Home / Pancakes, fritters / Mushrooms fried in oil. How to fry porcini mushrooms in a pan

Mushrooms fried in oil. How to fry porcini mushrooms in a pan

Hello dear readers!

All my adult life I thought that this is just a mandatory combination for the success of a mushroom dish. It turned out that nothing of the sort. And I must tell you that it turns out faster without a bow.

Mushrooms for this method of cooking are suitable for any: forest and champignons too. But I haven’t experimented with oyster mushrooms yet, so I’ll keep silent about them. And when I try, I'll add a suggestion here.

I think that main secret this recipe is a great combination of thyme and garlic. In another way, I cannot explain the amazing aroma of these unpretentious mushrooms.

So let's start...


  • 500 g mushrooms (porcini, chanterelles, champignons)
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil cold pressed
  • Several sprigs of parsley
  • Several sprigs of thyme


If you have fresh mushrooms, then they need to be washed, making sure that no earth remains on the legs and remove all damaged parts.

I had frozen Forest mushrooms(or rather, their mixture), so I first thawed them.

As I already wrote, you can make champignons according to this recipe - they also turn out very tasty.

Then you need to heat a tablespoon in a pan vegetable oil(preferably olive). And how long to fry the mushrooms? - Fry for 8-10 minutes on medium heat.

Meanwhile, peel the garlic cloves and chop the parsley.

Reduce the heat, add the remaining oil due, whole cloves of garlic and thyme. And here you can already salt and sprinkle with ground black pepper. Fry for another five minutes, and then sprinkle with chopped parsley at the end.

And that's it. No onions for you, nothing else.

The only thing in this recipe that is not very pleasant is the fact that we only sell Israeli thyme, and it’s quite expensive, as for grass. Considering that it usually needs several sprigs in a dish, the rest I used to just disappear in the refrigerator, which caused me great regret when I again saw thyme in the list of products.

But this time, I froze everything that was left. And now I use frozen thyme sprigs. If you, like me, are embarrassed by such a moment, then use the freeze.

Serve these mushrooms simply with black bread toasts.

Good luck in the kitchen and bon appetit!

Mushrooms have probably become an integral part of our cuisine for a long time, because if you think about it, they are used for cooking various dishes. With mushrooms, you can cook soup, fry potatoes, cook a pie, pies, dumplings or mushroom caviar, isn't it wonderful!

Today we have fried mushrooms on the menu, which we will cook with onions and sour cream.

And so, we gathered porcini mushrooms, I call them “plump” (because of their spongy hat), our collection also included boletus, dabka, boletus, in general - quiet hunting was successful. Without thinking twice, I dealt with them and boiled them, put them in the refrigerator, and then I fried wild mushrooms with sour cream, which I would like to talk about today. In general, mushrooms go well with sour cream, especially plump ones and chanterelles, this is just an unearthly combination.

Many people fry edible forest mushrooms raw, not previously boiled, but I always play it safe and boil, and then start frying.

For cooking fried mushrooms with sour cream you will need the following ingredients:


  • Boiled mushrooms (porcini, boletus, etc.) - 800 grams,
  • Sour cream 100 - 150 grams,
  • Onion - 1 onion (large)
  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • Butter - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking process:

I used already boiled mushrooms for frying, but if you don’t have any, then you will need to boil them. To do this, raw and peeled mushrooms need to be poured with water (preferably boiling water) and put on fire, then bring the mushrooms to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for another 20 minutes. If desired, you can salt the mushrooms, this should also be done if you do not immediately use boiled mushrooms (so that they do not disappear). Then drain the water and wash the mushrooms.

Now you can start cooking fried mushrooms.

Put on a heated pan butter and add pre-cooked mushrooms. I love it when the mushrooms are coarsely chopped, but you can cut them however you like if you like.

Then fry the mushrooms under a closed lid over medium heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Onions need to be peeled and cut into thin half rings and quarters. Then remove the lid and add the onions to the fried mushrooms. We add fire, mix the ingredients and fry for another 5 - 8 minutes.

Now you need to add salt and black pepper to taste, no more spices are needed, they will kill all the flavor of the mushrooms. Also add sour cream to the mushrooms and mix everything thoroughly.

