Home / Recipes / Roast duck in pots with potatoes. Duck with potatoes in a clay pot

Roast duck in pots with potatoes. Duck with potatoes in a clay pot

Duck meat can be cooked different ways One of these ways is to simply stew the duck into pieces in a pot in the oven. In general, stewing is considered a rather gentle way of cooking, which I really like. Dishes cooked in pots always have their own characteristic aroma and taste, different from the same dishes, but prepared in a different way. And for a duck, this method will be almost the most the best option, because its meat cannot be cooked as quickly as chicken meat, respectively, the usual roasting of duck is not at all the best option.

In order not to interrupt the taste of the duck, we will not additionally use many different ingredients, we will only take onions, carrots, and, well, a tomato for extra juiciness. We'll also add some spices for flavor. The most important thing is to choose a good duck, I have a domestic young duck, but rather large, so half was enough for me to stew.

So, let's start cooking stewed duck in pots in the oven.

Divide the duck into portions. As you know, a duck is a rather fat bird, so excess skin and fat can be cut off. You can fry anything on the pieces of fat, and I used it to pre-fry the pieces of duck.

Fry the chopped duck pieces in its own fat until lightly browned. This will give the dish a more interesting flavor than if we immediately stewed raw duck.

Put the fried duck pieces in baking pots. For this amount of meat, I needed two large pots with a volume of about a liter each. Add dried rosemary, salt and ground pepper to them.

And in a pan in which the duck was fried, fry finely chopped onions and garlic.

While the onions are fried, dice the carrots and the peeled tomato. We will not remove the juice from the tomato and seeds.

Add to pots to duck meat sautéed onions with garlic and raw carrots with tomato. Add warm water to the pots so that it does not slightly reach the surface of the pieces. Let's add more salt. We cover the pots with lids and put them in the oven, which must be turned on 5 minutes before and set the temperature to 180-190 degrees. Previously, the oven did not need to be turned on, because if it is too hot, then the temperature difference can adversely affect the ceramic pots. And in 5 minutes it will not completely warm up yet, therefore it will not be critical for pots either. After fully heating the oven, forget about them for an hour and a half.

After the indicated time, we will take out the pots and taste the duck meat for readiness. If your duck is young, this should be enough time for the meat to be completely cooked and tender.

The stewed duck in pots turned out to be very tasty, serve with it any side dish of your choice, depending on what your family loves.

Bon Appetit!

Any game in experienced hands can turn into exquisite dish... The hunters themselves are especially good at cooking. But today we will share the recipe for cooking duck with everyone, so that everyone can try their hand at hunting cooking.


From the products we need: medium-sized duck 1pc (for 3-4 pots), potatoes, onions, carrots, mushrooms, cheese, sour cream, parsley, pepper (spices), vegetable oil and salt.


We start the process by cutting the game carcass, we only need meat, so we remove all the bones. Soak the resulting fillet in a special one. The mallard is a resident of all kinds of water bodies, from large lakes to swampy puddles, and everywhere it feeds on coastal vegetation, algae and aquatic insects. As a result, its meat acquires a specific smell, which may not seem very pleasant to many. Our task is to reduce it, drown it out, so that the characteristic notes inherent only in birds living in nature are emphasized and strengthened.

In our case, we will do this using a cold marinade. Cooking it is very simple: pour a clean one into a small saucepan cold water, put black peppercorns there, a little red ground pepper, Bay leaf, salt and a teaspoon of vinegar.
Put pieces of meat in the finished marinade, mix everything, close the lid and put it in a cold place for several hours (from 6 to 12 hours).

While the game is soaked in the marinade, we cook necessary products... Namely: we cut the mushrooms, in this case the champignons, although it will be much tastier with white ones, peel the potatoes and cut them into small squares, chopping onions, three grated carrots and cheese.

We take the prepared duck meat out of the marinade and cut into medium-sized pieces. Then pour them into a frying pan preheated with vegetable oil, add a little spices or pepper if desired and fry until it is lightly browned.

In the meantime, we start preparing the pots. To do this, we coat each of them with a layer of sour cream from the inside, while you do not need to feel sorry for it. Here, as in the case of butter, big amount you can't spoil the porridge.

Simultaneously with the preparation of the meat, you can do other work - frying onions with carrots and mushrooms. We also bring them to a golden color.

While we are working on the stove, we continue to work on pots. Put some potato cubes on a layer of sour cream.

The second layer will be meat frying.

Put a layer of fried mushrooms with onions and carrots on top of the potatoes and add salt to taste.

The final moment is a thin layer of grated cheese and chopped herbs.

Before you put the pots in the oven, do not forget to pour water into each of them, without adding approximately 1.5 cm to their edge. If there is a lot of water, it, boiling away, is poured into the oven, forming smoke. Too little is also bad - the dish will turn out to be too thick.

Temperature regime and duration: the first 40 minutes t = 200g. C, the next 15-20 minutes t = 150g. C, then turn off the oven and leave to simmer for another 10 minutes.

The resulting roast wild duck will surprise you with a pleasant aroma. And if you treat your guests with this dish, they will definitely remember for a long time that hunting is not so much bird shooting as the wonders of hunting cooking in the form of an amazing and unique taste.

This recipe is very similar to another - cooking a black grouse in a pot, you can familiarize yourself with it here.

Recipe, photos and comments from Stalik Khankishiev.

