frying pan, spread the chopped vegetables, fry a little and simmer until cooked under the lid;
  4. We shift the stew into a saucepan and add fresh tomatoes, coarsely chopped, as well as chopped garlic and spices;
  5. We cook chanakhi soup on a small flame under a lid for about half an hour;
  6. Add a large spoonful of olive oil to the plates and serve with chopped herbs.

Video: Chanakhi recipe at home

Chanakhi is thick meat soup or stew hearty meal from Georgian cuisine. The composition of chanakhi is very simple: meat, vegetables, spices; the method of preparation is unpretentious: put on fire or in the oven and forget for several hours. However, the result is always such that it is impossible to resist this dish. Chanakhi surprises with its rich taste and aroma, perfectly saturates, replacing the first, second, and appetizers. This dish simply cannot fail even the most inexperienced hostess. What is the secret of chanakhi? "Culinary Eden" will gladly tell you how to cook this dish and share the best recipes chanakhi in pots - in them this dish turns out to be especially tasty.

What are chanakhs made from?

The main component of chanakhi is the meat of a young lamb, which is fried on fat tail fat or on fat cut from meat. Ribs are ideal, the meat on which is tender and there is enough fat. In the absence of lamb fat, or if a lighter, “dietary” version of the dish is required, lean meat and vegetable oil can be used. In Georgia, it is not customary to take other meat for chanakhi, except for lamb, but this dish has long been a public property, and nothing will stop us from cooking chanakhi with beef, pork or dietary turkey.

The vegetable part of chanakhi can be found in the bins of any family - potatoes, onions, garlic, tomatoes, eggplants and, maybe, green or white beans. Eggplants for chanakhi are better to take small and round ones - there is no bitterness in them. Carrots are rarely used in traditional Georgian chanakhi. Fresh tomatoes can be replaced with tomato paste only as a last resort. White beans for chanakhi, it is cooked separately, green beans are taken raw. The role of potatoes was once played by chestnuts, and in some regions of Georgia they continue to be used. Chanakhi with chestnuts is especially fragrant and has a sweet aftertaste.

The soul of the dish is spices and aromatic herbs. In the chanakhi, bay leaves, garlic, red and black pepper familiar to us are side by side with typical Georgian spices: coriander, suneli hops, marjoram, raikhon (dried purple basil). Many housewives add fiery-sharp homemade adjika. Mandatory fresh herbs in in large numbers: cilantro, parsley, celery, basil, green onion, kondari (savory).

What is chanakhi cooked in

Traditionally, a large clay pot with a capacity of 3-4 liters is considered the best dish for making chanakhi. It languishes in the oven for a long time, allowing the aromas and flavors of the ingredients to be preserved and mixed. Such a pot is served on the table, where vats are laid out (or poured) on plates. Chanakhi is eaten hot with fresh flatbread.

AT field conditions or in summer, in the courtyard of the house, chanakhi are cooked on an open fire in a large cauldron or cauldron. At the same time, an appetizing smell spreads over the entire district, giving a sign that you can visit.

In urban apartments, it is best to cook chanakhi not on the stove, but in the oven in a large thick-walled container, and even better - in portioned pots, and serve them in them. This method is also convenient in that you can prepare a few extra pots in reserve, and you do not have to worry about dinner the next day.

How chanakhi is prepared

Although the principle of making chanakhi is very simple, there are two options for it. In the first, the prepared ingredients are laid in layers in a container for stewing or baking, starting with meat, seasoned with spices and herbs and sent to the stove or oven for medium fire. You do not need to add water - there are enough juices in vegetables and herbs to soften the meat. However, some housewives play it safe and add a little water or broth to the vats. You can also use tomato juice or white wine for taste.

The variant of chanakhi is more complicated and tastier, it provides a little more operations. Each ingredient is lightly fried separately in mutton fat or butter and placed in a container for subsequent stewing or baking. fried eggplant complete the dish special taste and reduce the amount of meat. You can combine two options: fry the meat until golden brown, and put the rest of the components raw.

For holiday option chanakhi eggplant can not only be fried, but also stuffed with pieces of bacon and meat or stuffed with herbs and garlic, cut lengthwise.

