Home / Pancakes, pancakes / What can replace soy sauce for sushi. How to replace soy sauce in a recipe: tips

What can replace soy sauce for sushi. How to replace soy sauce in a recipe: tips

The sauce plays an important role in the dish with which it is served, because the sauce alone can both exalt the dish and spoil it. In the process of preparing a particular dish, many of us often prepare sauce on a whim, or remembering the recipe by heart, or guided by our own taste, add new interesting spices and ingredients to salads. Do not count, as well as for salads, but what if you urgently need to replace some important ingredient in the sauce? We offer you options for replacing the sauces of the world cuisine in the preparation of your favorite dishes.

How to replace soy sauce

Soy sauce serves as the basis for replacing the famous Worcestershire sauce, and how can you replace soy sauce something else? It turns out that it is quite possible to replace soy sauce, despite its specific taste, which is so loved in oriental cuisine.

For making homemade soy sauce according to quick recipe you need to take a few dried, ideally shiitake, soak them in boiling water for a couple of hours and boil until tender in a little water to get a dark, fragrant liquid. Add some grated garlic, grated or dried ginger, a pinch of curry, salt and pepper to taste and simmer until tender. Add a little apple cider vinegar or wine concentrate to make it spicy, and then you can substitute the soybean sauce at its best.

How to replace Tobasco sauce

This world famous sauce was invented by the American Edmond McAlennie, and its main advantages are the natural ingredients, low calorie content and salinity, and the complete absence of fat. Many different variations of Tobasco sauce are known, and based on spicy herbs, and based on tomatoes, but a must-have ingredient in every sauce will be hot peppers Tabasco. That is why it is easiest to replace this type of sauce, because you do not need any scarce products to prepare it.

For the sauce, use jalapeno or cayenne hot peppers, vinegar, garlic and seasonings to taste, and salt. It is important to take a dish in which you will not cook anything later, otherwise the dishes will be very spicy.

For a glass of pepper you need to take a tablespoon of vinegar, and add garlic and spices to taste. Put on glasses, gloves, turn on the hood in the kitchen or make a draft in the kitchen, and whisk all the sauce ingredients with a blender. Now pour it into a jar and store in the refrigerator. This sauce can be used as a substitute for a spoonful of pepper, so carefully add it drop by drop to marinades for meat and poultry.

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How to replace wine in sauce

There are a huge number delicious sauces, which include wine. But many refuse alcoholic components. However, two lumps of sugar, previously dissolved in a little vinegar, make an excellent substitute for white wine in a sauce. This is great for meat and fish dishes.

How to replace mayonnaise

If you suddenly run out of mayonnaise at home, and you have prepared dishes that are simply unthinkable without this sauce, do not rush to be upset. You can replace mayonnaise with sour cream if you add pounded yolk of a hard-boiled egg and a teaspoon of mustard to it. Even avid lovers of mayonnaise cannot be distinguished.

How to replace soy sauce

Soy sauce serves as the basis for replacing the famous Worcestershire sauce, so how can you replace soy sauce with something else? It turns out that it is quite possible to replace soy sauce, despite its specific taste, which is so loved in oriental cuisine.

To make a quick recipe for homemade soy sauce, you need to take a few dried, ideally shiitake, soak them in boiling water for a couple of hours and boil until tender in a little water to create a dark, fragrant liquid. Add some grated garlic, grated or dried ginger, a pinch of curry, salt and pepper to taste and simmer until tender. Add a little apple cider vinegar or wine concentrate to make it spicy, and then you can substitute the soybean sauce at its best.

source http://useful-food.ru/chem-zamenit-sous/

Can citric acid replace vinegar? Undoubtedly. Cucumbers and tomatoes can be pickled with citric acid. It turns out very tasty, the cans never explode. The brine is transparent as a tear.

Spices are placed at the bottom of the cans: dill, Bay leaf, garlic. Peppercorns, cherry and black currant leaves. Well washed cucumbers or tomatoes are placed on top (you can do both, there will be an assortment). Pour boiling water to the top, cover, let stand for 10 minutes, then drain the water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and citric acid (1 tsp for a 3-liter jar), boil and pour again into the jars to the brim. Roll up immediately, turn over, wrap up. Leave in this way until completely cooled.

