Home / Dough / Waffle cakes with boiled condensed milk recipe. Waffle cake with condensed milk

Waffle cakes with boiled condensed milk recipe. Waffle cake with condensed milk

Is it possible to surprise someone with a recipe for a waffle cake with condensed milk? I think no. They certainly won't surprise me. But, despite all its primitiveness and simplicity, waffle cake with condensed milk - my favorite is to bring all the cakes. I can't even explain to myself what caused such a strong feeling. I cook it several times a year. As soon as I feel an irresistible desire to taste it again, I immediately go to the store for a few ingredients.

Usually, for making such a waffle cake with condensed milk, I buy two standard packs of wafer cakes. This is to make the cake tall, and therefore beautiful. Well, as a standard, a pack of good butter and a can of condensed milk are bought for it. Sometimes it is boiled condensed milk, and sometimes it is ordinary. And with the usual, I tell you, this waffle cake seems softer to me. But with boiled condensed milk, it is also indescribably good.

A very significant plus for this waffle cake with condensed milk is the time of its preparation. This is, without exaggeration, minutes. 10 or 15 minutes - and the waffle cake is ready. It remains to wait for the moment when the cake will stand in the refrigerator and that's it, the dessert is ready for use. And a cake of this size is quite enough for a large family, which is also important. And decorated chocolate icing such a waffle cake with condensed milk may well become a birthday or a festive one.

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Servings - 8-10


  • 2 packs of wafer cakes
  • 200 g butter
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk

For glaze:

  • 50 g butter
  • 2 tbsp cocoa
  • 5 tbsp Sahara

Waffle cake with condensed milk. Step by step recipe with photo

To the beginning of the preparation of a waffle cake with condensed milk butter should be slightly melted. Then it is easier to work with him.

Beat the butter with a mixer for 3 minutes. During this time, the butter will acquire lightness and become creamy.

We open a jar of boiled condensed milk. I have a good Belarusian condensed milk, thick. Exactly what real boiled condensed milk should be.

Add boiled condensed milk in a bowl of whipped butter.

And we continue the whipping process for another 2-3 minutes. Until the cream acquires a homogeneous airy consistency.

We open both packs of waffle cakes. Carefully, the cakes are quite fragile and, if handled carelessly or in a hurry, can break along the edges.

Cover each waffle cake with a very thin layer of cream. It is convenient to do this with a knife or a silicone spatula. We stack the cakes on top of each other. First, put the last cake on top of the others, and then apply cream on it. This is so that we have the opportunity to compact the cake by pressing on the still dry cake from above.

Prepare chocolate icing for the cake if desired. There are many recipes for frosting. Here is one of them: melt 50 g of butter in a ladle on the stove, add 5 tablespoons to it. sugar and 2 tbsp. cocoa. Over low heat, stirring, bring the glaze until the sugar is completely dissolved in it, and then apply it to the surface of the cake.

In my Ukrainian childhood, I remember there was no best cake than a waffle cake with condensed milk. Mom often prepared him for the occasion, since this is the simplest cake of all, and a working woman will always have time to please her kids with a minimum of ingredients.

I want to say about condensed milk ... It can be different and it is better to buy a quality one. You can make a cake with ordinary, not boiled condensed milk, but boiled is still preferable. It will be thicker and then the cream will be of the correct consistency.

To make a cake from wafer cakes with condensed milk, take all the products on the list.

Oil and condensed milk should be at room temperature. You can mix them with a regular spoon or use a mixer. I stirred with a spoon. If you make the cream less sweet, then the pack of oil can be used whole.

Here is such a lush cream.

Smear each waffle cake with cream.

Lay the cakes tightly on top of each other and press lightly.

Do not grease the top layer yet, but put a board on it with a slight weight. Leave the board on top for half an hour to an hour.

Then grease the surface with the remaining cream or pour over the chocolate icing and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

Let the cake soak for at least an hour.

Waffle cake with condensed milk is ready. Can be served with tea or coffee, cut into portions.

Waffle cake with condensed milk is a delicacy fast food that never gets boring. You can make it from purchased cakes or prepared yourself, sometimes the dessert is collected from thick Viennese waffles.

