Home / Pies / Chinese cabbage and shrimp salad are the best recipes. Cooking the right shrimp and Chinese cabbage salad

Chinese cabbage and shrimp salad are the best recipes. Cooking the right shrimp and Chinese cabbage salad

Salads Detailed step by step description how to prepare the dish "Chinese cabbage salad with chicken and oranges". Be sure to try Chinese cabbage 500 g. Smoked chicken breast 400 g. Garlic 5 tooth. Oranges 2 pcs. Mayonnaise to taste Crutones 30 g. Chop the cabbage. Cut the chicken breasts and oranges into large cubes. Mix in a bowl, add garlic and season with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with croutons before serving.
  • 20min 25min Salads A detailed step-by-step description of how to prepare the dish "Salad with Chinese cabbage and shrimps. " Be sure to try Mayonnaise to taste Shrimp 400 g. Ketchup to taste Hard cheese 50 g. Green apples 1 pc. Peking cabbage to taste Cucumbers 1 pc. Whole grain crisps 1 pc. Boil and peel the shrimp. Cut the apple, Chinese cabbage leaves and cucumber into strips. Crush a loaf of bread and crush it into a salad and mix everything. Grate the cheese (I used a comte) on a fine grater and add to the salad. Season with the pre-mixed ketchup and mayonnaise sauce.
  • 20min 20min Salads A detailed step-by-step description of how to prepare the Chinese cabbage and shrimp salad. Be sure to try Chinese cabbage 300 g. Peeled boiled prawns 300 g. Sweet pepper 1 pc. Pitted olives ½ can Dill to taste Mayonnaise to taste Salt to taste Chop peppers, olives, cabbage and dill. Mix all of these ingredients with the shrimp. Season with salt and mayonnaise to taste.
  • 20min 20min Salads A detailed step-by-step description of how to prepare the dish "Salad with chinese cabbage, radish and sour cream ". Be sure to try Chicken egg 1 pc. Chinese cabbage ¼ bunch Radish 50 g. Tomatoes 1 pc. Dill to taste Sour cream 3 tbsp Salt to taste Boil an egg. Chop up Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, radishes, dill, and egg. Season everything with sour cream, salt and stir.
  • 20min 20min Salads A detailed step-by-step description of how to prepare the "Ham salad with Chinese cabbage" dish. Be sure to try Chinese cabbage 1 pc. Cheese 30 g. Ham 30 g. White rusks to taste White onion 1 head Mayonnaise 20 g. Chicken egg 1 pc. Cut Chinese cabbage, ham and onion into long strips. Grate the egg and cheese (on small or large, decide for yourself, as you like). Add croutons and mayonnaise. You can add salt (if the cheese is not salted).
  • 20min 20min Salads A detailed step-by-step description of how to prepare the Andalusian salad with Chinese cabbage. Be sure to try Chicken fillet 200 g. Tomatoes 2 pcs. Chinese cabbage 100 g. Mayonnaise 150 g. Soy sauce 4 tbsp l. Curry to taste White bread 200 g. Finely chop the chicken fillet and marinate in a mixture of mayonnaise, soy sauce and curry, fry. Cut Chinese cabbage into strips, tomatoes into slices. Make more mayonnaise, soy sauce, and curry sauce. Cut the white bread into cubes and dry in the oven. Put prepared foods on a plate in layers: Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, chicken fillet... Drizzle with sauce, sprinkle with croutons.
  • 20min 60min Salads Chinese cabbage is amazingly tasty and healthy vegetable... Unlike white cabbage, Peking is more tender and goes well with many salads. With this dish you will delight your guests and yourself. At the same time, the salad with shrimp and Chinese cabbage will not leave heaviness in the stomach! Chinese cabbage 1 pc. Shrimps 200 g Cheese 100 g Cucumber 2 pcs. Mayonnaise 0.3 l. Boil the shrimp, peel the shell. They can also be pan-fried with your favorite spices. Chop thinly fresh cucumber... Whether or not to peel the skin is up to you. For example, I leave it, if not too thick. Rub the cheese on a coarse grater. We cut the cabbage not too finely. You can tear the leaves with your hands. We mix all the ingredients. Salt, add spices to taste, season with mayonnaise. Everything is ready!
  • 20min 35min Salads This spicy salad"Tenderness" with shrimp and pineapple at home is an excellent example of the perfect combination of taste and presentation. Sofrito sauce can be made easily at home, but you can use it for shrimp and any other marinade you like if you like. You can also complement the dish with cheese, for example. Pineapple 1 pc. Chicken breast 200 g. Shrimps 250 g. Celery 100 g. Curry 1 g. Salt 1 g. Sauce "Sofrito" 2 g. Homemade mayonnaise 3 g. First of all, set to cook chicken breast... Using a sharp knife, carefully cut the pineapple in half. If there is no fresh one at hand, you can easily use canned pineapple in the recipe for the "Tenderness" salad with shrimps and pineapple. True, the presentation option will be slightly different. In parallel, you can do shrimp. Wash and clean them. Place the sauce in the pan. And then shrimp. Fry them over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Tackle pineapple in parallel. You need to cut out the pulp and chop it into cubes. In a deep bowl, combine chopped celery, cooled and diced breast, pineapple pulp. Add curry. Put the fried shrimp there. Stir and season with homemade mayonnaise (you can also season with sour cream). Fill the pineapple with the filling. Now the salad "Tenderness" with shrimps and pineapple at home can be served to the table. Bon Appetit!
  • 20min 60min Salads If you want to surprise your guests with a delicious salad and are interested in how to make a salad with cabbage and shrimps, then you have found what you were looking for. This recipe describes all the cooking steps. You will definitely get a delicious and healthy salad for guests and household members! Peking cabbage 1/2 pc. Salad shrimps 500 g. Canned pineapples 1 pc. 1/2 pomegranates Mayonnaise 2 tablespoons Salt, pepper to taste Boil the cocktail shrimp in salted water until tender. You can add some dill for a scent. Clean them up. You can use ready-made frozen shrimp. Then just let them melt. Disassemble the Chinese cabbage into leaves and tear with your hands, trying to remove the thick white part of the leaf. Put the herbs on a plate or bowl. If desired, the cabbage can be replaced with lettuce leaves. Remove the grains from the pomegranate, cut the pineapples into equal pieces. Place the ingredients on the lettuce leaves. Pineapple can be used both canned and raw. Add the peeled shrimp to the rest of the ingredients. Season the salad with mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Choose a dressing with a low fat percentage. It is best if you use olive oil based mayonnaise.
  • When preparing shrimp salad, the first thing you should pay close attention to is right choice seafood. The taste of the whole salad depends on the quality of this ingredient. It is better to purchase raw, unpeeled shrimp, after cooking, they will give the salad an unimaginable taste. But here it is worth considering that most of the mass of the shrimp will go to the shell. If it was decided to purchase peeled shrimp, then it is worth knowing that the pink color means that the seafood has already been cooked and should not be re-served with boiling water.

