Home / Cakes / Chicken wings in a mexican fryer. Recipe: Fried Chicken Wings - Delicious golden crisp on the outside and juicy and tender on the inside

Chicken wings in a mexican fryer. Recipe: Fried Chicken Wings - Delicious golden crisp on the outside and juicy and tender on the inside

First of all, we wash the wings and cut them along the joint, dividing them into three parts. The third part, i.e. the ends of the wings, we will not use. It needs to be removed. You can use these waste parts for broth or feed them to your pets...

We put all the prepared wings in a deep bowl ...

Add mayonnaise, adjika, salt and chicken spices. In general, there is room for imagination here, and of course you can cook your marinade at your discretion, but I use my favorite and proven method ...

Mix everything well and leave to marinate. I leave them in this form overnight, thanks to which the wings are simply the most tender. If you do not have such an opportunity, then leave them to marinate for at least 2-3 hours. When the wings are ready, we take out three plates. Pour flour into one, beat the eggs with a little salt into the other, pour crackers and sesame seeds into the third. We proceed directly to frying. Roll each part of the wing first in flour ...

Then in the egg...

And at the very end in a mixture of breadcrumbs and sesame ...

Dip the wings in the heated vegetable oil. If you don't have a deep fryer, then any thick-bottomed pan will work just fine...

Fry the wings in small batches. The fire should not be too big, but make sure that the oil is boiling and the wings are floating fairly freely in it. When one side is browned, flip them over...

It takes about 5-7 minutes to cook one batch of wings. We take out the finished wings and put them on a paper towel or napkins to remove excess fat ...

Despite this method of preparation, the wings are not greasy at all. And that same crispy crust, crunches even when cooled, which makes them even more attractive. Inside, the wings are juicy and very tender, and if they are served with ketchup, cheese or garlic sauce, then you just lick your fingers...

Paprika for color or any other spices can be added to the boning flour to enhance the taste and aroma. You can also adjust the spiciness to your liking by adding ground red pepper to the marinade or using garlic. Enjoy your meal!

Time for preparing: PT01H00M 1 hour

I offer a simple step-by-step recipe for making an excellent meat snack for beer. Combining breadcrumbs and deep fat together, we get a crispy, tasty and satisfying poultry dish. And modern kitchen appliances - a slow cooker will greatly facilitate its preparation and speed up the roasting process itself. The result is wonderful deep-fried chicken wings for 2 servings.


  • Chicken wings - 4 pcs.
  • Flour - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Sunflower oil - ½ l
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Curry, pepper, paprika - to taste

To make the wings sharp enough, the amount of spices and pepper should be from 0.5 to 1 teaspoon of each ingredient.


First you need to heat the vegetable oil for frying. Pour the right amount into the multicooker bowl and set it to the “Frying” mode for half an hour or “Multipovar” to the maximum temperature.

During the time that the oil is heated, it is necessary to have time to prepare the meat. Remove the wings from the remnants of feathers, and if necessary, grind the hairs. Then wash and dry them. Each wing is cut at the joints at the fold into 3 parts.

Breading for frying is prepared from all dry ingredients. First, carefully mix the salt with flour, and then add the remaining spices to them to taste. Mix everything well to distribute seasonings evenly.

When the timer starts counting down, the multicooker is ready, the deep-frying oil has warmed up and you can start frying the wings.

Each piece is carefully rolled in dry breading. Since we do not have a batter, it is flour that will give crunchiness to the dish. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that it evenly covers each piece of meat on all sides.

In order for the breading to cover the wings evenly, not stick to your hands and evenly fried in a slow cooker, you should carry out this procedure with a fork. Pick up each piece of meat for her and then roll it well in flour.

Put the meat in a frying pan and cook for 20-30 minutes. It is necessary to lay the pieces in the slow cooker with a minimum interval so that all parts are baked equally. And for even frying of the wings, they should be turned over every 10-15 minutes. Then the pieces on all sides will turn out with the same fried crust.

The multicooker will tell you when our dish is ready with a call of the timer. Deep-fried wings are very greasy, so the excess oil must be removed by laying them on a paper towel.

Best of all, such spicy and crispy wings go well with beer. They will taste best with a sauce that can be whipped up from ketchup and mayonnaise.

Enjoy your meal!


Deep-fried can not be attributed to a healthy diet. However, such a homemade snack is much healthier than store-bought fast food. After reading today's article, you will learn how to cook this delicious dish with a fragrant crispy crust.

