Home / Khachapuri / Cook rice with minced meat. The choice of rice variety is also an important issue.

Cook rice with minced meat. The choice of rice variety is also an important issue.

We take rice and rinse it. If the rice is polished, then rinsing is not necessary. Pour the oil into a frying container, heat the oil and add the rice. From time to time you need to open the lid and stir the rice while frying.

Meanwhile, while the rice is fried, put the minced meat in a preheated pan and begin to fry it, stirring occasionally. There is no need to add oil.

Cut the garlic into medium pieces. It does not need to be chopped finely and, moreover, it is not necessary to push it through a garlic press.

When the rice is fried, add the garlic to it.

I deliberately took out some rice and took a close-up photo so that you know what color the fried rice should be before adding garlic to it.

Add garlic to rice and fill with water. Leave to cook for 15 minutes. During this time, the rice DOES NOT need to be stirred.

Add the spices you like to the fried minced meat. From the spices I took: bell pepper, kukurma and nutmeg... Just 1 pinch. Salt doesn't hurt either. If you have all these spices, then I advise you to add them to get the taste.

When the rice is cooked, you need to add the minced meat to it and mix everything. We leave for another 5 minutes in the multicooker, setting it to the extinguishing mode.

Ready dish decorate at your discretion and the availability of ingredients in the refrigerator. Bon Appetit!

Our menu contains a very small set of dishes, and the reason for this is the eternal lack of time in the modern rhythm of life. Therefore, sometimes it is worth diversifying the usual menu with more interesting and not so familiar food. In our article, we want to talk about what can be cooked from rice with minced meat? There are many recipes based on these components. All of them are very tasty, which means they deserve to be in our diet.

Universal base for dishes

Minced meat with rice is a versatile base for preparing a variety of delicious dishes. This combination of products is used in many kitchens around the world, since similar components are present in our home at any time of the year. What is the reason for such popularity of dishes using rice with minced meat? There are a lot of recipes for such dishes. The main reason why food based on such products is in demand is the invariably great taste and calorie content. Such dishes are very satisfying, and therefore the hostesses like them. In addition, minced meat with rice is very fond of children.

Cooking features

In order to cook delicious rice and minced meat dishes, you need to know some of the nuances. Best seasoning in such cases, it is black pepper. But all kinds of spices and aromatic herbs should be used with extreme caution. This is especially true of caraway seeds, ginger, etc. The use of aromatic spices can kill the smell of the dish itself. Dried and fresh dill perfectly emphasizes the taste of meat. Culinary experts do not recommend putting garlic in minced meat, as it gives a sweet taste.

Even onions are not suitable for all dishes. If you scroll a vegetable through a meat grinder, then it releases a lot of juice. This means that the mixture to which it is added will become wetter, having lost its viscosity.

What can and cannot be added to minced meat?

Potatoes and carrots are wonderful vegetables that are good as a side dish for minced meat and rice dishes. But it is not recommended to add them directly to the mixture. What can you add to minced meat with rice? As a rule, housewives put semolina, flour and an egg as additional binding components. Such mixtures are used to prepare steamed meatballs, meatballs, casseroles and other delicious dishes. In addition, minced meat with rice is used as a filling for stuffed cabbage, pies.

How to cook meatballs?

If you are thinking about what to cook from rice and minced meat, then it is worth remembering such a wonderful dish as meatballs. Meat balls are well known to us since childhood. They can be served with sauce to any side dish or added to soup. meatballs are all different names for the same dish. Cooking hedgehogs from minced meat and rice is not difficult, but the result is invariably delicious.


  1. Not less than 420 grams of minced meat.
  2. Bulb.
  3. About 1/2 cup rice.
  4. A couple of slices of bread.
  5. Garlic.
  6. Spices (aromatic herbs, pepper).
  7. 60 grams of milk.

Cut off the crusts from the bread and paint it in a deep plate, and fill it with milk on top. As soon as the pulp swells, it must be squeezed and ground in a blender, adding garlic and onions. Boil the rice until half cooked and add it to the minced meat. We also send the bread and onion mass there.

