Home / Biscuit / Sunday lunch technology project. Creative project on the technology of "cooking Sunday lunch"

Sunday lunch technology project. Creative project on the technology of "cooking Sunday lunch"

Private educational institution
"Boarding school No. 25 of secondary general education
Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways"
Sunday lunch for the whole family
Shpakova Maria
Kibok Sofia
Barakhtenko Anastasia
Volkorezova Xenia
Besednova Elizabeth
Imatova Elizabeth
Shargunova Diana
Head: Gabitova I.G.
Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ................31. Main part................................................ ................................................. ..41.1 Exploration.................................................... ................................................. .....41.2 The history of famous soups .......................................... .................................................. 51.3 Technological sequence of preparation of fish soup .......... .....81.4 Technology for cooking second courses………………………………….101.5 Technological sequence of cooking potatoes with chicken under cheese coat................................................. ...............................111.6 Dessert preparation .............................. ................................................. ............... 131.7 Table setting ............................... ................................................. ...........fourteen
1.8 Rules of conduct at the table………………………………………………….141.9 Economic evaluation of lunch ................................ ................................................. .16Conclusion.............................................. ................................................. ..........17 Literature ........................................... ................................................. ....................eighteen
We want to learn how to cook a variety of dishes to please our loved ones. On Sundays, every family tries to dine together whenever possible. Dinner in the family is the most enjoyable pastime. Finally the whole family gets together and communicates!
Learn to cook a variety of dishes and treat the family.
Make a menu
To study the technology of cooking meat and poultry dishes
Learn the technology of cooking first courses
Study the calorie content of meals and products
Learn table manners.
When preparing for a family dinner, the hostess should consider:
1. Who and how many people will be participating in the dinner?
2. Determine what products are missing and buy them in addition.
Our team consists of 7 people. For lessons, you need to buy all the products and think over the menu.
We also decided to calculate the calorie content of dishes.
A calorie is a unit of heat quantity. The energy costs of the body depend on physical and mental stress. Nutritional standards depend on the intensity of work. A girl needs an average of 1600 to 2000 calories per day.
We consulted with the members of the brigade and decided that our menu would be as follows:
No. Name of the dish Proteins Fats Carbohydrates Calories per 100g
1 Canned fish soup 2.4 3.4 3.3 52
2 Potatoes with chicken under a cheese coat 20.9 15 12.9 300
3 sponge cake with banana and kiwi 5.4 15 49 350
4 Tea 0 0 0 0
total 28.7 33.4 65.2 702
History of famous soups
We found on the Internet the history of world-famous soups.
Spanish Gazpacho.
Gazpacho - cold soup. Spanish cuisine dish. Soup made from grated or pureed raw vegetables especially tomatoes. In addition to them, gazpacho includes olive oil and garlic, cucumber, Bell pepper, onion, vinegar, or lemon juice, salt and spices and bread can be added.
French onion.
The recipe for French onion soup that we know today originated in France in the 17th century, and included other products besides onions, but the secret of the soup lay in the correct processing of the main ingredient. Properly sautéed onions will make the soup truly fragrant. The highlight of this dish is that when the onion is fully cooked, white wine is added to it, which gives the soup an aroma and a special taste.
According to a famous French legend onion soup once prepared by Louis XV himself. The king was on a hunt and was forced to spend the night in a hunting lodge. At night, Louis XV got hungry, but apart from onions, butter and champagne, the king could not find other products throughout the house. At the request of the king, all the listed ingredients were mixed, and it was then that the first French-style onion soup appeared, prepared by the monarch himself.
Onion Soup Recipe:
- onion - 800 g;
- vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
- butter - 50 g;
- Wheat flour- 1 tbsp. l.;
- sugar - 1 tsp;
- white bread - 300 g;
- white dry wine- 200 ml;
- meat broth - 2 l;
- cheese durum varieties- 200 g;
- salt, pepper - to taste.
1796415285686500Among foreign tourists there is a playful gastronomic rule: in order not to die of hunger in Russia, it is enough to know one word - hodgepodge. Many centuries ago, when there was not even a tomato in Russia, the peasants cooked this soup. The composition of the hodgepodge necessarily included brine, fatty meat and vegetables from the garden. Due to its richness and fat content, hodgepodge perfectly satisfies hunger. However, this soup could not be found on the tables of the upper class, so the original name of the soup - the village - came from the word "village".
Like hodgepodge, this soup was one of the oldest in Russia, and it was cooked long before the official appearance of liquid hot dishes in our country (17th century). Rassolnik was almost 100% prepared from cucumber pickle with the addition of pickles, for which he got his name. The rest of the soup ingredients pearl barley, carrots) were just as accessible and simple, which made him a frequent guest on the tables of ordinary peasants.
Russian ear
Russian fish soup is quite simple to prepare in terms of the number of ingredients: there are only three of them - fish, carrots and potatoes. However, it takes a long time to cook it, and the right container for cooking is also needed. You can cook fish soup only in special non-oxidizing dishes (enamelled or earthenware), but in no case in aluminum or cast iron. Another important difference between fish soup and ordinary fish soup is the use of fresh fish. It should also be remembered that it can not be cooked from any fish. The most common types of fish that are used to make fish soup are carp, perch, crucian carp and pike perch. The most delicious ear is obtained when cooked over an open fire without a lid.