Chanakhi recipes in pots

Chanakhi in a hurry

30 g lamb fat or 20 g butter,
300 g young lamb,
1 onion
1 eggplant
1 tomato
1 Bell pepper,
1-2 cloves of garlic
1 small hot peppers,
fresh herbs (basil, onion, parsley, cilantro, dill) - to taste,
ground coriander,

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Chop the salo very finely, chop the meat into pieces of 30-40 g each. Cut the peeled vegetables a little larger than the meat, finely chop the garlic, hot peppers and greens. At the bottom of serving pots or baking containers, put lard or butter, then a layer of salted and seasoned meat, onions, eggplants, tomatoes, sweet peppers and herbs. Cover and bake for 1.5-2 hours. Check the readiness of the chanakhi by the meat - it should easily break into fibers.

Festive chanakhi with stuffed eggplant

500 g lamb ribs with fat,
250 g eggplant,
200 g tomatoes,
250 g yellow potatoes,
250 g onion
200 g sweet pepper,
100 g carrots
100 g green beans,
1 head of garlic
1 hot pepper
1 tsp hops-suneli,
0.5 tsp coriander,
1 bunch fresh herbs - cilantro, onion, parsley, basil,
0.5 cup dry white wine

Cut the fat from the meat, melt it in a pan, remove the greaves. Cut the meat together with the ribs, fry until golden brown in fat for strong fire. Transfer the meat to pots, pour the remaining fat, salt, season.

Slice the eggplant large pieces and make cross cuts. Finely chop the garlic and herbs, mix, salt, pepper and stuff the eggplant pieces with half of this mixture. Cut the rest of the vegetables into comfortable pieces, the onion into thin half rings.

We collect vats. Put onions on a layer of meat, then potatoes, lightly salt, then a few pieces of eggplant, then tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, the remaining spices and herbs. Pour the vats with wine, put the pots in a cold oven, set the temperature to 180 degrees, and the time is 2-2.5 hours.

Chanakhi with beans

700-800 g of any fatty meat,
500 g potatoes
1 cup white beans
300 g tomatoes,
250 g onion
200 g carrots
5-6 cloves of garlic
3 tbsp flour,
bay leaf, pepper, salt, parsley, dill - to taste

Soak the beans in advance and cook until almost cooked without salt. Cut potatoes into large pieces and fry vegetable oil until golden brown, arrange in pots. The second layer is boiled beans.

Cut the meat into bite-sized pieces and fry in a deep frying pan over high heat until golden brown. Add flour, finely chopped onions and carrots, continue to fry, stirring constantly, for another 5-7 minutes. Add coarsely chopped peeled tomatoes, bay leaf, pepper, salt and simmer everything together for about 15 minutes. If there is not enough liquid, add a little hot water or bean broth.

Pour the stew with vegetables into pots for meat and beans, add fresh herbs and crushed garlic. Put the pots in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and bake for 30-40 minutes. Check the readiness of the dish for meat and beans - they should break easily.

Chanakhi with beef and marinated tomatoes

500 g beef (tenderloin),
2 tbsp ghee,
2 potatoes
1 eggplant
3-4 pickled tomatoes,
1-2 bulbs
1 carrot
3-4 cloves of garlic,
1 bunch cilantro
0.5 tbsp spice mixtures: coriander, suneli hops, paprika, dried garlic, salt,
1 tbsp tomato paste

Put a little melted butter in the pots, spread the meat, cut into pieces 3-4 cm in size. Put a layer of finely chopped onion, diced potatoes, eggplant in pucks or cubes, carrots in cubes, 1 tomato without peel on the meat. Sprinkle each layer with spice mixture. On top of everything - a layer of cilantro and crushed garlic. Dilute tomato paste in a glass of water, pour into pots. Cover the pots with lids, seal tightly with foil and bake at 200 degrees for 40 minutes, and then another 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Leave the pots to infuse in the switched off oven for 10-15 minutes and serve.

Chanakhi in pots - universal dish: and for family dinner and on the festive table.

