Home / Cupcakes / Cream cakes for men: recommendations, recipes. How to decorate a cake for different holidays? Cream cakes

Cream cakes for men: recommendations, recipes. How to decorate a cake for different holidays? Cream cakes

Such a sweet bouquet will definitely impress the one to whom it will be intended. Beautiful home fruit cake A bouquet of roses made from cream and biscuit is just a gorgeous birthday present for any woman, girl or girl. I must say right away that this is a complex cake that you need to work hard on. A step-by-step recipe with a photo will reveal before you all the subtleties and nuances of its preparation and assembly, which will allow you to make the same tasty and sweet miracle with your own hands.

For the cake we need:

  • 1 serving;
  • 1 serving;
  • 1 serving for flowers and cake decorating;
  • food coloring (green; lilac);
  • 1 can (350g) canned pineapple
  • 6 fresh kiwi.

How to make a bouquet of roses cake at home

First of all, we bake three rectangular biscuit cakes. When they are completely cooled, they can be stacked on top of each other, shifting each cake layer with parchment. We wrap them in foil and put them in a cold place until the cake is assembled.

The next step is to prepare Tiramisu cream, grease the first crust with it and put slices of chopped kiwi and pineapple on it.

We do the same with the second layer. Cover the filling with the third crust and leave to soak for 3-4 hours. I tend to do this step in the evening so that the cake is soaked well at night. Then it will keep its shape well.

Cover the top cake with foil and put a cutting board on it. She will lightly press down on the cake and it will stick well.

The next day has come - we are forming a bouquet. The cake is soaked and frozen. Cutting off the sides with a knife, give it the shape of a bouquet. To make your work easier, you can make a stencil out of paper of the shape you need.

Put the cake scraps on top and round off the pieces with your hands and cream. If somewhere the corners stick out, we safely cut them off. At the very end, cut off the top of the bouquet (the wide end of the cake) at an angle of 45 °. We need this so that the roses from the cream do not stand vertically on the bouquet, but are tilted.

The cake is formed, now we will decorate it with custard protein-butter cream. For work, we use a small nozzle, which has a flat edge on one side and a corrugated edge on the other. We start to plant white cream in the center of the bouquet and go down to the edge. Then we decorate the bouquet from the other side.

We tint some of the cream with green dye and apply ribbons along the top and bottom edges of the cake. Then we make a ribbon and a bow, just below the middle of the cake.

We also cover the base of the bouquet with small green "stars".

We tint the cream for roses with a lilac color and add 1/3 teaspoon of golden kandurin. It will give a pearlescent hue to the flowers.

On the corn sticks and insert them directly into the cake.

We plant green leaves between the roses. Insert gold confectionery beads into the center of the roses.

We also decorate ribbons with a bow with confectionery beads and put the cake in a cold place.

The recipient of the cake is delighted, everyone admires your dessert and it doesn't matter that you had to sweat before such a gorgeous bouquet of cream and biscuit roses appeared on the festive table.

Cake - favorite treat both adults and kids. Each of us dreams of a beautiful and original dessert on her birthday, and, naturally, every mother dreams of being able to create an unforgettable holiday for her child. The best option baby cake- classic biscuit cakes, Genoese or Butter Biscuit.

Cake ideas

Thoughtful and coordinated celebration programs, fun contests and prizes are an integral part of any children's party, and what kind of birthday would be without a cake? No one!

Literally 10 years ago, all the variety of cakes was presented by all the usual "Napoleon", "Anthill", "Sponge cake with cream", "Sher-Ami", "Smetannik" and a couple of other cakes that were baked by our mothers or bought in pastry shops... And the standard decoration of the birthday cake was candles - straight, twisted, multi-colored, sometimes it was possible to get a candle-figure.

Gradually, the confectionery market expanded and offered more and more new products, decorated with cream roses, stumps, leaves and chocolate chips, which are still the favorite delicacy of most of us today.

And only after the broadcast of the series of programs about Pastry King Buddy from New Jersey, we learned that various technologies and ingredients are used to decorate cakes and create confectionery products that allow us to create an exclusive birthday cake for a child, the idea of ​​which will emphasize the individuality of the child and will match holiday format.

No time - better to order

The use of marzipan and mastic allowed our craftsmen to create confectionery masterpieces that delight not only the eye, but also the stomach. Modern confectionery shops offer their customers a huge selection of options for a festive children's cake, the weight, shape and decoration of which depends entirely on the wishes of the customer.