Technological sequence of preparation of fish soup.
Onion - 1 head
Carrot - 1 pc.
Potatoes - 4 pcs.
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Bay leaf
Canned Saira - 1 can
Rice - 2 tablespoons
Vegetable oil
Cooking method:
Wash potatoes and carrots.
336423017970500 Cut potatoes into cubes.
Grate carrots.
Clean and cut the onion.
Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion, add carrots a little later. Fry until golden brown Luke.
Add potatoes to boiling water and after 5-10 minutes add fried onions and carrots.
When the soup is almost ready, add saury without oil.
Salt, pepper, spices to taste.
food quality requirements.
Soup should be tasty, fragrant.
Products are cut in the same way.
The broth should be clear.
It's better to under-salt the soup than over-salt it.
The taste and smell of the soup corresponds to the products from which it is made.
Before serving the soup on the table - sprinkle with herbs.
Served in soup bowl.
The technology of cooking second courses
Second courses - dishes that are served after the first and for the main products they are:
From cereals
From pasta
Meat contains proteins, fats and minerals. For the preparation of meat dishes, beef, veal, pork, lamb, poultry and offal are used.
On the Internet, we learned the meaning of concepts:
Beefsteak - fried piece meat.
Rump steak - a dish in the form of a piece of beef beaten and fried in breadcrumbs.
Schnitzel - a thin chop or chopped round cutlet.
Entrecote is a cutlet made from the intercostal part of beef.
Langet - a kind of cutlet from an oblong piece of meat (from tenderloin).
Escalope is a thin, beaten piece of meat pulp, round in shape, fried without breading.
Goulash is a dish made from pieces of meat in a sauce.
Beef stroganoff - a dish of small pieces of meat in sauce.
We decided to cook a dish of poultry meat.
The bird is sold pre-treated chilled and frozen. You can buy both whole gutted carcasses and semi-finished products: fillets, breasts, thighs, drumsticks. Side dishes of potatoes and cereals complement poultry dishes with carbohydrates, and vegetable side dishes enriched with vitamins and minerals.
Technological sequence of cooking potatoes with chicken under a cheese coat
Chicken wings or legs - depending on the number of servings, 2 ingredients per serving.
Potatoes - depending on the number of servings, 1 ingredient per serving.
Garlic - 3 cloves
Parchment paper or mat
Cooking method:
36633152730500Grate cheese.
Peel the garlic and cut into small pieces.
Mix cheese, garlic and mayonnaise.
81534041783000 Marinate wings and potatoes in salt and pepper.
81534068834000 Put on a baking sheet parchment paper and lay out the potatoes with wings. Spread the sauce on top of the wings.
170116569913500 Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Put the baking sheet in the oven and gradually increase the degree.
To find out if the chicken is ready, pierce it with a knife, if colorless juice runs, then the chicken is ready, you can pull it out.
Dessert cooking
Sour cream-200g
Ready-made cakes
Cooking method:
353949029337000Peel and cut the kiwi into circles.
Slice the banana and grate the chocolate.
Beat sour cream with sugar
98234541592500 Lubricate the cakes with sour cream and sugar.
Put bananas with kiwi, in the order you like.
Then decorate and rub chocolate on top.
Table setting
When serving dining table put two plates: first - a shallow one, on it - a deep plate for soup. Plates are placed near the edge of the table. Appliances are laid out near the plate. On the right side you need to lay out a knife and a soup spoon, on the left - a fork. The spoon and fork should be placed with the concave side down. Closer to the plate are hot cutlery.
Rules of conduct at the table
Use each appliance for its intended purpose (e.g. what can be eaten with a fork, eat with a fork).
Hold the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.
Do not use a spoon if you drink tea or coffee, it is only needed to stir sugar or cream.
Don't leave the spoon in the cup.
Do not spit out the bones from the compote on the saucer, bring the spoons directly to your mouth and spit the bone into it, and then put it on a plate.
Don't bite the bread, but break off slices and put them in your mouth
Do not cut the meat in large pieces
Do not take the bird with your hands, use a fork and knife.
Remove fish bones with a fork.
Spaghetti is eaten with a fork, wrapped around twice, you can cut them with a knife on a plate.
Do not start eating before the owner
Watch your posture - sit comfortably, straighten your back, put your hands on the table, keep your elbows to yourself.
Don't stretch across the table. Ask someone close to you to tell you what interests you.
Don't talk with your mouth full.
Do not smack, squish, or slurp with pleasure, even if you really like the food.
Eat calmly and measuredly.
Do not interrupt the speaker.
Maintain an even tone of voice.
Do not fix your makeup and hair at the table.
Do not be distracted by the mobile phone at the table.
Apologize in advance if for some reason you need to leave the table.
Do not leave the table for a long time.
139636528638500 The location of the instruments also plays an important role:
No. Dish Name Product/Quantity Price
1 Canned fish soup Onion - 1 pc.
Carrot - 1 pc.
Potatoes - 4 pcs.
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Bay leaf
Canned Saira - 1 can
Rice - 2 tablespoons
Vegetable oil for frying 100 rubles
2 Potatoes with chicken under a cheese coat Potatoes - 7 pcs.
Cheese - 200g
Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons
Garlic - 3 cloves
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste 300 rubles
3 Biscuit cake with banana and kiwi. Kiwi-2pcs.
Sour cream-200g
Cakes - ready
Chocolate 250 rubles
total 650 rubles
Economic evaluation of lunch
We learned how to cook a variety of dishes that were useful to us. They learned the technology of cooking fish and meat. Check out the table setting.

