Home / Chebureki / Merchant-style buckwheat with pork. What products are better to choose for the dish

Merchant-style buckwheat with pork. What products are better to choose for the dish

Buckwheat has been a companion of man since ancient times and was valued as a nutritious and tasty dish. So that such a porridge does not turn out dry, it was supplemented with various ingredients. Depending on the level of wealth of a person, fillers varied - from vegetables to meat. Merchants, as a wealthy stratum of the population, could afford to eat buckwheat porridge with meat (most often with pork). So there was a recipe for buckwheat porridge with pork, called in the common people "in a merchant's way."

It has reached modern kitchens and tables almost unchanged, so now we can enjoy a truly fragrant and juicy dish, which became the basis healthy eating. Healthy food aficionados can steam each ingredient for a whole meal. diet dish. Mastering this simple porridge recipe is not difficult and does not take much time. To prepare buckwheat porridge, we suggest using next recipe with photographs.

The process of making porridge is very simple, but in the end you get an excellent, tasty, healthy dish. Thanks to the juice released from vegetables during cooking, buckwheat becomes more juicy and tender, and the meat becomes fragrant. Buckwheat contains in its composition big number trace elements important for the human body. Therefore, such porridge is considered great option for lunch or dinner.


1. Peel and finely chop the onion. Peel the carrots and cut into strips.

2. Be sure to rinse the pork (it is better to use the pulp), cut off all the fat and veins (if any), and then cut into small pieces.

3. Sort the grits in advance, rinse thoroughly under running water.

4. Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the onions and carrots to fry until half cooked (with a golden hue). As soon as the vegetables are cooked, put them on a plate, but do not turn off the stove.

5. In the same (already heated) frying pan, it is necessary to fry the pork pieces on both sides. To do this, first put on one side and fry on strong fire to a crust so that the juice does not start to flow out, and then turn over to the other side and cook over medium heat with the lid closed.

6. Put the already cooked vegetables to the cooked pork, pour the washed buckwheat. Pour in water, sprinkle with spices (salt, pepper and others), mix gently. Bring to a boil, then lower the heat and cover with a lid. Cook the buckwheat for about 25 minutes, checking regularly to make sure it doesn't burn.

Merchant-style buckwheat is a stewed porridge made from cereals with the addition of pieces of pork and fried vegetables. Delicious and easy to prepare, this dish is perfect for a hearty lunch or dinner.

Proven step-by-step recipes for buckwheat with meat, helpful tips on the selection of products and the secrets of cooking are collected in this material.

Authentic Russian dish, accessible to everyone

Buckwheat in Russia has always been loved for its unpretentiousness in growing and ease of cooking. "Queen of cereals" or "buckwheat-mother" - this is how the peasants called this product, which was a frequent guest of the everyday table.

Noble nobles, boyars, merchants also did not refuse porridge, but they already added meat to it, more often pork. Ordinary people could not afford such a luxury, so cereals with meat were called “merchant-like”.

This dish is primordially Russian, the recipe of which has survived to this day with virtually no changes. By preparing this treat with pork, you can join the real old Russian cuisine, and by adding new ingredients to it, you can add new life classic meal.

Who will benefit from this hearty meal

It can be called a perfectly balanced recipe, in which proteins, fats and carbohydrates are well combined and complement each other - the three main nutrients for a normal life.

Croup refers to slow carbohydrates that give a person energy. It has many beneficial properties for the body, including: normalization of metabolism, lowering blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels, absorption of vitamin C, removal of toxins, salts of heavy metals.

Buckwheat is an environmentally friendly product, as it is not treated with pesticides during cultivation. Groats are well absorbed by the body and are suitable for dietary, clinical nutrition.

Meat is the main source of protein and complete protein, which is used by the body as a building material for cells and tissues, to support the immune system, hormone synthesis, muscle contraction and oxygen delivery at the cellular level.

Vegetable oil is responsible for healthy unsaturated fats in the dish. If the recipe uses unrefined olive oil, then to useful properties the finished product is added to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, heart muscle, connective tissues of the body, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

The only case when it is worth refusing to eat a dish is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which, on the recommendation of the attending physician, fiber and dietary fats are prohibited.

Cooking time and complexity of the recipe

The cooking technology is very similar to cooking pilaf, with the difference that buckwheat is used instead of rice. Cooking time depends largely on what kind of meat and method is used.