In most cases, the production of such a cake will take at least 2-3 days and requires preliminary ordering (usually 2-3 weeks before the celebration).

You should not choose a pastry shop at random. Do not be lazy and do not regret 10-15 minutes spent looking for reviews and recommendations of clients of one or another confectionery shop, and also pre-familiarize yourself with the recipes used for cakes and cream. Remember, the picture in the catalog of the pastry shop can be strikingly different from reality. A good option would be a catalog of color photographs that have not undergone typographic and design processing. Most of the sites of confectionery or private craftsmen contain real photos and reviews, which will greatly facilitate your search.

Do it yourself

“I don’t know what’s in that cake, which is made to order”, “I like to bake cakes myself”, “My family doesn’t eat purchased cakes"- these and many other phrases can be heard when talking about purchased confectionery... If you belong to this category of people, the information below may be of interest to you.

Modern needlewomen not only know how to bake delicious cakes, but also decorate them as well as professionals. In most cases, very complex and laborious at first glance cakes are not prepared at home, which is wrong; from the outside, any beautifully designed cake looks like a work of art.
A birthday cake for a child is an idea that can be nurtured for months, or even years, and, in the end, the mother wakes up a desire to make a gift with her own hands.

The first rule to remember when preparing a cake is to choose the right dough for the cakes. Using recipes shortcrust pastry and shortbread cakes when preparing a cake for children under 3 years old, it is undesirable, since such a dough is quite brittle and hard, it can cause one of the kids to choke or choke. You should also be careful when preparing your favorite honey cake, as some of your guests may be allergic to honey. It is unacceptable to use alcoholic beverages in the preparation of cakes and even more cream.

Usage biscuit dough makes it possible to experiment with the color of the cakes and the shape of the future cake.

Particular attention should be paid to the cream. Recently, yoghurt cream has become popular, which children love very much. The advantage of this cream is its low fat content and ease of preparation. Heavy butter creams, whipped cream cream can negatively affect the digestive system of our children and ruin the holiday.

Simple baby cake decorating ideas

For decoration birthday cake there is a huge variety of technologies - it can be brewed protein cream, butter cream, icing, mastic or marzipan, the recipe for which can be found on the Internet or buy ready-made ingredients in specialized stores. If this is your first time using new decorating techniques, practice for a few days to fill your hand. Working with mastic is greatly facilitated by special tools, punching pins and rolling pins.

The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment! Go for it and you will succeed!

Cakes for girls - themes

  • Flower
  • Butterfly
  • Dinosaur
  • Exquisite white with sparklers
  • Cake with colored sprinkles or beads
  • Pinata cake with surprise candies inside type m & m "s
  • Animals
  • Fairies and princesses
  • Moana
  • Elsa and Anna
  • Unicorn
  • the little Mermaid
  • Locks
  • Cake decorated with lollipops
  • Cake decorated with berries

Boys Cakes - Themes

  • Age figure
  • The cake is colorful inside
  • Forest animals
  • Cars, trains, airplanes and other equipment
  • Lego figures and details
  • Spidermen and other superheroes
  • Minecraft and other computer games
  • Planets and space
  • Aliens, minions, monsters
  • Rubik's Cube
  • Shark cake
  • Volcano with sparklers

A delicious and beautiful birthday cake can be safely considered the key to a good feast. Despite the large assortment of confectionery products on store shelves, many housewives prefer to create sweet masterpieces with their own hands. And for good reason - there is nothing better for a festive table than delicious, cooked according to home recipe a cake made of cream or mastic, which is created with love with your own hands.

But you can decorate the product in different ways. Depending on the occasion, a complex two-tier or a simple one is created. big cake ik, jewelry is selected depending on whether the product is intended for a child or an adult. For girls, bright colors, a lot of jewelry, bows and frills made of mastic will be preferable, while boys prefer a more modest decoration: an automobile theme, characters from computer games and favorite cartoons. For adults, you can choose a recipe in accordance with your hobby, profession. Holiday cakes are not so difficult to prepare, so it's never too late to make them yourself at home, honing your skills from year to year

For an anniversary - a round date of age - it is customary to give a big cake. You can decorate such a confection in the form of a simple number that corresponds to the age of the birthday person (for example, 1 year or 30 years old, like ours). Such a tasty cake from a cream is easy to prepare, and if you have already learned how to work with a pastry bag and cream, then this recipe is for you.