For cucumbers: for 1 water - 2 tablespoons. salt, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp. (no top) citric acid.

For tomatoes: for 1 water - 2 tablespoons. sugar, 1 tbsp. salt, 1 tsp. citric acid.

For allsorts: for 1 liter of water - 2 tablespoons. salt, 2 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp. citric acid.

Soy sauce is widely used in cooking oriental cuisine, and we learned about its existence when the first "fashion" for rolls and sushi appeared in our country. Ready sauce is sold in any store, and sometimes even has its own choice - there are solutions with wasabi, ginger and other fascinating spices and spices.

But, unfortunately, similar products, which, moreover, are sold in stores at bargain prices, have harmful additives in their composition. In particular, they contain admittedly unsafe preservatives and monosodium glutamate, the one that does not affect the human body in the best way. Consequently, in front of many brilliant and zealous housewives a legitimate question arises - how to replace soy sauce?

Ways to solve the snag in the absence of soy sauce

Of course, if you are going to twirl the rolls and want to remove soy sauce from the dish, you will not get anything excellent. The dish is guaranteed to lose its flavor, become insipid and tasteless. Therefore, all the efforts that are typical for making sushi will go down the drain.

In this case, the best solution would be an independent production of "environmentally friendly" soy sauce, however, you must be prepared in advance for the fact that it will take you some time and effort.

The more primitive way is to find natural soy sauce at specialized points of sale. Typically, these products are sold where there is a wide selection of exotic ingredients, spices, nori sheets, and even specialty rice.

Make the sauce at home, buy it or replace it - it's up to you. We will only show you a few working ways to get out of your environment. It turns out, what is allowed to replace soy sauce?

Cooking the sauce yourself

What else can replace soy sauce for sushi, if you do not prepare its analogue with your own hands? This option will not only be more appetizing, but also guaranteed to be suitable. At a minimum, such a product does not contain a variety of chemicals that can harm your health and destabilize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Although it is theoretically allowed to prepare such a product, we will make a reservation right away - this is a rather laborious, long and difficult procedure. First of all, it is worth considering that the main ingredient in genuine soy sauce is the Koji fungus, which is virtually impossible to get in our country. And even if you are lucky enough to do this, it is impossible to forget that the process of preparing this product involves fermentation, which means that you obviously cannot cope with such a recipe in one day.

If you have a desire to devote a lot of time and energy to similar delights, you should talk to experts in this matter and find out best recipe refueling. If you are not ready to look for such "rare" components for you and me and spend a lot of time preparing a liquid dressing, you can limit yourself more to a simple recipe.

And even if the sauce prepared with it will not be impeccable, pristine and entirely consistent with Japanese culinary standards, it will nevertheless become a viable alternative to what is sold in our grocery stores.

So, if you are still crushing your head over what is allowed to replace soy sauce in a recipe, we will tell you how to make it more suitable analogue yourself.

You will need:

  • Soybeans - 120 grams;
  • Wheat flour top grade- a tablespoon;
  • Marine iodized salt- taste;
  • Vegetable broth (it is allowed to take mushroom broth - so the taste will be more rich and multifaceted) - 50 milliliters;
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons.
  • Cooking instructions:

    • First, you should boil the soybeans until tender. They will be ready as soon as they become soft and slightly boiled, wrinkled. They must be boiled in a small amount of water, desirably filtered, drinking;
    • After the beans are ready, it is necessary to drain the water from them and crush them to a puree state;
    • As soon as the soybean mass becomes dense and homogeneous, begin to gradually introduce all the other components into it - oil, broth, salt and flour. It is allowed to use additional spices and spices to taste, but the main thing is not to "overdo it" with them. And also it is worth choosing similar components correctly, so that they are combined with soy to taste;
    • Put the resulting mass on a leisurely fire and begin to extinguish it. Stir it rigorously with a spoon (preferably wooden) so that it does not stick to the sides of the dishes and burn out. Simmer the sauce on the stove until it starts to simmer. It is not necessary to boil it - it should be immediately removed from the heat and left to infuse;
    • The sauce is ready to eat as soon as it cools. You just have to enjoy its brilliant taste and be sure that it does not contain harmful impurities.