Most quick options- buckwheat with chicken and minced meat (about 20-30 minutes), you will have to wait much longer if you choose porridge with pork, in a slow cooker or in the oven (40-50 minutes plus languishing time).

Consider also the time for food preparation: washing cereals, meat, cleaning and cutting vegetables.

What products are better to choose for the dish

Proper preparation of ingredients is perhaps the most important thing in the cooking process. The best thing preparatory work do it in advance so that you don’t get distracted during the cooking process - this way nothing will burn, and the result will be worthy.

The main component - unground buckwheat must be sorted out from bad grains, washed in running water. If you want to save time, fill the cereal with boiled water at night, and in the morning drain the remaining liquid and add it to the main mass. Porridge will be ready in 10 minutes and will turn out to be boiled.

When preparing meat, there are also nuances. If you like a drier option, remove all films, fat and veins from pieces of pork or beef, use chicken fillet.

For a juicy porridge, leave some fat on the meat, or prefer chicken drumsticks. It is better to cut the meat into large pieces for several bites so that the taste is not lost in the finished dish.

It is easy to experiment with the ingredients in this recipe: a good combination will turn out with a turkey, young veal, even with sausages or smoked sausages for those who have very little time to cook. Vegetarians will appreciate the variation with mushrooms - you can use mushrooms, oyster mushrooms or champignons.

How to cook buckwheat in a merchant's way deliciously and quickly

The main advantage of the dish is the availability of ingredients and ease of preparation. For 3-4 servings of treats you will need:

  • buckwheat - 200 g;
  • pork - 500 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - ½ tsp;
  • water (broth) - 2 tbsp.;
  • olive oil(for frying) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • butter- 20 years;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings to taste.

For languishing, it is better to take a thick-walled stewpan or a heavy cast-iron frying pan - so all the components will warm up evenly from all sides, the porridge will turn out juicy, fragrant, very tasty. Detailed description cooking is presented in the step-by-step guide.

Step 1. Peel carrots and onions. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onion into medium pieces. Pour olive oil into the pan. Fry the onion over medium heat. When it becomes transparent, send carrots next and fry until golden brown.

Step 2. Wash the meat, remove films, veins, pieces of fat and cut into large pieces. Pour olive oil into a saucepan or saucepan. When hot, add meat. Fry over medium heat until golden brown, periodically turning over.

Step 3. Put the meat, fried vegetables into a thick-walled stewpan. Top - washed and sorted buckwheat.

Step 4. In a separate container, mix 3 tbsp. l. tomato paste with two glasses of water, add half a teaspoon of sugar. Pour in the buckwheat. Add salt, ground black pepper and Bay leaf.

Step 4. Bring the buckwheat to a boil over high heat. Reduce the flame to a minimum and simmer the porridge for 30-40 minutes under a closed lid.

Step 5. Turn off the stove. Put a piece of butter on buckwheat, mix, sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs. We serve.

Food and the energy value dishes vary significantly depending on what kind of meat is used. The average energy value is 130 kcal.

The main variations of recipes indicating the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in grams and kilocalories per 100 g of the finished product are shown in a comparative table, which is convenient for people who are on a diet or who care about health.

Dish variantSquirrelsFatsCarbohydratesKilocalories
with chicken10,6 3,3 9,7 110
with pork6.2 7 12.9 136.9
with beef7.2 7.2 12.4 141.8
with mushrooms2.3 4.4 9.1 81.8
with minced meat (mixture of pork and beef)6.6 6.2 12.2 128.7

Other variations of treats

Seems like a simple treat from available ingredients It's hard to cook every time in a new way. But that doesn't apply to this recipe. Change the ingredients, add your favorite spices, seasonings or completely refuse to use them - and every time you will surprise guests and family members with a new treat.

Merchant-style buckwheat with minced meat

With minced meat, porridge has a homogeneous and delicate texture. The order of preparation of the dish is traditional: first, fry the minced meat, then, when it is almost ready, add finely chopped onions and carrots.

All fry until golden brown. Add buckwheat, spices and broth. Simmer over low heat for half an hour with the lid closed. It is better to serve buckwheat with minced meat with herbs.

Pork variant

Interesting oriental notes everyday buckwheat with pork will add prunes. First, it must be washed and soaked in clean water, cut into strips. In a saucepan with fried pork and vegetables, add prunes, black pepper, nutmeg, mix.