Soy sauce option

An appetizer prepared according to this recipe can be a great lunch or dinner for the whole family. It is crispy on the outside, but very juicy and soft on the inside. In order for your family to be able to try homemade deep-fried wings, you need to go to the nearest supermarket in advance for all the necessary products. This time you should have:

  • Seven hundred grams of wings.
  • Four tablespoons of soy sauce.
  • Three chicken eggs.
  • Five tablespoons of wheat flour and starch.
  • A pod of red hot pepper.
  • A teaspoon of sugar.
  • Half a liter of vegetable oil.
  • Six tablespoons of breadcrumbs and instant food.

Additionally, you will need a small amount of salt and Provence herbs.

Cooking technology

The pre-washed and dried wings are cut at the joint and sent to a bowl filled with marinade, which includes soy sauce, crushed red hot pepper, sugar, salt and Provence herbs.

After about half an hour, each piece is rolled in a mixture of flour and starch, and then dipped in beaten salted eggs. After that, they are breaded in breadcrumbs, previously combined with cereal, and lowered into a saucepan with hot vegetable oil. Ready deep-fried wings are laid out on paper towels and only after excess fat drains from them, they are served to the table. It is best to eat this juicy and fragrant dish hot.

Variant with corn breading

You will need very little time to prepare this dish. Therefore, it can be made for unexpectedly arriving guests. At the same time, it is very important that all the necessary ingredients are found in your kitchen. In this case, you will need:

  • A kilo of chicken wings.
  • Half a glass of cornmeal.
  • A pod of hot red pepper.
  • A teaspoon of coarse salt and ground paprika.
  • One hundred and forty milliliters of milk.
  • Half a glass of wheat flour.
  • A couple of chicken eggs.
  • One third teaspoon cayenne pepper.
  • Two hundred and fifty grams of unsweetened corn flakes.

To get fragrant and crispy deep-fried wings, you need to stock up on a sufficient amount of high-quality refined oil in advance.

Process description

First, you should start preparing the main ingredient. The wings are washed in cool water, dried with paper towels and cut into pieces.

To prepare the marinade, crushed hot pepper, salt and paprika are combined in one bowl. Everything is thoroughly ground into gruel and placed in a plastic bag, in which prepared wings already lie. Shake everything thoroughly so that the marinade covers the surface of the meat and leave for forty minutes.

Pour into another bag and roll them with a rolling pin into medium crumbs. To prepare a batter, in which future spicy deep-fried wings will be dipped, combine milk and eggs in one bowl and beat them with a fork. Pour flour, salt and cayenne pepper into the resulting liquid. All mix well until a creamy mass is obtained.

Deep-frying oil is poured into the ladle and sent to the stove. Put the pickled wings in a bag of corn crumbs and shake so as to evenly distribute the breading. Each piece is dipped in batter and cereal, and then sent to heated oil. After five minutes, they are taken out and laid out on a plate. Serve deep-fried wings with ketchup or tomato sauce.

In addition, it hit me on Saturday, I decided to surprise my wife. And so, in the morning there were pancakes, wings for lunch, and for dinner, a Zebra cake from imp1122 was planned and the next morning Jelly cake from natali_. What happened? All!!!

Fried chicken wings.

What you need:

1) Wings (1.5-2 kg)

2) Spices (I take spices for chicken and curry)

3) Hot Chili Sauce

5) Sunflower or corn oil (according to the size of the fryer)

This number of wings is designed for 2-3 very hungry people and about 2 cans of beer.

My wings and cut into 3 parts:

The edge of the wing is not needed and I collect it in a bag for my wife. Well, there cook the broth.

In the meantime, you can drink beer. We put the pieces of wings in a saucepan and add spices:

Add hot sauce:

Stir, add a little vinegar. We leave it all for a couple of hours.

About condiments. I don’t have a specific set of spices and I do the dosage “by eye”. When I want it spicier, I add red pepper. In general, there is a field for your imagination. This preparatory part takes me about half an hour in the morning.

After a couple of hours, we take out the deep fryer and oil. This time I used corn and I liked it.

Lay in one layer and fry:

Fry until golden brown. It can be stronger, if you like. Here I am already beginning to dance with impatience, while experiencing terrible bouts of hunger and driving my family from the kitchen.

And then we use it with beer.