Stew the mushrooms over low heat for another 10 - 15 minutes and then transfer to a deep plate.

Serve as a side dish or an appetizer on its own. We ate these fried mushrooms with boiled potatoes, after sprinkling everything with chopped herbs.

From time immemorial, people have been using the gifts of the forest, and so it was and is. Most importantly, when picking mushrooms on your own, try to pick them away from highways and cities, since mushrooms, like a sponge, absorb all poisons, which can cause poisoning. You should also know what kind of mushrooms you are picking, so that in the future you do not end up in the hospital with the same poisoning, which, unfortunately, can lead to death. In order not to talk about bad things, when gathering for mushrooms, we take an avid mushroom picker with us, and then your mushroom picking will be successful!

Now I wanted to talk about some tricks that you need to know when cooking mushrooms:

  • In order for the mushrooms not to lose color during cooking or frying, you need to sprinkle them lightly lemon juice, but do not overdo it, otherwise they will become sour;
  • Cooking fried mushrooms is better in butter, it gives special flavor ready meal;
  • In order for the mushrooms to remain soft, you need to fry them over medium heat, avoid high heat, it will make the mushrooms tough;
  • Do not store ready-made mushroom dishes for a long time, a maximum of 10 hours, and then in the refrigerator.

for the recipe and step by step photos fried mushrooms thank Slavyana.

Bon appetit wishes Notebook of recipes!

Mushrooms are considered one of the dietary, but very useful and nutritious foods. They contain in their composition a large number of proteins, also in these plants there are important amino acids and minerals required for the normal functioning of the human body. But to get the most out of ready meal, you need to know how to fry mushrooms at home. They are used as fillings, as well as independent snacks, so the taste and aroma of the delicacy will depend on the cooking process.


To understand how much to fry mushrooms, you need to consider the type of plant and the kitchen appliance on which you will bake. The average cooking time in a pan is 20 to 40 minutes. You should also pay attention to the size of the mushrooms, since a finely chopped product will fry much faster than whole specimens. Salt should only be added at the end of the process.

The plant can be fried in a slow cooker, oven, and even on a fire, while taste qualities dishes and baking times will vary. In the cooking process, it is important to take into account the fact that mushrooms are 90% water, which begins to be released during heat treatment.


Mushrooms of a fresh crop must be cleaned of dirt, debris, separate the root on the leg and rinse thoroughly. The preparation of some types requires pre-soaking and boiling in salted water for about half an hour, so as not to have to fry for a long time. Be sure to defend in liquid: milk mushrooms, chanterelles, mushrooms, volnushki and russula. Such procedures help eliminate the risk of poisoning by these plants.

After heat treatment with saline, the fungi are laid out in a colander, allowing excess liquid to drain.


Champignons are the most popular mushrooms, they are quick and easy to prepare, while having a special taste and unique aroma.

If you want to learn how to properly fry this type of plant in a pan, then listen to the advice of professionals:

    • chopped mushrooms, become ready in ten minutes over medium heat;
    • to obtain a crisp, you can increase the intensity of the flame;
    • no need to close the lid when frying;
    • a frozen product should first be cooked at a moderate temperature until the liquid evaporates, and then increase it;
  • canned champignons should be washed and only then fried (about five minutes).

Mushrooms can also be fried with onions, which are added after a few minutes of baking and the ingredients are brought together until ready. Such a recipe is considered a classic, as is the preparation of champignons with potatoes. It is not necessary to fry mushrooms for pizza, as they have time to bake in the oven already as part of the dish.


First of all, the oil should be boiled in salt water for the required amount of time (about 10 minutes). Then, in dried form, they are laid out on a heated frying pan with any kind of oil and baked, constantly stirring for about a quarter of an hour until excess moisture evaporates. If you use frozen butternuts that have not been boiled before, then the frying time is doubled, while the first half of the mushrooms are cooked under the lid. At the end, the plant acquires a dark color and browns.


Before frying in a pan, it is recommended to soak the product in water for three hours, and then boil it. Boiled mushrooms are placed in a bowl with hot butter or vegetable oil and brought to readiness for ten minutes, stirring regularly. You can fry frozen chanterelles in the same way, increasing the time by about five minutes.