    Peking cabbage and shrimp salad. Food preparation

    It is worth boiling shrimp not only in just salted water, but when cooking in a saucepan, it is better to add some spices, such as Bay leaf, black peppercorns and more. You can season the salad with shrimp and Chinese cabbage with olive and corn oil. Shrimp also makes good contact with various sauces with mustard, vinegar and soy sauce. Shrimp and Chinese cabbage are two unique products containing an inexhaustible supply of vitamins and minerals. Composing salad compositions based on these two ingredients will allow a person to experience a whole gastronomic bouquet of unexpected tastes.

    Chinese cabbage and shrimp salad recipes

    Recipe 1. Salad with shrimps, Chinese cabbage and cucumbers

    A salad can be prepared in a couple of minutes, and the availability of ingredients will allow this dish to sit tightly on your everyday family table.

    Required Ingredients:

    50 ml - mayonnaise;

    200 g - shrimp;

    300 g - Chinese cabbage;

    100 g - cheese;

    200 g - cucumbers.

    Cooking method:

    First of all, let's deal with shrimps. Boil for a couple of minutes in water, do not forget to add some herbs and seasonings to the pan, clean from the shell. Peking cabbage is cut into cubes, fresh cucumbers into strips. Cheese is grated, it is better to use the larger side. In a bowl, combine cabbage, shrimps, cucumbers and cheese. The salad is dressed with mayonnaise, preferably low-fat. Taste the dish, it is quite possible that you should not add salt to it, but this is already the taste of the culinary specialist.

    Recipe 2. Salad with shrimps, Chinese cabbage and olives

    Seafood goes well with any vegetable, be it fresh or pickled. This recipe uses a large number of vegetables, and shrimp marinated in garlic sauce, will be able to dilute the taste of vegetable salad.