Mix all ingredients well, add salt and spices. You can now shape minced meat and rice balls. You need to do this with wet hands to get beautiful shape... Ready-made meatballs can be baked in sauce, put in soup or fried.

Delicious meatballs

A culinary specialist knows many recipes for rice and minced meat dishes. Among them, meatballs are especially popular. They can be stewed in the oven or fried in a pan. Meatballs can be served on the table with a side dish.


  1. Pork and ground beef mixture - 530 g.
  2. Onions and carrots - one piece.
  3. Two eggs.
  4. A glass of rice.
  5. A little tomato paste or a glass of juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  6. Sunflower oil.
  7. A little flour to roll.
  8. A couple of tablespoons of sour cream (tablespoons).
  9. Greens.
  10. Pepper.
  11. Salt.

Practical part

First you need to boil the rice. For meatballs, it is better to take a sticky round-grained look. We wash the rice and send it to the fire. Pour about twice as much water into a glass of cereal. Cook rice until full readiness not worth it. It is better to turn off the heat and leave it to cool under the lid.

Minced meat can be used both pork and pork and beef. And you can take a chicken-turkey mixture for preparing a dietary meal. The minced meat must be uniform.

Next, we proceed to the preparation of the meatballs themselves. Mix the minced meat, rice and fried vegetables in a container. Add pepper, eggs, salt there. We mix everything and form balls from the mass. Then we roll them in flour and place them in a well-heated frying pan with butter.

In a separate saucepan, mix the sour cream and tomato paste, after which we add broth or water (glass). Pour meatballs with the resulting mixture. The liquid should cover their surface. Now the pan must be covered with a lid and put on little fire... In addition, meatballs can be baked in the oven. The gravy with which we poured the balls is gradually absorbed and gives the dish a delicate taste.

The meatballs can still be fried in a pan, until a crust is obtained, and then pour in the mixture and stew a little. This dish turns out to be very tasty. But, if the meatballs are intended for children, then it is preferable to use the first two cooking options.

Oven cutlets

If there is minced meat in the refrigerator, then the thought immediately comes to cook cutlets from it. As it is the best addition to any side dish. However, if there is not so much meat, then you can mix the minced meat with rice. The result is also very tasty dish.

Making minced meat and rice cutlets in the oven is no more difficult than meatballs. Yes, you need the simplest products. Namely:

  1. Minced meat (pork and beef or pork) - 340 g.
  2. Salt.
  3. Several bulbs.
  4. 2/3 cup rice

Rice is thoroughly washed in water, then boiled in salt water. The groats should not be brought to readiness, it is better if it remains a little raw. Next, mix rice with minced meat, send chopped onions there. Mix all ingredients well with your hands. Now all that remains is to add salt and pepper. Form cutlets with wet hands and put them on a greased baking sheet. We send the form to the oven. Cook cutlets at 200 degrees until cooked.

Stuffed pie

If you have minced meat with rice, what can you make from them? Delicious pie, of course.


  1. For cooking, you can take any minced meat - 370 g.
  2. We also need half a glass of rice. It should be noted that the amount of meat and rice can be changed. The more it is in the pie, the tastier it will be.
  3. A glass of milk.
  4. Soda.
  5. Several eggs.
  6. Spices.
  7. Vegetable oil.
  8. Salt.
  9. No more than 430 g flour.

Cooking process

We will use minced meat with rice as the filling of the pie. We wash the groats in water and send them to boil. Add the finished rice to the minced meat, also add spices and salt. We knead all the ingredients with our hands.

Now that the filling is ready, you can proceed to the test. Mix milk and egg in a container, add butter, salt and flour. We knead the dough, it should turn out to be very tight. We divide it into two parts. We distribute one of them in a mold or in a greased frying pan so that the bottom and sides are covered. Put the filling on the prepared cake. We roll out the second portion of the dough into a layer, which we cover our cake, while connecting the edges. Next, we send the dish to bake at 200 degrees in the oven. Cooking takes at least thirty minutes. Ready pie must be put on the table and covered with a towel for ten minutes so that it can brew well. After that, the baked goods will be even tastier.