Add buckwheat, fill with broth and bring everything to a boil without a lid. We reduce the fire, close the lid and simmer for another 30 minutes.

Diet recipe with chicken

Groats with chicken are a quick and low-calorie interpretation of a hearty lunch. Wash two chicken fillets, peel off the films, dry with a towel and cut into large pieces.

Fry in a pan with a drop of vegetable oil over medium heat. As soon as the chicken starts the juice, add a large one to the pan grated carrot and 2 chopped onions.

We fry until browned. In two glasses chicken broth dissolve 3 tbsp. l. tomato paste or puree canned tomatoes, add salt, pepper, Provence herbs, seasonings for chicken.

We put a glass of washed buckwheat in the pan, pour everything with broth, bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer for 40-50 minutes. Turn off the stove, mix the layers and leave the dish to cool under a closed lid for 15 minutes.

How to quickly and without hassle to make a dish in a slow cooker

The taste of food cooked in a slow cooker will be very similar to a treat from a real Russian oven. It will take a little more time, but the result will not disappoint. You will need: 300 g of cereals, 500 g of pork, 2 onions, 2 carrots, 2.5 tbsp. water, 200 g champignons, garlic, spices.

In the multicooker bowl in the “Frying” mode, fry the diced meat. When the pork turns white, add grated carrots, chopped onion and garlic. Cook for 7-12 minutes - the meat should be browned, the vegetables should become transparent. We clean the mushrooms, cut into slices 0.5 cm thick.

We wash the core to clean water. We put mushrooms and meat in the bowl of the multicooker, pour 2.5 cups of water, put the bay leaf. In the "Porridge" mode, simmer for 40 minutes, then, without opening the lid, keep it in the heating mode for another 30 minutes.

Roasted buckwheat in the oven

The oven is a convenient option for those who want to save time and energy on preparing dinner. For this recipe, it is important to choose the right baking dish: a duckling, glass or ceramic molds with lids are suitable. Fry 300 g of pork in a pan until half cooked, add onions cut into half rings, carrots in strips.

We transfer the meat with vegetables to the ducklings, pour a glass of the washed core on top. Pour 2 cups of broth on top, add spices, bay leaf. We close the duckling with a lid and send it to the oven preheated to 220 degrees for 50 minutes. Put a piece of butter in the finished dish, serve to the table.

Original without meat

If for good reason you can’t cook a treat with meat, try the vegetable option, it’s just as good. Eggplants will act as sources of protein, which will complement the taste of porridge. To prepare for roasting carrots and onions, add pre-fried eggplant circles.

Then put 2-3 tablespoons of tomato sauce, mix, add 1 cup of buckwheat and 2 cups of broth. Bring everything to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer in a closed pan for 15-20 minutes. You can serve by adding Sun-dried tomatoes, peppers and olives.

How to cook buckwheat in a cauldron

To prepare 4 servings: wash half a kilogram of pork, dry it, cut into large pieces. In a well-heated cauldron at maximum heat, add a piece of butter, pour the meat.

Reduce the heat to medium and fry the pork until golden brown, stirring occasionally. In another pan, fry 2 finely chopped onions, 1 large carrot, cut into cubes. We spread the finished frying in a cauldron for meat.

The next layer is a glass of sorted, washed cereals. In a separate container, mix tomato paste or 2 tablespoons of ketchup with two glasses of water.

We put a pinch of sugar to remove the acidity of the tomatoes, mix and pour the buckwheat. At this stage, salt, pepper, add your favorite seasonings.

Simmer in a cauldron without a lid over medium heat until the water is equal to the level of the cereal. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer for 20-25 minutes in a closed cauldron. Mix the finished dish, serve with herbs.

Vegetarian Lenten Recipe with Mushrooms

Simultaneously satisfying and easy recipe will succeed regardless of what you choose: champignons, mushrooms or porcini mushrooms. Better give preference fresh mushrooms: frozen give less flavor, while with dried dish it won't be as juicy.

Also keep in mind that champignons, for example, when frying, decrease in size and release liquid. Mushrooms should be cut into 0.5 cm slices and fried together with onions and carrots until soft. Otherwise, the procedure is no different from other recipes for the dish.

