Home / Dumplings / Cakes with cottage cheese are sweet in a pan. Cakes with cottage cheese in a pan

Cakes with cottage cheese are sweet in a pan. Cakes with cottage cheese in a pan

There is nothing better for breakfast or afternoon tea fragrant tortillas with spicy curd filling. Thin dough, smell golden brown and juicy filling with herbs inside. I often make these types of cakes in various shapes. And it does not matter what they are called, all peoples have different ways, it is important that it is tasty and absolutely everyone likes it.

The proportions of the filling can be varied according to preferences: less cottage cheese and more herbs, more cottage cheese and a little greenery. It is important (!) To roll out the dough very thinly and be sure to grease such cakes butter immediately from the pan, then their taste will not disappoint you.

So, for the preparation of cakes with cottage cheese and herbs in a pan, we take the simplest ingredients.

You can add different herbs as you like, sprinkle the filling with whatever spices you like.

In a bowl, combine water, salt, vegetable oil and add a glass of flour.

Then add another glass of flour and try to knead the dough. It will turn out to be very soft and sticky, not yet completely desired consistency.

Add the amount of flour according to the recipe in small portions, knead very soft dough... Leave it under the towel and prepare the filling.

Combine cottage cheese with chopped herbs and salt. Sprinkle with your favorite spices and black pepper. Add salt to taste.

Divide the dough into 6 equal parts. You can see how soft it is, its consistency is similar to yeast. Take one part of the dough to work, wrap the rest tightly in a towel.

Roll out the dough bun into a thin cake, adding flour as needed. Put the curd filling in the center.

Pinch the cake, collecting its edges to the middle and expelling the air from the inside. Then gently roll it out to a thin state, being careful not to tear. If this happens, then sprinkle the gap with flour.

The cake turns out to be transparent, with thin dough... It is important that when frying, the dough must have time to cook.

Tortillas with cottage cheese and herbs should be fried on both sides in a dry frying pan at medium temperature. When frying, you can cover the pan with a lid, I did not cover it.

Immediately grease the finished cakes with butter. It turns out exactly 6 pieces.

Serve pan-fried tortillas with cottage cheese and herbs, sour cream and hot tea. Bon Appetit!

Cheesecakes are popular with many Slavic peoples. This National dish Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. Invented them thrifty housewives who were sorry to throw out sour milk. They made cottage cheese from it and baked cheese cakes. Their other name is very often found - curds. These are products in the form of cottage cheese cakes, a small amount of flour, eggs and sugar, fried in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil.
Cottage cheese - the main ingredient in cheesecakes - very useful product... However, not all people, especially children, like it. And the frequent use of this calcium-rich dairy product is annoying. To diversify the menu and introduce milk product in the diet of children, a recipe for special cottage cheese cakes was invented. There is an opinion that Tsar Peter I could not imagine breakfast without mouth-watering syrniki with sour cream.
Cheesecakes are prepared simply and quickly, without any special tricks, and there are no special differences in the recipes for their preparation. Most often, the desire to fry the cheese cakes arises from the fact that they simply missed their taste, or wanted something sweet for tea, but maybe because there is a little cottage cheese in the refrigerator.
Of course, the taste of a dish depends on the quality of the ingredients used and how good a particular recipe is. However, the hostess will never succeed in achieving perfection and delighting family members, if she has not put a piece of her soul into cooking, has not transferred a handful of her love.

Methods for making cheese cakes

The set of products for making cheese cakes is almost always the same, but there are many ways of cooking.
Most often, cheesecakes are fried in a frying pan, into which a lot of vegetable oil is poured. So they turn out to be rosy, with a beautiful fried crust. If you observe temperature regime, then it will turn out delicious, golden.
Fried cheesecakes are the constant leader in taste... However, they should not be given to young children and people who need a special diet. Fans healthy eating also will not pay attention to this cooking method.
However, there are recipes according to which curd cakes are steamed or baked in the oven. Steamer cheesecakes are great for children or diet food... In addition to this, vegetable oil is not required at all.
The undoubted advantage of steam pancakes is the simplicity of their preparation: you do not need to stand over a hot frying pan and turn each cake in sizzling oil, you just need to put the dough into tins, and the steam will do the rest.
In the oven, the dish will remain golden brown, but will not be as saturated with oil as when fried in a pan. Therefore, this cooking method will be appreciated by those who monitor their health and try to reduce the amount of fried foods. In the oven, you can cook a large portion of cheesecakes at the same time.
There are recipes with additional ingredients: raisins, apples, pears, fresh and dried berries. They enrich the taste of a traditional dish.

