Home / Dumplings / How best to marinate chicken for baking. Oven marinade for whole chicken - honey, garlic and other options

How best to marinate chicken for baking. Oven marinade for whole chicken - honey, garlic and other options

For tenderness chicken meat, as well as the acquisition of the taste and aroma of spices, you need to marinate the whole chicken for cooking in the oven.

Before marinating a whole poultry carcass, rinse it with water and then dry thoroughly with a paper towel.

You need to marinate chicken meat in a non-metal dish or bag, putting it in the refrigerator for the time specified in the recipe.

What are the best spices for marinating chicken for the oven?

These are pepper (black, allspice, chili), nutmeg, curry, turmeric, spices- mint, sage, thyme, basil, marjoram.

The little secret of pickling whole chicken: any spices will better reveal their taste and aroma if you add vegetable oil to the mixture.

How to marinate a whole chicken in the oven

Marinate a whole chicken with vinegar

Vinegar makes any meat more tender, and also gives it a pleasant sourness, which is successfully used in.


  • 8 tablespoons vinegar 9%
  • 400 ml water
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 piece of onion
  • salt, pepper and any seasonings - to taste

Ordinary vinegar can be substituted with apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar.

How to pickle a whole chicken in vinegar:

1. Dissolve vinegar in water, add oil, spices and salt.

2. Dip the chicken in the marinade for at least 3 hours, or overnight, then cook in the oven.

How to marinate whole chicken without mayonnaise

How to deliciously marinate whole chicken in mayonnaise


  • hen
  • head of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • pepper mix

How to marinate a whole bird with mayonnaise for baking:

1. Peel the garlic and finely chop or squeeze.

2. Add with pepper to mayonnaise and mix well.

3. Thoroughly coat the inside and outside of the chicken and leave for 3-4 hours or overnight in the refrigerator.

How to properly marinate a whole chicken

Recipe for marinating whole chicken in soy sauce

Chicken meat in soy marinade it turns out to be more tender and less greasy.


  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 2 table. soy sauce
  • 1 tsp. oregano, paprika, sesame and mustard
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

How to marinate a whole chicken in soy sauce:

1. Place the chicken breast side up and cut it in half along the breastbone to “reveal” the chicken, just like a tobacco chicken. Rinse the inside again.

To keep the poultry meat soft, you can cover it with a plastic bag and beat it slightly with a hammer.

2. Mash the squeezed garlic with oil, add soy sauce and spices.

3. Season the chicken with salt on all sides and brush with the marinade. Leave to marinate for 3-4 hours and bake in the oven.

How to quickly marinate a whole chicken

Ingredients for 1.5 kg carcass:

  • Orange
  • soy sauce - 6 tablespoons
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.
  • liquid honey - 2 tablespoons
  • ground paprika - 1 tsp
  • a mixture of peppers to taste

Recipe for quick marinating chicken carcass:

1. Rub the carcass with the pepper mixture and let sit for 10-15 minutes.

2. Squeeze the juice out of the orange and mix it with honey, soy sauce and butter.

3. Grease a baking sheet and place the poultry, breast side down, on it.

4. Spread the resulting marinade on top and place in the cold oven.

There is no need to marinate the meat, the chicken will have enough time to soak in it - while the oven is warming up and during cooking.

5. Bake the chicken at 180-190 degrees for 35 minutes on one side, and then turn over and cook for another half hour on the other.

How to properly marinate a whole chicken

Beer marinade for chicken carcass


  • beer - 1.5 glasses
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 cups
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • ground black pepper, paprika, cumin - 0.5 tsp each.
  • chili pepper - 1/4 tsp
  • a few sprigs of fresh parsley

How to pickle a whole chicken overnight

1. Combine salt and spices and add them to butter.

2. Chop the garlic, onion and parsley and add to the seasoning.

3. Pour beer into a bowl while stirring slowly.

4. Put the chicken in a bag, preferably with a clasp, and fill it with marinade.

5. Shake the bag well so that the whole chicken is covered with the mixture. Refrigerate overnight.

Exists incredible amount pickles to date. We have selected the best ones for you, so that you can learn some new tastes and aromas for yourself.

Of course, in order for the dish to turn out delicious, you must definitely choose a good product... We will now write you all the recommendations on how to do this:

  1. Appearance always plays a major role. The carcass should have a round, firm breast of optimal size. Breast that is too small will indicate that either the chicken was sick or was too young. And the big one will say that the bird was fed with hormonal drugs;
  2. There should also be absolutely no defects on the surface. That is, no blood, stains, scratches, and so on. The skin should be dry but soft and free of mucus;
  3. Press down on the meat. It should be firm and elastic. If the fingerprint disappears after a few seconds, we strongly recommend that you abandon the purchase. If you have not noticed where she disappeared, then you can safely take;
  4. And, of course, a pleasant smell. No rot, dampness or even spices. Only the smell raw meat... Do not hesitate to ask for a sniff, because this is your health and your family.

Now that you know how to choose a carcass, we advise you to start studying all the marinades in order to choose the most delicious one for yourself and cook it with juicy chicken.

Classic chicken marinade

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

Classics are always a good choice. Used pretty simple ingredients and the taste is amazing.