Honey mushrooms

Fresh mushrooms must be boiled for ten minutes in salted water, which is changed several times, while frozen ones can be fried immediately. Cooking takes no more than fifteen minutes with the lid open. When the mushrooms begin to shoot in the pan, they can be considered ready.

White mushrooms

If it is not possible to cook porcini mushrooms (boletus mushrooms), then they are scalded with boiling water and soaked in salt water for half an hour. Need to fry strong fire until the liquid evaporates, and then reduce the flame, add oil and cook for another five minutes.

How long to fry mushrooms after freezing? Cooking will take no more than a quarter of an hour at a low temperature.

oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms can be fried after pre-boiling in salted water. After drying, they are placed in a hot pan and cooked in oil for about 15 minutes, without covering with a lid. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the dish, otherwise the oyster mushrooms may become too dry and tough.

Aspen mushrooms

It is recommended to fry freshly harvested forest boletuses for at least half an hour, just like frozen mushrooms. Boiled plants are cooked in just 15 minutes on a strong flame and are constantly mixed. Bake them until golden brown and then sprinkle with seasonings or spices to taste. These mushrooms are suitable for adding to other dishes and are stored for about three days.


Such delicious gifts of the forest can be prepared without pre-cooking, but at the same time they must be young and medium-sized. For disinfection, soak them in salted water for half an hour and fry on hot pan oil still the same amount of time. Larger and older specimens are best given heat treatment, and then fried until tender.

Milk mushrooms

dried mushrooms

Dried plants are placed in hot water for two hours. It is necessary to do this, since you need to give them a shape and more juicy taste. You need to fry dried mushrooms with oil under a closed lid at a low oven intensity. After five minutes of cooking, you can add a flame to get a golden crust.

frozen mushrooms

Raw frozen plants are boiled in boiling water for about 10 minutes and only then lowered into a hot bowl with oil. The finished freeze must be stewed in a frying pan under a closed lid for seven minutes. small fire, and then open and fry for another five minutes at medium temperature.

Advice! Frozen mushrooms can be fried without defrosting.


There are many most various recipes roasting mushrooms. They are fried with breadcrumbs, flour and sour cream. These plants are baked with potatoes, vegetables and simply with onions. You can pepper the mushrooms, sprinkle with seasoning and various spices to taste. The method of preparation and inclusion in other dishes depends on the type and size of mushroom specimens used.

Oyster mushrooms with onions

Fry finely chopped onions in butter, add chopped mushrooms and fry for 15 minutes under the lid, constantly stirring the contents of the dish.

Mushrooms with cheese

We fry the mushroom slices in hot oil, after the formation of a blush, pour in a mixture of cream, pepper, spices and salt. After fully prepared, pour in small handfuls grated cheese and serve the dish after it melts.


Fry the chopped onion in 50 ml of oil, add mushroom pieces (400 gr.), Add seasonings, spices and cook until blush. Dilute the bouillon cube with water, pour the liquid into the pan and simmer. Dilute flour, water and sour cream, beat with a whisk and add to the dish. After 5 minutes, turn off the oven and cover the fungi with herbs.


Mushroom assortment pour warm water for seven minutes, strain the infusion, and put the plants in a pan with a fried onion. After 5 minutes, sprinkle with small pieces of garlic, and after another minute add liquid and simmer until tender.

With nuts

Boiled porcini mushrooms cut and fry in oil until a golden layer forms. Drain the separated juice, mix it with apple cider vinegar and return the mixture to the pan. Sprinkle with chopped herbs, onions and grated walnuts, mix and bake for two minutes.

Mushrooms are a source of protein and other useful substances. Knowing the rules for frying such a product, you get the opportunity to get not only a delicacy to festive table but also a safe homemade dish.

Mushrooms are a versatile product that goes well with meat, chicken, vegetables and rice. Fried mushrooms are a delicious and well-known dish that can be prepared from any kind of mushrooms. As sauces, those prepared on the basis of sour cream or mayonnaise are best suited. To get an excellent fragrant dish, you can add various spices - garlic, onion, black pepper, dill and parsley go well with mushrooms.