    Required Ingredients:

    300 g - shrimp;

    300 g - green beans;

    3 pcs. - tomatoes;

    5 pieces. - potato;

    1 PC. - onion;

    2 pcs. - bell pepper;

    2 pcs. - eggs;

    A small head of Chinese cabbage.

    The second group of ingredients for the sauce:

    3 tooth. - garlic;

    100 g - olives;

    5 tbsp. l. - vinegar;

    Green onions, basil, dill - dried spices;

    Pinch of black pepper and salt;

    100 ml - olive oil.

    Cooking method:

    The sauce, which is the focus of this recipe, will take some time to be able to infuse. Therefore, let's start the salad by making this particular sauce. Grind the garlic with a garlic press, send the gruel into a deep bowl. This is followed by wine vinegar, olive oil, black pepper and salt and dry spices.

    We pay attention to the main components. Boil the potatoes, cut them into cubes after cooling. Next, we will work with green beans, which also need to be boiled in boiling water for about 10 minutes. After cooling, also cut into medium pieces. Bell pepper(it is better to take it in two different colors) and cut the onion into circles. Separate a few leaves from the Chinese cabbage. We chop 3 - 5 leaves with our hands, and we will need the rest to decorate the salad. Divide the hard-boiled eggs into quarters, the tomatoes in thin strips. It's the turn for the shrimps, if they are fresh, then boil and peel, if they are ready-made boiled, then let them defrost.

    Actually, you can start the design. The first layer goes cabbage leaves, on which potatoes, beans, peppers, tomatoes, onions and chopped cabbage leaves are already laid out. It remains to put shrimps on top of the salad, olives around them, put quarters of eggs around the edges of the salad. The salad is poured abundantly on top of the sauce and served on festive table!

    Recipe 3. Salad with Chinese cabbage, shrimps and citrus

    Nutritious, exotic, light, balanced - and all these adjectives describe this recipe. The salad is perfect for all connoisseurs of healthy food and strong spirit.

    Required Ingredients:

    250 g - shrimp;

    3 pcs. - oranges;

    1 PC. - onion;

    300 g - Chinese cabbage;


    50 ml - olive oil.

    Cooking method:

    This salad can be prepared in 15 minutes. We need one orange for the salad itself, and the second for making the dressing. So, peel the orange, and cut the pulp into squares. We carefully decant the juice from the second orange. It's time for Peking cabbage, cut into slices. Then you can cut the onion into thin half rings.

    Cooked boiled shrimps go to cabbage, orange and onion. It remains to prepare the dressing. To do this, mix the strained orange juice with vegetable oil, add a little salt to the sauce. Pour all the chopped ingredients with the resulting dressing, mix slightly and sprinkle the whole thing with chopped herbs.

    Peking cabbage and shrimp salad - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

    Habitual salads like Olivier, Caesar, Letniy are getting more and more boring every day. Diversify your holiday table, prepare a salad with shrimp and Chinese cabbage - a multivitamin dish for all members of a friendly family!

    The body needs many vitamins, minerals and nutrients to function properly. And the summer period is the time to lay down on all kinds of salads from fresh vegetables... We suggest that you pay special attention to the salad with shrimp and Chinese cabbage, which is very healthy and also tastes great.

    Simple Chinese cabbage and shrimp salad

    This recipe is the simplest, but no less delicious. This positive ratio is achieved through the perfect combination of the flavors and textures of Chinese cabbage, shrimp and orange. If you do not have enough time and energy, and your soul asks for refined and refreshing simplicity, then prepare this salad. You will need the following products:

    • 600 g of Chinese cabbage;
    • 1 medium orange;
    • 500 g frozen shrimp;
    • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil;

    We cook shrimps by boiling them or frying them in a pan with vegetable oil. We clean the orange, divide it into slices, peel it from the transparent film and cut each slice into 2-3 parts. Shred cabbage. Cut the finished shrimp into 2 parts. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl and season with olive oil. The salad is ready to eat.