How to cook:

  1. The amount of ingredients here is suitable for a small chicken, about 1 kg. And immediately you need to start with the bow. It should be peeled off and then cut into half rings;
  2. A fifth of all onions should be chopped into a gruel with a blender;
  3. Then add pepper, sugar, vinegar, salt and a little sunflower oil... Interrupt everything again in homogeneous mass... It is important that the peppers are ground too;
  4. Pour a glass of water into this mixture and mix, put laurel leaves. Marinate the prepared chicken in this liquid, and sprinkle with onion rings on top;
  5. Put in the refrigerator and marinate for at least two hours. During this time, turn the chicken a couple of times, and it is also important that onion rings surround it on all sides.

Tip: if you don't have a blender, you can just grate the onion on a fine grater, and grind all the spices in a mortar or just a rolling pin.

Spicy marinade on grape juice for chicken in the oven

Very spicy marinade, soaks meat softly and efficiently. After that, the chicken is perfect for a romantic dinner with a glass of wine.

How long does it take - 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 33 calories.

How to cook:

  1. In one saucepan, mix water with grape juice and put on a small fire;
  2. While the mixture is slowly heating, it is necessary to grind cloves and black pepper in a mortar;
  3. Put a little citric acid in the already warm juice and add sugar, dissolve it;
  4. The mixture does not need to boil, it just needs to be warmed up. Turn off the fire;
  5. When the liquid has cooled to body temperature, you need to put ground spices in it. Insist for five minutes, then marinate the chicken in it and leave for four hours to soak. When cooking poultry, pour the marinade on top from time to time.

Tip: It is advisable to take grape juice from dark grape varieties, as their taste is richer. Accordingly, red wine is suitable for ready-made meat.

Citrus notes have always been successfully combined with dietary meat birds. Besides, lemon acid prevents it from losing its juiciness, which is very important when baking.

How long does it take - 10 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 231 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the lemon, cut it in half and squeeze out all the juice. You can do it manually, or you can resort to a juice press;
  2. Peel the garlic and chop it very finely. Alternatively, you can simply pass it through a press;
  3. Finely chop the thyme, after rinsing the branches under water. If there is no fresh one, you can take dried, you only need two pinches;
  4. Mix lemon juice with olive oil, and then add a pinch of salt, garlic and thyme here;
  5. Marinate the chicken in the mixture and leave to soak for a maximum of three hours. If left on for longer, the citric acid will affect the meat too much and make it tough.

Tip: when squeezing citrus fruits by hand, it is important to remember one rule: before using the fruit, it should be rolled on the table, pressing down well with the palm of your hand. In the future, this will contribute to faster and easier excretion of juice. This works with all citrus fruits, not just lemon.

Perhaps one of the most original marinades. It is easy for them to surprise not only guests, but also themselves. The finished chicken will have an incredible crust!

How much time is 55 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 172 calories.

How to cook:

  1. The first step is to grate the cheese. It can be any product that melts well. For example, Russian, parmesan, gruyere. Or you can even take mozzarella. Set aside the grated mass;
  2. In a small bowl, mix mustard with paprika, lightly add salt. You can use white pepper. Stir with a fork or mixer;
  3. Put a piece of butter in the pan and melt it, and then pour the flour here and actively stir it. You need to lightly fry it over medium heat. The mass will acquire a beautiful creamy color. Stir in a circular motion;
  4. Next in a saucepan, you need to heat the cream, but do not boil it. They also need to be stirred all the time in order to evenly warm up;
  5. After that, pour them in a thin stream directly into the pan to the flour. Stir everything thoroughly;
  6. Pour wine into the same saucepan and heat it to the same temperature, or rather, you just need to warm up the liquid well;
  7. After that, pour the creamy mass into the wine, stirring it constantly. When it begins to thicken, add the mustard mixture;
  8. Stir constantly, remove from heat, add grated cheese and continue stirring to melt;
  9. Marinate the chicken for an hour and bake. Or you can simply add this marinade already in the baking process, fifteen minutes before the chicken is ready. This will provide the bird with an instant cheese crust.

Tip: in order for the cheese to melt faster in the creamy-wine mass, it must be grated as finely as possible.

Soy sauce has become a part of our cuisine. And sometimes it is impossible to imagine an appetizing chicken without him. Especially the crispy wings!

How long does it take - 20 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 370 calories.

How to cook:

  1. In a small bowl, mix the soy sauce and butter. The easiest way is to actively mix with a fork;
  2. Then add honey. It must be liquid. Therefore, if the product has time to be sugared, it should be melted either in the microwave or in a water bath;
  3. Remove the husk from the garlic and chop it finely with a sharp knife. Add to other products;
  4. Add ginger to the mix and stir again. Grate the chicken and leave to marinate for at least an hour and a half.

Tip: add salt very carefully, as there is quite a lot of it in the soy sauce itself.

It will be quite unusual, at the same time original and tasty - add nuts to the marinade. Imagine how delicious they will be after baking. To do this, you can use any nuts: walnuts, forest, pine nuts, Brazilian nuts, cashew nuts, and so on.

Chicken is a rather light, tender type of meat, therefore it just as easily and quickly absorbs all the aromas and tastes. Therefore, we advise you to be careful with spices and know when to stop. Don't worry, every bite of garlic, every sprig of rosemary and every gram of cheese will be felt.

It is better to marinate in the refrigerator, as in a cold environment the meat absorbs all odors and tastes much faster. It is not for nothing that sometimes the meat from the refrigerator gives off cakes that were lying nearby. If you put them side by side on the kitchen table, then this will no longer happen, you must agree.