"Rice in the Navy"

Each housewife has rice in stock. And having bought minced meat, you can cook many wonderful dishes from. Including "naval rice", it is also often called "lazy pilaf". Usually cooked with minced meat pasta, but you can think of other variations, since meat is combined with any food.


  1. For a dish, you can take any amount of minced meat, the more it is, the tastier it will turn out - at least 370 g.
  2. A glass of rice.
  3. Onions and carrots - one at a time.
  4. Pepper.
  5. Zaire.
  6. Vegetable oil.

Peel, wash and chop onions and carrots. Cut the carrots into small strips, and the onions into half rings. Next, fry the vegetables in a pan on vegetable oil about five minutes. Then put the minced meat there and fry everything further together. We also add cumin, salt and pepper.

Boil the rice, rinse it and also send it to the pan. We mix all the components well and simmer for ten minutes under the lid. The dish is served hot.

Rice casserole

With minced meat and rice on hand, you can make a delicious casserole.


  1. You need to put 380 grams of minced meat on a glass of rice.
  2. Bulb.
  3. A couple of eggs.
  4. Any favorite spices.
  5. Vegetable oil.
  6. Salt.
  7. Pepper.

Boil the rice for 15 minutes (a glass of rice and two glasses of liquid). In the meantime, chop the onion and fry it with the minced meat in a pan. Do not forget to salt the mass and add your favorite spices. In a separate bowl, mix the rice with raw eggs.

We preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Next, grease the mold or baking sheet with oil. Put half of all the rice on the bottom, put it on top meat filling, and again a layer of rice. Cook the casserole for 25 minutes. This dish is perfect for breakfast and dinner. It has both a side dish and meat at the same time. You can also add carrots and other vegetables to your meal. And you can serve with delicious sauce, sour cream or ketchup.

Pilaf with meatballs: ingredients

Pilaf can be cooked not only with pieces of meat, but also with meatballs. The ancient dish is classic version cooking pilaf.

Grocery list:

  1. For pilaf, it is preferable to take lamb, in extreme cases, beef - up to a kilogram.
  2. Let's take the same amount of rice.
  3. Carrots with onions are enough for 2.5 kg.
  4. Salt.
  5. Spices.
  6. Ground pepper.
  7. Vegetable oil.


We peel the onion and divide it into two parts. We cut the first part very small cubes and send it to the minced meat. And the second part is cut into half rings. We also add salt, favorite spices, pepper to the meat. We grease our hands with vegetable oil and knead the minced meat well, after which we form meatballs from it. Put the meat blanks on a baking sheet with butter and put them in the refrigerator.

Next, cut the carrots into thin strips. We put a container on the fire and pour 300 grams of oil (vegetable) into it. As soon as it heats up, put onion half rings, fry it until golden brown, then add carrots, black and black pepper, spices. Now it's time to pour 1.7 liters of water into the cauldron. Bring all the ingredients to a boil and add a teaspoon each of sugar and salt.

We take out our meatballs from the refrigerator and put them in a cauldron. Bring everything to a boil again and reduce the heat. While the dish is simmering on low heat, we will prepare the rice. Rinse the groats thoroughly in water and spread them in an even layer over the meatballs. Now we increase the fire and evaporate all the water. After that, we collect the rice with a slotted spoon to the center of the cauldron and make holes with a wooden spoon so that the remaining moisture disappears. Next, reduce the fire and cover the container with a lid. Rice should simmer until tender. Cooking time depends on the type of cereal. Remove the finished dish from the heat, mix and leave to brew. And only after twenty minutes we serve.

Hedgehogs are a very juicy and tender variation on the meatball theme. This dish is literally made for family dinner, suitable for even the smallest eaters. It owes its name to its appearance, "Needles" the dish provides the addition of rice to the minced meat.

True, they will be funny to stick around only if you put the cereal raw, otherwise you will have ordinary-looking, but still very tasty meat balls. Moreover, rice should be chosen long, not round.

For minced meat, you can choose absolutely any type of meat or fish. The main thing is its juiciness. Therefore, we recommend not using beef in its pure form, but diluting it with pork or chicken.