For this dish you will need:

  • a stencil figure that can be printed and cut along the contour;
  • two biscuit rectangular cakes;
  • butter cream for the layer of cakes;
  • butter cream;
  • butter cream for flowers;
  • food colors - pink and green;
  • two cake pads;
  • pastry bag and nozzles;
  • long knife.

This product takes a little time to prepare, decorate ready cake cream - a matter of 15 minutes. To serve a really delicious cake for your birthday, strictly follow this recipe:

  1. Bake two rectangular cakes of the same height, sized to match your stencils. If one cake turns out to be higher than the other, cut off the excess with a knife.
  2. On top of the cakes, attach two or one numbers, depending on how old the birthday man is, cut along the contour, divide into 2-3 cakes and layer inside with butter. Repeat the procedure with both digits. You can put slices of strawberries or other not very juicy fruits directly on the cream.

  1. Now you need to level the surface of the product with butter cream. To do this, place it in a pastry bag without a nozzle, spread it in a thin layer over the entire surface of the product, level it with a spatula or knife.
  2. The prepared birthday cake needs to be decorated. We put snow-white butter cream in a pastry bag, put on a medium-sized star attachment. Now you need to cover the side surfaces with vertical lines, being careful not to leave gaps between them. Before making the product in the form of the number "0" (as well as 8, 9, where there are internal ovals), it is necessary to attach the inner part of the stencil strictly in the center, outline the contours with a toothpick, and then decorate this contour with pink cream.

  1. When decorating the picture, we use pink cream and a medium-sized shell attachment. You need to make an inner zero on the oval cake, bumpers along the edges of the cake surface and at the base of the product.
  2. You will now need a buttercream to create a flowering meadow on your cake. Children especially love these oil flowers, they are completely edible and look beautiful. Place the buttercream of a pink shade in a pastry bag with a flat nozzle, do several times on a special clove and place them on the flour numbers.
  3. Color the remaining butter cream green and squeeze a few sharp leaves right on the cake.

This cake is ideal for girls, girls and women, and in general for all children's parties. It is quite simple to create, absolutely any cream and cakes can be used here, and it is not difficult to prepare it even at home.

Bright cake for children

Cake "Rainbow" is the best confectionery product for a child's birthday. It is bright, juicy, easy to create and suitable for children of all ages. In fact, such a cake is a sponge cake, the cakes of which are painted with dyes. You can cover it with mastic or use any cream for these purposes. Using our recipe, get started creating a rainbow cake:

  1. For this product, you will need 6 food gel colors (the range of them in stores is now huge). It is necessary to take high-quality dyes, do not spare them so that the color turns out to be intense. Dyes are diluted each in a separate container in a small amount of milk (about 2-3 tablespoons).
  2. Now, instead of kneading any biscuit, you can use the simplest recipe based on eggs, sugar and flour. It is advisable to add baking powder and vanillin to make a delicious cake.

  1. Divide the dough into 6 equal parts and mix with diluted dye in each part. Bake the same size round flour crusts.
  2. You can layer the cakes with a classic butter cream, or you can use a cream-based cream more suitable for children and cream cheese... Cover the cooled cakes with an even layer of cream and assemble the cake, taking into account the sequence of colors in the rainbow.

  1. The sides and top of the cake must be carefully rubbed with snow-white cream.
  2. To decorate such a confectionery masterpiece for your birthday, you can use ready-made multi-colored sprinkles, holiday candles for a cake or crumbs that will come out of dough scraps. In addition, such a cake, even at home, can be wrapped with mastic, marzipan.

Your table will attract the attention of all children, as it is bright, delicious, prepared according to simple recipe... Children will be delighted with such a dish. It can be prepared for 1 year, and for an anniversary, and even for the New Year and March 8.
We advise you to cook:

Birthday cake

The classic chocolate strawberry cake with snow white cream is delicious recipe to your birthday table. Despite the large assortment of similar cakes in the store, homemade birthday cakes based on chocolate or cocoa powder do not lose popularity from year to year. This confection can be served on the table for children and adults who love rich chocolate flavor.

You will need the following set of products for the cakes:

  • 200 gr. Sahara;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 0.5 cups of milk;
  • 60 gr. cocoa powder;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • 125 ml of water;
  • baking powder bag;
  • 1 egg;
  • 60 ml of refined vegetable oil.