Merchant buckwheat - video recipe with step by step instructions

A detailed description of the technology for making porridge with comments experienced chef- in the video. By using this video guide, you will avoid embarrassing mistakes and cook hearty lunch or dinner is quick and easy.

Secrets and useful cooking tricks

The dish will turn out especially tasty if you apply some tricks and secrets of experienced housewives:

  1. A good choice of beef for this dish is the adrenal part. It is soft, juicy and cooks quickly.
  2. It is better to use the core, and not prodel. In the second case, there is a risk of getting a homogeneous mess, and not boiled, crumbly porridge.
  3. You can tasty cook cereals with meat not only on the stove and in a slow cooker, but also in the oven: in a sleeve or pots.
  4. Water can be safely replaced with vegetable, chicken, meat broth.
  5. When cooking in the oven, do not use frying pans, aluminum pans or other utensils that are not designed for use at high temperatures.

Adhering to these simple rules you can cook a very tasty dish.

Loose buckwheat with meat sweet and sour sauce, complemented by the aroma of spices, garlic and fresh dill - delicious and hearty meal worthy to take place of honor on a rich merchant's table. It would seem that a simple set of ingredients, but the result is really very tasty buckwheat that will appeal to even those who do not like porridge in its traditional version.

Features of cooking buckwheat in a merchant way

In its appearance, method of preparation and laying of products, merchant buckwheat is in many ways similar to pilaf, it turns out to be just as crumbly and juicy. In addition, cooking will not deliver special trouble- the whole process from roasting to evaporation of cereals is carried out in one dish, in a deep frying pan. No need to separately cook meat with gravy and cook porridge, just fry everything together, add water and wait fully prepared until the dish has evaporated under the lid.

What else besides buckwheat? Or about the ingredients of merchant-style buckwheat

Buckwheat in a merchant's way can be cooked with chicken or pork. In the first case, it is best chicken fillet, which will reach readiness very quickly. Do not worry that the breast will turn out too dry - on the contrary, it will absorb the taste and aroma vegetable dressing, it will turn out juicy because of the sauce. If you cook buckwheat with pork, it is better to take meat that is not too fatty, without veins and cut it as small as possible to speed up the cooking process. Of course, pork will have to be stewed longer than chicken: in the sauce it should not boil for 2-3 minutes, but for 20 minutes until fully cooked, after which it will be possible to add buckwheat. But the taste will be richer and richer.

Can be used instead of meat minced beef and pork or assorted minced meat from beef, pork and chicken. Particularly delicious merchant buckwheat with minced meat will turn out in pots- for this, after frying vegetables and minced meat, they need to be poured into pots, add grits, pour water and cook in the oven until fully cooked.

A delicious combination of meat and buckwheat porridge can be supplemented mushrooms. Seasonal, fresh or frozen champignons, oyster mushrooms soaked in water are suitable dried mushrooms etc. All of them are added to the dish in the process of frying vegetables, they give buckwheat a special mushroom flavor in a merchant's way. Therefore, they can be safely added as delicious addition to meat, or use it as a complete replacement - the latter option will be especially relevant for a vegetarian or lean diet.


  • buckwheat groats 1 tbsp.
  • skinless chicken fillet 300 g
  • salt 1.5-2 tsp
  • a mixture of Italian herbs 2 chips.
  • vegetable 2 tbsp. l.
  • onion 1 pc.
  • carrots 0.5 pcs.
  • fresh dill 5 g
  • garlic 1 tooth
  • water 2.5 tbsp.
  • tomato paste 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook buckwheat in a merchant way

We serve the dish to the table hot. You can add buckwheat porridge with a light vegetable salad from fresh seasonal vegetables, pickles or herbs. No separate sauce or gravy is needed.

On a note

  • Fresh dill can be replaced with dried - no more than 0.5 tablespoon.
  • Onions can be cut not into half rings, but into cubes, and carrots can be grated on a fine grater - in this case, the vegetables will literally dissolve in the final dish, although their taste and aroma will be completely preserved.

Oven-cooked buckwheat has long been known as Russian the National dish. If earlier only rich people could afford it, now almost everyone can cook it. Those who have tried merchant buckwheat say that it is somewhat reminiscent of pilaf. The only difference is that you can use different types of meat for its preparation.