    This dressing will be in demand not only for the usual sushi serving. With her help, it is allowed to marinate meat (in particular, chicken, in the manufacture of yakitori - classic Japanese kebabs), fish and seafood before baking, stewing or frying. It also fits perfectly into a vegetable stew.

    No less appetizing will this real sauce as a dressing for salads of fresh and boiled products. And finally, its use will become highly demanded in side dishes, exclusively pasta and rice.

    Marinade for meat dishes

    Since we are talking about meat, exclusively poultry, it is worth emphasizing that soy sauce is widely used as a marinade not only in the east, but also in European cuisine... But even here it is allowed to replace it with an analogue, even if you do not have soybeans at home, and you cannot use the previous recipe.

    What is allowed to replace soy sauce for fried or baked chicken?

    In this case, the following components will come to your aid:

  • Extra virgin olive oil (permitted and refined, but undesirable);
  • Balsamic vinegar;
  • Mustard powder.
  • You need to mix the listed components in order to get a medium-liquid mass, and use it as a marinade.

    What else can replace the soy sauce in the marinade?

    The following recipe might help you here:

  • Mix 50 grams of ordinary Provencal-type mayonnaise (it is also allowed to use homemade) with the same amount of water;
  • Add a little black and red pepper;
  • Enter a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • The mass should be thoroughly grated until smooth, and later used as a marinade. Such a dressing for kebabs is extremely perfect.

    If you're thinking about what you can use to replace the soy sauce in your salad, try the next step. Bring a small number vegetable oil until boiling. Meanwhile, chop the garlic finely. Place the garlic in boiling oil and wait for the 1st to change color. Then turn off the heat, remove the mixture from the stove and start adding spices to your taste. When you are done with this task, add a little apple cider vinegar and wait until it cools completely.

    As a wonderful dressing for burning, it is allowed to use adjika mixed with mayonnaise in equal proportions. Also, mushroom broth can become popular here. It must necessarily be concentrated and thick, with a pronounced taste and smell. Subject to these conditions, such a dressing will be a great addition to a dish, exclusively meat or vegetable.

    Non-standard option

    If you have olives at home, do not empty the marinade from under them. He will be able to replace your soy sauce in a dressing for kebabs or other similar dishes. In order for the dressing to come out fragrant and piquant, chop a fresh onion rings, and then lower it into a container of olives or olives (where the marinade from them remained). Leave the onion in this state for about a day.

    It will infuse an olive flavor, soften and add wonderful accents to traditional meat dishes.

    It is also allowed to replace soy sauce with a simple marinade from olives, without adding onions. Introduce liquid primitively where soybean dressing is intended. It is possible that in this case you will like the final taste of the dish even more.

    As you can see, there are many ways out of the location when there is no soy sauce left at home.

    Use any of these to your liking.

    Bon Appetit!

    If you don’t have soy sauce or don’t want to use it because of harm, then consider an affordable alternative for almost any dish.

    Any ready-made seasonings

    Mushroom cubes taste similar. About 10 ml of the sauce can be replaced with one cube of bouillon dissolved in 10 ml of water.

    Mushroom sauce

    Into the broth from under forest mushrooms add vinegar (per 100 ml of broth 1 tsp. 9% vinegar), salt and spices to taste. If the taste is not saturated enough, then we boil (boil) it.

    Boiled soybean sauce

    Soak 250 g for 12 hours. soybeans. Cook on small fire within 3 hours. Finished beans should be soft. We filter them through a sieve or and punch them on a blender.

    Add 2 tablespoons to the resulting soy puree. l. flour, 1 tsp. salt, 100 ml of any broth (better than mushroom), 100 gr. butter and any spices to taste. Mix again with a blender. Bring the sauce to a boil over low heat.

    Marinade from olives

    Pour in as much as the recipe calls for soy sauce. Add additional salt.