To make the carcass with golden brown, it can be sprinkled with honey before going to the oven. Or a mixture of honey and any vegetable oil. Another option for the case if you will bake the poultry in foil - ten minutes before the end of cooking, remove the baking sheet or dish, open the foil and let the meat brown.

We do not recommend adding mayonnaise to marinades. Firstly, it cannot be thermally processed, since it loses not only taste, but also benefits. Secondly, it will spoil the chicken, turning it into a tasteless mass. And thirdly, if you overdo it, then your dish will turn out to be bitter and tough due to the content of vinegar in mayonnaise.

To make your chicken as tasty as possible, we recommend marinating it for as long as possible. It can be one hour, or it can be a day. First, the carcass must be grated well with marinade, and if something remains, pour it on top. Next, pack it all in a bag or baking sleeve. A resealable container or, in extreme cases, a saucepan is also suitable. In any case, the meat should be covered.

Have you chosen a marinade? Rather, start cooking chicken so that an appetizing, ruddy, juicy and fragrant chicken will flaunt on your evening table tomorrow.

The question of whether it is necessary to marinate a chicken at all, which you will then bake in the oven, is controversial. Many housewives love the taste of natural baked chicken so much that they simply cannot imagine why it is necessary to further improve the taste of soft and tender meat... Chicken is the softest of all types of poultry, and it is perfectly baked even with salt and pepper, but to make the meat even more tasty, original, festive and special, you can marinate it. Lot different marinades exists, and they were mainly invented on the go, from what was in the kitchen. But before you soak the chicken in the marinade, you need to process it yourself.

If only poultry will be baked and in pieces, then cut the chicken and wash it a little in cold water, and then let the water drain. You need to do the same with a whole chicken, just first make sure that the insides are all cleaned, and also bandage the wings and legs so that they do not protrude in different directions. To do this, you can use ordinary or nylon threads, as well as the wires that are attached to the baking sleeves. In order for the meat to be browned and crusty, you should not wrap it up and hide it in foil or a sleeve, but for soft and gentle cooking- wrap in foil. Most in a simple way combine this preparation - bake the meat in the sleeve with holes made in it, and 10-15 minutes before the end - cut the sleeve and open the bird.

Chicken is quickly marinated in an extremely simple mixture of mayonnaise, soy sauce and spices. You just need to mix all these ingredients, relying on mayonnaise and seasonings, you need very little soy sauce - a few spoons. Among the added spices can be pepper, and hops-suneli, but in general, there are excellent pre-packaged preparations in supermarkets. The chicken will need to be slightly salted, but do not overdo it, because both mayonnaise and soy sauce are already quite salty, so it makes sense to think about the volumes. In this marinade, roll each piece of chicken and put everything in a bowl for 15-25 minutes to marinate. During this time, you can just prepare something for a side dish, for example.
It turns out very tasty if you marinate chicken in sour cream. You can add different ingredients, for example: red pepper, lemon and garlic (plus salt, of course). It is recommended to use only half a lemon or lime, if available, and 2-3 cloves of garlic. All you need to mix, salt and pour the meat. The chicken should be infused in such a marinade for about an hour in the refrigerator. You can even be original in sour cream, if you add vegetable oil, mustard and a spoonful of pomegranate or orange juice to the previous ingredients. This dressing also needs to be kept in the refrigerator for about an hour, and then put on a baking sheet and baked.

To properly marinate a sweet and salty chicken in honey sauce(also called Mexican) you just need to take a little honey, soy sauce, ketchup, garlic, pepper and salt. You only need 3-4 tablespoons of honey and 2-3 sauces. It is recommended to use lime, herb or acacia honey, but it is better to refrain from buckwheat honey. Mix all the ingredients and brush over the dressing over the chicken. The longer it stands that way, the tastier and richer the taste will be. It is advisable to marinate in such a marinade for a day or so.

Whole chicken in the oven: preparation

The first thing to do is to carefully examine the chicken in order to detect immediately if feathers are suddenly left on it. They usually end up on the wings and legs. Remove them and then tar the bird over a gas burner to avoid fine lint.

Remove all the guts from the chicken and the skin from its neck. The butt of the chicken is also best cut, as is the fat that surrounds it. It is important to do this because it can give the bird an unpleasant smell and taste.

Oven marinade for chicken - the delight of marinades

Often, chicken is baked only by rubbing it with herbs, pepper, salt or special seasonings for it. Marinades are usually used either by advanced chefs, or on a special occasion. This cooking method, with the right approach, guarantees juicy and tender meat at the exit, so you should marinate the chicken before baking every time! Alternating between different marinades, you can put a new dish with an original taste on the table each time. Below are the ingredients required for several types of marinades.

  1. 2 teaspoons of sugar
  2. 1 teaspoon salt
  3. juice of half a lemon;
  4. juice of one lime;
  1. 1 teaspoon salt
  2. juice of one lemon;
  3. 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  4. 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  1. 1 tablespoon mustard
  2. 1 glass of dry white wine;
  3. 1 teaspoon salt
  4. 1 tablespoon olive oil
  5. 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  1. three to four cloves of garlic;
  2. juice of half a lemon;
  3. 2 teaspoons of salt
  4. 1 teaspoon ground black pepper

Marinating chicken

Marinate the chicken for at least an hour, and at most a day. If you are short on marinating time, let the chicken sit on the table at room temperature. If you are going to marinate it for a long time, put it in the refrigerator. With a small amount of marinade, sometimes it is better to turn the chicken over. Also sprinkle it well with garlic cloves.

