Home / pies / Shortcrust pastry baskets with protein. Cakes "Basket" with protein cream

Shortcrust pastry baskets with protein. Cakes "Basket" with protein cream

For many, these cakes are a memory from the past. AT Soviet times such "Baskets" were invariably sold in pastry shops. They are prepared quite simply, they look appetizing, and the taste depends on what you use for decoration. There are a lot of options! I think that both children and adults will enjoy tea drinking with these delicious cakes.


  • Yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Margarine (draining butter) - 100 g
  • Flour - ok. 1.3 stack. (glass 250 ml)
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp without a slide
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Vanillin - to taste


  • Proteins - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 120 g
  • Vanillin - optional


  • Jam, fruit - optional

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.

Set aside the squirrels - we will need them for cream preparation, and first we prepare the dough and bake the baskets.

Mix butter with flour and baking powder into crumbs.

Best by hand.

Mix yolks with sugar and salt.

Pour the yolks into the butter crumbs.

Start kneading with a spoon, then continue with your hands.

The dough should be comfortable to work with and plastic, if yours is too soft, then add a little flour.

For cakes "Basket" I use metal or silicone molds.

The number of cakes will depend on the layer of dough that you lay out in the form. Someone likes the dough thicker, someone thinner, choose whichever you like best. AT silicone molds the dough can be made very thin. In metal, it is better to be a little thicker so that it does not break when removed from the mold. Below I will show one secret if the dough is slightly stuck.

So, put a ball of dough in a mold and spread it with your fingers over the entire surface.

Grease metal molds with butter.

This is what it looks like in metal.

And it's in silicone.

We send for baking in the oven.

Determine the time according to your oven.

In mine at a temperature of about 180 degrees, they are baked for about 15 minutes.

We get supplies.

This dough for baskets is universal, it can be filled with both protein and butter cream.

If you use oil, then the blanks must cool completely.

If the dough does not want to "jump" out of the metal mold, help it with a toothpick.

This does not happen with silicone ones, but I confess that I prefer metal baskets.

When all the blanks are removed from the molds, we proceed to the preparation of the cream.

The site has detailed description cooking Swiss meringue. In my opinion, it is ideal for filling basket cakes.

You can paint it any color. Here, here I have a pink one, I used a few drops of gel color.

And now I'll show you the options for this cake. I have cooked it many, many times. Choose for yourself what you like or come up with your own.

You can put sour on the bottom thick jam, you get such “Baskets”, as before, in Soviet times.

You can just lay out the cream beautifully - it is also very tasty.

You can put the cream in “nests” and put fruit inside.

It turns out very tasty with sour ones - orange, kiwi, strawberries.

Fruits or berries should be laid immediately before serving, but baskets filled with cream can withstand several hours at room temperature.

If the meringue is cooked correctly, then the cakes will not flow. It happened that cooked in the evening looked great in the morning, if left uneaten. Naturally, this is if without fruit.

I hope you enjoy "Baskets".

Bon appetit!

It is not difficult to explain the widespread popularity: cooking does not require a lot of time, everyone can cope with the task, and the result always pleases relatives and guests. In addition, the "form factor" of this appetizing snack determines its universal recognition - small portions toppings or sauces quickly whet the appetite, they are convenient and practical. Cooking them is not difficult, basket recipes require basic culinary skills and a desire to fantasize.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

For those who like to experiment, there are ample opportunities for combining ingredients and preparing a presentation. Often, cheese, vegetables, meat or fish are used as the main component for the filling. It will be beneficial to look greens - as well as whole leaves, and finely chopped. However, everyone's favorite Olivier salad can also be a great filler. The list of products used to fill the baskets can probably be continued indefinitely: caviar, red fish, shrimp, crab sticks, chicken, mushrooms, ham, liver, hearts...

Cake "Basket" is my love. Believe it or not, but if they caught my eye, I just can't get past! Sand base, jam "with the taste of childhood", and a wonderful air cream. By the way, there are two types: sand baskets with oil cream and with protein, the choice is yours.