    Wine vinegar

    And him. Ideally, use expensive balsamic vinegar. Dilute vinegar in equal proportions with water and add salt.

    Other sauces

    For example, mayonnaise + ketchup, butter + fried onions, etc. Depending on the recipe, you can prepare the appropriate sauce, for example, mustard sauce is suitable for seafood dishes:

    • Mix 1 tsp. mustard and 100 ml of olive oil and 1/4 tsp. citric acid or its substitutes.

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    When sushi appeared on the shelves of our stores in the mid-90s of the last century, soy sauce began to be sold along with them. This brown liquid lends bland, expressionless dishes spicy taste and oriental notes. Later, soy sauce was used for other purposes as well. In particular, chefs noticed that it softens meat fibers well, making it an ideal ingredient in marinades.

    Nowadays it is difficult to imagine the food of a modern person without soy sauce. In stores, you can now find variations with mushrooms, ginger, wasabi, and various spices. Soy sauce allows you to put less salt in the dish, gives the dishes an expressive taste, pleasant color and oriental aroma. But this product also has a lot of disadvantages.

    The soy sauce we sell in bottles is too cheap to be of good quality. It contains many preservatives, as well as monosodium glutamate, which is potentially harmful to the human body. Therefore, housewives who monitor the health of household members are looking for how to replace soy sauce. Recipes for replacing this product at home will be discussed in our article.

    What you need to know about soy sauce

    Buddhist monks believe that a life of devotion to God should be harsh and full of food restrictions. Many of them completely refuse to eat meat. To give expression to unleavened vegetable dishes, monks from China invented soy sauce. He later ended up in Japan, where the recipe was refined.

    The modern version of soy sauce dates back to around the 18th century. The Dutch, who were the first Europeans to taste it, brought the recipe home. But due to the exotic nature of the ingredients, soy sauce remained unknown to the general population for a long time. And only in the second half of the 20th century, he gained well-deserved popularity. Before thinking about how to replace soy sauce in a recipe, we need to understand what it actually is. This extract is obtained from the fermentation of beans with the addition of wheat.

    Is all soy sauce harmful?

    Despite the strict vegetarian diet of Buddhist monks, their life expectancy is more than enviable. Eating a properly cooked sauce often is very beneficial. Indeed, soy contains:

    • antioxidants that slow down the aging process, strengthen the immune system, bind free radicals and reduce the risk of cancer,
    • the substance genistein, found in beans, lowers blood sugar levels and is used to treat type 2 diabetes; has a beneficial effect on the liver, helps prevent osteoporosis,
    • isoflavone daidzein is very useful for women in the postmenopausal period, it reduces the risk of breast cancer; in men, this substance prevents hair loss,
    • taking a small amount of sauce (orally) every day treats dermatitis,
    • soy protein cleans the walls of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, and removes cholesterol from the body.

    But all of the above is true if the sauce was made by traditional recipes... Unfortunately, this is not the case for a cheap store product. Therefore, we need to think about how to replace soy sauce in the recipe, where it appears in the list of ingredients.

    Can you make a quality product at home?

    How to ferment beans? This technology was invented in China before our era. Soy sauce was very expensive at first. And this is not surprising. After all, it takes six months to two years for soybeans and wheat grains to naturally ferment. Then people noticed that sometimes the cooking process suddenly sped up. The culprit is the Aspergillus fungus, which, having penetrated the mixture by air, acts as a fermentation catalyst. Manufacturers began to artificially add bacteria to the solution. But in this case, the sauce is prepared within a month.

    Modern manufacturers of cheap ersatz products use dubious acid hydrolysis technology. It allows you to get the sauce in a couple of hours. The beans are boiled with hydrochloric or sulfuric acid, and then this mixture, lethal to the body, is neutralized with alkali. Having learned the recipe for preparing a purchased product, you will all the more want to know how to replace soy sauce at home.

