Home / Khachapuri / Armenian milk soup saved. Armenian national soups

Armenian milk soup saved. Armenian national soups

Spas is one of the most popular soups in Armenian cuisine. Prepared with fermented milk product matsoni (matsun). Unusual yummy! Hurry up to replenish your culinary piggy bank with another recipe of Armenian cuisine.

There are many first courses in the national one, the basis of which are sour-milk products. Spas is prepared with yogurt (matsun) - a thick fermented milk drink that tastes like kefir. Such a soup among Armenians is considered healing. It restores strength and immunity, is useful for hypertensive patients, as it reduces pressure. Spas is the best pill for hangovers and high fever. In winter it is served hot in the cold, and in the summer heat it is cooled, and it is wonderfully refreshing and protects against overheating.

Saved sour milk soup - ingredients

For 5-6 servings of Armenian Spas you will need:

  • 3 cups of matsoni;
  • 1.5 glasses of drinking water;
  • 1 egg;
  • 120 g bulgur or rice;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 st. spoons of flour with a slide;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 30 g fresh cilantro;
  • salt to taste.

Armenian soup recipe saved

  1. Before cooking Spas, bulgur or rice should be poured overnight with very hot water. In the morning, rinse the grits and cook until the grains are soft. Strain the decoction into a separate bowl.
  2. In a frying pan, make onion frying butter, you can use ghee. Fry the onion until light golden brown. If the soup needs to be made completely dietary, roasting should be excluded. Then the onion is generally removed from the ingredients.
  3. Next, add flour to the cooled bulgur or rice and mix well so that there are not even small lumps. Pour the egg into this mass and mix again. You can add a couple of spoons of matsoni. And then fried onion with butter.
  4. In a separate bowl, dilute matsoni with drinking water to the desired consistency - for example, how kefir is diluted for okroshka. For breeding, you can also use a decoction, expressed after cooking cereals. But keep in mind that spas should not be too liquid.
  5. Next, move the pan with matsoni to the stove, on a small fire. Put there a mixture of cereals with onions. Boil, stirring all the time so that the fermented milk drink does not curdle. So cook for 3 minutes, then reduce the heat to the smallest and continue to simmer Armenian soup about ten minutes, salt.
  6. Pour into bowls and sprinkle with chopped cilantro. And if desired - and hot ground pepper. If saved served cold, then instead of cilantro it is better to put a little mint. Bon Appetit!

Spas - a popular soup in Armenia with yoghurt

Video recipe: classic soup with yoghurt

The recipe of the Armenian summer rescue from the channel "Beautiful Armenia".

According to legend, in the 19th century, thanks to the Russian Cossacks, the word "bistro" appeared in France. But that's not all! The Cossacks also contributed to the Armenian language: in this country, too, thanks to them, the traditional soup tan apur received a new name - saved.

They say that one night Russian Cossacks knocked on an Armenian house in the Kars region (now it is the territory of Turkey). Cossack regiments were permanently stationed in Transcaucasia in the 19th century after the Russo-Turkish wars. The Cossacks were very hungry and very cold: in winter, frosts down to -30 ° C could stand in this mountainous area. In accordance with the immutable laws of hospitality, the host offered a plate of hot hearty soup, which has long been prepared in every Armenian home. The Cossacks ate the soup, thanked the owner and said: “You saved us, brother, you just saved us.” Since then, the traditional Armenian soup tan-apur has had another name.

"Apur" in Armenian means "soup", and the word "tan" refers to the fermented milk base from the drink matsun. Matsun in Armenian cuisine is a universal product. For its preparation, milk is heated to +40 ° C, sourdough is added and placed in heat. So it turns out useful product reminiscent of yogurt or Bulgarian sour milk. In the villages, it was kept in clay jars for about a week. Matsun is also used to make kamatz matsun, which looks like soft cottage cheese. It is eaten in Armenia for breakfast with warm flatbread, honey, nuts, mulberry sauce or served as light snack. Butter, karag, is also whipped from matsun. The whey that remains after this, tan, is drunk or boiled, after which it is squeezed and dried in the sun, obtaining very sour and salty cakes of chorotan. They keep useful and taste properties. These flatbreads are prepared in advance, so that if necessary, fill them with warm water and get another version of the liquid base for tan-apura.

Gayane Breiova
A native of Yerevan brand chef Gayane's restaurant and cafe-bar "Panajeli" tells about the special purpose of the soup.

How often do people eat tan apur in Armenia?

At least once a week. This is one of the most popular and healthy homemade soups. Depending on the season, it is served differently: in winter - hot, and in summer - cold.

He something different from other soups?

Consistency, it contains a lot of liquid. Less wheat is added to the summer version of tan-apura. The rest of the soups in Armenia are prepared very thick, rich. Sometimes they resemble a stew of meat, vegetables and cereals.