The history of the appearance of the dish

If you look a little into history, then buckwheat seeds came to Russia along with the monks from Greece, who were the first to sow it in Russian fields. Many liked this cereal and took the main place on the tables of the upper strata of the population almost immediately.

The dishes prepared from it at that time were the most refined and delicious. Buckwheat could also be found on the table of an ordinary peasant, but more often such a dish was prepared by noble people. Only the method of preparation, of course, differed. If ordinary people ate empty porridge, then the rich added both butter and meat there.

The recipe for such a dish as merchant buckwheat has been passed from one mouth to another since then, and in this way this recipe has come down to this day.

However, the classic way of cooking is now heavily processed. Experimental cooks not only change the taste of buckwheat, but also add some non-traditional ingredients to it.

Calorie content and properties

If speak about useful substances located in buckwheat, there are a lot of them. These are minerals and a large number of vitamins, which are so necessary for the human body. Therefore, such cereals are recommended to be eaten every day.

Buckwheat porridge is useful for almost everyone. For example, it helps the body produce serotonin. Therefore, people who often eat such porridge are always in a great mood. In addition, buckwheat stimulates the brain. This cereal contains a lot of iron, so it is often recommended for people suffering from anemia and pregnant women.

But it is also very useful for those people who are watching their weight. Indeed, for 100 g of finished buckwheat there are only 95 kcal. However, such data are typical only for cereals cooked in pure water and without the addition of other ingredients. In merchant buckwheat, they are slightly higher. So, if you use lean pork, then per 100 g of the cooked product, the calorie content will be 125 kcal.

Classic cooking method

First you need to step by step consider the standard way of preparing this dish.

Required components:

  • 200 g - buckwheat;
  • 500 g - beef or pork meat;
  • 1 large or 2 small onions;
  • 2 small carrots;
  • 40 g - butter;
  • a little sunflower oil;
  • some salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 400 ml - water.

  1. Put the butter in a hot frying pan and heat it for small fire.
  2. Then you need to add buckwheat there and fry it for 12-17 minutes, stirring at the same time. Then you need to add water to it and set aside until the meat is cooked.
  3. In the meantime, you need to prepare a container with a thickened bottom, pour in sunflower oil and lay out the meat, cut into small pieces. They must be fried until golden brown.
  4. After that, chopped onions are added there and still fried until golden brown. Then grated carrots and a little water are poured. All these ingredients need to be stewed for another 14-17 minutes.
  5. The next step will be the addition of spices and buckwheat groats steamed in a pan. The last thing you need to add is the bay leaf and cook for another 18-23 minutes. The classic merchant buckwheat is ready, and you can proceed to the tasting.

Popular Recipes

Except classic recipe, there are many others, no less tasty and appetizing. So, merchant-style buckwheat can be cooked in the oven, in a cauldron, in a frying pan, even on a fire. The dish can be served both without meat and with meat. It is necessary to consider all these recipes in more detail.

Merchant-style buckwheat in pots

Buckwheat can be cooked in pots with both pork and juicy beef. This recipe is very popular in many restaurants with Russian cuisine.

Required components:

  • 400 g - buckwheat;
  • 500 g - any meat;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 80 g - sunflower oil;
  • 40 g - butter;
  • spices;
  • salt;
  • 5 cloves of garlic.

Step by step recipe includes a number of operations.

  1. Buckwheat must be thoroughly washed. Then it must be filled with boiled water.
  2. The frying pan must be well heated and pour sunflower oil into it. In it you need to put the meat cut into pieces and chopped onions. After that, everything needs to be salted and spices added there.
  3. Fry the meat and onions for 10 minutes, then add the carrots grated on a coarse grater and simmer everything until tender. From time to time it is necessary to add water to the pan.
  4. In the prepared pots, you need to decompose the meat, and put the steamed buckwheat on top. Then add one clove of garlic to each pot and add water so that it covers the buckwheat by 1 centimeter.
  5. After that, the pots must be put in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. When 10-12 minutes have passed, add butter to them.

When 30-35 minutes have passed, merchant buckwheat will be ready. You can serve the dish directly in the pots.

Buckwheat with mushrooms and pork

For this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 250 g - pork meat;
  • 350 g - buckwheat;
  • 10 pieces. - champignons;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 20 g - sunflower oil;
  • 500 ml - purified water;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Consider a step by step recipe.