Stuffing chicken

Dry the bird with paper towels before stuffing it. It is better not to add bread, couscous or rice as a filling, since the juices are not very juicy due to the fact that juices are absorbed by them. You can put an orange, apple, carrot, pear, celery or lemon in the chicken, as well as parsley sprigs, Bay leaf, thyme or rosemary. Citrus fruits are great at removing excess fat from chicken and giving a fresh flavor (see how to stuff a chicken with lemon). Fruits and vegetables are unlikely to turn out tasty, so you can throw them out right away, but they will give off steam when baked, so the chicken will come out very juicy. I will repeat once again: vegetables stuffed inside chicken are NOT eaten.

There is a wonderful recipe for Chicken stuffed with liver (here's the recipe).

Whole chicken in the oven and marinade for chicken in the oven

Vegetable Chicken Pillow

You can put various vegetables on a baking sheet:

It looks just great, and you can (and should) serve it directly from vegetable side dish... Unlike vegetables stuffed with chicken, these vegetables are edible and very tasty.

Roasting chicken

It is best to bake whole chicken in the oven at 205 ° C. A typical poultry weighing about 1.5 kg will take about 70-80 minutes in the oven. In some cases, this time may be slightly longer than necessary, so make sure that the bird is not burnt. In the second half of this time, pour the juices collected from the bottom of the mold over the chicken, this will help to get an even golden crust.

After removing the bird from the oven, do not cut it right away, but cover it first and let it stand for ten minutes. By the way, the most tender chicken it will turn out if you bake it in a glass dish a little larger than the bird itself. So it will be baked as if “in its own juice”.

Roasting the side dish with the chicken

It will be very convenient to bake the chicken right away along with a side dish such as vegetables, fruits and root vegetables. In this case, zucchini, potatoes, carrots, onions, turnips, pears, apples and garlic cloves are well suited. Squash with onions, carrots with turnips and potatoes, and apples and pears with sweet potatoes will work best. Choose according to your taste and preferences of the household.

Cut vegetables and fruits into medium-sized chunks, sprinkle with pepper, dried herbs and salt, drizzle with olive oil, stir and arrange in a mold. Place the chicken directly on top of or between vegetables. Stir the side dish occasionally when pouring juice over the chicken. When the meal is ready, you have a complete family dinner.

Gorgeous orange chicken in a sweet marinade

The chicken is first greased with salt and pepper, then stuffed with garlic, pre-cut into pieces (we fill it over the entire surface of the chicken).

Lubricate the inner surface of the chicken with the orange zest.

For the filling, seedless grapes (300 grams) are mixed with 75 g of butter and fill the chicken with the filling. To prevent the filling from leaking out of the chicken, pinch it with toothpicks.

The very last, grease the chicken carcass butter and put in the oven.

In the oven, the chicken should be fried for 1 hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

While the chicken is roasting, the sweet marinade is prepared:

  • squeeze juice from 1/2 grapefruit
  • cut the second half of the grapefruit into slices
  • squeeze juice from 1 orange
  • cut the second orange into slices
  • cut the remaining grapes in halves

Now we mix everything, add honey and put on fire so that everything melts and mixes well. This sweet caramel chicken gravy needs to be watered occasionally (3-4 times).

The aroma is fabulous, the chicken is delicious.



All housewives have such dishes in their everyday home menu, which they prepare periodically, when they do not want to come up with something original. One of these dishes has become whole baked chicken in the oven for all of us. This is a win-win option, as few people dislike the amazing chicken aroma and taste, although there is nothing exotic about this bird. Both adults and children will be delighted with the chicken cooked by their mother. You still have to try, because the poultry meat should turn out to be juicy and ruddy, and not dry and raw near the bones.

1 tablespoon olive oil

2 teaspoons of sugar

1 teaspoon salt

5-7 cloves of garlic, which must be passed through a press;

juice of half a lemon;

2 tablespoons of soy sauce

a piece about 4 cm in size of fresh ginger root;

juice of one lime;

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary

juice of one lemon;

1 tablespoon olive oil

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar

1 tablespoon mustard

1 glass of dry white wine;

1 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon olive oil

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

three to four cloves of garlic;

2 glasses of fat-free kefir;

juice of half a lemon;

half a medium-sized onion;

1/2 teaspoon dried thyme

2 teaspoons of salt

1 tablespoon hot sauce("Tabasco", for example);


Tender chicken marinated in the oven: a step-by-step recipe for cooking with a photo

The most affordable and easy-to-cook meat is chicken. It is also good in that it leaves a huge scope for culinary fantasy and creativity. And a special freedom is observed when a person is scheduled for dinner marinated chicken in the oven. Poultry fillings can be made from almost any component. And each option 100% guarantees a successful result - juicy, aromatic and unusually tasty decoration table.