Bread crumb, flour, bread crumbs are often added to keep the hedgehogs in shape and increase their satiety, and carrots and onions will help to make the taste fresher. This dish is usually not pampered with spices, limiting itself to classic salt and pepper.

Minced hedgehogs with rice in the oven - step by step photo recipe

Hedgehogs are so good that you do not need to prepare a side dish for them. After all, they already contain rice. Many people confuse this dish with meatballs. However, the latter differ in that the rice is pre-boiled before mixing with minced meat. In the preparation of hedgehogs, this need disappears.

Cooking time: 1 hour 15 minutes

Quantity: 4 servings


  • Minced meat (it can be beef, chicken, or mixed): 400 g
  • Rice (long grain is best, but not parboiled): 300 g
  • Onion-turnip: 1-2 pcs.
  • Carrots: 1 pc.
  • Sour cream: 2 tbsp. l.
  • Tomato paste: 2 tbsp l.
  • Cheese: 70-100 g
  • Egg: 1 pc.
  • Salt, spices:

Cooking instructions

How to cook meat hedgehogs with gravy?

Although hedgehogs and meatballs are very similar to each other, do not forget that these dishes are still different. Therefore, in this case, meat balls should not be fried, thereby you will deprive them of their very zest - protruding needles.

For cooking tomato sauce you can use ground tomatoes, homemade juice or tomato paste.

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of minced meat;
  • ½ tbsp. rice;
  • 1 + 1 onion (for hedgehogs and gravy);
  • 1 cold egg;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 tbsp flour;
  • salt, sugar, pepper, herbs.

Cooking steps:

  1. Boil the rice until half cooked.
  2. To form "hedgehogs" take the twisted meat, finely chopped onion, cooled rice, egg, add salt and pepper, mix thoroughly.
  3. We roll small balls from the minced meat obtained, which should be laid out on the bottom of a thick-walled stewpan or saucepan. The gravy will turn out to be quite a lot, therefore, whatever the chosen container, its sides should be high. Ideally, lay out all the meat balls in one layer, but if this does not work out, then it does not matter, we place them on the second floor.
  4. For gravy, fry grated carrots with chopped onions in a pan, when the frying is ready, add the tomatoes puréed on a blender or a paste diluted in water. After a couple of minutes, add flour, mix and continue to fry for about 30 seconds, pour in about 3 tbsp. boiling water, mix immediately, letting the flour disperse evenly, bring to a boil, continuing to stir.
  5. Add salt, dried herbs, spices and sugar to the gravy to your taste. The last ingredient is a must, otherwise our sauce will lose its flavor greatly.
  6. Fill the hedgehogs with sauce, simmer under the lid for up to half an hour.

Hedgehogs in a slow cooker - recipe

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg headlight;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper;
  • half of a multicooker measuring cup of rice;
  • 40 ml tomato paste;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • salt, spices, herbs.

Cooking steps hedgehogs in a slow cooker:

  1. We prepare clean washed and peeled vegetables: grate the carrots on a medium grater, finely chop the onion, cut the pepper into thin strips ..
  2. Diligently and tastefully beat the minced meat on the table for a couple of minutes, add half of the prepared onion, rice, spices to it.
  3. We sauté the remaining vegetables on the "Pastry" for about a quarter of an hour.
  4. While the vegetables are being cooked in a slow cooker, mix the sour cream with tomato and flour, pour 400 ml of boiling water into them, stir until smooth.
  5. Put rice and meat balls on the vegetables, fill with the resulting sauce and cook on "Stew" for 1.5 hours.

If you cook "hedgehogs" in the steamer mode, we get a dietary or children's version of the dish.

Pan hedgehogs recipe

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of minced meat;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 garlic prongs;
  • 1 egg;
  • 30-40 ml tomato sauce or paste;
  • 1 carrot;
  • a bunch of greens;
  • 100 g of rice;
  • 2 tbsp flour;
  • 100g sour cream;
  • ½ tbsp. water.

