Home / Dumplings / How to stew veal in a pan with vegetables. Stewed veal: technology and recipes

How to stew veal in a pan with vegetables. Stewed veal: technology and recipes

Braised veal is a great accompaniment to any side dish. There are many options for how you can cook it. The hostess only needs to be patient and choose the recipe that seems most interesting to her.

What is this dish?

Veal stew - a dish using pieces of meat from young cows. The veal can be browned or lightly fried and seasoned to create a rich and savory dish. The stew is much thicker than the soup, it has less liquid, it requires a longer heat treatment at a low temperature.

Veal stew recipes vary depending on the ingredients used. In the cooking process, you can use almost any vegetable, including zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes. You can cook the dish not only on the stove, but also in the oven in a clay pot.

The process of cooking veal stew usually begins with the fact that it is fried in a pan with olive or vegetable oil. The chef may use fresh or frozen vegetables such as carrots, celery, and green beans to complement the meat. The dish can be thickened by adding potatoes or rice. You can change the flavor of the veal stew by swapping the carrots and green beans for yellow, red, and green peppers. Salt and pepper is necessary before you start to stew.

A tender stew is made from a brisket, a round steak or a knuckle. These pieces are perfect for this dish.

Veal is less fatty than most other types of meat. Proper preparation is essential to keep it tender. For centuries, this product has been an important ingredient in Italian and French cuisine. Veal has a more tender texture than beef. It is usually light pink in color. After the calf begins to eat solid food, the iron in its composition makes the meat of the animal darker, redder. Although veal can be from different sexes and breeds of cows, male meat is predominantly used in cooking.

In order for more juice to remain in the beef, it is necessary to bake it, if possible, not in foil, but in a sleeve. An hour or an hour and a half before starting to pepper and salt the product, it is recommended to soak it in whole milk, it is this that makes the meat especially soft and tender. Professional chefs use special marinades, plain red wine works very well.

Each piece can be beaten off, then the meat will cook faster.

There are many more secrets that chefs do not like to share. For example, meat can be well stewed if it is cut not along the fibers, but across. It is very important to choose the right seasonings. For example, soy sauce is the best for this product. It is added during cooking, and then the desired softness is provided. You can use lemon juice for the marinade and spices such as nutmeg, garlic, chili, black pepper, coriander, mustard, thyme.

You can make beef stew not only in a frying pan on the stove, it is better to use a cauldron, since cast-iron cookware retains heat better and retains moisture. A dish in a slow cooker turns out well, this is one of the easiest and fastest ways to make veal tasty and tender.

The best sauces in which cow meat turns out surprisingly tasty are sour cream and yogurt. It is better not to take store-bought products for making dressings, only homemade ones. For 200 grams of sour cream, you need 2 tablespoons of flour, a little pepper and salt. The mixture is poured over the meat and stewed in it for an hour over low heat. You can slightly modify the recipe if you don’t have homemade sour cream on hand, and take 250 ml of cream and a tablespoon of mayonnaise. Add salt and pepper to them, a little flour and one clove of garlic, which will have to be squeezed through a garlic press.

When using yogurt, you will need to add a tablespoon of mustard, a spoonful of honey, sugar and salt to it. Mix it all well and pour over the meat.

How to cook?

To prepare an amazing dish for the table you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 2 pieces of chopped veal;
  • fresh rosemary;
  • 2 potatoes cut into cubes;
  • 1 cup grated carrots;
  • 3 pieces of zucchini;
  • 1 cup green beans;
  • 1 cup white wine;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest;
  • 1 tablespoon fresh finely chopped parsley;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 cup fresh tomatoes;
  • 1 glass of beef broth;
  • 1 chopped onion;
  • 2 celery stalks.

In a large frying pan, veal is fried in oil for several minutes on each side. Add stock, vegetables, herbs and spices, wine and sauce to slow cooker. Put veal on top of vegetables and cook for 6-8 hours in stewing mode. If the broth is too thin, it can be thickened by adding 2 tablespoons of flour diluted in a little water. Pour the mixture into the slow cooker 20 minutes before the end of the quenching mode.

The meat is served with plain rice or boiled noodles.

You can make the dish according to another recipe. Preheat oven to 325° F. Heat oil in a large skillet, add veal and brown well on all sides, about 4 minutes. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towels.