Any housewife, even without knowing the exact recipe, will build a chicken marinade with mayonnaise. However, simply spreading it on a bird is not very interesting, although in the end it will not deceive anyone's expectations. Therefore, we suggest that all culinary specialists try this composition: press a medium-sized garlic head through a press, squeeze a lemon into the garlic, pour in a glass of low-fat mayonnaise and a spoon of not spicy, but spicy mustard. The marinade is salted, peppery and flavored with crumbled bay leaves. The carcass is poured (smeared) with it and hides in the cool for the night. The next day, you will have a great marinated chicken - in the oven or on the grill. The filling can also be used if you want to cook delicious individual bird "parts". In the oven, a carcass of one and a half kilos will reach the condition in 50 minutes at a relatively low temperature of 180 degrees.

The marinade for chicken with honey is very popular among cooks. Moreover, you can combine the main ingredient with a variety of additional ones. The only obstacle to creativity may be an allergy to beekeeping products from someone who will participate in the feast. Very delicious marinade for chicken it will turn out if you combine honey, tomato paste and mayonnaise in a 1: 1: 2 ratio. Of the seasonings, pepper and salt and a little garlic are required, the rest - to the taste of the cook. The carcass is carefully rubbed with the mixture and left in the refrigerator for an hour. Very tasty, and convenient if there is not so much time left. The bird is baked for about an hour, until, when pricked, a clear, not pink juice begins to stand out.

Another option for salvation for those who are threatened with a sudden arrival of guests (or they were detained at work longer than expected, and the family is trampling on the kitchen with unhealthy revival). If your carcass is not too large, then the proposed marinade with mustard for chicken will “soften” it in half an hour. For him, an onion, an apple and three garlic cloves are grated, two full tablespoons of mustard are added to them, the same amount of tomato paste and vegetable oil, salt, paprika and pepper. The marinade is diluted with half a glass of water, poured into a container with chicken, and the bird is pressed down by the load. The chicken marinated in this way in the oven will stay for about an hour. In the process of baking, do not forget to water it - with allocated juice or salted water.

For lovers of contrasts, chicken marinade with honey and mustard is very suitable. They are combined in equal quantities and supplemented with a slightly larger volume of vegetable (preferably olive or mixed with it) oil. Those who appreciate spicy herbs can add thyme with rosemary to the marinade - they wonderfully set off the taste of chicken. Before pickling, the carcass is first rubbed with white pepper and salt, and only then with the created mixture. You do not need to put the bird in the refrigerator; in principle, it will be ready for further culinary influences in about forty minutes, but if you want to get a more aromatic dish, let the marinated chicken sweat longer. In the oven, as in the previous recipe, it will sometimes have to be watered with water - the marinade is not enough to prevent dryness of the carcass.

Opponents of boring cooking and aficionados of culinary experimentation can try a white wine-based chicken roast marinade. You will need a whole bottle of it, but in such a responsible business it is better not to save money. Grated ginger and garlic are put into the wine (their amount depends on your attitude to this component; the marinade will have to be tried, and the main thing is not to get carried away), freshly ground pepper and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. In such a medium-sized mixture, the carcass should stand for four hours. During this time, at least three times it must be turned over for uniform marinating. When you consider that the carcass has lain in the composition enough, it is coated with the same oil and baked (periodically watered with juice) for a little over an hour.

Suggested by Latin Americans, especially popular in Cuba. Suitable not only for whole carcasses, but also for any of its parts, any other meat and even for seafood. One of the recipes for cooking chicken in an orange marinade. For pouring, the onion is finely crumbled; in this respect, the sauce is quite democratic: you can cut the onion-feathers, you can - shallots, onions will also not be disharmonious. Pour into onion slices:

In this composition, the carcass is kept for a day. If you show patience, then after baking the chicken in the marinade in the oven, it will take on a glazed look and will be simply deadly aromatic. However, it will acquire a decent appearance after two hours of pickling. But such a stunning smell cannot be achieved during this time.

A very interesting option was invented in sunny Greece- and this despite the fact that this delicious chicken marinade does not contain any particularly complex components. The only thing that should be taken seriously is the search for natural, without any additives, yogurt. You will need a glass of it - this amount is enough for a two-kilogram carcass. You will need to remove (very thinly!) The zest from the lemon, peel off the white layer and squeeze out the juice, making sure that the grains do not choke - they add extra bitterness. The lemon cake is thrown away, and everything else is combined with the yogurt. Half a large spoonful of dried oregano, black pepper (to taste), finely chopped parsley (a small bunch) and four garlic cloves are poured there. The composition is well kneaded, the chicken (or its pieces) is coated with it and sent to the refrigerator - at least for an hour, but no longer than a day.

Most birds are marinated before being placed in the oven. However, in the case of using honey and soy sauce, this is not necessary: ​​chicken is no worse in a primitive stew. You can, again, take not the whole carcass, but your favorite parts of it. If you have whole poultry, then before pickling it should be already chopped chicken. Marinade: soy sauce, honey, garlic, favorite herbs and regular onion... It is better to cut it into rings: if you decide to stew the bird later, it will add an additional aroma to the gravy. Three tablespoons of natural liquid honey are poured into 0.5 cups of sauce and kneaded until it is completely dissolved. A bunch of greens is finely crumbled there and a pair of garlic cloves are pressed through. Chicken pieces are placed in the marinade and left in the refrigerator for at least two hours. If you really like the soy flavor, then go to bed. It is not worth it any longer - the meat will have an overly harsh aftertaste. Further actions are optional: you can bake in the oven, pouring occasionally with marinade, you can fry and stew, using the marinade as a base for gravy.