This cake can be prepared in just 20 minutes. For the cream, use ordinary or boiled condensed milk with butter. The first option will appeal to lovers of milk taste, and the second - to lovers of caramel. Scroll necessary products would be like this:

  • 7-8 ready-made cakes;
  • 370 g of condensed milk;
  • 200 g butter.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Let the butter sit on the counter to warm until soft. Beat it with a mixer, adding condensed milk in small portions.
  2. Grease the cakes with the ready-made cream and lay them on top of each other. Decorate the assembled wafer cake with condensed milk to your liking.

To make the waffles crisper, you can hold them in the microwave for one or two minutes. This little trick will bring back crispness even to a slightly damp product.

Dessert with chocolate glaze

The cake prepared according to this recipe will have a bright taste. But do not skimp on chocolate for cream by buying confectionery glaze or a product with a low cocoa content. Cakes for him can be purchased in the store or baked on their own in a waffle iron. When baking waffles, you will need:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 200 g margarine or butter;
  • 10 g baking powder;
  • 300-350 g flour.

Chocolate glaze cake cream consists of:

  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 50 g of chocolate;
  • 30 g cocoa powder;
  • 150 g of boiled condensed milk;
  • 100 g butter.

Cooking from homemade cakes:

  1. First you need to bake the waffles. For them, eggs are beaten with sugar, melted, but not hot, margarine is poured into this foamy mixture. Next, stir in the flour sifted with baking powder. Last of all, pour in, stirring the thick dough to the desired consistency, milk.
  2. From the resulting dough, large waffles are baked in an electric waffle iron, greased with a small amount of oil. If there are too many cakes, they can be eaten just like that or sealed to make another cake later.
  3. For the chocolate glaze, heat the milk a little, break the chocolate into it and add the cocoa. Heat these products with continuous stirring until completely dissolved. Then cool the mixture.
  4. Beat the softened butter into a fluffy cream along with boiled condensed milk. Introduce the glaze in a thin stream, continuing to work with a mixer. Cool and whisk again ready-made cream... After that, all that remains is to layer the cakes and decorate the cake.

Dessert décor can also be chocolatey, such as from a sweet baby cocoa drink or shavings mixed with waffle crumbs.

Cooking with fruits

The familiar waffle cake with condensed milk can be easily prepared in a new way by adding seasonal fruits and berries to the filling. It will turn out delicious, fresh and original. One of the options fruit dessert can enter:

  • 5-6 ready-made cakes;
  • 350 g of boiled condensed milk;
  • 300 g bananas;
  • 300 g fresh strawberries;
  • kiwi, black currant and walnuts for decoration.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Peel the bananas, chop into thin circles no more than 2-3 mm. Wash the strawberries, dry, remove the green tails and cut into thin slices.
  2. Grease each waffle cake with condensed milk and put strawberry and banana slices on it. Collect the cake from the sandwiched waffles.
  3. Grease the dessert with condensed milk on top, put currants, kiwi slices and crushed nuts on it.

Waffle crunch lovers can enjoy dessert right away, while those who prefer juicy soaked cakes will have to wait a bit.

Delicate cake with condensed milk and bananas

The simplest version of this delicacy can be obtained simply by gluing a stack of waffles with the help of condensed milk, on which thin banana circles are laid. But there is a slightly more complicated option, while the same delicious. It will require:

  • 16 ready-made wafer cakes;
  • 200 g soft butter;
  • 370 g of boiled condensed milk;
  • 300 g bananas;
  • 30 g chocolate chips;
  • 2 g vanillin.

Priority of actions:

  1. Beat butter with boiled condensed milk with a mixer until a light cream.
  2. Put banana pulp, vanillin and grated chocolate in a blender bowl. Turn these ingredients into a smooth banana puree.
  3. Waffle cakes alternately grease with banana cream and a composition made from butter and condensed milk.

The top and sides of the cake can be coated with caramel cream and sprinkled coconut flakes, or garnish with banana slices.