Cooking procedure hedgehogs in a frying pan:

  1. Chop peeled carrots, garlic teeth and onions in a blender or by hand.
  2. Finely chop the herbs (dill, parsley); add basil to give the dish a Mediterranean flavor.
  3. Mix the minced meat with vegetables, add raw or semi-cooked rice, herbs and an egg. Stir, add and pepper. The resulting mass should be homogeneous, thoroughly mixed, soft.
  4. We sculpt neat koloboks, roll them in flour to give an appetizing crust.
  5. Fry the meat balls in oil on all sides. Our hedgehogs are ready! You can make a sauce if you wish.
  6. Mixing sour cream, preferably homemade, tomato leaves, a little salt and hot water, mix.
  7. Pour the gravy to our "hedgehogs", simmer until the sauce thickens over low heat. Usually this action takes no more than half an hour.

Hedgehogs - recipe for cooking in a saucepan

This recipe is dedicated to all connoisseurs of simple, but very tasty and satisfying dishes.

To prepare it necessary:

  • 0.9 kg minced meat;
  • 100 g of rice;
  • 1 onion;
  • ½ tbsp. homemade cream4
  • 2 tbsp. milk;
  • 100 g butter
  • 2 garlic prongs;
  • 2 yolks.

Cooking steps:

  1. Grate the peeled onion on a coarse grater or pass it through a blender.
  2. Mix the minced meat with rice and onion until smooth.
  3. From the rice and meat mass we form balls 5 cm in diameter.
  4. Put a small piece of butter on the bottom of a thick-walled saucepan, after it disperses, put meat balls on top, fill them half the height with water, cover with a lid and bring to a boil. After which the fire can be reduced to a minimum. The total extinguishing time is about 45 minutes, while the "hedgehog" should be periodically turned.
  5. Cooking cream sauce in a small saucepan. At its bottom, melt 50 g of butter, fry chopped garlic on it, add cream in a minute, and after a couple more - milk. Do not bring the mixture to a boil, simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes.
  6. Beat the yolks thoroughly, add sauces to the future, continue simmering it for another 10 minutes. The main thing is not to bring to a boil! Add salt to taste.
  7. Remove the finished meat balls from the heat, pour in the sauce and let it brew.

Hedgehogs in sour cream sauce

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg minced meat:
  • 0.1 kg of rice;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 100 g butter;
  • greens, salt, pepper;
  • 50 ml tomato sauce;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 0.5 l of low-fat broth;
  • 1 tbsp a / c flour.

Cooking steps"Hedgehogs" in sour cream filling:

  1. We wash the rice to clean water, boil it, put it in a colander and rinse it again, let the excess liquid drain.
  2. Peel and chop the onions and carrots by hand or in a blender, fry them in half the oil.
  3. Beat the egg.
  4. Finely chopping greens.
  5. Add cooled rice, vegetable fry, tomato, egg, chopped greens to the minced meat, add salt, pepper and knead thoroughly by hand.
  6. We form koloboks from minced meat, fry them a little.
  7. Pour flour into a clean and dry hot frying pan, fry it until it acquires a golden hue, remove from heat, cool. Separately mix the sour cream with warm broth, pour the resulting mixture into the flour, mix until smooth, add.
  8. We spread the "hedgehog" in a deep form, not close to each other, fill it with sauce. Bake in the center of the hot oven for about 45 minutes. Serve sprinkled with herbs, accompanied by vegetable salad.

Rice is one of the most popular cereals in our diet, and many housewives use it when cooking various dishes... Usually, this cereal is served as a side dish or added as one of the ingredients in dishes, and in the latter case, minced meat is often a companion of rice. Rice with minced meat is a great combination to which you can always add something new without fear of ruining the main recipe.

Dishes that combine rice with minced meat have many advantages - they are quickly prepared from minimum set ingredients do not require significant effort and money, and the products that are necessary for their preparation are almost always at hand. Even if not, they can always be purchased at the nearest store.