  1. The meat must be cut into small pieces.
  2. Carrots should be grated on a coarse grater.
  3. Onions should be cut into half rings.
  4. Cut mushrooms into larger pieces.
  5. Pork must be fried in a pan until golden brown. Then salt to taste and add spices.
  6. After that, you need to fill in the onion and fry it a little. Next, add the carrots and cook until the vegetables are soft. Mushrooms are added next, and everything is fried for another 9 minutes.
  7. Buckwheat is added last, everything is poured with water, and covered with a lid.
  8. It takes another 27 minutes to cook this dish.

After that, it can be served on the table.

Merchant-style buckwheat in a slow cooker

Buckwheat prepared in this way will have a delicate texture. Required components:

  • 500 g - pork meat;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 200 g - buckwheat;
  • 400 g - purified water;
  • a little butter;
  • seasoning;
  • salt to taste;
  • Bay leaf.

Step by step recipe:

  1. meat must be cut into small pieces and fried in a slow cooker for 25 minutes;
  2. after that, you need to add chopped vegetables and fry them together with meat for another 12 minutes;
  3. then you need to add spices, salt and pour buckwheat;
  4. all ingredients are filled with water and the "Pilaf" button is turned on

The finished dish can be served immediately.

Buckwheat porridge with pork

To prepare such a dish, you need the following components:

  • 200 g - buckwheat;
  • 400 g - pork tenderloin;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 3 art. l. - tomato paste;
  • 600 g - purified water;
  • 50 g - vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • pepper.

The recipe includes several steps.

  1. Onion must be cut into half rings and fried in a pan until transparent.
  2. Carrots should be grated on a medium grater and added to the fried onions. Fry everything together for another 6 minutes.
  3. Separately, it is necessary to fry the pork meat cut into small pieces. When it becomes golden in color, you can add tomato paste to it.
  4. On a low heat, you need to cook it for another 12 minutes.
  5. After that, all components must be transferred to a bowl with a thick bottom, add buckwheat and pour everything with water. You also need to add pepper. It takes 40 minutes to cook buckwheat.
  6. After that, you need to turn off the fire, let the buckwheat stand for another 15 minutes, so that it brews.

This dish is only served hot. Everything will be very tasty, especially if you serve buckwheat with fresh vegetables.

Buckwheat porridge a la merchant with chicken

Despite the fact that chicken meat is considered dietary product, buckwheat will turn out rich and tasty.

Required components:

  • 400 g - chicken fillet;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • basil;
  • 200 g - buckwheat;
  • 3 art. l. - tomato paste.

Here is a step by step recipe.

  1. Chicken fillet must be cut into pieces and fry it for 10 minutes in a pan.
  2. After that, you need to add the onion cut into half rings and the carrots grated on a medium grater. Then you need to add salt, pepper and chopped garlic, as well as basil. It is necessary to extinguish all components on low heat for another 7 minutes.
  3. After that, you need to add tomato paste diluted in water, mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Next, buckwheat porridge is added, again everything is well mixed and tightly closed with a lid. Cook everything for 40 minutes on the smallest fire.

The prepared dish will amaze everyone with its taste and aroma.

Buckwheat with beef

For such a dish, it is better to use calf meat. To do this, you will need the following components:

  • 300 g - beef;
  • 200 g - buckwheat;
  • 400 g - purified water;
  • 50 g - sunflower oil.

Step by step recipe:

  1. beef must be cut into pieces;
  2. onions and carrots also need to be chopped into cubes;
  3. buckwheat must be poured with water and let it brew;
  4. after that, the vegetables must be fried in a pan, and add the meat there, which must be cooked until it seizes;
  5. put buckwheat on top, salt and pepper, then add water;
  6. then buckwheat can be transferred to pots, put in the oven and simmer for 35 minutes.

Buckwheat porridge can be served directly in cooked pots.

Buckwheat porridge without meat

For those who are vegetarians, you can cook delicious buckwheat with vegetables. But even meat lovers will like this dish.

Required components:

  • 200 g - buckwheat;
  • 400 ml - purified water;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 2 large carrots;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 40 g - vegetable oil;
  • 3 art. l. - tomato paste;
  • salt to taste;
  • fragrant spices;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • a little Maggi seasoning.