1. Problem situation

We have a large and friendly family. As in every family. we have our own traditions - to gather at the weekend for dinner all together.

And we also love to receive guests, and grandparents come to visit us.

Family dinner

2. Purpose of the project

Arrange a Sunday family dinner.

3. Project objectives

  • analyze the lunch menu;
  • prepare lunch from dishes, the technology of which we studied at technology lessons;
  • lay the table;
  • properly serve cooked dishes;
  • clear the table after dinner.

4. Research

During the preparation of dinner, several questions must be taken into account in order to correctly calculate the amount of food; buy some if needed.

How many people will there be?

- Grandma and grandpa will come to visit us, which means there will be 5 of us: grandma, grandpa, mom, dad and me).

What will be the first dish?

There are several options: fish soup, chicken bouillon, potato soup with meatballs.

Potato soup with meatballs

I choose potato soup with meatballs.

What will I cook the second dish from: fish; from meat; from a bird?

What kind of fish dish will I cook:

  • fried;
  • boiled;
  • cutlets;
  • in the test;
  • baked?

Fried fish

Fried fish.

What side dish to choose:

  • boiled rice;
  • boiled pasta;
  • vegetable stew?

boiled rice

I decided that boiled rice would be best.

What will be the dessert?

There are several options: ice cream, cake or compote?

Ice cream

Of course, ice cream.

According to the results of the study, the choice was made as follows:

  • 5 people participate in the dinner;
  • for the first I will cook potato soup with meatballs;
  • for the second - fried fish with boiled rice;
  • ice cream for dessert.


I will cover the table with a colored tablecloth to match the service, I will fold the napkins in a triangle.

5. Calculation of product consumption

Potato soup with meatballs.

  • minced meat - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 375 g;
  • onion - 50 g;
  • carrots - 50 g;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • salt - 25 g.

Fried fish.

  • fish fillet - 750 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 150 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • spices for fish - 15 g.

Bread - 10 slices.

Mineral water - 750 g.

6. Cooking dinner

Dishes selected for Sunday lunch. were prepared according to the technology learned in cooking lessons. I was also helped by information from the relevant Internet sites.

7. Self-assessment and evaluation

Everyone said that the lunch was delicious and satisfying.