First, prepare the flour cakes for the cake:

  1. In a separate container, mix together a portion of the prescription milk, 1 yolk, and vegetable oil.
  2. Separately combine flour, cocoa powder and baking powder so that there are no lumps. Pour the milk-oil mixture into this dry part.
  3. Beat one protein separately until fluffy and manually add to the chocolate mass.
  4. Pour the dough into an oiled springform pan and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Chill ready chocolate cake on the wire rack and prepare the cream: beat a glass of very heavy cream with a little vanilla, add one heaped tablespoon while whisking icing sugar... Cover the cakes evenly with this cream - there should be 4 of them.

We will smooth the sides of the dish with condensed milk and butter cream. To prepare it, you need 200 milliliters of condensed milk, 200 grams of butter, these components must be whipped until smooth. Gently rub the side of the dish and the top with the resulting cream.

To decorate, melt 60 grams of dark chocolate and 60 milliliters of heavy cream, mix the mixture until smooth, cover the surface of the cake with icing so that beautiful smudges form. To do this, you can use a pastry bag with a nozzle, leave the central part of the cake surface not flooded. Place large fresh strawberries in it.

A delicious birthday cake is ready, its recipe is quite simple, so it will not be difficult for you to cook it yourself for children's or adult holidays.

Options for decorating a cake for a holiday

The birthday of children and adults is not complete without a beautifully decorated main dish - the cake. Children's cakes are brightly decorated, used best products, edible pictures and mastic cartoon characters. In addition, the assortment of ready-made decorations for such cakes is now quite rich. For older children and adults, you can use decorations easier - cream or chocolate flowers, sprinkles, marzipan figurines, ready-made sweets and fruits.

We must not forget about mysticism - its popularity is growing from year to year. Children love funny figurines made from this material; adult dishes can be decorated with stylish and exquisite decorations based on it.

Recipes for decorating a cake in the form of a chocolate heart with flowers for birthday and other holidays:

  1. Bake a biscuit or sour cream cake in the shape of a heart. To make the dish even more beautiful, we recommend that you prepare two parts of the dough - white and chocolate, and then lay out its shape according to the principle of the Zebra cake.
  2. Put the finished cake on the table, cut into 2 parts and layer with cream based on condensed milk and butter.
  3. Cover the surface with decorgel, jam or syrup, then roll out a layer of white mastic or marzipan, gently cover the cake, releasing all the air. Today, there is an assortment of ready-made mastic in stores, but you can make a mass for modeling yourself.
  4. If you use mastic to decorate your dish, you will need to paint it with gel dye. Brown... Melted chocolate can be poured into marzipan. The assortment also includes ready-made chocolate bags for adding to the modeling mass.

  1. In order to hide the bottom of the cake, where the mastic ends, make a beautiful two-tone tourniquet. For it, you need to roll 2 strips of the same thickness of white and brown mastic, which you then need to twist crosswise. Line this strip along the entire cake on a platter.
  2. The final decoration of the birthday cake - put roses in one half of the heart, and put chocolate leaves at the base. To prevent the flowers from falling off, grease the bottom with syrup or drip with melted chocolate.

The assortment of chocolate jewelry is quite large - children love a variety of hearts, stars, zigzags, a 1-year-old baby can be decorated in the form of a one, and adults prefer exquisite flowers.

It is known that a cake is not only a delicious dessert, but can also be a wonderful gift for a birthday person or a hero of the day. Especially if the treat is created loving hands... The treat can be safely presented to a dear person, but the main thing is not to miscalculate with the recipe.

Among huge variety of confectionery masterpieces, a special group is made up of cakes made on the occasion of a celebration, the culprit of which is a man: after all, it is generally accepted that sweets are not for the harsh representatives of the stronger sex. But life, as usual, destroys stereotypes, and often birthday men are no less than children and ladies rejoicing in a skillfully created dessert that has decorated festive table... The most popular among the variety of delicious confectionery products are cream cakes for men. This article offers some guidelines for making them.

Cooking dessert with cream in conditions home cooking- the occupation is quite laborious. But the result is most often satisfied with both the author of the creation and his guests.

The basis of any cake is made from butter cakes, which are connected with cream or other sweet types of filling. Varieties delicious dessert differ in shape, ingredients, sizes - depending on their purpose.