Step by step recipe:

  1. buckwheat must be washed;
  2. all vegetables must be chopped and fried in a pan until a transparent color;
  3. after that, you need to add tomato paste, aromatic spices, chopped garlic and salt to them;
  4. then everything must be transferred to a saucepan with a thick bottom, add buckwheat, water and a little seasoning, cook everything for 25 minutes;
  5. after that, you need to let the dish brew for another 15 minutes.

Buckwheat can be served with vegetables. The seasoning "Maggi" will have its effect, and even meat lovers will not feel that it is not there.

Merchant-style buckwheat in a cauldron

Many people love camping just for gatherings around the fire. Yes, even with delicious, smoky porridge. Buckwheat can be an excellent addition to such gatherings. To prepare it, you will need the following components:

  • 700 g - buckwheat;
  • 350 g - champignons;
  • 4 large onions;
  • 4 large carrots;
  • 600 g - pork neck;
  • 150 g - sunflower oil;
  • salt;
  • 3 pcs. - bay leaf;
  • spices.

A step-by-step recipe includes several sequential steps.

  1. First you need to kindle a fire, install sticks under the cauldron, or simply put it on the stones.
  2. After that, it is necessary to pour buckwheat into it and fry it for 6-8 minutes. Cooking time will depend on how big the fire is.
  3. Then you need to transfer the buckwheat to another bowl and do the meat. It must be cut into pieces. In the meantime, sunflower oil should be poured into the cauldron and meat should be poured into it.
  4. While it is fried, you need to cut vegetables and mushrooms. Onions can be cut into thin half rings, carrots and champignons - into small cubes.
  5. Then add the onion to the slightly set meat and fry it until transparent. After that, you need to fill in the mushrooms and carrots there. And also you need to salt everything and add fragrant spices, and then fry a little.
  6. Next, you need to add meat. Then you need to pour water and make it so that it completely covers everything. Simmer the dish for 35 minutes over medium heat.
  7. After that, you can already fall asleep buckwheat. And also you need to add water so that it covers everything by 2 centimeters. Buckwheat should be cooked for another 30 minutes.

After that, you need to let it brew a little and you can pour the dish into bowls. This is a dinner that everyone will love.

Almost anyone can cook buckwheat in a merchant way. You just need to follow these simple recommendations, and then it will turn out both tasty and appetizing. It is better to cook such a dish in a dish with a thick bottom. This is necessary so that the porridge does not burn.

First you need to fry separately vegetables, and separately meat. The top layer must be laid out buckwheat. To make the dish more tasty, you can add a little spices or garlic. This will give it flavor and also enhance taste qualities buckwheat.

In order for buckwheat to better reveal its taste and be more saturated, she needs to let it brew a little after cooking. 15-25 minutes will be enough.

Merchant-style buckwheat will please everyone unusual taste. It can be prepared in the traditional way. old recipe. However, if you move away from it a little, it will turn out even more tasty. In addition, everyone can add their favorite ingredient to buckwheat, which can be the highlight of such a dish.

For information on how to cook buckwheat in a merchant's way on a fire, see the video below.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today, not every person knows that from ordinary and familiar buckwheat you can cook a dish that deserves to be one of the main dishes. holiday table. This dish is called merchant buckwheat and there is more than one recipe for its preparation, because you can cook buckwheat in a merchant's way with pork, chicken, minced meat and many other ways.

Merchant buckwheat. What's this?

The composition of the dish includes: cereals, any meat, vegetables, seasonings and salt. Before cooking, buckwheat is sorted and washed from vegetable debris. The meat is also washed and turned into minced meat, or finely chopped. Then it is important to choose the right dishes for cooking, not forgetting that you can cook the core in this way in a slow cooker.

  1. In a deep frying pan, vegetables are fried first, and then the selected type of meat.
  2. Then, after frying, grits are added to the pan.
  3. All products are stewed together until cooked.

I want to note that the cooking time will directly depend on the choice of meat that is added to the core. It is known that chicken cooks faster, because buckwheat in a merchant's way with it will become ready to eat pretty quickly, but with beef or pork, you will have to simmer the food for much longer.

Merchant porridge with minced meat

There are a huge number of recipes with photos with minced meat, which tell in detail how to cook this dish. As a result, the dish turns out to be tasty and satisfying, and at the same time it is done very quickly.