Among the recipes that we have shared in this article, one variant of the marinade (Cuban) has already been mentioned, which includes orange juice. However, that sauce involved subsequent baking. And now we will tell you how to prepare stewed chicken in an orange marinade, and the filling does without any "extraneous" additions. Calculation of components: per kilogram of chicken, four medium oranges and a teaspoon of paprika (the rest of the spices are at your discretion, but this is required). The bird is salted and peppery; peel off three citrus fruits and squeeze out the juice. They are mixed with paprika and three tablespoons of vegetable oil; chicken is coated with this mixture and placed under load in the refrigerator for half a day. It is advisable to turn the marinated meat over from time to time. Then the chicken is transferred to something thick-walled, for example, a rooster, poured with marinade and stewed over the lowest fire for about half an hour. Before readiness, pre-selected seasonings are poured in and the juice of the left orange is squeezed out. Enjoy your meal!


Methods for marinating chicken for baking in the oven

There are tons of ways to marinate chicken for oven baking. Each housewife has her own secrets here, but you always want to conduct culinary experiments and try something new. Indeed, chicken in the oven itself is a simple, but very tasty and solid dish. It can be prepared for family dinner or for a large holiday table.

Practice shows that most often the whole chicken is baked for the holidays. It's simple and convenient, festive and beautiful. It should always be borne in mind that it is best to cook whole chilled rather than frozen carcasses. With this approach, the hostess can be sure that she will definitely succeed in the dish.

Important! Good marinade- this is the most important thing that determines the final taste of the finished chicken. They affect how juicy and tasty the meat is. So, already at the stage of preparing the marinade, you should choose the right recipe and follow clear recommendations. It is recommended to marinate the chicken in the refrigerator for at least a few hours, or better, leave the fat there for a day.

It often happens that the carcass is so large that the marinade does not completely cover it. In such a situation, it will be necessary to periodically turn the chicken over so that it is properly saturated from all sides. When the marinade is selected and the chicken is prepared, you need to choose a baking method. Today, for this you can use not only a baking sheet, but also foil, special sleeves.

Ways to Marinate Whole Oven Chicken

  • One Wed hen;
  • Four cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp olive. oils;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • Paprika and ground pepper at your own request;

The chicken should be rinsed and dried using paper towels. The marinade is prepared on the basis of garlic passed through a press. Mix it with salt and other spices, then pour everything over with olive oil and stir. Grate the inside of the carcass with some of the marinade, use the rest for the top of the carcass. The chicken should be marinated in such a marinade for at least an hour. You can also make chicken breast soup.

Then you can put it on a baking sheet with vegetable oil and go to the oven for an hour and a half. Prepare the dish before golden crust will be at a standard temperature of 180 degrees. According to this recipe, the meat will turn out to be tender, it will be easy to separate from the bones.

Usually it does not matter at all which way, how to marinate chicken for baking in the oven, is chosen; you can cook it in foil, a sleeve or in any other convenient way. This marinade contains lemon zest, which adds spice to the dish.

  • Hen;
  • One lemon;
  • Zest of one lemon;
  • Thyme and black pepper, salt.

In lemon, make up to 8 deep punctures with a thin knife. There it is necessary so that the juice from the fruit begins to flow, but the fruit itself remains intact. Rinse the chicken and pat dry on a paper towel. Mix the lemon zest, grated on a fine grater, add thyme, salt and pepper to it. Grate dry chicken with this mixture on all sides, including the inside.

Now put a whole lemon in the belly. It is possible not to sew up the hole, but it is recommended to do this for maximum juiciness. Bake such a chicken for an hour at 200 degrees. It is important during the cooking process to water the chicken with lemon juice, which will stand out when heat treatment product. Cook until the poultry crust is pleasantly golden. As an appetizer, Korean carrots are ideal: a recipe at home.

Advice! If you want citrus notes in the taste to be not very pronounced, but you can not use lemon zest to rub the carcass. In such a situation, it will be enough to put the cut lemon inside the carcass itself.

This is ideal for marinating chicken in the oven in the sleeve. To implement the recipe, you need a chicken carcass, three tablespoons of sour cream (you can take mayonnaise), olive oil, salt and spices at your own discretion.

The chicken will need to be grated on the outside and inside with the dry spices that are selected, as well as salt. Then coat the bird with sour cream or mayonnaise on all sides. Put the whole prepared carcass in a baking bag. Make several punctures in the bag so that the air can escape freely and the bag does not burst during the cooking process. Now cook the dish for about an hour in the oven at 200 degrees. Break the bag completely 15 minutes before the end of cooking, so that the carcass becomes rosy and beautiful.

To implement this recipe, take two cloves of garlic, 4 tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise, a small spoonful of paprika and curry powder, as well as salt and regular pepper. Pass a half of the garlic through a press, mix with salt and pepper. Grate the chicken with this mixture.

Cut the garlic that remains into thin slices and use it to stuff the carcass with it. This is done simply: make a hole with a sharp knife and place a piece of garlic there. Now mix the paprika and curry with sour cream, grate the chicken on all sides with this mixture. So that the sauce that will be on top of the carcass does not burn for sure, you need to use foil to cook the carcass in the oven.

Wrap the chicken with it, put it on a dry baking sheet and cook for about an hour at 200 degrees. Then remove the foil and leave the chicken in the oven for another 20 minutes to brown the carcass.