The main purpose of the cream in confectionery is to decorate the product. Cream is usually used to make beautiful turrets, roses or other decor options, the variety of which is limited only by the author's imagination and the required set culinary accessories (pastry bag, attachments for it).

So, what desserts do the stronger sex like the most? Cream cakes for men, they are most often prepared using alcoholic beverages, for example, cognac is added to them. This alcohol can be present in syrup or cream. For the filling, pickled cherries in cognac are often used. Dark chocolate and cocoa are put into cream cakes for men, which emphasize the taste of the dessert and make it stronger and more expressive.

Men's desserts (unless they are preparing for the anniversary) do not require a large number decorations. It will be enough to sprinkle the cream cake on top with nuts and chocolate, pour over the icing. The use of fruits and berries is acceptable. A popular decoration method, often used to create anniversary cakes or desserts intended for especially special occasions, is the use of sugar mastic, with which you can create a real themed masterpiece.


Cream cakes come in a variety of sizes and shapes. The classic version is the dessert round or square shape... The size of the cakes is usually between 20 and 35 cm.

Often, those with a sweet tooth prefer one type of delicacy. Depending on the type of cake used:

  • biscuit;
  • waffle;
  • sandy;
  • curd;
  • puff pastry cake.

Each of the types of treats is easy to prepare with your own hands. Making this or that cream at home is also not difficult. Whichever cream is preferred - protein, custard, butter, sour cream, chocolate - it is very important to strictly adhere to the recipe.

Anniversary cakes for men

An anniversary cream cake for 50 years for a man or any other for a significant date, created with strict adherence to technology and containing a piece of the author's soul, will leave the most pleasant memories of the past holiday.

An anniversary, wedding, birthday or any other holiday is a great occasion to make a delicious themed cake. In the creation of such desserts, special emphasis is placed on its design.

How to decorate an anniversary cream cake?

There are many ways to decorate a birthday cake. The classic version is one in which the sides and top of the product are lubricated with the same cream that the cakes are soaked in. Then they are sprinkled with fine crumbs, grated chocolate, a layer of powdered sugar, crushed nuts. Using the powder, they form original patterns and congratulatory inscriptions.

A slightly more time-consuming way is to use butter cream to decorate the cake. This product is able to keep its shape well, therefore it is often used to create confectionery decorations. Using a pastry bag with a curly nozzle on the surface of the anniversary dessert, you can create very original patterns. And approaching the issue of decorating a treat fundamentally, you can use sugar mastic for decorating. Using it, it is easy not only to create additional decorative elements in the form of various figures, but also to turn the treat itself into an edible sculpture.

The design of the cake can reflect the personality traits of the hero of the day, no matter how old he is - 20, 30, 50 or 80 - as well as his hobbies, passions and achievements. If you have developed imagination and a lot of patience, you can create wonderful anniversary cakes with your own hands.

For a man for 30 years: cream cake for the anniversary

What many gourmets like about this dessert is the versatility of the product. Such a treat is an excellent option not only for the 30th anniversary of a man, but also for 40 and 50 years, for New Year or another holiday. To prepare this cake, you should bake a lot of cakes, preferably multi-colored.


To prepare 6 servings of dessert, use:

  • 2-3 cups flour;
  • 2 glasses of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter;
  • 3 glasses of sour cream;
  • 3 teaspoons of cocoa;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • nuts to taste.

How to cook?

Pour sugar into a bowl, add melted butter and mix. The flour is sifted into a separate bowl. Soda and sour cream are added to this composition, mixed. Next, add half the flour and knead the dough.

After that, it should be divided into two parts, add cocoa to one of them. Then pour the remaining flour into each and knead. If you divide the dough into equal parts, you get three different-colored cakes, which are rolled out, flattened and baked in a greased form.

The cakes should be baked for 8 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Be sure to pierce them with a fork to avoid swelling. Then cut the warm cakes to the shape and size of the dish on which the cake will be located. The cuttings can be crumbled and used as a powder.

Nuts are fried or roasted in the oven, peeled from the husk. The cream is prepared as follows: whip sour cream, gradually adding sugar. It can be sour cream (with sufficient fat content of the product) or oily. Confectioners also recommend the use of praline cream: add nut mass with cocoa powder to butter with condensed milk or sugar and beat. Next, the cakes should be greased with cream and sprinkled with nuts.