    Chinese cabbage and shrimp salad with tomatoes

    What Russian soul does not like salad with mayonnaise! That is why we bring to your attention a simple and, at the same time, hearty option... The crunch of cabbage will be enjoyable at any time of the year, and thanks to shrimp and mayonnaise, this salad may well become a full-fledged lunch for a working woman. Here's his recipe:

    • 200 g of Chinese cabbage;
    • 10 cherry tomatoes;
    • 100 g of peeled boiled-frozen shrimp;
    • half a bunch of dill;
    • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mayonnaise;
    • salt to taste;

    Cut the cabbage into thin strips and cut the tomatoes in half. Thaw the shrimp and chop the dill finely. Toss all the ingredients in a deep salad bowl, salt and season with mayonnaise. That's it, the salad is ready to eat.

    Chinese cabbage salad with shrimps and pineapple

    Sometimes you may want something fresh and sour-sweet. At such moments, a Chinese cabbage salad with shrimp and pineapple can be very useful, especially since its preparation time is only fifteen minutes. To do this, you need the following ingredients:

    • one circle of fresh pineapple;
    • 150 g Chinese cabbage.
    • 4 large shrimps

    To make the sauce:

    • 2 tbsp. spoons lemon juice;
    • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of fatty yogurt;
    • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey;
    • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of peeled sunflower seeds.

    Wash, peel and chop the Chinese cabbage. Boil shrimp and cool and add chopped to small cubes a pineapple. Place everything in a deep salad bowl. Combine honey, lemon juice, and yogurt. Ready sauce best added just before use, mixing with the main ingredients. Before serving, sprinkle the salad with sunflower seeds, which must first be fried in a skillet without adding oil.

    Do not let the salad stand for a long time, as it will be unusable in a few hours. The fact is that fresh pineapple contains an enzyme that is capable of breaking down proteins. When stored for a long time, pineapple completely destroys the proteins contained in yogurt. As a result of all this, the salad acquires a bitter unpleasant aftertaste.

    Caesar salad with shrimps

    You are probably familiar with Caesar salad - one of the best and most delicious salads in the world. He was awarded this title due to the wonderful combination of freshness of crispy salad leaves and spicy chicken, the piquancy of garlic croutons and the salty hardness of Parmesan cheese. We offer you another variation on its theme, only with Chinese cabbage and shrimps. To prepare this wonderful dish you will need:

    • 400 g of Chinese cabbage leaves;
    • 200 g frozen shrimp, size 90120;
    • 15 cherry tomato;
    • 8 quail eggs(can be replaced with 2 chicken);
    • 150 g parmesan cheese;
    • ready-made Caesar salad dressing;

    To make croutons:

    • 150 g white bread;
    • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • Italian herbs;

    Prepare in advance garlic croutons... To do this, cut the white bread into 1 cm cubes. Pass the garlic through a garlic press or finely chop. Combine it in a separate cup with olive oil and Italian herbs. Sprinkle the mixture over the white bread cubes and place in the oven for 10 minutes.

    Remove the shrimp from the freezer and sauté them over medium heat and olive oil for 10 minutes. At this time, boil the eggs and put them to cool under running cold water. If you are using chicken eggs, then they must be cut into 4 slices each.

    Tear the Chinese cabbage leaves with your hands and place in a deep salad bowl. Add shrimp, eggs and washed cherry tomatoes to these. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and mix it with the rest of the ingredients. Add garlic croutons and caesar dressing to the salad. If you didn't manage to buy a ready-made one, then you can prepare it yourself from bioyogurt and a special mixture of seasonings for making a dressing. Bon Appetit!

    Chinese cabbage salad with seafood

    Seafood is an integral part of our beloved Mediterranean cuisine. They are a healthy and non-nutritive source of protein, making them indispensable for dieting. And their combination with Chinese cabbage is an excellent basis for a salad. To prepare it, you will need:

    • 1 head of Chinese cabbage;
    • 200 g of peeled boiled shrimp;
    • 100 g crab sticks;
    • 2 boiled chicken eggs;
    • half a can of canned corn;
    • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil;
    • salt and pepper to taste;

    Chop the Chinese cabbage finely and mash it with your hands. Also finely chop crab sticks... Cut the eggs into small cubes using an egg slicer or sharp knife. Place it all in a deep salad bowl. Cut the shrimp into small pieces and add to the salad. Put the corn in a salad bowl, add the olive oil and mix thoroughly. The salad is ready to eat.