I really enjoyed working on the project, but it should be noted that I still turned to my mother for help.

For myself, I made another conclusion that next time it would be best to find out from relatives what they would like as a particular dish.

The information received during the implementation of the project will help me in the future.

Sources of information used in the implementation of the project:

  • Textbook "Technology" for students in grade 6.
  • Internet resources.

When the long-awaited weekend comes, I want to spend it with my family, not only going to the cinema or shopping, but also having a meal together. Cooking Sunday dinner doesn't have to be complicated and time consuming - making multiple meals doesn't take as long as it sounds! We offer you a selection of recipes for a full day meal of varying degrees of complexity using simple ingredients.

When preparing a Sunday dinner at home for the whole family, it is worth considering the wishes of each of its members - salad, first, second, dessert and drink - these are the essentials that make up the daily meal.

Let's start with the simplest and fastest recipes.

Sunday Lunch: Option I

Carrot salad with pumpkin

  1. We wash and clean 1 radish, 300 g pumpkin and 2 medium carrots. Three everything on a coarse grater or use a vegetable cutter.
  2. We spread it in a deep salad bowl and season with 2 tbsp. sour cream. Salt, pepper and sprinkle with a handful of lingonberries or cranberries on top.

Salad ready!

For lovers of salads from raw vegetables, which take a few minutes to prepare, we offer several more options.

Quick bean soup

  • In a 2 liter saucepan, heat the oil and sauté 1 chopped onion and 1 chopped carrot.
  • Then add 250 g of minced meat there and fry until tender. It is best to use mixed - pork.
  • Then spread 150 g of rice and pour 1.5 liters of boiling water.
  • Cook for 5-7 minutes and add 1 can of canned beans in tomato.
  • Pepper, salt, put 3 peas of allspice and 2 bay leaves.

We cook everything for another 10-15 minutes, and serve! Best of all, this soup is combined with sour cream and chopped cilantro.

Sunday lunch at home is unthinkable without a second course, its preparation will not take much time!

Another option quick soup for Sunday lunch, canned soup can become. We offer you several options.

Meat casserole in a hurry

For cooking, we need 2 large sheets of Armenian thin lavash.

  1. Fry 400 g of minced meat in a pan with 1 chopped onion and carrots until tender, salt and pepper. Add garlic or tomato paste if desired.
  2. AT minced meat we can also rub 100 g of cheese, but without it the dish will turn out very tasty.
  3. We prepare the filling: we combine 1 egg with 100 ml of kefir. We tear 1 sheet of pita bread into strips of 3-4 cm wide and put it into it to soak.
  4. Grease a deep form with oil and place 1 sheet of pita bread there so that there is a margin on the sides. Spread half of the minced meat in an even layer on the pita bread. We cover it with strips soaked in kefir filling.
  5. We lay out the remaining minced meat on top, turn the hanging sides up and fill everything with the remaining kefir mixture.

We send it to the oven for 30 minutes to cook at 180 ° C. Serve the finished casserole with sour cream, ketchup or mustard, sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Sunday mannik in the microwave

This cake is made in a matter of minutes, but it is also eaten at the same speed, as it turns out to be unusually tasty. While the oven is busy, bake it in the microwave.

  • Mix 1 glass of semolina with 1 glass of kefir, add 50 g butter, margarine or 1/3 cup vegetable oil without smell.
  • Drive in 1 egg, ½ cup sugar and 1 tsp. with a slide of baking powder. You can add a little salt - literally on the tip of a knife.
  • We mix everything until smooth. Now add 2 tbsp. poppy seeds and stir again.
  • Lubricate the silicone mold with oil and lay out the dough.

We send it to the microwave at medium power for 7-8 minutes. We check readiness, as always with a match.

Here are some more quick and easy recipes for you.

Mannik will be especially well combined with fragrant homemade fruit drink.

Berry juice

We will use several types of frozen berries. Let's take 100 g of each type: cherry, blackcurrant, chokeberry.

  1. Pour the berries with 2 liters of water and bring to a boil. As soon as the surface begins to bubble, immediately remove from heat.
  2. We throw the berry into a colander and rub it over a saucepan with broth. Add sugar or honey to taste, mix and that's it! Morse is ready.

As you can see, Sunday lunch for the whole family turned out very quickly! It took quite a bit of time to do everything about everything, and the result will impress both relatives and friends.