Most popular dishes in which rice with minced meat is used are meatballs, cabbage rolls, stuffed vegetables(bell pepper, zucchini, eggplant), various casseroles, stewed rice with minced meat, as well as pies and pancakes, in which this combination acts as a filling. Most often, a combination of pork and ground beef but if you want to cook dietary meal, pay attention to minced chicken or minced turkey. To prevent such minced meat from getting too dry, you can add a little butter or cream to it. Also, onions will help you to make the minced meat more tender and juicy, and it is best to add it not fresh, but slightly fried. Remember that minced meat should only be mixed with pre-chilled rice, which is usually boiled until half cooked.

If you are anxious to try minced rice as soon as possible, here is a selection of recipes that will allow you to fully experience the wonderful taste of this wonderful combination of ingredients.

This recipe combines tenderness creamy rice, the nutritional value of aromatic minced meat and the freshness of spicy greens - what could be better for a hearty family dinner?

Rice with minced meat stewed in cream

2 cups long grain rice
600 g minced meat,
1 onion
1-2 carrots,
5 cloves of garlic
200 ml cream
30 g butter
vegetable oil,
salt and spices to taste,
dill greens.

Melt half the butter in a skillet and lightly fry the chopped onion and grated carrots. Add minced meat and fry for about 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally, then add chopped garlic and salt. Heat some vegetable oil in another pan and add rice. Fry the rice lightly, season it with your favorite spices to taste. Put the rice on top of the minced meat, add the chopped slices butter and salt. Add cream and 600 ml hot water... Cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes, covering the pan with a lid. Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped dill and serve.

You can prepare a simple and delicious appetizer, in which rice and minced meat act as a filling for tomatoes.

Tomatoes stuffed with rice and minced meat

8 tomatoes,
250 g minced meat
50 g rice
1 onion
50 g cheese
vegetable oil,

Boil rice until tender. Wash the tomatoes and cut off the tops to make the "lids". Using a small spoon, gently remove the pulp from the tomatoes. Season the tomatoes with lightly salt and pepper. Chop the onion finely and fry in a little vegetable oil. Add minced meat and fry until tender, about 10 minutes. Mix the rice and minced meat and fill the tomatoes with the resulting filling. Place the tomatoes in a greased baking dish and cover with the lids. Bake the tomatoes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about half an hour. 5-7 minutes until ready, gently lift the "lids" and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Minced Rice Casserole is another example of how you can make a deliciously delicious dish using a minimum of the simplest ingredients.

Rice casserole with minced meat

1 glass of rice
300 g minced meat
1 onion
2 tomatoes,
3 eggs,
70 g cheese
3 tablespoons sour cream
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
vegetable oil,
salt to taste.

Boil rice until cooked on the stove or in a slow cooker. Allow the finished rice to cool slightly, then stir it with eggs and sour cream. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry chopped onion and minced meat until tender, salt to taste and add dried herbs. Grease a baking dish with oil and place half of the rice in it. Put the minced meat on top, and then the remaining rice. At the end, lay out the tomatoes cut into circles, cover the form with foil and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 40 minutes. 10 minutes before ready, remove the foil and sprinkle the dish with grated cheese. Serve the casserole hot.

The list of dishes in which rice with minced meat is present would be incomplete without many beloved meatballs and meatballs. We offer you to cook minced meat hedgehogs with rice, stewed in tomato sauce - you can be sure that this dish will surely have fans both among adults and among children. This dish goes well with mashed potatoes and a vegetable side dish.

Minced hedgehogs with rice in tomato sauce

400 g minced meat,
1/2 cup rice
2 onions
2-3 tomatoes,
1 carrot,
1 egg,
50 ml of milk
1/2 bunch of green onions, parsley or dill
vegetable oil,
flour or bread crumbs,
salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Boil the rice in advance until half cooked so that it has time to cool down. Mix minced meat with chopped onions and chilled rice. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add egg and milk, mix the minced meat well. Shape the minced meat into small balls, roll them in flour, or bread crumbs and lightly fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. To prepare tomato sauce, you need to remove the skin from the tomatoes by pouring boiling water over them. Add the grated carrots to the pan where the hedgehogs were fried and fry for a few minutes. Add chopped tomatoes and cook until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste. If the tomatoes are not juicy enough, you can add a little water. Place the meatballs in the sauce so that they are about two-thirds submerged in it. Cover and simmer for about 20 minutes. Add chopped greens 5-7 minutes before tenderness.