A very old and good Georgian recipe, classic dish Chanakhi. I got this recipe from my husband's grandmother, according to which she cooked this dish all her life, and exclusively on lamb. In the recipe, I will write you the amount of products that she recommended to me. I reduce it, because I cook in a small saucepan. A couple of days ago I cooked Chanakhi and treated my relatives. And within a few days, they called me and remembered the wonderful taste of my dish 🙂 Now you can please your family with the unsurpassed taste of Georgian cuisine.

Chanakhi in a pot


  • Lamb 1 kg
  • Eggplant 1 kg
  • Tomatoes 1 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper 500 gr
  • Onion 3 pcs
  • Potatoes 4 pcs
  • cilantro 1-2 bunches
  • Red basil 5-6 sprigs
  • Hot chilli pepper
  • Garlic 6-7 cloves

How to cook chanakhi in Georgian:

This dish is prepared either in a cauldron (cast iron), or clay pots (portioned or large) or in an ordinary iron pan with a thick bottom.
At the bottom of the pan, lightly pour vegetable oil and fold the eggplants into rings or thin slides. Eggplants can be left unpeeled, or peeled with a strip.
The second layer is thin pieces of lamb, cut into small slices.
The third layer is bell pepper cut into half rings.
Fold the tomato rings on the bell pepper (try to remove the skin from them)
Next, a chopped layer of onion, cut into thin half rings. Sprinkle half the chopped herbs and garlic on the onion, salt and proceed to the next row.
The following rows are repeated:
Eggplant, lamb, bell pepper, tomatoes, onion.
The last layer will be sliced ​​potatoes. You can pour more vegetable oil on top (lightly) sprinkle with salt. (if there is Svan salt, then it's even better) Cover and put on gas, and even better in the oven. On average, the dish is cooked for about 1 hour -1 hour 30 minutes.
During cooking, you can add a very small amount of liquid, in the event that the liquid released by the vegetables is not enough. about a coffee cup (50-70 ml). Interfering with Chanakhi during cooking is not welcome and therefore try not to do this. When the meat is ready, add the remaining garlic and greens to the dish, and after 3 minutes turn off the gas. Your wonderful Chanakhi dish is ready, invite everyone to the table! Enjoy your meal!

I cooked this earlier, from green bell pepper.

And I took this photo in a restaurant 🙂

Chanakhi - caucasian dish which is very reminiscent of thick soup or goulash. Traditionally in Georgia it is cooked in clay pots lamb and seasonal vegetables. Actually, "chanakh" - translated from Georgian is "clay pot".
This dish appeared in the Caucasus in the 16th century. At first it was available only to the nobility, since it included freshly brought into the country and therefore expensive and rare potatoes. Initially, meat, onions, potatoes and all kinds of herbs were used in cooking. Later, tomatoes, red bell peppers and eggplants were added to the vats.
Chanakhi was adored by Joseph Stalin himself. And today this dish is cooked in different countries choosing the ingredients to your liking. But today we will talk about the most traditional Georgian chanakhi with young lamb and beans.


  • Young lamb ribs - 500 gr.;
  • Potatoes - 8 pieces;
  • Red beans - 150 gr.;
  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Medium-sized carrots - 2 pieces;
  • Sweet pepper - 1 piece;
  • Medium-sized tomatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  • refined sunflower oil- 100 ml;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Suneli hops - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces;
  • Allspice - 4-5 pieces;
  • cilantro and parsley.


Boil beans until tender. This will take approximately an hour. Wash and cut lamb along the bones, fry it in vegetable oil until a beautiful crust.

Peel and wash the potatoes, cut them into medium-sized cubes. Fry each side of the potato pieces.

Wash vegetables: carrots and peppers. Peel carrots and onions. Cut them into thin sticks. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin. Chop the tomatoes. In a saucepan in vegetable oil, fry the onion for 3 minutes, add pepper and carrots to it. Simmer, stirring, for another 3 minutes. Then send the tomatoes to fry. Reduce the heat to a minimum, and leave the dish to simmer for another 5 minutes.

Prepare a cauldron, and even better a clay pot. Put fried lamb ribs on its bottom.