This marinade is, in principle, also suitable for use in the oven. But I would like to separately consider the option of cooking a whole chicken in a multicooker. Requires garlic, rast. oil, salt and pepper.

You will need to pass the garlic through a press, grind with spices, salt and mix with olive oil. Now a carcass that has already been prepared in the appropriate way for culinary processing, you will need to rub this mixture on all sides. Do not forget to rub the chicken inside as well. Put the prepared chicken in a multicooker bowl and cook in the "Baking" program. Only when half of the allotted time has passed, turn the bird over to another barrel.

What features of cooking a whole chicken in the oven should be remembered:

  1. If the carcass is cf. size, this means 1.2 -1.6 kg, then it is enough to cook it at a temperature of 200 degrees for 80 minutes. To check the readiness, you need to make a puncture in the thigh area: a light transparent juice should flow out. It is not worth checking the carcass in the sternum area, because the breast is cooked faster than other parts of the carcass.
  2. To make the chicken as juicy as possible, it is recommended to additionally monitor it during the cooking process. You will need to water it with juice, which accumulates on a baking sheet during the cooking process. Watering is necessary starting from the second part of the baking time. This will create an amazing golden crust.
  3. If you bake the carcass in a form that is only slightly larger in size, then the meat will turn out to be as tender as possible. This effect can be achieved because the carcass is, as it were, cooked in its own juice.
  4. When baking a carcass with a side dish, you can put vegetables both on the chicken itself, or around or under it. Stir the garnish when pouring juice on the carcass. How to serve as a side dish lightly salted cucumbers in the package: quick recipe in 5 minutes.
  5. When baking in foil, you need to check that the bird is wrapped tightly. Put the carcass on a baking sheet with the seams up. It is extremely important that the juices do not flow out of the foil: they are responsible for the juiciness of the meat in the end.

Like these ones interesting options how to marinate chicken for baking in the oven, we suggest you for implementation. It is possible that you have already mastered some methods of pickling, then it's time for your own culinary experiments. Bon appetit and let everything you plan will definitely work out.


At the initial stage, the chicken should be prepared for marinating, which is carried out according to the same principle, regardless of the marinade recipe. We clean the chicken carcass (or its parts) from the remaining hairs and feathers, rinse well and dry it with a towel.

An important point: we use glass, plastic or stainless steel dishes for marinating. An aluminum or cast iron container is not recommended as these metals oxidize when exposed to salts and acids.

How to marinate chicken? Mayonnaise, kefir, honey, tomato paste, cream, yogurt - the main list of the main components of all kinds of marinades. All kinds of spices, garlic, onions, herbs give the meat aroma and rich taste. And the addition of lemon juice and vinegar greatly speeds up the pickling process.

Honey marinated chicken - recipe for baking in the oven

For pickling, you can use both the whole chicken and its individual parts (legs or thighs). As a result, cooked meat from the oven will acquire a golden brown crust and a delicious slightly sweet taste.

Ingredients for the marinade:

  • soy sauce - 1 tablespoon
  • honey - 1 tablespoon
  • mustard - 1 tablespoon
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
  • garlic - 2 - 3 cloves
  • salt and spices - dried herbs, paprika, pepper mixture

Step-by-step instruction

How to Pickle Whole Oven Chicken - Rosemary & Lemon

Garlic - 4 teeth;

Sesame seeds - 1 tablespoon

Cooking method:

Cooking a marinade is not difficult. It is enough to mix all the ingredients in a vessel.

Press the garlic with a garlic. Rub the peeled ginger on a fine grater. We heat the honey in a water bath, add all the ingredients here. Often, when marinating meat, special bags with a lock are used, which allows you to thoroughly mix the components of the marinade with the meat. We use such a package in this case as well. We put the marinade in a bag, put the chicken here for the grill. Thoroughly coat the chicken, leaving it in a bag, send it to the refrigerator for about 2 hours. Before sending the meat to the oven, you need to salt it, and at the end sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Recipe 2. Marinade on grape juice for chicken in the oven

Apple cider vinegar - 3 tablespoons;

Honey -3 tbsp. L.;

Soy sauce - 3 tablespoons;

Garlic - 2 teeth


Like many other marinades, this recipe is easy to prepare. In the vessel where you plan to marinate the meat, mix all the ingredients and put them in the refrigerator for 5 hours. Pineapple gives the meat an exotic flavor. Believe me, such food will certainly not remain on the table!

The use of herbs in chicken marinade can significantly enrich the taste of the meat. However, you should not chop the greens; when cooking, it is quite difficult to clean the meat from small adhering leaves. And when cooking fresh herbs blackens and spoils the appearance of the dish.