    Chinese cabbage salad with shrimps and cucumbers

    Another simple lung recipe and fresh salad... Traditionally, it is considered to be summer and will be an excellent non-trivial snack for avid summer residents. If desired, shrimp can be replaced with Seafood Cocktail, and yogurt - for sour cream. So, to cook it take:

    • 1 head of Chinese cabbage;
    • 300 g boiled shrimp;
    • 2-3 cucumbers;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 3 tbsp. spoons of yogurt;
    • 4-5 sprigs of dill;
    • salt and pepper to taste;

    Peel the cucumber and cut into long cubes. Chop the boiled shrimp into small pieces about 1 cm in size. Tear the leaves of Chinese cabbage with your hands. Put the yogurt in a salad bowl, squeeze the garlic there and add the chopped dill and ground cumin. Add Chinese cabbage leaves, shrimp and cucumber to the dressing, mix everything thoroughly. Everything, you can eat!

    Shrimp salad with vegetables and feta cheese

    This variation on the theme of shrimp and bok choy salad is the most sophisticated and sophisticated. And that is why it has the most interesting, unusual and spicy taste: the combination of salty, sweet and sour with the aroma of feta cheese and Italian herbs will impress even the most fastidious gourmet. To prepare it, you will need:

    • 200 g of Chinese cabbage;
    • 100 g of boiled and frozen shrimp;
    • 150 g feta cheese;
    • 1 large tomato
    • 1 large cucumber;
    • 1 medium orange;
    • 1 conference pear;
    • 20 g cashew nuts;
    • vegetable oil;
    • allspice;
    • a mixture of Italian herbs;
    • a few drops of lemon juice;

    Grind the nuts in a blender. Cut the cheese into small cubes. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the feta cheese in it with spices and freshly squeezed orange juice until golden brown. Peel the cucumber and cut it, pear and tomato into small pieces. Fry the shrimps with a drop of lemon juice and a mixture of Italian herbs. Lay the salad in layers: cucumbers, feta cheese, tomatoes, shrimp and pear. Sprinkle with chopped nuts on top and serve.

    Shrimp cocktail

    In the end, we decided to pamper you with the most refined and complex recipes... As for the shrimp cocktail, it will be great festive dish... It must be served in portions - this is the zest of this dish. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients (for 4 servings):

    • 24 large shrimps;
    • 500 g of Chinese cabbage;
    • 1 egg;
    • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil;
    • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of cream;
    • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cognac or brandy;
    • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard;
    • 2 lemon;
    • 2-3 slices of red sweet pepper;
    • marjoram, salt and pepper to taste;

    Boil the shrimp in slightly salted water. Immediately after boiling (shrimp begins to rise to the surface of the water), remove, cool and peel. Set aside 4 whole shrimps and cut the meat into small pieces. Boil the hard-boiled egg (this takes about 10 minutes) and cool. Grind the yolk by passing it through a sieve. Place in a bowl, add mustard and stir.

    Gradually pour olive oil into a salad bowl in a thin trickle. Then add ketchup, juice of one lemon, cream and brandy. Season with salt and pepper, mix again. Next, you need to take 4 vases or small salad bowls. Arrange the inside with Chinese cabbage leaves and fill with shrimp pieces, topping them with sauce on top. Better to put the salad in the refrigerator for an hour. You can garnish with the set aside shrimp, lemon wedges, peppercorns and marjoram leaves and serve.

    1. Always take fresh ingredients for preparing any salads, especially Chinese cabbage - “lying down” on the shelf, it becomes stale, stops crunching and loses its beneficial features... It is thanks to freshness that high level taste of any dish, because, as you know, from good products it is difficult to cook something bad.
    2. Choose shrimp according to the recipe. For example, for some salads, it is better to use dressy king prawns, but for others - on the contrary, small. But do not forget that king prawns are grown artificially in China or Vietnam, due to which they can accumulate harmful substances.
    3. A little more about the selection of quality shrimp. Pay attention to their condition: the shrimps should not be straightened, stuck together and covered with a thick layer of ice - all this indicates their low quality. They should be pinkish - a yellowish, brownish or whitish product should not be eaten.
    4. Method for preparing shrimp. The easiest way is to buy boiled frozen shrimp, they practically do not need to be boiled before eating. However, if you want the shrimp to acquire a light flavor, you can boil them lightly in water with the addition of spices, a stock cube, or lemon juice. And the most delicious are boiled-frozen shrimps, fried with a little oil and lemon juice over medium heat for 10-15 minutes.
    5. Whatever recipe you use to prepare salads, it is better to use them immediately after preparation, especially since it does not take much time.