Cover the meat with boiled beans.

Place the roasted vegetables on top.

The last layer of chanakhi will be ruddy potatoes.

Salt the dish, add bay leaf and spices. Pour water into the pot so that it completely covers the potatoes. Send to the oven for 90-100 minutes at a temperature of 220 ° C.

AT ready meal add chopped garlic and finely chopped cilantro and parsley. Cover the pot tightly with a lid and let the chanakhi brew for a little more time.

Chanakhi from a pot can be poured into plates, optionally garnished with a sprig of cilantro.

Tips for cooking Georgian chanakhi with young lamb and beans:

Chanakhi in each nation acquires its own personal composition. Some chefs replace lamb with rabbit, beef, pork, chicken. The most popular types of chanakhi are as follows:

  • Beef is taken instead of lamb. Beans, potatoes, tomatoes, water, garlic and suneli hops are added to the dish.
  • Pork in vats is also not uncommon. It is cooked with eggplant, onion, sour cream, garlic, spices, potatoes and tomatoes.
  • Chicken chanakhi has won the heart of those who follow the figure. Dietary meat goes well with tomatoes, onions, potatoes and wild mushrooms.

At folk festivals, the dish is traditionally cooked in large cauldrons. Modern chanakhi can be cooked in ceramic pots, a frying pan and a slow cooker.

  • In a slow cooker, you first need to fry lamb ribs in the “frying” mode until half cooked, add vegetables to them, fry together for 7 minutes, and then set aside in the “stewing” mode for another 30 minutes. The dish turns out tender and tasty, because it is cooked in own juice.
  • It is also very easy to fry chanakhi in a frying pan. You need to repeat the same sequence of actions as when cooking in a slow cooker. Fry all ingredients over medium heat. When the vegetables and meat are half cooked, they need to be filled with water, cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat. Simmer chanakhi for about 40 minutes.
  • Traditional chanakhi is served in the same dish in which it was prepared. But if the cauldron is huge, and there are only two people at the table, you can also serve it in plates. Portioned pots with bursting heat and exuding the aroma of mutton chanakhi look perfect on the table.
  • In Abkhzia and Georgia, chacha is served with chanakhi - strong grape moonshine. It is in this combination that the whole taste of this fragrant and delicate dish is especially sharply revealed.

Chanakhi is a traditional Georgian dish that has now become popular all over the world. The original recipe for chanakhi in Georgian is used less and less, it has many variations and adaptations to the cuisines of other countries. Which one to choose is a matter of taste.


Chanakhi is both the first and second course: it is a cross between soup and stew. It is very rich and satisfying, it has meat, vegetables, and broth. In Georgia, they cook in such a way that the ratio of meat to vegetables is 50/50 or 70/30. For Europeans, this may seem like too heavy and fatty food. For this reason, in Russia and other countries, more vegetable products are added to the chanakhi recipe, up to a proportion of 1/5.

Exact instructions on how to cook chanakhi: with large quantity meat or less does not exist. You can focus on the traditions of cooking and on your own feelings: how it will be more comfortable.


In the classic and any other chanakhi recipe, these products must be used:

  • Lamb, beef, chicken, turkey, etc.
  • Tomatoes
  • Potato
  • eggplant
  • Sweet pepper: red or yellow
  • Beans
  • Garlic
  • Spices in unlimited quantity
  • Any greens (the more the better)
  • Sheep fat or vegetable oil

The traditional recipe is based on the use of lamb meat and its preliminary frying in lard cut from the same piece (preferably from the ribs). Lamb is quite fatty, so in principle it can be replaced with beef. Any poultry meat is suitable to make the dish more dietary.

Advice! To make the dish more tender, use veal or lamb.

Tomatoes are an essential ingredient, replace them with tomato paste possible only as a last resort. Carrots are not usually used, you can add it if you wish.


According to the ancient primordial recipe for chanakhi, it is a thick-walled clay vessel that is used. The material from which these dishes are made is porous, does not allow burning and overdrying, the dishes are literally baked in their own juice, which makes them very tender. For cooking, you can use:

  • Clay pots
  • Large cast iron/clay cauldron
  • Saucepan

In the fresh air, vegetables and meat are baked right on the fire, at home - on the stove or in the oven (the latter option is preferable).