Buying these desserts, to be honest, I never thought about how to cook them at home on my own. But with the advent of a child in the family, I began to treat the purchase of products more carefully, fearing unnecessary harmful additives. Then I thought about finding a recipe for "Basket" cakes with protein cream. I like it more: light, airy, very tasty and at the same time,.

It turned out in the recipe there is absolutely nothing more natural and complex. I suggest you check it out as well.


For the base:

  • Egg yolk - 3 pieces
  • Margarine or butter - 200 grams
  • Sugar - 80 grams
  • Soda - 3 grams
  • Flour - 200 grams

For the protein custard:

  • Water - 100 ml
  • Sugar - 300 grams
  • Egg white - 3 pieces
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 grams
  • Lemon juice or citric acid - 7 grams
  • Jam - berry or fruit (to your taste)

Cooking process

First, let's prepare the base - dough for cakes "Basket". Prepare necessary ingredients in accordance with the recipe, so that everything is at hand in the right amount. It is necessary to mix sugar and butter (margarine) and beat until voluminous.

Pour soda and yolk into this mixture, beat very well.

In the resulting bulk mass, add flour in small portions and quickly knead the dough for the “Basket” cake without stopping.

Do not knead for a long time so that our dough does not become tight. This will cause the cake baskets from shortcrust pastry get stone. Ready dough it is necessary to let it stand so that it rests and only after a break can you continue to work with it.

Prepare the molds in which the cake baskets will be baked. You can use the most common metal molds. It is not necessary to grease the molds with oil, because it is part of the dough itself.

It is necessary to divide the dough into equal parts. From the resulting pieces we roll the ball and make a thin cake, which we then put in prepared forms. Press the dough firmly into the bottom and sides to avoid bubbles.

If you have uneven edges, then we level them with your fingers, if necessary, remove the excess. All edges must be even, so that our cakes turn out neat and beautiful.

We bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 - 220 degrees Celsius until browned.

Very carefully, slowly, we take out the baskets and put them on a tray to cool.

Keep in mind that shortbread cake baskets need to cool and get stronger, so you need to bake them in advance, several hours in advance, maybe a day.

Let's get some cream. First of all, we begin to cook syrup from sugar and water. Combine the ingredients in a saucepan and place on the stove.

We cook the syrup so that it gurgles, which means that the correct caramelization processes are going on, stir and remove the foam. It should be boiled until the consistency of liquid caramel is reached. We check simply - we put a container next to cold water and periodically drip a spoon into it, the resulting syrup. Until we see that a soft ball forms in the water, continue to cook. This process takes approximately 10 minutes.

In parallel, beat the prepared chilled egg whites.

Ready hot syrup, slowly pour in a trickle into the proteins whipped at maximum speed. The cream will sag slightly at first, continue whisking and in the process the mass will increase again, become thick and keep its shape.

Following the syrup, add lemon juice, vanilla, continuing to beat the mass until it is stable and retains its shape.

Add jam to the bottom of each basket.

Air protein cream put in a confectionery bag with the appropriate nozzle, and form beautiful snow-white peaks.

This is what a miracle happened to me! Cakes "Baskets" according to this recipe are simply perfect: beautiful, fragrant and tender. They can be both a wonderful everyday dessert and an excellent addition to the festive table.

For example, if a birthday is planned, make desserts in the same theme with birthday cake. Observe the similarity in the design of the cake and pastries. For festive decor, feel free to use various kinds of sprinkles, chocolate topping, candied fruits, pieces of marmalade, marshmallows, fresh fruits and berries (according to the season).

This dessert is truly universal. Bring the recipe for the "Basket" cake to life in your kitchen, and you will never be able to part with it!

For many, these cakes are a memory from the past. In Soviet times, such "Baskets" were invariably sold in confectioneries. They are prepared quite simply, they look appetizing, and the taste depends on what you use for decoration. There are a lot of options! I think that both children and adults will enjoy tea drinking with these delicious cakes.



  • Yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Margarine (draining butter) - 100 g
  • Flour - ok. 1.3 stack. (glass 250 ml)
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp without a slide
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Vanillin - to taste


  • Proteins - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 120 g
  • Vanillin - optional


  • Jam, fruit - optional


Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.