Dried fruit recipe

Dried fruits are included in one of the most delicious variations of this dessert. They not only make the taste of the cake brighter and richer, but also remove the excessive cloying, which is often complained about. Proportions of ingredients for a dainty with dried fruit from ready-made cakes:

  • 5 wafer cakes;
  • 250 g of boiled condensed milk;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 150 g raisins;
  • 150 g dried apricots;
  • 150 g pitted prunes;
  • 50 g of nuts.

Cooking process:

  1. Steam dried fruits in boiling water and pat dry with paper towels. Then grind them through a meat grinder, but do not mix. Grind the roasted nuts as well.
  2. Turn soft creamy butter together with condensed milk into air cream... You cannot whisk these products for a long time, otherwise the mass will go in grains.
  3. We collect the cake. Grease the first cake with cream, on which to put raisins, cover with the second cake and also layer and cover with a layer of dried apricots. Further, according to the same algorithm, putting prunes and nuts into the filling. Cover everything with the last cake, which is smeared with cream on top.

After impregnation, such a finished cake can be cut into portioned pieces, which are covered with a "cobweb" of melted chocolate. To speed up the impregnation, the cake is placed in a preheated oven for 2-3 minutes.

  • Grease the cake with condensed milk, put the second on top, which is sandwiched with jam. So repeat, alternating layers, until the cakes run out. Give the dessert at least half an hour to soak, and you can serve it to the table.
  • Whole strawberries from jam can be used as a decoration for finished cake... And do not be upset if this product was not found in stocks, instead of it you can take any other: raspberry, currant or apricot.

    Honey waffle cake with condensed milk and cottage cheese

    Moist cream made from cottage cheese, condensed milk and honey makes the wafer cakes moist and gives them a honey-caramel flavor. Due to the nutritional value of the ingredients that make up the cream, the cake is so high in calories that it will be quite enough for a hearty snack. Required list products:

    • 6-8 ready-made wafer cakes;
    • 200 g of boiled condensed milk;
    • 200 g of tender cottage cheese;
    • 50 g of honey;
    • 50 g seedless raisins;
    • 30 g walnuts or other nuts;
    • 10-20 ml of cream liqueur.

    Cooking progress:

    1. Steam the raisins for a few minutes in boiling water, then dry on paper towels. Lightly fry the nuts in a pan and chop.
    2. Squeeze the cottage cheese through a fine metal sieve, add honey, condensed milk and liqueur to it. Carefully beat everything with a mixer into a fluffy homogeneous mass.
    3. Layer the cakes with generous portions of the prepared cream. Before serving, the cake must be left to soak for a few hours.

    To decorate the dessert beautifully, you can beat a small amount of condensed milk with soft butter and coat the product outside with this cream. Then garnish with raisins, kernels and crumbs such as honey cakes.

    After reviewing the recipes given, we can say that making a waffle cake is not at all difficult both from ready-made cakes and from those baked on your own. It is helpful to involve children in this fun process. Memories of cooking together over the years will become sweeter than the cake itself for both adults and children.

    I think that there is not a single Soviet child who has not tried or at least heard about this masterpiece culinary arts... A cake made of waffle cakes with condensed milk and bananas according to the recipe with a photo is beautiful, light and magically delicious. Preparatory work demanded certain skills and abilities - there was no ready-made boiled condensed milk in the stores of that time, they cooked it themselves. It's hard to even imagine how many kitchens were damaged in the explosion of this delicacy, but the result justified a certain risk. Time passed, and for a while the recipe was forgotten.

    With the appearance of ready-made boiled condensed milk in grocery stores, we can say that our familiar waffle cake has gone through a renaissance - more and more housewives remember the time-tested recipe and delight their household with such a dessert. Moreover, even those who have never made any cakes at home can make it. It takes only 15 minutes to prepare and a few hours to soak.

    Ingredients for the cake:

    • ready-made wafer cakes with a diameter of 20-25 cm - 5 pieces;
    • boiled condensed milk - 2 cans;
    • walnuts - 2 handfuls;
    • bananas - 2 pieces;
    • butter - 1 pack;
    • dark chocolate - 20 g.