● The tenderness of the cheesecakes depends on the amount of flour. The less it is, the softer and more delicate the product. But you should not completely abandon flour.
● Cheesecakes will be tender and tasty if prepared from a homogeneous curd mass. It is better to choose dry cottage cheese, otherwise moisture will have to be removed by adding flour, which in a large number will make products "rubber".
● If the curd products are very thick, the curd inside will not bake and will remain moist.
● You do not need to add many eggs, otherwise the dough will turn out to be thin and you will have to use excess flour again.
● Also try not to overdo it with sugar. It is better to sprinkle them with ready-made syrniki.
● For fluffiness and softness of the finished product, beat eggs with sugar as long as possible.
● For frying curd cakes, it is better to use a pan with a thick bottom, so that they bake better and do not have time to burn.
● When frying curd cakes, the pan must be covered with a lid (preferably domed).
● If the curd cakes will be baked in the oven, add a little baking powder or quenched soda to the dough. This will make the dough fluffier and softer. After cooking, they need to "rest" in the oven for another 10 minutes.
● The Comparison Chart of Weights and Measures will help you to calculate the weight of a particular product.

Let cooking become your favorite pastime and wonderful hobby!

Recipe 1. Lush and tender cheesecakes without eggs

One of the most popular dishes from cottage cheese - syrniki. It's very simple but tasty dish which many people like to eat for breakfast. For cheese pancakes without eggs, you need dry homemade cottage cheese fat content up to 18%.


✵ cottage cheese - 360 g;
✵ wheat flour ( top grade) - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
✵ wheat flour (premium grade) - for breading;
✵ granulated sugar - 1-2 tsp;
✵ salt - 1-2 pinches;
✵ vegetable oil - for frying.


1. Add salt, sugar and flour to the curd. Mash thoroughly with a fork and mix. Curd should not stick to your hands. If it does stick, add a little more flour.
2. To make the syrniki the same size, roll curd mass into a thick sausage, cut it into "washers" and form cakes. Lightly roll each cake in flour.

3. Pour enough vegetable oil into the pan and heat up strongly. Arrange the syrniki, cover and reduce heat. Do not disturb them until the bottom is well browned.
4. Then turn over and fry, covered, until tender.
5. You can serve cheesecakes for breakfast with sour cream, jam, honey, condensed milk or caramel sauce.

Bon Appetit!

Recipe 2. Classic cheese cakes

Each housewife prepares cheesecakes (curds) in her own way branded recipe... However, for novice cooks and fans traditional cuisine the classic recipe for this dish is best suited. Each self-respecting hostess is simply obliged to learn how to cook cheese pancakes, because they are so loved by everyone for breakfast. And enjoy this delicious and healthy dish there will be more than one generation in the family.


✵ cottage cheese (any fat content) - 360 g;
✵ chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
✵ wheat flour - ½ cup for dough + ½ cup for breading;
✵ granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
✵ vanillin - on the tip of a knife (or ½ a packet of vanilla sugar);
✵ salt - 1-2 pinches;
✵ vegetable oil - 50 g (for frying).


1. Drive eggs into a deep bowl, add salt, sugar, vanillin and stir (or beat). It is desirable that all ingredients are at room temperature. Salt is needed so that the cheese cakes have a balanced taste.
2. Put cottage cheese into the resulting mixture and mix well with a spoon or fork. A blender is not suitable for this process, because it is necessary to preserve the graininess of the curd.

3. Then add half a glass of flour and knead the dough thoroughly until smooth.
4. Place the other half of a glass of flour in a deep plate for breading semi-finished products before frying.

5. With a damp hand or a spoon, take a small lump of dough, quickly roll it into a ball and roll in flour. Then press the curd ball a little to make a cake about 1.5 cm thick.
6. Pour a sufficient amount of vegetable oil into a pan with a thick bottom, heat well, put the prepared curd cakes and fry on both sides over medium heat until golden brown. The pan must be closed with a domed lid.

7. It is advisable to place the prepared cheesecakes immediately after removing from the pan on a paper towel so that the excess oil is absorbed.

8. Hot cheesecakes are served for breakfast or dinner with sour cream; in addition, a spoonful of jam, jam or honey will do the trick.

Bon appetit and good health!

Recipe 3. Cheesecakes with dates

Cheesecakes are one of the most popular cottage cheese dishes. This food is enjoyed by both adults and children. We offer to diversify a little traditional recipe inexpensive but very healthy dates.


✵ dates - 80 g;
✵ cottage cheese - 300 g;
✵ wheat flour (premium grade) - half a glass;
✵ chicken egg - 1 pc .;
✵ granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
✵ salt - 1-2 pinches;
✵ margarine or vegetable oil - for frying;
✵ butter or sour cream - for watering the dish.