For frying, you can use any edible mushrooms in fresh, as well as processed - dried, pickled, frozen.

Most mushrooms should be boiled in boiling water for up to half an hour before cooking, depending on the variety.

Cooking with fresh champignons

You can treat yourself to fresh at any time of the year, while other varieties of mushrooms are seasonal. Another advantage of champignons is that they do not require a long pre-heat treatment - these mushrooms can be consumed even raw. There are a lot of options for preparing dishes from them - they can be baked in the oven, used for cooking first courses, fried in a pan as an independent second course or used in salads and light snacks.

Here is the basic recipe for fried mushrooms, on the basis of which you can cook a lot of dishes by adding additional ingredients:

Add salt and spices at the end of frying!

How to fry frozen mushrooms

Frozen mushrooms can also be fried! To get a tasty and fragrant dish, it is better not to defrost them, but boil them for several minutes in boiling water with the addition of salt. Then dry and send to the prepared heated pan.

The most delicious mushroom recipes

Almost all types of mushrooms can be cooked both separately and together with different vegetables.

Fried mushrooms with onions

What will be required:

  • 0.5 kg of mushrooms (you can use any fresh ones;
  • mushrooms - champignons, chanterelles, white and others);
  • 1 large onion;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • some fresh or dried dill.

How to cook:

Can be served as a side dish for meat; main course, supplemented with potatoes, rice, vegetables or an independent dish.

Fried mushrooms with onions and cheese

What will be required:

  • 0.5 kg of mushrooms;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • about 300 g of any cheese;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.

How to cook:

If there is no oven, you can continue cooking in a pan - sprinkle the mushrooms with cheese and cover with a lid. Cook for 7-8 minutes over low heat.

Fried mushrooms with onions and potatoes

You can take any mushrooms, the main thing is that they are edible. You can use fresh, frozen and even pickled mushrooms. To cook delicious fried mushrooms with onions and potatoes, you need to pay attention to the features of the heat treatment of each component of the dish:

  • if you use wild mushrooms, before frying, they need to be boiled for up to half an hour in salted water;
  • first, the onion is fried, then mushrooms are added to it - otherwise the onion will be boiled;
  • mushrooms are fried separately from potatoes - they release a lot of liquid;
  • sliced ​​​​before cooking, you need to additionally rinse cold water to wash off excess starch;
  • potatoes do not need to be covered when frying.

What will be required:

  • 0.8 kg of potatoes;
  • 0.5 kg of mushrooms;
  • 1 large onion;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • dill greens.

How to cook:

Important points in cooking fried mushrooms in a pan

Mushrooms are a complex food that is considered a heavy food. It is not recommended to give mushrooms to children under three years of age and to persons suffering from digestive problems. For better absorption by the body, mushrooms should be finely chopped for dishes and chewed thoroughly. Chopped mushrooms are digested by the stomach by 70%.

  1. Mushrooms and onions should not be fried to a crisp - in this case, all the protein is lost, the dish will not bring any benefit to the body, and the severity after eating will be significant.
  2. Do not pour too much oil into the pan. So that the mushrooms do not stick, you need to run them into the heated oil and mix immediately.
  3. To make the dish more tender, at the end of cooking, you can add a little sour cream or milk.

Video recipe for frying chanterelle mushrooms

Fried mushrooms in sour cream - video

What happiness - to go to the cellar in winter and bring a jar of rolled fried mushrooms! Throw this wealth into a frying pan and make the whole house close your eyes with pleasure: an indescribable magical smell will bring you back to summer, when you just came from the forest with full baskets...

And in order to give your family such unforgettable moments, you need not to miss that not very long and quickly passing period, when you can still go to the nearest forest for a mushroom harvest.

When harvesting fried mushrooms for the winter, fat is used as a preservative - butter or ghee, lard (rendered lard) and vegetable oil. Most often, housewives prefer a mixture of fats, not without reason considering such blanks to be the most delicious.

Boil mushrooms before frying or not?