    We cook ourselves

    We do not need to wait six months or even a month at all. Here is a recipe for a sauce that will taste as close as possible to soy. And what is important, it will have the same useful properties... After all, soy beans (120 grams) are the basis for home dressing. We will boil them until soft and mash them in mashed potatoes. Then add:

    • two tablespoons of butter
    • one spoon wheat flour,
    • a pinch of sea salt
    • and 50 milliliters of mushroom (or vegetable) broth.

    Mix the mixture well. We put it on a small fire, bring it to a boil. Let's cool it down. We have got an analogue of soy sauce. What can be used to replace a purchased product at home? With this homemade soy sauce. True, in it, unlike the present, prepared according to all the rules, there is salt in it. But the food product did not come into contact with acid and alkali hazardous to health!

    Eastern chefs have come up with a lot of sauces that will give your dishes an oriental flavor. Some of them have soy extract, while others do not. By the way, the brown liquid with a characteristic taste and aroma also resembles English Worcestershire sauce. It is also made with soybeans, but many more ingredients are added, such as onions, garlic and chili peppers. Worcestershire sauce is very thick and needs to be diluted 3 to 1 with water.

    But do you want to give your dish an oriental touch? Many dressings similar to soy sauce were invented by the Japanese. This is tamari (different big amount salt), teriyaki (caramelizes food due to the content of cane sugar), unagi (white and rice wine with the addition of dry fish broth and soybeans). But you can take advantage of the inventions of the culinary specialists of Southeast Asia. Coconut amino is very similar, although a little sweet. Thai sauce is ideal for fish, but it contains a lot of salt. Similar to soybean Chinese sweet and sour dressing made from ginger, sugar and pepper mix.

    Dressings for salads

    Before puzzling over what to replace soy sauce in a recipe, you need to decide what we need it for. After all, this product is used for different purposes. Meat and poultry are marinated in it. It is used as a dressing for salads. Hot vegetable dishes are prepared with it. Consider the options for salad dressings.

    First: mix balsamic vinegar to taste with olive oil... Thicken with mustard powder.

    Second option: bring the vegetable oil to a boil. Put the garlic cloves passed through the press into it. The oil should darken. Turn off the fire. Pouring in Apple vinegar and spices to taste. Let us cool down the gas station.

    Option three: mix adjika and mayonnaise in equal proportions. Add spices and a little salt.

    How to replace soy sauce in a chicken recipe

    Poultry does not need to be pickled. But chicken is delicious with soy sauce.

    1. If we are looking for a replacement for the last product, we can take a cup and a half rich broth and dilute it with the same amount of boiling water.
    2. Add four tablespoons of vinegar to this liquid, one - dark molasses (or colorizer), a little sesame oil, a pinch of ginger, salt, pepper and other spices.
    3. Stir and boil until thick.
    4. Great sauce to the chicken will come out of a rich broth of mushrooms (especially shiitake).
    5. When the liquid has cooled a little, but is still warm, add a little vegetable oil, a couple of chopped garlic cloves and curry to it.

    For meat dishes

    Most often, recipes involve using soy as a marinade. But sometimes you can find sauce as an ingredient in the preparation of a dish. It lends to meat special flavor... How to replace soy sauce in a recipe for such dishes? There are not so many options.

    1. Dissolve 50 grams of Provencal mayonnaise with 50 ml of water.
    2. Add a pinch of black and hot red peppers.
    3. Pour in a teaspoon of lemon juice. It will turn out good sauce to cold pork or beef dishes. But in this mixture it is equally good to marinate the kebab.
    4. For the beef, boil the broth.
    5. Add salt, ginger, corn syrup, peppers to it, thicken it with flour.
    6. Pour in some vinegar or table wine.

    Ideas for marinades

    The easiest but longest way to replace soy sauce in a meat recipe is to take canned olives liquid and chop the onions into it. Let it brew for a day. It is good to marinate lamb skewers in this liquid.

    Option two: add 90 milliliters of balsamic vinegar to a glass of molasses. Add sugar and stir until the crystals dissolve. Option three: 50 milliliters of wine vinegar and honey are mixed with three cups of water. Add a coffee spoon of ginger, a pinch of salt, pepper and dry garlic. Cook over low heat after boiling for 20 minutes.