1. Rinse the dates, remove the seeds, add water so that it covers them, and cook for 10-15 minutes.
2. Pass the cooked dates through a meat grinder, add sugar and mix. Then boil the resulting mass again for 5-10 minutes.
3. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add cooled dates, flour, egg, salt and mix thoroughly.
4. Form the curd mass in the form of a sausage and cut across into even "washers". Lightly bread each "washer" in flour, giving a round flattened shape, and fry in margarine or vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.
5. Serve hot pancakes with butter, sour cream, condensed milk or caramel sauce.

Bon appetit and good mood!

Recipe 4. Lush cheesecakes with semolina

Traditionally, flour is added to cheesecakes. But what if there is too wet cottage cheese at home? Cheesecakes made from it, according to classic recipe get flat and viscous. In this case, it will come to the rescue semolina... If you add it instead of flour, then it will help to bind the viscous cottage cheese, and the finished product will turn out to be airy, tender and very tasty.


✵ cottage cheese - 200-250 g;
✵ wheat flour (premium grade) - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
✵ semolina - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
✵ chicken egg - 1 pc .;
✵ granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
✵ vanillin (or vanilla sugar) - taste;
✵ baking soda (slaked with lemon juice) - ½ teaspoon;
✵ vegetable oil - 50 g (for frying);
✵ salt - 1 pinch.


1. Put the cottage cheese in a deep bowl, mash with a fork, add flour, semolina, sugar and vanillin and mix well. The dough, which contains semolina, should be left alone for 20 minutes. This will allow the semolina to swell.
2. Break the egg, carefully separate the yolk from the protein. Send the yolk to the curd mass.
3. Egg white beat with salt into a strong foam and add to curd dough while adding slaked soda. Mix gently with movements from top to bottom. If you get too thick mass, you can add a few tablespoons of heavy cream or sour cream.
4. Ready dough pick up with a tablespoon dipped in cold water, spread the flat cakes in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil and fry on both sides until golden brown.
5. Hot cheesecakes can be sprinkled icing sugar and serve with sour cream.
The taste of the cheese pancakes is very dependent on the ingredients used, so the cottage cheese and all other products must be fresh.

Bon appetit and delicious sensations!

Recipe 5. Cheesecakes with poppyseed sauce from the oven

Each family has its own recipe for cheesecakes, proven over the years. But this time we propose to step back from it and experiment a little. Usually cheesecakes are fried in a pan in vegetable oil, but some recipes require baking them in the oven.


For cheesecakes:
✵ cottage cheese (more than 10% fat) - 500 g;
✵ chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
✵ sour cream - 65 g (¼ glass);
✵ wheat flour (premium grade) - 130-160 g (1 glass);
✵ baking powder - 1 tsp;
✵ baking soda - ½ tsp;
✵ granulated sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons;
✵ salt - 1-2 pinches.
For the sauce:
✵ poppy seed (steamed) - 20 g (1 tablespoon with a slide);
✵ sour cream - 250 g (1 glass);
✵ butter (melted) - 10 g (2 tsp);
✵ cinnamon (ground) - 1 pinch;
✵ vanillin - on the tip of a knife (or ½ a packet of vanilla sugar).


1. Drive raw eggs into cottage cheese, add sugar, salt and mix thoroughly.
2. Mix the sifted flour with baking powder and baking soda, and then gradually introduce into the curd mass and knead not too tough plastic dough. Since cottage cheese is of different consistency, a little more or a little less flour may be required.
3. From ready-made dough Roll up a thick sausage and cut it into 16 pieces. Dip each piece lightly in flour and roll into a ball.
4. Curd balls put on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and flatten a little into a cake. Lubricate each cheesecake with sour cream.
5. Place a baking sheet with curd cakes in an oven preheated to 180 ° C and bake until golden brown for 20-25 minutes.
6. While the cheesecakes are being baked, you can make poppyseed sauce. To do this, pour boiling water over the poppy seed for 15 minutes. Then mix everything necessary ingredients and heat almost to a boil, but do not boil.
7. Put the prepared cheesecakes in a baking dish, pour hot poppy sauce, put in the oven for another 5-7 minutes and then serve.

Today I suggest you make amazing cakes with cottage cheese and herbs. If you looked at my recipes on the site, then you already know how I like to cook a variety of tortillas. By the way, each housewife adds something of her own to the preparation, and the filling can easily change.