Many housewives mistakenly believe that stuffing with meat and rice can only be cabbage leaves and bell pepper. What about zucchini or eggplant? Stuffed with minced meat and rice, these vegetables will become great alternative stuffed cabbage and stuffed peppers, especially since they are prepared much faster and easier.

Baked zucchini stuffed with minced meat and rice

2 zucchini,
1 glass of rice
300 g minced meat
1 carrot,
1 onion
100 g of cheese
vegetable oil,
salt and spices to taste.

Boil rice until half cooked. Fry chopped onions and grated carrots in vegetable oil. Stir frying with rice, salt and season to taste. Cut the zucchini in half lengthwise and use a teaspoon to extract the pulp, keeping the walls intact, to make "boats". Finely chop the cut flesh and mix with the minced meat. Stuff the zucchini with minced meat (you can with a slide) and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake the zucchini in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. Serve hot.

Those who monitor their health and avoid fried dishes, the next variation of meatballs from minced chicken baked in the oven with a creamy tomato sauce.

Meatballs with cheese filling baked in the oven

500 g chicken fillet,
1/2 cup rice
1 onion
250 g sour cream or heavy cream,
2 tomatoes,
100-150 g of cheese
vegetable oil,
dill greens
salt and spices to taste.

Boil rice until half cooked. Chicken fillet mince with onions. Mix the minced meat with rice and egg, salt and season with your choice of spices. Shape the minced meat into balls by placing a small piece of cheese in the center of each ball. Put the balls in a greased baking dish and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes. While the meatballs are baking, prepare the sauce by mixing sour cream and peeled tomatoes with a blender. Season with salt and spices to taste. Pour the sauce over the meatballs and bake in the oven for about 20-25 minutes. Sprinkle the finished meatballs with chopped dill.

As you've probably already seen, rice with minced meat can be so different, but at the same time so invariably tasty and appetizing that you want to come back to this combination again and again. Bon Appetit!

It may seem to many that there is nothing difficult in preparing this dish - you just need to boil the rice, fry the minced meat and mix everything. Of course, the result will be quite edible and even tasty. But if you want, without wasting extra time, create a real cooking masterpiece from this very limited selection of foods, try cooking rice with minced meat, herbs and spices in a pan.

What do you need

Food, even cooked on hastily, should still be tasty. You can spend a little more effort, but still delight your household with a royal dinner.

For two servings, you will need the following foods:

  • rice - 1 glass
  • minced pork and beef - 200 g
  • small onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - half
  • hot red and black ground pepper
  • spices: grated nutmeg and coriander, curry, turmeric - on the tip of a knife
  • spices: basil, oregano
  • hot boiled water - 2-2.5 tbsp.
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons

How to cook rice with minced meat in a pan

Peel and finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Preheat a skillet well, pour oil over it and fry the onions until golden brown. Add the carrots and sauté everything together, stirring constantly, for another 4-5 minutes. Put the minced meat in the pan, mash it thoroughly with a culinary spatula or fork so that there are no lumps. Add spices and herbs to it, salt and pepper. Fry it well over medium heat for 5 minutes, until the minced meat juice has completely evaporated.

Pour rice into the fried minced meat. It is not necessary to rinse it first. Stir the rice until all the grains are soaked in the fat and oil in which the minced meat was fried. Pour 100 g of hot boiled water into the pan and stir the contents of the pan. It should simmer slightly, reduce heat if necessary. Cook rice with minced meat, stirring constantly. In a minute and a half, the rice will absorb almost all the water, as soon as there is not enough water, add the next portion - another 50 g.

Add water in small portions, stirring constantly. Once the rice has swollen to its normal size, it will take some time to cook under the lid. At the same time, there should be a little water in the pan, about half the layer of rice or a little less. Try it with salt and add salt if necessary. Close the pan tightly with a lid, let the rice simmer on low heat for another 5-7 minutes. Then remove the skillet and leave it to stand, with the lid on, so the rice is soaked in the steam and meat aromas and boiled well.