Why does fermented milk matsun not coagulate when boiled?

A raw egg, which is added to the soup, does not allow this. In extreme cases, tan-apur can be cooked without flour, which gives density. But without an egg, the soup will not work. Each ingredient has a specific purpose. Flour and dzavar wheat (it looks a bit like pearl barley, but it tastes different) give satiety, sour cream - sweetness, butter - creamy taste, herbs - aroma.

Traditionally, soup was cooked in a cast-iron pot in a tonir oven (a hole dug in the ground, with walls lined with stones and hot coals at the bottom). Such a stove used to be in every peasant house in Armenia. The famous Armenian lavash, which is usually served with tanapur. And if the pita bread is dry, you can crumble it into soup.

Sour-milk matsun is the basis of tan-apur, to which flour and wheat are necessarily added, the main components of the diet of Armenians since ancient times and another symbol of hospitality. And finally, the egg is also an obligatory ingredient in spas soup - a symbol of the rebirth of life and well-being: they broke a bull on the forehead fresh egg before plowing, expecting a rich harvest.

Today tan apur is still one of the favorite Armenian dishes. It warms both the heart and the stomach. After tasting spas soup, you will definitely want to say thank you to the owners from the bottom of my heart.

Armenian tan-apur (soup spas)


How many servings: 4
Cooking time: 50 minutes
Calories for 1 serving: 545 kcal

Dzawar wheat- 200 g
Matsun- 500 ml
Water- 1 l
Egg- 1 PC.
Wheat flour a - 100 g
cilantro- 100 g
ButterO- 100 g
Sour cream- 2 tbsp. spoons
Salt- ½ st. spoons

1. Rinse the wheat, boil for half an hour over low heat. Put matsun and sour cream in an aluminum pan, add a raw egg and flour.

2. Mix everything thoroughly. Fill with water at room temperature. Put on fire and stir continuously so that the soup does not burn.

3. Bring to a boil, add boiled dzawar. Leave for 3-5 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly - so the mass does not curl up and lumps do not appear. Put butter.

4. Salt, remove from heat and add finely chopped cilantro. Serve hot or cold.

cook delicious chicken or a cake is able to almost every housewife. The second dishes are successful for most. Put a sufficient amount of meat, sprinkle with fragrant herbs - and any man will gladly ask for an addition. But the majority of the stronger sex treats the first courses with a chill. But maybe we just don't know how to cook them? Try to make an Armenian spas soup. Original, bright and at the same time light, it will be liked first of all by adherents healthy lifestyle life.

Main Ingredients

It is somewhat similar to our traditional okroshka. But experts say that this soup is much more interesting and healthier. We trust, but we verify. Therefore, today we are learning how to cook Armenian spas soup. Armenia is famous for its excellent cuisine. If you want to constantly surprise family and friends, then explore the simple, but original and original recipes that she offers.

But back to the first dishes. Spas Armenian soup has an original taste, so if you are cooking it for the first time, you should not make a large portion. Home may simply not appreciate. Experts recommend preparing it after heavy feasts. It suits for baby food. This dish has only a few ingredients. These are wheat, kefir, onions and greens. Despite the simplicity of preparation, the Armenian spas soup turns out to be hearty and really tasty.

Dish features

Its taste is really unlike any of the soups we are used to. This is not borscht, not pickle, and not even an ear. But everyone should try it at least once in their life. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the soup is served cold. This is very true for hot climates. Okroshka is prepared according to the same principle, pouring chopped vegetables with kvass or kefir.

Vegetarian soups are obtained from local chefs thick, rich and very satisfying. However, cooking methods can be very different from each other. Try chopping the vegetables raw and sautéing them first next time. The taste of the resulting dishes will be very different from each other. Sometimes vegetables are even mashed. Depending on this, there are khash, spas, kololik, lobahashu, praise apur, krchik. The choice depends on your personal preference. Today we will consider in detail the recipe for the Armenian spasa soup.

Required Ingredients

The word "saved" makes it clear that the dish refers to lean kitchen. Pas is translated from Armenian as fasting. The use of this soup is welcomed by the church during fasting, as well as other abstinences. The most important components of the soup are matsoni and dzavar. To prepare a dish as close to the original as possible, you need to try to find exactly these products:

  • Matsoni is a traditional fermented milk product Caucasian cuisine. It is believed that it is an excellent antioxidant that improves the quality and duration of life. If you can’t get it in your region, then you can replace it with kefir. It won't be exactly the same, but close. Most importantly, choose quality product with a high percentage of fat.
  • Dzavar is a special mountain fine-grained wheat. Prepare it in a special way. The grains are boiled, dried, peeled in stone mortars, and then finally dried. Thanks to this processing, the cereal is cooked very quickly. You can use couscous. This is a different type of wheat, but it is prepared in a similar way.