    Shrimp and Chinese cabbage salad can be prepared for any occasion and in any situation. Its taste will be pleasant to both an adult and a child. Among other things, a salad of Chinese cabbage and shrimp is a great way to satisfy hunger and maintain a figure in perfect shape... Each of us certainly has our own individual food preferences, and that is why we bring to your attention a large number of recipes - so that you can choose the most suitable for yourself. Enjoy easy cooking!

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    Chinese cabbage and shrimp are often found in salads. The first ingredient is responsible for delicate taste and juiciness, and the second adds nutritional value and satiety to the dish. In addition, shrimp with Chinese cabbage goes well with many foods and sauces, which allows you to come up with the most various salads.

    Photo by Shutterstock

    Simple Shrimp and Chinese Cabbage Salad

    This low calorie salad suitable for those on a diet. For 3-4 servings you will need: - shrimp - 300 g; - Chinese cabbage - ½ head of cabbage; - cucumbers - 1 pc.; - cherry tomatoes - 5 pcs.; - parsley - to taste; - olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons; - lemon - 1/2 pc.; - ground black pepper and salt - to taste.

    Boil water, salt and add shrimp to it. Bring to a boil, turn off heat and drain. Once the shrimp has cooled to room temperature, peel them, separating the shell and head.

    Wash the Chinese cabbage under running water, shake it thoroughly over the sink and dry it a little on a towel so that the water does not spoil the taste of the salad. Then cut it up and place it in a salad bowl.

    Add peeled prawns, cucumbers, and halved cherry tomatoes to the cabbage. Season with salt and pepper and mix gently. Add parsley, drizzle with olive oil and squeeze out the juice of half a lemon.

    It is better to season such a salad just before serving.

    You can also add croutons to this dish, and replace olive oil with mayonnaise. Then you will have a Caesar salad with shrimps.

    Chinese salad

    Chinese cabbage - 350 g; - boiled and peeled shrimps - 350 g; - canned corn -50 g; - green beans- 150 g; - sesame oil - 4 tbsp. spoons; - Red Bell pepper- 1 PC.; - soy sauce- 2 tbsp. spoons; - fresh ginger - 1 tsp; - salt and black pepper to taste.

    Boil the green beans in salted water for a few minutes. Then drain the boiling water, rinse cold water, cool to room temperature and pat dry.

    Wash the Chinese cabbage, dry and chop coarsely. Peel the red bell pepper from seeds and tail, cut into thin strips. Place vegetables in a salad bowl along with boiled shrimp, canned corn and green beans.

    In a bottle, combine sesame oil, finely grated fresh ginger and soy sauce. Screw the cap back on and shake the bottle well.

    Surely many will agree with me that seafood is something special and tasty, healthy and nutritious. Various soups, casseroles, sauces, salads are prepared from seafood. Today I want to invite you to cook delicious salad with seafood and Chinese cabbage. Peking cabbage goes well with seafood, and if you add a little cucumber, the salad takes on a fresh note, chicken eggs add satiety to the salad. A big plus of the salad is that it cooks very quickly. If desired, you can add your favorite vegetables or herbs to the salad. I suggest using sour cream for salad dressing, you can also take thick Greek yogurt, it will turn out delicious. Be sure to save his recipe with step by step photos... See how to cook.

    - Chinese cabbage - 60-80 gr.,
    - seafood cocktail - 150 gr.,
    - chicken eggs - 2 pcs.,
    - fresh cucumber - 1 pc.,
    - sour cream - 2 tablespoons,
    - salt, pepper - to taste.

    How to cook from a photo step by step

    Prepare Chinese cabbage - rinse and cut into strips, transfer cabbage slices to a salad bowl.

    Prepare seafood in advance - you can use a seafood cocktail, it includes squid, shrimp, mussels, octopus. If the seafood is frozen, boil them for a couple of minutes, if pickled, drain the marinade. Transfer the seafood to the cabbage salad bowl.

    Rinse and dry a small fresh cucumber, cut the cucumber into plates, add to the salad.

    Boil chicken eggs in salted water in advance, then cool under ice water, peel and cut the eggs into strips. Add eggs to salad bowl.

    Season the salad with sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.

    Stir the salad and remove the sample, adjust the taste of the salad to the desired. The salad can be served immediately. I think you will like this