Before the novice hostess, this question will definitely arise. And many decide that it is better to play it safe than worry about the safety of their blanks. To feel confident, of course, it is better to know for sure which mushrooms need additional heat treatment and which ones are not. Let's take a closer look at the rules.

Does not require pre-boiling

Edible and conditionally edible mushrooms are prepared differently. edible mushrooms can be fried immediately. These include:
  • flywheels;
  • mushrooms;
  • umbrellas;
  • hedgehogs;

Naturally, additional heat treatment edible mushrooms will not harm the human body. But here they are the nutritional value decreases, the specific mushroom aroma weakens and the taste worsens. And some mushrooms become slippery even after a short boil.

Must be boiled

But conditionally edible mushrooms must be boiled before frying. This helps to reduce toxicity to a safe level and eliminate the pungent taste: when heated, the poisonous substances of such a fungus dissolve in water, we pour it out, and the mushrooms themselves become edible. Be sure to boil:
  • ordinary lines;
  • pink;
  • brittle and burning russula;
  • black and yellow.
Because of the bitter taste, soak and boil all those mushrooms that have burning milky juice:
  • lactic camphor, alder and sweetish;
  • bitters;
  • violinists;
  • serushki;
  • white podgruzdki;
  • some types of russula, pigs and talkers;
  • moths;
  • some other mushrooms.
When cooked, bitterness turns into water, and the taste of mushrooms improves significantly. Many summer residents explain the need for pre-boiling also by the fact that this will additionally cleanse the mushrooms from environmental pollution.

Be that as it may, it is necessary to rely both on theoretical data on the group affiliation of mushrooms, and on local conditions and traditions. It is good if knowledge about mushrooms is passed down from generation to generation. In such families, "mushroom" troubles almost never happen.

Fried mushrooms with pre-boiling

Since many housewives still boil all mushrooms without exception before frying, we will pay special attention to this method. Let's consider the process step by step.

Step one: cleaning

Mushrooms brought from the forest should be poured with cold salt water for 1.5-2 hours, then rinsed and cleaned.

Advice: the legs of boletus and mushrooms turn out to be harsh when frying, so it is better to cut them off and let them dry - in the winter, in a ground state, they are perfect for cooking mushroom sauces and soups.

Step two: first boil

Pour the mushrooms with cold water, bring to a boil and boil over low heat for 15 minutes, removing the foam that formed during boiling. After a quarter of an hour, put the mushrooms in a colander and rinse with water.

Advice: when cooking porcini mushrooms, you can add a small amount to the water citric acid(about 3 g per 1 liter of water) so that they do not darken.

Boiling mushrooms

Step three: second boil

Pour the mushrooms again with clean water, bring to a boil and boil again over low heat for 10-15 minutes. After cooking, drain the water and rinse the mushrooms again.

Step Four: Roast the Mushrooms

When the water drains from the mushrooms after washing, they need to be cut into pieces of the intended size, then put in a dry frying pan (without adding oil!) And keep on low heat, stirring until the liquid evaporates. That's when it's time to add vegetable oil, animal fat or butter (preferably ghee). Fry the mushrooms in oil for 25-30 minutes, not forgetting to mix. A few minutes before the end of frying, add salt to taste.

Step Five: Packing the Fried Mushrooms into Jars

Transfer the mushrooms directly from the pan into dry hot sterilized jars. In each of them, 1-1.5 cm of free space for oil (fat) should remain above the mushrooms. It is best to pour the one in which the mushrooms were fried, but if this oil is not enough, you need to add a new one to the pan, ignite it and add it to the jars with boiling.

Advice: if you prefer animal fat for blanks, its layer on top of the jar will need to be salted directly while hot.

Step Six: Sterilization

Roll up filled jars and sterilize (completely submerged in salt water) for 60 minutes. Then turn over on the lids, carefully wrap and leave to cool for 2 days.

Advice: if the mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator, they can not be sterilized and stored under nylon lids.

Experienced mushroom pickers, knowing well the properties of the mushrooms that they “caught” in their baskets, believe: to boil unconditionally edible mushrooms - porcini, chanterelles, champignons, mossiness mushrooms or butter mushrooms - only spoil their taste. Therefore, immediately throw them into the pan.