The recipe for the Armenian spasa soup is quite variable, which makes it possible to cook it at home when you want to diversify the table and offer something new to your family.

In cold and in heat

Indeed, this is a unique dish. It can be consumed cold to quench your thirst on a hot day. But it's just as delicious when served hot. Freshly prepared, it can be eaten hot, and then there is no need to reheat. It is very convenient in the country, where you can use the cellar as a refrigerator.


First consider classic recipe save the Armenian soup. To prepare it you will need:

  • Matsun - 1 liter. The output of the finished product is approximately 4 servings. For a large family, it makes sense to double the number.
  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Wheat - 100 g.
  • Raw egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 10 g.
  • Greenery.
  • Onion and butter for frying.

Salt and spices can be adjusted according to your taste. As you can see, nothing complicated, you can cook this soup at least every day.

Food preparation

A novice cook must remember that most of all he does not tolerate fuss armenian cuisine. The recipe for spasa soup is quite simple, but you need to prepare the cereal in the evening. Wheat grains should be washed and soaked overnight. After that, rinse the grits well again and scatter on a paper towel to absorb excess liquid.

Let's start cooking

  • Crack an egg into a bowl and season with salt.
  • Stir with a fork, add flour and set aside for now.
  • Pour matsun and water into a saucepan. Both products must be cold.
  • Pour into a saucepan in a thin stream egg mixture.
  • Add prepared wheat. As a substitute, you can add couscous or millet.
  • Put the mixture on fire and stir occasionally with a wooden spatula.
  • Closer to boiling, start stirring more actively. Cook until the cereal is soft, 5 to 20 minutes.

Your soup is almost ready. But it remains to give it a creamy taste and unique aroma. To do this, finely chop the onion and fry it in butter. After that, we send the frying to the pan, salt to taste and add chopped greens. A little mint will give the dish an original taste. After that, the pan must be removed from the heat and cooled to room temperature. Everything, the soup is ready, you can call the family to the table.

Soup on kefir

This option is better adapted to our realities. The Armenian soup saved on kefir turns out no worse than with traditional matsun. No wheat? Do not despair, it can be replaced with rice and flour. The result will not be exactly one to one, but close to the original. For cooking you will need:

  • Onion- 15 y.
  • Kefir - 3 cups.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Rice - 3 tablespoons.
  • Flour - 1 cup.
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons.
  • Mint and greens.

As you can see, the composition is very close to the original. But at the same time, all products can be found in the store without any difficulties. Kefir should be diluted with water twice, mixed with egg and flour, brought to a boil over low heat. You can adapt it to your family's tastes, this is a good recipe for kefir. Spas Armenian soup can be made more sour or bland. Add ryazhenka together with kefir - and you will get the taste of baked milk. Not everyone likes it, it's a matter of habit.

Some difficulties

Sometimes instead delicious soup it turns out a mass similar to cottage cheese. This is a little confusing for novice housewives. In fact, there is nothing complicated in making soup, you just need to observe the temperature regime. If you put the pan directly on strong fire, then such a result is very likely. Therefore, heat the soup carefully and stir constantly. You don't have to know any more tricks. you will succeed great dish which is suitable for the whole family.

Instead of a conclusion

Soup needs to be cooked every day. The first courses perfectly saturate, and at the same time they quite gently affect the mucous membranes and the digestive system as a whole. If you stick to the principles healthy eating if there is a history of digestive problems and gastrointestinal diseases, then the soup saved you is simply shown to be consumed as often as possible.

This Armenian soup has two names. One, actually Armenian, is tan-apur, which in rough translation means “soup based on matsun”. The second, by which he is known in Russia, is "saved." About the origin of the Russian name some time ago, the magazine "Around the World" wrote. It is assumed that during the harsh winter in the mountains, the Armenian family saved a detachment of Russian Cossacks by feeding them this same soup.

As far as I can tell, this is the only source that interprets the Russian name for soup in this way. I have no reason to doubt its reliability, although, of course, two independent sources are better than one. Let's take this as a working version.

What is absolutely indisputable is that tan-apur has two main ingredients: boiled Armenian dzavar groats and the aforementioned matsun, or matsoni. There are also two types of serving this soup: cold in summer and hot in winter. In the first case, "saved" is somewhat reminiscent of our okroshka.

I compared soup with okroshka also because matsun is very sour, which makes it similar to homemade bread kvass. Out of habit, both seem quite unusual.

Tan-apur, aka Spas: Armenian matsun and dzavar soup

Why I was honored to cook Armenian soup? Everything is very simple. As I said the other day, I experimented with dzavar, and “saved” is the most often mentioned recipe with this cereal.