Tortillas with cottage cheese are fragrant, amazing, incredibly tasty and are baked in a dry pan, which is more useful! The recipe for kefir cakes is very convenient for those who prepare such a dish for the first time, in addition, you can watch the video recipe if you have any questions. So, today I am sharing a recipe for how to make chepalgash flat cakes.


  • kefir - 400 milliliters;
  • flour - 500 grams;
  • salt - 0.75 teaspoon;
  • soda - 0.75 teaspoon.
  • green onions (stuffed) - 100 grams;
  • cottage cheese (stuffed) - 500 grams;
  • egg (stuffed) - 1 piece;
  • salt (in the filling) - to taste;
  • pepper (in the filling) - to taste;
  • butter (for lubrication) - 70 grams;
  • boiling water.

Amazing tortillas with cottage cheese and herbs. Step by step recipe

    1. We start the preparation of kefir cakes with the filling. Rub the cottage cheese with a fork so that there are no lumps, otherwise they will not allow the cakes to roll out thinly. Allowed to twist in a meat grinder.
    2. Now salt and pepper to taste, add one egg. Mix until the latter is evenly distributed.
    3. Wash the onion well beforehand, dry it with a towel. We cut it very finely and mix with cottage cheese: the filling is ready. The ingredients for khychiny cakes are the same.
    4. Divide the curd filling into ten parts, roll a ball out of each. We put it aside for now.
    5. Let's prepare quick dough... We take warm kefir, mix with soda and immediately add salt. The mixture will begin to bubble - this is normal. The soda is extinguished in this way.
    6. Next, add flour in several stages, knead the dough: it turns out to be soft and sticky. Let's leave it covered with a cup to get some rest. By the way, if you don't want to get rubber cakes, then don't knead the dough for a long time.
    7. After five to ten minutes, sprinkle the dough with flour and divide it into ten pieces. As a result, in terms of volume, the dough with filling is the same. And when there is more filling than dough, it turns out even tastier.
    8. After dipping all the pieces in flour and flattening them a little, we will leave them for a while: this way it will be easier to roll them out. Although it is possible immediately, as the dough is very soft and correct.
    9. We make some cakes. Put the filling in the middle. You need to seal the edges of the dough in the middle, leaving the filling inside without air.
    10. Press down on the stuffed tortilla with your fingers to make it flatter. Set aside, do a few more pieces.
    11. Now we take the first cake and, using a rolling pin, carefully roll it out very thinly. From the center to the edge. Then we roll out the edges.
    12. Shake off the remaining flour, fry all the cakes in a dry and preheated pan: until golden brown, a couple of minutes on each side. If the cake is swollen, then pierce it with a fork. And we fry on.
    13. Lubricate with melted butter: this method is typical for khychins. We put it in a pile.
    14. And to make the chepalgash softer, we quickly dip them in hot water, then, folding them in a pile, grease them with oil. So less oil is consumed, and excess flour is washed off. This method is typical for Chechen flatbreads.

The most delicious kefir cakes are ready at home. Cakes with cottage cheese in a pan are baked instantly. But they turn out delicious, satisfying and aromatic: try it by all means. Bon Appetit!

For a hearty snack, you can prepare a very delicious cakes from unleavened dough with cottage cheese and herbs. Today I propose a recipe for such easy-to-prepare tortillas.
Curd cakes in a frying pan turn out ruddy and very appetizing.

The dough for the flatbread rolls out thinly, it is easy to cook, the products are the simplest. The cottage cheese filling goes well with this dough, the cakes are crispy and juicy on the inside.

We will cook pan-fried tortillas with cottage cheese, herbs and garlic. This basic recipe you can change a little at your discretion. Garlic can be eliminated if desired. Part of the curd can be replaced with grated hard Dutch or soft Adyghe cheese... We do not recommend sparing greens, it must be there, but chop it finely and do not use twigs. Ready-made tortillas can be used instead of bread, they are quite satisfying and can replace a side dish, they are very tasty with salad. They can also be served with tea and milk.

Taste Info Bread and tortillas

Ingredients for 4-5 tortillas:

  • Dough:
  • flour 2.5 cups;
  • hot water 0.5 cups;
  • vegetable oil 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - a pinch
  • sugar - a pinch
  • Filling:
  • egg 1-2 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese 300 g;
  • dill and parsley 1 bunch;
  • a clove of garlic to taste;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying 70 ml.

How to cook fried cakes with cottage cheese and herbs in a pan

Prepare the dough first. To do this, take a wide bowl. Send two and a half glasses of flour to a bowl, add a pinch of salt and sugar.

Hot water from a freshly boiled kettle, pour into the center of the flour and immediately stir vigorously with a spatula.

Pour in 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and continue stirring the dough.