Reduce heat to low, add ham or bacon, stir-fry until browned. Pour the carrots, simmer until it begins to soften, it takes about 5 minutes. Add finely chopped onion, fry for 2 minutes, then garlic and flour, mix everything. Pour in wine, add tomatoes, broth (or water), lay out pieces of veal. Bring the stew to a boil, cover with a lid and send the container to the oven. If there is no pan without a handle, then you can use a cauldron.

Stir the stew from time to time until the veal is tender when cut through. In general, the cooking process takes about an hour and a half.

Meanwhile, pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Throw onions (unpeeled) and cook for 3 minutes. Drain the water and rinse it under the tap. When cool, cut off the ends and peel off the skin. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion rings on it, after they become golden, they are put on a plate. Mushrooms are thrown into the oil and fried until they begin to exude juice.

Ten minutes before the veal stew is fully cooked, mushrooms and onions are poured into the slow cooker. Before serving, the dish is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

It is very convenient to use a cast-iron cauldron. To cook the meat in it, you need to pour in 1 tablespoon of oil and heat over medium heat. Add onions and mushrooms, sauté until browned on all sides. On average it is 5 minutes. Ready vegetables are removed in a small bowl. Spread the veal and fry until the pieces are browned on all sides. Add garlic, fry until it starts to brown. Pour in water, salt, put rosemary and pepper. Increase the heat so that the meat begins to boil and immediately remove it to a minimum, cover with a lid. While the beef is stewed for 45 minutes, wine and flour are mixed in a small cup. Mix so that there are no lumps and pour into a cauldron. Now add potatoes, carrots, fried onions and mushrooms. Cover with a lid and again make a big fire so that the meat boils.

As soon as foam appears, the intensity of the flame is reduced to a minimum, the meat is stewed for another 20 minutes, zucchini is added and boiled for another fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine 1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley, 1 tablespoon grated lemon rind, and 2 large garlic cloves, finely chopped. Veal stew is served with gravy and sprinkled with herbs.

The dish can be kept at a minimum heat so that it remains hot for the arrival of guests. You only need to occasionally add a little boiling water.

Braised veal in a delicious enveloping sauce - this is the dish that will bring joy even on a rainy autumn evening. Three gourmet recipes that will fill your kitchen with flavors and warm your soul, T-Bone Academy will tell you.

Stewed veal perkelt

Pörkelt is Hungarian veal stew. Serve it with a traditional dish of homemade noodles turoshchusa. Which one for stewing? Pay attention to the brisket. It has a sufficient amount of fat and connective tissue, so it is ideal for preparing "slow" dishes. You can buy veal in Kyiv in the T-Bone steakhouse store on the Stolichny market.
Cut the lard into small pieces and melt to cracklings. You need to fry the ingredients in the same bowl in which they will be stewed, then the perkelt will turn out rich and fragrant. Cut the onion and bell pepper into small cubes, and clean the veal brisket and cut into medium-sized pieces.
Fry the onion and pepper in the melted lard. Next, lay out the meat, coarsely chopped garlic clove and fry a little more. Add hot water or vegetable stock to the pot. Season with a paste of paprika, salt and ground pepper. You can cook it yourself by mixing dry paprika with refined vegetable oil.
Simmer the veal for about an hour and a half. Then pour in a glass of dry white wine and cook for another 10 minutes. Separately, cook homemade wide noodles. Mix it with cracklings, cottage cheese and fat sour cream. Place the turochusa (pasta) on one side of the plate and the perkelt on the other. This veal stew is especially good with fresh green onions.

Stewed veal Ossobuco

Ossobuko is a puck-shaped veal shank steak with a cut bone with a brain in the center. Such meat is ideal for languishing and slow roasting, and the most famous recipe is Ossobuco veal stew Italian style with gremolata seasoning. Do you know Ossobuco? Order meat from the T-Bone online store.
For a stewed veal with a bright and rich taste, fry it to a crust. To do this, bread Ossobuco in flour and fry in olive oil for 2-3 minutes on each side.
Transfer it to a saucepan, and fry finely chopped onion and garlic in a pan. Pour in a little flour, pour in the wine and cook for a couple of minutes, stirring. The dish will turn out juicier if you add mashed tomatoes. Stir the sauce and pour over the Ossobuco. Season with salt, a mixture of ground peppers, add a little vegetable broth if there is not enough liquid and cover. Simmer for about 1.5-2 hours over low heat until the meat begins to fall behind the bone.
Don't stir the sauce too often, or you'll damage the delicate marrow inside the bone. For gremolata, combine parsley, lemon zest and garlic in a blender or finely chop with a knife. Serve the finished ossobuco steak with the sauce in which it languished, sprinkled with a refreshing seasoning.