How to cook chanakhi

It is not necessary to marinate the meat in advance, and it will be very good to cook the eggplant in order to avoid the appearance of a bitter taste. It is best to immediately choose small rounded vegetables, if possible, use white eggplant. They will need to be cut and immersed in salt water under pressure for 30 minutes.

Meat, potatoes, onions, sweet peppers and tomatoes are also cut big chunks 30-50 g minimum. Animal products should be smaller than vegetable products. It is preferable to chop all the ingredients into cubes of approximately the same size, as in the photo, onion- better rings (it will be tastier and more convenient to eat). If the vegetables indicated in the recipe are initially small, then you can not even cut them and immediately put them in a container.

The meat can be fried in a skillet beforehand. Enough to get golden brown and not be ready. This stage is optional if baking will take place in pots. However, for a large cauldron, frying lamb or other game is simply necessary, because raw food can be baked unevenly from a large container. For frying, use lard, oil or red wine (2-3 tablespoons)

Attention! If, according to the recipe, chanakhi will be cooked in a saucepan, then the meat must also be raw. During the stew, it will bake itself.

In order not to cook beans at home, buy canned: white or green beans. This will significantly reduce the cooking time and will not change the taste of the chanakhi with beans.

According to the recipe, it is necessary to lay the prepared ingredients in layers in pots or a cauldron in the following step-by-step sequence:

  1. Butter or lard
  2. Lamb, beef, chicken, pork, beef liver etc.
  3. Potato
  4. Onion and garlic
  5. eggplant
  6. Beans
  7. Tomatoes
  8. Greens

Additionally, each of the pots can be poured with wine on top and sent to the oven. By that time, it should already be heated up to 180-230°C. Depending on how large the volume of the dish turned out, the baking time will be from 40-50 minutes to 2 hours. Temperature regime also depends on the amount of food: the less food was used, the lower the degree should be set (minimum 180 ° C). You need to salt the vats shortly before the onset of readiness, the meat should be salted already when it is put into the pot.

After the timer expires, the dish should be allowed to cool slightly naturally without removing it from the oven. Although it is served hot, the earthenware vessel needs to cool slightly so that the contents can be eaten without fear of burning yourself on the hot edges. For serving, the same dishes are used, in which the finished chanakhi was located (it is not necessary to transfer it to bowls and plates).

It is also recommended to reheat in the oven for 10-15 minutes for big fire although the use of the microwave is not prohibited.

Attention! Subsequent heating in the microwave oven can cause the dishes to crack and all the contents to leak out.

For those who stewed chanakhi in a pot or pan, it is recommended to heat food in the microwave in a special container. Re-boiling or dousing with boiling water is strictly prohibited.


Recipe classic soup chanakhi differs only from the point of view that water is additionally added to it or meat broth obtained by cooking another dish. Pour clean water or salted broth at the last stage of filling the pots, slightly retreating from the edges. In this case, the use of wine in cooking is unacceptable.

  • Recipe without meat

Without the addition of meat, chanakhi becomes rich vegetable stew. This option is suitable for vegetarians and fasting. A step-by-step recipe with a photo will not differ from the standard cooking method (except for the fact that the animal product will be completely excluded). Vegetables will be baked only in their own juice, it will turn out even more than when using lamb, pork or other game.

  • "Spicy" recipe

To give the chanakhi recipe spicy, Georgians use dry adjika seasoning (adjust the amount yourself, each has its own limit of “sharpness”). You can also use hot chili peppers (2 pcs is enough). It is finely chopped and added either when laying all the ingredients, or half an hour before cooking.

Chanakhi turns out to be equally tasty regardless of the method of preparation or specific ingredients. This dish can always be modified according to your wishes: add alcohol, an endless amount of exotic spices and herbs. You can also do a lot of experiments with the container in which the dish is prepared: if it was baked in pots and not in a pan, then the taste will be richer and more authentic.