Then you should fold all the cakes one by one. Housewives recommend leaving black on top. For impregnation, the dessert is sent to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. They decorate the finished cake for 30 years in accordance with their imagination and capabilities, sprinkle with nuts, lay out numbers from the mastic.

Cream cake for a man's birthday: a simple recipe

For your beloved husband's birthday, you don't have to reinvent the wheel, but cook the traditional Napoleon, which is a favorite delicacy of the whole family. But you can decorate it in a special way. A cream cake for a man for an anniversary at 50 (40, 30, 25) or just for a birthday in the external design can reflect all the achievements and hobbies of a loved one. The design of the treat can be supplemented with a variety of sugar mastic decorations.

For this cake is prepared custard to which is added butter... As a result, it turns out not only tasty, but also very unusual and beautiful cake for the birthday of your beloved man.


To prepare 4-5 servings of treats, use:

  • 1 kg of flour;
  • 4 eggs (1- for cream);
  • 600 g margarine or butter (200 g used for dough);
  • 1 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of vodka;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 260 g sugar;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • vanillin to taste.


The flour should be ground with cold margarine or butter. The second option will not give sufficient crumb friability. The flour and margarine can be chopped with a knife or grated using a coarse grater to make the dough more uniform. Next, vinegar and vodka are dissolved in ice water, an egg is added, everything is stirred until a homogeneous state is obtained.

From chopped or grated flour and margarine (butter), make a slide with a hole in the middle. A mixture of eggs, vinegar and vodka is poured into a hole, after which they begin to knead the dough until it reaches a state of elasticity. Further ready dough should be divided into 12 parts (first into 6, and then each into two more) and sent to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After this time, the pieces of dough must be rolled out, cut off and sent to bake in the oven preheated to 180 degrees.

While baking cakes from one part, you can roll out a layer and cut out hearts or any other figures. After the cakes are ready, you should also bake these curly blanks. Before sending to the oven, pierce the cakes with a knife.

Next, the cream is prepared. For Napoleon, it is best to use custard, which can be made with milk, butter and eggs. Milk is put on fire and brought to a boil. Beat eggs with sugar separately, then gradually this egg mixture injected into boiling milk. As soon as the cream begins to thicken, remove it from the heat.

Beat butter separately with sugar (one half of the sugar is added to boiling milk, and the other to butter). After that, the cooled custard is gradually introduced into the creamy one and whipped at full power. The consistency of the cream should be uniform.

Each cake should be generously smeared with cream, not forgetting about the sides. At the end, the cake needs to be pressed down (some housewives use spacing for this) and sent to the refrigerator for about 5 hours. On the sides, the cake is decorated with hearts or other cooked figures and served to the table.

Rate the recipe:

We are used to decorating cakes mainly with butter cream. And we undeservedly ignore sour cream or butter cream. But they are also great for decorating desserts and filling cakes. And today you will learn how to make a persistent buttercream. It turns out perfect! Suitable for making biscuits, waffle cake, honey cake and many other goodies you love. ...

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Have no idea how to decorate the cake with cream? We have made a small but very useful lesson that many hostesses will like. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing new. In fact, this is not the case. You will learn how you can make stunning patterns with the help of a cream as easy as shelling pears. In this case, the cake will be decorated as if a professional pastry chef was conjuring over its creation! ...

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Is your husband a soccer fan? Then such a cake will be the best surprise for him! Believe me, you will not easily surprise him. He will be grateful and delighted with you. A cake for a man for his birthday Football field is a wonderful gift. Make sure to take family photos with him! ...

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Butterfly cake will appeal to any girl - a baby, a youngster, and an adult young lady. Making such a cake for a girl is quite simple. A video and a master class will help you in preparing such a bright cake. Dessert gives Summer mood and a lot of emotions! ...

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Cream decorations will help to decorate a cake, pastries, cupcakes in an unusual way. Making decor at home is as easy as shelling pears, and you will find many master classes, videos on our website. Today I will give you tips for working with creams. With their help, you will learn how you can make your cream cake decorating perfect! Cream jewelry will turn out amazing and the decor will last for a long time. ...

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Decorating cakes with cream is both simple and very beautiful. After all, you can make bumpers from the cream, an inscription on the cake, leaves, flowers and much more. It is enough to cook your favorite cake, decorate with cream patterns and you get a masterpiece! But, often, many hostesses do not know how to choose the right cream for such a purpose. Now you will find out which cream is best to use. ...

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