Stewed veal blanket

A blanquette is a French-style stew in white sauce. An exquisite dish that will decorate the festive table. Cut the veal into cubes, put in a saucepan, cover with a little water and simmer with a bouquet of garni for 30 minutes.
In the meantime, marinate the onions in wine vinegar with sugar so that they are not too sour, and peel the baby carrots. Add it, along with the onion and 8-piece fennel, to the pot. Add water if necessary to cover the vegetables. After 30 minutes, add peeled and coarsely chopped mushrooms, large pieces of celery stalk, salt and ground pepper. Cook for another 30-60 minutes until the veal stew is completely tender.
Remove all the ingredients with a slotted spoon into another pan, and strain the broth and reduce by half. Melt the butter in a saucepan and fry the flour. While stirring, add boiled broth, cream, salt a little. Pour the vegetables with the veal sauce obtained, bring to a boil. Season with hot pepper, salt and chopped parsley.

Even those housewives who come into the kitchen only on holidays to cut sausages from the deli on the occasion of a sanitary day in a cafe-restaurant will be able to prepare a recipe.
The list of ingredients includes onions and carrots, and among the spices - coriander and red pepper. It is clear that the composition of spices can be experimented with to taste. The most important thing, of course, is selected, preferably very fresh veal - lean, dietary meat, which is also good for children to eat.

Recipe Ingredients

  • onion - 1 pc.
  • meat (veal) - 8-10 medium pieces
  • medium-sized carrots - 1 pc.
  • coriander (ground) - to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt - to taste
  • plain water - to completely cover the meat
  • red pepper (ground) - to taste

Meat is cooked in a deep frying pan.

How to cook braised veal

Prepare the meat

If it is from the freezer, then take it out and defrost. Wash it and cut into pieces (size of your choice).

If you want the meat to be even more tender, beat it a little with a hammer on both sides.

Prepare the vegetables. Peel and wash onions and carrots. Cut the onion into semicircles, carrots - at your discretion: long slices, cubes - or grate.

Extinguishing. Ignite the pan, pour oil into it. In hot oil, turn the heat to medium, put the onion and fry for three minutes.

Add carrots to the same place and fry for another 10 minutes, stirring regularly so that the onion does not burn.

Now lay out the pieces of meat. Roast it until it turns white. Salt your food while frying.

Then pour water into the pan, cover with a lid and simmer over medium heat until the meat is fully cooked. If necessary, you can add water.

When meat is soft, add ground coriander. Stir. Add red pepper and stir again. Simmer for three minutes, after which you can turn off the fire. Cover the pan with a lid and leave the meat for half an hour.

Serve the veal stew with a vegetable salad or side dish.

Veal stew with onions and carrots is a great option to complement any side dish. For example, it will be delicious if you serve mashed potatoes with meat gravy. This dish is not only easy and quick to prepare, but also very tasty.
To prepare the gravy, you will need to allocate approximately 40 minutes of your time. The veal is tender and juicy, and, no less important, lean, unlike, for example, pork. That is why veal is a great option not only for adults, but also for children. The main nuance of cooking is that it is very undesirable to freeze veal. Then the meat will turn out harsh or dry.

Cooking time: 60 minutes

3-4 servings


  • meat (veal) - 300 grams
  • onion (bulb) - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp.
  • spoons of carrots - 2 pcs.
  • salt - to taste
  • spices - optional


  1. Wash the meat and cut into pieces. I already wrote above - veal should be fresh, only from the market. Then cut the meat into small cubes.

  2. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Wash the carrots, peel and cut into strips. Many recipes start with this step, so you should be familiar.

  3. Pour oil into a hot frying pan and after 2-3 minutes put the onion cut into half rings. Fry the onion for 3-4 minutes.

  4. After that, put the carrots in the pan and also fry for 4-5 minutes, stirring constantly.

  5. After the onions and carrots are browned, add the chopped meat to the pan. Stir all the ingredients, make the fire quieter. Stew meat with vegetables for 10-15 minutes. Immediately add salt to your taste, then add spices. You can use ground pepper, red or black. Add a little water so that the meat is well stewed.

  6. The veal stew is ready. It can be served with side dishes: vermicelli, buckwheat, mashed potatoes. Add a vegetable salad and a delicious, healthy dinner or lunch is ready!

Enjoy your meal!