    Making a cake from wafer cakes

    In order to make the cake easier to collect, it is better to put all the ingredients together at once. I started with a cream. The softened butter was whipped with a mixer at high speeds.

    Gradually she introduced boiled condensed milk into the oil (take a proven, high-quality, preferably not too liquid) and beat it too.

    The output should be such a homogeneous, smooth cream.

    I mashed the nuts with a crush so that pieces of both larger and smaller ones came across.

    I cut the bananas into rings.

    Immediately grated the bitter chocolate on a fine grater and put it in the refrigerator for now so that it would not melt.

    I started assembling - I applied cream generously to the first cake, it's about 2-3 tablespoons.

    Sprinkled with nuts on top.

    I laid out the second cake, it was also smeared with cream, and on top I spread the slices of banana.

    So, alternating nuts and banana, I got to the top of the cake. She, too, was smeared with cream, and the rest was applied to the sides.

    You can decorate with dark chocolate and nuts - this is the easiest option. But, if there is a desire, then you can further fantasize over the decoration - lay out the meringues and pieces of marshmallows.

    The finished cake should be left for an hour at room temperature, and then put in the cold for at least 3 hours, or better overnight - this way, the cake will soak better. And then you can serve it to the table.

    Waffle cake with condensed milk is perhaps the fastest and easiest cake without baking that you can think of. To prepare it, only a few inexpensive and quite available ingredients, but, despite such simplicity, the cake turns out to be gorgeous. By the way, this recipe for a waffle cake is so simple that even someone who does not know how to cook at all can easily cope with it.


    (1 waffle cake)

    • 1 pack of waffle plates
    • 1 jar of boiled condensed milk
    • 50 gr. butter
    • 100 g peanuts
    • chocolate glaze:
    • 100 g dark chocolate
    • 50 ml. milk
    • 50 gr. butter
    • What is good about this waffle cake is that all the required ingredients can be stored in the pantry and used at any time without the need to urgently run to the market or to the store. Very convenient, isn't it?
    • So, for the cake we need a pack of wafer plates (at least 7), they can be round, square or rectangular in shape. You will also need boiled condensed milk.
    • To decorate the cake and to give special taste we need nuts, in principle, you can use any nuts, but roasted peanuts are better.
    • If there was no boiled condensed milk in the store, then we take ordinary condensed milk and cook it for 1 hour. It is not advisable to cook longer, otherwise the boiled water will turn out to be very thick and it will be difficult to spread it on wafer cakes. Cool the condensed milk to room temperature.
    • Mix butter, heated to room temperature, with boiled condensed milk. We mix to the state homogeneous mass manually or using a mixer.
    • Put the first waffle cake on a cake maker or a large plate. Spread with condensed milk, sprinkle with chopped nuts, which can be ground with a blender or crush in a mortar.
    • Cover with the second waffle cake, press it tightly to the bottom cake. Smear the second cake with cream, sprinkle with small nuts.
    • We do this with all the cakes except the last one.
    • Cover the last cake with a clean cutting board, put a small load on top. Let the cake stand under oppression for half an hour, and in the meantime we will prepare the chocolate icing.
    • In principle, you do not need to cover a waffle cake made from condensed milk with chocolate icing, it is already quite tasty, although it looks much more elegant with chocolate.
    • To make the chocolate icing, bring the milk to a boil, turn off the heat. Put butter and chocolate broken into slices in hot milk.
    • Without stopping, stir with a wooden spatula until all the chocolate has grown. As a result, we should have a homogeneous chocolate cream. Give a little time for the chocolate icing to cool down a bit and become thicker.
    • We remove oppression from our cake. Cover the top cake and all side edges with chocolate icing. Sprinkle with chopped peanuts.
    • That's all, our very beautiful and fragrant waffle cake with condensed milk and peanuts is ready. We put the cake in the refrigerator overnight so that it is thoroughly soaked and the icing freezes.
    • In principle, such a cake can be made from just two ingredients - waffle plates and boiled condensed milk. Of course, it will be simpler, but also very tasty and much tastier than store-bought waffle cakes. By the way, here is another amazing recipe using boiled water -