  1. Soy-honey.
  2. Mix a spoonful of soy sauce with two tablespoons of melted honey and three tablespoons of vegetable oil. Add to the marinade half a teaspoon of coriander and basil, a little black pepper, mix. Marinate the meat in the composition, and if you bake it in the form and with potatoes, pour it over it before sending it to the oven. Thanks to honey, the chicken will acquire a golden color and a sweetish aftertaste.
  3. Asian spicy.
  4. Mix a spoonful of olive oil and salt, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and the juice of half a lemon. Pass 5 cloves of garlic through a press, add to the marinade. Peel the 4 cm long ginger root, cut and send to the sauce. Pour in 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and lime juice, add half a spoonful of black pepper. The dish will turn out exquisitely spicy!
  5. Wine mustard.
  6. Mix a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and mustard, dilute with a glass of dry white wine. Add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of olive oil, and half a spoonful of black pepper. Wine and vinegar will make the meat incredibly tender and soft, and the mustard will give the original taste.
  7. Spicy lemon.
  8. For this simple marinade, use the juice of one lemon and a tablespoon of olive oil. Then add to it half a spoonful of ground pepper and dried rosemary, a pinch of salt. Lemon and rosemary will create a stunning aroma in the finished dish.
  9. Original kefir.
  10. Use 2 cups of minimum fat kefir, 4 cloves of garlic, juice of half a lemon. Add a spoonful of Tabasco hot sauce, half a spoonful each of thyme and black pepper, chop half an onion. At the end, put 2 tablespoons of salt
  11. Marinade "Delicious"
    • Ginger root - 1 tablespoon already grated
    • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
    • Curry - 1 teaspoon
    • Turmeric - 0.5 teaspoon
    • Nutmeg- 0.5 teaspoon
    • Ground white pepper - 0.5 teaspoon
    • Salt - 1 teaspoon
    • Vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons
    • Sour cream - a quarter glass
    • Juice of half a lemon (small)

What could be tastier than meat cooked over a fire? I think every kebab lover knows that the success of its preparation depends on the correct marinade. I offer a recipe for the most delicious chicken marinade. The marinade envelops the meat, stops the production of meat juice and protects the meat from burning. Chicken skewers aged in marinade acquire an amazing aroma, and the taste of chicken becomes bright and original. Also, after using the marinade, the chicken becomes softer, more tender and juicier.


  • 1 kilogram of chicken meat;
  • half a glass of whey (kefir, yogurt, sour milk);
  • half a teaspoon of dry garlic;
  • a quarter teaspoon of red ground hot pepper(Chile);
  • a quarter teaspoon of ground black pepper;
  • half a teaspoon of curry;
  • 1 teaspoon sweet pepper (paprika)
  • a quarter teaspoon of salt.

The most delicious chicken marinade. Step by step recipe

  1. In order for a chicken dish to be perfect, you need to choose high-quality meat and choose the right marinade.
  2. It is also very important to choose the duration of the marinating. If you want to marinate a whole carcass, it is best to marinate it the night before.
  3. It will take significantly less time to marinate individual parts of the chicken. If you have wings, breast or sirloin, then marinate for an hour. It will take longer for the thighs and lower legs - two to four hours.
  4. Let's move on to making the most delicious chicken marinade. First you need to prepare a handy bowl for marinating your chicken.
  5. Pour the whey into a bowl. You can use any fermented milk product: kefir, yogurt, spoiled milk and even unsweetened yogurt.
  6. An important point in the preparation of the marinade is the choice of dishes. You need to marinate meat in a container that does not oxidize. It can be enameled dishes (enameled dishes must be free of cracks and chips, otherwise the meat may acquire an unpleasant metallic taste). Also good are glass and ceramic dishes, special plastic dishes for cold food products, or stainless steel cookware.
  7. It is not necessary to marinate meat in an aluminum dish: since the effect of the marinade on it leads to oxidation - and this will give the shish kebab an unpleasant aftertaste.
  8. In a bowl to the whey, add a quarter teaspoon of ground red hot pepper (chili), one teaspoon of sweet pepper (paprika), a quarter teaspoon of black pepper, half a teaspoon of dried garlic, half a teaspoon of curry and a quarter teaspoon of salt.
  9. You can add all the spices to your liking: depending on how spicy you want the dish to be.
  10. The most versatile of the spices is pepper: we add it, probably, to every dish. But chili pepper, which gives spiciness, needs to be added in dosage: the more you use it, the sharper the dish will be.
  11. Herbs are very good for chicken: sage, mint, marjoram, thyme, basil and rosemary. You can use only one bright taste, or you can make an original mix of the tastes of all herbs. All of these herbs work great with coriander and ginger, which are sure to enrich the flavor of the chicken.
  12. Turmeric can give a very interesting taste to chicken: it must be added to the marinade in a small amount. Turmeric will also give your chicken a golden crust.
  13. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  14. If you wish, you can add a heaped teaspoon of granular mustard to the marinade.
  15. Put the chicken in the resulting marinade. You can knead the chicken well with your hands so that the marinade can be better absorbed. After that, put oppression on the meat (for this I use a plate or a jar of water) and let it brew in the marinade for at least three hours.
  16. In order for my chicken to be well saturated with marinade, I try to cook it in the evening - and leave it in the refrigerator overnight.
  17. I really love making soy sauce for ready-made kebabs. To do this, you need to use mayonnaise, soy sauce, garlic and, if desired, you can add black ground pepper. We take the sauce and add mayonnaise to it, in a ratio of one to three: mix well and add garlic and pepper to taste.

I think any culinary specialist will say that in order to cook very tasty meat, it must be marinated. Use the most delicious chicken marinade - and your kebab will undoubtedly delight your loved ones with delicious taste and unsurpassed aroma. Of course, there are many ways to marinate chicken, just without being afraid to experiment, you can find your favorite recipe for making marinade. You can perfectly complement the taste of chicken kebab with sauce: sour cream, mushroom, lemon, mustard, vegetable - or ordinary ketchup. On our site you can find a lot of interesting and delicious recipes for marinating meat.