We set aside the squirrels - we will need them for, and first we prepare the dough and bake the baskets.

Mix butter with flour and baking powder into crumbs.

Best by hand.

Mix yolks with sugar and salt.

Pour the yolks into the butter crumbs.

Start kneading with a spoon, then continue with your hands.

The dough should be easy to work with and plastic, if yours is too soft, then add a little flour.

For cakes "Basket" I use metal or silicone molds.

The number of cakes will depend on the layer of dough that you lay out in the form. Someone likes the dough thicker, someone thinner, choose whichever you like best. In silicone molds, the dough can be made very thin. In metal, it is better to be a little thicker so that it does not break when removed from the mold. Below I will show one secret if the dough is slightly stuck.

So, put a ball of dough in a mold and spread it with your fingers over the entire surface.

Grease metal molds with butter.

This is what it looks like in metal.

And it's in silicone.

We send for baking in the oven.

Determine the time according to your oven.

In mine at a temperature of about 180 degrees baked for about 15 minutes.

We get supplies.

This dough for baskets is universal, it can be filled with both protein and butter cream.

If you use oil, then the blanks must cool completely.

If the dough does not want to "jump" out of the metal mold, help it with a toothpick.

This does not happen with silicone ones, but I confess that I prefer metal baskets.

When all the blanks are removed from the molds, we proceed to the preparation of the cream.

The site has a detailed description of the preparation. In my opinion, it is ideal for filling basket cakes.

You can paint it any color. Here, here I have a pink one, I used a few drops of gel color.

And now I'll show you the options for this cake. I have cooked it many, many times. Choose for yourself what you like or come up with your own.

You can put sour thick jam on the bottom, you get such “Baskets”, as before, in Soviet times.

You can just lay out the cream beautifully - it is also very tasty.

You can put the cream in “nests” and put fruit inside.

It turns out very tasty with sour ones - orange, kiwi, strawberries.

Fruits or berries should be laid immediately before serving, but baskets filled with cream can withstand several hours at room temperature.

If the meringue is cooked correctly, then the cakes will not flow. It happened that cooked in the evening looked great in the morning, if left uneaten. Naturally, this is if without fruit.

I hope you enjoy "Baskets".

Bon appetit!

The quality of the protein cream is affected only by the freshness of the eggs. Proteins of market eggs are instantly converted into thick cream, and store-bought packages may surprise you: “aged” eggs never form a stable foam when beaten.

Margarine is taken out of the refrigerator in advance, then the soft bar is cut into cubes.

Pour margarine with sugar, pass through the mass with a fork. It is not necessary to achieve the dissolution of sugar, you just need to mix the ingredients.

Add fresh large eggs.

Flour is poured out, soda is quenched with vinegar.

The dough is kneaded, rolled up, tightened with a film. An hour and a half is allotted for “ripening”, at this time the dough should be in the refrigerator. It can be stored in the refrigerator for two days, the quality of the baskets will not suffer.

Cupcake molds are lubricated sunflower oil or margarine. It is necessary to coat each bulge of the mold so that the finished cake baskets do not break or crumble. Roll out the dough, the thickness of the layer is 5 millimeters. Circles are squeezed out with a cup, then they are placed in a mold. The bottoms of future baskets are pierced.

The baskets are placed in a preheated oven, the temperature is 180 degrees. After 30 minutes, the baskets will turn golden, and the thickness of the “basket walls” will increase to one and a half to two centimeters. Baskets are taken out of the molds and stacked in columns.

Preparation of protein cream for cake baskets

Three chilled proteins are placed in a bowl and beat with a blender at maximum speed.

When protein mass thicken, add citric acid and a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Continue to beat until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved, then pour out two more tablespoons of sugar, beat again. Do the same with the remaining sugar.

The cream is filled with a culinary bag with a notched nozzle. Squeeze out the protein cream in the form of a spiral.

Kiwi is peeled, cut into rings and half rings. Films are removed from tangerine slices, first making an incision with scissors.

Cake baskets are decorated with fruits, immediately served to the table. Such cakes cannot be stored for a long time, as long-term storage involves the obligatory lubrication of fruit slices with a gelling compound.