Roasted duck with potatoes in a pot

To start a conversation, the duck should be salted and pickled. Use your favorite spices, be guided by your own taste and do not listen to anyone about this, including me. There is something this duck for you, not the advisers! For me, so that I was calm for you, the main thing is that the duck has time to get salted. If you sprinkle the duck with a mixture of salt and spices, then at a temperature of +5, salting will take a day, or even two. Keep it clean, use spices that help prevent spoilage and don't worry - nothing bad will happen to the duck in the two days that the duck lies in the positive compartment of the refrigerator.

Chop the pickled duck into large pieces and place in a baking sheet, on top of the coarsely chopped onions. It is better to take a ceramic baking sheet, metal ones will probably burn the food, it will not do without burning, and you want to preserve the natural taste and smell of food and the smell of burnt!

Place the baking sheet in a well-heated oven. Those who do not have a stove put it in a well-preheated oven. Do not be afraid to preheat the oven to 250-270C, but keep in mind that the food will need to be monitored!

And as soon as the duck is browned, take out the baking sheet and transfer the duck and onions to the pot. Add coarsely chopped to the onion bell pepper and pour all the juice that has come out of the bird from the baking sheet into the pot. Don't be embarrassed if the onions still seem soggy. Lay it on the bottom and on the sides of the pot.
What do you have to add flavor and aroma? Carrots, paprika, garlic, dry herbs? I took thyme, tarragon and basil, and again I suggest you choose what you like.
But let's not argue about potatoes, right? Place the potatoes close to the sides of the pot, and right under the lid. So it is necessary that she blushed. Do not forget to salt the potatoes, and sprinkle with black pepper if desired. I took not finely ground, but rather coarsely crushed - this way it will better retain its smell over a long cooking time.
Everyone, into the oven pot! If the stove is too hot, then let it ventilate a little, so that its arches have a temperature of 200-220C, pour coal on the grate so that the temperature is maintained, and does not fall, and cover the pot with coals - this will be more reliable.
Listen, why are you all the time "and I have no stove, no stove"? With an oven, everything is much easier!
180C and that's it! After an hour, reduce to 150C. In another hour to 130C. If the appetite does not come by that time, then reduce it to 110C and wait by the oven.

Unfortunately, a duck is a bird that does not often appear on our tables, but when the hostesses decide to please their guests with such a dish, I want to cook it so tasty and original that it will be remembered by all guests. Below is a recipe that will suit even the most fastidious guest.
Duck with potatoes in pots - ingredients: To cook duck with potatoes in pots you will need: - one duck; - half a kilogram fresh potatoes; - two medium-sized carrots; - two onions; - salt to taste; - pepper; - some water; - greens.
Cooking duck in pots First of all, the duck must be thoroughly washed, dried, cleaned of feathers, and also disassembled into small portions. Finished small pieces must be fried in a pan using vegetable oil for high fire until golden brown. While the duck is roasting, the potatoes must be peeled and diced. Wash the carrots, peel and cut into half slices. Peel the onions and cut them into rings. Using carrots and onions, prepare a golden brown fry. All prepared ingredients must be put in pots, and each layer must be pepper and salt. At the very bottom, at the bottom, lay the pieces of meat, put the potatoes in cubes on top, and pour the carrot onion roasting on the potatoes.
Pour water into each pot so that 2-3 cm remains to the brim. Ready-to-cook pots must be covered with lids and placed in the oven for thirty or forty minutes, at a temperature of 200-220 degrees. After the time has elapsed, remove the dish from the oven, cool slightly, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs and serve. If you wish, you can sprinkle the duck with grated cheese hard varieties... To do this, remove the pots from the oven 10 minutes before cooking, sprinkle generously with cheese and put them back in the oven for 10 minutes so that the cheese has time to melt and become covered with a golden crust. The dish is ready. Bon Appetit

The recipe for roast duck will definitely be appreciated by busy people: after preparing all the ingredients, the presence of the chef in the kitchen is not necessary - just set the oven temperature, turn on the timer, and you can do other things.

Preparation: 15 minutes | Preparation: 1.5 hours | Exit: for 3-4 persons


  • duck - 1.5KG
  • potato - 3 pcs.
  • pumpkin - 200 g
  • onion - 1 PC.
  • Sweet pepper - 1 PC.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • roast spice mix - 2 tsp
  • meat broth, vegetable - 100 ml
  • vegetable oil
  • star anise - 1 star
  • a mixture of ground peppers
  • laurel leaf and greens


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    Rinse fresh duck carcass with water and dry with paper towels. With a sharp knife, cut it into portioned pieces of such a size that it is convenient for guests to take them out of the pot. The remaining brisket can be used for broths.

    Heat the pan well, pour in some vegetable oil, put pieces of duck in it and fry on high fire until golden brown (a few minutes on each side).

    Frying will create a dense layer that will keep the meat juices inside the chunks, making them juicy.

    Meanwhile, cut the pumpkin into large cubes. On a young pumpkin, the skin can be left on.

    Fry pumpkin in vegetable oil, add peeled and chopped potatoes with onions and peppers, cook for 5 minutes until golden brown.

    Turn on the oven at 190 degrees. Put pieces of duck in pots, salt and season with spices.

    Top with fried vegetables, salt and pepper, pour in broth, add herbs to taste and bay leaf.

    Bake the roast for about 1.5 hours - half the time at 190 degrees, then the temperature should be reduced to 170 degrees. After cooking, let the roast steep for 30 minutes and serve hot.