Sunday Lunch: Option II

These recipes are not as fast as the previous ones, but no less tasty or complex. Let's try to do it if we have assistants or a little more time left.

Carrot salad with garlic

It turns out unusually spicy and fragrant.

  1. We wash, clean and cut on a vegetable cutter 4-5 pcs. medium carrots.
  2. We prepare dressing for them: pour 2 tbsp into the pan. olive oil and, as soon as it warms up, squeeze out of the press or finely chop 2 cloves of garlic. Bring it to golden color and add 1-1.5 tsp. dry paprika.
  3. Pour 1/3 tsp. black pepper and add red to taste. Mix everything, simmer in oil for another 3-5 minutes and remove from heat.

We season the chopped carrots, sprinkle on top of 100 g soft cheese- cheese or feta and mix.

For a family Sunday dinner as a first course, the following recipe is well suited.

Mushroom soup

Let's make it the classic way.

Let's take any mushrooms - both oyster mushrooms and champignons will do, but forest mushrooms, of course, will be much tastier and more fragrant. Chanterelles, boletus, white.

  • We wash 300 g of mushrooms well, remove the damaged areas and cut into slices. Pour 2 liters of water and put on fire.
  • While the broth is cooking, peel and cut 4 potatoes into cubes. As soon as the mushrooms boil, we send the potatoes to them.
  • 1 onion and carrot, peeled and finely chopped. We sauté in a pan and, as soon as the vegetables turn golden, put them in the soup.
  • Immediately salt, pepper, add coriander, nutmeg, 3 peas of allspice and dried basil - it will give a special flavor.

Cook after boiling for another 20 minutes, and serve! Season the finished soup with sour cream and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Here are some more soup options.

Cheese meatballs in sauce

fragrant juicy meatballs They go well with any side dish: from rice, to potatoes and legumes.

If you are a fan of meatballs and meatballs, we offer you their classic recipe.

  1. Soak 100 g white bread without crust in 3 tbsp. milk, and while it swells, we are engaged in the rest of the ingredients.
  2. We rub 100 g hard cheese, mix it with 500 g of minced meat, drive in 1 egg, squeeze bread from milk and put it.
  3. Finely chop ½ bunch of greens, send to minced meat, mix everything, salt, pepper and set aside - let it brew.

In a deep frying pan or brazier, heat the vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons) and sauté 1 large chopped onion on it until cooked. Then pour it with 700 ml of boiling water and dissolve 2 tablespoons in it. tomato paste.

You can also use tomato juice instead of water.

In the meantime, we sculpt a little more meatballs from minced meat walnut. Put them in the sauce and cover with a lid. We leave to prepare for a very small fire 45-50 minutes. If towards the end of cooking we see that the sauce does not thicken, you can add literally 1 tsp. flour.

Gently mix it and leave the meatballs to stew further. Lumps will still disperse over time.

Serve ready-made meatballs with a side dish piping hot.

As a dessert for Sunday lunch, we suggest baking fragrant gingerbread cookies.

Chocolate gingerbread cookies

It turns out unusually tasty - everyone will be delighted!

  1. We take out 120 g of butter in advance from the refrigerator so that it has time to soften.
  2. Combine it with 200 g of sugar and beat with a mixer until smooth.
  3. Then 1 piece, each time whisking, we drive in 4 eggs.
  4. Sift 250 g of flour and mix together with vanilla in the oil mixture. Blend everything until creamy.
  5. Grind fresh root (80 g) of ginger in a blender or food processor and add to the dough.
  6. There we also send 200 g of washed raisins without cuttings.
  7. 2 bars of dark chocolate three on a grater or chop with a knife, mix into the dough.
  8. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and pour the batter onto it. Bake at 180°C for 30 minutes.

We take out the finished cake and check with a match. If everything is in order, we are not in a hurry to take it out. Instead, melt 2 more bars of dark chocolate (200 g) in a water bath and grease the surface with the resulting icing.

When the cake and chocolate have cooled, cut into squares about 3 by 3 cm. Transfer the resulting cookies to a plate and, if desired, decorate it with berries.30

Such fragrant cookies will be especially well combined with mulled wine.

We offer a few more cookie recipes that will be easy to prepare even for young housewives.