Set the spatula aside and knead the dough thoroughly with your hands until a soft and homogeneous dough. This process will take you about 7 minutes. Place the dough in a bag and set aside for a while.

Prepare the curd filling for the tortillas. Use curd to your liking. It can be fatty or low-fat cottage cheese. When choosing greens for the filling, give preference to dill, green onions, or parsley.

Transfer the curd to a bowl. If there are lumps in the curd, you can sift it through a sieve.

Finely chop a bunch of greens and add to the curd, beat in one chicken egg.

Stir the curd filling, adding salt and grated garlic to taste. If you notice that the filling is dry, you can drive in one more egg, you can also add a tablespoon of sour cream.

In the meantime, the dough has settled down, you can start forming the cakes. Cut the dough into 4-5 pieces.

Pour a spoonful of vegetable oil onto your work surface and place one piece of dough on top of it. Wrap the rest of the dough in a bag for now so that it does not weather. First, knead the dough on the table with your hands, turning over on both sides.

Form a cake with a rolling pin, roll it out as much as possible thin crust... Thanks to the oil, the dough stretches easily. Place a few spoons in the center of the cake curd filling, smooth with a thin layer. The filling should not cover the entire cake, leave free sides around the edges.

Gather the edges of the cake towards the center.

Fasten all the edges of the cake together, you get a neat flattened shape.

By this time, the pan is already hot on the stove, add vegetable oil (50 ml) to it. Gently place the tortilla in a skillet and fry over medium heat until golden brown on both sides. This way, while one flatbread is being cooked, you are forming a second flatbread. Then add oil to the pan as needed.

Put the finished cakes with cottage cheese and herbs in a stack on a plate.

We suggest making yeast cakes with cottage cheese in a frying pan. The baked goods are prepared with yeast and kefir. The filling is salty, so you can serve tortillas instead of bread for hot first courses, or with sweet tea.

- a very useful "thing" in the household. Often, housewives are faced with the fact that the purchased milk turns sour, and they no longer want to cook next pancakes from it. In this case, a recipe for yeast cakes with salted cottage cheese: This dough is prepared with kefir, sour milk or whey, and it takes a long time to fry large cakes.

tortilla with cottage cheese recipe with photo


  • wheat flour - 500 g + a little for rolling out the dough,
  • kefir, spoiled milk or whey - 1 glass,
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • fresh cottage cheese - 200 g,
  • eggs - 1 pc. for dough and 1 pc. For filling,
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp,
  • sugar - 1 tsp.,
  • salt - 1 pinch for the dough and 1 pinch for the filling,
  • vegetable oil for frying

Cooking process:

Cooking any yeast dough starts with dough - a yeast mixture that should stand warm for a while and activate the yeast. In a small bowl (cup or bowl) stir the tremors, sugar, a teaspoon of flour and lukewarm milk (you do not need to boil the milk first). Leave the dish in the sun or just in a warm place - near the stove. While the yeast is growing in size, pour the kefir into a large bowl and stir it well so that there are no lumps. Pour half the flour (250 g) to the kefir and stir well. At this stage, lumps form in the dough - you don't need to break them hard yet.

Beat one egg into the dough and stir with a spoon.

Then check yeast dough: If it has already turned into foam, rising to the edges of the bowl, add it to the dough.

Salt the mixture, add the remaining flour to it and knead into a soft, elastic dough that does not stick to your fingers. Lubricate your hands with vegetable oil, shape the dough into a ball and place it in a bowl. Lubricate the top of this ball with some vegetable oil to help the dough fit better and not dry out. Cover the bowl with a towel or napkin and place in a warm place for 2 hours.

During this time, the tortilla dough will noticeably increase and become soft and loose. Divide the resulting dough into 6 parts, roll each of them into a ball.

Prepare the filling: mash the cottage cheese in a bowl or deep plate, add to it a raw egg and salt. Stir everything well.

Roll one ball of dough into a thin square, put a spoon with a slide of filling on the center. Spread the filling over the square, not reaching the edges of the dough. Fold the left and right sides of the square towards the center, then the top and bottom. Pinch the edges of the dough in the center of the cake together. Roll out the cake thinly - so that its thickness is not more than 1 cm.

Heat a skillet with vegetable oil and place a thin tortilla on the bottom. Fry it on both sides. While the product is browning, shape the next ball of dough into a tortilla. Cook all six tortillas in a skillet, adding oil occasionally. Yeast cakes with salted cottage cheese are ready! It is best to consume them immediately - warm. Such a cake will well complement the first lunch dishes and become an independent picnic treat. Bon Appetit!

Yeast curd cakes: recipe and photo from Victoria