Later, and without any prescription, I found more The best way manage the mess. You can use Armenian groats as. Such salads are not only tasty, but also extremely healthy.

Returning to the Russian name for matsun soup, I want to note that after the excesses associated with the long May holidays, such a soup will definitely not hurt to restore strength. In this sense, its name can be taken literally.


  • 250 ml matsun (matsun);
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 125 gr. boiled dzawar groats;
  • 30 gr. butter;
  • cilantro.

Pour the matsoni and water into the saucepan. Bring to a boil, add boiled cereals and, stirring constantly, cook for 10 minutes.

Delicious kefir soup can be not only cold and summery. In addition to the well-known light okroshka, hearty hot first courses are prepared on a sour-milk basis.

This collection of recipes will help out at any time of the year. You will learn how to cook quick lunches and dinners without cooking and find out what kefir goodies their hungry men indulge in other countries. Perhaps some combination of products will seem unusual, but do not rush to dismiss ideas without trying.

Cold kefir soups

Soups made from kefir attract with light sourness, freshness and cooling effect. With them, it is easier to endure the heat, there is no thirst and a feeling of overeating.

General cooking rules

It is not necessary to cook strictly according to recipes. Do not be afraid to add your raisins to cold kefir soups and remove those ingredients that you don’t like or cause allergies. But there is general rules which builds to adhere to:

  1. For weight loss, choose kefir with minimal fat content or fat-free. For more hearty lunch ryazhenka or full-fat yogurt will do.
  2. To obtain a liquid consistency, kefir soup is diluted with mineral or boiled (cold) water. Some use liquid fermented milk drinks, such as tan - salted and carbonated.
  3. Beets and potatoes are best not boiled, but baked in the oven. So more vitamins and useful elements will be preserved, and the taste will be more saturated and natural. You can bake in a special bag or foil.
  4. All products must be chilled - hot and warm vegetables cannot be poured with kefir.
  5. There is two cooking methods- immediately dilute the filler with a base in a saucepan or mix the ingredients into a salad, and then arrange them on plates and pour kefir. The second method is more convenient, as it allows you to adjust the density of each portion separately.
  6. Prepare sour-milk soups at a time. The next day they are not so tasty and can turn sour.

Popular soup for weight loss

The simplest kefir soup for weight loss is prepared with grated cucumber. Just grate a small fresh cucumber, chop the greens and pour low-fat kefir to get the desired consistency. Pepper to taste, add your favorite spices. It is better not to salt, but if you really want, slightly salt sea ​​salt.

When there is no time to cut, grind everything in a blender. If there is no cucumber, you can use only greens. But take it more and in a wide range - onions, parsley, dill, basil, cilantro.

On a light soup, it is recommended to do one unloading day a week. The rest of the days you need to follow proper nutrition and do not load the body with fatty and high-calorie dishes. In this mode, you can really lose weight.

Dessert soups with kefir for mood

Sweet kefir soups are an ideal alternative to high-calorie desserts. They can be eaten instead of dinner or served as an afternoon snack, just like delicious ones.

To prepare berry kefir soup mix in a blender half a liter of fermented milk drink, two tablespoons of honey and cottage cheese. Pour the resulting mass of fresh berries - blueberries, strawberries, strawberries or raspberries. Sprinkle with ground nuts.

If not fresh berries check out this recipe:

  1. Boil 50 g of pitted prunes in half a liter of water and leave in the broth until completely cooled. Strain, do not pour out the broth! Cut prunes into pieces.
  2. 300 g fresh apples cut into beautiful cubes or straws.
  3. 100 g soft cottage cheese rub with a liter of kefir to get a homogeneous mixture.
  4. Mix apples and prunes, pour over the kefir-curd mixture, add the broth to the desired density.

Cool down. Serve in a beautiful transparent bowl. Garnish with mint.

Sweet rhubarb soup on kefir is suitable for those who want to break the diet, but not get carried away with harmful sweets.

  1. Wash 100 g rhubarb stalks, cut into 2 cm pieces and boil in sugar syrup from half a liter of water and 10 g of sugar. Don't digest! Refrigerate.
  2. Mix cold syrup with half a liter of kefir (cold).
  3. Add 10 g of lemon zest to taste.
  4. Pour over cooled rhubarb.
  5. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon when serving.

We hope that this selection will help you in compiling a light menu for spring and summer. And if you want to lose weight, then do not give up kefir dishes in the winter. Save the link to the article so that it is always at hand.

If you have your signature recipe dessert, hot or cold soup with kefir, share it in the comments. Other readers of the online magazine "Women's Hobbies" will be grateful to you.