You can use any stuffing. For example, minced chicken will make the dish tasty and healthy for kids. And you can treat your beloved men to buckwheat with homemade minced meat (50% pork, 50% beef)

Take the following ingredients:

  • Two glasses of buckwheat;
  • Three cloves of garlic;
  • Two bulbs;
  • Four tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • Two carrots;
  • Four tablespoons of tomato paste
  • 700 g minced meat (pork + beef);
  • Seasoning for buckwheat.

Recipe with minced meat a kernel made in a merchant's way looks like this:

  1. Next, the cereal is dried a little in a pan with a small amount of vegetable oil.
  2. The carrot is peeled and grated, the onion is finely chopped. Vegetables are fried in a pan.
  3. When the vegetables are almost ready, add minced meat to them.
  4. Then tomato paste and seasonings are sent to the pan to the minced meat.
  5. Minced meat and vegetables in a pan must be thoroughly mixed.
  6. Next, buckwheat is added to the minced meat and vegetables.
  7. To products in a frying pan water is added, which should cover them completely.
  8. The dish is stewed over low heat under a closed lid.

Ready buckwheat is served on the table like a merchant, but before serving, add squeezed garlic to it and mix.

Buckwheat groats in the oven

Many recipes with photos of merchant buckwheat can be found where it is cooked in the oven . It is worth saying that, despite the fact that cooking this dish takes a little longer, the dish turns out to be very tasty, and the meat in it practically does not need to be chewed, it turns out so soft.

For cooking, housewives should stock up following products:

  • 300 g pork;
  • a pinch of thyme;
  • garlic clove;
  • Bulb;
  • 150 g unground;
  • A couple of sprigs of parsley;
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of chili;
  • 2 pieces of black peppercorns;
  • Carrot;
  • Salt;
  • Lavrushka leaf.

Recipe as follows:

  1. Onions and carrots are peeled, lightly fried in a pan on vegetable oil.
  2. Next, thyme, salt, chili and garlic are added to the vegetables.
  3. After a few minutes, cereals are added to the vegetables, everything is mixed, and then laid out in a baking dish.
  4. Buckwheat and vegetables need to be leveled and put meat on top of them, cut into pieces. Lavrushka and peppercorns are also laid out in the dish.
  5. All products are poured with boiling water, which should cover them completely.
  6. The baking dish is covered with foil and sent to the oven for 45 minutes.

The finished dish is garnished with parsley and served at the table.

Buckwheat porridge a la merchant in a slow cooker

Many of us do not like to stand at the stove and follow the preparation of food, so we prefer to cook according to the recipe with a photo in a slow cooker. Most often, a pork recipe is used to prepare such a dish. Pork is a juicy and tasty meat, so many housewives like to add it to various dishes with cereal.

To make buckwheat merchant's porridge in a slow cooker with pork, we stock up on the following products:

  • tomatoes;
  • Pork;
  • Onion and carrot;
  • Seasonings (you can cubes of maggi, hops-suneli);
  • Nucleus.

Cooking a dish in the Redmond multicooker or any other like this:

  1. Pork is cut into cubes.
  2. Diced meat is placed in a multicooker bowl along with chopped onions and grated carrots, everything is mixed with tomato paste obtained from fresh tomatoes, the "hot" mode is set.
  3. Next, washed cereals are added to the meat and vegetables, water, seasonings are added, the “pilaf” mode is set for forty minutes.

Ready "pilaf" from the core with meat is served on the table. It is very tasty in combination with pickled tomatoes or cucumbers, it can also be sprinkled with grated cheese.

Merchant-style buckwheat with mushrooms

Many people do not eat meat, as the calorie content of dishes with them is quite high, so they cook merchant porridge with mushrooms. The technique for preparing such a dish is as follows:

  1. The core is moved and washed.
  2. Onions and carrots, two pieces each, are peeled and chopped, fried in a pan.
  3. 200 g of mushrooms are boiled in lightly salted water, then added to the vegetables in a frying pan, where they are still fried for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Further Vegetable mix put together with cereals in a small saucepan, where it is poured with water. In this case, the water should cover all the products by about one finger.
  5. The food should boil over low heat under a closed lid, then you need to leave it to languish for another half hour.

The finished dish contains a large amount of vegetable protein, which can replace meat, so it is suitable for vegetarians and those who want to be slimmer. Also, merchant porridge, so cooked, is included in the diet of people suffering from diabetes.