Non-alcoholic apple mulled wine

  • Mix 3 cups apple juice with ½ cup of water and set to bask in an enamel bowl.
  • At the same time, add 2 tablespoons to it. lemon peel, ½ green apple, cut into thin slices, 1 tbsp. white raisins.
  • At the very end, pour ½ tsp. dry cloves, 1 tsp cinnamon, put 1 tbsp. honey. Mix everything, heat until bubbles appear and immediately remove from heat.

We let the finished mulled wine brew for 30-40 minutes and serve.

As you can see, preparing a Sunday lunch does not take half a day and does not require tricky products and unusual ingredients. Everything can be done simply and quickly enough, and the gratitude of the household will be the best reward for your hard work!

Early morning. The sun shines brightly. Birds are singing. I so want to sing and dance! It's time for a delicious Sunday breakfast! You can cook breakfast yourself, or you can order in a cafe. Problematic situation Order in a cafe Cook yourself What to do?

We put a slice of cheese on the bread (cutting), cut out the legs, arms, torso, head, ears from the ham and spread it on the cheese. We cut out small carrots and traces from carrots and put them on a sandwich. Then we put dill and make eyes from green peas. Manufacturing technology

Ingredients: Tea brewing Boiled water Sugar Preparation: 1. Boil water in a kettle, pour tea, brew for 5 minutes. 2. Tea leaves, strain through a sieve. 3. Add sugar to the tea leaves (optional), mix well until completely dissolved. 4. Pour the tea leaves into cups, mix well. 5. Serve ready tea to the table in cups. Tea preparation.

Ingredients: 5 heaping tablespoons flour 500 ml egg milk 1 tablespoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon (or more) vegetable oil Pancakes

Technology of folding napkins Napkins are ready!!! 1. Initially, the napkin is folded diagonally. 2. Align the two side corners with the top of the triangle. 3. Fold the figure along the horizontal axis, turning the bottom corner down. 4. Bend the side corners forward. 5. Now the "arch of the gate" has taken its shape.

Name Quantity per person Rubles per person Ham 7 slices 52 rubles Cheese (hard) 7 slices 42 rubles Tea leaves 1 bag 1 ruble Bread (sliced) 1 slice 2 rubles Green pea 2 peas 2 rubles Mayonnaise 100 grams 12 rubles Total: 111 rubles Calculation of costs In total, 4 people will have breakfast, which means that only 444 rubles will be needed for 4 people.

Expert Evaluation (self-assessment) Mom“Everything was beautifully decorated and delicious! I liked breakfast. I also love the pretty napkins! Dad "I really liked it! It was delicious! Grandmother"Sandwiches have an original look, the products are fresh, tasty, beautifully decorated. I really liked the snack. I “I think that everything turned out delicious for me, because my family liked everything! Assessment and self-assessment

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Completed by: Polyakova Alina, student of 6 "A" class MKOU "Khokholskaya secondary school" Checked by: Troynina M.V., teacher of technology. with. Khokhol - 2017 Sunday family dinner preparation

Problem Situation On weekends, all members of our family like to get together. My mom and godmother and I love to cook. delicious food to please everyone. Lunch is an important meal for our family. This year, at the technology lessons, we went through the topics “Soups”, “Fish Dishes” and “Meat Dishes”. I want to cook myself Tasty dinner for my family members.

Goals and Objectives 1. Have a Sunday family dinner. 2. Think about the lunch menu and take into account the preferences of family members. 3. Buy the right ingredients. 4. Prepare lunch from the selected dishes. 5 . Lay the table. 6. Decorate cooked dishes and serve.

Our lunch menu First course: fish soup. Second fish dish: fried mackerel. Second meat dish: fried chicken legs. Side dish: mashed potatoes. Salad: Crab. Dessert: pancakes with sour cream.

fish soup ingredients

Boil water and peel potatoes

Cut onions and three carrots

We cut the potatoes and pour the oil into a heated frying pan

Boil potatoes and sauté onions in a frying pan

Saute carrots and open canned food

Add onions and carrots to the soup, and then canned food

We cut the greens and serve the soup on the table

Fish cutting

Be sure to rinse the fish with cold water.

Cut the fish and sprinkle with lemon juice

Pour the flour into a bowl and roll the pieces of fish in it.

Fry fish on both sides until golden brown.

Decorate the finished fish with lemon slices and serve

Baking chicken legs in foil

Chicken legs with mashed potatoes serve on the table

crab salad ingredients

Cut the ingredients, mix and add mayonnaise. Salad ready!

Knead the dough and bake pancakes

Serve pancakes with sour cream for dessert

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