Let's now consider this, in fact, a rather short time procurement process:

  • clean the mushrooms brought from the forest, rinse and put in a colander so that the water is glass;
  • cut all the mushrooms into slices;
  • pour vegetable oil (or a mixture of fats) into a deep frying pan, heat well and put mushrooms in hot oil;
  • with the lid closed, fry them over low heat for about an hour, looking and stirring. During this time, they will stew in their own juice;
  • then the lid must be removed and the pan kept on fire until all the mushroom juice evaporates and the oil becomes transparent;
  • straight from the pan put the mushrooms in dry hot cans, leaving 10-12 mm on top for oil;
  • top up with boiling oil from the pan;

  • then, if it is supposed to store the workpieces in the refrigerator, close with plastic or nylon thermal caps, hold until cool and place in the refrigerator;
  • if there is no place in the refrigerator, then sterilize the jars in salt water for 1 hour, roll up with metal lids, turn over, wrap well and keep under a blanket for 2 days.

Delicious recipes

Of course, who can resist not to immediately sit down at the table and, without waiting for winter or a holiday, part of the fried mushrooms will be happy to “mind” with fresh herbs and fragrant black bread!
  • fresh chanterelles - 1 kg;
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pieces;
  • salt - to taste.
1. Rinse and cut the chanterelles, if you decide so. For frying, you can take either vegetable oil, butter, lard, or a mixture of fats - as you like. Fry the chanterelles on low heat for 40 minutes. under the lid.
2. Remove the lid, salt the mushrooms, add Bay leaf(you can add onion, black pepper or cloves for taste) and fry over low heat until the juice has completely evaporated, and the chanterelles acquire a beautiful golden color.
3. Transfer them to the prepared heated jars and add oil from the pan to the top so that the oil layer above the mushrooms is 1-1.5 cm.

4. Sterilize jars in salt water for 35-50 minutes, roll up, turn over on lids and wrap well until cool. After two days, transfer the jars to a cold dark place.

For cooking you will need:

  • mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5-0.8 cups;
  • table vinegar 9% - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of chopped greens;
  • salt - to taste.
1. This is how unconditionally edible mushrooms are harvested. All of them need to be cleaned, thoroughly washed, chopped and quickly fried in oil over medium-high heat (do not simmer under the lid!).

2. Transfer the mushrooms to dry, heated jars, adding cloves of peeled garlic and finely chopped herbs.
3. In the oil remaining after frying, add salt and vinegar, bring to a boil. Pour the mushrooms with this oil so that its layer above the mushrooms is at least 3 cm. Sterilize in salt water for 45-50 minutes. Store these mushrooms in the refrigerator.

Fried champignons

You can learn how to fry champignons with onions by watching the following video:

If you brought champignons from the forest prepared according to this recipe, they will be wonderfully stored in a plastic bag in the freezer. And after going to the store for mushrooms, where even in the most severe frosts they “grow” daily, at any time of the year you can fry them using all the knowledge gained and our advice.

Storing fried mushrooms

Fried mushrooms are stored in refrigerators, cellars or cellars. Under plastic lids, they remain suitable for 4-6 months, and rolled up with metal lids can be stored for longer.

Fried mushrooms can also be stored in the freezer. To do this, fried cooled mushrooms are packed in plastic containers or in plastic bags, excess air is squeezed out of the bags and placed in the freezer. When frozen, such mushrooms will be stored longer, and there will be no risk of contracting botulism.

  • when frying mushrooms for the winter, there should be enough fat in the pan so that the mushrooms float in it;
  • no matter which mushrooms are fried, they need to be salted at the very end of cooking;
  • if the mushrooms were in water (boiled, soaked or simply washed), they must be dried before frying. To do this, you can use napkins, cloth or paper towels;
  • if you have collected a lot of mushrooms of several types, it is better to sort them into varieties and fry each type separately. So the taste will be more specific, and the look more attractive;
  • Mushroom dishes are a favorite in every family.

    And there is also a good folk sign: the mushrooms are over if the anthill is already closed for the winter. And the ants are still “working”, so you and I still have time for winter preparations!